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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1938, p. 6

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lOTH, 1938 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L Graham's. . . . MNr. and MI\rs. T. Haydon Rvan and Doris. Toronto, .%Mrs. H. SCamphbell. Oshawa, at J. Wright's. Recent Visitors: Mrs R. Slemon Home and School Club will meet at Mr. R.j Gilberf s. Eniskillen.. Tuesday. Nov. 15th at 8 pmin. Guest soi)cker will be John James of the Mr. and Mrs. WVm. Smith 1f ctatesnian staff. Whitby, at Mr. Win. Trewmi's... Church service next Sundav at Mr. Gordon Cowling. Dixie, at 3 pm home.. . . Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lum-I bers. Toronto. at Mr. H. Aston's.1 . .. Mr. M. Slemnon, Lloyd and~ One. thing the Bren gun inquiry Gordon. Miss Annie Mountjoy at has so far shown as remarkable Mr. R. Gilbert's. Enniskillen. ..IS how littie is known by some Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil at Mfr. C.I men commonly believed to know Sop)er's. Harenony. .. Mr. and Ifrs. la great deal. - St. Catharines S. Byamn. Goodwood. at Mrs. D.1 Standard. Graham's. . . . Mr. and M.\rs. Wn.; "The sawdust resulting from Challis and Phyllis. Bowmanville. the sawing of a diamond is black." Mr4 and Mrs. Giffler, Picker,ing. Just thought we'd let you know Mr. and Mrs. S. MNounitjov, Haimp- in case you wvere thinking of saw- ton. at Mr. T. 3,ountjov*s. M Nr. ing any diamonds on the clean and Mrs. J. Graham, Oshawa. at MNr. tablecloth.-Torolto Star. aSPECIAL Ladies' 1-Fiee e Plain DRESSES You Can Depend on Aldsworth Cleaning and Service 0 0 Men's 3-Piece SUITS Cleaned and Pressed 89C We Pick Up and Deliver REE Feit Hat or 3 Ties Cleaned FREE with Eaeh 89c re WINTER OVERCOATS Ifaconpnld99 C Cleaned Suit or Dress ALDSWORTHaner ALDSWRTÉ shawa McGregor 's Hardware, Bowmanville - Phone 774 Chapman 's Store, Newcastle - Phone 1204 Reynolds' Store, Hampton - Phone 2562 AN OPEN LETTER FROM THE ONTARIO SHORE GAS COMPANYI To the Citizens of Bowmanville: Reports have been commng te us te the effect that the gas rates are going te be Increased, and that the Gas Company is going out of business. These reports are evîdently belng clrculated by some unserupulous source and are false in every par- ticular. The Gas Company does not contemplate any change in ts present rates and It has enjoyed, durlng the past three years, a steady Increase ln gas sales as well as improving its flnanclal posi- tion. Any reports circulated such as the above mentioned are without foundation, and we trust you will treat them as such. Yours very truly, Ontario Shore Gas Company, Limited H. G. Hobbs, Pres. and Gen. Manager. Last Three Days, Deanna Durbin - Jackie Cooper 'That Certain Age' with Melvyn Douglas Entire Week COMMENCING MIDMITE SUNDAY WE DARE YOU! To see the world 's greatest two super-sheekers of aU tixne together on the same program. Bella Lugosi And Boris Karloff in WARNING.- Don't see this unless you are prepared frthe most eletrifying experience of your life. Direct from a sensational two-weeks' run at Sheas Theatre, Toronto - NO INCREASE IN FRIC ES - Two couuplete shows eaeh night starting at 6:45 Tyrone Recent \Visitors: MNrs. A. W. CIe- ,lens witb lier sister. Mrs. De Roachie of Belleville. . - . Mr. and Mrs. E. Hawkev. North Battleford. Sask., Mrs.. arnet McCoy, Bowînanville. at Mr. A. I-awkev's. . - . Mr. and MIrs. !-. .\Mountjoy, '.\r. and Mrs. Grant Thomipson. Nestîcton. at Mr. Cecil Sleînon's. . . . Mrs. James All- dread with ber daughter, Mrs. H. Stronz. Salemi. . . Miss Jessie Scott, Bowmanville. at Mr. R. B. Scott's. Mr. Robt. Burgess, Orono, witb Mr. R. Burgess. . - . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Duidlev and f amily. Mrs. T. Dowîîs aînd Billie at M.\r. W. Turn- er's. Narkhani. . rs. Laura Vir- tue. Nir. Archie Virtue, Mrs. W. Miller. Mr. T. Down and Mr. P. Hlax nard xith M.\r. 'Miltonî Virtue at Graeiurs. Mrs. 'M. Lamb of Mawo.Nr.\\'n. 1Lamb. Enniskil- len. at Nir. George Brooks'.... .Nr. andi M\rs. Haînm, Orono, at Mr. L. Brooks*.M..'\r, and M.\rs. B. H. Nlortlock an(l familv. Fort Erie, %vith lber parents. Mr. and M.\rs. Thos.. Gibbs. Sorrv to lose 'Mrs. G. Phare from our villazgý she lîaving takeeî up resideiice with lber sister. M-\rs. J. WVight. Bowînanvjlle. Congratulations to Mr. and MNrs. Stan HodL-son on the arrivaI of a baby boy. Young People held their Hallow- c'enl masquerade in the hall Monday- evening. A goodly number were in costume aînd prizes werc awarded. Program included: vocal solo, Miss E. Sykes. Hampton; reading, Miss Helen Werry; violin and piano music bv Mr. Cranston and Miss Agnes Scott; vocal solos by Mr. Geo. W. Graham, accompanied by Miss Susie Thompson, Bowmanvîlle; sonz bv Masters Donald Dudley and Clen Brooks. Lunch was served. Thursdav evening a number of friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clemens gatbered in the communitv hall for a social time and to presenit'M\r. and Mrs. Cle- mens with a walnut dinner wagon. Mr. and Mrs. Cleniens have sold their farm and are leaving our community. They will be greatly missed having taken an active part in the churcb and community work. We welcome Mi\r. and Mrs. Freund and familv to our community baving purchased Nfr. Clemens' farm. Moîdav evening Janetville Young Peopfle presented their play "His Uncle's Niece" in the community hall uinder auspices of L.O.L. The play was well given. Cadmus Anniversary Visitors: Miss Velma and Mr. Carlysle McGill at Mrs. 0. McQuade's. . .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Williams and family. Miss J. 'Milîs aînd Mr. Earl Grey at Mrs. W. D. Ferguson's. . . . Rev. M. A. Bury, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson and Vance Wilson at M.%rs. Edgar Gib- son's. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wil- son. %Mrs. S. Me\fQuade. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Capstick. Miss Elva Cap- stick and Mr. Gilbert Fowlcr at MIrs. Ceo. Fowler's. . . . Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Stinson. Audrey and Kathleen and Mrs. Ray Malcolm at MIrs. H. Galbraith's. . .. Mr. and MNrs. Russell Mountjoy at Mrs. C. Fýerguson's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. An- derson. Bowmanville. with their son, Mfr. Morland Andckson. . .. Mr. Fred Veale. Nestleton, with Mr. C. H. Fallis. . . . Mr. and MNrs. Saim- cils and Mrs. John Mcece with Mrs. J. E. Elliott... Mr. and M.\rs. M. Nointiov speîît Thursdaxv in Oshx- awa. ..'Mr. andi(l Mrs. Norman MeGilI and Norma. Janetville. Mr. and Nîrs. Rov Arnott, Port Hope. Mir. and 'Nirs. Ed. Lawson. Velver- ton. at Nfr. NirinNountjov's. VoîePeoples Union met Thurs- dlav iit. NMr. 0. -.iidürson gave an interestint. accounit of the 'Y. «P. Conizress at Oronio and 'Miss Nýiar iorie Galbraith dcscribed tlhe servie there on Sunday. Rev. H. J. Bell took charge of the revotional service. Mfrs. J. E. Elliott gave the tovic "*Liviiig at Your Best'; and rcadings were iven by Miss Helen Fowler and 'Miss Betlî Me\IQuade; music by Glen Cibson. Thank-Offerinz services on Sun- day werc well attended. Rev. M. A. Burv. BA., Janetville. gave two splendid sermons. His theme in the morninz was The Great Betrayal. and in the eveninz. The Earth Awake. Yelverton choir rendered excellent music at each service witb Mr. Vance Wilson at the organ. Be- sides the antheins there was a quar- tette ini the mornine by Mrs. Ray Malcolm. Miss J. Milîs. Mr. Victor Malcolm and Mr. Clark WVilliams. Iin the eveninz a duet bv' Miss Jane Milîs and Mr. Earl Grey and a quartette by Mr. Victor Malcolm, Mr. Carlvsle McCGill. Mr. Earl Grey and( Mr. Svdnley Ferguison. Union, Darlington Recent \Visitors: Miss Eunice Knapp is witlh ber auint. Mrs. E. Squelslî, Columbhus. . . . Mr. aînd Mirs. Clare Wrigbt and family. Mrs. \Vright and Mr. Ross WVright, Oak. wood. Nirs. Stainton and Eleanor. Toronîto. Mr. and Nfrs. Fred Fer- euson. Iva and Cladys, Bowînanville, at Mir .Aly mer Beec's. In- spetor C. F. Cannon visited our school on Thursdav. . r. and MIrs. Phil Cotnliîî and Joan. Oshawa. at Nir. R. Griffins.. . . Mr. and Nirs. 1). Adams and famnily. New- toiîville. and Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. Blackstock. at Mr. Walter FerLtison *s. . . . 'Mr. and .MIrs. Robt. Steffhens and family. Bowmanville. M.\rs. C. Step)henis. Hampton, witlb Nis i. Cookînian. Salem Rzecuit \ isit rs:\Mr. B.Fessant of Sask. and Mi ss I orna Hoop)er, Tvrone. vwth theî' uncle and aunt. Mr. and 'Nirs. W\. Catin and attende<l clitirch service. ..Mrs. 'M. Roacli, Rchester. NY., ~a a Saturday ev- ening visitor with Mr. and Mrs. E Doidize... Mrs. J. Hall bas re- turne(l home froîn visiting ber nmother in Toronto. . . . M r. and ROYAL STHEATRE BOWMANVI LLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. NOV. 10 - il - 12 AMERICA'S ORANDEST FAMILY lanThoir Four&h and Bout Laugh-Ad love Adventurel 1 Katinees Friday and Bat- urday 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. NOV. 14 - 15 - 16 A TE# STAR FUN FR0110 un' Sort Labr - Jimemy Sauo BiIIy House - Alice Brady Nischa Aur -Joy Hodges Produced by.G. DeSYLVA CHARLES R. ROGERS InErm i t W.t Il CHARGE OF PRODUCTIOI A NEW UNIVERSAL PICTURE Matinees Monday 4 p.m. Wednesday 2:30 p.m. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.. NOV. 17 - 18 - 19 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer"t Comedies and Shorts Seleeted featu.res will accompany above pietures. COMING - "My Lucky Star" "Little Miss Broadway" "Letter of Introduction" "Alexander's Ragtime Band" MNrs. A. Hertzburg in Toronto... Master John Hurst, Toronto. witb his cousin. Master Ralpb Simpson and his parents and tbe rest of the family spent Sunday at the Gaud home. Master John returning home with themn. Sorry to learn of Mr. Taylor Sr., Toronto. haviniz bis foot iniured w~hile Ieadinçt a colt on the farm of Taylor and Hall where he bas been visitiniz. Stindav afternoon service was con- ducted bv Rev. A. W. Marcb and was in keeffiniz witb tbe Armistice Dav spirit. Several f rom Salem attended tbe farewell izatberinz and presentation for Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clemens, Tvrone. wbo bave sold tbeir home and are izoiniz soutb for the winter. Office Open Saturday Nights For the convenience of country customers particularly The States- man office is kept open'Saturday nights from 7.30 to 9 p.m. Solina Recent Visitors: Mrs. Geo. How- sam is visiting ber 'sister, Mrs. Pegg. of Hoît. . . . Mrs. John Penfound bas zone to Oshawa, to spend the wînter at Mr. Mac Penfound's... Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe and Cor- don at Mr. Joe Chapman's. Hamp- ton. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Par- rinder and Evelyn. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pascoe at Mr. Sam Bray'1s, Enfield. ...Mr. and Mirs. Earl Howsam, Stouffville. visited at Mr. Chas. Howsam's and in comp)any with Mr. and Mrs. Howsam motored to, Ot- tawa and spent the weekend at Mr. Melbert Howsam's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dewell. Grand Vicw, Man.. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin. Bowmanville. at Mr. Samn Dewell's. ...Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller, New Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Fraser and Tessie. Long Sault. at Mr. Liv- ingtone MNiller's. . . . M.\rs. J. T. Rundle at M.\r. Alan Penfound's, Oshawa. . . . Mliss Helen Baker wvas iin Peterboro Saturdav. Young Peop)les meeting M.\ondlav nizbt was in charge of Christian Fýellowvsbiipconvenor NIrs. XWesley Yellowlecs. Devotional by Nfrs. jack XYellowless : reading. 'Miss Ruth Nic- Kessock: piano solo, Mfiss jean -Leach; Rev. XV. Rackbam gave an interestinz topic; Miss Ileen Balson rea(I the first chapter of "The Skv Pilot' bv Ralph Connor; reading bx' Harvey Yellowlees. Cames were en- i ovcd. Home and Sehool Club) will meet Tuesdav evening. Nov. lSth. Rev. W. C. Smith of Courtice. will be zuest speaker. Everyone welcome. A large number of our WlI. mein- bers visited Hampton WlI. Thursdav afternoon wlien an enjoyable time was had. There will be no service bere îîcxt Sundav on account of Hampton Harvest Homne services. Croup three of the WV1. wîth Mrs. Weslev Yellowlees as convenor held a verv succcssful crokinole partv in S.S. room Friday cvening with about 60 present. Misses Helen Baker and Evelvni Tink gave a piano duet and Miss Cwen Brooks. Providence, winner of the oratorical contest for Darlinzton. gave lier speech on "The .Rizbt Honourable Sir Neville Chamn. berlain" wbicb was vers' interestinz and well ziven. Nirs. Ralph Davis and Mr. Russel Cilbert were win- tiers in crokimole and consolation iprizes went to Ni\rs. John KivelI and Mr. Samn Brooks. A dainty lunch was served. Several of the voung people at- tended a o)arty in Blackstock Wed- ncsdav îîiglît iii honour of Mr. aînd Mrs. Buruev Hooey. Mrs. Ed. Millsoni is progressiîig îîîcely after lier operatioîî in St. Nlichael's Hospital, Toronto. Long Sault Visitors: Miss Grace Smith with Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Bow- manville. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Roper, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kincaid. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and family with Miss C. Brown, Burton. . . . Miss Grace Smith with Mr. and Mrs. ZJohn Cook, Salem. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and Miss Arvilla Smith witb Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. . . . Mrs. W. Martin and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugb Murphy. ..Mr. B. Burgess, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Burgess. . .. Mrs. Fred Smith, Jr., Miss Velma Wood- ward, Bowmanville, Mrs. J. C. Cook, Tyrone, and Miss Grace Smith, with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. SOFTBALL LEAGUE SOCIAL EVENING HUGE SUCCESS Statesman Trophy Presented To Courtice Champions for 1938 The get-together and social ev- ening arranged by efflicers of Dar- ingten Softball League and held at Pidduck's Hall, Courtice, Nov. lst, turned eut te be a big suc- cess and a real enjoyable func- tion. Howard Foley, President of the League, was director of cere- monies and did a right good job of it all evening. Among bis nu- merous duties Mr. Foley present- ed The Statesman Trophy te Sid Nichols, manager of Courtice team, whose team won the cham- pionship this year. There were plenty of other presentations. A case of Cream of Barley, present- ed by that prince of good felldws, J. Lake Morden, for the most gentlemanly player, was divided between Lewis Rundle of Provi- dence and Harry Gay of Courtice. Three players tied for most home runs for the season, so they each received prizes - Cuthbert Mc- Donald, Brenton Rickard and Kenneth Werry. Roy Nichols' prize for most valuable man on team went te Jack Gay, Courtice. Similar awards were given te Howard Wight of Providence, Farewell Blackburn, Salem, and Howard Cryderman, Maple Grove. Short speeches were made by Melbourne Wight, Hubert Heop- er, Eddie Kenefick, Milton Wight and others. Each team was responsible for a number on the program, but Courtice and Salem were default- crs in this regard. Hewever, Er- nie Gilbank and Charlie Clem- ence put on an amusing skit for Providence. Musical nu mb er s were aIse contributed and great- ly appreciated by Maple Grove Trio - Hazel Trull, guitar, Grace Truli. piano, Wallace McKnight, piano. There was dancing before and after the program and lunch which accounted for a well bal- anced evening of pleasure and entertainment. The plan of the ladies bringing lunch baskets and the nman cash te defray expenses combined te satisfy aIl appetites and meet al expenses with a tidy balance for the league treasury. All in all it was a grand and glorious wind-up to the season's sport for softball players and fans alike. Allan Battie. Bowmanville There passed to bis eternal rest on October 29th, 1938, Allan Bat- tie, aged 91 years, after a long and useful life. Deceased was born in Suffolk, England, in 1847. With his wife, Sarah Bloss, and three children they came to Can- ada in the spring of 1874. Tbey located in Providence, Darling- ton Township, where Mr. Battle worked among the farmers of that district for nearly half a century, and by his honesty and integrity earned not only the re- spect of his employers but also a wide circle of friends. About twenty vyears ago Mr. and Mrs. Battie retired to the farm of their son Robert, on Manvers Road, Bowmanville. Mrs. Battie, who was an invalid for many years, died Nov. 14, 1923. To one who knows the circum- stances we feel a deserving tri- bute should be given here to the Ioving and devoted care and sac- rifices that their son Robert had so willingly given bis parents for these many years during his mo- ther's long illness and in his fa- ther's declining years. Surviving to mourn the loss of an upright and loving father are five sons, Arthur A. of Cobourg, Robert H. and Fred of Bowman- ville, Wallace of Oshawa, and Frank of Vancouver, B.C. Three daughters predeceased their f a- ther, Mrs. H. Slute (Eliza), Mrs. George Faragher ((Kate), and Florence Battie. A private service was held at the home of his son Robert on October 31st, which was attended by neighbors and close friends of the family. Rev. S. Davison, pas- tor of Trinity United Church, where deceased was a member and regular attendant as long as health permitted, conducted the service* Beautiful floral tributes surrounded the casket. Palîbear- ,ers were Albert Allin. Hubert Smale, Ed J. Silver and Geo. W. James. Interment was in the fam- ily plot in Bowmanville Cemetery. Among those attending the fun- eral from out of town included Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Battle and daughters Grace, Jean and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. 0. O'Brien anj Mr. D. L. Hough, aIl of Oshawa. PORT HOPE GIRL (Continued from page 1) low of Blackstock as alternate. Annual meeting next June will be held in Blackstock. A short but lively discussion regarding the time the list of sub- jects for the speaking contest should be given the teachers, and also the suitability of subjects, closed the afternoon session. A complete report of the even- ing session will be published next week. FLOWERS TH-AT LAST Brlghten your home with theFe natural looklng artîficlal f low- ers now that garden blooms are past. Roses Each--------5c Dozen --------0e Japanese Lanterna Spray - - - - 15C 2 for---------25e Scotch Heather <Lucky> Spray - - - - 10c Poppies, Apsoriied Colors Eaeh - - - - lOc 3 for---------25C and other varleties. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Make your selection of Christ- mas Cards early. See our as- sortment of Individual and boxed cards. J. W. JEWELL Phone 556-- Bowmanvlle Woodward, Toronto. Miss Velma Woodward is remaining for a few days. Wednesday evening a Hallow- e'en masquerade was held at the church. Prizes were given ta, Misses Agnes Hooey and Edîth Woodley and Messrs. Clifford Pethick and Gordon Baker for being the best dressed. Enfield Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. D. Cunningham and Miss Evelyn Cun- ninkzham. Brusselîs, at Mr. Wallace Pascoe's. . . . Mrs. Albert Niddery and 'Messrs Calvin and Allin Nid- derv. Toronto, at their summer cot- taze. . .. M.r C. F. Cannon inspect- cd our school on Thursday.... .'irs. H. Stinson and Mliss Vera visit- cd near Pontypool. . .. Mrs. D. Hall. Miss Dorothv and Jack Hall at Caînbrav. . . . 'Mr. and M.\rs. B. NMcCtilloch. Oshaa,a with Miss Ida 'McCulloch. . . . Mr. and MNks. H. Ormiston andl family at Brooklin.. . M Nr. and Mrs. Frank Ormiston. Beathton. at Mr. J. Stark's. Mrs. Arthur Hubbard felI down the cellar steps but fortunatelv no bones were fractured. Young People's met witb good attendance Tuesdav night. Miss Hel- en Stark bad charge of the program. Readings were given by Elsie Samis and Frank McMullen; Eunice Knapp and Velma Ferguson favoured witb instrumental selections; violin music was given by Norman Stinson, and Roy' McLaugblin; Rev. Lackey spoke to the vouniz people on Co-operation. Contests brougbt tbe meeting to a close. 36" Striped FLANNELETTE 7 ydse $1 Choose from yard wide strîpe or 34" white flIan- nelette, well napped and selllng every day at 19c yard. U n ble ac h e d sheetlng of good welght clear cot- ton. Free from specks and sheet- ing that wl111 bleach well. Ac- cording to to- day's prices on real savlng. You may buy an y RAG RUGS 24 x 48 2 for $1.0() We seil these every day Pt 59c. Ilit and miss designs. Sultable for bedroom, bath- room or kitchen. Womnen 's Fleeced Bloomlers 3 for $1.00 Real heavy fleeced Bloomers in grey or peach, in sizes medium and large. These wlll not last long at this price. 36" TUBFAST PRINTS Genuine tubfast prints full yard wlde in patterns for dresses or quilts. They are certalnly an ofier that you 4 large 4-ply TERRY TOWELS Knitting Wool Our best seller, 4 large 1 a i end stripe Terry Towels, 13 b l s $ size 18 x 36. Ail for Dol- Four ply knitting wool. Ap- lar Day. prox. 1 ounce balls, sultable for ushons, sweaters, chlld- ren's wear, etc. Our speclal 1egrade. 25 colors to choose from. Women's TWIN SETS, An cxccP t Io na I clearing line offer- cd at haîf the orig- inal price. Sizes 14 to 20, but not al colors in eaeh size. 2 pieces $1 OSHAWA v j 16 Inch LINEN TOWLING 6 yards $1.00 Pure linen Towelllng wlth end strîpes of blue. Need we empbaslze this savlng. ANNIVERSARY SALE As previously announced we are this week celebratlng our flrst anniversary sale in our newv location this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. To do this ve are glving away samples and regular size merchandise to each adult enter- ing our store. At this time we would lîke to take thls opportunlty of tbanklng our frleiids for their most gener- ous support durlng the past year. SPECIAL THIS ~ SOTE.Y WEBK ONLY Free Tin Heinz Soup with Coupon from last week's Statesuxan.g To first 90 ladies en- tering oui store your choice of: 15c Barrington Hand Cream*, * 15c Cream Deodorant r 15e Soapless Shampoo ,.J* Photo Special SeilPie Enlargement 4 x 6 SeilPie In folder 20Vlet ise Regular 25c value 200 r 7et ise 2 o 2c Dodd's Fills - - - - 27e We guaranteeb Creophos Pinex---- -----32e to stop your eough orHoWaeBtts--33 your money cheerfully Io ae ote 3 refunded. Fellow 's Syrup .-.-.87c 14-oz. bottie $1. 1 10 )A.SA. tabs. ige-19 ANTI-FREEZE ALCOHOL iGallon ........................98gc CERTIFIED ANTI-FREEZE Retarded Evaporation, Non-Rusting Gallon............$1.19 When we f it your eyes you are assured entire satisfaction in quality, style and price. Phone DUgSW i 695 P .COWLING, Drugist e Fi DOLLAR DAYS Thursday -- Friday - Saturday 73" UNBLEACHED SHEETING THE CANTADIÀN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX Obituary

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