THURSDAY, NOVEMBER iOTH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOXVMA NVILLE, ONTARLO PAGE NINE Lot a lig break by reco'<eriîîg a B. Loca Tem W ns FrstIn wo -IS. fîînble on the home teamns Loa em W n is n I Ot1irtv. Ptroote okt h Game Series In Lakeshore League i;utbad"h' Defeating Peterboro Score of 24-5 ohineofsrmaet tth * pîav. Huwever the Bowmani'ille crew Four long dreary vears iad passed not a', nuch better as thie score N'ould were suffering acutelv froni a vers' awav silice Bowîiianville H i g hlinitdcate. lii the first and finl w dsatru dses cald fmbis Scliocl eridders last gained a win iutarlers the Petes were helpfless be- and the Petes were lu possession on over the Peterboro C.V.S.'ers but fore the brilliant attack of the %'ic- thie B.'H.S. 10. Again the hune held wleilelcal 1okels fînally broke tors bîît it was onl'< outstanding de- and Peterboro were forced to kick that fanmine. thex' split it xider thaîî ieîsive work that leld the Peter- for their third point. slîortly after ~4eE. Broivii's fainousn',iouith. ixli fro crew ini check lu the second thîls anotîter local bit of bttter-fin- fwhich inealis thtat the Davis- anîd îîird Deriods. zeriîîg handed thie baIl tc thie dan- co0achîed souad btiried Peterboro lui- For almost the Clatire tliirt'< min- cerous Petes on thte Bowianvjlhe der a 24 to 5 trotcing iii the first utes of Iliose two sessiotns. Boxvman- twentv but Duzggaî McIlveeii azaili of a home aud home series to decide ville ivere hcmmed lu thîir owîî end snared an enem'< forward. This the wiiiner of the Lakesliore group. but the front xaîl anîd thîe secojidars' ielped. but a short kick left te plavetl here Fridav. As points couint ium', duc tlîir cleats ini a itîle deelp- Putes uCI too chose to tlîc scoring in thie series t xould almcust seetu er and hurled back e'<orv touchdowli station, a sittuationi whichi seas eased that Bowmanville should take the tîtreat that Peterboro mîade. nio end whlen Croîîîbie hiugzed a1 ~otind anîd advaîîce to the uext round Thie score by quartera read 6-2 at F'eterlîoro fiimble on lus owii two- the *C.O.S.S.A. plavdowns. the first interval. 13-2 at liaIftitue varîl line as thie third quarter eîîded. -Gloriotîs as the 'ictorv seas, it wvas anîd 13-3 at the third quarter wlîistle. .\fter a short pîlnting duel a stilI a very costl'< decision as Tom A fter a Peterboro forward on the fourthlipoint xvas clîalked tirp for thie Depcw. Bowinaiville's ace kickiiig first play< of thte came gzave the in desp)erale Garniet and Gra'< on a boot and rtiiniiitg lîalf-back. stîffe red a ticatioii thiat nIav' uouild be xide to the feîîce bît fromît there lu lu broketi collarbome during the seconîd 'nei. Nlasoii and Dopew ti'sîîplied thte fintisht it was ahI Bowmariville. Quarter and ivilI take lisi'rîgbv- fromî theb liet bit of iirewvorks,. Masori Four cracks at theie hue hy Clîubb'< the sidelines for thie remiaimider of shiakimig Depeiv loose arotîîîd the end Nclvecit and 'Mordeti carried plS'< the voar. Pre'ious lu lisi',imiury. for tlirtv yards carrv iîîg play 10 thie to cenître. Theni. afler llireatcmiiig Ton i had beeîî the sparkpluig of thie Peterboro ten yard hune froîn where t. break lit a Peterboro kick aIl day. winners' attack. Twice ie hîad sprinît- Croimîlies attempted drop kick we<nt Clitbbe opeiied a liole and Cashotîrî cd aroumîd the enîd for thirty-vard %%ie fire plieniOt. cliarzed t1iroughi. took the kick in lus zaitîs besides kicking iii superb .\aiîî Touli Depew put thme Petes stomnacli and clîased thîe baIl to the fashion and doimîg lus share of the . aek ii thtir owii end %%-lieu lie Itoof- Peterborkb tsýeitv-fi'<e' hefore faîl- defemsive work. e d fr'ui lus own thirt-five. thte baIl j nz on il. A had kick followiîg a The pîa'< whicli caused bis retire- boidiie out iin the Peterboro eiglît 'iiccsfuI forxvard put pflay on the ment followed a B-IS. touch. De- amnd after a short Peterboro kick, cite-vard strip. Peterboro protiiptlv peiv took thte resulting kîck-off ounlMasuti and Depew repeated tîteir attemp)ted tu kick out of danîger but his goal-hune anîd side steppiîg fillue rumîtîz lîepav' iithi the latter a Nfason lu \Viscmatî forward putl wouîd-be tacklers sprimted sixt'-five crossimig lte he for a lmaj or score. play' onlte ten-vard mark and a yards before the ast Peterboro ti Near the enîd of thie period. thie sPot of fast running withi a bit of hroîîght hlm down iî vil a shoestriîîg Liftlockers deiited thie scorimîg col- swivel-linippiti hroxvn lu for good dive and anothier of thte futi-lo'ing lmîîuî as Lethier itileasbed a tower- ileasitre sav Bill Brown outstep thie1 Petes made sure of stoppingz the elu- ing tuant froîn centre. thte pigskiîî Potes for a major counit. sive Tom by landiîîg on itu ithi boiidiniz to thie deadlie for a poitt WXith thte orherners defitiltels' on both knees. Ris kuces were - larder and after a short kick 1wv the locals. the rumi. Boxvmani'ilIe reall'< took tu tîtan- Tom's collar boue. 1 Luethier hoisted another lu the dead- thte air anîd a MNasonti 1 D. Ml\cllveemî Although the Bownianvilliatis were hune for pointt uniber two. tc'stplus a fortv-vard sprint (?) full value for tîteir wiii. tlev wereI Diplock. starrv ialfback cf thie left thte hall omi thie Peterboro tlmi.a _______________________________vaders. shîook off several Red anud siud syhichi sceeîed lu be a favourite rBlack tacklers aI lIte start of the resting spot for te pigskiti. An- seconid ritarter when ie reeled off a uthier forward wuas ineomplete anîd 45-',ard ruîîback. beimîg throwii out of thtemu on a fake îoss. Mfason sîîeaked ~ f boîîîds lw' Crombie oit the Boxvniaii- lîroueli thie line for the final louch G dAdic ville five-x ard hune. It uvas iere thiat anîd il ivas cotixerted h'< (v'0î guess- AboutConstipation! thec B.H.S. defence fîmîcioîîed lu e<l it) a forward pass. 'Masonti 1 ierfectioti and the Petes lost possess- WXisemîan. Thie scoriie svas temii- A doctor would tell you that the ion ienti tey failed lu nake aîîv ated l ivei the Peterboro kick-of f best thing te do with any ailment lîeadwav lu tbree dowîis. Howcver, wemit aIl the sva'< 1 thc deadliîîe for is te get at Its cause. If you're te Potes stilIlîeld theleIcals iii a tpoitit. Litieups: constipated, dont fIddie witts 1 tîteir cxvi area uitil Duggau MIlîve- Peterb)oro-fîv.ittie s'ilig. Fosler makehif reedie. Fnd uI en iîîîercepled a forward and rail il halves. Harle. Diplock and Scri'<er; what's giving you the trouble!l Chances are you won't have lu twuiit'-five vards up thie f ield be- quarter. \Vard ; snap. Johnson ; iu- look very far, if you est just the fore îîassiîîg 10 friend Crawford whio skies. Gillespie and Parnelli; înid- things most people do. Most like- îacked uit aucîher fifleeti. Oin the dIes. Rose and Aitisie; outsides, ly, you dont get enough "butk"! rfîrst scrinîîage Masoît flipped a Nioldaver anîd R. Fergusoît; atîs. And "buJ.k" doesnt mean just a forward toXWisemîan svio broke itîto Camipbell. MeNeilI. Gibsoti. Ackford. lot of food. It means a kind of food that isn't conauîned in the the clear for a touchdown whichi NMcPhersomi. Moorliead aud B. Fer- body, but leaves a soft "bulky" Depew converted froni placement. gruson. mass in the Intestines and helpa The pass and Wisemau's run covcred Bowmanville-fl<ing wiîic. C. M.\c- a bowel movement. thirtv yards. Tîveeti: iahves. Brown, Depew sud If titis la what you lack. your It was followiug this score that Crcînbie: quarter. 'Mason; snap. ticket is crisp crunchy Kelogg's ewwa hut ndC byMc Al-Bran for breakfast. It con- Dcevwshr sdCub c ames: itîsides. Casbourn aud Kini- tains the "bulk" you need plus IIx'eeu hoofed a point tc leave the hIe: middles. Morden sud Rickard: the intestinal tonde, vitamin B,. courit 13 10 2 at haff ime. oulsides. Wiseman sud D. Mc- Eat it every day, drink plenty Bowmaiiville started the second Ilveen: stîbs. C. Fagan. Bird. Rice. of water, and Join the "regulars"! haîf off lu suspicions fashion but Jackman. Brooks. Graham,. Craw- Al-Bran is made by Kelogg ln bItiehloido sontePtr fr.Nîcmesu Mai. London, Ontario. ottehlondwsothPee-frNrobadMri. boru tbirtv and after the visitors had Referee.* Roach; Umpire, Kirklaudc mîade 'ards through the liue they cf Peterboro: Head limesmaît. Ames. Qaa4d l7/leh g WlTHf SETTER LIGHfTee F OR E TTE R I IGHT - BEJTTER SIGI4T-USE EDI SONMAZDAIL CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Llmlted Sport Notes Puckiuîg ont thie Bowmauville stars us a task that wouhd puzzle s Solo- utou. The f rouit hue was given more oimusilion tItan did their erstwhile fflaymnates f rom Cobourg and thev slood tmp under il lu great style. Anîd it was a real thrilIlu look alung thie beucît and sec men there that seere as good as the players ou the f ield. t is the final lime that B. H.S. bas 1usd capable alternates. Thie wori< of the lwu ends, Wise- malt and McIlveeu. was parîlcular- lv pheasiuîg. Nul ooce did te Petes gaiti yards oui their extension ruats anid Ibat is lte fliest tribtute tbat eau lihe îaid 10 ats' end. Kiniîmy Kiunhle al',o had utuchi b do wiîh stcpping Ite Peterboru attack. Althoîugh ouul' ffhaviui lus -second gaine silice re- cOcnugfrcunatm appeudectom'<. ie is in toip fornu. uvîichi meaus that he1 i', the liardest tackler lut lie heazuae.1 Dick Riekard sud Crock Crasvford1 cauhlt lte, eye with their hard« charzute îaclics sud Tieker Crounhie did miore taekliumg thian in suiv îîre. vicîls came titis y'ear. The iegest iunproveunent mnade by Bowmiauville since their final game wvitlmCobourg was lu theirtimmine. Agaiisl lime Couutytowutcrs. they %vere ragged lu that uecessity but dîurinez the p)ast week the timne was eurrected s huuidred per cent. The worst fcaure of the game was the suapping. Neither of the B.H.S. centres were able to shoot lIaI bail haek t the kieker with auy degrce of aceuraey and thiat the hooters did as well as they did la s miracle. A 11111e serious praclisitte siîould os'ercounc that deficiencv. Alîhotughi Tom Depew la huaI for tIme '<ar. Itie Davis men are hicks' bo have two unen in reserve who are btter thami average in the art of kiekitue. Bill Brown iamnproviuîg rapi(lI5 and will likchy do the malor iorticum of te booting lut Petenhoro. Chuablhv'.%Melîveen cauu sîso take a turnartuh Ie îîuutiumg enud vitîtoua ss'eakcuniuugtîe attaek. Ium lIe first husîf of Fridavss tussie. l)<tli teanis reco'<cred their own fumunhes but lu the seconîd hiahf it wsa a di ffereuit alors'. Tlîree lianes t cas B. H. S. utîlseues lIaI kcpt tent on thie defeusive. On a cotuple cf these it wss thie pîuishîiug îsck- liumg of the Petes Ihat produced the errons. But il la stilI a thing that nmst be overcome if the learn hopes 10 keep wiuîning. The Peterboro learn came here withî a record of being daugerous forward p)assers, haviug compheted eight eut of nine in the ast quarter Saiiit Lindsay<. Oui Frida< they îhrew a total cf twelvc passes sud cumnuleted lwvo. boîh of the stuccesa- fuI fhips beinîg sheeper plays. Ouilthe iliet' hulan(h. B,,xsniaiix ille thîrewv cv- eni snd fii uîm'îd six, Ibeir l)est aver- .iîe lîuig lintho fluai quarter svheuî tliee counleted four ont of six. Thiat h. realîs tossing. Fight One More Round Gentleman jini Corbett svas prob- able the best boxer who es'er stepped int the ring. He was a master of te art of self-defeuse. Iu bis auto. biograph%' Corbett points out that eachi fighter has the saine equipmeut -two arma. two legs, a body aud a hîead. The bhosvs il is possible t0 use are few-not more than twenty lu aIl]. Xhat Ilieu l the secret that unakes a mati a champion? Corbett auiswers it witli Ibis statement: "Flght one more rotund ! When 'cour feet are so tired you have lu shuffle back lu the ceuter of the ring-f iLht oc more round. Vhen ycur anms are su tired that '<ou can hardlv lift votur hiands to conte on giard-fighl omie more roîund. When your nose us hîleediuie and volîr eyes are black sud %-Oit are su tired thaI s'on ssish s'our oppuntent svould crack %,'utou the jaw and puit 'on to sleep-fight one more roîmîîd - remnembering thiat the man sebo alwsavs fiui'hts une more round us n "ver sshipped." Corlîctt practiced wlîat he preach- ed. TIi lus first fizht hie c'on in the lwenilx-eighli hround! To bc a champion, lu wiu in the areuia of life. hîaug this mollo ou the -.111 over '<dur desk: FIGHT ONE MfORE ROUND. It %vilî he an eter- ýiîal netnindler of the fact that a qulitter itever wiîs sud a winner uer orquits. - Smiver Lining. "la this the Fidelity Insurance Compauy, youug man?" "Yes. madam." "Well. I want to arrange to have my husband's fidelity insur- ed." Business Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bdg., Bowmanvilie W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Nolary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money 10 Loan. Phone 791. Bowmianville, Ontario. L. C. MASON, B.A. Barnister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ahil is branches. Office immediately easl of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Homne 553 MEDICAL DR. HAROLD FERGUSON of Enniakilien bas taken over the practice of the late Dr. J. C. Bell. Office Hours: Week days, 2 tlii4 ociock; Eveninga, 7 tîll 9 p.m. Sundays by appointrment. DR. HOWARD B. RUNDLE has opened an office for the prac- lice of general miedicine at the residence of Mr. Chas. W. Bagneli, King Street East, Bowmanville. Office Hours: 2 bo 4 p.m. and 7 te 9 p.m. Sundays by appointmnent. Phone 544. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege. Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bidg.. Bowmanvilie. Office heurs 9a.m. 10 6 p.m. daiiy except Sun- day. Phone 790. House phone 883. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Mlodern Motor Eouipmneut, Amn- buIance and Irivaiid Car. Cali Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. T 1 I "Lest We Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL tDesigner and Dealer ini Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. n Granite and Marbie. ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile e nt er- tainer, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated cfrcular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. TAKE THE LEAD OUT 0F YOUR LEGS Gel Oxgen in Your Blood and You'D Getl " Pop dusat Sendu You Bounding Up the Staire People who simother ta deatb die because oxygen bas been completely cut off fromn then. .ut as surely you are alowly smnoth- erins If your blood Iacks red corpusclea. ned Corpuscles are your oxygen.carrlers. The,, carry the. oxygen you breathe in te ev. cry part of your system. Witlout enough axy- gen-carrying corpuscles, your kidneys, liver, .tomnach and bowels alow down. Your skin gets pale, flabby, oiten Dlmply. Your nerves inay beomne jittery -you tire qulckly - feel depressed. " à What you need la Dr. William iPnk Pille. Theze world-fanious pilla help mnake more and better red corpuscles and thua Increase te oxygen.carrylnu power of your blood. Get Dr. Willilam iPnk Pille your druagtst. See for yourseif how qui kly ta thme-proven blood.bullder will help gîve you back your p.». Ospu. lI. .T. %So Io...u*. awav front the rnils with a single schools and coliegiate institutes most interesting. If you could THE STATES.MAN'S ipasseniger. Racing to his owni cough- outside Toronto, if coming in or- just stand around at the dock of SHORT STORY stuet(d. lie cried ga'<Iy: "Do your ganized groups accompantied bv SHORTSTORYstuff. T.B. This is Iust to say good- their teachers, are being admitted an arriving "Lady" liner of the bv'. .. free' This ia part of the Royal Canadian National Steamaships at IneficincyExprt l'ie ar tiiiedatey soppd sut-Winter Fair's plans to extend an Montreal, Saint John or Boston, I nffcinc Epet heca imciael sopedspt~intelligent knowledge of thîngs. as they return fo h rts BY Elizabeth G. Gray terite and( gave chase to the s! e erta*iig to Canada's rural lifeWstndean lsenothe- _______________________ witeheutvahed. Abot furamoung young people, the mak- thusiastic commenta of the pas- miles outside of town hie saw the 'ers of the next generation. Morn- iegr n h go-yst h "X okng i ?"car parked 1w' the roadside. Just ings and afternoons are the bestsegradteodbysoth "Just takingý a littie iieeded restaliead lie saw another car wrapped 'stucly times. master and personnel, you would bctween ilumps, AI~." iarotind a tclegraph pole. She was the opurigty of theesp of "Liku to s a d jh in a lti on lier knes beforc the battered the po uarivai of these "Lady" personatiju for a few weeks?" Â'- forti of the manager of the mills. ýWHEN iTP'LADY liners aiso create quite a stir in discerning c'e could sec that te "Got a flask?" she wanted to DAY UTS POPULAR the Caribbean ports which they lumps l'ad long silice over-reached know. "No, vou wouldn't! XVeII, go_____ serve. It's "Lady" day and moat their mark,. for the pitiable signs of find a doctor. uNo wvailt. See what of the population of each port forced dietinzg were tracing ncedless ' ou can do for him. l'Il go." In- It does flot matter how many turns out with a royal weicome. prmem ark-eve,btenB ad tatysewsoto h. ships we see going out, or how For these are Canada's own ahips, soe -ar vs Bill wasni't con- "I'm in love," sighed Bill. gazing many we see coming in, they're designed for the Caribbean by ties plaininz. Hi', chances were even at after the departing càr. 'ail different in some way, and of trade and tourist traffic. college an(l lie hiad chosen the The form on the ground moved ____________ tbreatre instead of business. He had and spoke. "Josephine 1" aIreadi p)roven his abilitv. buit the, "Thiat's fine; youre doirig fne.,"NtS shows were not going too strong juist rlhe told the man, while his heart MR IOB I C now. and tlhe managers were afraid sang. Her liamte ias Josephine and to take a chance. Too much comn- shie lad called hiim Napoleon. Sup_ petition. Nlovjcs. '<ou know. pose it was love at first sight with Bill iniled. "Break it easy. AI. hier. too ? The injured man ivas Murder ,r robbcry ?", speaking againi. "Josephine. I stole "Bill. Vve alwavs thought '<ou the nîone'< fromn the milîs because1 missed ur vocation. As ant cf fie- wanted enoughi to marry youl. XV ienc'< e\pert '<ou'd make a fine ac- mutst go away quickl'< now beeause tor. Ilere is '<ur chance to try. 1think lie suspects. XX 'here are 'vout.r Rememnhr CUlcle Eh? He came to dear?" S 'isit nie once at college. and you ' am here, dear. \X'here is al '"l enitertainuld hini for nie because I the mnlev now ?" asked Bill soft-! w'as 1 forgzet the trouble. Well, 1v. as a so)rt nf posqt mortem ijoke.lhe lit the batik ln New York. Safe- left ni.' the 1-11) milîs as im lsare safe. WVe must hurry." of his fortune. Bill sent a telegram to AI later "The thingt is this: Sinice I have tlîat dav. which read: "Got mv fin- ~ been lûntg-distatnce boss, of said milîs ger in the hole ini the dyke, and aIls thvhvehrebeeni paying ex- 0. K. Catî't leave just 'et. There1 penses. The%- produced thousands i', a womaîî in the case." anulefnr Uncle Eh. under the Thie answer came immite' sanie reemmie." "Fine. Ail ends as I expected Sis Dan j', cracking, AI. NIx' new sa'<s if '<ou don't propose sooîî she: role h. that of the little Duitch boy 1i h. ging to. Better keep tlîat man who diýcs %ercd the hole iin tie d'<ke ager's job as she likes living iii th anîd put ini bis tlîumb to stop tlie country. Good luick - AI." ' leak." The Enîd "Bill. nie relief is like sudden Vi- sion to a hlind man. Al vou have to do is t, prcten(l 'oit are nie. eau A M N ER S someone's bluff and colleet a buln- A M IT R S INTRODUCING MR. HERO SMITH drcd a %veek as long as '<ou xant ENLARGED AT EDITOR ESSEX CENTRE GAZEMT tie joli? O.K. ?" I ER F R AND COUNTY ADVERTISER.. Out of the first hundred (iii ad-W NT R AR CIRCULATION GUARANTEED. vance). Bill adopted ait orplian Th RoaWner arato- 6 sPiort niodel. He cbugged into town roTohewcR o p WnesFaon Tuesda Saturda< with the prospect of a lg. rnoembr lh, opers n thughay ole s day able a o buThenthe 23rd, has a program of great tha swHER. Shile ats s o eautfler variety in farm activities, larg o th Vi or he ç i ç, * thit it lft il bealîlssfo aer prize lists, and wider scope- moment. He approached lier hur- generaliy than at any Fair ini itsItwshefaldeiieoead nb ecem t riedlv. holding out a sinall. newl'< 17-year history. t-shefnldcsi mvadini xceet wrapped parcel and ini bismost lier- In commercial and breeding Mr. Herb Smith, Editor of thý Essex Centre Gazette feet. irre',istible. matinee-idol voice horses, beef and dairy cattie, and County Advertiser, nearly upset the checicer-board. hie sajd. "I beg '<our pardon, but sheep. and swine, there promises '"'- is tlîis vours r to be 1arger entries than in 1937 j ~ ) "Check!" he roared, shattering thse bour-Iong silence \'erv ',eriousl'< she took the pack- and a good representation of c ý "Wait a minute," protested Mr. Picobac. But a glanoe age. "If it isnt '<ours perhaps it is American stables and herda is ai- initie. Thanik 'oui." iready assured. The prairie pro- was enough,4 he shook his head ruefully. "Guettâ you She wa', leaving hlm. "Nfay I give Ivincea, "coming back" with a got me there Herb. You newspapermn sure lcnow '<ou a lift soinewhere?" j large wheat and grain crop. are HANDY >'our moves." "Thaîîk 'ou. Napoleon. but vour .sending more stock than at any SEAL-TIGMT carniage awaits without - me." Sher time aince 1934, probably running PUH1e "eke u ysoe, eleiM.Sih oe stepped into a shliinlg Inew white to 35 or 40 railway cars. Distri- 1/-LB. fuhly eyeing Mr. Picobacs "seal-tight" pouch. roadster and. witliout su mmdi as ai bution of exhibits .amnong . the "LOK-TOP" TIN backward glance. was out of sight. three western provinces is aiso 60T o the victor belong the spoils," observed Mr. Pîcobac For a week Bill put aIl his tume more even than at any previoua aigu Pocked in philosophicaUfy as he passed the poucli. "Hlere you into the milîs. tr'<ing to discover itimie Pochet Tins ae..n a ol ihfrbte.Isaml wh'< snicb a busv' place wvas net pro Asteeaeatgtr1500cl... wtsmk. ducne esuts.E'<ryoe lkedhlmhead of liveatock, including poul- Ol. Setok" I-le ikd veryon.Ee but te maaer' m.try, turkeys, ducka, geese, amal He ikd eeroncbu th stock (as well as 600 out- Therefore lie appointed the part of standing dogs and 300 of Canada's villaiji lu hlm anîd watched hlm. r bet cats) the Fair gives every Thiis led to the discoverx' that very farmer a chance of aeeing very often the white roadster was watt- much in the 25 acre space it cov- ~ mez outside to drive this villaitn away ers. Further, there is to be a fine ~~e s of an afternoon. And froni the exhibit of Canadian handicrafts runible seat two golf bags nestled and rural industries by a nation- losel'< together and nodded wisely to wide organization so that the in- eacli other. terests of the farmner's wife and s The day Bill decided tliat lie was the rural home are being well taking monci front bis frieîîd under iooked after. aa. -e aa false pretenses hie saw tlie car drive Young people attending high WOPÀPIES FOR (/e WE/ KNOW WERE SAFE- S NEVER EVAPOPAT6%/r -. i r ~-.-- b THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IOTH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE