-w----- - p. e) PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lOTH, 1938 4, Margaret Ash, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ash, was award- ed first place by the judges, Mrs. A. E. Mellow. Miss Tena Fergu- son and Miss E. M. Blackburn. Newcastle school at the county Phone Clarke 1114 contest anOo n Wednesday Reeve C. R. and Mrs. Carveth came down for the U. C. supper evening. Margaret and four other spen th wekendwit Mr an andas tayng wth er iec, pupils selected by the judges on s. JactheHigbee Buito r n n.dMesRss Djinson whh ie Mr. Friday xiii compete for the Nora Mrs.JackHigee, urncent 'Dcks.ossn cinway hunig.Miss E. Coleman public speaking prize Public School Commcmen ikno saa utn.Ms at the Commencement Exercises. Exercises will be held in the com- iNorma Dickinson, Port Hope. also It was a near miracle that Rev. inunity hall Friday evening, No- ývisited her sister-in-law, Mrs. RyH ikrCîon,«a vemer 8.Dicinsn.able to keep his engagement tor Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Lind- , The following Nimrods of New- peeach in the United Chuech on say, formerly of Belleville, visitedcastle and vicinity have gone to Sunday, Oct. 30. When motoring Mirs. Geo. P. Rickard and Mrs.1different parts of Haliburton in to Newcastle on the Saturday ev-t Harold Toms. ýsmall groups for the deer hunting ening with Mrs. Rickard theyt Miss Catherine Oldrum, Mono iseason: Irwin Colwill, Stan Gra- xvere forced to the shoulder and Road, and Miss Marion Allun, Bol-:ham, Ross Dickinson, George Ste- sideswiped by a car they met ton, spent the weekend with Mr.,phenson, Murray Eilbeck, John near the C.P.R. subway. By the and Mrs. Norman Allun. Rickard, Arthur Toms. actions of the driver of the east- V Mr. and Mes. Rob Alldred are'ý Miss May Erskine, Dumfries, bound car he appeared to beE now residents of Newcastle, hav- Scotland, is visiting her cousins, either drunk or asleep. He cross-M ing moved in from Mr. Geo. Ste-i Mr* and Mrs. Jno. Hendry, Lake ed to the left side of the road f phenson's farm, Brown's. 'Shore. She had been visiting re- and they were unable to keep W. A. of United Church meets'iatives in the West and had jour- clear of him. Mr. Rickard report- ]o this Thursday afternoon. Pro- neyed to Calgary, Banff and Lake ed the occurrence to the traffie grmand menu are in charge ofLoie She is greatly enjoying oficer and showed the damage to gramhec trip to Canada and meeting the car. It was under a severe Mrs. Percy Brown's group. 'Canadian friends. physical strain he preached anni- Mrs. Fannie Clarke, Toronto, Mes. W. G. Rundle, Mr. Everton Golden Rule Mission Band will versary sermons on Sunday. c White and daughters Marie and meet in S. S. hall Saturday after-, Rev. R. E. Morton and Messrs. t Edith, Bethesda, spent 'Sunday noon, Nov. 12, when members of J. E. W. Philp, N. L. Rickard and ai with Mr. and Mes. Geo. Joli. the Baby Band over six years of H. R. Pearce were in Oshawa d C. G. I. T. met Friday evening. age will graduate into the Mis- ýThursday evening, Oct. 27, at- t Scripture was read by Grace'sion Band. Mes. Chas. Warren, ýtending an Oshawa Presbytery t Powell. Kay Toms and Grace Hampton, Sec'y. of Mission Bands banquet at Simcoe St. United e Powell favored with a vocal duet. ýfor Oshawa Presbytery, will con- 'Church. Rev. W. R. Tanton, theM A short period of games was en- duct the graduation exercises. ýchairman, said it was the best M joyed. ýThe public are invited. ýand most representative gather- w Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare re- The young men's quartette of.lmg of its kind in his experience tr turned from Windsor xhere they Newcastle United Church sang at, a's anmnister in the Oshawa Pres- sa found hec sister, Mes. L. J. Pierce, anniversary services at Salem on ye. Groups were present from a showing no improvement in her the Coîborne circuit, Nov. 6, by evrsatrlcag ntep e health. This week they visited 'invitation of Rev. Roy H. Rickard. bytery except one. Wonderfully hi their son, Me. Jack Hare, Kings- Members are Wilbur Baskerville, înspiring and optimistic addresses to ton. WibrBakunCa.Ce-, were given by Rev. Alex Y. Ro- th Miss Odie Warren, Toronto, ence and Stanley Riekard, Miss bertson, Chairman of the Wey- sn ________________________Marare Parc, tei acompn-buen Presbytery, Sask., and ar ______________________ itand MissPes arcthleen Tcoms and Commissioner to the recent Gen- a Stella Little. eral Council of the United Church, cr Cownvile OL.whih metsand Rev. Dr. Jas. Endicott, Act- bi regual in conc ichmeof ing Secretary of the M. & M. gt ADVANCE teucommi un cha easOeFund. Me. Robertson presented a P the ommnityhal, Necaslegraphie picture of western condi- dz attended a district meeting in tions and told how the United C hristniasl Noveberthe cet ear fIdrn, alteyasW!co al endl Nveber2. ex yerChurch had stood up to its work sk Cowanville L.OL. No. 265, found- uires and hard grinding times. Ti ed in Orono in 1839 by George Dr. Endicott spoke hopefully of in S aie Cowan. This is one of at least China dsiethe rsn Japan- er Suggestions for founded in Orono by different in the world were Christian Mis- dz OvrsasMalig persons at different periods. l sions s0 welcome as in the China ed Oversas MalingRev. R. E. Morton is in bed for lof today. Calndrstwo weeks under his doctor's ad- n Calndrsvice. The trouble is slow heart United Church Y. P. U. Fancy Work action and low blood pressure. Y .U e odyeeig Fraed ictre He was unable to address Brown's The. Programewas narge ofn ranad i Maes iHome & School Club on Tuesday TRea Flini asnd csise ofa Canaian ade evening as anticipated, nor to Retain byG anc oweoafqa WooderaftProductsconduct the funeral service forraigb rc oel ur WoodraftProdctsthe late Franklin Allin on Friday. tette by Charley Clemence, Ross For god slecion uy A frme patorRev W.P. og-Allin, Wilbur Blackburn and Wil- Fo go slclo uy AfrmrpatrRv1W . o-bue Baskerville, and a talk on Christmas Cards now ers, Boow Mnvileoficiatsedvicnd Armistice by Me. J. J. Mellor, 6E ao took e. Motnsercs Orono. Scipture reading was ni SPECIAL one Suay an.hrshgo taken by Margaret Pearce. Devo- the 2 crttiog and the i o tional readings were given by 8-CAhRD 120 s acrfiesfoto!bkweat iho Jared Iimbaland Reta Flintoif. 8 AR Sasml~1~roo cmin w A solo was rendered by Evelyn B hi Gift Boxi going o o the third week on Aln antRcadldi in Gift Box ithe Littlef ield farm, west of New- Aln antRcadldi sie.TeSvnhDyAvn prayer. A period of games was conducted by Ernest Gilbank. 13C tists fromn near Oshawa operate. _ ______ Ask about our 'bu not on Saturdays. Me. Frank ' Lay Away Gift Plan. Gibson has been trucking the THREE IN ONE B threshed grain to A. W. Glenney's Fý JOHN TON S eevator at the C.N.R. station, but At Orange Lodge Card Party B flot on Sundays, and Me. Glenney Bi load lots along with other buck- ýabout ninety at the card paety Fi 1300K STORE wha receipts. ýand social evening under auspices Phone 651 Bowmanvllle At the public speaking elimina- ýof Cowanville L. O. L. on Friday. as tion contest held at the public !Visitors had their choice of either Ci *school on Friday afternoon, Nov.Brde Euchre or Five Hundred. ac WE'RE OVERSTOCKED The Weather Fooled Us OVERCOATS REDUCED This 18 Your Chance FOR REAL SAVINGS LADIES 'COATS Fie fabrics, rich fur col- lrs, smart tailoring. Dis- tinctive Coats for late fal and winter. - Overstocked sale prices as low as $12050 H -ats ]Reducedi The. -season 's outstanding hats for. Iadieu, reduced in price to clear. See them today. MEN'S OVERCOATS Dozens of the finest Winter Coats we ever stocked. We bought for a cold winter and you benefit from our mistake. Newest styles, patterns and materials. Sizes 35 to 44. As low as $15,00 Couch, Johnston &Cryderman, 1Phone 834 LTD. Bowmanville hî Ai n t'ý th pe th at Ai Prizes xvere presented to, the win. ning lady and gentleman of eac] group as follows: Bridge - Mes Aiken and Lloyd Stephenson; 50( - Mes. Harold Couch and Victoi Garrod; Euchre - Mes. Howell Rowland and Gordon Ash. Anx en- joyable social time was spent over the eefreshments. LOCAL FARMERS SUPPLY FOUNDATION STOCK Pure beed, registered beeeding stock sold by Newcastle farmers recently have included theee Hol- stein cows sold to, a New York~ dairyman by Me. J. H. Jose andi three young .Yorkshire sows sent to Renfrew county by Me. Wm. Rowland. These were three of a lot of five advertised in The Statesman by Me. Rowland last week and they were shipped from Bowmanville in a freight car last week along with thee othees from the Werry Brothers, Solina. DAVID GRAY THROWN INTO DITCH WHEN TRUCK HITS WAGON David Gray started to, New- castle Satueday forenoon with a :eam and wagon. 15 bags of grain and a barrel of apples; but they Iidn't arrive in the order in which :hey started. While coming down the hill west of the village a gov- ernment highway truck deiven by Wm. Clark turned out to pass Mlr. Gray. A car came feomn the west and began Passing both ruck and wagon and teamn at the ame time. This put the truck in atight spot from which there eemed to be no safe escape. It hit the wagon with such force as to hurl the driver fifteen feet to the roadside, upset the load and mashed the wagon. The horses aced into, the village and stopped at the corner o! Chuech St. when one feul down. They had only the bare gear of the wagon. The ton- gue was broken and the remnant pushing along on the ground en- angering the horses legs. As luck vould have it they were only kinned. The reach and hounds of the wagon were also broken. The apples weren't worth salvag- ing. Despite this exciting experi- ence and shaking up Dave and his vife were out to chuech on Sun- Iay evening. The car which caus- ed the trouble didn't stop, but its number was taken. DURHAM LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS Capt. J. 1. McCormick Gives Illustrated Address Officers of Durham Lodge No. 66, A. F. & A. M., elected Tuesday night. November 1, for 1939 are: W. Bro. H. V. D. Gibson - - W. Master W. Bro. F. Graham - I. P. Master Bro. C. M. Jones - - - S. Warden Bro. Laurence Gaines - J. Warden W. Bro. T. F. Branton- Chaplain W. Bro. J. E. W. Philp - - Treas. Bro. J. W. Bradley - - - - Sec'y. W. Bro. Geo. Gaines- - - D. o! C. Bro. D. E. Gibson - - - S. Deacon 3ro. W. H. Gibson - - - J. Deacon 3ro. Geo. Walton - - - S. Steward Bro. Iewin Colwill - # J. Steward Bro. E. W. Fisher - - - I. Guard Bro. T. W. Jackson - - - Tyler The lodge was delighted to have as guest speaker, Capt. J. I. Mc- Cormick, Toronto, who gave an address, illustrated. on "YeIls, Belîs, and Smells." The subject .ad to do with the people and countries of Egypt, Palestine, Arabia and Peesia. Capt. McCor- mick had been in aIl these coun- ries. had had much to do with te inhabitants andi spoke feom ersonal experience. His lecture was particularly interesting at tis time when so much trouble bounds between the Jews and Arabs in Palestine. IN MEMORIAM \\E'BBER - fil loving memnory of iv m ife. AdIcline Webh)er, who r)asse(l awav niOC vear ago todav. Novembiler 7. 1937: 1 hiave lost mnv sounîs comnpartion. A life litnketi with my own. .\rnd day ln- day- I mniss hier more .X\s I walk through life alone.: - vrremnenil)cred fr, loving Hii,hIanid ani Famiil. Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - SHROPSHIRE, gra<lc< ram lamibs. shieurs anti two vcars. Nlark Hancock. Oshawa. R. R. 2. Telephone Oshawa 1827r23. 42-4* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - Purebreti Berkshire p)igs, live anti .,x nonths. cither sex ; also tWO Jersev cows, both young and of gonld breeding. due to Ireshien this week. Apply to Howarti Gibson. Phone. Bowmnanvilte 2482. 45-1 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE- Grade Jersey cows, onue Iesh; also rezistereti Shorthortis. Iresh andti t Ireshen soon. AIl fully accreti- iteti anti federally blooti-testeti. Appily- W. C. Pansons. Bowman- ville. R.R. 2. Phone 2315. 45-1 FeedSpecial__ WEFKLY FEED SI>ECIAL - Vanstones Egg Nîash, $1.85 Der cwt. 011cr gond until Nov. 17th. I. C. Vdustoni. Phont 777. 45-1 PERSONAL MVen of 30, 40, 50, want vini, Try OSTREX Tablets of raw nvster stimulants anti genenat body builtiers. Il not tielighted with nestimts of first package, maker nefîuds its low pnice. Caîl, write jury & LovelI, anti aIl othen gooti tiuggists. 40-t f %fNN HERE IS AX 1RACTICAL plan that will enable you ti) buitti an iiidcp)eiiienit business nI vour )WI) witlî the distribution nf over 2(M) guarantecti necessities in sel- ect district. Every day is p)ay day. Rep)eat orders oni aIl gonds. Low prnces. 0f fer open to aIl honest ambitions, aIent meni. Write to- dlay withnut obligation to Familex Co.. 570 St. !ýtenent Montreat. 1 - 45-1 COMING EVENTS Higzh School Commencement Ex- ercises have been postponed until Januarv 19th and 2th, 1939. Plcase note change of date. 45-2 Dr. and INIrs. Harold Ferguson will receive for Dr. and Mrs. Char- les J. Austin, at Enniskillen, on Saturday, November 12th. f romn 7 to 9 1.nm. The ladies of St. Andrew's Church are havinz a bazaar on Thursdav, December let. There ivili be fancv work. home cooking, aprons. etc. Kcep the date in mnd. 45-1 CHEERIO Farm Hlp Wanted FARNI HELP WANTED -A zood milker, Phone 2160. 45-1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE. 7- rooms. one hiall acre land, smnall barn., fruit trees. 2 miles north of Bowmnanville. on middle road. Ap- ply B. MlacDoniald,. Manvers Road, Boîvmanville. 45-2* For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - SEV- en-roomed house in Hampton, in zood rep)air. good gardemi, garage, t'qp'n uts,,ui t'.LtIUC n. An1v> Entertainers coming again with 1John Wý, akely, Bowmanville. 45-2* new noveltv numbers. Decemnber n Hoid the date open. Sponsore-i-, The Canadian Legion. Another gala ,M ortgage Sale entertainment. 45-4 Uoder anîd by virtue of powers CARDS 0F THANKS contained ini a certain Mortgage j which will be nroduced at the timne MIr. Frank Webber and Iamîily of sale there wilI be offereti for sale wish to thank their friends and . t Public Auction on Friday, Nov- neighbours for the kindness and cxnber 25th. 1938, at 3 :00 p.m., at svmpDathv shown themn during the !the office of Mý.G.V. GOULD, Bow- ilîness and tieath of a wif e and mnanville. by Theo. M. Slemon, inother. Auctioneer. ALL that certain oarcel or tract of land and premises situate, The famnily of the late Allan Battle lving and beinz in the Town of ivish to express their sincere apprec- Bowmanvillc. in the County of lation of kintinesses shown and for D)urham. bcing composed of Town floral tributes during the illness and Lots Numnbers 3 and 4 fronting on death of their father. the WVest side ni Scugog Street in 1 wsih to take this opportunity of the Town of Bowmanville. shown on the Plan oi the saiti Town on thanking the people of Enniskillen lciiteRgsr fiea commutv antis disrtan fo. the sub-division of part of the South- loalv ndesssuport nt info the East part of original Township Lot man kiduesesshon u duingtheNumnber 13, lu the Second Con- past 18 vears. We have enjoved theceso ofteTwhiofDr associations anti regret tlîat it lias cession o the Tnowns-hipf ar-, l)een necessary to sever them. 1 lie tonecoaîninore-ha lia are would besneak the samne lovalty andbeTERNSme10oreofrcs pi support for my successor. Dr. C. J. TE IS 10 o!prhspic Austin. formnerly of Carleton place. to be paid down at. time of sale; I know that lie ivilI serve the -com- 40<4r within 30 days and tlhe re- muni5y wcll. inaining 50<4( may be secuireti bY .Notaeon terms favorable to the DR. HAROLD FERGUSON. Purchaser. Fýor Iurthcr particulars anti con- Wood Sale ditions of Sale applv to. M. G. V. I hve eenautorietihy issGOULD. Bowmanville, Ont., Solic- M. McLaughlin to seli by public itor for Mat ortgagee.his8t auction ou Lot le , Cbncession 9, Dateti at omanvile ths3 St Darlington. on Saturday, November da45-o3me. 98 1 - 1 ,'Zn - il - --3 19. at 1 :30 p.m. o acres, more or less. of standing timber, consistîng of zooti hardwood anti somepne to be sotti in quarter-acre lots mr or less. Parties to have untilApi 1. 1940, to remnove timber. Gooti roati for trucks. Termns cash. Elmner \Vilbur. Atuctionieer. 45-2 For Sale APPLES FOR SALE - SNOWS. Mclntosh. Greenings. Spyvs, Talmon Sweets anti Starks. 1.00 up. Get vour w~intcr supply vjhile they la:t. Phone Albin Clemens 2433. 44-tf FOR S.\LE-CEMENT BLOCKS, plain andi rock face ; also cement bricks for chimnevs. A'. C. Cook. 264 French St., Oshawva. 44-2* IIOUSEHOLI) FURNITURE FOR sale bsv private bargain. Saturday. November 13th .Mrs. Clark Bell, Qucen St.. Bowmanville. 45-I TURNIPS FOR SALE- BUS- Notice To Creditors ALL PERSONS having any dlaim azainst the estate of the late BRUCE .\RTHUR ELLIOTT. who dieti on o r about the îOth day of June. 1938, at the Township of Clarke, ini the Countv of Durham, Salesman. are requiredti 1 file the same with prool thereof wlth the undersigneti Exe- cutors. or their solicitor, not later than December lst. 1938, aiter which date the Estate ivill be distributeti andl all daims of which notice bas not l)een receiveti will be barreti as against the saiti Executors. Datet iat Bowmnanville this 4th day of November, 1938. NI. G. V. GOCLD. Bowmanville. Ontario. Solicitnr for B. F. ELLIOTT and- A. D. ELLIOTT, Excutors, Clanke Ontario. 45-3 Notice to Creditors le ..\m v S. XV. Nîfarchmeýnt Ail persons having any cdaim Co. R.R. 4, Bowmnanville, Phone iagainst the estate oI the late Williamn 2208. 45î lrock who dieti on or about the 28t1î FOR SALE HAND-KNITTED clas' ni Septemiber. 1938. at the Town vloves. am- suze or color. 75c a j Oliownmanville. lu tlhe County oI p)air . Applv P.O. Box 257 or !Durhamn. arc required to file the P'hoine 2680. 45-1 sanie with p)rool thiercof with the undersigneti Lxccutors Or their Sol- FOR SALE LARGE COOK ' icitor. ot later than November 25, Stove. Royal l'rinccss Pat, in 1938. aiter svhich date the Estate will gond condition . Apply R. WVood- bc distnibuteti anti ail dlaimns oI wvard, Duke St., Bowmnanville. which Notice has not been necciveti 45-lt 1will lbe barreti as against the saiti - Executors. FO R SALE - IN O S H AW\, ateti at Bowmaiîville îlîis 25th Modntic o airtiressinz Establish- day ni October. 1938. ment. siltndid location, low (ver- NI. G. V. GOUI.D, Bowmnanvillc, hea(l exp)enses. doing gond buisi- Ontario. ness. This is a real bargaiuî for Solicitor for R. L. Mlitchell anti those gentuinely interesteti. 111 Walter I latcis, Exelcutors Bowmian- liealth the cause for retiremnent. v-ille. Ontario. 4- WVrite Box H. B., Drawer B., BoNvinanvilte. 4- FOR ALE- STVE 5-1Chattel Mortgage Sale oak anti fir, ail body wood, $10.00 Uder anti by virute ni a certain (Iclverei. Pnue2575 45~* ichattel in',rtgage. wlîich wvill bc pro- (loce(l at the time o! the sale. there FOR SALE- ALBERTA COAL. ivili bc snld on Tuesday, the l5th day Large lump or stove sizes. Will Of Novemnber, 1938, at 2 p.m., at cuistomners wanting Canadian coal Bickell', Stables. opi King Street kindlv place their orders at ncleEast. Bowmanville, the followingi with R. E. Osborne, Church St.,<ecieignsat latl a Phoe 73.451*Mare, Clyde; Bay Mare, Clyde; Brown Mare, Clv de; Bav Horse. To Rent large satitle horst; Bav Filtv Colt, - I1 %-ar 01(1; Chestut Mare, approx- APARTMENT FOR RENT - imatelv 7 years oId: Black Colt, 6 Thrce-roonet heateti apartiment, mnonths nId. These horses outside o!f unfurnisheti on Carlisle Avtnue. cOlts are ail big workabte tiorses.I Immediate occupation. Apply C. Tcrns Cash, hligliest bitider to bc the A.. c/o Statesman Office. 45-1* purchiaser. TO RENT--6-ROONIED HOUSE with aIl coriveniences on Conmcess- ion St.. garage ant i snalt ganden. Possession Nov. îst. Chas. Heal. Phone 2622. 40-t TO RENT - SIX-ROOMED honse on Concession Street. lac- inz Centre Street. aIt comvenlies, tint water hcatîmîg. liard w o o di flons. wired for electnie stove, lmnlt-in ciphoards. garage. gzartie I. Phone 2433 or J. J. Niasomi & Son. 45-tf TO RENT- SEVEN-ROOMED house lu Tyrone, hall acre landt, stablt an(l gond pig pen. Apply to Ttîtn. Dowmî. Tyromie. on write R. Flattîerly. Port Credit, R.R. 1. 45-2e FOR RENT-FURNISHED BED- Sittinîg Room or single beti-rooin iii 1-lyro Apts. Apply after Nov. lSth to Mrs. Arthur Cawker in Hydro Avartments. 45-1 Peobably no man ives long enough to buy a shirt that f its hlm ahl over asitwere.--Brandon Sun. N iter the above sale. tliene will be soldtivuon the sanle terns at Downhain Nurseries, Kimng St. East, llowmnativille, thie loltowiîg gonds anti chattels .that is 10 say : McCor- nîick..Deening Disc Fertilizer 13 tîoe Secti Drill ; NcCoriiick - l)eering Rotarv lîne ;. NcCorinicç-)ecritii, I Iarrow lIow No. 2; McCor nick- I'cniiîc tatest Nfower, 6-lt. cnt; mc- (Corniiik - l)crng Sidt livcry lake :;NtcCorniick - )ecring I lav Loader : !%cConmick..l)eeriug L. and l'ilvenizen. (,-It. ; McCormîick-Dcer- Oc, lotato Planter with Fentitizer attachnîtut : Potato Gradter ; Beau. l'ntato llhst Sp)ray-er ; (2) McCor- iiiick-I)tenimil nme-hnrse Sculilens; (4) Steel Trumck Wtîeets amîd part loI Wagon Gear; \Vagomî Rack; (5) BoundIes \Vshppletrcs ; (3) Castor WVteels ; (5) Buches IPosltry Xirc Screenî; Grnmastone, on Irainî. All thme machinery limron tisteti is prac- tically new ant inl gond conditiomn. Datedth de 9th day nI Novemi- ber. 1938. R. M. JAMIESON, Baitif I. ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer. 45-1 TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Court of Revision and Appeal Notice is hereby given that the first sittinzs of the Court of Re- vision for the Town of BosWman- ville. will bce helti in the Council Roomn in the said Town on Tues- day. November 22nd, 1938, at 7 :30 p.m.. to hear anti determine the several complaints of mrors and omnissions ini the Assessment Roll of the said Municipality for the vcar 1939. A\1l oensons having business at the Court arc requesteti to attend as aforesaiti. A. J. LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville. Dated this 8th day of Novemiber. 1938. 45-2 M iscellaneous W\EST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in machinerv repairs, general gar- age repairs, welding, towing ser- vice. J. L. Demerlîng. Proprietor, Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage svhich will be produced at the time nof sale there will be olfereti for sale bxv Elmner Wilbur Auction-1 cer, at public auction on Fridav. the_ 25th day of November, 1938, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon at the farmi of Newton W. Arm- strong. R.R. 2, Pontypool, Ontario, the following property, namelv. aIl and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lving and being in the Township of Nianvers in thr' County of Durham and being compjsed of the south hall of Lot 15, Concession 7, Township oI Nianvers. save and except landis taken by the Department of High- ways. The above farm containing one hundreti acres, more or less. On the said farmn there is said to be erected a tiwelling house with suit- able farm buildings. At the same time and place. under authority of a Chattel Mortgage there will be offered for sale the following chattels: i Gelding 12j vears old ; 1 cow, blue; 1 cow, black; 2 heifers. b)lack, 2 years: 2 calves, .3 nînnths; 1 binder 7-ft. cut. M T-T 1 mnower MN.H.; 1 rake, 8-lt., Mý.H.; 1 seed drill, 13 hoe. NM.H.; 1 culti- vator. spningtooth, M.H. ; i set har- rows 5 section; 1 single ptow, Cockshutt: 1 double plow. Cockshutt; 1 wagon; 1 set sleighs; 1 cream separator. Renfrcw; 100 bushels of wheat; 300 busiiels of mixed grain; 300 bushels of oats ; 8 tons of hay. The landis wilt be sold subject to a reserved bld. Terms of sale of Iarm 25% of the purchase money to he paid down at the time of the sale. the balance to he secured[ by a nîurtzage with interest at 4 per cent i0cr annum. Termns of sale of chat- tels, cash. For further particulars anti con- ditions of sale apy to W. Eric Stewart. K.C.. Solicitor to the Mort- gagee. East Block. Parliament Builti- ings. Toronto, Ontario. Dateti at Toronto this 28th day of October. 1938. 44-3 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD-PRIVATE home. reasonable rates. Apply L. H.. Drawcr B., Bowinanville. 45-l* Lost LOST - A TWO-MONTHS' OLD pig in the vicinity of Maple Grove. Phone 2246. 45-1 Beauty Culture, CARELESSNESS IN ANY FORM is a wvaste. - Do flot waste the beautv ini vour hair with careless zrooinnz Shantpoo and Finger Wave. 50c; Perms, $2.00, $.0Oa $5.00. Phone 2601, Iris Bea u ty Parlour.451 OSHAWA Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. NOV. 10 - 12 "lToo Hot To Handie"y Starring Myrna Loy - Clark <Gabl e (A Quiz Contest Picture) Added Cartoon - "A Day at the Beach" REVIVAL' Friday at 10:30 p.m. "Dur Relations" with Laurel - Hardy Mon. - Tues. - Wed. NOV. 14 - 16 "Stella Dallas" Starrlng Barbara Stanwyck - John Boles COMING Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Dorothy Lamour - Jon Hall Mary Astor - Raymond Massey in "The Hurricane" Cold Weather Means Hot Water Botties Good Sturdy Flot Water Botties .... .33 Belmont Flot Water Botties ........ .49 Roxbury Flot Water Botties......... .69 Defender Hot Water Botties........ 1.00 Kantleek IHot Water Botties........ 1.75 Lady Dainty Rubber Gloves ...... pr. .25 PURETEST VITAMIN PRODUOTS Vitamin A.B.D. and G. Capsules, pack. of 25 $Ï.25 Brewers' Yeast Tablets Bottle of 100 - - - - 60c Yeast and Iron Tablets Bottle of 100 - - - 79c Halibut Liver OÙ Capsules Pack. of 50, plain - - 90e Cod Liver Oul Concentrate Tablets, bottle of 50- 65c Bottle of 100- $1,00 EVERYDAY NEEDS Vicks Vapo Rub - - 430 Ipana Tooth ]Paste - 4O Andrews Liver Salt - - - 34c - 57o Hinds Cream- 34e - 57c Sloan's Liniment --33e - 63c Bromo-Seltzer 25c- 49c Fruitatives, large- 39c Bal Hepatica - 30o - 59o Pond <s Creauns 29c - 49e Lysol - - - 35c-63c-$1.25 Rexail Baby Laxative 25c ANTI-FREEZE Hiotshot Anti-Freeze, more economical Non-Rusting................ gal. $1.39 Me thyl-Flydrate, ful strength .. gai. .98 Jury & Loveli When we test eyes it is done properly Phone 778 We Deliver ~1 REà&ý ;,w Uàm- E WAN.T ADSI ea«nr&931wmpqm Ilk -