PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO T 4%~.44.t*4 ss . eased and which be has been are praying for the Japanese. working tbe past season. Chengtu bospitai being in fari K The bride's mother, who bas wvest China the work is flot affect- Inow taken up bier permanent ed by the war. Hoinebo dies that g degree I tb nk tbe bestTo the former Miss There is insufficient accommo- H1DXNVME IT,13 Amy Allun of Sbaw's. and the dation in bospitais. There is one O F I TERE T T W O MN brde ls arelaiveof bier two bcd for every 40,000 people, ______________ sters-in-law, Mrs. Rob. Alidred whereas in Ontario we have one _____________ __________and_ Mrs. Leslie Alidred. daugh- bed for every 200 people. Doctorsl z: -~-~-~ ~ ters of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allun, are graduating but tbey are goingl anoyn dgee tik h bs ANE NDDFFRNTPMPI PELake Soe into private practice. NEW ANDDIFFERNT PUMKIfoPIELiberty_____1915 saw the establishment of Hit o o eois thang o can esaigor Lîe3 Scboois for Nursing.. The training can e rad sraîbt aeadcourse ils 312ý years. Their associ- Written for The Statesman Vine Off . aton s ciie "NusesAsscia by It is surprising the niamber of:(otne fo ae1 tion of China." J Alnwomen who take a baîf bour af-- The present principal of the JessieAle Brown - ter breakfast f or a peacef i m stated $5,00 is needed to reacb Scbo fNrigi bnt FuI-enthNo es for themselx es. Some of themn do ~ b betv o 98 iemm- W.M.S. bospital is Miss Dju Shu flo atemp toeattber beakast'5.'-bers' certificates are not as bigb Cbwan. Aithougb ber feet bad i Have you noticed the number this eralst tînt i after tbe family are fed andyeraia. been bound as a cbiid. she was of magazines that are pnînting a sped uapon their w ax As one Mrs. W. E. Beaman, Sec. of determined to take the nursing ful legt noel ac moth0xxoma sa stha isth on quetLîterature, very capably present- course and graduated. Ninety Evert some of our Canadian mag- meal I have in the dax. After ed bier work baving a splendid nurses bave graduated from the azines are doing it. Some of them they are ail gone I read my paper supply of litenature on dispiay. samne nursing scbooi. ar qit god- thrsar teand eat my breakfast in peace. Tbe review of tbis year's Study Tbey are faced with manv aeqiego - tesaeteOne of the busiest %vomen I know Book, "TeWrdi aaaIypolmsc slc fae usuai drivel. Somehow no mat- savs shte takes that baif-hour to qaeeupeti h optl ter bow interesting tbey are tbey do just as she likes. Once she ' Iv given by Mrs. C. R. Carscallen. Miss Kiiburn stressed the need of have left me satd t ok n h hn -eusshv enmd fraadsi hyug vihafeigbegins to ring. sbe cannot count a study of our own country," tbe entiy need a dietitian. of ncoplee- n ay qiettim. I rellspeaker said. 'We bave it this M -n girlis are studying phar- ness, just some- godieafr n xoantntk thing wrong. I a littie time for benscîf. Some ineetd nti bo.Te atad n oth tf o hnt col o iueare so constituted that tbev could i ~ '<~ cbapter may be tbe most inter- bospital. The support of the Home krae 0dfeetknso odFs what xvas the o eti ec eo hirt esting" The aim of tbe study or ilb eddfrvast matr u wonk xvas dane. One friend, who 1 book and tbe message in tbe pre- came. the speaker said. smoked, did ando îke whe I eard ~is the cnergetic type. takes an fc eeepaie.Tesek In ciosing Miss Kilborn m-ecafodnagrdopounyfo torgzieeil ad- . h nihnanwr hepaemiri ecn dres 'esad eetdreus or ihe hthaesyezs n a agzncd-ho ir after noon and in that hour er quoted words of Lord Tweeds- pbasized shortage of bospital Ui t ct ~~non the door-beil. Her friends 'mvcifbsnsinthi'scOauntr oeCndinmdcl rkers. deliciaus faor 70,000 w o rd know tois andadoanot phane at book don ta *ta intnestdaioCanadanshinail ofThe door is wide open. The op- bo5k000owrds ýtà that time. Many women feel that Canada." The aim of this vear's portunity is unique. The supportS oui 3,0 odIthey have so mucb ta do they study book is ta make aur mcm- adpaeso h oasMs anuihn.ta o aainFs decided prob- Jessie Ailen simply cannot take time off for ~ ~ bers consciaus of a Canala-widesayScietisugnyned and Sheilis ieperyo rtis ably that xvas Brown their awn enjoyment.Tissa felloivship. The study slogan,' soaýmnrl but coulemphe etenessl ar tksa deandb bbiroaminerais andnng o preciauser. dui "IatheGa.enInthfactav thr u tlcscmltns.accompiisb as much in the endTh display of posters by suthaeici rneAdb Inretoule ,the essisae msa n y raywuî .Larig talvetgehe? I uet "Isn e Grden w-ah ite hnavecevhig1is no n xerphcaliety wudbande vrossertreswsanew Mrs. E. Anderson and Mrs. D1ie5i. ucho upe ih sin.Te okstatae e dbcase tndbey l adthein wtr adsee t etiith'Chambers. witb Dr. T. A. Part-, You can nkearnmntwihor sin h ok htaeprînted nerves would be rested. approvai. nieattergn right stnaight abead, page after One Wonders W hy Th quiet baîf bour preceding riTe rntsm the Whitbî* dealer ta supydfentkdsodi- page, are alu nigbt but few things ~dînner was in charge of Mns.'School for Leaders were given by casfs eea ie ek n h annoy me more than ta be shun- Ti onn okMy dog #---- ~FakJ aDmno orMrls. Lunney for tbe Eastern Sec.' aiyw ed from one part of a magazine 'for a walk and sat for a wbiie onTont. heop RpnacendMsMvBrwW trn I .ohrwhntyn o edaabnc nteprkaon h and Sacrifice." The speaker said' Sec. in the absence of Mrs. W. W. 1 EATET0FFSEIS book. It is bad enaugh wben Museum. On a near-by bench was that repentance means mare than: Gee. DP reading stonies or articles ta be a littie red-headed boy, prbably sarnow. It means change your' Miss Rosamund Duff, Field Sec- 11AA sent from page 15 ta 34, tben ta neanly three years old. Mýe xvas HERE'S a nefrigeratai pumpkin pie wbîcb iil keep the family happy minds: repent ta ourselves-re-1 retary o! the Women's Christian' 9 47, then ta 52 and so on. Our seated between bis mother and and give yau added minutes of frcedom, on a busy holiday morning, pent ta aur church. 'Temperance Union, braught a WR/T!flFORFE!BOOK0,T Canadian magazines do this ta an an aid gentleman, who were busy for the cooklng jobs wbichi demand your undivided attention. The afternoan session was op- message on temperance and quot- _____________________chatting and paying littie atten- PUMPKIN CHIFFON PIE _ ened by anather devational ser- e ide h andaot tion te the cbiid. He wniggled (Makes i1-inch Pie) gelatin, and stir iLidsov eledb r.FakJ a.te aiteatue Sc arn uiq utd abouted vieandby rfinankJ.llyhetriedurecarte getorad ,adonbut a b is moytr ed thim - tablespoons gelatin 'Cool. When the mixture thickens, jSpeaking fnom the text, "Ail pow- vertisements coming inta the dow bt hs othr eldhi erisgiven unta me," she pictured hms vey icly athug sme'ht 3 eggs not dry, and gradually beat in the 1laid, labroadcastabe, bhe brewting insistently, to be allowed ta get j cup sugan rernaining sugan. Fold into the dam s in lase, th a city a! industry at the present time in dlown ta play but this w'as refus- 1 ' cups pumpkin (stnained> punipiin. Pour into baked pie sheli donakness h ths eedyao wast noiOntai.Th u cd. hen e sarte tatbro bis ½ cp mikhe tragedies of increased sale of ba.t o heiegrnd Eachrot ime be /2 teapom it 'land chili tbanaughly befone serving. Ian arganization can be perfect j looi eeae tCrsms .. hspminpel ae uieeevdtibti tlcscn-In tteCrsRuini o- __ ~~threw it dlown his mother repiac- teaspoan ginger sensibly, the day befone it's ta betatitGdnpoe llbj tatsyar MssDfn- 19FSHNOVGABELA 5 ': ed it and scoided him. Finally 12' teaspoan cinnamon served and staned in a modern air- turned on.Godnd pwerc thl e conmendedsend.igsomuf e m Fae2 196( ond fcando sgat mad and siappcd bis tCoverewetsh layergof trhusped, cookedO bands. This did not do any gaod, 14 teasp00n flutmeg conditioned ice refnigenator, where towe.ement.Ms.ic ive ofthe on studying "The Local Cburcb EATET0h okdfs n lc n uee od and at iast sbe turned bim aven 1 1,4 teaspoon clave pnoperly moist, clean-washed, cir- pwr h ... saco hand the Liquar Probiem," and FISHERIES, OTTAWA.spnc eaodwhaladppp. ber necandspaned im.The; Soak gelatin in cold waten ffir 5 cuiating air keeps food !rom n apld- mast perfect organizations inth the need o! praper foods in the Pîease send me your free Book- Pakalyro hoekre ooo Schild did not have his rcd-head minutes. Sepanate yolks and whites ly dnylng out and guards againat i w orid We do n pWcr toda'hoe cines l ht h e -100 Temping Fiîbsh ' opPorovr us2 sfus f ed inoauroarganiaation. Wby don't'reatest drinks in the w'orid are ' ~îesueiebepoflc hpe for othig an he vas ad.It of eggs. Beat yolks lîntil ligbt, and absorption of othen food fiavons. w'c turn on the power?"Iatmik grp jucte o îeddwb slhy endd y temgoig omete combine with h aif a! the sugar, Flavar and appearance of this Miss Cana Kilbarn B.A.,R.N., appie juice and other fruit juices. Nam ease baien ggs Srînke cheeop ontis THE MIINDY POtJNING SrOIj mother holding the cbiîd tigbtîy th stnained pumpkin, milk, sait, pie, however, are qo neanly like on furlough fnom Chehgtu. West The election and installation of (laepihlter lîl)pno byth hand and scolding ail the d nt spices. Cook aven bat water that of the old-fasbioned klnd, that bhina, was intnoduccd by Mrs. C. ofricers vas canducted by Mrs. R. 1Aibf ................................................(5 for #/W uv'upu.'L«D way. Me was told wbat a bad Oaonfe ito ficr a n anse wr rs ase i tefroeNW 1bring bim ta, the nice park again. constantly. Remove fnam fine, add 1wan't detect the diffenence. Miss Kilborn bas been engaged pbiednlatweks States- 0 FitS the @iedal top Of the 2 lb. 1 The whoie rumpus was aven the I________________________________i isaayxoki bnt man. tin of Crown Brand, Lily White I ~ t ffhssr since 1926. The first part o! bier Rev. W. F. Banister dismissedi and Karo syrupln.cidwnigtbnofhssr omcxvard trip was by airplane the afternoon session xith pryr t Y 1>A A FIS -I t A V plus enengy in cfetyl gigven recipes ta friends who say 2 cups milk adterytantruhFrnb Teeeigssinxayer.n-4 I 9 oser and over as1. mate way. AfaasIcould see: hyhave had 'no luck' with j 3 tablespoons flour Indo-hn yathualroute bre-cdhbyha worsip serien hargoe1 * Ponr@ wthout a da-lp.j there was no reason against it.: themn and Most o! us av1ue teaspoon grated anion Id-hn-h sa ot e db osi evc ncag 2-3htespoansait ng closcd on account of the %var. o! th, Courtice Circie members, organîzed evangehistic and relig-UnetCuchOsaaJnar Providesmen. f ccr t Tihere arstetyo!roo, 0I u fied' ecpe adhav i! as ppprChina is weil equipdb i as foilows: Miss Madeline Tooley, îous educational wark being dontelt, 19,at2pm 0 Mi te 2ib.tifbl cn eit gas.-a j ferent results. Evert aur mfodernl 2 tablespoons minced pasl w bd as geal pevd lber Miss Louie outce, Miss Annie for New Canadians andi a report Iws nuceta Mis( 0 h rl cp r«ma tn odr htis bebind the ovens arc different. Flours, short- Mix sait, pepper and flour and The speaker bricfly mentioned doing ber respetive part xveil. A annual meeting. This to efi og rmJpn ol en used ailvbave an affect on t e ne- i i no a cafsser lei n d s P uinthe ishth eit a n in China; cou d n t terni solo "A lone" by M rs. H arold M uir low ed by our co-operao n itben e be tieol-i sh w Varin Rsutssu it. Savsoetimafestithe diffi acat'rland arsi.Coerwith ixxar - better ta say mass mur- was mucb enjoyeti. said Presbytery in such workPrsyrilo The different results from the st. o s u tiy me ipe did fclot the mniik and bakse coverd w antder Japanese Chnîstians do not Miss Cana Kiiburn again ad- w'bere advisablc." Dcme t tBoga 1ain made by tuo ajut sccssly. dpeddnt h ik n a e res friCnngt -heb ferentorrais peoplu wesuringe. Vef ry, u ucsful.mdrt oe f30dgre o a war and Chinese Christians dressed the evening session, gix- Meeting of Executive jDcme t tMr e,-tar stlso be obtained for eetpolisuriin.Vy Candled Fruits 'three-quarters o! an hour. Serve ing an intimate and comprehen Tek - C WN ]BRAND' labels, often it is due ta inaccurate meas- n*h ihi hc twsbkd C t sive pictune o! a day'1s activities Th executive of tihe Oshawa ceurtîatJacsoc urements. But this is nat aiwax's Be fore using crystallized cher- it~teds t hc twsbkd h pa< Presbyterial o! the Woman's Mis- Dcme t tOhw *DAMfl the case. Different brands o! in ries, gngelica, candied orange or Sausage Rolîs L7 i~ du ai n eralo entionosditl hearpgeat sionary Society met at the home Dcme t ~Nwate 1U11 ~ gredients are uscd and the3- ne- -eo peel, soak thcmn for a few Brown sausage ligbtly and cool. opportunities for a Public Healtb o! Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Bowman- Ms .W lmn sitdb r I*fl èM wmur ~act dîfferently. A readen had dif- minutes in boiiing water. jj isiRoil pastry anti cut in squares............And Nurse. She again stresseti the dile, nt, Mrs.N. J. hiTepresie.igtrfehcns r.S ai BO-s p ficuity with my Brandy Snaps makes themn a brighter colon and Roll a sausage in each square antid dedo mr okr.Th o-Tien em bers. J.Wcre presiet. sn uigta The Fanous Enegy Food recipe. This may bave been due' removes cxcess sugar. Eake in a bot even o! 400 degreesdThiiee meber we 1»CU STARCH CO, Umf., Toruo it ifrn rn fforo ilt ae nMl until the pastry is dciicateiy ' there are no obstacles in West During the warship servc. ab-_______ even the molasses. We have ail 2 lbs. fresh fillets browned. .y Cia h al r lw n pbrrpae es fsrp By Chin. The wîîs aredown at msandb e n eetence a ero ci- Ktv antyubleeta C.H.Tuck the time opportune.tucatasetnepacr yastacusmctanbos A pageant "Canada's Higb Adi- The next meeting o! the execu- Kat:Wi.yuugtaknw Opt. venture" by St. Paui's C. G. I. T. tix'e will be heiti in Simcoe St.den W eddins i Eei was w'eli presenteti. _________________________________ Eeiilis Rex. S. Daxison closeti thel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TO I~ ii r IIE iit1411 11 1 1E ii Secioist meeting with prayer. Hutchinson-B sbop ID s e l g Bouquets aof lowers w 're sent F r a F n u i a r a e S r n Disnnageyok plce niavj . ta Miss Alice Jackson, Oshawa, a F ra F n u ia aTenoa Nax th ate haieai.ý retircd missianary, andti t Mrs. J. Listen Each Sunday Atron t tis bides annts Rx- ani j Oshawa, Phone 1516 W. Bunner, Bowmanville. These te.bridesbparenide. ad ther two ladies were unable ta be dlaughten. Frances Buik Bishoi). t Nmbr57prset Joh Mevet Huebison SOi o î rn at tteptig t pant A nesolution o! much import- joltiNflei Htcinnt. onof amno ateptngt itance w'as brought in by the Re- C LiL 1J¶ I jJ 1r. uthLsit o Bwmnille, ia picture 50 nosy as to show a solution anti Countesx- Commnittee jEeySna .0pm ___and thse late Nfelv'en J. Hrîîchinson. r future a! much improveti vision as !oiiows: "Resoix'eèd - T h a t1 vySud - ~~ 'lof " ~ aiToronto. The brides father offic- byn what we gave to-diay, but w'bereas we the members o! the ' Featurn the terrifie get-away and go of Nashbnowpresentedat new lower ; castle Octoben 29th, when Missj jThCadinSrddWhî that new Nash LaFayette en- prices. Cail your Nash dealer- o!ice Jeanette Hotson, daugbterj /L3 NiagarardaY.Cnd oftelate Paul Hotson o! Acme,si_ 3 3/4%~.,~ gîe(bter 93 as co- drive this great car today! Ala. nt rs oto, o arsi OpeiondEqtters 1938 Nash econ , dent of Newcastle, was marriedi - --- xtt:ON£ fAs MIRCLEFOURSEROIESOF ~fiL #NENASIMIRALE iOREAT CARS. 22 in, mse cmfot ov ûwnt in Mo.. .. Pries earrrtrols Nah Cosidftioned $ 155 t>,u .. Saoed et.,fr cusfol t tot nver varie 14 o i netand ........... .... Taae. ncluded. Frtalk E. Alexander Kingston Road East Phone 551 BOff, AN VILLE SERVICE AVAILABLE ACROSS CANADA tý Mr., Ch arles Thoma= Alidred, ~ urneu[i Brown's, Clarke Tp., by Rev. R.C Of E. Morton, at the United Church parsonagc. The groom 1 o A legal intme o of the late Mr. and Ms. Ths*tmnIO Alldred of Saskatchewan The, Trust Funds groom was attended by Mr. Lewis Clark, Newcastle. and the bride UncSiditionally Guranted by Miss Ellen Alldred, Oshawa.______ Following a wcdding dinner at IMr. and Mrs. Fred Couch's, in TH£ their new bouse on Mill and Mners Sts. Mr. and Mrs. Ail- STERLING TRUSTS dred lefýt ona motor trip to West-COPRT N ern points. On their return tbeyCO ORT N wili take up their residence on the Fred Couch farm just east of SIERUNO TowUn TOROT Newcastle, which Mr. Aiidred has11 SHREDDED WHÉAT MADE IN CANADA - 0F CANADIAN WHEAT