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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1938, p. 2

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THURSDAX. NOVEMBER IOTH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TWO Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the Interests of thie town of Bowmanville and snrrounding country, Issued at King Street, Bowmanville, every Thursday. by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian Statesman is a member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, also the Class "A" Weeklmes of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere ln Canada $2.50 a year; when Paid In ad- vance $2.00 a year; 50c extra in United States to cover postage. Si ngle copies, 5c. THURSDAY, NOVEMIBER 101H. 1938 A Moral Rearmament Needed Wiflithte approat h of Remembrance Day manythouiglits arc presenteci for mnedita- tion iii tiese days of great pcrplexity. Among lich many expressionis we select the followingý as mnost effective and timely: "Thli real ncced of flic day is therefore moral and spiritual rearmamelit. A grow- ing body of people iin this and oflier court- tries are inakinig it fliir aim. t is a work in wliîchi al iimen and woinen, tii aIl counl- trics amni of ail races, are called f0 share and ihave pow-er fo lelp. Wcre wve. togetlier wit.hî our fellow men everywhere, to put the energy and resourcefulness into this task fiat'e now fiîîd ourselves obliged f0 ex- pend on national defeîtce, the peace of fie world would be assured. "God 's living spirit calîs ecdi nationi, like ecdi itdividual, to ifs highest destiny, and breaks down the barriers of fear and greed, of suspicion anîd latred. This same Spirit can transccîîd conflîcting polifical systems, cati reconcile order aînd freedom, can rekitîdie truc pafriotism, ean unité al citizens ini fli service of flic nation, and ail nations in flic service of mankind. 'Tliy will be doile on earthi' is not only a prayer for guidance, but a calf0 actioni. For His Will is our Pcace."-Signed by BaIdiÀ'in of Bewdlex- and otîters. The Royal Winter Fair Thîe Royal Wintetr Fair lias become an integral part of Caîtada 's National Agri- culture. Yotu can no more remove it from a successful agricultural seheme ini fli Do- minîionî thinyou could disregard Agricul- turec fi theiationiai economy. Tiose who know if arc proud of ifs rceatîîess, of ifs success. But flic average mau lacks the réal tîteasure of an estimafe. Put if in tfus way. Hou' loîîg would it take, liow înueh would if cost f0 se flic cloice of Caiiada's Live- stock oit faims - 2,000 hiomses, 2,000 caf- tie, 1,000 sieep, 1,000 swine, 6,000 lîead of pouItry? A tour of 20,000 miles - and at greaf expcîîsc Ycf fiat is wiat you sec nder one roof at flic Royal Winter Fair at Toronto. Wliere cisc can so mucli be scen for so littie trouble anîd at a minimumn cost? Then flicre arc Foxes, Min.ks, Fruit, Flow- ers, Grians a unique dispîay made by the Poultry Industries, a niarveliously fine Horse Show niglitly as welI as flie Interna- tiomnal Dog Slow. Surcîy ail tItis is worti while. Every citizeni slould endeavour f0 visit fthc Royal aîîd sec for yourself flic impor- tant Iicture of Camada 's Livestock, and Agriculture in general, as if is portrayed af this Show' t is piossible lîcre f0 visualize wliat Caîîada 's basic inidusfry meatîs iii fli econontic life of our Dominion. Tic Royal hias. a useful purpose fo serve aîd fhiat if is doiiug a spleiîdid job is évidemnt by fleicni- teresf ini its prog-ress iv cifizens geiierally, and particiilarly by Govciments and in- dividttals who arc emn of influience aînd standing iii flic eoiuniiiify. This year' tli dates of flic Royal Wimtcr Fair*aî'c Noveinici' I5ft- 23rd, iiieliusive The Poor Abused Taxpayer Foots the Bill Enîployees of flic Caiadiait govermîmeaf arc l)aid aiiialîy- a total of $77 mîillion, whiilî, if îîîusf be adinifted, is a strikingîy large payroil for a popluationi of Il nil- liol People fo foot cacli ycar. If f haf w-re alI, if would lot bc too bad. but on tfoi) of fliaf are tlic payrolls ofthti provincial govcnntcents as weIl as flic civie eimployees of ities, towmîs, towmîsliips and villag-es. Eaclî year tlie liaiidfîtl of peuple Canadian Apples As Gifts (aiîlauaplohs havi boiîie uuireasitig- îy pojutlar fuît' Y uit ii giftus lu l'iiuiids aiîd relatives iimuIllue ()Il'uuiu ' vaiffi Britishi 'Wcîft imd ies, wv 'I eavii fi'uîîiu a c i reulat' let fer ssucd by ' uiiofuthevi y ol 01iV impaliiis. As a mesuuit of this l)iufltl itu'it.y, flic rail ways are expecfiiig a hia' 'fibi ili bec cm- modify dîmriuîg flic uext tu-w Wu(k5.s JI is caimed flue Ol<aiiag-;iii Valley in Bitishî Columbia pionerd Ii bu-practic e of seiludîmîg appies f0 the Old Latui li s ('ltist- huas gifts. If is some yeaî's iow situie l'lie big Christmas boxes of appies îuiridu fieir appearance on flic market. Tlif. w'i-e dune up individually in briglit wrapping paper, cadi polishcd apple a (rift iin itself, andi the wliole case liad the appearance of a tasty treaft.The arrivaI of a big box of apples froin tie IDominion across thc sea must be ail event of importance to those fortuniate fricîîds iii EngIand. Ireland or Scotland. The *iv lhave reoeivcd proof that tiey are stili reiicrnbered and, perbaps l)etter still, thev are receiving aencrons gift of the tastiest apl)les a boluntifull Providence ever bestow- cd on a nation. Apple growing districts across tlie Dominion have realized and are iiow cateriîîg to the sizeable market this -iff. fati lias created. licre are a lot of people riglit here ini Caiiada w-ho would also ivelcomle a box or lianîper of Norf.hcrn Spies, Sîîows, McýIlntosli anid other delicious appies growvn in Dur- ltint for a Christmas gift. So wvhile rememn- bering fie distant friends with this most lîealthiftil fruit don 't overlook the mnarket for hontie consumptioti. Lamentable Lack of lnterest \Ve werc greatly impressed by an ad- dress delivercd renltly before Brantford Iiwanis Club by John Atkins, 'Managing I)irector of the Canadian MLIagýazinie. He issued a warnîngi in no uncertain manner that t'anadianl democratie ideals wvere being, fhrcatened tiot from outside. but frorn witlîin. To ineet thc menace Île advocated a course of constructive action, including format ion of a Re-Confederat ion Govern- ment which would give the Canadianl peo- pIe a new constitution; establishment of a national econonhie couineil at the lead of a strictly iot-political civil service; es- tablishme,nt of "nation8l authorities" for transport and conservation, and the inau- uration of a ntational policy of education for citizenship. W'e believe that Mr. Atkins lias suipplied thc frflmework of a constructive prograni of whichi Canada stands ini dire îîeed. It is not the thircat of cl)mmunism, fascism or any otiier "isiîî' which endangers this Do- nillion, but the lack of aggresslve leader- ship to rcbuild the J)olitical and economie structure of flic country, as well as a wvan- ing interesf i tlîir conftry 's welfare on fie part of a large body of citizens. li ai article in ii aclean 's Magazine, Beverley Baxter gave fie opinion that Canada xvas lackiiiîg in national discipline, which iii tic final anialysis means that tlic average citi- zen is itot being given any incentive or any objective to do bis or lier part in advancing flhc national weifarc. Wc believe fIat tlic iîîdictnemîti a fair one. If is not thtat ('anadians 'want or require reginientfation. buit sinmpiy thaft tey are thoroîîgily dis- heart ened bv thc laissez-faire attitude of tîteir national leaders and flic policies tiat have so seriously impaired the econonlic fabrie of thieir country. Leadership reiIhains flic great necd in Canada today. Observations and Opinions Ail mations have a priniary interesf in peace wvith justice, iin econoinic well-being wih stabilitv. and ini conditionîs of order iiii<Ir law. - Cordell Hull. MNayor Janîiesouî Bone of Belleville, told ('obourg Rotary Club fluat uiiless the par- liamients af Ottawa and Toronto camne to tic realization that fie faxpayer had reacli- c<l tec saturation point in taxes, some form of dictatorslîip scencd likelv to follow our present deniocracy ini Cana da. Oh, -,ou say, "It coiul(lIi'f bappen hiere.-"Wcll, don 't be so sure of fiat. Some observers contcnd Ontario and Qîîebec are already under the fhinni <f dictatorships and if ivill tiot l)C loing before tIlic iron lieed of flicir Premiers wilî crîîmiblc (lciocraev ieyond recogni- tion. Con rat illat ions tii The Vernoni (B.C.) Newvs on itis Nrti Okanagailýrti01<1 Timcrs' Supplemnemît of Pioncer 1)ays. i ts tabloid oditiomi of 20 pag-es is brint fitl of illus- trationis and hisforY going back to the liaz- ardot* Overhand Expedition of 1862 across thlic atitaiiamt Reekies front Fort Garry to Kaînloops. Reading tiese stories of cour- age andt romance mnakes onie realize fiat certain parts of thîs greaf Dominion of ours arcemot vcry1 old affer al-jiist a inere flire qutarters of a century, as far as the Okan- ag-ant alley and the white man arc con- oo inîany cil izens are content tf it nf<Io iri'piiiihleanid ig-norant local (liaraeters and i sItalpiiii d iliilosol)iers istioa<1of ge t ig I lîir inifornmation from reciainle au- iliovitics stili lis flieniayiîr, mei ofîs i t owmî concil. civic officiais or an occasional pcriisail of t he Micipal Acf. Even a visît to a m'gîiar cotincil meeting miglîf li enc- liglitcniiiig( as weii as apprecîatcd by flic pvophc's representafives whîo sit at flic i'4ilneil board. MAKJNG CANADA A Better Pl ace in Which to Live and Work A Series of Letters from Dlstingulshed Canadians on Vital Problenus Affectlng the Future Welf are of Canada Specially Wrlften for Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association _________________L.ETTER NO. 32 NIGHT RAIN You must have lain in bed at night, And listened to the ramn, Dame Nature's heart refreshing drops Upon your window pane; Or to its gentle tapping sound, (A muffled snare-drum's roll,) So rythmic'ly upon the roof, Asc slinonfrnn, xrniA iftole. Dear 'Mr. Editor: lield iii check and discouraged. Ii a ie rb v Lbuc I cotnt myscîf torfîmnate in tbis tie f ields of agricultural and indust- And then, with eýes closed, wake- opportunitv f0 make a contribution rial effort we should p)resent oppor- fully to the cohummu ofthfe \Veekly News- tunities toerm a living f rce from You sense ifs constant fal papers of Canada which have their exploitation at the hands of grecdy So quietly on flower and field, roots so closehy intertwined in ther emlovers or from domination by And on fie free-fops faîl; mesi of our social and economic slt--eckinL, and irresponsible labour You know the old pond's fneckled fabie. I have. naturallv, thougit dictators.. now quîite a bit along tic hunes of tie \Vitiout drparting f rein eur radi- With drop-besprinkled face, subecet tille Of this letter before tional forwr of demecratic goverîl- And meadow streamns are speck- even zettimig as f ar as tuis on paper.___________________ led, f00, At tic risk of appcaring te fake As happily fhey race. libetinwitithetext I ret ie ealAnd all out-doors the quiet air issue is to make Canada a fittinz Is filfered ytarin place in wiich to ive and work and bn rw y gfhat main, th it will tien hecome a still brIfer while place. Without adoptinz a self- tapyorwn wpne nigieou or ompacen ouleok W'The next you know, the morning cati w-cIl feel tiat. even foday. ini rays miiîv wavs we are fortunate f0 bce Bright tindugh your curtains Catiadians and flot natietuals of tohm pe conunirsuvire cnditonsare ervAnd waking, with a stant you say: dit feremi f rom otr own. If seems "I must have fall'n asleep.7 verv likeiv tiat people in fiose count- -ap odn ries. people wlîo would be an assct !-Ralph Gordon.,Toono te auuv country, may be looking eut- side of ticir own troubîrd borders for a land wiere tiev cati pick tir tic tireads of their existence and live a hapoier and a fuller lite. We yT eOd o tv îîeed onlv convince suci people tiat tliere is f0 be fouind here fie op- By Hiram p)ortunities tieY arc seeking, and we Back an the Scventh Concession will hiave a flow of immigration wil lrcunîanin any avs. j . gone againand we e hav oe our wci wii rici n aîdenarg or el Hinandwe e haornan WVe are today, and have bren for gates, implements, etc., b a c k soin tiiie othas naton nd home. We found some up a tree, soneptoe rbot r salatiiatdhasand the gate had been borrowed eîîerpise geator mal, ii ieG. Blair Gordon by a neighbour for a barricade positioni of an iîdividual farmer or of some sort. I suppose fhey were mnuifacturer w i t an overhead ment. wr miust somriow wran our- a fraid of receiving a visit from wiici is ovrrsized in relation f0 fie selves ironm tic type of pelitician !the spooks thaf scem f0, prowl volume of his production. Tie tac- uvuo iives fiat very uvord a bad around at fhis fime of the year. ilities are here for production anîd f laveuir. He w-db neyer eave us We 1Howcver it's over and fie mis- transportation of goods f0 serve iiist brave hini. Tie gaine Of cher- chievous ghosfs were considerafe mnanv more people and for thue ad- 'torah P)artv governinent is ahI rigit, foward us and wc are ahl set for mnitistration of a country numbcring hui thti ruhes iieed te be carifird for another ycar. tiose people. Let us. tierefore, ex- tie type of flaver wio tihs ino The Old Box Stove gang won- amine euîrsebves from witiout andi trick is too incan te advaucr uis side dcred who sfarfed this thing any- ask oursebves te wiat standards our1 for his own prestige. If fthe pubici, way. One fcllow told us it was econeinie and social structure siould1 sittinz iin tir stands. watci tir phav the one niglif in fie year when inîastire iii tir cyrs oethfe worhd. a little more cloery and ircome. a no one was supposed f0 be ser- \\Ve s;hild show ticm a country litte more, discering anîd apprecia- ious, but if doos not seem f0 work wlice. above aIl things. aw and tive. tien tie sport et Poities wilh ouf thaf way, for some people order are firmnlv estabiihud. and nul îtself et a lot et dirty plavers. seem f0 take advantage of a lit île estaihishicd on the haut etf a cool- Wer have a great opporîumîitv at license. If you rcad betwecn fhe moin desire and respect for suri a this tiîne te make uip our minds lines you will ncadily see how the condition - îîot tir tvpe et aw anîd au bcre we .vant te go iii tie mîrxt old gang regard if. order that emnaiatcs f rom a inilifarv few vears. and, if we c ati decide We have a lot f0 be tlankful or parte dictatorslîip. Ini Canada te- thiat. wr wihi geltiere. 'for. We have a large body of da% tiîre arr terces and undercuir- Vours vrry truly. young men who arc not afraid of rents werking liat are subversive f0 G. BLAIR GORDON, :the dark for they seem f0 love f0 tie zecieral idras and wisics et our Mlanaging Dirertor. !wandcr along the drearicst of people. Iii this respect ave siouhd Dominion Textile Co. Ltd. streets and rejoice in the darkest make certainu liaI such forces anc Meitreal. Que. iof places. No stories of spooks __________________________________________________ and ghosts fiî:z on them at ahl. They bravely pursue their noble way and woe f0 any spirit fIat 1~1"IYpI9IT!interferes wifh them. Then again A Dr UIIr L LE TERthese grand young men do nef 1wisi for praise, for they like to keep their brave deeds under BY Srib G ________________ over. They want no piaudits --------- DyScrie Gfrom man but prefer to let their We have been foîd thaf Abra-1 Thus War destnoys and for- deeds be secret and leave fleir hami Lincoln's letter f0 Mns. Bixby1 turcs. reward f0 uncerfainty. That is as loing eletteris LincoatrablTe: "My Dean Fafier and Mother, By the time this note reaches your hand you will have ieann- ed that I cannof again view thîs earfhly scene. Now, however lard the loss may feel tri you, I wanf you te realize that I wenf info this warfare of my own free wili. I think you will agree that in 50 doing I was carrying ouf fie dictafes of duty and lonour te God, my Country, and you yourselves. You will have the consolation and joy of knowing that I died seeking f0 furtlen fthc causes thaf are nearest f0 fie Almighty's desines fiat I was a small facfor in assisting towards the cause of Liberty, Justice, and fie igif of Individualify of each Nation. You will furf hem remember thaf I firmly believed in God and Jesus Christ, His precepts and example, and f0 the best of my ability fied faitlfulhy f0 live up f0 fiat higi and noble rail- ing. "Who shaîl sepanafe us from fie love of Christ, shaîl tribu- tion, or distress, or persecu- tion, on famine, or nakedness, or penil, or sword?. As if is witten for Thy sake we are killed ah fihe day long; we are accounted as sleep for fie slaugifer. Nay, in ail these fiings we are more flan con- querons firougi Hinthfat loy- cd us. For I am persuaded fiat neiflen deati non ife, non angels, nor principalities, nom powers, nor fhings present, non tiings f0, come, nom heigif, non depfli, nom any ofier crea- fume shail be able f0 sepanate us from fie love of God wiici is in Christ Jesus our Lord." These arc God's own words; may they comfort, stimulate. and strengtien you boti, and enable you f0 assisf many ofiens wio are weary and desolafe at this fume. Your Son. Back of this beaufiful letten is a touci of Prescience . . . Pre- monifion . . . Fafalism. Let us tell you. The wrifer of tuis letton ..tfe lafe Alex Smith of Leith ..was a youtlful oficer in fie Scots Guards. If you visit fhe mosf im- pressive Wan Memorial in fie world . . at Edinburgh . . you will sce lis name written flore. He enlisfed at fIe outbreak of war . . got up te fie front in fie spring of 1915. Spent one monfi in tie front line. Came home on a short furlougi. Had fie feel- ing that le could not return f0 the front ine and escape deati. Ho wrote tIc above letton on fIe 18t1 of June, 1915, and en- trusted if f0 a friend te give f0, lis parents wîen fatality came. Tien ho refurned f0 fie front. and served several monfls. On. the 22nd of July, 1916, le was insfantly killed whihe loading lis mon in a charge. Ho is sf111 deeply mourned by1 his 84 year old fafler, who Igave us tuis letton. And by fhe ioely girl f0 wiom le was engaged. Sic las nof married. Niagara's First Suspension Bridge lIn 1848, "a daring young man" drove bis horse and buggy across thc first Niagara Gorge suspension bridge. It was Charles Ellet, the builder, =h thus proved bis confidence in lis barely finished structure. Pioneers were busy in a province athrob wîth new industrial impulses. lIn the previous year, 1847, the first Canadian life assurance company-the Canada Life-issued ifs first policy. The company is proud to have shaned since04 time in flic development of the province. The sai.0ngs of ifs policyholders wiich have been invcsted in Ontario continue to assist in providing cmployment for thousands, and in supporting almost cvery branch of agriculture and industny. G The *Gnad life. Canada's Oldest Life Assurance Company ERNIE PARSONS District Representative Oshav lwa 4 1939 - Dodge w2 4à¶?M is Herei NEW IN DESIGN, this new Dodge Custom is ceaing the new luggagecompartment-which startling in its sheer beauty of forum and line. is actually 27% larger than the old style trunk. It is a worthy climax to Dodge's 25 year record NWde uhue hi-egteî cf fne ar bildng.geous new upholstery... stunning new bard. Tise comphetehy NEW wider bodies have grace- ware .. . and thse mont beautifui instrument fui sloping lines which flow from the top of panel Dodgeeverbuilttnake this new interior the windshield back te, the tail lioeht in ane a"LeaderlnLuxury"inevery senseoftheword. The. roof lUne ln on* Unbrok&n cuave from te ii.ndahield to the. rear bumper con- coaling a blg trunk wlth 27% more luggage capaclty tii.. fornierly. Dodgo Features you can se and try out for IvtI6 ' Gear shifi Inv, h nlonon ¶ieering c<dan. .. Froni ompa rment iloor ' is clea, -lois of room f or ih ee Peope. Standar.d eqr4iPmeni f - n e extra Co 1. T/IF TIIU/Ole93SDODDGEc,;s W. J. CHALLIS Phone 2653 Bowmanville on thse steering columa and removal of the lsand-brake te the left cf the steering column completely clears the front compartment floor of obstructions. Thse NEW "Safety Signal" speedometer le vour speed guardian for both city and country driv- ing-especially at night. Up to 30 miles per hour it shows a green light .. . from 30 to 50 a yelhow ligisi and over 50 a red light. Thse NEW individuat action front wheel springs and Dodge advanced weight distri- bution together with new stecring contrai give you an entirehy new sensation ofdriving sureness and contraI. Your Dodge-De Soto dealer wiIi gladly let Vou drive this 1939 Dodge Customn. 1 it should be. Just see the deeds heroes, especlally if the enemy these noble heros do. They tear should corne in the dark. the roprty f dfensle , Poor Hiram, he's only an old women, cart off the belongiflgs of ___________ old people, give a bad night to! those who are sick and of a ner-! Mabel: Every timne I'm kissed it vous type, and destroy rnuch thatupsets rny nerves. If you were a many peoplè can iii afford to re-'doctor, what would you give me? pair. They are flot afraid. be-i Norman: A nervous bekon cause, if any victimi comnplaiffs the public imrnediately calîs him an old crab. So while our heroeS; Haytofl: Just one more question are hiding behind a veil of sec- Uncle Biff. recy the rest are struggliflg f0 Uncle Biff: What is it this time? get back to normal again. Hayton: If a boy is a lad and he Hallow E'en. A noble institu-1 has a stepfather, is the boy a tion. A credit to our intelligence. step-ladder?- A glory to our Christian teach- ings. A night when heroes corne Snrt: aPphwso forth. Too bad we cannot find iSnrt:Sy ohwso them and publicly presenit thern, will I be old enough f0 do as I with the German Iron Cross. please? Any way the country is safe when i Popsnickle: I don't know. No we have such a noble arrny of one has lived that long yet. m-- L - 1% L .. -«,- .- - -- ..LF --»- smooth unbroken contour, comp 0 eiïcon- 1

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