THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lOTH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARLO PAGE ELEVEN TuAE Durham Agricultural Society Reports Increases Over.Last Yearý Durham Central Agricultural AWARDED DIPLOMA U Society reports a very successful1] yean in spile of the heav ex- penses entailed in expanding the '"' grounds, building a new race track and grandstand. The gale receipts sbowed a manked in- '" crease, and the enlry fees also were up. Concessions were the only feature that showed a de- The Society was able ta pay ail prizes in cash within a month of faim day and hope ta be able r ta show a substantial balance aI the end of the yean. Following are the amounts paid by classes: Heavy Hanses $ 217.00 Light Hanses - ---- 169.50 Beef Cattie--- 161.00 Dairy Cattie - 158.50 Sheep .- ------ --- 17700 Sw ine -- - -------- --- 118.00 Paultry - ------------- 81.951 Grain & Seeds ------ 14.50 Vegetabies ----- -- ---- 24.001 Fruit , - - ------- 53.50 Flowers & Plants---- - 63.75 Domestic Mfg.------ 51.00 Ladies Work - ------- 58.501 A. J. Tamblyn Fine Arts ----- ------- 36.251 Domestie Science 72.50 ,who was awanded the Agricultur- Baby Show 30.00!iai Service Diploma of 1938. Mn., Jun. Farmens' Caif Club 63.00 Tamblyn is an autstanding breed-' Field Crop Competition 75.00 er of Holstein caille, and bas been mail active in cannection Total $1624.95 with tbe Fair aI Orona for many The rink bas been rented la yeans. two Orono boys for the season 1938-39. Q. Winter and Ros Woods are the managers for the!i Officers Appointed comîng skating season. P-arties ____ desiring reservations shouid gel The remainden of the O. C. S. in touch with tbem.. Literary officers were appointed One of the new and outstandîng as follow:FntFrmRp i features o! the sacîety's activities Colville; 2nd Form Rep.- EdnalI Ibis yean was the Directons' ne- Billingi; 3rd, 41h and 51h -Ran-; cognition of one of their membens ald Paitenson and Audrey Cooper; 1ji voting A. J. Tamblyn of Onono Four convenens of programi, Jim,- Ihe Agricultural Service Diplo- Powers, Enid Cabbledick, Helen ' ia, for 1938. Mn. Tamblyn bas Case anld Carman Wbite. Fint' spent a lifetime building one Of Lterary meeting wiil be Nov. 25. the finesl herds of dairy caille ___________ (Holîleins) ta be found anywhere.G A D M SE We feel this hs a popular selection R N M S E and we congratulate him an being VISITS KENDAL chosen for Ibis bonor by the As-_____ sociation of Agicultunal Socie- The Kendai Orange Lodge had ties. a big lime Novemben 2nd. Tbe business session was beld in thei Sunday ichool noom o! the Unitl ed Churcb ai wbich a candidateýI Starkville lwas initiated. There was a larg lN e wc a s 1l e, Newlonville, and Recent Vistors: 'Mr. and Mmi. Elizabetbville. The Rt. Wan. Bro. Sbutka with frieuîdsinlaOshawa%.-. Mitchell, Grand Master fan On- Mmi. W. Simpson, Quay'i Cossing, ,lanao East, was present, as weli as with f iendi here. .. . IM. and 'Mmi. several othens prominent in the Geo. McMuiien. Bowmanville, witb Orange Onder. Afier the business M. and M.\IX . Savery. ... M. bad been transacted all went aven and Mmi. Cariai Tamblyn, Oono. aIt t the lodge room where the la- ber mother's. Mms. I. Stark..M. dies bad pnepared a splendid and Mmi. W. Savery and Ruth to0k 'banquet. in Kendai annivesary and visited The speeches were many and Mm. and Mmi. Chas. Coaper's, sixth ýgave a veny promising outlook as line. . . . mi. Silven. Mrs. B. Tim 10o the progress Onangeism is mak- and Mns. H. Trim il, Oshawa.. . *. ing. The Wor. Grand Master ne- Mr. A. McKay took a trip noth marked Ibat la see a lodge meel- ai Polntvpooi.... Mm. 'Victor Far- jing and an initiation in a cburch row in Port Hope. . n.r and .was unique, but that was just as - Mmis. Harold Barrowiciough, \\esiev- 'il should be, for the rilualistic ville, .\MIr. R. Bougen and f iend, services of the Orange Lodge fom Oshîawa, at MmIr. John NMc- were entirely in hanmony with Kal"i. .-the teaching o! the Christian tfr. Rosi Haiiowei.i. oiîrîeyed ta Cburcb. John Stewart also not- andbroigt hîîe anc iced unique fealunes in the ga-,l Windor adboglthm'aie tbering in that il was the fint'( car.l t l ime an Orange banquetbdee Yoiunz Pcopie's League cdterhldi b a l, n the finit finit mneetinz lait week. 'Miss Mar'on li tKendal lde ad en o T. R. Green is President ionr t is 'ored bv a visit fnom the Grand Nvear. Master. _________________Bro. Mitchell and Rev. S. Little- .wood were the main speakers, Black and orange crepe paper Iwbile the foilowing gave short and a big pumpkin wene used inI addnesses: G. Catheani, J." J. Mel- decarating the town hall for the,'ion, F. Couch, J. Stewart and N., dance Friday nigbt, which was a Poter. Mn. J. Swanbrick and Mn. mail enjayabie eveni although Chase of Lindsay nendered solos. not very langely atlended. Miss Hartwell Lowery wai toast mas-! Mary Tamblyn and Mn. Walken ter.' won the pizes. The Hydro vote was a dlean DM AN DIT T sweep, the unofficial counit Satun- day night revealing ihat Ihere i HAPPENINGS were 135 for and 16 againît the' purchase. The officiai couniing From The Orono News of done Wednesday night will be Xovember 6, 1913 found on another page. One en- Ihusiasi stated that the people did Miss Leta Aluin bas relurned ta i flot undenstand il before and thai ihe city ta complete a course in 1 il was the fauli of those who business college. bhave been advocating il that the Mn. Aif Sanders who bad bis Hydro was nat bougbi befone as leg broken is making excellent. tbey sbould have educated ihe 'progreis. people along that uine.' Miss Neya Smith gave a Hailo- _____________________we'en panty ta ber young fiendi.j IMrs. George Cornisb is in Ibe, 'City. miss Aima Dobson is vîsiling: fiendi in the West. Miss Ora Caldwell, Bowman- Mmville, visiled Miss Annie Thorn- Mesrs. Thomas Long and son, and Mn. Samn Long, Pont Hope, ~ visited thein brother, Mn. G. M. Tired evsog i Tire nevesmakeyouresless, Three o! Coboung's prominent. nervous, irritable and sleepless. MosItzes J.F MMian Su.I women, and men 100, depend on Dr. House of Refuge, J. T .Field, Reg- Cbase's Nerve Food for new nerve istran Higb Court, and Sberiff D.!] force. For new pep and energy use J. Nesbitt, were in the village Dr. Case'uMonday. Dr. Case'$Died: Aldgead - In Manvers, N E KV E F 0 idead, aged 46 ye Jon Ai THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS wili corne la your home everY day ihrough THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AIniernational DaiIy NewsPaPer it records for you tihe wonds ean. constructive doings Tise monitor dosflot exploit crime or sensation; nether doeslit ignore thens, but deais correctiveir witis them.ieatures for huer men and &Il thse famiiy, inciudillg thse WeellY Magazine Section. ---------------------------------------------------------- On1e, Norway Stmeet, Boston. Massalchusetts Piease enter mny subscriPtion to The chmiLtian Science Monitor for t rear $12.00 6 monts $6.00 3 months $3.00 i montis $1.00 Wedziesday issue, Inciuding Magazine Section: i year $2.60. 6 Issues 250 P'eSlm'e enter _y Ruequisi A. Y. P. A. Holds Hallowe'en Party About 50 members o! the A.Y. P.A. jounneyecl to trie Sixth Lîne home of Mn. and Mrs. George MorIon on Wednesday lasI and enjoyed a delighifui Hallowe'en ýparty. Prizes were given for best costumes as follows: Ladies - Mns. O. Cowan, Mrs. George Mor- ton; gentlemen - Mn. G eorg e eR<9N0 BRING JUDGING HONORS TO CANADA NEWS Oshawa World Traveller Outlines Recent Trip Through Europe To Large Audience At W. A. Dinner Park St. W. A. annual goose dinner and pnognam Tuesday a a well attended and succesîfulý Newtonville ir LTlegram. - I f had courage enough to dress up; 'far see hog h il i young people - Albert Mitchell Floigtestsyn fke church and piloted down dark- and Doris Wannan. Balance of ~appetites with goose, potatoes,,ee tiwy ysok n and Doris Wannan. Balance of gravy, dressing, pickles, salads, ee tiwy ysok n aevenng As sen iosln crd sn pie, cake, tea, bread and butter, ghosts the Hallowe'en guests en- gaes. Abinin delis lunc vwa etc., the program was enjoyed un- tered the United Sunday School, ervd rning a celohtfu.ev'der the chairmanship of Rev. S. which was lavishly decorated, enig t acloe.Littlewood. with a real Hallowe'en feeling on While those who had eaten Monday evening, October 31, their PUPIL HOLDwere waiting for the program Mr.i faces daubed with some white HALLO E'EN ARTYWoodyard's radio furnished news, preparation, a gif t from the speeches and music. ghosts. Miss Wanda McKay play- A mot enoyale Hllow enFollowing a sing song with Mrs. ed the music for the grand par- A mot enoyale Hllow'enade and many and varied were party was held at the school W. C. Lynch at the piano, Rev. h otmsispae.I a Lîtleood*i a umrou vin' able fact that a number Noveber 2nd. Th ecoo roomn agave the chairman's remarks, regretta sl berraut eforthedinca i* elom.from Brown's section in splendid si ust prat erfor e oca-bidig lwecoe.costumes arrived after the prizes sio. Gest wre ecevedbyEnid Cobbledick and Jim Pow- 1had béeen awarded. Mrs. Bruce ghosts which gave not only a' ers favoured with piano duets, Whitney and Mrs. Mabel Lang- thilbta lcrcsok and a quartette comprised of Mrs. staff acted as judges. T h o s e till but an aelectic hok.i A .A rummond, Mrs. R. Smith, awarded prizes were: Mrs. Frank costumes followed. Judges Beat- Mr. C. Taylor and Mr. R. Sutton Gilmer and Jack Kimbaîl, as a rice Hamm, Neil Wood and B. The Ontario Agricultural Col- a score of 5371.6 Points out of a position held at Springfield, Mass. rendered "Away! Away! Away!" "Bride and Groom"; Laureen Mc- Cooper awarded prizes to: Girls' lege judging team wvon first place possible 6000 in the judging of ail The Canadian xinners ae shown with Mrs. R. H. Brown at the Cullough, "a Flower"; Dorothy fancy, Gloria Richardson; boys' in a field of 26 in the Collegiate breeds of cattle. Three weeks above. left to right: Prof. G. E. pao Mr.AA.rumndf- Stapleton, "Mother Goose"; Jim fancy, Gerald Shakieton; comic, Dairy Cattle Judging contest held earlier the team also won the Raithby, B. S. Beer, Bethany, F. vored with a vocal solo "I Love Savery, "a sailor"; Bud Jones, "a Enid Cobbledick. Prizes were at the National Dairy show in major honors from Il American J. Archibald, G. R. Bagby and Ltfe"pith rsoW.C.Lych a ra". rtheMr. mLigactedMs presented by Beatrice Hamm. Columbus, Ohio. The team made college at the Eastern States Ex- L. T. Sonley. thrpa. chairman, ol raefcl éetor, thfedRogram Musi Games were hearitly participated I rshaE.watan e wordiae-cald seetion, lfrediRedknapp in and later candy and apples ro-,setSu-e,-hwa-etteauinea--et uly ramMs were erved The est o the v- Iday with Miss M. enthralled for an hour and a L. Savery; musical s e 1 e c t i o n s, wegs peThein dancing.ev Davv and Mrs. L. Fralick. quarter as she gave an intimate Dorothy and John Scott; solo, eningwas sent n daning.e welcome Mr. and Mrs. R. 1 outline of hier trip with two other Vina Stacey; readîng, Meda Hal- Bad let Ofies OC A A D E SO ALiE. Logan and two daughters to; women through Russia and Si- lowell; solo, Nli hta ed ourvilag wh hve ovd hre'beia She started from the time ing, Lena Kimbail. .Miss Jennie Ban ______Ofier from BowManville. they arrived in Finland where the Thompson and Melville Samis Midlnd egientl Bnd l- e ntic th fomerraiwayOlympic games will take place were tied in a guessing contest, ected these officers: Presdent-A. Mrs. Thos. Powers attended the Misses Colville. Rackham and track is now being used as a road. n roex er, adsribedthe Atheformetrining J. the rkizeaid J. amly; VceP es id nt-annual goose dinner Tuesday. Robbins visited Mr. and Mrs. Ro- On asking the driver of one car the barbed wire border AetwenGasond ral.Mrs.J.chareofa Charles Gay; Secretary-Treasurer bert Sherwin and Mrs. C. Moon. ýwhat it was like hie replied "Not 'Finland and Russia, cameras, guessing game that caused much -Horace Best; L e a der-M. J. Mrs. J. Cobbledick has return- bad at all." jokpprecwr xmn ermn.Lnho adihs Tamblyn. Enlargement of the ed from the West. The sale of Mrs. Honeywell's boos, andalper e., swereexm anerimnt. ieLu nch ofandwhs band wvas decided on and 14 new effects Satunday was fairly well! Mrs. George Sherwin, s o n esn i terblnig er ae upidi.adcfe a memersarenowbeig raied ttededbu bidin wa slw. Harry and daughter Vera, Fen- gone over with a fine tooth comb,sevd mebes r nw eigtrind Mrs. Curtis visited Mr. and atne u idn a lw la iie r n r.Wle as she said. One can take pictures M by Mr. A. J. Knox. The band has Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mess onadBbKael, heri.Ver.arened fo altr ai usabt h itrsmust Mis I. Laing, Pres. of W. M. S. given excellent music and should Mrs W. S. Roy and Margaret Toronto, spent the weekend at longer visit. ýbe developed and examined be- ofetngUnited Church openedth be encouraged on their planning visîted in Toronto. home. fore going out of the country. meoreting on ovember sthars. to be bigger and better than lever. r.V hsyadMs .Ltrtr scrflyeaie Mr Tmly s ls o eco: Mrs. Wm. Seymour is visiting fMs .PasyadMstHhieaue scrfly xmnc ege McCullough had charge 'M.Tmlni as ob o-Messrs. Art Smith and Vero Cantrell were given boxes of and if not right is confiscated o hepora.PryrbyMs gratulated not only on his workinorto Saunders, Toronto, visited Mr chocolates at the amateur show She went on to describe the ho- .L ec.Toei hreo as leader but in having Mr. Knox Mrs. John Henry visited friends adMs .Sudr.r at Garden Hill Friday. Mr. Mit- tel, and other buildingstanpr the Study Book were: Mrs. Kauf- to help him in the work, as the1 in Maple Grove. . chell was unable to attend. tation, scenery and clothes. A Manrris enadng nCia; Mrs. lteiswlknw foabit 9Best xishes to Everett Porter, . . Mortcen i wic rise, Cental andiMs a; Mania mute sic nd n tann new usi- in Mr. Jack Cafley, Belleville, was and OllUe Davey who are being 1Asocial was held in the3Park0comm ny kîtcen in whîechBr guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor. ýmarried today Thurd St. Sunday School room Wednes-.300dier aesrvd ac cKoe;ndM.Sary L.O.L hldametngMo- Re. m SeligFneo day night, there being a lot of day, menus, education, theatres knapp rendered a solo. Miss L. 0 L.hel a eetng on- Rev.Win Strlig, éneon:food not utilized at the goose din- seating 25,000 and crowded every Laing gave a report of Oshawa i athenight, humorous things that hap- Armstie ervceday night. Falls,a former pastor ofth Un- ner.pee suharttngorte Presbyterial at Bowmianville. A msieSrie 1Mr. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, ited Church, was in town Tues- Mr.H .MiîoennMr obesones at0 iles an hour, Thank-offering Services in the Un ow Hal pet te eekndathom. ay garet, Orono, and Mrs. W. H. trying, to make the Russians un- United Church, Sunday, Nov. 13. Miss Thelma Myles, Toronto, Rev. S. Littlewood will occupy Carruthers, Bowmanville, visited derstand their Russian. Rev. R. E. Morton, Newcastle, Plans have been made for an ispent the weekend at home. 'the pulpit of one of Rev. E. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Carruthers The speaker also cjescribed the will speak at 2.30 p.m. and Rev. Armistîc service in the Town Hall i. Beech's charges on Sunday even- (nee Elenor Milîson), Gaît. former home of the Czars which S. Littlewood, Orono, will speak Friday at 10.30 a.m. It is expect- Mn. Roy Colville, Toronto, vis- ing - it being their anniversary. Qieabto ulig t.i easjs si a.Te vna .0pm ed the Midland Regimental Band ite Dr. adMs elClil. D and Mrs. Chester and fam- being done around here, with Mn. saw where Rasputn used to stay November 16, D.Misno will furnish music. The school St. Saviour's W. A. met at Mn.iyr dMs ndMKniT- .J ifla' os n . when spyîng on the Czar at the Welcome will lecture at 8 p.m. in children will attend to add their and Mrs. Ed Morton's Thursday.. ronto, visipd Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Knox's bee bouse. loM meetings with the Cabinet. Men- the basement o ntdCuc tribute to "'the Glorious Dead." loM.toighbobn ihalknsweohrtlntilb psn. Rev. S. Littlewood will give the Miss Flora Cobbledick is home:Smnith. Frank Hall and men are building toniopg, hb spobbingwit iedsuwheLnhetn will be present. address. Ail are urged to attend from Toronto. i MssGay aly h a a cistern for fire protectionth oepe, the sekrpitdot'uc ilb evd issGldyouteyhwo that the Chinese are a clever race, About 25 ladies of Newtonville this service. Mn. Wm. Willard, Pont Perry, j been visiting Mn. and Mrs. 0. W.digging being done a littleW. I was Sunday guest at W. H. Rolph. has returned home to Bos-: of the erstwhile raiîway crossing. Collectknowaing furnu as. W. I.std TyNone 2, anchputon Par S. huch Rowe's. ton._________ also descnibed by the speaker. the program. They are grateful _____S.__urc Mrs. Bragg, Bowmanvîlle, has1 Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Brown and She closed by telling of a. con- to the Tyrone ladies who served At the monning service at Park been visiting Miss M. Davy and Mrs. Fred Souch and a party of APPLE EXPORT vention in Tokio attended by lunch and entertained thema so St. Church Sunday, Rev. S. Lit- Mrs. L. Fralick. !friends attended the goose dinner ~ ~ ie 4000 people in wbich was incul- splendidly. tleoo bga aseresofsemos MssBenie roosa orerand programn. BIG TIS YEA cated the idea she wisbed to leave Mn. Dave Denauit has about eon d "Faith", the toic of tîefs e achMis eni CS hooa nfiiton.CameeTmry oo-with the audience - that we completed bis large new building one beaing"Dtemtocayof ath . ing beaereo .. , a bebis rgehasetndhoeaer T iolcrpreport inWod-ssudsould treat foreigners witb kind- for storing dressed lumben. The Hecopren e be demmorayocray of visite bigfies ere dmeaten-vThe MSttistcropBrephofrthe Ou- ness and as we would guests. building also includes a work- fH withed ederacy ngven is oucbsben iit- igfinshr n a e-b h ttsic rn fteO- Following a few words of shop and office and is situated menh t menoigcassistien- ihsster, Mrcs R. A Forrst- dal. tarlo Deoartnient of Agriculture tbanks by Rev. Littlewood to ail between Mr. Brock Pethick's and ion, a n "pull" ass eis o h e.Mn. G. F. Rowe, B.A., and dau- states that Mnore apples have been wbo had belped to make the even-MisBthTom ons andempaszin tat ay n.andMr. Tos.Coan x-ghten Barbara, Ottawa, spent the exported from Eastern Ontario so ing a success, the quartette sang1 latter adepaiigta a- M.adMs hs oa x weekend with his parents, Mr. far this flu than during the whole two numbers which brougbt a de- Vlsitors: ing "yes" to Chist's wishes was pect to leave soon for thein south- adMsH.RRwe iltsao.Mre cnthhaelgfueeigtoaclose. Mr. W. F. Holdaway, Cochrane, ail that was necessary in the for- enn home. be xotdta o lysao ihMs .Wd n r.W mer. The choir sang "Like as a Mns. Alfred Chapman has been hee cpote tanfor.n sasn it Mrs. J. Wade and.W Father," with Mn. Wyven Reid Mrs. C. Moon and Mn. and Mrs. in Toronto seeing a speciaîist ,ince the liard winter of 1933-34.Jye,. n.J.Wd n tain te ol.Robent Shenwin visited in Osh- about her eyes and visiting Miss Thie report for Easternî Ontario î.. ! family with Mn. and Mrs. H. E. t theennsevithe hespas- awa. follovs. DHY RILVIMIHancock, Orono. . . . Mrs. Reich- ton spoke on "Remembrance," Rev. E. Beech of Newtonville Mn n r.C Sa r o Apples are continitiînt to size well ENGINE PUFFSlnatb nhrn-agtr oc gnaphically describing the results will preach lat Park St. ChurchsMttaed in theirSnew doaienoand and arce enerally larger thali fo,_____ AdMs,withicaomeI' of the last xvan and pîcturîng also Sunday nîgbt. s. .'dinthitherdman nMer,.saWeise, hecooriChicagouf o aloomtie s howmuc moe trrile he extopened their new restaurant Fni- Mr.rlsao ps. Teclni Tepfpf fa oooiei Martin Pethick, Miilbrook, 'hwmuhmretribeté etalso luch better than last year. familiar to ail, but few people w.h hsbohr n rc one wudbadepaiig M.adMs .Dnod e-dy A wind and rain stonîn on thc . seem to know just what causes Ptik n n r.Kn the fact that we should be grate- e oo iitdh!sstr r.F Congratulations to Mn. and Mns. nizlit of September 21 was thei the noise, according to operating and Mn. and Mrs. Bradley, To- fui for the present peace even if B. Whyte. ISuas Souch who celebrate their worst itr atern Ontario lias officiais of the Canadian National rno n r.Cetr saa Chamberlain's policy was agneed Mn. and Mns.Wmn. Coxvan visit- 2th wedding anniv'ersary Satun- hIl in starly year thitmeo Rlwy.Iisxpandhta i nwer a hstm o alas.I sepaie hta toand Ms. Chstter Oshawa îwtornot. A splendid vocal ed Mn. and Mrs. Fred Lovekin day l2th. scason and extcndcd as far west as1 puif is the noise made by exhaust wih Ms. W m . eWittaer.dug iit or Mrs. W. C.lLaneuwith ber daugh- duet was rendered by Mn. and at Newcastle. There will be an Armistice ser- liowmanville. Mclîitosh suffer-edsta thtileouoftesk- ter, Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Port Hope. Mns. Rowland Smith. Mn. Win. Patterson, Toronto, vice to-monnow (Friday) at 10.30 the Most. altliough about 50 per lstack after the steam has pushed . Mrs. H. TebI and Leona, spent Sunday with bis mother a.m. in Orono town hall. Plan cent of tbat vanietv wvas picked tepitn ,n telegN fte wcastle, with Mn. and Mrs. ParkSt. nion and sisten. ta attend. It is estimnatcd that between 15 andcynd.Oepufomsath George J. Stapleton. . . . Mn. and Park _ Anmbr teneStefuerl M.UaniDvyor.adnr 25 per cent of the crop which was end of the forwand sîroke and Mrs. Anderson and family, wvhit- daughteattnde the uea'M.HryDvr.nd rs anothen at the end of the back-byan M.adMs.W.t- Miss Williams, B.A., was guest of the late Frank Allin, New- Kenneth Fralick and tjîon the trees w~ent to t ah d stroke, fourapuifs b eveny pi speaker at Park St. Union Mon- castle, on Fiday. Ruby, and Mn. W. H. Dunn, To- ezroîuud. Late varicties did flot stif- revolution of the driving wbeels. tnadfmlwt n n day nigbt whicb was in charge fer as much as earlv varieties but Pusbing the piston back fonces Mrs. Lanson Milîson. Mn. and 1 o MevynKeae ad OiveSpvs show niuch bnîîmsmng f romiý out the steam that pushed the pi- r. Alvin Jones, Port Hope, Bon Mevyheanpesiand Oive1939 DODGES ON DISPLAY Whipping. ton forward and as this usedStieto r ndr.GereE After briefly mentioning sev- Pacicallv ail carl, varicties of steam is stîli under some pressure, Saltn eralmissonares, he wnt o toapples hiave now been oickcd. Mfanv ýtbe operation of ejecting it thro' teli of the work and philosophy zrowers are nlow lharvesting Starks Ithe smoke-stack is accompanied power. As the engine gathers of Dr. Judd wbo tbrougb ill- and ail late varieties will probabîx by noise, bence the puif. Engines speed "brute" power is not need- bealth was fonced to go home af- he picked by Octobir 20 as the 'puif louder wben starting because ed and less steamn is admitted per 1er doing excellent work in season is carlier than tisual. , a great deai of steamn is admitted piston stroke. The puif-puif then China. The philosopby of Dr. .. More ainles have been exported 1 to the piston to gain maximum becomes a steady purr. Judd was in the fortinof six ideas ~ so far than for the whole of last Iwhchhecale "ri cai cn-scason. More lMclintoshi have hecu> WHEN 1 PUT ON STORM WINDOWS victions." They were: (1) That À _for__________ilic ail people were essentially the cpe th anfrayscsnsec o'thencol liard winter of 1933-34. (To Editor Frank Macintyre, Dundalk Herald) butiae;st2)d ortfe Practicallv ail the shipinents 0v- exerseas tlielfseatoail reobouohtfell If thene is one lbing gels my goat and takes away xny cheer, togethen; (3) Nothing couîd soîve er. w hih îiîonrnenghew. Th. It's putling on storm windows 'long about this time of year; problems but Christian men; (4) DODGE CUJSTOM FOURDOOR SEDAN p)rospects now are thatnany inî.me ~cibu 0teatcadIbigtoebgfae o The way of love works (bene sev- will b exportcd as iiaîîy contracts And nine limes out of ten, I lbink, I'm sure 10, crack my crown. enal narow escaps Dr. Judd bad I lug lhema down and lake themn ouI and lay them on the grass, were bold); (5) The way of love aromto cîîîemie ad~e al iî No matter if the weatber's cold I have 10, wash the glass; is the way of the cross; (6) God To naSo canere hv alfiih-Teyr such a sad reminder how lime trickies down life's trougb, gives adéquate strengtb for every 1 orteail. bThv î*ts lsem just like 'twas yesterday I took those big frames off. laskd Shwclosed y lellin ofoeluchi mai11 whiclîhavt oe on the parlor but the biamed lhing doesn't fit, lowcm ofhosjourny tae I avethe kitchen frame and il's 100 narrow, quile a bit; peeils o! bis journey home, an inat lie ad atoes soft.illI climb off tbal step ladder in no mood to sing a song, PAGE EL17VEN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IOTH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESIUAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ' criticism.-Toronto Telegram. 1 t)ZO urawloru ot., lurontu 1; 4jumun uubivm