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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1938, p. 9

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 1938 PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO TuE Contestants Cho, CountyPublic Sj The Publie c oels o! Clarke Township beld their ancual pub- lic speaking centest in the Town Hall, Orno, Friday ev e ni ng. #There was a fair attendance, and. ahl were well pleased and suffic- iently repaid for coming eut. It is a regrettable fact that se !ew peo- ple show a real intenest in this splendid thing that is being donc ameng oun public sehool pupils. To teacb them te build up a speech and then face a crowd is a fine thing. It opens up the way 4 for betten things when they will bave deveieped sufficiently te be able te stand on thein own foot and say what they want te say. The speeches given on Fiday wore geod, and thene xvas littie te choose between the contestants, The subi ects were wclh chesen and we eider folk came awa' knowing a lot more about things than we did befone we went. Contestants and thonr subjeets wenc: Stanley Lott, Ncxtonville, subject "Paper, Its Onîgîn and Manufacture" Alma G i b s e n, sONLàIHEBDES7 This outstanding triumiph is preof of quality. Twelve first Prizes ina twelvc classes, in this year's Baby Shows at the Toronto and Ottama Exhibitions, wore won by babies fed on 'Crown Brand' Cern Sy-rup. Wh'at btter evidence can there bpe! the confidence swhich Canadian mothers and their physicians bave ini the purity and quality of 'Crown Brand.' A dolicieus table syrup, *Crown Blrand' is a ra for the w~hole famîly IRW BAl Tell the boys that pctures oR i Ç-i be obtained for 'Cron Brand'ti15 yll Corn Syr.sp l.bels. [ RDWN DRANM CORN UYRUF THE F.4MOLJS ENERGY FOOD The CANADA STAKsH-COMPANY Limied ROUND TRIP From 0BO November 10 - To C.N.R. Sta Province of Quebec, New Bri Nova November il - 12 Nov. 11-12-13 To Montreal-$' To Ste. Anne de Tickets, Fanes, Transit Lîmîtý C AN A DIA N ON ATIO N A L ORONO )sen To Speak At FRIENDS HONOvyhita ot ae e ýpeaking Contest MISS 0. DVYhitanYuhFcsNwDay - A very pleasing event occurred Y.P.U. Congress of Officers Told Lockhart's School, subject "Re- Monday night when one hundred e' forestration" Marjorie McLaren or more friends gatbered at the Orono, subject "Manufacture oi orono Armouries to wish a popu- "Christian Youth Faces a New ed. Then ail dispersed to their Rubber.- lar bride-to-be, Miss O. Davey,!Day" was the theme of the very various discussion groups. While the judges were making bon voyage and to present herisuccessful congress of officers of An enjoyable perîod of recrea- with a cabinet of Community the various Young People's Un- tion in the armouries foliowed, their decision Shirley Porter gave Plate. When ail had assembled lions in the Oshawa Presbytery led by Velma Harris and Garnet a Welsb dance, and Margaret and Miss Davey had been brougbt1 held at Orono Saturday and Sun- Rickard, xith Miss Eileen Riddell Flintof an Irisb Jig. to the front by Miss M. Adams1 day in Park St. Church. providing the music. The judges, Miss H. G. Morris, and greeted by all singing 'Here Delegates numbering about 100 Mr. O. A. Gamsby favoured Miss Greta Wickett, and Miss Vera Comes the Bride," Mr. Neil F. attended from Oshawa, Bowman- with a vocal solo "Orono" vigor- Power, Bowmanviile, d ec i ded Porter cailed on Miss Eileen Rid- iville, Columbus, Kedron, Black- ously pumping out his own ac- that Stanley Lott, wînner for deli to read the address, signed stock, Port Perry, Peterboro, New- companiment on the organ, but South Clarke, and Aima Gibson by Misses Mary Bowen and Eileen 'tonville, Brooklin, Tyrone, New- he declined an encore. A sing for North Clarke, would go to the Riddeli and Mr. Ernest Dent., Miss Castie, Brougham, Green w o od song xvas led by Mr. Stephen Say- 'next event and speak at the Coun- Mary Bowen presented the gift. ainEnskleooinC du, well closing with the beautiful ty Contest. After the bride-to-be had been ZoEniKienal, Burketon, andspiritual "Sweep Over My Soul." t Mrs. Fred Bowen and Mr. Scott plentifuliy decorated with c on-I Pickeri ng, as well as Orono dis- Teeeigcm oacoewt were in charge of the aff air, and f etti, the honoured guest spoke1 trict. a few words by Rev. Littlewood J.J Mloratd schima. biefytakigaforthei ift ..on the need o! preparing Saturday J. J Meloractd a chirmn. rîelytankng il r er g King St. Young People, wîthnitfothSaatam et The meeting opened with "O and bestwse n suigMssE idlOoo the ihfoteSabham en Canada" and closed with the Na- them st wish e nd asung is .Ridof rno t of suent prayer, and the repeating shpiuanotnohik f conducted tewrhppr ftebndcin tional Anthem. Mrs. D. Robb was them and o! Orono. The rest of io, e wo rship per of he e nediciorn. bu 93 h at the piano. the evening was spent in dancing.,S iod. Woad elmeby RMvssudymrigaot93th _______________ A delicious lunch was served, af- iteodan rpybyMs young people again met in session. Ster which the happy dancers con- Eva Brown followed. Foilowing the worship period DI A DDITA T tinued the light fantastic until Discussion groups were held conducted by Elda Mountjoy, the DIM ND IST NT arlyin he ornng.with the leaders in charge: Offi- groups divided under the leader- HAPPENINGSeayintemrng cers -Eva Brown; Christian Fel- ship of Francis Clarke of Peter- FrmTeOooNw fsions - Bob Kitcben of Peterboro awa.Sa el October 30. 1913 Wveuulng in place of Ethel Burlington who At Il o'clock the church service Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gamsby and was in an accident; Citizenship - was held, with Rev. S. Littlewood Idaugbter, Chapleau, are visiting Dowling-Harris Kennetb Heddon; Cultural - Helen in charge. The Orono choir' pro- his athr, r. . S Gasby Ema Jan arrs, augterof Baker; Recreation- Garnet Rick- vided two numbers. bisfaterMr.W. . Gmsb. Ema eanHarisdauhte ofard, Dramatics - Albert Walker; Dr. Bruce Collier of West China Mrs. A. A. Rolph lef t for Winni- Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Harris, To- Girls' Work - Mrs. Broadbent in was guest speaker. In an eloquent peg, Man., on a visit to ber mo- ronto, was united in marriage on place o f Jean Battle who was un- and unassuming way he described ther. Mrs. Walkcr, and brothers. October lStb, to Horace Dowlrng, Miss Hattie Parker, a former son of the late Mr. ;and Mrs H. able to be present; Boys' Work - the changes in China in the seven! Oron yong ady wa marie inDowing Bomanill, te cre:Rev. W. J. H. Smith in the ah- or eight years ho had been there1 Orono young lady, was mpcrfored in olnBwavle the vees-1 sence of James Kerr; and Leader- in transportation, communication, Toronto. Sept. 29th, to Mr. Jerry mony being efr dintevs ship Training - Alice Arnold. industry, bcaltb, education and Bail Wilamcylif of BrookinTrof ivrao.nicdCurh Mrs. D. Robb, xith the aid of social customs. He described also Rcnv.illi elba Joll8h iffeofBo- Trotoer husband playing the gramna- the problems o! thc young Chin- manill clebatd bs 8thbirh- The bride looked charming in a phono, gave a most interesting esc in the realm of polities and Iday on Friday, October 1th. blue costume with black accessor- anp ntutv ako h tr eiin-ntt eto cec iAn unfortunate accident hap- ics. and carried a bouquet o! Ani-abdhindtrthie "Takothe utrkrelhichhas bno r entacongsuer-e pened to Mr. Alf. Saunders of enican Bcautv roses and Mies o! eidtepee"h ueakr:wihla enrpaigspr * Lckar on atuday Ho as he allc.Se wa teddb Suite" by Stating stition and is now hindering ne- leading his horse to water at Mr. liher sister, Miss Marguerite Harris. htwtAoeo w xetoslgo.Tesekras odo Harv Brraalls, ntichwhen who was frocked becoingl, ,ini a, ail this composers works display- his ovwn work as a medical mis- Hary Bnraalî, Atioh, d a pessimistic and morbid nat- sionary in the chemistry depart- he trîpped and felI. frightening the rIust costume ,vith black acesson- iure.MrsRobtac tispeemnofheuiri.Hocsd herse which in plunging about jes. and carried an old-fashioned s obsae hspeemn fteuiest.'ecoe stepedon in- frctuinghisiioega. Te goomva atend 1illustrated the dream o! a child by telling of how the Chinese sigtpped ond im atrin g he ais nsegaby. he roorMr. as ated-and it consisted of an overture, a dropped pamphlets instead of rigt lg ad islcatng heanke. d y bs bothrMr.Har~~march. an Arab dance, a Chinese bomnbs assuring the Japanese that1 Ai! had rented a farm1 and tins Dovling. dance, a Russian dance, and the it \vas net them they hated but iwill bc a serious setback at this Following a receptien at the dance of the f lutes and sugar the Imperialistic view: and by ap- sdon e luhigi obehm !th rdspaette plum fairy. pealing for ail to nender the help jdn.happy couple left immediately for ed. iMr. W. J. Fowler is building a their home in Bowmanville whcre Rex'. R. O'Bren of Whitby in which is most ungently nedd fine large barn with concrete ,they wvill reside. bis address deligh ted bis audience* At 2.30 the afternoon and clos- stable under. at the rear o! his Tepouabrd n gom with dry humour and interest. ing sesincshld h os residence. wee he pureipie oan beau- His talk was an outhine o!fxvhat pcriod being conductcd by Pick-j Mrs. Doncaster had just been te tiful gifts, prier te their wedding,Bo Mcursadtthcuch*eigyngppe th r.H- the city and picked up a good as- adtermn red vl 's at Whitby of bis werk in China. ron at the organ. sortment of hats and trimmings. athe all he ethns cf lie The speaker stressed the fact that In his thought-provoking ad- Mrs. Thomas Vickers had a __________ Russia %vas influencing China a dress Rev itend ene ut painful accident by falling and great deal. se it is up te Canada that even though youth faccd a spraining hier ankle. O O O MO R Ste help them te become Christians. new day Christ was always the The Englishman, a new cermer O O OM U N Eighty per cent o! the leaders in samie. Upon four things they on the Fox farm. is putting all his PASSING 0F A China arc Christians and anc could depend - religion, the fact appies this year into ider. G O IIE among the most tnusted people that God speaks now te His chil- GOOD CTIZEN and have a great influence by dren just as much as in olden thein good example. This is why tirhecs, that there was oniy one To buy or not to buy the Hydre Af ter a very bief illness, there China is open now to Missionaries, way to travel li!e's road. and that wilh be voted on next Saturday, passed te rcst October 29th, one O! and x'et, the speaker pointed eut, one must sacrifice, as God dîd 5th, but the counting will net be Orono's most respected citizens, the samne people that send the when He gave Christ te the werld done until the 9th. Don't forget James George Tamblyn, in bis Chinese the Bible aise send ma- te redeem the world. te exercise your franchise. 77th year. Dcceased was yeungest teniais for xvar te the Japanese, The cengress was breught te a _________________________son of the late Mr. and Mrs. which brought destruction of life close by the administration of the Charles Richard Tamblyn who and property - even churcb pro- sacrament-a fitting close te twe came as pioneers from Cornwall, perty - te China. days of discussion, song, story and England, te Hope township in Following some free time the prayer, which proved te be an 1835. They laten moved toe bi vn- the bnut-t, inspiration and help te all whe iTmln homestead north o! Or- bgeet-tebnut-te attended. onoew ocupid byMn. . Jplace in the Sunday Sehool roem, Tamblyn, and where Mr. James beuiu, eortdi alw mÀZ A GTamblyn was born on August 41c'en style. Around 125 attended. 1862.Feilowing the satisfying e! the Atte8g6o23.ersh to inner man, a sing seng was en- 1 SELIrG t C rId f y urs Messagje s werb Sepre a ro tel.SO I L N up !arming at Clarke Union on joedleCbyAtpLn AywNI MarsallChateron.On ebraryunable te be present and the fol- 22, 1893, he was united in mar- lowing spoke a few apprepniate niage te Elizabeth Margaret Eh- words: Bob Kitchen, G eo r ge Dr. Collier was guest of Rev. litt of Clarke Township, and for Lewis, Bob Spence, Kenneth Hed- and Mrs. S. Litthewood. 23 years this neat and picturesque den, Dr. Collier, Hugh Miller, Misses Eva Brown and Velm7a Sfarm was their home. In 1916 he Edna Shaw. Harris visited Miss Eileen Riddell. BARGAINFlhfk built and moved into the com- A vote o! thanks was expressed fortable home in which they have by Albert Wahker te the ladies o! Mr. Hcrb Toembs, Port Perry, resideà for the past 22 years. Ex- Park St. Church W. A. who cater- was guest of George Rowe. WMAN VILLE cept fer very brie! ihînesses Mr. ______________ A number attended the train- Tamblyn was blessed wîth good ing schooh at Oshawa thîs weele. tions in the Maritime Provinces health and early each m=rning Ms .G rsrn so h 7unswick, Prince Edward ]Island, bis genial counitenance greeted sick list. a Scotia. and cheered the passerby. Mr. TAK TH Mrs. James Searle made a busi- Tamblyn was a faitb!ul membernesti oPrHp. To Ottawa - $5.10 and attendant o! the United ns n ePr oe Church e! which ho was fer many LLMU VOU Miss Alice Arnold visited Miss >.3 - To Quebec City-411 .30Myte mih '7.30 ~~~years a steward and later an eh- yteSih Beaupre - $11-90dr.Heceedicapnrad l VfID IE C Mrs. C. Caverîy visited Mr. and many evidences o! bis bandiwonk UOF IIFIL EGS Mrs. W. E. Dax'ey. ýand Information from Agents. may be seen in and about the Get Oxygen in Your Blood and You'Dl Get the Mns. L. Keat visited Mr. and )r Handlbîll T314F cburcb. e htSnsYuBudn pteta 1Nr.WE.Dvy ~~The funenal service in the PptaSndYoBodngUteStiMs.WE.Dvy People who smother to death die because i Mns. Arthur Harris, Toronto, C A N A D A N cburch was conducted by bis for- oxygen has been competely cut off f omlbas returned from the West AC FImer pastor, Rev. Wmn. Sterling o! themi. Just as surely You are slowly smoth-1 .1cFenelon Falls who speke in high- erigif Saur biood lacks red corpuscica. MnadMs.BretTot, est ternis of riuChristiarecyourcoxyszen-carrierýs. \vsted ber sister, Mrs. Crane . ______________ es tems ! bs hritia chna- They carry the oxygen ye breathe in to ev- -ter. His pastor, Rev. S. Little- er>' Part of Your system.Wjthout enough oxy- Miss Tbelrna Ml\ls, Toronto, wood, and bis cousin, Dr. Walter gen-car1rying corpucles. sour kîdneys. liver. pn, h ek du oe Eoahadboweis slow clown. Your skin sethewkndaho . Milisen e! Welcome, assisted. The gets paie. flabby. often pimply. Your nerves Miss Olive Davcy lbas been vis- 1 palibeanens were Milton Eiiiott, may become jittery-you tire quicky tn nTrno Stanley Chapmafl, Charles Tamb- feel depressed. , ks-iig nTrno WVh t you need is Dr. Williams Pink Pilla. Mn. Wmn. Stutt is on the sick ivn, Charles Rutherford, Reginald Thesenworld-famous Pilla help malte more îist È Eliott and Arthur Thempson. The and better red corpuscles and thus increase ~floral tributes from relatives, fni- th xye: ryizpoe of your blood. Maion Cooper is eut again a!- Iends and associations were numf- druggist. See for Yourself how quickly tonanatako!tnilts erous and beautiful., time-Proven blood-builder will hclp Rive you Orangemen anc holding a ban-' Mn. Tamblyn is survived by bis j back your )eD. nPD.I5M8. GT. lordCý.,Lt. quet Nevember llth.j wide anda lrge cnnection o!, [i turc pumpkns, i1Frllay. NEWS UNION MEETING Young Peophe's Union Monday took the form o! a Halewe'en ) ~Lft UflALparty. The pnîze costumes were D PER ONALpicked eut !îrst se that ail could unrnask and be more comfortable. Prize winners were: Loneen Man- Misses Myrtie Tan-àlynan ning, June Goode, Eîleen Jones, MyteSmith spent Monday inChifford Jones, Betty Rowe, Glen Mrotoe.nHnc, Kathleen Simpson and Torento.Ruth Goode. The judges wcre Mn. Sympathy is extended te the J, J, Mellor, who annouuîeed the relatives o! the late J. G. Tam- winners, Mrs. S. Litthewood who blyn. presentcd the pnizes, and Mrs. C. Messrs. Bob and John Keane, S. McLaren. Jim Powcrs played Tononto, spent the weekend at for the grand march, and aise home. played twe piano solos. Other Mn. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto,' items were: Reading by Marjonie visited Mn. and Mrs. N. Cobble- McLaren, and an article on Hal- dick. lowe'en by the president, Miss Miss Marguerite Harris, Toron- Kathleen Stark, who presided, tvisitcd ber sister, Mrs. Harold j dressed as a gypsy. The rest o! ten the evening was spent in contcsts Dea. Paesbohradhswf and games. A surprise was given Mn.Petes boterandbi wfeby Mn. Ghost ceming into the fnom Baltimore have been visit- rooma (which suddenly was devoid ing him. !o! iight) and reading verses sup- Masons are holding a banquet posed te have been those on the on Novemben lOth. St. Saviour's tombstones o! vanieus Un ioen church is catering. members. Lunch o! sandwiches, .Hallowe'en was veny quiet. Net cake, candy and cofice was served. mucb damage appeancd te have been donc - that is o! a senieus nature. COMING EVENT Mn. Wm. Mitchell and Mes- dames H. Cantnell and V. Pbasey Park St. Church annual goose wili sing at an amateur contest dinner on November 8th, follow- in Gardon Hill Novemben 4th. cd by good musical program and Another troc on Mn. Giifillan's an address by Mns. E. Bateman, propenty was cut down Monday Oshawva, wonld travelled. Admis- thereby removing anethen land- sien 50c and 25c. 43-2 mark. Miss Hazel Wood, Miss Gladys Trull, Mn. Austin Banron and Mn. George Cnowthcr spent Sunday at Mn. Charles Woed's. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Seymour, CIERI Mn. and Mrs. Edward Lee, Toron- te, visited Mn. and Mns. Wiii Sey- mour. Master Denny Lynch had a very narrow escape fnom ici ury Mon- day whec he came witbin an ace Mrn. and Mns. Ollie Cooper and family are now settled in thein Lists of Growers hl ncw home wbicb they necenthy bought. vial yno O. C. S. football team iourncyodaaibl m yno te Pont Penny Satunday and' tied their tcam 2-2. Feurteon minutes your Agriculturi eventimo did net break the tic. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. D. Fewler Seed requjirements fi and Mn. Lloyd Cruse, Peterboro, attended the funeral o! James obtained now. Cert 1Tamblyn and were guests o! their poeto aunt, Mrs. James Eagicson. rtcto Tyrone L. O. L. wiih present the 3play "Ris Uncle's Niece" by Janet- ville talent, on Nov. 7th in Tyrene]S I Community Hall. Admission 25e and 15c. :) Mrs. H. Bond and Miss Norcen oo Bond, Miss Pearl Brooker, Tor- 42-3 Et nte, Mr. Arthur Smith, Oshawa, 423Otr ivisited Mr. and Mrs. Rewland Smith. EVENING OF GAMES ENJOYABLE EVENT A delightful tîme was bad Thursday night when an evening of games was hehd under aus- pices of Onono Horticultunal Soc- iety. Following the games Presi- dlent M. H. Staples announced the winners and pnizes were present- ed by E. J. Hamm te the follow- ing: Euchre - ladies high, Miss MVarguerite Harris; gents high, James Dickson; consolation ladies, Mrs. Wm. Armstrong; consolation rnen, George Buttons; hucky chair, [Vrs. Harold Dean. Five Hun- dred - ladies' high, Mrs. O. W. Rolph; gents high, E. J. Hamm; ladies low, Miss K. Colville; gents Iow, Frank Hall; lucky chair, Mrs. 0. W. Rolph. Crokinole - prize winners, Mrs. H. G. McDonald, Mrs. Felly, Mont Richardson; con- solation winners, Mrs. Martin Lin- ton, Mrs. C. Powers; lucky chair, Mns. Martin Linton. A draw was made on a quantity of apples, with Mont Richardson drawing the lucky ticket, the win- ner being Mrs. S. Payne. Sandwiches and coffee were served. HYDRO PURCHASE Social and Personal1 MFAANS LOWER RATES 1 __ Rev. S. Littlewood, Orono, preached at Leskard anniversary This Saturday, the citizens services Sunday night. Mr. J. J. of Orono will go to the polIs Mellor occupied the Park St. pul- to vote on a subject whleh pit. ha and se d musen cusion h Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Osterhout,c vlanand ey thei ue ion e Ottawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. How- oflae hydro purheqetin ard Walsh on their way home of hydo purhase.fromn Toronto and Hamilton. Theyc How some of those stili not also visited Mr. and Mrs. P. C.i convinced that the purchase Bon hty wiil bc a good thing for the Bon hty village, can remain s0 dog- Miss Hazel Carscadden, Toron-1 matie in their opinion is to, Mrs. J. Carscadden and Miss amazing. In spite of the fact Marion Mahood, Bowma n v i il e,J that the profits during the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fowler, Osh- past six years have amounted awa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jas. to $10,650.34, whlch is more Eagleson. than will be paid for the en- Mrs. Harry Little, Ingersoll, andc tire system, and in spite of thei Mrs. D. Long, South Hampton,1 fact that practically every visited their cousin, Mr. Orme municipality which bas pur- Gamsby. They called on friends chased its system bas ha.d no of their father, the late Jesse difllculty In paying for it out IHenry, who occupied the home of of revenue while they at the lProf. Milton Staples. samne time piled up a surplus Sh niaint omnil and aiso lowered rates, the !Y P on Nov. 7th has been with- objectors continue to raise I drawn as Miss Duif is speaking their voices in protest. !there that night, so the local Un- The hue and cry of broken iion will meet here with Olivec down system is definitely [Brown and Mervyn Keane in without foundation. E v e n !charge. were it broken down, the citi- Messrs. Jim Tamblyn and Win. zens of Orono would have to Riddell are the proud owners of pay for its repair whether 'a turkey and a goose which they they purchased the system or won in lucky numb&~ draws. not, but Hydro officiais have Ralph Thompson also won a systematically repiaced brok- goose. en parts, transformers and Ms .Cenyadsn poles during past years until r.J hany ad sn now the system is in just as Messrs. Sommers and Will Chean- good repair as any other in ey, accompanied by her brother, the country. Mr. Will Elliott of Nipissing, at- Orono can neyer hope to tended the funeral of their uncle, attrct ndusrie or ven James Tamblyn, and visited rela- home owners until the hydro tvebreadtKnal rates are low.%ered consider- The first sign of activity around ably. In fact, in the past tbey Mr. J. J. Gilfillan's new lot on have lost niny opportunities which he purposes building a new for the sale of homes due to bouse - other than tree cutting - the high power and Iighting wvas observed Wednesday wben a rates. team was seen plougbing the ]and There are so manv argu- ready for the digging of the ccl- ments in favor of the pur- lar. chase and so fe,.%. if any. rea- At the Sunday night service at sonabie ones against it, that Park St. Cburch Mr. J. J. Mellor %-we feel sure the people who occupied the pulpit. The main arc thinking of Orono's best thoughts expressed in his excel- interests and thoroughly un- lent address wcre that Christians derstand the situation ~'l not should have a childlike spirit, and hesitate for a moment to mark that what counted was not smug their ballots in favor of the piety but deeds donc throughout purchase. The voting day is the weck as well as on Sunday. Saturday. A scare for the people who were awaiting the starting of the, program at Clarke church atid CLARKE SUPPER were sitting upstairs after eating WELL ATTENDED their supper was provided by a gas lamp bursting into flames. Ove 45 atenedthefol sp-However, it was thrown out be- per and program at Clarke Church fore a. wr wr ftedn October 26th. Following the de- 0er licious repast an enjoyable sing- Mr, Alec McLeod of the De- song of hymns, led by Neil F. partment of Games and Fisheries, Porter of Orono with Miss Eileen ýToronto. was in town on Tuesday Riddell at the piano, was induiged ýin company with Messrs. Frank in. Rev. R. E. Morton presided 'Hall and Orme Gamsby, inspeet- over the excellent program con- mng sites with a view to establish- sisting of four selections by the ing a trout pond. Mr. McLeod was Newcastle quartette, four violin once an employee under the su- solos by Mr. Burley. three read- pervision of the late Samuel Wil- ings by Miss Meda Hallowcll, and mot at the hatchery at Newcastle three solos by Mr. Haines. The which was the first fish batchery decorations of flowers, fruits and to be established in Ontario. vegetables, artistically arranged,. provided a perfect setting,e -Nae~ dissolve lye l ht try.* The actos l~ ~j~ / h. water. ZL MADE IN CANADA RElE BOOKLET - The Gillett'a Lye Booklet gives domena of ways to nake work eaaier wlth this power- lui cleanser. Write for free copy toi itandard Brande Ljmlted, Fraise t ve. & Liberty St., Toronto, Ont.. Stamp Fire eut. under you.r heel. 8- ette butts and burnt may resuit in a gre don 't forget to makt protectiJon. je je MAS INSURANI Phone 681 rIFRED )TATOES iaving Certified Seed ,w be secured from il Representative. rr next year should be tified Seed is your beat agaimt disease. NOW )eration & Market Branch lo Department of Agriculture. TRICHBOMONAsS HOMINS-an In- testinal parasite causing painful Inflammation. Found in stains otý dirty toiiet bowia. THISslîmy MONSTER menaces your health Rid toile; bowls of clisease-ladlen stains Cleanse with Gillett's Lye D ON'T TRUST your famnily's health tol hapha.zard dlean- ing methods! Keep tcilet bowis clean and sanitary with Gillett's Pure Flake Lye. Each week, sprinkle Gillett's-full strength -imto the bowl. Stains dis- appear without scrubbing. Use Gillett's for dozens of household tas. .. to whisk grease from pots and pans, clean garbage pails, free clogged sink and wash-tub drains. Harmn- less to enamel and pumbing. Buy atin today. -et

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