READ BY 12,000 NEWSte na Peope WeklyON AGEWith Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME84_____ BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1,938NU ER4 PLANS ARE MADE FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONIES Rev. Sidney Davison, Trinlty Pas- tor, Elected President of the Bowmanvblle Mlnlsterlal Association Plans for an inspiring memorial service on Friday, November 11, were made at a meeting of the Bowmanville Ministerial Associa- tion on Thursday, when represen- tativee of the Canadian Legion were also present. The Minister- ial Association will collaborate with the Legion in carrying out the ceremonies. The n,-tini, -- 'ne'A -at bi s John's Rectory with the following officers being elected: President, Rev. S. Davison: Secretary-Treas- uirer, Rev. W. F. Banister. Following the business session lunch was served by Mrs. Spen- cer. BADMINTON CLUB3 OPENS FOR PLAYV A large crowd of spectators and players was present at Bowman- ville Badminton Club for the of- ficial opening on Thursday, when a round robin tournament pro- vided a great deal of enjoyment. Some of those who began a littlc too energetically were walking stiff ly the next day, but will soon be in good playing condition. Several new players have indicat- ed their intention to join. The club, with a fresb coat of paint, looked quite attractive and sbould prbvide an ideal haven for pleas- ure seekers and athletes during the coming winter. For those not interested in badminton, there are bridge tables and ping pong. DIPHTHERIA TOXOIDS First doses of Diphtheria Tox- oid will be given at the Central School on Friday morning, Nov. 4th, from 9 to 10 a.m., and at the South Ward School on Thursday, Nov. 10, fromn 9 to 10 a.m. MAHER SALE SUCCESSFUL Manager Stan Morrison of 'the Maher Sboe Store reports a con- siderable increase in his faîl sale advertised in The Statesman over last year's sale. Just another in- dication that business is better.I Barrister Speaks At The First Mee Newcastle Woi, Woman's Miss, WhichMet in Mrs. George Honey is Elected President of W. M. S., Oshawa Preshyterial at An- nual Meeting t- Thé eleventh annual meeting g of Oshawa Presbytemial of the Woman's Missionary Society was held in Trinity Church, Bowman- ville, on Friday with the presi- ndent, Mrs. N. J. White, presiding. Due to lack of space we are un- able to publish this week more than the list of officers which wvere elected and installed. The balance of the report will be pub- lished at a later date. Officers are: Past P r es id ent - Mrs. N. J. ,.White, Myrtle Station, Ont. mnan NewiHead N AILS IN' DRIVE ON HLOEE ;ionary S.ociety Damage to, Property- Is Slight - e e No Arrests Were Made AI- PRESIENT R-ELECED ýHallowe'en pranks were notc PREIDET R.ELCT i a serious nature this year in towi althougb near Enniskillen a gan of wandering celebrants did cor siderable damage to several far mers' equipment. In town, thi main source of amusement cor sisted of asking for shell outs ani Strying to, fool neighbors and fr ends as to the identity of th, dressed up masqueraders. On, citizen had to rake over bis drive way to, remove a bost of carefull. placed nails, and others hadl to di minor repairs to front steps, an( other moveable parts of bouse5 but no great damage was doni and no arrests were made, MODEL PLANE DISPLAYED President- Mrs. Geo. Honey, Newcastle, Ont. lst Vice-President - Mrs. W. W. Gee, Locust Hill, Ont. 2nd Vice-President - Mrs. G. L. Dr. L. B. Willilams Wagar, Bowmanville, Ont. Recrdig Scrtar - rs.D.Who was re-elected President of Leury, Myrtle Station, Ont. Durham County Club of Toronto - isat their annual meeting on Thurs- Corresponding Secretary -Ms day. Dr. Williams by his leader- M. Hutchison, Box 220, Bowmaan- ship and enthusiasm is giving new ville, Ont. life and interest to the activities Treasurer - Mrs. M. S. Cbap- of the club. »man, Pickering, Ont. Sec'y Christian Stewardshîp - Friends Sec'y. - Mrs. H. J. Bell, Mrs. Norman Rickard, Newcastle, Blackstock, Ont. Ont. Sec'y. of Temperance and Chris- Ser'y Mission Circles - Miss tian Citizenship - Mrs. W. N. Af- May E. Brown, Locust Hill, R. R. f leck, 96 Agnes St., Oshawa, Ont. 1, Ont. Press Sec'y. - Mrs. E. A. Henley, Sec'y Affiliated C.G.I.T. Groups 60 Westmoreland Ave., Osbawa, - Mrs. Geo. Bray, 315 Arthur St., Ont. Oshawa, Ont. Se'y of Mission Bands - Mrs. C O NA T R E Chas. Warren, Hampton, Ont. C O NA T R E Sec'y of Baby Bands - Mrs. T. IS YOUNGEST IN G. Norton, Brougham, Ont._ N IEP O IC Associate Helpers' Sec'y.- Mrs ETR P O IC W. P. .Rogers, Bowmanville, Ont. Supply Sec'y. - Mrs. C. W. Sle- Harry R. Deywan, 26 Year Old mon, Bowmanville, Ont. Cobourg Lawyer, Succeeds Community Friendsbip Sec'y. - Col. F. D. Boggs Mrs. R. W. McQuay, Wbitby, Ont. Literature Sec'y. - Mrs. W. E. Harry Deyman, 26 year old Beaman, Newcastle, Ont. lawyer of Cobourg, was appoint- LMissionary Montbly and World ed Crown Attorney of Northum- berland and Durham by Attorney- General Gordon Conant, Tuesday. uu ia lb He is the onetconaory At D rham Club in the province. Mr. Deyman succeeds Col. F. D. Boggs, wbo £ was appointed by the Conserva-. wting of SeIo tive government in 1930. _________________________Mr________ VÂ n J kii -I bUl Olir and Mrs. R. H. Deyman of Osh- Dr. L. B. Williams Re-Elected COMING TO TRINITY awa. He was called to the bar in ________1936 and took over the practice of President - J. W. Pickup, Acibald Cochrane of Cobourg K.O., Digcusses Courts Sunday morning, November 6, when Mm. Cochrane was appoint- of Ontario Trinity United Church will bave ed county judge for Peel. _______the services of Rev. W. H. Pike Mm. Deyman was congratulated of Ail People's Cburch, Hamilton. in police court yesterday by Ma- The opening meeting of the Mm. Pike bas spent 25 years gistrate W'. A. R. Campbell and season of the Durham County among the New Canadians in by F. C.. Richardson on behaîf of Club of Toronto was held at the Western Canada and is exceed- the local bar association. Mm. Sherboumne House Club, Toronto, ingly well informed on wbat the Deyman was a ecent speaker at on Thursday evening, October 27. churcb is doing among tbem. He Bowmanville Rotary Club. Dr. L. B. Williams, president, oc- is at present bead of the city mis- cupied the chair while Secretary sion work of Hamilton. He is a W. J. Challis reports big in- Wallace Maas read the secretary's dynamic speaker and we are look- crease in radio sales this faîl, but report. ing fomwamd to a eal treat Sun- he's goîng after more sales by ad- These officers weme e 1 e c t e d: day morning. vertising. President - Dm. L. B. Williams; Vice Presidents - J. W. Pickup,S J. Jeffery, Lomne Trull, and Dr n is iln Do tr M v s H r George W. McGUI.; Secretamy -E ns iln D ç o d v s H r Wallace Maas, Assistant, Miss Mary Jeffery; Treasurer - Fred Truil; Executive Committee - All Purchases Late Dr. Bel's Practice officers and Mrs. R. Stevenson, <____ Mrs. L. B. Williams, Mrs. Stuart, Mms. S. H. Jeffemy, Mrs. Pickup, Dr. Harold Ferguson is Fifth PURCHASES PRACTICE Mms. Maas and Mrs. Lomne Trull. Medical Doctor to Move Here ______________ Sincere appreciation and grat- frm nisLen--Ws itude were expressed by the pres- ident on behaîf of the club BotnaoUbig Ewamt Pollard for bis excellent services as assistant secretamy dur- WtDrHaodFgunci- ingthepas yer. redTrul byd ing fromn Enniskillen to take over the financial report audited th aeD. .C eîspatc Ewamt Pollard and S. H. Jeffery. ,i omnilhsoyi e It ws deidedthata fe ofpeating itself. Looking back over $200 per family, or $1,00 per per- more than haîf a century no fewem son for self-supporting members, than five Enniskillen doctors have shoud b chrged inpar tomoved to Bowmanville. They are cover the ental of the Sher- Drs. J. W. McLaughlin, S. C. Rul- Dor. Williamslbyeprse lier, Levi Potter, C. W. Slemon, Dr. Wllias abl exem-e and now H. Ferguson. The records 'the feelings of the Toronto mm also show that a native son of bers of the Club in a whole- omnilD.FakC rb hearted welcome to the out-of- iBowm aieDr.nFrank .Teb- town Draie rsn.Sm and for a number of yeams now of these whose namnes we were bas been an outstanding eye spe-- fotunately able to secume were. cialist in Toronto. The list of En- Mm. W. J. Bragg and the Misses niskillen doctors would not be White from Bowmanville; Rev. and Mrs. I. Snell from Clarke; complete without including the I ~ Mm. and Mrs. Cowan from Clarke; name of that lovable and genial . Mms. Pascoe and daughtem, Mrs. family physician, Dr. J. C. Mit- Aikenhead; Mrs. Gaudin (for- chell, wbo later moved to Brock- mnerly of Enniskillen); Mms. A. M. ville where hie was appointed Wiliam an Mm Aln WllimsSuperintendent of the Mental WilasadM.Aa ilasHospital theme. Dr. H. Ferguson (Continued on Page 7) But let's get back to the highWobatkeovrteaeD. lights of Dm. Ferguson's career. J.hCoBels km edia hepracte . s He was bomn on a farm 5 miles .C elsmdclpatc.Hs CLARKE TOWNSHIP north of Uxbridge. Ris parents tory repeats itself in that Dr. Fer- Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ferguson are fom nniskte ilen crto w mvle MANACQUITTED no wliving retired in Uxbidge. in tenpast bîf en tury.mnvll Dm. Ferguson followed the course A supreme court jury at Co- of many professional men by go- bourg October l9th bougbt in a ing to high school, then Normal 5 years a scbooî trustee, 17 years verdict of not guilty in the charge scbool, taught for two years in treasurer and steward of the of manslaugbter laid against Jack the little red school bouse in Scott Churcb, and a teacher of youngE Elliott of Newtonville. Township where hie attended as a men's class. He is President ofi The jury also gave a verdict of lad, and then went to Toronto the Northumberland and Durham1 not guiltY on the lesser charge of University where he gaduated in Medical Society for 1938-39, and occasioning grievous bodily barm. medicine in 1920. In bis final yeam is a member of Jerusalem Lodge The bearing of evidence was at college be visited 8 montbs at and Palestine Chapter. commenced on Tuesday morning Weston Sanitamium. and revolved about an accident This saine year he purchased Dr. Ferguson married Muriel on the night of Mamch 30 last in Dr. C. W. Slemon's practice and Newton of Woodstock who is ar the Township of Clarke, near what during these 18 yeams bas devel- Igraduate of Woodstock Generalt is known as the "Hole in the oped a successful country wide Hospital and who taught schoolf Wall" when the car, driven by El- practice, won the esteem of a wide at Enniskillen. They have three iott, skidded into a truck and circle of fiends and has been a childmen, Alan 14, Donald 12, and turned over in the ditch with the willing worker and public spimited Ruth Marie 6 montbs old. result that Harvey Thompson of citizen in bis community. To bear Announcement as to the sale ofÉ Newtonville received fatal in- out these facts he was 13 years bis Enniskillen practice will be1 uries. Sec.-Treas. of Enniskillen School, made later.1 The resuit ot many months' work by Harvey King, a local youth, is depicted in the hugE model airpiane now displayed in Johnston's Book Store windoxw The frame of the plane is com- plete, except for the wings and shows plainly the vast effort ne- cessary to piece the various parts together. MRS. LOGAN HONORED On Thursday evening the La- dies' Bridge Club, of which Mrs R. E. Logan was a member, was entertained at the home of Mrs Kenneth E. Cox to honor Mr. and Mrs. Logan and family who are mioving to Orono in the near fu- ture. Towards the close of the evening Mrs. P. E. Greenfield, on behaif of the club, presented Mrs Logan with a solid walnut occa- sional chair and Mrs. Cox read an address signed on behaif of ber friends, by Elva, Millie, Mary, Wildred, Evelyn, Annie, Verna, Ida, Cora and Ruby. Mrs. Logan made a fitting reply and extend- ed to all a cordial invitation to visit ber in ber new home at Orono. Good Citizens Mi 0f Worship By ( St. Paul's Church Packed for Anniversary Services - Dr. H. A. Kent, Queen 's, Gives Fine Sermons i'Another St. PauI's U n i t e d 1 L, ne _of the-Father and the Son Church anniversary, the lO4th, , and the Holy Ghost. bas come and gone, witb tbe mem- Re.R E otn h a bers of the congr gation agreeing v c taken M r Ric ad's m orng er that it was one of the finest in evia obon a om o h the history of the cburcb.evng and conducted the order The events which made it 50 of worship. Mm. Rickard took for outstanding and memorable in- bis evening text, Ye are my wit- cluded the soul gripping sermons nesses, Christ's words bis discip- by Rev. Dr. H. A. Kent, Principal e H r o et e tu h t a of Theological College, Queen's ialtu Christians are by thought, Univrsit, Kiggo; th siningword and deed witnesses for of the boy soloist, Master Freder- ..vM.Crst.aN Hih red e eing ge ick Roblin, Hamilton, and the reg- Mser. sn si anthervenin ular choir soloists and the anth- serie ang Sas an coifrtorng ems rendered by the well trainedWeyanSd.Tecorsg choir. Additional évidence of suc-________________ cess was portrayed by the large congregations who filled t he A S YH R I church and gave liberally to theMA EYH R S thank-offering. REDUCES PRICES In the morning an interesting ON IMPLEMENTS baptismal service was conducted ____ by Dr. Kent, when tiny Miss Bar- Percy R. Cowling, Phmn.B. bara Elizabeth Banister, only dau- Who this week celebrates the Reductions in Tractor Prices ghtem of Rev. and Mrs. W. F.fis niesrinhsnwso. RagasH has$40 Banister, and Robert Edwardfisanieayinbsnwso. RneasHgas$4O Tuerk, son of Mm. and Mrs. Max ýlA year ago, Mm. Cowling moved Tk rcexvd te saramet o from bis old quarters in the westi Tuer, rc e h scaetoend of the town into a modemn Toronto, November 2nd. - To- baptism. I store in the heamt of the business day Massey-Harris C o mn p a n y, Dr. Kent's morning sermon was scin ei odcigaSm-truhisVc-rsdn n a mastemf ully presen'Ced challenge sctln e and Chruistm aseiew-Geral ManagVie-r, .S. Dnan, to those who live right in the ple SaleadCrsmsPeiwGnrlMngr .S ucn sight of the Lord, but yet do not ýon November 10-11-12. Read the announced price reductions on its enter into the temple to worship. advt. on page 3. line of farm equipment. "The Company is pleased to announce," Millions of people are good liv- states the message, "substantial ing, uprîght cîtîzens, conducting chumch because they had an over- list price reductions on Tractors themselves with pmopiety and dose of it when they were young and General Farm Macbinery, ef- distinction in the comnýunity, yet and religion for them became an Ifective Novemnber lst, 1938." they do not come to chumch to unreality, when it ought to grow1 "The rductions are the result," worship, bie saîd. Sucb a condi- in one as other things gmow. Re- says Mm. Duncan, "of a désire on tion may be quite satisfactomy for ligion should be a pefectly nat- the part of the Company to sharei them, because they have been umal thing whicb need not be with its customers the benefits of taught to do right by tbeir par- driven in. economies effected, together with ents who usually were church- People go to chumch not to hear the savings resulting fromn the going people, but bow will it af- sermons alone, but to womship present sligbt decreases in prices fect the next generation? They!God along with their fellow men, of aw materials." may lose aîl sense of piety. Reductions on Tractors range Possibly they do not go to (Continued on Page 7) as high as $8400 and on Grain Binders with enclosed gears the reductionis range up to $9.75, and FineEntrtaimen andDaning on the Open Gear Binder up to ht lows show a reduction up to Feat re T e M a onic Ladis' N ght$7.00 and Grain Drills up -to $8.00, FeatueTh Masnic Ldies Nig accorcin to sizes. Mm The annual Jerusalem Lodge, tionally fine vocalîst, also delight- can says, "The Company is grat- A. F. & A. M., Ladies' Night, on ed the audience with several sel- fiductos abis ti maean ttes Wednesday, October 26tb, at the ections. dtat fro the sutie anal ate Badminton Club, was a master- Worshipful Master A. W. G. of them "they will be of material piece of entertainment with a Northcutt as chairman introduced benefit to the farmer wbo needs varied programi whicb included the artists. The balance of the to replace bis machinery." everything fromn magic to fine in- entertainment took the form of "We have a very real appreca stumntland vocal renditions dancing to Wilson's Merrymakers tion," states Mm. Duncan, "of the by favorite artists. orchestra from Oshawa. difficulties whicb confront thei Over 250 Masons, their wives Lucky number prizes were farmer and are unceasing in ourg and friends were in attendance awarded to Mrs. W. G. Pascoe, efforts to provide bimi with ma-i and from their.applause, enjoyed Mrs. R. L. Mitchell, Miss Holman, chinery at the very lowest pos-1 the entire evening. Mrs. D. Purdy, Mrs. W. F. Bowen sible price. More than that, ourg Program numbers i n c 1 u d e d and Mrs. Clarence Allun. Messrs. desire to make farming more pro- comedy and music from a number A. W. G. Northcutt, W. R. Strike, fitable bas led to the developrnent of instruments played by G. F. C. Hoar and E. S. Ferguson of newer types of machines, sucb Claire Rouse, better called "The drew the numbers fromn a box as tbe Power-Take-Off Mowem,i One Man Band." Rex Slocombe, held by Principal L. W. Dippell. the One-Way Disc and the new rnagician and comedian, also had Guests were received by Wor. small Power-Take-Off R ea p er- the gathering guessing and dumb- Master Northcutt and Mrs. North- Tbresher Combine whicb reduces1 founded with bis tricks and line cutt, assisted by Junior Deacon the cost of barvesting by fmom1 of chatter. Miss Dorothy Harnden Percy R. Cowling and Mrs. Cowl- ten to fifteen cents a bushel.i and Miss Mary Wilkins, Bowman- ing. During the evening the ladies These, and the new lower-operat-1 ville, gave a couple of clever received attract1ve favors. Guests ing cost Tractors are an indica- dancing numbers, accompanied by were present fromn Oshawa, New- tion of the effort tbe Implement M.'r. Donald Cameron at the piano. castle, Lindsay, Orono, and Port Industry is putting forth to make Nrs. Jaban, Oshawa, an excep- Hope. farming more profitable."ý Make Sure The Minorities Don't. Take Away Freedom Former Diplomatist Warns ,NEW CROWN ATTORNEY Capt. R. C. Cavell Says Future of Civilization la onl This Continent Uniess Europe Geta Some Sense POPPY DAYSATURDAY MN I1-R N Boy Scouts and school children ON NEWCASTLE will do their bit on Saturday when -they will be on King Street seil- Rev. Roy H. Rickard, Coiborne, ing poppies to help those who did Delivers Inspiring Sermons at their bit in the Great War. Some United Church Anniversary of the boys who went over to France did not return and their widows and children are baving Many visitors from outside of a difficuit time to subsist without points were drawn to Newcastle in the aid of husband and father. Sunday, October 30, by the Unit- g The money received from the; ed Church anniversary services. i- Poppy Day will, in some measure, 'The church was beautifully dec- r- help sustain these people for the orated by Mrs. J. A. Butler and e coming year. Give generously bier helpers. i- that they may live more comfort- Rev. Roy H. Rickard, B.A., id ably. They did their part. Now it M.R.E., Coiborne. preached at i- is 'your turn. both services and assured the e _________ Newcastle folk that it was always e a joy and a pleasure for him to ~ LEGON HO ORS ome back to this church wh1ere 'y1 CANON SPENCER ious training and which had sent id NTA E M M ES hirnout inito the ministry. S, IiTiTE EMBE liHismorning sermon was a ie Pln eulogium of The Church, the PasAre Made For Annual1 Body of Christ, and his hearers Poppy Day and Remembrance Ithrilled to the warmth and earn- Service - Urges Govern- estniess of bis tbought and speech ment Action on Defense , as he told of the growth, the SIPreparations fellowsbips, the labours and con- il11 quests of the church. The Cburch, re National Poppy Day the Body of Christ, is a figure of ýn At a well attended meeting of speech given to us by St. Paul. vthe Canadiani Legion, Bowman- Christ is a spirit, abiding in bea- 1ville Branch, held in the counicil yen, and the only body He has on ,d chambers on Friday, October 2 1,1 earth is the Christian church .arrangements were made for hold-1 composed of people anxious to ts ing tbe annual Poppy Day on Sat-î love and serve Him, people with urday, November 5th. Permission. hands and feet, voices, heads and of the Town Council bas been hearts, dedicated to His service. granted for the sale of poppies Christian people should be more during the hours 9 a.m. andl10 cburch conscious, they should p.m. on Saturday, November 5th, bave clearer convictions. Let's which will be National Poppy Day. have more enthusiasm, the prea- a hrugeteetuis hw is RmmrneDy ce reteetuis h S. Comrades R. M. Cotton, A. J. b members of some modemn dLyle and H. D. Moses were ap- cuits, and even politicians. Let'si -e pointed a committee to cooperate hv a more loyal, adventure-1 1- witb the Minîsterial Association some and sacrificial membership. ýe and the Town Counicil for the ar- The choir under the leadership n rangement of the annual Remem- of Mr. W. J. S. Rickard, with Mrs. . brance Day Community ServiceE.CFihrate gnsgth 1on Friday, November llth. anthem, Thou Crownest the Year, d President R. G. Harding, Padre witb Mesdames C. R. Carvetb and )f Canon Spencer and Secretary R. H. M. Allin singing a soprano and M. Cotton were appointed a com- alto duet. Mr. R. N. Smith of the1 mittee to arrange for the annual Mendelssohn Choir, Toronto, ren- n Armistice Day banquet. dered a baritone solo, Bebold, there shall be a Day, when upon 1- Leglon at Divine Service the Mountain Top. After the ser- 0 Comrade Rev. F. H. Mason, late mon a male quartette, Messrs. <Continued oni Page 7) Chas. Clemence, Stanley Rickard, Wilbur Baskerville and Wilbur Blackburn, sang 1 Want My Life to Tell for Jesus. issin Posibilties A baptismal service, at which lissig Po sibiitie many relatives were present, fol- lowed the general worsbip ser- hurc Absnce vice. Mr. and Mrs. Howe Martyn, ______________Absence___ Toronto, brou gbt tbeii, two little girls, Nancy and Sylvia, to the HOLD SA PLE ALE baptismal font placed in tbe r HODS SMPLESALE cburch as a memorial to Mr. Martyn's grandparents, the late -Mr. and Mrs. James G. Rickard, and there the preacher of the day. Rev. R. H. Rickard, baptized bis New Model Cars Displayed to Over Fifty Newspaperxnen from Province - Enter- tained at Parkwood Greeting the new line of Gen- eral Motors passenger cars at the General Motors auditorium on Oct. 25, press representatives en- thusiastically acclaimed the fine appearance and distinct new lines of the 1939 McLaughlin-Buîck, Oldsmobile, Pontiac and Chevro- let automobiles. Some of the new features of the 1939 cars were ex- plained by executives of the Com- pany and literature on the new lines were available to the press- men. Claude B. Watt, advertîsing manager of General Motors of1 Canada, Limited, was the genia] host at the luncheon which was attended by a host of the leading newspaper representatives includ- ing Geo. W. James and John M.j James of The Canadian States- man. Executîve officers of the Company at head table included Harry J. Carmichael, Vice-Presi- dent and General Manager; C. E. McTavish, General Sales Mana- ger; Col. Frank Chappell, Mana- ger of Public Relations and Per- sonnel; E. R. Bichard, Sales Mana- ger, Chevrolet and Oldamobile; Roy Kirby and Dudley Fielding, Assistant Manager, Pontiac, aU of (Contlnued on Page 7) LAKESHORE LEAGUE CRITICIZES 0. B. A. Members of the Lakeshore In- termediate Basebail League were in a critical mood at the group meeting in Cobourg on Thursday wben they criticized the O. B. A. for rusbing the play-downs in the east and then baving the east lay idle for nearly two weeks before encountering their western op- ponents. Tbey also criticiied the Globe and Mail, Toronto, for fail- ing to publisb O.B.A. scores dur- ing the summer, particularly dur- îng the play-downs. President Roy Dodge of Co- bourg occupied the chair, and me- presentatives weme present from Bowmanville, Port Hope and Co- bourg. Vice-president Sid Little of Bowmanville and secretary- treasurer A. L. Brown, Port Hope, were also present. The treasurer's report showed increased receipts for the year and a larger bank balance than the previous year. The secretary- treasurer was voted a small hon- orarium for bis services. Hearty congratulations w er e extended to Bowmanville Royals for winning the championship of the Lakeshore group and for mak- ing such a fine showing in the play-downs. It was decided to bave the pres- ident cail the annual meeting Fourteen Battie For- First Place In Darlington Oratorical Contest The oratorical contest for the1 township of Damlington, held in1 the basement o! Rampton Cburcb on Tuesday, October 25, was welli attended by parents and interest-1 ed friends o! the contestants which numbered fourteen, there being only one scholar from eacb of the schools represented. Mr. Charles Smith, Enniskillen, was chairman. Tbe judges were Rev. S. Davison of Trinity lJnited Cburcb, Bowmanville, Mr. Phil- lips, ex-principal o! Wbitby, and Mr. Jesse Arnott, principal of North Oshawa School, wbo had no small task in making their de- cisions wbich resulted as follows: Gwen Brooks, Providence School, lst, and Jean Crossman, Haydon, 2nd. Gwen Brooks spoke on "The Rigbt Honorable Sir Neville Chamberlain", and Jean Cross- man "The Story of My Favorite Bible Character."1 The many interesting and in- formative speecbes were inter- spersed with piano numbers by Jean Napp and Ruth McLaugh- lin, and vooal duets by Misses Betty Smales and Fay Gilroy. Books were presented to, ail con- testants. The books presented to the leading contestants w er e "Tales of Shakespeare" and "The Princess Elizabeth." Mm. Phillips gave some in- structive criticisms while the judges were making their decis- ions, which was later elaborated on by Mrs. Chas. Wight, Provi- dence. Mm. Russell Osborne, Newcastle, made the presentation of the books, and brougbt the meeting to a close with comments and announcemnents. l 1' 4' "Watch carefully that minority groups don't spring up to take away the freedom we enjoy,"1 urged Capt. R. G. Cavell, General Manager of Canadian Telephone & Supplies Ltd., Toronto, during an address at the Rotary Club luncheon on Friday. To clarify the point Capt. Ca- vell declared that both Hitler and Mussolini were once heads of smalI political groups, but they raised armies to back t h e i r preachings and bludgeoned their way into power. Capt. Cavell spoke with autb- ority due to his interesting and varied life which included 14 years as a cavalry officer in the Harry R. Deyman Indian Army, several years of Who was notified Tuesday morn- service in Mesapotamia during ingof is ppontmnt s ~ the great war, a later period ingof is ppontmnt s rown ýwhen he did considerable diplo- Attorney for the United Counties mtcsriefrtegvrmn of Northumberland and Durham, miln seiesost venmen rin iyofited tCobur.Wom- in Ioft.He sveal ounastrenow an'es MiConaryF.ociety met No. eiteengged in wgh hara hos ls.Devotni onofperidandcharge waicd arsey cpetrbein par- of. ChH. St. rOuhawith rs.. He n a wrd wa.w on Davion resiing ha forthe He raisEdrte jFr eh arhe read poe, Mr. MF. Prd te i t esornTday rnd oe scritur leson an Mr. B M.whicb coul gicegod acdicunt Warnica lied n rayrA Thanksoof theei any maouriar. Th gns iviLgnd aSceady mrsNo. only difficultyinwFr ane liei D. AllreadS. rs. E. AndrsonS.thespi a Dsan "I slnt pas againthisitune rtain ifthe Frenchwould way.e""son ldi pry-avedcomplsteff angf aend cul rer. Mrs. C. A ..rletpuresentedhep ted uon i tgverndeneo schaptue sixo th atdy s.Bok,"A upies anud gmunitions. T h e Marniold Ministry eaingan- o spaebelîved ifajowar idTbe ly ith thgendwr fteadChurch out thaity ne ranceparies in of AlldrNation sornt. AdesolotheFran c woudtconsolidate and was. setly sn yle n Nrty-h-avork orlte good of Fance ra- cu. rsiden. aet thee nfor teir nvidualr- mon prsid fed orthe BusinesAsubitinsad mntos h Meance. A ttr er as r ansea k eed, Capt. ifCayeU dicreite from Mr. N.hJWokfhie P rdent thGran foes, y aein e of Osb atioPrsTerio, nto.Appoo ra- n oces wo wereblatr and ciatot o rsit wM en of. Trmîty or byforld e offcrs woFawe r e- W. . . fr her wrkdurngpthed thaormkthensvdae mis- the meetig o the resbyeiin[. (Ctontiud npae fR.mM.N S. M hiteugbin Acts rAn osHstig e D.ur.iSgfoGeeirwral Mog ecetos Pre ve mwms 1 1 v e s b a a t] e 0 c c n ti fi a v d 0