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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1938, p. 7

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 1938 1H E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE SEVEN past bas been beld in December. Mrs. J. L. Dcmerling bas re- turned from Guelph wbere she SOCIAL AND PERSONAL hIter.M staJyR.Dglt e as wb ba batenstaJyinDglasith heras be n er i11and who suffered the iPhone 663l Miss Editb Brooks, Osbawa, Mr. Sidney Casbourn spent theI sister of Mrs. Howard Bickle, weekend with relatives at La- spent a few days bere. cbine, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pearce spent Miss Millie and Miss JaneI the weekend witb their son Gar- Wright and Mr. Joe Wright, Or-1 don in Toronto. land, spent a few days with their1 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cox visited nicMs L .Dms in Glengarry County and Quebec Mrs. Frank Down and Mr. and Province last week. Mrs. Douglas Down, of Detroit,r Mich., were recent visitors with1 ________________________Miss Lola Down. AU over the country the familiar eall of "shell out" will be heard an Halloivc'en nlght, sa bc ready with plenty of candy and nuts at these bargain prîces. shel>) Peanuts Haliowe'en Kisses-- Pea nut Brîttle- Salted Nuts ALLIN'S NUT SHOPPE Next H. Allln's Grocerys CANDIES FOR HA Nothing can surp for Hallowe 'en parties or inexpensive, but deliclous. Lb ........ Ilallowe'en Kisses Wrapped in orange paper Pumpkin Pies .... Large and deep, the kind th We are also featuning Our( LARGE SIZE We have a wide assortmei sizes 40 to 52. They wiIl gi I $3.95 BARGAINS IN Full fashioned, chiffon ho including Suntone, Noonda Special .. Penm*an's Hose -r A new shlpment of attr dresses for teen are girl outstanding. THE EV Mrs. Clifford Caverly SUGGES' Hallow Hallowe'en Sandwich Cream BISCUITS ........ Chocolate Coated PEANUTS........ Gold Medal PUMPKIN........ Walker's SODA BISCUITS Gold Medal ORANGE MARMAL P. & G. SOAP........... Fry's COCOA......... Wheen's CARBOLIC SOAP Cash & Carry SI-REDDED WHEA Qulck QUAKER OATS.. Phone 596 Mr.. and Mrs. Clarence Pedlar. lass of an infant san. Most Xorshipful Bro. W. J. Dunlop, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, and Mrs. Dunlop, Toronto, were guesta of Rt. Wor. Bro. G. C. Bannycastie. P.D.D.G.M., and Mrs. Bonnycas- tic an Sunday. St. John's Mens Club met Wed- nesday night and entertained St. Monicas Men's Club, Toronto. After fraternizing, teams were lin- cd up for an interesting game of SHELL OUT because of afaulttime- giece. Opportuniies won't rwait, but we will '. .Your ,credit is goodi FARR'SI *JEWELRY STORE Phone 463 BowmanvillE Plowing Match (Contlnued from page 1) eligible for prize as he is flot resi- dent of township s0 prize goes to, Gordon Leask, Taunton, W. S. Staples, Bawmanville; H. Muir, Courtice. Yaungest Plowman - Morley Allin, Newcastle, 16 years. Best Team of Horses - Jack Ba- ker, Solina; Clarence Tink, Hamp- ton. * ronta, wna were married on 10d1 Road at 'Saturday, spent tbe weekend witb uc.Peien oadBt ýMr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane. presided. Miss Ilcen Halîman. daughter After the hearing of evidence of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Halîman. i the suit brought by Arthur S. bas begun ber duties with the Baker, of Bowmanville, against !Bank of Montreal staff. the estate of the late Maria Hobbs. of Bowmanvillc, at the Faîl As- Miss Mona Watson, Lethbridge, sizes at Cobourg, the case xvas 'Alta.. and at present studying at set over for a time. Argument by the University of Toronto, visited counsel will be presented in To-. with Miss Margaret McCready ronto, it is learned. avertheweeknd.St. John's A. Y. P. A. held ci- Mrs. H. R. Howard, Oshawa. ection of officers Monday night. ýMrs. Ait Nichais. Whitby, Mr. andIresulting in Sidney Casbourn be- ,Mrs. Eber Crago and sons, Leland l ng re-eiected President: Secre- and Ronald, attended the funeral tary, Arthur Cully; Treasurer, Ar- of their uncle, James Hamm, Mca- thur Living, wbo will act until fard. the end of 1938. Meeting nights W.Bro. R. E. Logans namne was wl c2dad4hMnas amitted from tbe story in last Climatic conditions and the fer- week's issue concerning tbe Past tility of Durham County soil are Masters Nigbt at J c r u s a i e m, having - tbe eff ect this scasan of Lodge. He occupied the Junior producing two crops. Proof of Deacons position. this fact xvas brougbt ta The Statesman office Manday wben Mr. and Ms. J. NichaIs, Dr. Mr,. John Cruicksbank, near Sa- Florence Nichols, Mr. George lina station. braught in a rasp- Nichols,*and Miss Tidy, Toronto, berry branch loaded witb lusciaus visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. ripe red bernies. iG.A. EmnsocadMs Six Scattish Rite Masons at- Dingman.tcndcd the ladies' nigbt of that Mr. and Mrs. Alfrcd Peate, Osbawa Club at Caesarea on Wcd- Baltimore, Maryland, are visiting nesday night where tbey were his sister, Mrs. James H. Darch, served with wild fowl. They were Newtonville, and bis brother, Mr. accompanied by their ladies and Frank Peate, Orono, and other included Col. L. T. McLaughlin, relatives. F. C. Hoar. Dr. T. A. Partridge, Faîl session of tbe Caunties Dr. J. C. Devitt, J. W. Jeweil, Council for the United Counties of Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer. Northumberland and Durham will The B.H.S. midgeta, or juniors, jmeet in Cobourg commencing on went ta Whitby Friday afternoon or -November 14. The session in the and took that team inta camp 12- 10. Next senior game will be on tbe local campus this Saturday with Cobourg. Game starta at 2.30. Laverne Kimble, a tower of ÏO AN [) PVIES strength iast year, bas returncd ta achool and will probably be on ULLOWE'EN the line-up. Alice Jackson Mission Band ,pass our homemade humbugs held an intcresting program as rfor shelling out. They are fallows: Dorotby Bedfard read the cali ta xvorship; Miss Pickard gave the worship story; Dorotby ......30C Bedfard, the mcmary verse; Mar- ion Webben and Audrey Richards ib. lOC - 2 Ibs. 19C took the offcring. Minutes wcre read by Inez Bickeli. Miss Clark took th, ralca11, canductcd the .....25C and 10C business period and gave the stary. bat meut i your mouth Ta the manv stamp collectors in for hisweeend this vicinity thene is quite a need cream goodsfo hswend for a Stamp Club, a place wbere letbase interested in philately can discuss its many angles, excbange views and stamps and in general Bowmanville fascinating hobby. With this in view a meeting is being beld in the Genosha Hotel Wedncsday. Nov. 2nd. at 8 p.m. ta form sucb a Club. AlI intenested anc invited. It is pnoposed ta bave Senior and Junior sections. DRESSES. . Boyd Siemon, wbo playedcd super basebali ail sommer with nt of dresses, malnly crepes, in the Intermediate RayaIs in town, ,o on sale this week-end at from is hitting the beadlincs by some fine pigskin bandling with the to $1 5.00 O.A.C. Aggies. On Saturday, his team traunccd the University af I 1-105EWestern Ontario Calta 21 ta 13 in i O E . a tough battle. SlenMan came in- ise, i ll new autumn hde, ta the brigbt ligbta when, near aCari shadbei es, the end af the first quarter, be sy. harbeig, Tlebege.nabbed a loase bail and ran 55 .....59c pr. yards for a toucbdown. Nice regular 75e for only 69e work, we caîl it. Relatives in this section iaoked ractive cocktail and afternoon with intercat upon a prize pen and s bas just arrlved. They are ink drawing by Velma Pearce, R. R. 2, Bowmanvillc, in Octaber 23rd issue of the S. S. paper, Tbe Canadian Girl. Velma, eider dau- ghter af Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce, LY N SH O PEbenezer, inclines ta drawing, Phone 594 sketching and painting as hcr mother ta the art of elocution. The picture waa titled, In the Holidays, and shows a modemn maiden in bathing suit necumbent upon some rocks at the edgc of a stream. Two games of rugby for B.H.S. TION FORseniors since the iast issue brought MONS FORanc win and anc decisive loss. On Thursday tbey played in Cobourg WEEK in the regular schedule and pull- .~ ~ WE E K d out a close win 12-9. On Sat- EN e n urday the return game with St. wrecked the team witb the score 47-6. Bowmanville taok the first touch shortly after the game startcd, but duc tai injuries ta .lb..... . L l1C MasonCalville and a few others, ther a walkoven. St. Mikes piled . .. .. .. .1/2.-lb. lOC out a big team that nearly plawed the local lads under. Tbey put up a game fight, but juat couldn't do .2 ins 19C any tbing about it. Masan and ........ 2 insColville are stili on the injured list. ......... 2Ibs.25cMasonic Parade &DE...... 2 Ibs. 25c (Contlnued from Page 1) len Lodge of Grand Master Duo- bars iop's visit. R. W. Bro. F. C. Hoar Gea. E. Chase and Gea. W. Jamesr maved the vote of thanks. Past President W. L. Eiliatt conducted the meeting in the ab- e sence of President R. R. Stevens.c Lions Clubv (Continued tram Page 1) c tually, we should think of death;,c in a more rational way. We shauld b consider it a fact of life, as mere- ly another step in the naturalc course of events in this ever-;a cbanging universe. When that at- e titude of mind is developed it willlm be much easier for the embalmern ta talk about bis xvork. "Embalming was practised ai-c moat five thousand years ago asn the highest profession in the: grcatest cultural era this worldb bas ever known, yet to-day it is t the least understood and most, misonderstood of ail modern pro- fessions. Embaiming as practised in North America at this moment, is more efficient than w'as ever returned from Brockville. Edsall Oliver moved the vote of tbanks. President J. J. Brown conduct- cd the meeting, witb guests in- cluding Ralph VanCamp, Len Lucas and Sam Castie, Bowman- ville. Mr. Castie rendered twa vocal selections. Joe O'Neill reported that three chiidren in the district were being supplied with giasses and that the committec cxpected more would be required. Reports wcrc given by Chas. Carter, wbo represented the club at a recent Legion Band social ev- ening; and by Ted Chant wbo with several members had tried ta make up attendance in Wbitby, only ta, find that that club bad cancelled their meeting on short. notice. Next meeting of Lions Club will be a joint meeting with the Ro- tary Club on Friday, Nov. ilth. Lions will provide the program. Orono News age. -~ t.Ii.',11Oi Orono Continuation Scbaol Lit- "The word -erbalming" im- erary Society officens are: Presi- plies the use of balms or balsama dent, Mervyn Keane; Secnetary, wbich entered largciy ino the Adèle Morton: Treasurer. Donald preparations used by the ancient Stapues; - Editor, Dick Monton. Egyptian priesthood. Indecd, it is: Mrs. C. G. Arm.strong, Orana, fram the use of these balma ar 1Mns. Grady and daughten Earline, balsams that the classis, art Of Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. embalming dcrived its name. It ýH. Armstrong, Williamsbung, and is believed by some that embalm- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Ottawa. ing originated in Egypt because O . C. S. Hallawe'en party will of the lack of fuel for cremation: be held Navember 2nd. purposes and af the danger of Mr. J. Eagleson and Mr. R. burying the dcad in a soul so îikeiy Sberwin attended the piowing ta be distributed by the ovcrflow- match at Sauina on Wcdncsday. îng of the Nile. Othcr autharîties Miss Glenn Gamey, R.N., Whit- show that emnbalming arase from1 by was home Wednesday. neligiaus beliefs regarding the re -_________________ turn of the soul ta the body at MEDICAL indefinite future times. ________________ "The purpose of modemn cm- DR. HAROLD FERGUSON balming is for preservatian of theJ body itacif and for beautification. 1 of Enniakilien bas taken aven the Because of the sanitary and by- practice of the late Dr. J. C. Bell. gicnic aspects of embalming the1 Office Houns: Week days, 2 tili 4 medical profession is willing taolc;Eeigs il9PM shane with us a portion of the ocok vnns ii9pm credit for having lengthencd the Sundays by appoiiitmeiit. span of buman life upan this 1 ____ planet within the last twa decades. DR. HOWARD B. RUNDLE The preservatian and cosmetic cfeet appeau marc ta the senti- bas opencd an office fan thc pnac- mental ide of man's character. tice of general medicine at the These aspects of aur wark prevent1 residence of Mn. Chas. W. Bagneil, the dcvelopment of putrefactive King Street East, Bawmanville. changes and make it passible Ofc or.2t ..ad7t marc easily for the relativestaOfcHur:2t4p..nd7o bear their bunden of sorraw. Tbey 9 p.m. Sundays by appointmcnt. sec their loved one lying as if in Phone 544. peaceful slumber; and tbat is the ________________ picture which lives in their mcm- ary. nom_____________ "Bath dinccting and managîng h ofth fnealan tecmbalming Afternoon Olea and cane of the body are essen- wt tiai,' concludcd Mn. Smith, "but wt the embalming is of firat impart- 4 Cup Reading ance, because if the body is nat a praperly embalmed the funeral is a a failure. The wbole reason and Elmhurst Hotel purpse f mdernfunralpnac- tice is ta shield the senses and the NEWCASTLE sensibilities of the beneaved - ta create for them tbe comforting il- Aftcrnoon and Evenuag lusion that the hand of death is 1 Thursday, Nov. 3rd no more than the gentle fingers 1 rr.Batn saa of evclasting sleep.' r.Batn saa Mn. Smith was introduced ta] Reader - 50c the club by Alan Knight, rccently SMoll: "Wby do you always in- Salesmnan: "Now this coat I will ýsist on breaking into homnes on h let you have for haif the catalog second floor?"1 price." Burgiar: "That's my story and Customer: "What was the price I'm going to stick to it.*«1 of the catalog?" -Your Subscription We wlsh to thank the many subseribers who have placed thelr Statesman subseriptions on a PAID-IN-ADVANCE basis durlng the past few weeks. Our mailing list wil be corrected November 5th, when the labels of those sub- seribers who have remltted recently wilI be brought up- to-date. We would again remind subscribers in arrears that October 31st la the last date for paylng arrears on the basis of $2.00 per year. Upwards of 80 per cent of aur subscribers are now on a PAIED-IIN-ADVANCE basis and we trust that the others will remit before the end of October. The label at the top right hand corner of front page shows the date to whlch your subseription is paid. M. A. JAMES & SONS. NOT THESE VALUES SALE 0F $1.00 SILK SLIPS To make room for i- comlng merchandise we are offerig' these Silk Slips that we have sold every day at $1.00 at a75' savlng you cannot afford ta minss. Lace trim, faggoted, and plai styles. Tea Rose and White. Slzes 32 to 44. NEW 'Gordon' SNUGGIES Warmth and weight make these snug flttlng Gordon Vest and Panties i the "snuggy" style very popular. -Flesh shade I small,3 9 medium and large. "GORIDON" BUSINESS GIRL CHIFFON HOSE A four thread service chiffon, that la splash- proof as well as Snag Reslstig. Because these hase are 42 gauge rigless they glve better service far the price than the usual 9 hase at this price. Many newv faîl shades to choose from. <WALKER STORES, £jMITED WASH CLOIN SALE We have obtained a stock of Wash Cloths, excellent 1 Oc value, ILOWEST which we are able to seli at a special price. They are available in at- PRI<WS tractive colours. For the weekend only. Rotary Club (Contlnued trom Page 1) can you buy for 25e to-day? The price of other agricultural pro- ducta has increased in the same manner, wîth the farmer receiv- ing about the same amount he did in pioneer days.E This country was built up onf1 an agricultural basis and on the1 farmers' success depends the pros- perity of the dominion. Something should be done about the situation when there is sur-« plus production from the land and at the same time starvation exista. The farmer cannot afford to sell bis goods at the price his custom-1 ers can afford to pay. There is a definite need for a better method of distribution, so that man can receive and pay for the farm pro- ducts he needs. The governments are often1 blamed for the high taxation and1 the increased debts, but quite of- ten the responsibility revolves back to the people who have de- manded improvements. There is one thing about gov- ernments I cannot understand, continued Mr. Webber. I believe the members of a government sbould be men who have made a success of their own business. If they werc ail of that calibre and applied the same principles ta running a government, thinga would be different. Two things are responsible for the huge debts of to-day. First, the issuing of debcntures where you pay a debt twice by extend- ing it over a 20 year pcriod. The other is the installment plan which bas caused the losa of many homes. They are bad systems for the country. It might be compared with the white line on the highways. Mo- tors are warned not to cross over thîs line because it is dangeraus. There sbould bea' solid white line in financing with the safe - the pay as you go plan, and on the other side danger. Then there might be sane financing. To overcome our indebtedness, I contcnd, concluded the speaker, we should develop aur own nat- ural resources and export the fin- ished products; rather than the raw materials. There are enough natural resources in this country ta carry us out of our financial troubles. During bis talk, Mr. Webber re- ferred ta the late M. A. James as one of the men be had known and respccted bigbly in Bowman- ville. The speaker was intraduced by WHAT?.. WALLPAPER WHEN? ... NOW WHERE? ... at J. W. Jewelis WHY? ...1 To make your home more attractive 'for the wlnter season. The 1939 Papers now i stock have new designs, attractive colorlngs, and are moderately prlced. Sunworthy and Suntested 1 Oc roll upwards Remarkable Bargains in Remnants and discon- tlnued patterns. J. IW. JEWELL Phone.55 - Bowmanville $3.50 Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver Oul - - - 67c - $1.69 Bynol Malt and Cod Liver OÙ - - - 65c - $1.10 I.D.A. Cod Liver Oil, 16 oz.- -- ----79c Parke-Davla Euthymol Tooth Paste cleansea Polishea Deodor&u.s Price - 25c J'P PILLS ib 39c UNITED CIGÂR STORE J4GENOY Special Wash Cloths 2 for 9c 6 for 25e In addition ta the above we are featu.riflg other'speeial values for the week- end. These are liged below. EPSOM SALTS 1.1b,. Size 9c, 3 for 25c 3 for 25c 3 for 25e 25 c TOOTHBRUSHES Anti-Freeze Aleohol - - - -. 1 gai. (Container Extra> 50c Pepsodent Antiseptio--- - - 2f«~ 35e Castor Oil - - 6 oz. 17o - 2 for Powder Linseed Meal Puffs - - 5c, 2for 9c 1llb.- - - - - Writing Padsa A.S.A. tablets, 10< 60 sheet - - - - 9c Velvetta Rnvelopes - - - 9c Tissues - 10e, 21 Pocket Combs - - 9c; Plaxseed - - - .- 9c 0's 19C for 190 lb. 9c C IUT lN Contains a special ail Umat is beneficial to the entiele and naik <s> quiekly removes every trace of old polizh. For a limited time only yau receive with it - REa Cotton dis- Bah fo r. . .35ç 9c, NOVA - KELP TABLETS Natures tonlc and body b uid e r, conslstlng of health-givlng n a t u r a 1 minerais and vitamins supplled by Atlantic deep sea kelp. For practically every klnd of aliment. Unconditlcnally guaran- teed. 150 79e - 300 $1.39 - 750 $2.79 ALWAYS UNIFORM IN TASTI AND IN TEXURE FOR 19< Prescriptions a Speclty ALE X MCOREOOR Phone 792 Druge We Deliver Aiphamettes $1.00 - $1.85 - (inE IL 10c -lb. lOc -lb. 20e t Phoa CORBETI me 890 L1.A A.B.S. & C. TABLETS 25c Value 9c, 9 IL j-, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 1938 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO Il

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