travel at exactly the sanie hour, there would not be enough cars to carry tlein. Or that if eveny person who carnies life insurance died on the saine day ail the claims eould not bce met. iOr that if everv sea were drained dry there would be no ocean liners. Suds statements are meanîng- Iess whien vou expose tbein 10 the cold Iight of coinmonsense. Wbere, then, does aIl the money corne fnom?9 That q ues- tion can best be anwre > asking this one: Who owns it- and how do tbey gel il ? Addnessing, ourselves to 4,740,000 depositons we answer: "This money is yours. You own it. Wben you eail for it, you gel it. Wben youi ask any existing Canadian bank for it, do you ever fail t0 gel il proniptiy ?" We ask you, îoo: "Do you reEard your deposit as figures in wages; froým thse application of labour Io the soil o tIse farm, or to thse standing timber in the forest; froîn the catcling of fislu iin the sca; from the wresting of minerais front the ground; from the fabnicating of raw mateniais int manufactured goods; and frorn marketing at home or abroad this contintious produc- tion. W'hen soniebodv wants to change A your business and economie methods and bi- sorne mystcrious magie to hring abolit overnighit a pronised mileniuim of prosperity, ask what success sueh a theonist bas made of handling bis own affairs, before you bac k bis theory. Bank deposits refleet tangible wealîh produced. Every dollar we owe to you-our depositors -is backed by many dollars in real assets. Canada's chartered banks not oniy serve the individual well, they are a trat factor in the buiding of t e nat ion. TUE CHARTEIIED BANKS 0F CANADA Your local branch bank manager will be glad to talk ban k- ing with you. Ile will be glad to answer your questions, from the standpoint of hi.s ount experience. ULuility. rita uni- - * ** ** versity course was a billiant one. AIl that about Britain's prestige He became a specialist in a par- rnay be important. At the mo- ticulan field o! study - one un- ment it is too abstract for me. attractive to most men. In the Perbaps my vision is blunred by years following bis graduation he a week o! Ibreat and uncertainty bas become an international fig- - a week o! watcbing gas masks une. Foreign governments bave distributed 10 everybody except, emphoyed bis services.i childrcn under five, (and therei This man married a chever wo- are 50 rnany children unden five) i man. His son, now gnown up, i5 and people wbose faces could not'i said 10 be clever. But ahi thne'be !itted with ordinary gas masks. in Ibis farnily are declared by 1 have been too close ta a single those who know them to be cc- aspect to be able to view others, centrie, and the son is said 10 be however broad. uncouth to the point o! boorish- I saw piles o! sand dumped in ness. I arn told that they live ab- the streets to use in case o! fine, normalhy. Their borne is utterly or, if we were lucky, 10 throw on unattractive. Their manners and incendiary bombs before tbey ways are not those o! normal burst. pensons, and bave cul thcrn off, But most frightening o! all were in large measure, frorn compan- the gigantic preparations being 1 ionable fclowship. made by the hospitals at racing Stanley Baldwin, Britain's ex- speed. To mention onhy one item: premier, bas neyer been called a Morphine was ordered in unbe- clever man. Lloyd George, on the lievable quantities. Morphine 10 other band, is dcscribed as being deaden pain, for a litthe whihe. cleven; and SO, 100, is Winston Churchill. Yct Stanley Baldwin is behd by the world in higher So after the office to-nigbt, at estccrn than are Lloyd George 5.30, I joined the thankful multi- and Winston Churchill. President tude gathercd in Whitebalh and Wilsôn o! the United States was Downing St., to wchcome thej negarded as being a chever man, Prime Minister arriving fromn yet be is declared 10 have been Munich. Ramn had no power t. a sower o! the seed which, in ils quench the happiness in relQase bhossoming, alrnost resuhted in from tension and dread. anoîber world war.- Abraham Along Wbitehahh the Cockney Lincoln was not regarded as being paper boys sboutcd "P"ad al a cheven man - just a vcry plain 1 ababt Yoorup's 'cr0 number one. man, a man o! the people; yet 'es commn' 'orne! Read ahl ababt among ahI U.S.A. presidents he the 'cr0! " rernains the most nevered. We bougbt cvening papers and Lord Birkenbead, pcrbaps bet- wore them as nain capes. Strang- ter known as "F. E." Smith, is ah- ens shared umbrellas and taîkeil ways spoken o! as bcing an extra- to one another ike old friends. ordinarily cheven man. His ex- For two bours we stood. Some ceplional chevcrness made bim people bad been Ibere since morn- famous and made bim a peen; yet ing. The nain ceased; and the be burned bimseh! out in middle end o! Downing St. near number life. 10 was suddenly and drampiticahly I suppose ahh o! us cao lhink o!fhoodcd with a sunsel o! saffron acquaintances o! ours wbo were and rose and gohd. regarded as being nolably clever, The glorious sky rcheased the yet whose lives cuhminated in'fimal sbred o! neticence in the ghastly failune. crowd. Tbey wanted to cheer and J C K wave their rain-soaked flags and If you are nol chever, lake much ýred, white and blue streamers.. com!ont from Ibis knowlcdge. "The Prime Minister bas arriv- You are likely to be living more cd at the Palace," announced a happily than are the clever ones, smiling policeman. and are likely to ive longer and "Hurrah!" y'elled the crowd. more use!ully. You may not The loud speaker on the police shine as brigbtly as the clever car politly suggested that a dlean ones, and may be less honoureil noad be le!t for the Prime Minis- by your fcllowmcn. But you are certain to have greater popuhar- man out o! step and out of tune ity Iban the cleven ones, and 10 'wilh the common people. enjoy life in larger dcgree. Not Not being clever, you can go being clever, you are not under !orward along youn pathway con- inner urgement 10 exhibit clever- fidently, witbout any madnessfo ness; you are nol forever on the baste or effort. The almosl cen - stage, an aclor befone the multi- tain tbing is thal you will ac- tude. Your ife does not have 10 cumulate more o! Ibis world's be artificial. You can live sim- goods than the clever man, ah ply, and can gel pheasure out o! impatience, and pcrbaps short- more tbings than can the chever lived, and likely to be unstable. New CHEVROLET 1939 ROY NICROLS, Courtice - 4 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESNfAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE suggests superior quickness or1 dered who it was who said some- dates shall be furnished the HîghrIm facility or adroitness, and those1 Our English Letter thing about a great Statesman School Entrance Boards by the CON IN D ABDB possessing cleverness are apt to being a man who raised a cause, principals of the schoo]s attended OU O L N I Erely on their quality of c]cver- f then had the courage to fight its by the candidates.LMBG Y U OR D A D I Eness over-much. The hare was &.1rIL1YiIill hoK 1r, b (Copyright) clever; the tortoise was very or- Ati on onltapo eat dinary. The tortoise won the race. By Miss Isobel Stephenson o hnyon onlm ol erlexawi, hoeven r, b dpar _2_ __JonC.______'h____________ecele f ive i hesk;th laeso which include English literature,. In Panfr1ek By ohnC. irkoodThehar's verconidece edthe plane trees sifted the lamp- composition and grammar, speil- Clevr prsos ae dngerus levr cilden averisecleer him to be contemptuous of the Many people are asking "Was ter. To which the crowd replied light in the Square; and ovei ail, ing, writing and mathemnatics . Actîn n impicpl f0we plv ersons r dangerous othe- prnth- o ren dtiseant to be stolid persistence of the tortbise. the price of peace too great? Has 1 ith three cheers. in calm silhouette, the lovely tow- Teewl en omippri o nwago hn clyu selves and to others. One need lieve. Parents of clever children Thhaefttatecodgoo Britain sacrificed inevocably her A Royal Mail Van turned into ers o! Westminster seemed to, say, sleep and yet xin the race. Theprsie" ncetiquresnDo igS.Th saejyu "I am England, heart of a Coin- writing but the candidates will f riends aboui."amiwhhs neyr amntovr isbeig wntthm o e h ing fa tortoise knew that steady, un- London there is very definitely a ovation greeted it. G r i nn i n g ow of Nations." ofthe answer papers to, be de- as; follows: veyordinary person. Ordinary the time, this notihsadn flagging effort was his only good feeling o! uneasiness and a sense broadly, the driver doffed bis cp onw elH.b Sdgdtnthspubeennnehaon, 'ba0 umaotais rye persons get along better in this that they know that. those wbo quality. io! the inevitability o! new and, if and bowed in mock gra ci apns Cartwright Gardens Club, tciddbe Bard mmiatcholEnfo 'for wfecol saelmven world than do the extraordinary watch clever children per!orm i1rcoses rne or meitl o- or clever persons. are repelled rather than attracted This fable o! the bare and the possible, .more difficult situations We shrieked with laughter and London, W.C.l, England. îowing examinations. bo eil ai ramet uti i Yet tiiere are so many persons by exhibitions o! cleverness in tortoise, should be comforting to in the near future. waved our flags. The marks for the subjects in flteaseIhc anvr uh everywbere who want to, be con- children.ahodnr pess:tasus Judging from comments in the Sir Kingsley Wood arrived in a group 2 shahl be apportîoned a friend said. Wyfo aeKuce sidered as being clever, and par- Cleverness can be o! the hand tbem that tbey can wîn, oever the English papers, quoting Foreign limousine. The car was beseiged S a k il olw:ltrtr,10 oioi at? T ents want their children to be or body as well as o! the" mind. course o! life, in competition witb as well as Empire Press, the same and had to, stop dead. fiollowsnditraur, 100; comlli- atnTketgvrvmrig clever. Parents having so-called and manual cleverness is not those who are clever. ýdoubts exist elsewhere. 'What will they have left for 1 Rev. E. Beech preacbed at Shi - 5;tiongram0;matrtc, 100an ou clever children take pride in the îikeîy to be offensive to any. It J C K 1Impassioned pessimists shout Mr.Caberan? wnerd lob on S50; wrt.A anitg, 50; m teais 40'e talvoua in e etrleffo reflection that tbeir clever chiî isthe cleverness o! the intellect Cleverness can be both an in- "Weak, weak, weak!" and foretel Wht theyhad l1! was a roar Coi msi Acndida temaor otin ahsubj e tat an thin orb oIhv dren inherit their cleverness. which one distrusts. Cleverness berited and an acquired quality. 1further triumphs of Hitler amid ta ihthvSonefohbea el AnhivsryunisexSun eto!temrmnecubject1taen thmevr mrnn fo ________________________________________________Those possessing cleverness havelthe dying gasps of Democracy. throat of some prehistoric mon- day. an 60her exmntionsthenagrega 2te s otac ndi r nftcn an invaluable asset, but an asset "Our bonour!" moaned a WO- :ster. 1W on tge it h E he examenati onpssndop iong r mvwo aai-thnk t Ay riwui which requires close watching if man in a hollow voice, as we sat Mounted police prevented the' We qualite ag ee'wth temn Ei she gentitl ved o a t tading Kr se"-CB W IIEitL UUL~ LL i t is to be a real aid to one in at breakfast this morning. Prime Minister's car from being gai-ding Rural Mail Carriers. ÏtIcertificate furnished by the prin- ache. rheumaim ai nieto bH R E L I is progress through life. Joined I tbought o! my gas-mpsk in stopped entirely before it reached must be remremnbered that these ' cipal relating to the subjects in in mnany caeyilto rscn to the quality o! cleverness must MY dressing table drawer and number 10.cuir r ua ihfeig group 1 is acceptable to the High Saîts ? Becas ti obnto 9 te uaiteso!stadnes ndsaid, "Cboking must be a nasty Arounil me, voices spoke in ike other human beings, and vital for your bodiBoayd.eof-being. M N Y C M R M ersistence. perhaps a.lso of bu- sen-sation." tones only sligbtly raised, as or sbouhd be lawfully entitled ato olvntaneaBar. fovralmnrIsîsta r M ONEY" COM E F1IOM n~~imiitv, if one is to be a greatdottth though confident that Mr. Chamn- statutory holidays. Hergtn hxvo:adb success. couldfoot I ahways say what I of its own Soahlve iny Ceenstrp hs oss-bge hnalous"through the din, "Wehl done Sir! and daughter. Miss Bertha Hallo- a d dgeîtivetataealee OR hnforadon-afmiloClpstr igi eve es possviiaes- bige rth all ! us." Isa Well done." well, Toronto. at Mrs. Jacob Hal- Zimpir: I wondered why you f iteiland tonduoahg tt N/ OE ha ou * * epstos higi t deceuives T h eviates utRotfcorsethe hiaren, said. The limousine reached the fa- lowell's..Mr. and Mrs. War- iwere always so quiet. of ef ficiencv M in Canada have andone-n haemilinkt iminstrdya te s Theavrt Bt !cusete-resarmous doorway; and c a im e r a s ren Carson and family xvîth Mr.________________________________ eeoevi tehak" minet danersalwas that-e stihi." flasbed like ightning again and and Mrs. Wilson, Perrytown.... They are satisfied to leave their money on deposit will have smahl patience with "We bave sacri!iced the Czechs." again, as the Prime Minister and Mrs. Silver and ber dàughter, Mrs. g gs' 's because Canada's chartered banks are ready and able their !ellows; tbey want all others 'We bave probably saved the Mrs. Chamberlain stood smiling Bert Trim, at Uxbridge. ..Mr. to pav back promptly every cent when the depositor to go !orward at their pace. Cle- Czechs from being murdered." and waving on the step. ýand Mrs. Wilfred McKay, New- ver persons become intolerant o! "Hitler was bluffing." The door closed bebind them; tonville, at Mrs. Jobn McKay's.. cails for it. the slowness, perhaps the stupid- "We think Hitler was bluffing." but the cheering went on. Mrs. Ralph Bougen entertained ty, o! others. Ceverness pro- In a !ew minutes Mn. Cham-gusaoSndy. M.Cvi Thee epoit inth chrtredbaks otl rugly duces unbappiness and discontent "Wt rneadRsiw eli ppeared at an upper win- Dunn took in the supper at Clarke $2,262,000.000-approximately 10 per cent. of whichi in those possessing it. Cleverness ,could have beaten him hands dow. He leaned out witb botb Churcb. . . . Mn. Mack Garrett u ts one out o! step with the mul- i down." arms outstretcbed; a strange, ap- and family, Port Hope, at Mr. they carry in cash-in other words Bank of Canada tue"Undoubtedly; but over Czecbo-!paigattd o hscne-FakSoes M.adMs money or Ilega1 tender." What the world wants - and bovi's and at o! othr da iaudmonstaivhngib C. Yule and son George, Oshawa. Som pope o fotfulyunersan bnkng ewards - is sympatby. We likeboisanafewekonm ts man. iMn. and Mrs. Launence Savery tn best those who are most ike our- orias antse htCeh- "e's a Jolhy Good Fellow" 'and family, Newtonville, at Mn. operations and might ask: selves. It is true that we want Slovakia would have been any sang the crowd. Then there were land Mrs. Wm. Savery's. . . . Miss C leaders - pensons wbo will take better off afterwards." cries o! "Speech! Speech!" Dorothy Ogden, Zion, witb Miss I. JJhat hare the banks got to represent our deposits if thein positions in front o! us and "Hitlen would neyer h a v e In a silence that was awe-in- Nellie Shutka. Mrs. Chas. Reid they do not have it ail in cash? guide us as we go forward, and manched if we'd called bis bluff." spiring, after tumults o! cbeering, and Hazel, Newtonville, at Mn. S. 2. Hoiv con the banks repay our deposits, over $2,262,- who wiîî inspire us; yet we want "Chamberlain, Roosevelt, Dela-,the Prime Minister spoke: G. Hallowell's. ..Mn. and Mrs. 000,000, icith the amount of cash they hiild? our leaders to bave union witb dier and Mussolini apparently en-, ".My good friends, this is the Anchie Muldnew, Elizabetbvilhe, at us totbik a wetbik, o ~ tertained sorne doubts on thle sub- ýsecond tirne in our history tbat Mns. Russell Savery's. . . . Miss The answen to No. 1ilis: Look If vou are a wage-earner, pay- denstand us. to stay w ith u ject. there bas corne back from Ger- Beulah HaIIowell, Toronto, witb at~~~~~~~~~~~ .n akblnc he n ngyu a1nddpstn the spirit o! fellowship. We want I "Tbey wene afraid of the noise many to, Downing Street peace Mn. and Mrs. S. G. Hallowelh. .. vo wllselefo yurei tata itlewek y ee i'toains lean on our leaders - to draw ,hem a .,, witb bonour <a nférence to Dis- Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Stark, Newton- vouwil sc or ousel tat lttl wek y eekina svsgstheir stnengtb and spirit into oun- "owar aeli's neturn from Berlin in 1878). ville, with Mns. 1. Stark. ..Mr. bank owns more than it owes. account in the bank, can anv*sle. ewn be ohv "The pensonal elément again." "I believe it is peace for our and Mrs. W. Andree and fami.y. That is to say-if ail of its body convince you that vour clearer perceptions than we have, "Humanity is veny personal." Itime. (prolonged cheers). We Oshawa, at Mn. M. Sbutka's, il depositors were paid off and ail de"oit came into heing' bv to bave strongen wilhs, to bave "Do you mean tc, say that you tbank you fnorn the bottom o! oun being little Miss Sophia Shutka's cf~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gt te eî iablne wîigfgrsi o? r greater courage, and greater ne- 1tbink tbe Czecbs have bad a de- beants, and now I recomrnend You birtbday. . .. Mrs. S. G. Hallowelf of ts the dets aid a alace ritng igues n aboo r utin; ut e wnt hemtccent deal?' i10 go home and sleep quiethy i n agtrMs .Ri n would be left beionging 10 the il not a fact that you can calI at sohto'bu ewntte o "Of course I dont. Tbey areyour beds." (Cheens). inad aghes Ms C ei n shrhles orbank and take it awav isitl, eing sympa t. e doinot want paying for blundens at VersaillesBbn e a ad Ee Hazel, cahhed on Mn. Sid Hallowehh inshareholders. youneeeswresil bide it ehn m, ansid Evnat Elizabethville. Mn. Muldrew, That shoisld answer your first you-in cash! them to outshine us or to, be wboe r ey e nestllblndd it if it is onhy temporany - my God Oshawa, witb bis sister, Mrs. Rus- pestion satisfactonily. And now Suppose you are a farmner- aloof from us. We want tbem to soefonth atwn"it is good to breathe freehy again." 1 sehl Saveny. or No. 2: let us use one acre and some be o! us, botb receiving and ne- "We made the Czecbs lie down The crowd was singing, "For _____________ Loo agin t aban blane rundfigre fo ilustatin.turning oun spirit. We want their under the thneat o! force. Hitler He's a Jolly Good Fellow," once setadvuwlse hti ous1!2usesheants to beat in accord wit Wih oury got iswa w tofigsot."h more. Entrance Exams THE very beet kindl of credlit,bea ea f shet ndvo wllse tatin Yo ue ~ bshlsat a dollar own. c"Wbich only gtoesto rngsho what Forgotten was the week bebind 1insurance policy is always goadi 1ae~1 addition to'the cash it holds, the a bushiel, of wheat, 10 seed one J C K can be dne ithounst iningast.1 us. A !ew children in the crowd C49 Considerably Many a mnan has been griven a cl neeastr bank ovns assets quickly con- acre. Yotî reap, say 20 busliels. It is probable that many o hn a enn tn o r was sae; andthe cbiwLndwo In isntbrsiofsEdrcation Annrouncesd There hasbeen no ictory fr iasbusinesnd forchhimselfo ornstartode overioannnemer- ventible iiîîo cash, or whîch can worth a dollar a bushel. Leavina my readers are chever pensons. aiirinti igaeubs-hdbe vaae cl one FeSbjt Oy-Noecb msnof aighd Ban o Cnaa. er, ou gan s 812 bshe. yourselves against the pit!alls o! ness." b orne. For Group 1 neanount cf lhf. insurance with whc taet- Bank o Canad. ters your ain is181 ilhel cleverness. DoDo t not lgindulgePeyoun n"PerIhapsttnot"b"tI Taernittedth "butolicejocrowdh witbt ttteepolicelojoin-r Exhe mienî c ash uit is nc es- v eposit i ou ,; orsn.% tihat yene ou are cvnBe t resscan be carried 1 a farthen point' The sunset bad faded; and stars for admission to higb school are Your mnoment rmay camne soan.Y cantd sar 0t carrv t10 meet ordinarv D o regard this as jsts your ceverness. Keep it fnom th arewactvngbone dneanidton. winked in the evening blue. being drasticahly neduced accord- better than ta own ail the ife insrneps sary . . ~~~~~~~cannying you away !rorntheWeaectn on uroviin Across the fresb wasbed sky a ing to a circuhar ncceived by C. F. sbe h ofdrto ieAscainwl day Io daydemands, and also figures in a book ? y yythat international duels with bilatba rmteat-i-CnoIsetro il.TeCneeainLf Yt Y . b ad ocnvnemasses o! the people. Put breaks swords and pistoîs cannot settiebiln e am!rnteanti-air-Cannonspector o! P u b 1 i cu the proportion it is necessary to I nl ebr 0cnîc on your cleverness, in order that questions o! economics or honor." craft base sougbt the"emyScos for Oshawa and West b ldt dieyu earry in gih.-edged quick assets any wa ge-carner or anv pro. you rnay go forward at the pace "How bave we pnoved it? Hit- phane in manouvres. But even Dunhamn. The Minister o! Educa- ducr f nw eaththt li'o!thoe n bor yu mstney 1r ai, ' wnt bi ad tisorthat seemed part o! the celebra- tion, Hon. Dr. L. J. Simnpson, an- EisOU Y OU l1u 1CNS which can be iquidated 10 iflet ueofnwwat rahioftoeo hmyums eylrad,'wn hsadti r tion. nounces there will be no départ- even any extnaordinany demand. deposit which anose from lus for your bread and butter. else.' The other Tbrce said, 'Take mental exarninations in the sub- Banks know that il is absurd to labour and production, is any. I heard recently about tbree Ibis and Ibis; but please don't Wakn don bihalt-jcsigru 1wic icueC expect ail depositors il cal for thing but real money. - pensons wbom the worhd cails shoot anybody." Wn anliamed n teae, o esi studies, s ic health u-eC N IE E A I their monev at the samne time. He knows better, for hie can ce father new hen, on he aTbat's it onBu theesurace," I ads- heard the joyous pealing o! the sic, art, crafts, borne econornics E oitA6rS0c1 That mould be like saying uTthîngs wt i.cbild o! five. He was big-eyedweiIonykwitAya, Abbey behîs. Big Ben chimed 8 and agriculture in grade iIIîI but 1 0 0 YO that if everybody got sick at the wbere does ail the mon,, and shy. His schoolfelhows buffet- frorn a sel!isb point of vie W I arnom ok ibautl bcl nbs htcniiae1soigta h c d birn about, because he was a ghad that I cnwh 0teofc voice. I thought: "Cbamberhain's courses o! study have been suc- ON OFTEWR'SG ATIE SK saine time there would flot t>e corne fnom ? softie. Tbey kicked hirn and in n witbou wondtingif of'icsa job bas just begun." And I won- cessfuhly covered by the candi- 1' room in thse hospitals to take Your deposit is the measunt- othen ways made hirn suffer pain. 'good morning' to an incendiany cane of thein. of your owýn real weaiîh. That lad grew up, and exhibi- bornb on the way." Or that if ever>body -,%ho That weaith coînes from the ted the quality o! cleverness - The wdrman grinned. travls b stret a < e<i marketing of >'our labour for even bniliance o! intellect. He "oa I travek strect tre.-.-'.f-., .-.-' 1 ,.. .., "So ar I." - 1 1 -