THE CAXADIAX STATESMIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lOTH, 1938 and( atten tion andl fi rune ýs thle chljt Y our Child and Mine e ci tn repec an Written Specially for The follow the parenit* adviee. Sncb Statesman by Claude E. Law ' elildren have acquircd a habit that ir-ccives a licarinz froint auxone that likes children. HABITS 0F BEHAVIOUR .\zain sonie parents iitînige their offsprinc. Soeeseeni to bc unable Article No. IV to reiect their childs request if there Behaviour is a very broad termni i the mneans to Procure it. Somne with much in common with temper- rcwvard manv of the child*s acts te amen. I islarely he eaciont hie eXtent that it tlocs things for the aentit is ltardge thractio torvcwarl radier titan with the satis- envrom~tt an wentht behlav- faction that it lias donc righit for its jour is retoeated il becomes more or 05511 satisfaction. Somne snch parents less a habit of the individual. I esxect that the child when 01(er xiii There are homes where the par- 1 1e sati..fied more casilv. That is ents -and older members of the fatu- 1nettihnian nature. Sncb children arp ili accompflish their desires by 1 Iîecked %v.lieni thev fir.d there is a boisterous and sometimies violent 'inu'i t. Human nature is net sncb manifestations. In snch homes somne ta ian becaife ii it n and oftcn ail the children rcact inii vrd', even %vith ebjîdren. Thcy boisterons replies and rcqncsts te beceine iteor companions for otber eue anether. Soute niav refrain. chilîren. Thev niaxv boast se that however. whilc intsusch a î1iýens r- thir fllows resent their verv ap- vironmient. only 'te burst eut upon nearance. Children of Parents that their feilew plavutates or at school, cannet afford offeriug snchi induce- in erder that they mnas deminate nients inav be kcept awav frein them., over their asseciates of the mlomient. hecaîtse of the difficulties that are Yen mav observe snch on almost liable te arise. Then Mien the par- anv street or cotnutrv road when ent of the indnlgzed child recognizes children are Lyoinz te or returning the dannqerous tenclencies and at- from school. Sncb children find tents to restrain, the ptîrposes are themsclves eftcn runnniiL cettnter te ne(t atnireciatcd . Marîv times the their associates. and the%- find seheol child snlks. and sometimes muis discipline severe. lu ther boules awav fromn home. Sncb a child fre- Parents listen qnietlv te thc child quentis igners or tisobevs requests rcQnests. restrain their cmiotio¶i. and vith somie resentmcnt. On the other voices. takinz tinte te listen and hand children that have heen dcnied state their repflies. Parents frequently certain chcrishied things until thev canet do aIl the child asks. It wonld have fulfillc<l certain requirements. be fellv te do se. By quiet sympathy iisuallv appreciate what tbev receive. ______________________________Thcv strive kv their own skill and pewvers te measure np) te seme de- sired zoals. Te the fermer child the latter seem te have a better start in lh fe. but it is this that the latter have learned early in if c that there are diffienîties that are te bie met in life. xhich must be acceptcd bnt net allowcd te crnsh their efforts te overcomne in as pleasant a -,vQy as possible. Such chiidren appreciate rthe difficulties and endeavours of their parents. and have acqnired a habit that will aid in a succcssfnl if e. rîîcn azain there are occasions Black mold seen wheu a child bias been plaving with tbrouth ml rscope. a nighibenr child. Anether toy is Grows on crumbe broug'ht ont te plav with. The visit- that stick to 9gre o onstehlai ndhv i.I sPotl.... senda spore. rlnst odi n aei.I through sir to con mav fendlv carry the plaything home. T H S taminate food. This is the f irst step tewards steal- mg., If the perent dees net immed- iately sec that the child returns it, slim y R O W TH the action will likely be repeated glimy R O W T H seon again. Bnt if thc paýrent loses ne time ini seing the tey retnrned L~and explains rpry igt th IMksint hiddon corners tendetîcv te crave wili be checkcd, ___________and icalonsies kcpt from startinz. Parents must sec that seme play- Chose greose and grime tîings are available. Thcy need îlot with illet's Le* ~ it e expensive. Many playthings may be made bv a handy mari that arc wash s drt way a co(l substitnite f or stere geeds. woshe db>'away The child that secs the tet' bing rZEEP corners free of disease- made miav have a greater estimate K . ceeigditbt o' lt'f ils valnc becanse of seein£p i brueledning dir-b u o't.etmade. It at the same time lbas an hoselamg wer o9ot obiect lessen ef hew te spend its Gillett's Pure Flake Lye saves moments happily as well as prof it- hours of drudgery. And it gets at ablv. It is Iess hiable te covet its the stubborn, greasy spots that little frieu&'s toys. rubbing and scrubbmng won't re- Se the child's habits of obedience move. Gillett's eats dirt-cuta or disobiedicuce, stcalth er houesty, right through grease. Keep a tin ceveteus or gcncrosity, boisterous- awyonhand. ncss or restraint. good humer or ilI Mk W&YSOf or ne iealousy, desîre te know or Akyur #ocer o rno icalousy. desire, te know or for Gillett' s- idiffercuce. cleauliness er lack of todaylcleanliness. agreeablcncss with others today!or net agrecable etc. arc largely a *N.ev distolie ly i reflection of the home guidance of bot water.T7%0action the child. Sttch habits have becu of thse lys Itself heats ' ~~sarted in the home before the child the wter. -l ' starts awav te scheol. The child's MADE IN CANADA happiuess at school is relative te thc FRE *OKLET-Giliett's Lye Bool. home trainingx. Some childrcn ad- gives doenh of ways ta, make housework vauce in school withent ant' jarring canier and pleante. Wttt: Standard er discord. while some others are al- Brande Ltd., Prasu Ave. & Lberty St., wavs in trouble. Habits have mucli Toronto. Ont, te do with success or failtire at The Fire Demon rides with reckless aban- doùu tbroughout the country, crushing many a valuable property with bis flaming char- iot taking advantage of every act of care- lessness. Are you careful? Are you sensibly insured? Je J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 'Bowmanville ROUND TRIP TRAVEL BARGAINS From BOWMANVILLE Nov. 18 - 19 - 20 To CHICAGO - $13-10 Nov 18- 1 ToWINDSOR - $6.70 Nov 18- 1 ToDETROIT - $6.70 Tickets, Far- raI.i I nit. and lif,«ii n l oi eu gelat. CANADIAN CANADIAN NATIONAL I PACIFIC_. DURHAM COUNTY TEACHERS, 1 938-39 INSPECTORATE 0F DURHAM COUNTY (in part) Inspector: C. F. Cannon, B.A., B-Paed., Oshawa, Ont. Sehool Section Secretary of Board Un. 1 & 23 3 4 Un. 5 & 25 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Un. 10 & 10 Un. Il & 20 13 14 Un. 15 & 16 Un. 16 & 16 Argue, Ira Forder, Jas. Hyland, 0. Swain, L. R. R. 3, Burketon Beacock, Harold Nestieton Edgerton, Norman Williams, Wilfred Wright, Garnet Emeeson, M. F. R. R. 1, Nestieton Riekard, W. J. S. Foley, H. R. Osborne, Herbert R. R. 2, Bowmanville Wight, C. A. Stevens, Fred R. R. 3, Bowmanvifle Wilson, A. Penfound, Clarence Oshawa, R. R. 4 Honey, F. C. R. R. 6, Bowmanville Brent, Gordon R. R. 5, Bowmanville Biflett, A. E. Glaspeli, F. B. Smith, F. Westlake, W. R. Pascoe, L. C. Werry, F. Beech, Aylr Annis, Arthur Smith, Chas. P. Shortridge, F. C. Siemon, Milton Stinson, W. H. Hallaren, John Morton, Wm. R. R. 1, Bethany Hannah, Wm. Staples, Chas. Shea, E. B. R. R. 1, Janetville McNeil, Chas. Youngman, Ed. R. R. 3, Pontypool Cruickshank, J. Porter, Wellington R. R. 1, Janetville Davis, Morton Lathangue, Melville Boggs, Jas. R. R. 1, Pontypool Reynolds, Fred Armstrong, N. W. Viewlake Un. 20, 20 & 23 Miller, W. A. Dudley, Cecil South Ward Boys' Training A. R. Virgin, B. A. (Superintendent) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 Un. 22 & 22. Whitney, Bruce Newcastle, R. R. 3 Adams, W. A. Rowe, R. J. Turner, C. Stringer, Westol Orono, R. R. 1 Wood, Lewis Osborne, E. F. R. Newcastle Savery, Wm. Clarke No. 1 Waddell, R. R. Meecer, Mes. Wm. Cocheane, Wm. Pollard, G., Orono, R. 2 Simpson, T. J. Patton, W. J., Kendal Burgess, R. J. Cocheane, Roy Cobbledick, Mes. Wm. Scott, H. N. Bowmanville, R. R. Pearce, H. R. school and after life. Semne de net correct titeir habits at schtool, enly te fintd thteir lot in life franchît with trouble. 'Wciarenîts dieu have much tii kee i n nint(lwithî our families, iitistakes iniat' he inade. The obser-1 vanît narenît xill watch reactiens and tiodifv lus treatmeut te attain the tlesired resînîts. The teachers are con- ý tiitnusît' ont the watclî and miakiug a(linstnitcnts for ne twu chiîdrcnî are exnctlv alike i tempverameut or1 habit. There arc utanit' sinilarities( se titat rupii is tiossible te soree OnIlv a few illmustrations cf habit1 f mnie arc lîcre mcntioucd, but thîcy arc oiîitstauiinfr. Ciîild welfare is a conistaînt stnily i ans hiene tir corm- niinitv. Xcgîect on the p)art of anît ineais loss te seine etil(l and a frus- irateil citizent. Prof: Miss Gay, anu yen give me the tbroo classifications into which men are divicled? Miss Gay: Yos, sic; ricb, peor, and goodiookiug. Name of Teacher CARTWRIGHT Devitt, Aileen MeColl, Lorna MacMillan, Colin Lee, Aima Fowler, Helen Anderson, Oswald Fallis, Florence Taylor, Anson A1]oway, Jean DARLINGTON Cronk, Eleanor Mille, Fred Arnold, Alice Trull, Edith Lycett. Wm. L. Thompson, Meriel Robinson, Cecil Wilkins, Annie Blackburn, Farewell Smale, Hugh Faulkner, Harry Hadden, Elsie Chapman, Berni ce VanCamp, Susan Collacott, Marjorie MeMullen, Frank Hobbs, Mervyn Grieve, Gertrude Millson, Doris Mortson, Walter McLean, Jean Blackburn, Walter Knox, Jessie MAN VERS Mills, Jane McLellan, Sarah Fairbairn, Jean Beer, Wilma Harper, Margaret Real, Grant McNeil, Leonard Hamilton, Percy Eckel, Mabel Higgs, Alfred Hendry, Annabelle Marshall, Roy Bailey, Cora Stacey, Norma Jackson, Loraine Tanner, Gertrude, B.A. Carscadden, Mrs. Ida McKay, Audrey Shea, Laura BOWMANVILLE Thompsen, Andrew Archer, Mamie Bragg, Leta Bunner, Vivian Cole, Marjorie Hobbs, Ruby Johnston, Joshua Morris, Helen Power, Vera Purdy, Donald Tighe, Yvonne Wickett, Greta Symons, Mrs. Muriel McGregor, Margaret BOWMANVILLE Davidge, G. L. Densem, Mes. L. M. Burns, Jas. M. Lowry, Gordon E. Rickard, Stan J. P. 0. Address R. R. 1, Burketon Blackstock R. R. 3, Burketon R. R. 2, Nestieton R. R. 1, Burketon R. R. 1, Burketon Nestleton R. R. 2, Nestleton R. R. 1, Nestleton Bowmran ville R. R. 2, Bowmanville (R. C. Pearce, (R. R. 2, Bowmanville R. R. 4, Bowmauville Bowmanville Burketon Courtice Courtice (c!o A. Welsh, (R. R. 4, Bowmanville Bowman ville Hampton Hampton R. R. 1, Hampton Tyrone R. R. 1, Enniskillen R. R. 2, Burketon Enniskillen Enniskillen R. R. 2, Burketon Tyrone Enniskillen R. R. 1, Hampton R. R. 6, Bowmanville R. R. 2, Janetville R. R. 2, Pontypool R. R. 2, Pentypool Bethany R. R. 2, Bethany (cie A. Finley, (R. R. 1, Janetville Janetville Janetville R. R. 1, Pontypool Pontypool Pontypool Janetville Bethany R. R. 2, Pontypeol Pontypool Bethany Bethany Janetville Pontypeol Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Port Granby Newcastle, R. R. 3 Claeke P. O. Newcastle, R. R. 2 Clarke, R. R. 1 Orono Orono Orono Orono Orono Kendal Orono Leskaed Orono, R. R. 1 Clarke, R. R. 1 Orono, R. R. North Orono, R. R. 2 Kendal Orono, co H. J. Souch Pearse, Elda Rowland, Hilda Savery, Laurence Simpson, Ethel M. Rutherford, S. B. Yeo, Annie I. Patten, Roy B. Green, Marion J. R. Fester, Kate Adams, Marjorie G. S. Stewart, Catherine W. Wannan, Lorne Gray, Gwendolyn Simpson, Marion F. Turner, Thomas Luxon, M ariorne Patterson, Bessie Ard, Gladys W. Clark, Lorna NEWCASTLE Rodgee, Thos. A. Newcastle Mason, Haeiett A. Newcastle Orchard, Normna F. Newcastle Obituaries Mrs. Honeywell, Orono Mes. Nancy Houeywell (neeý McChesney) passed te rest in Or- eue October 23rd after a short illness of heart trouble. Born 76ý years ago next January she had lived in Orono for some years. At eue time she lived on the Mel- 1er faem. Hec husband predeceas- cd her some years ago when em- ployed at the Forestry. She took ents who settled in Providence, Durham County. A few years lat- er the family moved te St. Vin- cent Township, near Meaford, and resided on the farm tili his death. He is survived by his widow, a daughtee, Mes. Leslie Arm- strong, a grand-daughter, a sister, Mes. Herb Gilmere, and twe bro- thers, John and Albert Hamm, al of Meaford. The late Mes. Wm. Edger of Bowmanville was a sis- tee. The funeral was largely attend- I ed the remainh, hinE inI HODGSON'S SERVICE STATION Makes Winter Drivang A Pleasure Bowrnanville's most moderiily-equipped service station, where you can have a full check-up. S MOTO-SWAY LUBRICATION - Positive water-~proof grease used on under-chassis. RAD. FLUSHED and filied with Prestofle or Slovap Alcohol. AN INTERNAL MOTOR FLUSH and refill iilth Wlnter Enarco Motor 011. ALL OLD GREASE FORCED OUT of transmission and dif- ferential and refllled with Winter weight. # SPARK PLUGS CLEANED, spaced and tested. REMEMBER - Your Winter oil change cannot bc complete if you leave the Summer's accumulation of sludge ln your crankease. We have a machine that PositivelY removes it. Corne in and watch the dirt beiflg forced out. Let us Demonstrate the New STEWART-WARNER GASOLINE HEATER The only Heater that reafly heats your car. Drive ln at Dean Hodgson's King and Liberty St, A FULL UINE 0F ACCESSORIES Phone, 2600, BownianVille will be greatly missed. Mr. Brad- burn was the enly son of James and Margaret Bradburn and was been and lîved his whele life of a little over seventy years on the farm, Lot 10, Con. 2, Cartwright, on which he passed away. This farm was ewned by his father and aise his grandfather before him. February l9th, 1895, he was married te Edith, fourth daugh- ter of the late George and Abigail Bradburn, whe remains te meurn the loss of a leving and deveted husband, aIse ene daughter Effel (Mrs. Will Forder), and four sens, Fred ef Janetville, Rey ef De- troit, Earl of Tyrene, and Ray at heme; aise two sisters, Maggie (Mrs. Harry Gibson), Tiverton, and Elizabeth <Mes. William Bar- ton), Blacksteck. Three sisters predeceased him, Mary E. (Mrs. T. Davidsen), Hannah (Mrs. Wm. Venning), and Sarah (Mrs. James Hall). Mr. Bradburn was greatiy in- terested in municipal affairs and was superintendent of township reads for seme years. In gev- ernment matters he always ad- hered te the leadership of the Conservative party. Mr. Brad- burn was of a quiet disposition and in his home was a noble host te which his friends were ever welcome. The funeral was very largely attended, interment being mde in Devitts Cemetery. Rev.H.A Bell, his minister, assisted by Rev.: Mr. Wood of the Anglican Church, conducted the services. Floral tributes were very beautiful and were carried by Murray Byers, Joe Bradburn, Jack and Ralph VanCamp. Paîl bearers were six nephews, Chester Gibson, Mèl- ville Lansing, Robert Hall, Al- bert Venning, Leath Byers, and Joseph Forder. Township Council DARLINGT0N COUNCIL Darlingten Council met October Sth with the members ail pres- eut, Reeve C. M. Carruthers pre- siding. Mr. Lyman Gifford, Me. Kean, and Mr. F. L. Mason addressed council re County Road proposi- tien. Tax Collecter presented his re- port for September. Road Superintendent presented his report and vouchers for Sep- tember. Clerk was instructed te write the Clerk of Clarke Township re- garding division of the Town Line. Sand is te be placed in piles in different places arnd saît mnxed with the sand for sandîng his during icy conditions. These accounts were passed: Bell 'Phone Ce., service $ 1.75 J. R. Reynolds, relief-- 12.00 F. F. Morris Ce., ambul- ance service _ 3.00 Canadun Statesman, pr'tg. 15.62 SU'as Williams, Weed Insp. 26.25 Twp. of East York, relief 22.24 Oshawa Welfare Dept. relief 103.22 Whillier & Ce., supplies 19.99 Ontario Hospital, Wood- stock, maint. J. Peekins 46.00 Mrs. E. V. Scobeli, Collector's Bond 22.50 F. G. Glaspell, Sheep Iusp. 2.00 T. Baker, sheep damages 10.00 J. D. Hogarth, bal. salary 130.00 J. D. Hogarth, post'ge, etc. 3.00 E. Pidduck, relief 16.09 Roads and Bridges, maint. and repaie 2319.28 F. L. Byam, relief 9.76 L. Barrabaîl, cartage 2.20 F. L. Dudley, percentage on taxes -. 13.14 F. L. Dudley, balance of 1937 salary .__150.*00 Council adjourned te meet No- vember Sth at 1 o'cldtrk. J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. Port Granby a great inuerest inu tuework ofthuu, --' V - 'rn'ir s --in k'"'uu i Institute and the library and in Lakeview Cemetery. Those at- Porrt Granhv Hinne anîd Scîtool people geueraîîy. tending the funeral included Mes. Cl,,b met Oct. 27th. 0f ficers are: The funoral teok place from H. R. Howard, Oshawa, Mes. A. L. l'rcsideniit-HarrY '«ade: Vce-l'res. Morris' Funoral Parler, Bowman- Nichols, Whitby, Me. and Mes. --s . V;Wlitte; Sec-Jack ville, on Tuesday, Oct. 25th, in- Eber Crago and sons Leland and -Kinilalli Tr(ýas. -.\i fredl Bresvn; termrnt beiug made in NewZton-1 Ronald, Bowmanville.Imnst isEda erc;.s. villeCemetry. iatisi Miss Kathleen Brinîîacontthîc David Wesley Bradburn, Corrcsndinî Sece-Lena Kinîtîall James Hamm, 'Meaford Cartwright 'JProram Couveors-Jack Ncshitt, Mrs. H. 'ade. Lenua Kinîthaîl, -Mrs. James Hamm died suddenly Oc- October 4th death came with W. Pavnie. ?frs. \V. Farrow and tober l3th, in Meaford, in hisi 73rd startling suddenness te, D. W. Harward Elliott. Program svithî Jack year, strieken by influenza. He Bradburn, one of Cartwright's Xcsîîitt andi Jean '«ade in charge came fromn Cornwall, England, best known and respected citi- consisted of: readiugs by Olive when six years old, with his par- - zens. He was a good neighbor andfWiiitney and Jack Wade; soles by Wanda McKav; sing-songz and cou- tests. Recent Visitors: Mrs. F. Anderson, Chris and Ncii with Mrs. J. Wade. Mr. and Mrs. R. Haskill with M r. and Mrs. H. Wade. Mr. and Mrs. P. Farrow with M'%r. and Mrs. W. Farrow. WT Afrs. Jacques and friends with Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown. Mr. and Airs. F. Gilmer and Mr.* and Airs, C. Holt with Mr. and Mrs.* M. Kimbail. -Air. and Airs. B. Whitney with Mr. and Mrs. W. Lord. -' Ail Housewives j ~'~% Know It's Best! The fastidious housewives of Bow- Phone manville know that the richness and 2665 flavor of Glen Rae Dairy milk makes it better for ail cooking ... and they Today know that the entire faniily favours this better, tastier milk! Prompt, Courteous Service Always GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone 2665 Bowmanville Inspection 0f Our Dairy Invited! Sheppard [& GiII Lumber Co. Mt.~ King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 715 RED TOP INSULATING WOOL Headquarterm for the new Red Top Iflsuiating Wool which helps save fuel and at the same time keeps your rooms more comfortable. Prepare now for winter. FINEST HARDWOO'D FLOORUNG Dealers in the finest Hardwood Flooring available. When you buy at Sheppard & Gill's you are sure of value and quality products. Sheppard &Gil Lumber Co. Mt. PHONE 715 BOWMANVILLE c PAGE TEX INSPECTORATE 0F DURHAM COUNTY (ini part) Inspector: Colonel E. E. Snider, B.A., Port Hope,- Ont. CLARKE ,È 'J ý.,i -, 1 =--l - -