THURSDAV, _NO\'EMIBER 3RD, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGRi T~FOUR m >~r~rC~D/,,1MARY ROBE RTS ;>DOTUYIR7 RINE-HART CH.\PTER LIV b.ul been a countrs' doctor. wvitb al Five davs later NoklI took sick. that tbat irnplied; and in tbat two suddcnlv and violent1v, and Cbris ',ears bis city p)ractice liad been knew that lie was faciug' a ruptured scattered to the four winds of heav- appendix. Tbere was no tirne lu gel cu. and inuicb of biis reputation bad hen frorn a distance. and no bielp been forgotten. at band. He went ont m tb e nar- Hle was still a voung man, as sucb rew baIl outside tlic bedrooni and îinzs igo. And tbere was a quiet stood there. openinz and closing tbat srengtb in I1dm 11w, as of one wbo rigbht band of bis. Then. bis rnoutb biad passed tbrougli deep valîcys and tiglut and is face set, le turned to no longer walked alone. Hiramn. Chris lanccd about birn. On thec "F'il have to do il, Hi," lie said. inantelpiece beside David's borse- "Tberes no imie to 2-et anybody sboe stilI stood a recent snapshol here. even if I could find sorne one. of NoeI. He went over and, picking Boil sorne water and put a blanket it up. took it to the larnp, atid on tbe kitchen table. lilI be back studied it. Strange that this sbould as soon as I can." 110w be bis boy, bais son: this taîl lad Aul hour later lie stood beside NocI witb Jerry's liair and bis long-fin- as le las' on the table. He bad given prered. sensitive banda. him the eîber, and Hiram was keep- 'Ini zoing 10 bc a s urgeon like inz Iirn under. In Aniy's shining su"lie lhad said after tbat opera- dishpan at is ide lay is few in- lion of lis. strumdhts, now boiled and sterile. "VYouill have to be a lot of thiîgs The boy was breatbing easily. re- f irst."' laxed at last; and tbe roorni sas i- 'Suire. Thats ail riclit witl inte." lent. save for the breatbing. Cbris Grievînç, <ver Aniv, grieving stood for a minute looking do%-wn at acin over Hirarn. whio bad followed the valiant young body, so decar to bIer i;o soon. and .et witb the adapt- binu and now in bis banda to save if abiliiv of -,outil adopting Clîris as he could. For the f irst tinie since lytb fatber and motber. bis bovhood be multered a prayer. Stranze. this if e. Strange that "O God. give me strenglb and long aco lie had sat ini tbe old back, skill." lie thougbt. office tlkinz to a zirl in trouble, a Then be reached out is still awk- brave irl who meant to bear ber ward rizbt hand and picked up a chhi: and *that later on il bad been scalpel. thatOhd 1,12hd brcuîgbizt back bis S * * * ci':: - im:' lif. Now, stranger In the early spring of tbe follow- -t.: :a b: to love and inR vear Chris was à)reo)arini. to go cr:r n- c rin:to imake a good back and start is life azain. He :-, b had no lusions. For two years be liH -nd~r~:~:~~t Beverîs, if in- " Sa many candles are embarrassing."- "You wouhdn'î mind if they were Sweet Caps." SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "The purest form in which tobacco can be smoked.- t 0 Prove .. . in your own furnace ' ' wh y this outsanding trade- markecl Fuel kias won tue unqualiPied confidence of overl100,000 Canadien homneowners. Vbue ceai' is positively the world's finest anthracite-the colour guarantees the quality. Ordler 'blue cea' todlay. Sheppard & GiII Lumber Co. Ltd King St. East, Bewmanvllle Phone 715; 5 *1l e e e s e B RED ÏT0P INSULATUNG WOOL Headquarterm for the new Red Top Insulatiflg Wool which helps save fuel and at the same time keeps your roonts more comfortable. Prepare now for winter. FINEST HARDWOOD FLOORING Dealers in the finest Hardwood Flooring available. When you buy at Sheppard & Gil's you axre sure of value and quality products. %dç fai d & Gi Lumber Co. Mt. PHONE 715 BOWMANVILLE 'I deed il oser left her. Shue 1usd gono abroati that ssiter. but uoss'she ws hack. Bacl, ini his hbouse again. witb thue sean 0o1 theiniarble mantel and sitli ther spring grass sproutinfl over Caesar's grave. Soine tiune, lonug ago. shue 1usd srithcn bu sa let- ton. aud Katie luati dotroyed it in that biouse. But lue couldteltol lier that now. it ss'as indeed almoat al hoe had to of fer ler-that. andi the s'ears he 1usd oved i her. andi some possible future stilsacue and un- certaini. Tonuorrow hie souhd take the car and siant back for thue figlt ; ike the syar. Lîke- T-le waa whistling when the tlb- phone rang and hoe answcred it. "Wait a moment. Doctor. It's lonug distance." Ho belti the phono, aurprised rather than apprelietsivo. Thon thue connection was miade. and lue recog- nizeti Ted Lawrence'a voice. "Chrîs?" "Vos. Wbat's srono'?" "Its Bcs'crhy. I thought I'd bt- ter tell you. Tluey're operating on bien îonligbt. Ernorgcncy. or Id have lot s'ou know sooner." Ho woît on. Chris sast igiti, listeninLg. Now and thon lho said, "Ys"or "AhI igbt, I'rn lere." But he wss not aware that ho ssas spcak- ing. Bcs'erlv was ilI. very iIi; ant ieh wssanot sîithiber. She svss facinpg that alone. She 1usd nobody. In a wav sue uever iati batianybody. He hung up the receis'er anti went out into the hall. His bat was there. andti le must have put it on. for later lue discovered that hoesyas searing it. Hoe rernembored dirnhy gctting mbt the car and shooting out onto the main road. alhlough hue renoni- bereti nothing cIsc. Aftor that ho ceaseti thinkinz. Aluesti of lim nwas thue road, sw'hite before his beati- igbts. andi îotbinc mattoreti but that road. Thene was no svorhd 10 righut or eft of it. but onhy sorte- whiere an end. Onuce lie crossod a nsiroad track onîs' a foot or two ahesti of an express, snd bardhy knew it. Ho left a swcating on- gincer in a locouiotive cal) leanîng out and looinçg back. -Drunk. or crazy. the fool !" lue saiti. and wiped his face withî a greasy handkerchief. Chris did the usual thinga. but by sheer autornatism; sîopped for gas and wator. and once to tehephone. Boverîs' was still in the opcrating room. but that was ahI lie earned. He got int the car aLrain sud rat- theti andi baîugeti ahong. But after that telephorue calbis mmnd bad comimenced to function once nuore. bis surgoons mind syiclu spareti bimnuuo possibility and nu borror. Driving ike the madman he prob- abhî' waa. hoecoulti sec ber there in the operatinLy roorn. Thuat îues roomn witb ils lasseci gahhenv and ils modeb7iu equipmnent; there on the table, witb the masked white figures about bier. sudd Iion at ast thue thitu reti lino Goti. thes' couldrit do that to bier. Not to Bcvcrly. Not to his girl; alahss'as'nd forever lis girl. At four ini thue rorninir lue turneti in at thue gates and hstoppeti the car Ibefure the door. Hoes%'as ahnuost unt- recognizable. cov,'red witli grosse sud duat snd uosv baîless. but thiev kiiess' inu lu'his ssalk. It's Dotor .\rdeni! "Goud beaven-;! Id neyer knosv He passed nurses witîuout seeing thin. Loing by instinct to that door of Auuiie's, and brougbt up short there oily by thue fact that it scas closed. Thon for the first titne hc hesitated. aud Ted Lawrence foutid birn there aud eaugbt hbu bv the arrn. "Get a chair. somebody." "Nonsense" Cbis's voice was îlick. "How is shue?" "SIue's over it. As for the rest. shes aIl rigbht so far. Its a littîe soun." "W'lo did it?" Andi Ted told him. It was a good job. hoe tbouizbt. It bati taken tirno. The common dut-but tbey had a donor rcàds'. and thero would ho a blood tranusfusion soon. Not cscu-1 tial. perbapa. but she bati been run1 dosyn. and it wosuîd do nuo harrit. Clris istcncd. Just so 1usd ho talkcd liueu a situation was desperale, soothingîs' sud bopefulhY. It scas thue olcI fainiiar patter of the bospital. and<lihe brusheti Ted aside rouglh. "l'inigoing iii there." lho said. "I've hcard that îalk boforo." "Go in, i f -sou want tu kihI lier. Slho can't stand a shock. man. Don't v'oi, even know that?"* He hesitîteti and thon turnuct awas'. He had nîo right in that roonu. Evervbody cIao, but not ho. He diti not leas'e the corridor. howcer. Somnetirnos he sat there outsidc the dotor. sometimos lho paced up) aud clown. But once toward mrninug ho earnuet that sbe was ralls'iig again. sud ho coulti have gono dowuu on bis kruee.s there ini the open hall sud thanked Whoever it was. great white throne or not. Whlu1ud givon bier that extra strenLgtb. At dawn they got bim asvay for a while. long enougb to waslb andt 1 idrinuk a cup) of coffee. He went back at onuce. howcver. watcbing the door again. searcliinLr thie faces of nurses andi coctors as theî' camue anud went. "StihI aIl rigbt ?" -Better. Much muore thian hodinig, her ustu. Chris." Ituside ler rooin Bcvcrhy ay inu lier heti. Sbadows camue anudiwent. She ~'ihlsec tieii. thientu hhîoy sre htllhre(l out. snd shur sas ah<utr stitlu hersrhf. to sink doss'tundudosvn mi- tiI ýlle hati cscavtO(hthurtu ah hfor- si. If Ihuos ssouhd ,ouIs' lot ler ahutu r. su shue could d<o that. The' wsorst of the jîsin ws o vor 11-v0.A thousaud s cars ago thehuc atbroughit inu a table. and lie l' 1ud lookrd ah Ted Lawrence. aud he ia(l hent d owilt(ihoer. "hf aîusthiîg happeuus. telI h (huis it is ahI rikdil. I uuuhrrstandc. .And tll inu I lhave juoser cbaiigt.d." Nohi gagitug to liaphien.lis' dear." "But you wihl tel bu?" "0f course. You'll be telling binu s'oursehf pretty sooîî. He's onu the 1 Il W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 791. Bowmanville, Ontario. L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Slsson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Offlice: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily except Sun- "lay. Phone 790 House phone 883. X-Ray Ecjtfpment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTÔRS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modemn Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invahid Car. CaTI Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. "Lest We Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL Designer and Dealer In Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. in Granite and Marbie. ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile en t er- tainer, for your next entertain- ment. fllustrated circular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. BACKACHE? Kidnys tat re not e iimnating waste malter as they should willi auake you feel miserable - ache y - tired, de- pressed! If suffering freni backache, broken rest, rbeumatic pains, yen need the 8 medicinal ingredients ini Gin Pil ta help your kidneys filter out trouble- making toxins. Get a box o! Gin Pills *oday. nim py "Provo hoir menit through thoit use." rrm iîy againtsi er weakîuess sud defeat. Anti sometbing bappenoti. At nooti-biusel f trainech, exhaususet- the pulse tiniter his fingers was shrtîucer. She opeued i her rvs e.andt ooketi at hin. "h)ot't spceak,. carlitug. 'in bore." Shue notideti. Il wss enougLu. Ho soas thurro. atnd towv shue souhd get sî'ehh for hiîui ; stl sud slrotug, s0 thuat îhîov coulti stay tugethuer. Some dav ahI this ssouhd bhovoer. snd she wouhd nuake a home for hiun sd bear bis ehiltren. Hon bolti ouhis handtizhihtetuet, sud. the nurse's haek being turneti for the moment, ho stoopeti andlkissoti lier, very getutly. on ber forebeati sud on ber tnusting oes. An bour or two later the bouse surgoon stuck bis bead iusîde thue 1 - - to Chris. is largels' sentimetutal. As for Po- 'Sorry as thue diekcens. Doctor. but latnd. most of us in Catnada do't tberc's s case in the overatig roorn cane tnueb ishat beconnes of bier. W\e thev'd like voi] to se0.' ~have admiration for the smshh shatra Chris sat (quite stihh. He ssas lack. otu the Bahtic ses. stnd sse are glati orue of tluem once more. He lookedthta Norwav anti Swedeuu are so fan down at bis rgh hand. stronLrtuorhh that tbev are out of the arcs again. ready for work. radv for of Europoan unrest. anvtbmng that came. Ho coulti hittîi het us suppose that itu the xext a kuife with il. hue coulti bohh Bey-- crly. hoe cotuld loh is worîd agaitu. eturatiotu Huîugaryanti Roumania Ho gl u wih s esv ift l'i. dtappcar. ho become Gertnan berri- HeotUnde ns.lit o lto's - territory usoti more for the "Cornin£r." lic saiu. uurpuosos of itidustrv than as militars' Thon lho stoctd for a mntehlook- areas. Tuicu. syhen we lussegotue itug down at Bcverhy in ier bcd. froîuî the latnd of the lis'ing - we "l'I beehack, sou ktuos, darliug." whuo are now aivo - outr cbihdrc's, hoe sati. "Alwassl'Il bh o otnîg chidretî wihh hoe bortu into sastorîti haek to u , oi. rn-girl." whosemai) mav ho greathy differet "I know." she saiti. anti watchu r t ri the tnsp) of thue worhd budas'. bito as lie hrft thue roorn. ruh v ilh accept thue uew tuap ot That woulh ho thuir i fe froin uuw thte'wrirld without questiotn. I ush as oui. snd shue ktuow it. But alue s utterîs' cotnt, l.watchiug theuecaLor i forward thrust of bis sluouhders as hoe wetut out. Ini s tminute. in fisc minutes, hoe would have forgothetu bier. He woithd ho beîuditug os'er a case. intent and ahsorbed ahi sur- geon aizaitu. ahI doctor. Ahways ho HDG O corne baek tu her. He would gyo out sud forzot lber, but even thenuIlu would knoss thuat at the enid of tluc day she wouhd thc sotuuewherc. suait- iîug for bim. ,- * Otitîsde the opceratiuug room Chris ,' was getting mb b is lonug. wrinkhed coat. bis capi. bis mask. Es'cn there hoe coulti distiuiguish the farniliar odors of botl itîctu. of anesîhetic sud / druga. snd bear tlue mufflIed sotid of s'oices over thue table. Wlucn lie opeurd thue titon. a walh of bhot air confrouited i lituî. atulotnce more il secunedt i i ias ieriitercd thuat it 1 was like s stage sehtitug. wihh tii"- movetuiott sudhdcetihy stoppeti. frozeti atut ahI htue facos turned tossard lituî. smuiig suad w'lcomting. twas otver iii a secotud. The ase tion ,i th(utashage cotuueîcrd azai,0 lte tut) 50 tilu-itt Uc cCeraitId. l'li table %vsi'5 it .the ' al ioîuhonui i ;tuh art ilifflit ilti' groitp of nuask'oî snd ilîuu.tike figures. Let us Demonstrate t "Cîttuir ýlivre snd sec whiae yot thiuk. Chu is." The o' Thuev uuos'ed asido for him, atud hue behuîugod. Intsanthy lho was ab- sorhict. itîtetut. TIue paît was wipcîl uow lie was there once more, wluere D i e h awav. even the preseuit. AIl buh existcd for hinu St the moment was King and Liberty Sts. A P the case bofore bim. The End mua Does YOUR System Make Excess Acid ? Acid Indigestion, Colds, Headaches, Bilions Attacks, Constipation OFTEN STARI THIS WAY Sanie people are what are known as acid-makers. They can't help it-and often they don't know ft. The results of an excess of acid may seem just like ordinary stomach trouble - but they can't bc put right by ordinary stomach remedies!1 Excess acid may be the reason wby you wake up flat, sour, bleary-eyed, bilious - and the reason why fierce purgatives only leave you in the grip of a weakening habit and the sanie old symptonis. But there's one thing that acid can't face. That's the neutralizing power of Vange Saîts, the aikaline remedy with the natural mineraI spa action. A tea- spoonful in warm water surges through1 your system just like the medicinali spring water far away ini England where Vange Saîts corne froni, Exces acid is neutralized quickly, painlessly. Your blood is purified of poisons. Youri sore stomach walls are soothed. And that mass of hard, poisonous waste matter lying in your intestines is softened gently, naturally, and passed out of your body. Then do you feel good! It's marvellous! But the rnost marvellous thing is that Vange Saîts are only 60 cents a tin! At your drug- gist now-but if you're wise, on your bathroom aluelf tonigt! wav. Wben you wake up, be'll bc here.' So sbe las' in ber bcd and watchîcd tbe sbadows, but Chris was not arnong tbem. In due tume the sun rose and camne in tbrougb tbe win- dows. and sbe roused again. Tbey gave ber a second blood transfusion îbat morning, for ber conlunuinr weakîîess alarrned tbem. It svas still toucb and go. And sometime or otbor tbey let Cbris in, but she did not sec bim, He stood beside tbe bcd looking down at ber, bis face almost as white as ber own; but the banda wbicb picked up the blue rec- ord sbeet were steady. After tbat ho staved bv the bed, and once again lie felt as if be were holding deatb back bv sheer will power; as if ho could bold ber there within reach of lis armas,lis strenfftb and vital- jBusiness Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville Y OUR WORLI (Copyr -By John C. I suppose that I have been as runch enraged by Germany's and Italv's blustering way as have most Canadians. I dislike Hitler and .Mtussolini to the point of hatred. Each of them is an upstart. Each bias becomc jntoxicated bN, his oivn Personal vanity. Yet each of them is a lover of bis country. Eacb has the quality of force fulness. Each is honest. I believe, in tryiniz to lift bis country to bigber levels of power and influence. W mav question the quality of their motives. Personal ambition nîav be the explanation of what cacbi is attempting and striving for. Each mian is quite obviously sur- cbarged witb vanitv. Eacb is a sort of madman. Eacb lusts for greater power and Rreater territory for lus nation. Eacb is not fully endorsed, in aIl tlîat hc is doiniz. by ail the People of his country. The people of both Gerrnany and Italy are bc- ingz oppressed bv their leaders. These leaders are îrnposing tbeir personal will and ideas on their people. For the sake of their personal ambitions and aims, tbey are depriving their Peoplie of personal liberty - the: liberty to move about f reely. to speak and write freely. to worship freely. The will of these two dictators bas become law over their respective counitries. The whole econornv of eachi country bas been directed te- ward rilitary rigbt and rilitary conouest. Tbe common People have been denied tbe right to make tlieir laws or to regzulate their maniner of if e. Thev rnav not eat wvbat tbev like. or wear the clothinz wbicb th'v like. Tbev are taxed heavilv to pro- vide rnonev for armarnents. j C K It is Hitler whobo as the largcst vrozrarn of national expansion. Hie wantsailan ufcttered way to both the Near and the Far East. He rnay sav that lie wants ilo more territorv, now tbat Czecboslovakia bias bccorne a Germanl state- this ini effect. Yet Hitler does not conceal bis intention to brlng under bis lieel Rouinania and the: Ukraine. Jugu- slavia lies too close to Italy to make its subingzation to Gernanv anl avow- cd purpose. Yet ini the vears ahead, Jugzoslavia rnav corne under German swav. Poland is likelv to rernain indevendent. yet alwavs a German- tulerated state. Poland, being settled bv Poles. hiardIs' belongs to the scbeme of Germanys program. except as ber tool. Ini tbe case of Hungary, this state lias alreadv sbown tbat sbe is alrnost eager to join up witb Gerrnany. Now. 1 arn wondcring wbiv we in Canada sbould let ourselves bc made red bot. in anger. bv Gerrnanly's and Italv's programs. 0f course, it is brcause we are part of tbe Britisb Empvire. and because our solicitude Vancouuver IE - L A R~ ~ M NFC UESFRE. R FROE R 5eE R r's SERVICE STATION Makes Winter Driving A Pleasure VISIT Bowmanville's most modernly-equipped service station, wbere you can have a ful check-up. MOTO-SWAY LUBRICATION - Positive vater-proof grease used on under-chassis. RAD. FLUSHED and filled with Prestone or Siovap Alcohol. AN INTERNAL MOTOR FLUSII and ref ill with Winter Enarco Motor 011. ALL OLD GREASE FORCED OT of transmission and di- fereniîtal and reflled wvith W~inter weight. SPARK PLUGS CLEANED, spaced sud tested. REMEMBER - Your Winter oil change cannot be complete if you leave tle Summer's accumulation of sludge ln your crankease. We have a machine that positively removes It. Cornein and s%'atch the dlrt being foreed out. the New STEWART-WARNER GASOLINE MEATER )nly Heater that really heats your car. s at Dean Hodgson's ULL LAINE 0F ACCESSORIES Phone 2600, Bowmanville ---------- D AND MINE ight) Klrkwood i. fon Great Bnîtatu. our rnotbc'nlatd. W'o are perceptive of thue f set that thue growth of poswer and of terri- tory. bs' Germsny anud Itals'. menaces the ititegnitv sud the power atIhue wealthu of the Miotherland. - Ital.y's donmination of tIse Mediterraueatu wouhd be disastrous to Great Brilain in times of' war. if tuot in limes of poace. Britaitu requires ini an ecoxu- cornic seîuse. the short route lu Itudia sud the Fan East. Britains treasure bouse. Indus. may pasa from ber if bothu Germanv apud Iîalv eau tbreatetî ber trade routes. Thuen. too. there is the shadow of Japan over the British possessions in the Far East, sud os'or the Dutcb possessions; also. Japatu's cottrol of China may be vers' dam- sging ho Bitains trade itn Chitna. Itudeeti. it is within the possibilities that Itudia rnav bc host to Britaitu I)v reason of uprisinga in India %vill the obiect of becoming an indepoxut- ent stale. So fan as Russa is cotucertued. il is not likelv to figure mucb unin i- tuediate w'orhd affaira becatase of ita osyn dotnestic situation, sud because of its geographical situation. Russa seethues scithu discoihet. Like Cer- tusia tutan Itals'. il is governeid bs' thue svil of a singleomti. Ils people have no persotial freedorn. Jut whist arn I tnvixug to sal' ili this cotntributiontu o The Statestuuan?1 \\'ehl. I atuu tnving ho say several1 things. Oune is tbat Japsu ssihl nol cantttmore war. for a good many vears. tluau she is tuow haviug. Gen-4 tIsus' ducs tuot scant w an. Neither1 1 doos Itlvs. It mav ho truc that Gor- 1 îuaîuv. lapan sud Italy raîtho tbe ssyurd îuoisihs' wheîi thcv deuuand tmore erritory or vîrtual dlominiotn over more tcrrilorv : but thucv do tuot want war. Thuis kuosyhotge slîouhd comfont tus. Al\so. I atuu askiýuJt tnysehf this question: X\'hus'shiouhd soc hic 5 rager - sc ti Canuada - bu sec p)resorvoti thuose backsvard states - 1-htiars. Rourntisatand Jugoslav- ia? Thev art5 backward states.a- Their commîuoîu people are peasatuts atut illitorate. Tbcy are hobeds of political disturbance. Alwas's tlierea ta itntrigue. W'souhd it not hc btter a for the ssorld if îhey carne utiden thue dotmitniotn of Gerhuans'? Cor- t tuisus is au cnligbtenod couutrv. Hon people are not illiterate. Cermaîuv wasa catueauh again a country of great culture anti industrs'. t sould bc. conceivabîs' gooti for tbc world t if Cermanv aud Britain were slieti iii giviuug the world great cotmtmercial îrosperitv - alongz witb the United k States atud Canada. It w'ould be f itle if these countries sud Japatu ' syrne inked togother in peace f uI ot-c ceavour to gise the world a ver- marient peace sud 10 foster iudustry in ahI countries. jC K I bave no liking for Latin peopîca. anti no faiîh in thcrn. Thcy ive hou near tbc couator ever ho have vigour, atnd this suoflies to Indus as well. Be- cause0 the Frenceh arc a Latitn peuple, I b ave tuo faith in them. Thry lot Bnihain dowu itu the reecut crista thes' uere oaîho înreahs'iitua xuuî- hars' sas' lu shreiugthlur itain. \\' cati admuit thaI thue I'rotuchi peolhe bave sorne prausc-w'orthv t ichues. hbut thuev are not a people to tic to. sud nover svilh be. Our Frechc Canadiaus arc muchu botter stuff. because hhey lise itn s torîheru cimate. but so long as our French Canadian people retain their Freuclu bongue ant i nstitutions, sud arc Chureb-ruled. thev wilh remain more of a liability tluau an asset oif thue Dominionu of Caniada. Our eoncorn uver Roumania- atnd .vc acceuted the mîaplfofltc world lapan frorn its military class. as il %vas syhîcuwc were boril. \\' ini these limes are inucb too Dictators arc a passinz plusse. Iunjînuatient. Wr c ant Ilistorv to sîl Lreat rountries - like Britain ceerate its pace. W'e ssaît God -,o and the United States and Canada- ec i n a hurrv. zoveruinuent is by the people, for I f uc believe in God, we should lie people. I)ictators uiav for a tinr beie% c that the errors of man will sit in the saddhe, but 50011 or late eîiiuuallv bc rigbtcd. The creation tue will and iniglit of tbe cornu of Czccboslovakia was a luran er- people will bc assertcd. sud diotators cor. and as such had to be righted. mwill bc overtlirown. Britain's ccii- The uncoual social conditions and lunies of oylorious developrneut bc- 'he uithuoldinz of education froni the &!au wvlen King john signed Itue runîrnon [)copie ini Spain were luuman Niagra Charta. At various tirnes ernors. aud tluev bave bad t0 be rigbt- kinzs tried to beconue absoluhe mou- cd. arcbs. but alwavs tbe cornron people Not uintil buinan errons are rigbted of Britain rose in rebellion and re- -and. bloodshed rnav hue the sponge covered sovereigui power. This sort to wvipe out the errors - can this of bistorv will save Gcrrnv from worh'h bcnmade the world of our Hitîcrisnu. Russia froni Stalinisin. dreains. WeiI.cdrec.f or stock brin g more pro f ts A comfortable cow gives more miik. This fact is demonstrated where the cows are weli-housed, with fresh water always within reach. Progressive farniers acroas Canada have instalied PEDLAR'S Barn andi Sta6Ie Equipment We are in a position te provide equipnuent of the latest type, in- cludng-Cow Stalîs; Stanchions; Watcr Bowis, Litter Carriers; Man- ......> gens; Flhay Fonk Carriers; Bull Pens; Caîf Pens; Barn Door Track, in fact, ahi the fittings required for an A up-to-date and efficient bann. Booklet describing Pediar's Barn and Stable Bquipnient wiil be niailed on request. Our other products for the farm are-Metal Rooflng, Siding, Venti- latons, Weli Cunbing and Fanm Entrancc Culverts. WVrite for particulars and pricti. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LIMITED Established 1861 HEAD OFFICE - OSHAWA. ONT. Montreal Ottawa Toronto Winnipeg Cagary £OM4COUGS Buckley's remarkable 2-WAY TREATM1ENT fights coughs and colds fromn within and without and gives even quicker relief than Buckley à Mixture ahane which up te naw bas held ail speed records! Buckley's White Rub is the only rub with a snow-white cold creain base. It ia medicated with il healiiig, analgesie oils and penetrates many times faster, stimulates circulation, breaks up congestionl, eases breathing. Ils medicinal vapors conubitied wilh Buckley's Mixtur'e heal and soothe the raw, congested mucaus membranes of the thro'at and branchial tubes. The Mixture stops the cough and remaves the cause. Try tbis unbeatable combinaioflBuckley's Mixture and Buckley's White Rub. It's guaranteed ta give relief in HALF the time-or your money bacc. 1