PAGE TEN THE C.\NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 1938 BIRTH Wood Sale Found Public Meeting GAY - At Bow', an', Oie Hosiîîta1 I have been authorized livNIr. R. FOUND - PAIR O0F COLOREDý Durham County Trustees and on October 29, 1938, to 'Mr. land .nne to seli on the propcrti- of zlasses. horn rimmiied and biack'Ratepayers Association will meet Mrs. Charles Gay, Leskard, (îîee Fred Necffhami, Lot 10. Con.- 10, ]caatler case. at Couters corner. inl Townt Hall, Orono, Nov. 9th, at Haze Mcobets) so Dalinton 2) uils cat o Buke- Owner mnav have saine by proving 2 p.m., when an interesting edu- ionl) on Saturclay: Nov. 5, at 1:30 propertv and paying xvnss ,'p-cational program will be given. D EATNS 12 acres, more or less, of plv to Stdtesîîî,uî Office. 44-1 Address: "Health in Relation to stan(fhiz titmber (soîue pine) ~ione- our Schools" by speaker from the quarter acre lots, more or less Mselaeu Department. Others taking part, ALLIN - lu Newcastle, on XXed- î'rtesto av uti .\ri 190.spcr E. .SnierlofoPortopeIn nesdav, Novemiber 2, 1938, Frank- Paresmo ve titl i ATril 1 1as.h__i lin Aluin, beloved - sad o lnrWlur \ciuc. 42IS E.E D. PARKER, R. R. 1. and C. F. Cannon, Oshawa. Show Evelyn Biette Aluin. aged 71 years. _________________________________-'l anton)t)i. for wood cutting. a; your interest in educational work Funeral fromn his late residenice, . $1.00 per hiour. Phone 2582. 44-l* by attending. Evening session at 'Manvers St., Newcastle, Fridav. Auctlon Sale ' 7.30 p.m. Public speaking contest. Novemiber 4th, at 2.,30 pin, Iu- WEST END GARAGE AND MiA- 18 contestants. Everyone worth termient Bowmianville Cemneterv. The uiffersigened lias received in chine Shop - XVe specialize inhearing. Encourage the children strnetions to seli by public auction inachinerv repairs. general gar- by attending. Both meetings free. BATTLE - Inlu Bwmlanville, Oul ail of the household cf fects of the age repairs. welding, towing ser- Russell Osborne, President; Mrs. Saturdlav. October 29, 1938. Ailan late MsT . Hamnbîvu. DurhainîSt., vice. J. L. Demnerlîng, Proprietor. J. R. Cooper, Sec.-Treas. 43-2 Battie. azed 91 vcars. Intermient loiusvnîavillc. Sale at the late re- Boxvnîanvillc Cemnetery. sidence, Nov. 5tlî, 1938, at 1.30 To Rent For Sale or Rent HEA\THI-l lu Oshawa, on Sudav[Ternis cash.XWinî. J. Chailis, .\uc- una.tioneer. 44-1 TO RENT-6-ROOMED HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT - SIX- Hectoh, e 72,1938, Mrs.C..fG.hF witli ail conveniences on Concess- r uomed lbouse, liard wood floors, Heah. ce 2 yar, wdowof ueStock Sale ion St., garage and smail garde.. ai conveniences. Possession Nov. late Nlr. Heath and mnotiier of Mi\r.-! Possession Nov. ist ha. Iel 24th ..\ppiv B. Furber, Phone Geo. licath, Bowmianville. Inter- Tuesdlav. Nov. 8tîî. - The under- 43oe8.2. s.Chs Ha.441 nient Uniont Cenîeterv, Oshîawa. windxiii sdi bv public auction on iPin 62 TAMIBlYVN - In Orono, October tuie preinîses of Ernest Xerrv, Lot Fee pca 29. 1938. Jarnes G. Tainhivu, hus-18. Con. 9 Dariington, 50 hicad FOR RENT - .A 3-ROOMEDFed peia ofcloieFedes befbees 1I apartmient . Applv Mi\rs. Roht baud of Elizabeth UI.Eliott, i fcoc edrbe res t1\EKYFE PCA 77th vear. ivili pa', everv cattie buver to at- I)avies. Scîîgog St., Bownianvilc.WELlEEePCA lus 7t er tend. Ternis cash. Delivery free.. 44-1* Shorts (own make) $1,10 per hîuu- XEBBER - Iu Boivnianville, on Sale at 1 Ted Jacksoiî, .\nc- ni TO RIiNT-7-ROOMNED .\P.RT- Thursdav. Novemiber lt. Phione Sundav. October 3th, 1938, Heleni tiolleer. mient. hiot water licatinz, ail nioderui 777. F. C. Vaustone. 44-1 De Rose. beloved wie of Frank ndga-I__ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~convenieÏnces, fireplace bmd AI ,,.u,.. Int,.,,rct t amntoi 1-iB.v*V .Oto.kF r S ae. 11 . - P D NA Cemeterv. __________________CATTLE FOR SALE - FEEI CARDS 0F THANKS crs and stockers. Termns os _____________________________ prchaser. Appiyý H. B. Foste Mrs Bowmanvilhe. Phoue 745. 42- Mr.T. Clark Bell and Ian takei this oppvortunity of tendering leart- FOR SALE - SHROPSHIRI feit gratitude to ail who ministered graded ram lambs, shears and tv to Dr. Bell during his last illness. vears. Mark Haiicock, Oshîawa,1 R. 2. Telephone Oshîawa 1827r2, COMING EVENTS 42-4 Remember Hampton Roast Goose Supper on November 16th. Reserve Thursday and Friday, November 24 and 25th for the High School Commencement.. 44-4 Harvest Supper. St. George's Par- ish hall. Newcastle, Thurs., Nov. 10, 5.30 - 8.00 p.m. Adults 40c; Child- ren 25c. A group of St. Pauls Association will hoid their annual bazaar and afternoon tea on December 2nd. W'atch for further notice in this paper. Church Street Group of Trinity WV.A. will present "Drums of Fury", a three-act play in Trinitv S. S., on Mondav and Tuesday, November 7 and 8th at 8 p.m. Admission 25c. The annual meeting of Bowman-, ville Hospital Board lias bten callcd by President Joe ONeill for '.\ou- day, Nov. 7th, at the Nurses' Resi- dence at 8 p.m. 'Nere iii bc a' business meeting and an election of of ficers. Public cordiallv invited to attend. 43-2 Wendal United Church Thank-of- fering services Sundav, November 6. Rev. Lackey, Enniskillen, conducting the morning service at Il a.m., Rev. Rackham. Hampton, conducting the evening service at 7.30 pn. Shiloh choir will furnish the music at both services. 43-2 Durhamn Chapter O.E.S. are hav- iniz a bazaar ou Friday, Nov. 18th, at the home of IMrs. D. J. Chambiers, Centre St. begîuniugz 3 to 5 o'clock and 7 to 9 p.m. There wili bc the various booths of home-made cook- ingz, aprons and fane', work. Cup of tea. silver collection. Kindly re- serve the date. Proceeds for bene- volent work. 44-1 FOR SALE - FIVE YORKSHIR breedinR gilts seven months ol( eligible for registration, from ou 2 best sows entered in advanced r( gistry. WV. J. Rowland, Newcasti Telephone Clarke 1902. 44- FOR SALE - ONE MARE, 100 Ibs.: one Durham cow. due fir. of Feb.: one set singlee harness one buggy; one two-furrow ;vail inz piow. Appiy Sidney Martyi Hampton. Phione 2436. 44-t FOR SALE - HOLSTEIN COX' -grade. f resli 3 weeks, milking aboi 70 lhs. Der day; aiso two goo voung bulis, 12 and 14 months olc from R.O.P. damrs. Test up t 4.2%., and sircd by Man-O-Wa Dictator. Appiv J. T. Browr Kingston Road, East of Bowman ville. 44. FOR SALE-SHEARLING RAMI Shropshire. Government graded; vear-oid Shorthorn Bull, register ed. T. Baker, Hampton, Phon, 2473. 44- FOR SALE - COW, 4-YEAR old. Jersey. Appiv John Lumb Libertv St., Bowmanviile. 44-l' Hair Treatments HAIR TREATMENTS-IF YOUE hair is duil and iifeiess, dry, oil and bothered with dandruff, con. suit us for f ree advice. PhonE 2601. Iris Beauty Parlor. 44-1P For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR WOULD EX- change for cow, a Holsteini bull 2 vears oid; sired by Arinsdair Kiuue Segis Toitihia. His dam, Rowancroft Aicartra inu 1937 pro. duced 22.750 ibs. of miik, testing 3.72. For particulars Phiolie 805 Bowmanville. 44-1 Salem REA SE 'WA Te DS D-;,dUdM- me- flý, - aze. Appiv M.IA., Drawcr B. Sypaty is extended to Messes. D- Bowmianviile. 44-1*. Robt. and Fred Battle in the death 11 of 30, 40, 50, want vim, of their father. it FOR RENT - SIX_-ROOMý\ED iv.en vigor. for'rundown body? r, bouse on Concessionî St.. ail con- Try OSTREX Tablets of raw 3 venieiices. lîardxvood f loors, buiit- ovster stimulants and general body Cals T1rt in cuphoards, bot water hîated. builders. If not deiighted with Clarke Unio E, Phone 2433. 44-tf resuits of first package, maker R. FOR RENT - BUNGALOXW ON refunds its low price. Cal, write A number feom here attended 3. XWelinigton St. Apply 'Mrs. Jolui jury & Loveli, and ail other good Leskard fowl dinner. Leskard 4* Darc'h, Boxvmaiiviile. 44-1 druggists. 40-tf pol etil nwhwt u SALESMi\AN! - IF YOU ARE on a supper. ,E For Sale uiot carniiig $3.00 a day, you cati- Mr. and Mes. Gordon Power Id, itafr misti potn entertained feiends to dinner. Mr. ir- FOR SALE - SQUARE PIAýNO, itv. Over 800 mnen inake fromn $18 and Mrs. Alex Watson also en- l, niecbaiiicaliv perfect. excel i e n t to $50 weekly according to ability teris ned edtos atat justdine Àl toue, for sale chîeap. $4000 cash. xitli distributionî of 200 guarantee(l wais ndoclu b oh ases. jstc - Applv Box 100, Orono. 44-1* tîroduets. Cash sales. Combiî- wAs numbernfothssecint Ms NOTOR FOR SALE - 1-6 b.p. aiiiofes ibrl omssion. tended a presentation to Miss St mto i godBest time to start. For complete Olive Davey on Monday night. 'S foor qick sale condition. Bargain details anîd catalogue free: Famiiex Mr. H. J. Souch attended a ban- Nafoir. saema Appiy Clif f Mc- Co. 570 St. Clemejît, MUontreal. quet of Oshawa Peesbytery at 711 Nar Sa3 sa Office, Phione 44-1 Oshawa Thuesday night. tf 663.______________ We extend sympathy to Mrs. I .\PLE FO SAE -SNOVS, Notice to Creditors James Tamblyn on the death of V.A ILE ORSAE-GiO S her husband. Mr. Tamblyn at one ut \IIts.-eiiis Spvs, Taimoil Ail persons baving any claim time lived in this section on the A wesadSak.10 p e agaiiist tue estate of the late William faem now occupied by Mr. M. I, vour wiuter suppiv whiie thev Brock. who died on or about the 28th Chatterton. o last. Phîonîe .lbin Cleiîiens 2433. day of September, 1938, at the Town Recent Visitors: Me. Kenneth r _________________ t Bwnavli.ii- Couîîty of Cain, Sudbury, Me. Everett ,Cain, iFOR SA\LE - L.\TE '31 CHRY- , lurhiai, are required to file the Toronto, at Mr. George Cain's... slcr Sedan . Applv E. C., Drawer sanie xitb proof tiiereof witb the Miss Mamie Archer, Miss Mary .1 B.. Bowmanvile 1l nesgc Eeuoso i o- Jewell, Miss Evelyn Wood and _____________________________________or____r Sol Miss Reta Minifie, Bowmanville, FOR SAI.E MANS DARKicitor, îlot later thail Noveinher 25,wihMsEien ouh..Me ýs FR s-ýii- 1AN' DAK 11938, after whicli date tbe Estate wil and hMss. D.e Souch nd . Mr.n a rowiî (Conievifur coat. great lic (istribute(l and al daims of nMrs.RgS .un, d rowit -- wain selfor $10.ick sal. C.stN. hicli Notice lias iot hecix received friends in Toronto. e1 iiiuse.Cci or d$10. tr.o. N xiii bcbarred as agaiîîst the said _____________ - i ne .îrh u uat Sts., Excecutors. b, ' ova;ile41* Dtda Bowmanville tbis 2Sth Leskard FOR S.\LE-CEMý\ENT BLOCKS, dav of October, 1938. plain and rock face; also ceintt %I. G. V. Gould, Boxvmanvilie, - bricks for c.iiîexs. .A. C. Cook, Onitario. 264 Frenchi St., Oshawa. 44-2* Solicitor for R. L. M,\itchell and The people of Leskaed are to - -Walter Hiatelv. Exectitors, Bowman- be congeatulated because of the RFOR S.\LE-GASOLINE WASH- ville. Onîtario. success of their anniversary and nzmachine motor. efc cou- 3- supper held Sunday and Monday. - diioi. $8,00 Phne 07. 4~i Noice o Cediors Sunday services weee attended by diton $8.0. line 07 4-1 Noic ______ or cowds that filled the church to eO AE-KTHNCB overflowing. For the afternoon îîîet. good as uexv. cbeap. lIrs. Al Persons baving any claim Rev. W. J. H. Smythe, B.A., Port C. Gatcheli, 18 Carlisle Ave., Bow_ against the estate of the late William Perey, was speaker, and Rev. S. intîile.441 C. Lake, who died on or about the Littlewood, Orono, at night. Both -29thî day of August, 1938, at the preachees delivered forceful ser- M ortgage Sale Townîship of Clarke. in the C t mons and the crowds were'greatly ______________________of Dra.aer~ie lthe helped by them. The singing was Unde andby vrtueof tue pwerso e ovided by a mixed quartette Undr ad b vitu ofthepowrssamne witb proof thereof witb the rmteYugPol' oit of sale contaiîîed iii a certainî mort- !uudersigned Executors or their Sol- ofeom nteYUneope's ociety gagze which xiii bc produced at the icîtor. îîot later than November 15, manville, Miss G. Rundie, Miss D. 9 unie of sale there xiilue offered 1938, after wlich date the EstatechsM.HHopran Me ifor sale bv Elîner Xilbur, .\uctioîu- xvi liebcdistributed and al al msof CAllin. TH.acopanstMra er. at public auctiomu on Fridav. thie which notice bas îîot becu received Miss H. Rundie. They rendered 25thî (lay of Noveinher, 1938, at the xvi be barred as azaiîîst the said very beautifully two familiar and hour of onue o'ciock in tue aftcrîîonn Exectitors. well beloved numbers, "The Old at thie farîîî of Newtoni W. Ariii- lated at Bowmatuvilie this 2lst Rugged Cross" and "The Way of stroinz, R.R. 2, Pontvypool, Onitario, day of October, 1938. the Cross Leads Home." 'Th e thefnliu proîîertv. uamelv. ail NI. G. V. Gould, Bowînanvilie, goose supper Monday was weii anîd singular that cer'tain parcel or Onîtario. attended and eveeyone enjoyed tract of land and( premises sittuate, Solicitor for William T. Lake anud not only the splendid supper but lx mz anui binz iin thie Toxvushii) ofi Elizabeth E. Lake, Executors, New- a first class concert. Program con- N iv n iitlîe Couintv of I)urhiain castie, Onîtario. 43-2 sisted of quartettes by Orono and bcine conpose4j of the soîthi haif- Brass Quartette; inst rurne ntai oft Lt 15, Concession 7, Towuisliitî: MEDICAL numbers by Orono Trio; piano nif NIanvers. save and except lanids ---_______________ accordian solos by Miss E. Brad- taken b', thie Departîneîît of iîigh'- DR. HAROLD FERGUSON ley, Oshawa; solos by Mes. Drum- uay,. ue bov faîncouaiuîîg0f nnikiîenhastakn oer hemond, Orono, and Miss Elsie Wal- wavsi Theacre, mre otiigo nnsilnhstae rtelace, Newtonville; Miss Hainer, on ultidred ars oeo less. On Practice of the late Dr. J. C. Bell. elocutionist of Oshawa gave three the said farmn there is said to be'rOffice Hours: Week days, 2 till 4 numbers; Me. Watson and Mr. trectech a dwelliuig hîouse with suit-1 oclock; Evenings, 7 tili 9 p.m. Hercock, Oshawa, sang thece able farni buildings. 'Sundays by aPpointment. duets. Accompanists were Mes. M. At te sine imeand )Iae, uderH. Staples, Miss E. Truil, and Mes. .\thi sfaine tum en lace, udrtg DR. HOWARD B. RUNDLE G. Campbell. Me. J. J. Mellor was tlire illbc ffeed or alethehas opened an office for the prac- in the chair. thîcrewizi be offred1or le hetieofgeealmeicn2a te Mr. and Mrs. Will Ranton and fnlnxvui chatels iGei uug,12residence of Me. Chas. W. Bagneli, daughter Margaret visited with vears oid; 1 cow, bine; 1 cow, 'liack; King Street East, Bowmanville. Me. and Mrs. Lorne'Robbins. 2 heifers. black, 2 years; 2 caives, Office Houes: 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to Misses Annie and Alice Baie- .3 mnmths; i binder, 7-lt. cut, NI.R.; 9 p.m. Sundays by appointment. stow at home over the weekend. 1 mnwer, NI.H.; i rake, 8-f t.. M.H'.; Phone 54is4i.rdDveWhty i scecddril. 13 hîoc, IM.H. ; 1 cuti -__Miss________________________________ vator, sprinztootb, M.H.; 1 set buar- was home last Wednesday. rnws. 5 section; i single vîow, _________________ Many of the homes are now Cockshîutt: i double plow, Cockshutt; wired in the village awaiting the i wagonî; i set sleighs; i creaun Formeriy known as the Fegan Boys erection of the line. searto.Refrw 10 uhes fHome, Troronto. Home and School Club meets xheat: 300 huusiels of înixed grain; Note - CHANGE 0F ADDRESS November 7th. Everyone corne 3(X) .and make your suggestions for 300busiel ofoas; tos o liy.AnY FARMER desiring ta hirea1r.ofcr fcmn er busiel nîoat n ousof ay.tish Farm Vouti, either NOW or o f The lands ,%ilhue soid sublect to the 1939 season, should NO or fr ceso oin er a reserved bid. Teruns of sale of appfication to the superintendent, farmi 251,r of thie purchiase inouiey FEGAN LODGENe tn il to le pid owu at be iun ofthe 647 aroadview Avenue, Toronto sale. the balance to hue secured by a Telephone Hargrave 5743. unortegage with interest at 4 per cenit Oitilis~out for futuîre rnfrence) taer atîntîuîî. T'crins of sale of chiai- 43-2 Miss Florence Burley has re- tels. cash. turned to ber duties in Toronto. For furthîcriarticuulars auîd conu- Messrs. Cecil, William and Har- ditions of sale appjly, to XV. Eric old Burley made a business trip Stewart, K.C., Solicitor to the MlortN to Orillia Monday. ,ce, East Block. Parliaunt Biilci 1onMes. J. T. Pearce and Mes. Wil- O lis Joncs attended the W. I. Offi- unes, Toronto, Ontîario. _____ cees' Raiiy in Tyrone. Dated at Toronito thii. 28t1î dax Public sehool chidren held a Messes. Melville Jones, Eael of October. 1938. 44-3 Hallowe'en paety this week and Walkey and Ross Gilbs attended b ad a most enjoyable time dis- the Telephone Convention in To- Neighbor Joyner: My, but your tributing and eating candy, ap- ronto. daughtee Sally is growing fast. .1pIes and other good things. Congratulations to Stanley Lott Neighbor Rygg: Oh, I dont be-i We were unable to learn whe- of Newtonville sehool who won lieve she's any woese than the 'ther any services other than the fiest place in public speaking con- other young folks in town. Sunday church services will be test for Clarke Township at Orono. held to commemorate Armistice Dr. Mhhîson, Weicome, will give Teacher: Tell me, Johnny, what Da, one"wek from Friday. It is a lecture in the United Church on do you know about the Caucasian jalso unknown whether stores will Nov. 16, under auspices W. M. S. race, close for the day oe for just a few There will be other talent and a Johnny: I don't know anything minutes. Fuether information will lunch. ' . about it; I wasn't there. ibe foethcoming next weck. A number feom our United Church attended W. M. S. Conven- Wjllis Jones. . .. Miss Rena Hos- tion in Bowmanville Friday when kmn with friends in Orono.... the Newtonville auxiliary was re-i Misses Thompson, Toronto, with sponsible for the morning wor-j Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson. ship service. k. . . Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Turner Visitors: Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Kel- ýand Ruth, Cobourg, with Mr. and sey, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Moore Mrs. Lanson Milîson. . .. Mrs. Jas. and Miss M. Moore and Mrs. Ai- Laing, Miss I. Laing and Mr. Wm. bert Wilson, Coe Hill, %vith Mrs. Laing motored to Lindsay, return- J. Jackson. . . . Mrs. Armstrong,!ing via Greenbank where they Port Hope, with Mrs. J. T. Pearce.: visited Mrs. Thos. Wallace.... ...Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Carlaw, Miss I. Laing and Mr. Wm. Laing Warkworth, with Mr. and Mrs. ývisited Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lewis, FLANNELETTE, white '/ and striped --.-.-- -.-.---.-Yd.121/22c 36-Inch PRINT, Splendid patterns 19/ In 2groups .......... -Y. 2 / 27-Inch RAYON, Good Colours TURKISH TOXVELLING Excetîtiouual Valie .... ..................... d. Ail Lineuu TEA TOWELS A good assortment . ................Eaclu 15C 15C 15C 19C BATH TOWELS. we are featuriniz 3 Rroups dur- ingz this Sale eacb uîumber is outstaiudinR value. We invite f,-1 '-23 comparison. Eaciu A -15 -23 PILLOW CASES, a good sturdy case. 42-inch . . ..-........ -- .- Eacb 23 RAYON TABLE CLOTHS, always a popular miiuber, bright cheery49 COMNFORTER BATTS35 72" x 90" .... ....- -..Each 35 PILLOXV COTTON39 FRILLED CURTAINS35 To Clear .-................... .......... .......Pr. 5 CREI>E SLIPS, All Sizes \uuix'ersary Sale ... ....... ................................ SIL-K SLIPS, Sizes 32 to 4059 SAtiiiiversary, Sale ...-. ......... Each 59 CTTON SLIPS. Ail Sizes AIn1' X nivcrsarv Sale . ................... ........... ........ RYON GOWNS anud PYJ-AMAS Atiiiersary Sale ....-..-..-................... ...... j1 I ilnuiuelette GOXVNS, Good size and new stock, alxwavs a good uumber ............................. .... Flauuticiette PYJAMAS. Long sîceves, good range of colour i S, .%f. L,. ..-.-..---.----Pr. 95CI Ani assortmeuît of RAYON BLOOMERS and PANTIESPr 39 Anniversary SalePr 39 Winter Weight VESIS and BLOOMERS and PANTIES, Outstanding values 4 Auuivcrsary Sale Each 47 c Sihk anîd Wool, anîd Rayon ROSE, a good assort- menit of colors and sizes25 Anniversarv Sale -.------..----Pr. 5 Wooi SNUGGIES with VESTS to match. S,M.L. Annivcrsary Sale 25~. .. cr ELASTIC GIRDLES 5 Aniuivrsarx' Sale ..........................Eacliî 5 C CORSELETTES79 Anîniversary Sale -..79 BRASSIERES, Tea Rose and White Satinmi. universau-v Sale .........Faclî PURSES, ncw styles and colours, limited nnaiutitv, ,\iltiversair', Sale ...I.... adi In 2 Grotiis ................Pr. 35c 25c 79c 45c, Welcome. . .. Miss Helen Couch, Newcastle, was home for the weekend. Rastus: Boy, Ah sho' bas a fine landlady. She saved the mpst ten- der part of the chicken for me when I was late for supper last night. Sambo: What part was it? Rastus: The gravy. An evangelical service was con- ducted here Sunday evening by Rev. H. J. Bell of Blackstock, as- sisted by Mr. Dorreli, Sunday School superintendent. Several from Salem attended anniversary services at St. Paul's on Sunday. Y. P. U. meeting October 25th was opened by the President. The programn was in charge of Miss M. Collacutt: Bible readings, Mrs. F. Blackburn; topic, Mr. L. Squair; readings, Mrs. L. Richards, Mrs. H. Barrie, Mrs. E. Doidge, Mr. F. Blackburn; mouthorgan solo, Mr. B. Darch; piano solo, Mrs. S. But- tery. Attendance 20. October 30th the Y. P. U. held a Hallowe'en social with Mrs. S. Buttery in charge. Several came in Hallowe'en costume and a jolly time ensued. *The judges were Mrs. L. Butter, Mrs. J. Irwin and Mr. E. Doidge, who awarded prizes to the following: Mr. and Mrs. L. Coombes, Mrs. H. Barrie, Mr. F. Blackburn, Ruth Follard and Ruth Newman. Prizes ý,iIre also given as awards for guessing contests, wvon by Mr. L. Coombes, Mr. R. Lane and Ruth Pollard. Program consisted of: Violin duet, Mr. C. Collacutt and Mr. L. Coombes; piano solos, Master B. Lockhart; vocal selections by Pub- lic School scholars; humorous reading, Mrs. F. Cator. Candy was sold at 5c a bag and apples and pears were passed around. Visitors: Mrs. F. L. Squair with her sister, Miss I. Stephens, Town. ...Miss B. Cator, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator,. ... Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cann who returned to Toronto with them on Sunday. WOOL HOSE29 Fawn - Ail sizes ..-... .......Pr. 9 CONIBINATIONS, Winter 79 Xeight, To Clear .........Pr. 9 PULLOVERS and89 SWEATER COATS -- Each89 Wool SNOW SUITS, well made. in zood brught colours, Size 2 to 6, price incui -7 himet to match ..-.----~ Each 3.7 COAT. LEGGINGS, BONNET Size 2-3-4, Set 39 49 Anuixersarv Sale3.8 49 A good selection of heav', DRESSES mn ail sizes,-- To sear98c 1.29 - .49 PRINT DRESSES6c Ail sizes .---.-... - Each * Inîfants' Silk and Wooi 7 VESIS -....... Ec 47 Infants' Fiaunelette GOWNS Eaclh.-..... 35c - 3 for 93c XXOOL GLOVES and MITTS Good assortment, colour 25 and sizes ........ .......... Pr. 5 XINDOW BLINDS. white, cream and green, Standard sîze To Chear-.... ........ ...... ... Eacli 36-Indui FACTORY COTTON Auinivcrsary Sale ..---------.Yd. Facli 98C f or 1.00 i acl 25c Eacb 94c Eacli 47c SCARX'ES, white Satini and Moire, Figured Crepe, XVool Scarves À Aimuiversar','Sale ..... ~........ ......Eachî 49c HOUSE DRESSES, Your Choice Aniue'rsarv Sale .-........ - ..... - ....Each 69 SATIN SLIPS, plain or brocaded, fagot or lace triîn, colours Tea Rose or White Size .32 to 44 - - ---------- ----- Each U79c LADIES' HATS, good sellung, colours and styles in 3 groups 5 c - 98 E-A.4 Eaclî 9 LADIES' WINTER COATS9 5 Fuir trimmed . . .................~....Each 9 9 CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, A selection of Vesis. Bloomners. fieeced liied Waists, long I)raivers and traiuîmug PANTIES. Not all sizes inii cdinhe 2 Tii Clear.......-. .. ................ Garment 23 Fîull Fasliiouîed SILK HOSE. Ail the headiugz colomurs, service weight and chiffon59 .Xuuixersarv Sale . ....-.......... ..... ........... Pr. 59 Ladies' CREPE D)RESSES., good raiiee of colours, ail sizes iuu the lot149 - 1 9 -2 4 3 grnnps.Facu1 4 ih HOOPER'S LADIES WEAR RETA MINIFIE "ALWAYS HONEST VALUE" Opposite Royal Theatre - - Bowmanville EVELYN WOOD w 49c lo0c Also a special display of Remuants at Specially Reduced Prices. We have discontinued our Men's Dept. and are offering broken sizes i the followig lunes at compelling prices. Act quickiy as the stock in each case iW imited. Fleeced Lined COMBINATIONS Sizes 36-38-40-42 ouinl ...--.-.Eacb Merino COMBINATIONS Size 42 oniy Each Merino SHIRTS and DRAWERS Broken sizes. To Clear Each WORK TROUSERS, Large sîzes oui',. To clear .-~......Pr. Boys' OVERALLS Brokeni Sizes .....-.. ......................... Pr. Nîen's TXVEED CAPS Broken Sizes ........................ ......Each 98C 98C 5oc 1.25 69c 49c All-XVool FANCY SOCKS 3Pr. for iff G<xid pattertis ...-......... ........ 1 0 FROM OUR STAPLE DEPT. FROM OUR LADIES' DEPT. BUILD RESISTANCE TO COMBAT WINTER COLDS TAKE VITAMIN PRODUCTS With Winter coming on, Vitamin Produets should be included ln your regular diet. They are tested resistance builders which Protect you against colds. A FEW 0F THE BEST Aiphamettes.......5$1.00 - $1.85 - $3.50 Calcium A Capsules.......5$1.10 - $2.00 Aiphamin Capsules........5$2.25 - $3.75 Vitamin Plus..................... $2.75 Neo-Chemical Food...............5$2.25 Puretest Cod Liver Oi....... 50e - 51.00 Haliver Oil Capsules........... 59e - 98e ANTI-FREEZE Methyl-Hydrate for Anti-Freeze Full Strength Gallon ....................... 98C Dr. West's Miracle Tuft Tooth Brushes a new development without bristles Each............. 50e Jury & Loveil Phone 718 WE DELIVER Bowmanville I When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly mmmd Thanks To You... OURAMMVESR SECONDÀMM1 ES R A Great Ten Day Selling Event PAGE TEN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATES.NIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO November 3rd ta i 2th THANKS TO YOU toIn recording our second Anniversary we p'ause textend our sincere appreciation to the people of Bowmanville and vicinity for the generous support afforded us during the past year. We humbly say "'Thank Von" and shali endeavour to warrant your continued patronage, by offering the best possible values, plus prompt courteous attention to any or ail of your requirements. Wby not visit us during this great Anniversary event? CHILDREN'S DEP. Ladies' and Chiidren's COTTON HOSE24 AIl Sizes - Pair ..... ..... .. ..-.. .................. ..... 5 WOOL GOLF SOX Ail Sizes - Pair ....... .......... 5