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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1938, p. 1

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READ BY OOONW 12,000 Wt e~TeO AEi People Weekly en t na WihWhich Are lncorporated The BowmanvilleNTe Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 84 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lOth, 1938NMER4 CIIZN T VT O C U CI S LRIS Bowmanville WiII ObserveWNSONEIN CITZEN TOVOE O CONCL-SLARESRemnembrance Day FridayPULCPEIN Citizen Too Busy To Bother PUCASSHYRCouncil Proposes 5 Bylaws Orono citizens voted 133 to 13 C i Rein favor of purchasing their Hy- I~"efu ~ dro system on Saturday when theAskSpnoe psecond time in four years. They I8Cntsas Rotary Club Speaker Claims levously decided against thieOotr esil Q sins_ _ sby Hydro Contmission at ap-___ proximately $8,000, while profitsLiteMs Maoie ent, E. C. Reed, Toronto, ROTARY SPEAKER of about $2,000 a year have becen Pbi lt using the town councîl on the basis duhe fM.adMs hs Says Common De- acrig ihotthe village r undicfor BoaNrd qof$0for Depuyre12efrve, ne75BnetPrtHp, a dca ceiinganybenfitfrom them. udfrBnB ad$0foDetyRvad$7 nominator of Crime Wîth the Chamber of Commerce f Pa fo for Councîllors. Total cost would inri h uhmTute backing the project, a systematic of dctoPyfrb $925. Councîllor W.J. Challîs adRtpyr s'.oaoia Found to be Truancy canvass of the village property Maoan oniscne h oinwhc a-cneta rn nWdedy sShe was atardeottoe shieldcar- - Urges Need for owners was made this year by adlIgh colA-ried wîthout opposition.nn Safil f1 cnetns I men qualified to explain the set- an Actîg ona comuniatAo PubicInerstup. The result was that many dition to be Voted onl from the Board of Health askîng agmnswere explained and____ that the question of a Public proven to be without foundation Health Nurse for the Town be md h rsnain Ole "Public Enemy Number 1" isan now Orono will enter the Bowmanville taxpayers wi il submîtted to the electors, ReeveThseio opndnth a- flot a crîmînal, but a man 50 Oc-class of those who own their own probably have five by-laws to G. A. Edmondstone proposed thîs teonadcniudfrthe- cupîed with material interests fyro and will probably benefit'a ela h riaymtoscne yCuclo nn.Floigafwwrs0 ththfanttm obte o r lower rates. We understandvt oJ. A. Gunn. The reeve, deputy- elcm ~ I ing anything to prevent crime, thtMlboki ocnieigballots for municipal candidates,revancociorMsnwe eset us dxecîare E.C. Reaartisînger the purchase of its system and when they go to the polls in Jan- appointed a committee to draft 0sonD.Kelyo h n executive with MacLaren Adver- ~wîll put the question to the peo- uary. o odyngtaddwrig0 ya."eia npcini col. tising Co. Ltd., Toronto, and ple at the earliest opportunity. Council CnMna igtadd ounciolloGua ske.thta founder of the "K" club for boys, four to the list when they asked bî b d r Gun akdthatAte ian o h speaking at Rotary Club Frîday. that bylaws be prepared on the byaw be prepared o ask te vot- itr Mr. Reed was introduced by BRESt~uIN NTRiu&iquestion of a Health Nurse for e.spifgressaralonng thisflanmedshe Thos. Elliott, also of the MacLar- i J.H C E TAM heon;te igScola didtion to the present high school acW pihdad lotemn en Agency and a nephew of John 1 J.H C E E M tion tow;tke careofschop orkdd at an estimated cost of $20,000. -bnftaeiedfo t uha Ellot, frmr elve pinipl Nw ha te hii reze hveand home economics; funds for His motion was seconded by th utiin fasnccek of Bowmanville High School. He 1 wto bîohw Mo lBresîn hvef h ad n ya ocr-Councillor Challis. m f acinthwrn outlined Mr. Reed's activities and istarted t . diseaseshifth an;an blw ocen exonnt0fhcky n hi iîng the paying of Mayor, Reeve, The Clerk was instructed to ofdahraeit.Tn pae accomplishmentswhh icluded eînt of prearin ya jn ih t-Rev nd Conilor prepare a bylaw on the question o drcosiofteBgBrother _____________________ajuniorhockey Dept-ev n"Cuclos Ar e you in favor of levyingaai Movement and a wide reputation i eam for the year's events. H a is ta faagmtigtetOm t and minlftheesofa fndsh eteedsholam gv as a creative artist, novelist, play- E.CReToot loudly .bemoaning the lack of ol btatoadsint nge oo EC.ReTrnoschoo ttd nooeBor fmn n antnneo uds.t wright and dramatist. Mr. Reed's rînk in Bowmanville, which will Edctin for the support and aid of a town si c eadn eet mn fatlýçr was born in BowmanvilleAvring cuie and pro-! force his recruits to show their band?" Reeve Edmondstone pro- Schocilrn and.ihis grandfather lctdhr minent boys' worker who spoke wares before other townsmen, but Deputy-Reeve C. G. Morris pro- 1 paignx o h eia when hie arrived Jrom England at Rtary on Friday, presenting a feels sure that by next year the posed the motion concerning pay- <Continued on Page 7) e3- 100 years ago. wr picture of the crime situa- need will be taken care. be(ecesD.Kite loe bieeith eunilcr toanth edfrcorrection. This year's team, says Mr. Bres- v w*. 11thebnfto hiiintol I elev n heseuntalce-tinindteee fr* in woshul ko, il b neTokn n ;nwr A ti Wuo iftlplf al garigohenecerlsasi titude of events, began Mr. Reed, of the finest ever to take sticks ~£8~ II.£~E~A.A'btteppl h ol etah clarifying the statement by stat- Kingston Penitentiary to decter- inthirhadsfoothnhno 0 I Pi L BwmnvllAndl emmbr tsW aorR.O n o1 dmg ing that a man mîght sneeze in mine the cause of crime, stated 'dear old Bowmanville. Practîces RU C- a nvlewl emme ,sîip MyorR0 ones willreadi er- r. R.d. e fund herfwerewil beTa shrtlywardead on Fridaymorning with . Secoe e ed in.China 10 years later because 814 convicts there at that tîme meantime every recruit who ex- a____service______________ the Ceotpr and th, upeetariie of that sneeze. with 25 per cent of them under pects to place on the team should Mvemorial Plot beginning at 10.45. teSpeeSciie he s peakver 's owlu n ife, to 20 e ar o f ge . h a ang iedpl tof be doing som e road w ork or other 'M r. and Mrs. A f. H. Bickell Dorothy Bickell, youngest daugh- Service will be under the aus- H m s il in u e "O G d i r o n c içl w s lat he o - In 1f'ryefot. nag ter, made the presentation of a1 pices of Branch No. 178, Canadian Our Help in Ages Past", "The unit hudwm o i wanestfveseinfluenc rbed h i Omntron Whotinkng e op ou onditionary ef ots.ta n aog er Congratulated by Friends and beautiful four piece Silver Tea: L e g io n B.E.S.L., Bowmanville Supreme Sacrifice" and "God Save ciude.Oe al nhu a he said, and for the past 18 years tarians care, but does the average weak winded players. They must Presented with, Address Service. Led by Mrs. Thos. Hir- Ministerial Association, the Mayor the King." Legion Band will play deoe&odsuso st la that work has been a prom.nent business man care as much aboutt themselves into condition be- and Tea Service cock ail sang "For they are jolly iand Town Council. the accompaniment. cocdb oetod wywt part of his life. The lines were: hta.i oshsgl rbig~____ good fellows." Deputy-Reeve C. Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer, V.D., parna.rjdcadt e "The conquest of the world is on. In that penitentiary we tried foreseta ey st practice Tisl G. Morris in a short speech also Padre, will act as chairman and Lrecod r xetdadgat rmtegvrmn.Ii The battle ground is in the mind t idtecmo eoia be few and will mainly be co-i A very enjoyable event took offered best wishes. will be assisted by Rev. W. F. citizens are advised to be o ads of the boy." of crime. It wasn't heredity and ordinatîng efforts to make plays place on Tuesday evening, Nov. The evening's entertainment Banîster, Rev. S. Davison andearly that they may jomin nthîs Fre oe n thr okpr According to the New York Bar it wasn't environment. The only and see who will best f ill posi- 18th, when about fifty friends and was planned by Misses Isobel and Rev. W. G. Blake. The Last Post service of remembrance on the in hricsin Association, an average of 10,000 thîng we could find that applied tions. He advises ail recruits to, neighbors met at the home of V~r. Dorothy Bickeil and was a com- Will bè sounded by Bugler Sergt. twentieth anniversary of the Ar- M.M .Cmbl i i d murders have been committec i n to all was "truancy." Every boy train hard now, because they will and Mrs. A. H. Bickell to con- plete surprise to their parents L. Beale of the Ontario Regiment. mristice. rsfrs etoedàeavs United States each year for the we mnterviewed had a history of have plenty of opposition when!gratulate them on their 25th wed- who were almost speedhless but "Forget them, not - they also Memories will go back through abiiyo]rnpotto fby past 30 years and the tragedy is truancy, whidh meant that hie was it comes to picking out the team.i ding anniversary. Sèveral friends managed to thank everyone, for loved life dearly" is the theme of ithe years to recaîl witli sorrow anirsfo salscoost thatthemajrityhav ben co- uabl to onfrm o th enîr- Ed Witheridge and Tom Depew were present from Oshawa and the beautiful gift and expressed the service. Wreaths will be plac- the lives of those wlio once were lareosfrmnultang mitted by boys under 20 years of onmient in which hee lad been have returned from their efforts Toronto. the wish that ahl would enjoy ed and dedicated and His Wor- with us in Bowmanville, working, amdhl cnmcnx x age. The average age of the gang- placed. He couldn't do it at school ihteOawAtamEdrl fe l a senbdMyoteslv.1 playing and enjoying the fullmess p]ann bu ratadfal ster is 19 years. or later at work and finally lie iigth Oshawa Alteadreal-' AftJer call d asseble Mayor threlves. 'drd w re - LY SIof life, but who have gone Beyond 1leadm nadsuso eadm Terilondlas1r pn landed in the penitentiary. . about 9 imports to take care of ito order and expressed the pleas- played and prizes were presented RN Y DE while striving to keep their loved the 4ieso h ltomo Tnblindlasaeset The speaker gave thece before they started taking on out- uire it gave everyone to be pres-1 to the winners. Dainty ref resh- BB Eoe refo odg.ToeteOtroshosTute m annually on crime prevention a.nd histories of several boys whichBIL CLASSonsfe rmbda.The correction, representing an in- lie had known during lis "K" siders, and Tom, being forced out ent and called on Mrs. J. Thick- 'ments were served by several whose lives have been deprived of ýRaeyrsAoctin These come of $20,000 to each person in club work or whiîe conductin by a broken collar bone received son t0 read an address eulogizîng young ladies and some fine violin \ On Tuesday evening, Nov. lst, love and friendships by death can wiî epbihdnx ek a city of 500,00 people, suchna in Friday's rugby game. They the splendid qualities of Mr. and and guitar music by Messrs. Pad- the Ladies Bible Class of Trinity neyer forget and for those who Duigtebs sseroth Torotof.5Crim0eodlescretioninvestigations. Each had started sou1it ety hevnoonsm ohr de bgelmntinmk-Ms.Bckll hi ddes asd Wls ndLonr Ero huc wreryal etrtindreune tee a b ol gai-dleat o h Estrcovnto bas become not only a moral but'mnrofnean a eeoe ing the locals a real aggregation. signed by everyone present. Miss ibrouglit the evening to a close. by the Ever Ready Bible Class of tudyn de to o a e asalivh iand Wasapitd-Ms .A i aLoa cnmeproblem. ToewsAftotr u hol ice reg cialyrceiedi- hershaainswa rebridof Bwavle îl r.Mr Ten years ago I was sent to' <Coftifued on page 7) advise Mr. Breslin as soon as pos- Atrbigcrilyrcie nýhi opnoswoaebre __________________________________________sible. f0 their classroom and their busi- "over there." cnludaPae6 M en' Ca adin C ub pen ~e sonness transacted, Bowmanviîîe la- PoorVisbilty nd Wt Pvemnt A VETERANNER With Fine Speaker Next ThursdayV.Aruegae wovr ieSunday School RoomTrsJnl duets, accompanied by Miss Ha- Blamed By Jury For Car Accident! Vîvîd memories of twenty years ________________ rude ogave po. er s uring r s n ai 1______wîll be revîved when the the aims and objects of the Cana- Lt Jackson favored wîth two ,,aitiziLegion and other war JohnU A. Rowland, K.C., To- e readings. Mrs. C. A. Wight gave nq stHlasRsiofA-suffering from an injured eg veterans of the district will ga- ronto, Past Grand Master, dian Club here are some of themn peddtlko h isadt InuetHedasReut fAI'Passenger and owner of the Lr- 1tein St. John's Parish Hall on Masonic Order, Will be To foster and encourage a na-, Objects of an Adult Bible Class, of Pury Well Enacted ta eurn rehlltetn vnLro' etFlo-sndie eilM.MFa-TusyNvme10 t7p. tional public opinion and spirit,; bringing out many helpful and with School Teachels, H. li hievn.Spotn cs inga olliah lo-soo ndn, drive navhle, Mr. Mc y ad-ie',othrsaNoveAmie 0,at .. the First Speaker. New f0 stimulate intelligent Citizen- inspiring points and the many Longworth n r n l Oct. l5th is still confined to lospital. ;The guest speaker, Capt. Leslie E. Meinhers Invited ship, to awaken an interest in problems fIat are facing leaders h an ud Mr.ind lds rBaiDlig teae Newly appointed Crown Attor- lBlackwell, K.C., of the law firm public affairs, and f0 cultivate an of Sunday Sclool to-day. Mrs. I IDoudyi ant ftecntatyo h ne aryR Dyan ooug ofZmmra, lckel& a-attacîment to-the institutions and R. B. Clarke, president, closed Lead Roleslokufrasilndisog Porvisibility and the wet con- cndudtey Hry . D yan, Cbourgormon, Backwtell hy The Men's C anadian Club of 'soil of Canada. witl a beautiful poem, "What 1odo0mn ulea load Bomanvîlle, one of the oldestý Hv eDn ody"atrV a coroner's jury on Friday nigît, follows: "We, the jury, find that , wounds, will address the veter- its current season next Thursday,1 relationships between the two which a social haîf hour was spent a long trip on Monday and Tues- nd rsL.Gdard loa for an accident which occurred Alvin Larson came to lis death !ans. R. G. Harding, President of November l7th, at the Baln-praligreat races of the dominion in the 'around tables decorated in hl- day and became a portion of the Hen, Hnsi eadio io on Oct. 15, 1938, at approximate- the Legion, will be chairman. It Hotenclr. r.A ml unl ln h es os fs Octoer 1. Alin Lrson Cal- pfai rom he rsuli of-njuies warvetea frtfe dineriî o club securing a more appropriate equally entitled f0 express and: moved a hearty vote of thanks Africa while fIe Churdi Street pro, epet f oey r.J fcorniadiedAvn a rst0fheaci- preceived ten feucarofindrivesby1 wb etelansrg thin er Evry seaker who can 50lmpressively preserve ts own identity and cul- ýfor fhe splendid evening enjoyed Group of fhe Woman's Associa- Rofi eosMr.anetwo cîden. îimcoîîded wth acar divenveteran is given a cordial invita- insf il fIe objecta and aims of fhe ture. yfvstr. tion presented their three acf play retum erteedo h ly TTeinqestn whchsaseldinbycr. cGilvryetlapoitnp-bionf0re.pesetGticeebateCandia Clbaitoohemins o Tosuporttheparicpaton f "rum ofFur." rs E.Woo asPatici1Egae the council room at the Town proxîmately 3 miles east of Bow- "twenty years affter." l is audience than Mr. John A. the dominion of Canada in the The Statesman serial story "The Large crowds attended the pro- stnasclbutefywoie- Hallwas residd ovr by or- anvile. Fom te eviencetak-Rowland, K.C., Toronto. who is League of Nations, andin the Doctor"' by Mairy RoberisRine- duction both niglIts and were de- 1ae9f11 opr;MssJa wothhienssan fe ee 9 hpean lve aesnfde, thtoeii reios eas.Suhf stutinmhelb-nnage o ur flu orin apls 0 orhem n tework whichfe Wmnsfburaefo teei oe"the The finding that appalled onmtt We.1,asdWih$29.65 last year. Sales of 1Poppy Scrnesitruemratio shng W CangedofCaryn fro.Te rckbok ow n the d toda w sh reem nehenc oWhi gs spriua. le m nthe dstu t uI e s re fl ae of co pltd nd us as we ar r qure Wlaovvevr.ffr eThe t e ppes fI pi M issionary S ociety is doing in the speaker em ph asized the perm an - us w as th e ap paren t d isagree- C m R te W e fro m D stric t - W iî be rep n t orf la e w ag c es eryely ad m ee t o urn d _______it d - ik d t Li d a wl e e f e tîrouglout fhe fhree sessions. spiritual flings are put in second among a few merdhants. They Sales Wifl be About The Poppy Fund Commiffee supply aeeouuts the first of soeacrbhnigf ar "We would see Jesus in the place, fhe wîole life is ouf of bal- did not believe their opposi- $200.00 wisîes f0 fhank ail wlio contri- each month. Cobourg, Nov. 9 - Douglas J. Ehreadte doef em foucî of His Hand," by Mrs. W. ance.'We slould love our enemies. tion would stay closedl for bufed in purdliasing poppies and Accounts will be mailed out Wannan and Ernesf Ailan, fwo 1goaadndiadpce H. Graham, was the devotional Love is very patient, very kind, even one hour and sald quit. rah n atclry te ec ot susni u f yugmno rnwowr deintlytatpevou x- Te opyFudComttemany girls, Scouts and Cubs wlo they are not paid lu a reason- taken in cusfody af Miibrook on0fBelim Knt ouyn Leaing, presientd0f Nesswfovihle tv berieefIe berst las hpe- e perlence had brought about reports a veryeccessfuh Poppyworked so liard and enthusiasfic- able tume they will be baud- October 27, on charges of possess-Ocoe 2.Hadgesthe Auxiliary. The speaker said in ful. such a dlsbelleving attitude. . Receits f rom sale of pp-aily seiling poppies. The mnem- ed W Mr. Murrell for collec- ing firearms and of theff of auto-wreapendda Mibok part, "Af the time of fIe Crea- Whe treasurer Ms. M. S Cîapob- bers of the Poppy Fund Commit- tion, who ls authorlzed W ac- mobiles, were remanded in cus-werteyridt isoeoa tion, God creafed man in His own Th raueMsM.S ap servance of closing hours and pies in Bowmanvile amounfed tee are R. G. Harding, H. Murray, cepi money ou account and'- fody here Tuesday when they ap- saeweladtr o aoie image. One of fhe marks of flis man, presented 1er report for the cooperation with each other la tri $124.00 as against $125.00 col- G. Meadows, G. Crombie, Dr. V. issue recelpts for smre. peared before Magistrafe Camp- Te lodsoe fatr n Divine relafionship is fhe gif t fa firsf nine monflis of 1938. The ai- beat for the general welfare iected hast year. Donations f0 the H. Sforey, W. F. Ward, Canon W. appreciate your busi- bell. Judgment was reserved on wela f hms o aoie man of the hand. No other ani- location for Oshawa Presbyferiah of towu business conditions, Poppy Fund amounfed f0 $4.00. Spencer, R. M. Cotton, Chef S. ness and ask that you give us fhe gun-tofing charge and whihe Ireova.3pliesrt mal las a land. The foudli of for 1938 is $11,300. The treasurer smre progress will have been Sale of Poppies in Newcasthe Venfon, J. C. Cairns, and A. J. your cooperation. they were convicfed of stealing bar1 e uws on nAhn loving lamds foilows us flirougli- (Continud on Page 4) made. amounfed f0 $32.49 as against Lyhe. M. A. JAMES & SONS. - cars, sentence was Teserved. I a o odd - -a- _____ _____

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