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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE C.\N.\DI.\N STATESNIAN. BOWNI \NVILLE, ONT.\RIO THURSD.~\X. NOX-ENiBER 3RD, 1938 Enniskillen Recent Visitors : M\rs. H.Stev ;ith Mc. C. R. tt. Ottaîx ..Mr. and MIrs. E. T. H-arrison Mcr. Wm. M.\oore's. . . . Es nice Stainton, Oshawva. at Mc.V Stainton's. Mrs Bailex Cc Milk THE ENERGY F00I Keep your oidren in tl best of health by balancin your children's diet wil plenty of good Bowmanvil Dairy Milk! Teeleaui auhtcofencore bxv Mr. Arthur Stapfleton; a the B.H.S. teamn was fiRhting bis Lbs. 25 Bowmanx'iiie, and Mc. Adair Han- DOUGLAS is-lermoirvoaslomiinpatm.ieaseervnaio 2 25 leo'e an frendLarer ake atreading bv Niss Verna \\'hite and a head off lu xxin thaI came for cokln findJare Lk, tioo epet - Imne Rich piano accordiati solo by Mc. Glen Ssndx' Colville who was injured inl Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock's. ...azis t IMc. and Mcs. Alvin Joncs. Poct Nancy Carol-John Halday Gibson. Mrs. Me\IKee. NMrs. Bruace the last week's bailleaans St Hog Tonic, Lice Killer, etc. I Hope, wth Mc. and Mrs. Thos. 1 i@clSorl.iuanitaOuigley and NMiss Kine were inviled to the Nlike's. Samîdy bas been it bcd al Rodcr.. .. M. nd rs. W m/ #~ Sc-..PI-, bY RE ua ANNING plat forum and Mfiss Della Lethangue xveek and was out for the f irst lime andýý" .egta.e Maito and M ernie n. . M" ,pHehH, reami ait a(l(ress of appreciation to omt Satmrdav. He had an honored and Vegetableillen. witnd Misr. End M s W.J' -j4 Dr.c, ýi.d d A d LUtI hese ladies siressimtg their neighluoc- imsitio in a car on lte sidelines. Clemnence. . . . Dr. and Mrs. Har-I A JOE PASTERNAK Produ.cuoa liness. their ready ltlpfulncss and Also out of the eame was quarter old Martyn, Stcatford, Mr. and AN. ..dPt. their extreme generositv to ail gzoomi Doit Masout. also on the injured lisi. Ir A L NMrs. Howe Martyn and daugbtecs causes in the community. NMrs. Mvac- Nexî camle will be on Friday at Bowmanville ,Nancy and Sylvia, Toronto, and wood McKee prcsented Mcs. McKec 2:30 on local Rrounds, against Peter- 1Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Clemnence, wlth a beautiful electric table lamp boro. winnecs of a section of the 111111111F Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. T. H.11 llllllllll on a walnut end table. Mrs. Norman grotup. Civ ihrelai%*cý lere. 'M. its growth adisactivitis in 37 ethan ciictüd Mrs. Bruce at Xi. \. ertfl . Frv t H to 0%. . .U.. okin the arl a walnttend table w ith cewer v.~ I. (rirll e F'.\r n .Irex F T e Ne ca tl t e de t schools and shoxved sorne intercst- f',r liss Kinc. M\l tlîree madc suit- a..Golirle. Mr. Jack Gourlie, T e Ne c sIeI d pldni,, temperance posters mitde by1 table refflies tîllankinz ail for tliir Il. NieGuis. Mr. aIlidGernia ' t HeenGuîle.Ni len Ba.t- ________________Phone Clarke 1114 _______________seolchirn.l eravthe i îlîizihtitiln iiesin eiving these last- Ber- Inai Ttûr,îtt@ at Nî'r W.C.T.U. %vas given the spccial il,,, nubaic.Nîs . lcn N . Misses Mvrtle rage anid Iree r.iJohnl Vafl IJsen Oas re- lemence. . . v.anad Mrs. lRoy aîcgriienUof lIo ingater the dcted a cou h st which added mater- ystal 1 Siati Pc with friends in 1Wh thv..trned from Long Island and New H. Rickard. Coiborne. Mr. an~d weifare of the girls who attended avtotescbit fteevng '.\r. and Mrs. Charles Wlim-n or!:. Mrs. Maurice Baker and daughter ,the elmpntea teyearn teandiali oth . eailiv of e evee -,Mr. and M.\rs. D. B. Kav and Bill,. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Foster. Pic- Janice and Miss Helen Baker. eehidi emav nP t amI ',iic sl misca s nd ofee lades Nfr. Bob \Villiaînson. Toronto. Mr. Iton. visited his daughter. Miss Solina, Mrs. Leslie Snowden and cairn Island, featured in The Mu- frnr v V al mcissandce laies, an Nrs. M. Henrv, '.\ srs Harold1 Mabýl Foster. ýLongwood. Bob, Maple Grove. and Misses tiny of the Bounty. the people nei- î' n hrhadcmuiv Betty Snowden and Helen Rick- ther drink alcoholie beve ie but wve are consoled bv the thoughit and V<ernon Henrv, ia, at Mr. Mr. ec Hare, C.N.R. agent.,r oot tM n rsw nruetbco hvthtat thiev will bc so inear we hoile ..\lar1rs .. . - rl Par- began his twvo weeks' holidays on J. S. Rickard's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Canadians. Americans'and Euro- tlheV-xviii oftcit be back wjthi us. Irot.Heenand Roniald, Chalk Lake. November lst and he and Mrs.: A.W. Piekard, Bowmanviile, with peans that they might see the Mk.s Helen Fowler, Mfiss M.\ar- at Mr. .. earns. Hare are away. Mr. Dunn is the ý iss Hattie Mason. ..Mr. and evils of their wax s and free themi- irie Galbraith and Mr. Oswald lU vrn LOL. xiii presenit the reiieving agent. Mrs. Chas. Giikes and babe, Can- selves fromn these scourges. A\ndersonî attended the Young Peo- he1plav -His Uncles Niece** bi- anet- Miss Mabel Foster receivedi a ton. with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Miss Duif concluded with an ffle*s Coneress at Orono, hlville talent. on Nov. 7th, in Tvronc visit on Sunday from hier cousin.; Rinch. ..Mrs. Richard Bragg, instructive and enlightening terr- Master Ronald Ginni is steadilv ,ng comrnunitv hall. Adminîssion - 2;c Mr. Sam Ketcheson, and Miss Lea Shaws with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. peran~ce talk, illustrated with a imiprovinz. it an(l ISe. Thompson and other young fri- Bradley. . . . Mrs. Wm. Cowan, chart and several vials containing Nir. and MNrs. J. E. Elliott visited ___________ ends from Toronto. Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin a variety of objeets and sub- Iai Nlr. 'Milton Siemon s, Havdon. 11e ~~~~~~~~Mr. and Mrs. MIatt. Brown, Farrow and son, Cowanville, with stances,shw bohi acol Mran r.G.Fovevste I Glenwood Cottage, have hadi their Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner. . . . and in water. She urged the Mfr. and M,\rs. Frank Hyland at Pontypool poultry bouse renovatedi and a Mrs. Walter Seldon, Miss Doro- young people to take a stand on PonltvpIool. new worksbop and garden tool. thy Brown. Miss Bata Fraser, To- the liquor question. and to, pledge '1,01111 Peoples ILague met o11 On Sunday. Nov. 6th. there xvilliland storehouse built. ronto, at Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Park- tbemnselves if they had not al- Thursdav evening xith the newly be a. special Armistice Setrvice in; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred er's. . .. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Smith ready done so. to total abstinacy. elected President. Oswald Anderson, Pontypool LUnited Church. Xiouing have rented and moved on to a and son Russel, and Mrs. Smith's A hearty vote of tbanks xvas lu charge. Worship service wvas con- men's orchestra and young Pe00 farm east of Ebenezer Church.!sister. Miss Mabel Morton, R .N., tendered Miss Duif. *ducted bv Mrs. 1. E. Elliott. Mr. pies choir xiii provide special They viIi be mucb missedi from Toronto. with Rev. R. E. and Mrs. music. theLake Shore section. Morton. .. . Misses Minnie Pearce Miss Bessie Blackburn presided MNlîllan, Literarv \ice-Presi(int, Fo-wl supper whieh xvas held in eongratuiations to Rex'. J. Scott'and Florence Monteai. Toronto, for the devotionai period and pro- cave a sfflendidi talk on the relation Pontypool United Church October Howard who recently celebrated with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce. gram. Miss Margaret Sanderson of the Literarv Departnient to the 24th wvas quite successful. Mlem- i 2dbrha hc on r cunyCuh o- read the scripture and Miss Jean Youîig Peoples Union. to Litere bers of eburch board wish tolhim mueh better-in healtb than to, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clemence gave a reading. Miss, and to Life. Miss S%-bil Laîtgmaid. tbank ail those xvbo assisted in its1 he was during the summer andI Couch. ..Mrs. Sidney Venton Hilda Rowland spoke on Current ý pioke on the Congress at Orono. The success. 'eariy fali. and Mr. and Mrs. John McKeever, Events. Miss Bernice Gilbanki attentîance xvas zood and the pros- November 14 there will be an Many frlom Newcastle, Shaw's, Bowmanviiie, and Miss Almeda rendered a piano solo. Chas. Cie- vects briehit for a good Y.P.U. dur- ýs oyster supper in Lotus United Bowmanville and other points at- Couch, Buffalo, with Mr. and Mrs.» mence bad charge of th era- ime the winîer. ;t Cburch. foiloxved by a concert in tended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. A. Awde. ..Mr. and Mrs. M. tional period. Orange Hall. Program will con- Frank Webber, Brown's, on Tues- H.Wih an DogsP vi -_________ sist of local talent assisted by a day afternoon. The news of her dence, at Mr. and Mrs. W. F. 13B. H. S,» SENIORS group of musicians and an elocu- deatb in Bowmanville Hospital Rick.d'.... Mr. James Simpson O D B X SO EWN F O B L tionist from Oshawa. Sunday morning cast a pali of l and Misses Ethel and Marion O DB XS O EW N F O B L Annual Faîl Anniversary and gloorn over the whole community. Simpson, Cowanville, with Mrs.TT ES UR A E- Thank-Offering service wiil be The Orono Newvs of iast week redi Graham and sons. . . . Mrs. (Contunued from page 2) TT E S T R A held in Lotus United Churcb onl spoke of the last roses of summier Marjerrison, Bowmnanville, w i t h snýo h elw namu o oor htwse nEc Sunday. Nov. 13. at 3 and 7.30 p.m. in that village; but this is Novem- h ler mother, Mrs. Robt. Gray.. . . a ot t he fello f in amur g9 ttlugWiease nEct Speaker will be Rex. Harold Lac- ber and many roses can be seen .Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilmer and aondt.Te f vofhmBtle 12-O - New Players Do le key. B.A.,B3.D., Enniskillen. Choir in the gardens of Newcastle and family, Starkville, Mr. Howard an abotut turn and marched one, twOI Fine Job Taking Places Ie of Janetville Presbyterian Cburch borders and beds of flowers seemn- Quantrili, Elizabethville, and Mr. three four. f ive. toward the rest of of Injured will proxide special musi.c ingly as bright as ever they wer- " and Mrs. Wm. Cowan, Oshawa, the bunch on their side and thev ____ ___________________________There are roses in C. A. Cowan's, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Cow- had a wee bit of prayer, calIed a Parnaby Martins and other gar- an. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Howard huddle. Then about faced with their Iu a fine exhibition of hard hîtt- dens, and Mr. J. W. Bradley pick- Cryderman and Shirley, Maple one. two. three. and things began to inz. pîtînginz and expert tackIing, ed bouquets from his for house Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. Clem- happen. The object seemed to bie Bowmaniville senior rugby sciuad decorations. ence and relatives. to zet that bail ahead and break downed Cobourg on the local U N C I N G Plans have been formulated by1 everybody's neck in the process. They grounds Saturday by a score of 12 co-operation of the ciergy for the tary W.C.T.U., addressed Young ond down but there was nothing to Playinz his f irst game of the year, observance of Remnembrance Day People's Union, Newcastle, Mon- that for everybodv was down any- Bill Brown at quarter for B.H.S., FEED S RVICE on Friday, Nov. 11. A public me- day evening, October 24th. The wav. Tust before the game ended a i was the outstandiniz player on the morial service will be hcld in the1 first part of ber address deait fellow zot that bail and started for1 field. hiandling the majority of the ,OMPLETE FEEDS community hall at 10.30 arn., and with the founding of the W.C.T.U., BorS.wt t u ewscuh okaddigi ihsil sit ed by Canada Packers Ltd. and the Rev. D. R. Dewdney of St. George's ________________ behind the uine bv the crowd and inz hlm xvas a stalwart line featur- iaranteed by them. Church and Rev. R. E. Morton of hie lad to zive the bail back. The i me Casbourne. Kimbie and on tpe the United Church will take lead- 1 xvhole 23,000 xvent wild %%-len hie gave ioîîîsides Duzigan \Icllveeii and De- ce with such local mixmng. ing parts. The staffs and students the bail up). The\- said hie had made e.Dewashnddmsto tion costs on grain and mili pro- of the public and high schools will f ive points aînd had %vonî the gamenewe. cidteeaso ade oto attend in a body. ýsu I thoiîeht it %% as mean not to lyigbsfrîgm d costs greatly reduced. Mucb to the- regret of ber col- 'let lmi go on honte and keep the! ibe lopaighsirtgm ling- manufacturer to consumer. 1egeso 1eCmmnt Hlhail. I'd like to see somne of those ut ic ea.îrvdater f Management Committee and the P IWwetieth tesa trenzth xith tackling and biocking S citizensi gnra&rs*. .Gi-felloxvs wetiztes r thomeithai iacked nothinz. He xvas lu on per cwt. $1 . sin s ender r rs .W ignatTnHEATRE or cicatiinz oîît the stables or gîtî everî plav and stopped everything as a member of the committee iS A Aapyt ae hs i ospa that canme bis xvav. and as its secretary-treasurer in OvSHAW a il aleothoshape.boysThe Tieker Cronîbie vas anotber of 4 9 fl view of ber imminent departure ihablalouofspe Te per cwt. $2.00 rmth ilae Ms Gbo NOW PLAYING civ couiîl easilv afiord to get thilithei local icues xith ami edîîcated toe une thhetviloaged Mbouncebrinhisthai booîed drop kicks for four planning to, go to Orillia until Held over by Populir oeta ol oic ih. Puints. The first was following a CONCENTRATES spring. She xiii also be greatly Demand 1 met a lot of real nice peaflc oihdx and the second, a field missed at St. George's Cburcb huit thexv dorit sceem to knuw mtmch. goal. iShur-Gain Feed Service ent.ails during ber absence. about ceceraffhv . The trio.t natîtral; A The gaine opened wiîh Cobourg aixing it with Shur-Gain Concen- C. G. 1. T. met on Friday even- 118M llhrS nmi,ion îhcy xvould ask was just, needcd to make a balanced ration. ing with the new president, Kath- TheJhIvent I xvheire otîr farni is sitîîated . 'id men- , the iirst teami to put themselves lu leen Toms. in the chair.~ The pl * nBowmanvilie. Newvcastle, and scorinz position. A kick across the L ._pe w. $ .5 srpture reading v-as taken by OfR bifl d etnvle and kind of work oui ]ne xvemî for a labelied point, except ~T e w.Jean Holmes. After a short meet- fo lJiplcs u strange :h oor akeswr eaie ing, the girls gathered in the Sun- with Errol Flynîn, Olivia thmne happlened on four different for not ziving vards ammd the bail was day scbool room wbere tbey were de Haviland occasions. I mentioned Orono a nultotwhnosreadB - entertainedi by tbe boys of Stan- te l ad 0Ci httepae avlesfrtcon RATE per cwt. $2 4 ley Rickard's S. S. class. Games And a Cast of 1000's h the suail sai sht sad111te eodqatr the plce vilesfistdon $2xere conducted by Roy Ashton,;ïBr Photographed ini there is no relief?" That kind o f arain xvere on the attack afler Dug- Chali Cemnc ad er Jr-Brath-Taldg Technicolour peeved me Urono anice place. Mel\Icveen intercepted a long for- ,TE per cwt. $2.75 vis A lunch of sandwiches, cake but it ain't rio Garden of Eden veî. I ward and rau it back for 15 yards. and coffee was served. ivomder boxe these folk got that Grizz Mordexi came througlh on the )IM MIXING awa. Hand a f normer residntof-ENTIRE IVEEK - notion. i mexi pflav taking the ball around Ntwabh'aBkd ailfofreeailitssurpisig hoofIright end for 30 yards. Another ten ont our cquipment and can now Newcase wvere he vas Bank COM of teseaicitv flsupinhow v~l ards xvas added to thue effort be- MR orgri o Manager and seccetary-treasurer I manvofteeiyflksw iucaeofrghatc idwng your grain forof the Board of Education, bas MO. INyl of real sense when volt get to know cas, frui acisl onn . .....lOc joined tbe '"Back-to-the-L a n dcOi, U . themi. Several told me that thev I Morden. Movement", according to our xer- xvotld love to be on a farm, thev1 Browvn took the bail and xvormed VICE gives the feeder balanced satile friend, Mr. Chas. Eddy.]. t ave a lomugirme for the country axvav 1bis vav îhroîmgli the line for 15 lowet pssibe cst.Third Line. Mc. Higginbotbam yOIJ4'W er oefole! 'f'oi the smoke and the grime, bmt yards to brie the bail to Cobourg's lw tposlect.and family may be seen more n if thcx have a good job I xxouid ad- two-vard ]ne, where it stayed. iour midst in the future for he bas Ui'IID LZ vise thema to deiay their comingz for !The bail wemît to Cobourg and when excbanged a bouse in Oshawa for . JuUiI I 11! .umsone limre. There is a lot of *,,n- thev kicked (in titeir frsî dlown. t IN S T N E the farm on tbe Third Line, R.R. certaintv for the clv utan on the I ias blocked amnd bounced imto the Bowmanville 2, Ne wcastle, occupied for many flfle! facm. trees. 'llite vîsiors recovered bebmnd years by Mr. Chas. Ruddeli Mr. Here I sit tîten, with inxv feet on their oxvn hile. givimgtghue B.H.S. _______________________________r uddeli, who bas long been an 1-, h alh h l o tv n ld herfrtsoeo xopit _________________________________ nvaid.wii bemovng o bs ithank the noxeers that bie that I am for a safetv tomich. bwousek sbaaihnten living imn the cointry. xxbere neither The balance of the hiaif was un- Youn Peoie~ Unin bll teirstreet car noir mob, or anv of the iceentiîîl ih neither teamt in scor- Hallwe'n rrasqerad inthe the disdvatage ofle ctv anic m ositiomn. Plaît for Cobourg. be- Halowe a squecl n nad en thec1m1Ziresp)onsible for a bit of cagey ,LL__________________the______pepleofacklimte. LTHINWEE r- cer Trndv Cco o w nmnda vilen-ohr asxna so hec A buit this time Bowmanville's THS EE -E DTherni t Cburch . MnviR.E. asf1Union, Darlington 1tîîrce cheer leaders. Kit Storv, Lib- Morton and Miss Morton. award- b ilasadHlnGavl 75C ~~ed these prizes: Best jressedi lady. eadontesledrsdilcat .........Miss Canada: best dressed gent. Recemit Visitors: Nir. atid Nirs. J. tractivelv cool oîmtts and led the Tin Oc Chinaman, Jack Holmes: best Latitmer. Toronto, xith Nlis -. Cook-: ,),Ctators in the old (Get a 'ee C dressed couple, Queen Elizabeth i_ man. . Nir. aîîd Nr.Mc iimer . ....anid Sic Walter Raleigh, Bessie ..Bcech amui famnilv at Oakwo <... Te.eui a pndw e 9 Tins C Blackburn and Reta Flintoif; best \Ir. anud Nir... Cxril.\verv and Jux cc. l'lie seotî af40-yard kikto tDe 2 25 comic. clown, Miss Pickard. A Brooklin. ai \fc. Wi im \vtîtî ui iretxvo -ard kieck-hem'elCo 1 m rusical prograrnwas given b;- the N.i. r. aud \Ir,. Cliffurd Ftus irelaf back. Niirra%-, fimnbled. 2 lunc o san dxiceslAee andd Mc.aik i r. rd eRaîufe sudWumu ucxrn.d IPhone 2653 Bowmanville f~ i toc ivas at Ntyrtle conductinz an- -M aple rove nivecsary services. Temperance Stmnday xxas obsecved Recent Vismîors: M\rs. F. Sxalloxx i n Sundav School. Junior classes con- xiîh f riends at Winona . . . Mrs. Iduced lIhe vorship service with Iva GerlmiTacoî xithbersîierluFolev leading theun. Marlon Snow- Hamilton. ..Mr. and 'Mrs. W%. H. feimi gave a templerance readin.. Broxwn, Gormley, wth ber parents, .~ Laird. Sr., took the temperance Nîr. and Nfrs. A. Gibson andMi fr. iessout ,vith ail the Sr. classes in the sud Nfrcs. Edward Foley. ..à1r. chucch. Miss Winitie Langfeld fav- sud Irs. .J. D. Stevens, Nlr. sud oured xiîh suother selection at the NMrs. H. R. Foley îvith relatives ati church service. \Voodvilie sud Greenbank. ___________ Rev. W*. H. Pike. Hamilton, xiii be xiî on Stindaxv aftecnoon, al Several columns of country fulhl clturch shouîmi ear bis message. ýcorrsepondeucc and other local Rex'. W. E. Honey, . Nvrtle oc- events are bcld over owing to, cupied the pîmîpit Stîndav. Our pas lack of space. IT'S GUARANTEED FREE FROM DIRT Bowmanvillc Dairv cilk 1: sclected milk from the best dairy farms in the district. Phone nov- for our man! BOWMANVILLI DAIRY Phone 703 Bowmanvil: A NN 0 SHUR-GAIN SHUR-GAIN C Ail FORMULAE are suppliei analysis gua Many SAVENGS are possible Unnccessary transportat ducts dlùinated. AUl labour and overbead Savings from direct sell Shur- Gain 17% PIG STARTER Shur-Gain 18% LAYING MASH SIIUR-GAIN1 Whcre the feeder bas grain, grinding of the grain and mi trates and any other grainsi Shur-Gamn "Big 50" POULTRY CONCENTRA' Shur-Gain 350% DAIRY CONCENTR Shur-Gain 41% HO~G CONCENTRAI CUSTC We have made an alteratio GRIND and Per Bag .. SHUR-GAIN FEED SERI feeding at the Fe CeVA Phone 777 Is Here Smart New Models at $13.9 I New rou,&h cloths in plain shades with collars of "Oriental Fox", "Jean- ette", 'Electric Se a Plate," etc. Smart look- ing 4tyles in Misses' and Woxnen's sizes. Others at $17.95 GORDON Business Girl CHIFFON HOSE Vou willl enjoy wcaring these fine sheer chiffon hose because they are snag re- slstlng as well as spîash Proof, and they wcar mnuch better than the usual chiffon hose at this price. AUl the best shades in stock, and sizes 811,eto 1Oýý. 79c pr. Phone 451 ** 4.) New Milliinery $1.98 The ncw MlIlinery is ln for Vour inspection and we' know you wlll rave over the smart styles. Ail the lvanted colors. ]Bowmanville THE GREATEST ADVANCE IN RADIO will be found in the NORTHERN ELECTRIC MIRROPHONIC which you will own with pride, and use with complete satisfaction FEATURES INCLUDE Instant Push-Button Tuning of six pre-set stations- Fidelity Control - Fly Wheel Tuning - Tuiiing Eye - Special Tone Chamber makes for supreme in sound. Priced From $19.50 to $200 With the hydro being extended in rural districts niany fariners will be in the market for electric stoves. Before you buy see the GURNEY ELECTIRIC STOVES We have the Rangettes which plug in or the standard Electric Ranges which are provng so satisfactory. W. J. CHALLIS A guaranîe is given with cach delivcry ticket for Reading Anthracite Coal. We Also Handie Semet Solvay Coke Selling at $1 1.50 ton J. J. FLETT FUELS Successor to Henry Lathrope Phone 2695 or 2673 Res.: Ontarlo St. N., Bowmanvi.lle Your Fali Coat 4I.ARRY A OFFERS FOR 98-lb. Bag POTATOES...... Redcoat SALMON..... Chicken 14ADDIE ......... Habitant PEASOUP ...... OVALTINE........ Oxo CUBES......... Ginger ALE............ Pkg.59c Pratt 's Poultry Regulator, Tresh Fruit Phones 367 - 368 1WALKER STORES, f,-IMITED THURSDAY, 'NOVEMBER 3RD, 1938 PAGE SIX THE CAXADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE-, ONTARIO iDlý

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