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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1938, p. 3

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_____________ t/X5zPAG E E THURSDA-Y, ýtOVEMBER 3RD, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Voice of the People h A ONE 0F CANADA'S GREAT PROBLEMS Montreal. Que., October 29, 1938. Dear Editor: Knowjniz the intercst The States- !nan takes in public questions affect- mir Canada's welfare 1 amn taking the libertv of submittingr a few ob- servations on our rajlway situation which I trust will be of interest to vour readers. While railwav traffic conditions ini the United States as a whole are showiniz some improvement over last '7 vear. there are some areas in whicb * P ross revenues are still running bc- low those of a year ago, without verv bright prospects for improve- ment before the eSd of the vear. The general improvement is being reflccted in the New York Stock Exchange averages for railway stocks whjch reccntly have reached new hizhs for the vear. and accordingz ta market theorists have thus con- f irmed the bull market trend in evid- ence in industrials for several rnonths. Thtis upturn ini general business, market levels and rail traffic is vcry gzratifving and will be of great bien- efit ta a zreat inany people. But for Caniadians interested in f inding a solution to the Dominions complex railway problein. the bullish indices are apt to be misleading., unless basic factors behind the indices are iso- lated and apvraised. It is uinfortunate, for instance. that traffic in the area served bv the Grand Trunk Western, a United States line of the Canadian National Railwavs, i running consistently at levels materially below a x'ear ago. And it is cspecially unfortunate that this area should bc so bard bit in as muich as a considerable portion of C.N.R. total traffic in normal turnes orizînates in this area. Continuation of the slurnp in busi- ness in this area means that Grand Trunk Western is not earniniz its ýooeratinL, charges this year. The saine is truc of the Central Vermont Railwav. another uine controlled in the United States by the C.N.R. De- ficits to be shown at the vcar-end by týese lines will be added to the total 'N.R. deficit: and althoughi condi- tions causinz the deficits for the Grand Trunk Western and the Ver- mont are of peculiarly United States orngin. the financial effects will be felt in Canada in the forin of ad- ditional cash aid from the Dominion zoverninent. Even if the C.N.R. should meet the U.S.A. lines' deficits from its ýown revenues. this course would in- crease the deficits to be shown bv all-Canadian lines of the C.N.R.; s0 that whether Canadian Treasury aid for the harassed C.N.R. lines in the United States goes there directly or indirectlv. the effect on the Canadian taxpaver is the saine: money which 15 raised bv taxation in thîs country is sent abroad for the support of workers on these United States rail- wavs. These inies operating below the Canadianl border could alleviate the effects of current traffic losses to a considerable extent by wage adjust- nients were it not for union rules and federal laws. Railway labor al- wavs lias been strongz and was helped bv New ideas. They prevent adjustainst wages to basic economic conditions. And ini this instance they nass on the cf fects of depression and the cost of apveasement to the Can- adian taxpaver. 1 It would be foolishi to suggest that this is one of the more urgent rea- sons for findingz an early solution to the Canadian railway problein, althoueLh in principle this phase of the oproblcrn is as irnpOrtant as anv. But it is certainly a çomp)licatinig factor which should be eliminated. especiallv as Canadian railways cur- rentl;v are ordernig staff reductions and enforced holidays without pav for clerical and shop employees in order to procure hetter operating ratios at the vear end. There is a oujite valid basis for the point of view. in fact, that these Canadian' railwav emplovees who are suffering lav-offs or waze cuts aie being ask- ed to sacrifice their incomes for the benefit of United States railway workers (and of Canadian workers in the so-called running trades~) whose wazes cannot so easily be re- duced. Yp~urs sincerely, R. K. j 0NES., Caledonia Falls To Beat AylImer Froin Sîmci* Reformer) A fter failinz ta liiniate Aylimer via tc comitnittce rooin protest route. Caledonia likewise failed to BACKACHE OFTEN WARNING Backache May b. the sirt sign of Kialny trouble. When your back aches, look te your kidneys. Don't fail ta heed this varn- ing-it is toa 'important. Take prompt action la correct Sackache. or its causé. At th i st siga of Diekache turu conlldentiy ta Dolda Kidney Pilla-for over haif a century the favorite remedy for Kidney ainents. 107 Dodd's KidneyPils ORDO Introducing the Barrington Une To the first 90 ladies enter- ing our store, beginning Thursday, we will give FREE: a 15o jar of Barring- ton Hand Creani or a bottie of Soapless Shaiupoo or a jar of Deodorant. FOR TF IW F aii nr AITraRuv mm Cut out the above Hein.z Advt. Present it at Cowling 's Drug Store during Sale and receive FREE - a tin of Heinz Soup Build Up Run Down Systemse They help to infuse new life and energy into dispirited, health shattered nmen and women. lefm>-M 6 Minute Miracle Make-Up FACE POWDER 5 Flattering Shades 25e .»d 5e TNEEE-PIRPOSE CREA 5oc ROUGE or LIPSTICK - 25e1 SCOTT'S EMULSION VS.I e £-and98 A N I FIRST F ERS Marks Its First Anniversary With A Great Sample Sale and Christmas Preview THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY --NOV. 1lOth -11lth -l2th THOUSANDS 0F FREE SAMPLES To mark the first anniversary of our modern store we are distributing te Aduits only thousands of samples and regular size products on introductory lines. You do not have te, buy anything, - Just visit oui' store on Nov. 10 - il or l2th and you will receive a generous supply of samples. While you are in the store it will pay you to iflspect our preview of Christmas Gifts which will be on display. For Good Values every day of the week - maire Cowling 's your headquarters for drugs and sundrieq. OUR OPTOMETRISTOU OP CA A Trial At The Nyl ... OUR OPTICAL~ ~~ . ..WillIrv orhhl iJIty IL Mr'. Kerslake continues in charge of oui' Optical De. partment ini which he has given s0 much satisfaction to hundreds of patients in the past 34 years. By the use of the most modern xnethods of eye examination and by the prescribing of the famous Corectal Lenses, the purchase of. spectacles from this store is an assur- ance of complete satisfac- F.R. Kersiake -TO PARENTS These light-welght ap- planees hold your rup- ture securely, requlrlng only one-half the pres- sure of ordlnary trusses. Our experleneed fitters also serve your needs for Abdominal supporters, Elastle Hoslery, ShouMder 13races, etc., and our rea- sonable prices wIlI surely pflease you. YARDLEY oF LONDON . .. presents the means' to the most lux- urious bath you've ever known . .. two ways to malce your bath a silken, body- comforting Iuxury. Try them both: « Lavender Bath Crystals, and the newest bath-boon, Lavendomneal. Afterwards, Complete the rite - with a fragrat puf of Yard4e Bath Dusting Powdcr TJÀe Laveuîder CrystaLs Yardley La vendomeal $10PER BOX z Yardley BatA Dusting Powcler --y. PER BOX . ABOUT THEIR CHIL DR EN No child with defective vision has a proper chance in the battle of life. A scientific exarnination of children's eyes, such as we make, is a sure way to deter- mine whether they have normal vision. Cbildren who require glasses should have the benefit of the very newest scientific developmnent- CORECTAt, Lenses. They give clear, undistorted vision over the entire surface cf the lens so that there i. accurate vision es'en nt the very oe.. F. R. Kersiake OPTOMETRIST Cowllng's Drug Store PROPRIETOR Percy R. Cowling, Phm.B. THE NYAL GUARANTEE IS YOUR PROTECTION Results must be as claimed or your money is cheerfully refmxded - honest merchandise made from finest materials by skilled pharmacists and sold at fair prices. You can depend upon Nyal Produots to serve you best. Nyal Products are sold only by and specially selected druggists. The Nyal Company extends cordial congratulations and every good wish to Cowling 's Drug Store on the occasion of its first anniversary. Cowling 's Drug Store confidently recommend Nyal Products because they know what they contain and that they are scientifically compouinded froin the purest ingredients, NYAL PROVEN REMEDIES 1.00 69c 69c 1.00 35c 510C 50C 1.00 89C 50C 39c 49c 1.00 98C 25c 25c 50C 25c 25c 89c 25c 69c 20c 25c Oreophos Stops Coughs --.... I'on and Yeast Tablets For Good Blood Milk of Magnesia 32 ozs....... Ralibut Liver Oil Caps. 50 Per Box------ Nyalyptus Golden Cough Syrup White Pine and Tai' Large Bottle - Antacid Powder For Troubled Stomnachs -_____ Digestive Tonic Relieves Indigestion Beef, Iron and Wine l6-oz. Bottle ]Buchu Juniper Kidney Pill 2e Helps the Kidneys - 25 UâII< of Magnesia Tooth Faste 23 - For Acid Mouth23 Blauds Iron Pilla 100 Tabs.- ------ Nycetal Tablets25 -35 - For Headaches 35c-- Tasty Ext. of Cod Liver 20-oz. Bottle Sorbo Liniment49 1For Sprains, Burns 49c Chocolax The (liocolate Laxative Laxcold Tablets Breaks up Colds Neuro-Tonic Tablets A Nerve Tonic ... . Nose Dr~ops For Head Colds Huskeys For a Tickliniz Throat Nygagar The Ideal Laxative lodized Thi'oat Tablets MfilirMamncsia Tablets ..... .......... Iodized Throat Gargie Prevetîts Inîfection ............. ....................... NyaI Corn Pada With Mfedicated Dises - Dozen .. Nyal Corn Remover For Corius, Bunions, Warts, Etc . .....-..... Once A Trial Aîways Nyal ... Rand Loliion- - - - 39c Witch Hazel Cream - 50c Beauty Balm- - - - 50c Almond & Cucumnber Cream -- ----39e Quinine Hair Tomic - 69e Muriel Aster Cold Cr. - 50c Face Powder - - - 50e Dusting Powder - - - 89e 35o Shaving, Cream --29c 35e Talcuin Pcwder -29e 35c Shaving Lotion 29c 35c Haii' Dressing --29c Par Lotion -- -----50c NYal Shaving Brush - 75e Dr-essing Coanb - - - 25c Corna Padq -- -----20C Little Liver PiUls - - 25c Healiniz Salve - - - 25e Pelo Ointment - - - 25o Camphorated OÙ - - 25c Stone Root - - - - $1.0O Celery Nervine -- $1.00 FREE!1 A genercua smple .of the new sensational CkmnX POL88a FOwbmATaou (ceut.wms wumaxi . . makes pouash wear longer... helps arengthen caila a é. relieves britgleues s with every purchase of NAIL POLISH price 35C Cowli og' ru tore I Phone 699 P. R. Cowling, Phm. B. RBIjdatflA* hnm MM ANNIVERSARY WIEK PHOTO SPECIAL Your negative enlarged 4x6 in professional folder Reg. 25e Value 2 for 25C ONE WEEK ONLY GRANULATED The lamons old SUNSETdyos la the new and handy gran ulated form. The Warld's finest househald dye for ail purpose dys. ing. Ask your dealer ta show yau thé now package and thé SUNSET Color Card. DYSPEPSIA ... ..INDIGESTION Stomach eDisorders cause great distress. Get rid af them by uslng T. Milburn Co. Ltd. Produet For Tired, Ac ing lFeet N. Bowmanville 's Smartest Drug Store HEINZ STRAINED FOODS . . . . ..................... 1 - 1 1

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