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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1938, p. 7

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THURSDAV, NOVEMBER lOTH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL ANI 'Phon Mr. Bud Pethick, Bracebridge, is holidaying at home. J HAMPTON HOT ROAST GOOSE SUPPER Wednesday - Nov. 16th SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13th Special Services at 2 and 7 p.m. Speaker- Rev. S. A. Kemp, Centre Si. United Church, Oshawa. Special music by the choir assisted by Mrs. W. Leask, Taunton. ROAST GOOSE SUPPER NOVEMBER l6th served from 4.30 Pm. Spendid Concert presented by the followlng artlsts:- Miss Jean Innes, Soprano Sololst GoldfMedalist Tor. Cons. Music. Miss Ellen Cubitt, Elocutionlst Toronto. Masonle Maie Quartette, Oshawa. Mr. Bert Harvey, Entertainer, Brougham. Admission : Aduits 50c, Chldren 25c. Women's Institute held a very successful bazaar and afternoon tea in St. John's Parish Hall on Thursday afternoon, Nov. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes and Miss Ellie James, Columbus, visited relatives and friends bere Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Gane, London, Eng- land, is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coulter, Welling- ton St. Mrs. Charles Bircb, Carievale, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tbomp- son, Kendal, visited Mrs. V. Mill- son, Scugog St. Mrs. G. A. Gillespie and Mrs. J. T. Fee lef t Tuesday by motor for Badenton, Florida, where tbey will again spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McFeeters and daugbter Betty Jean, Oak- Taxes 1939 Taxes TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Fourth InstalmetDue Nov. 16, 19389 PAYMENTS MAY BE MARLED Add Exchange to Out-of -To wn Cheques FRED PATTINSON Town Hall Tax Collector -r SPECIALI The Real Home-Made Lemon Pte a 250 nmade onlly with pure ingredients ORDER EARLY Princess White Layer ..... Chocolate Fudge Layer.. 30C See our delightfuhl display of HoIme-made Style Candies THE CARTER FAMILY Bakers for Two Generatiofli Phone 855 BowmanVlUe Buy Baked Goods that are Made in Bowmanvlle Merchants and shoppers alike are advised that the annual Christmas Shopping Guide Edi- tion of The Canadian Statesman will appear on December lst. Mr. J. H. Cryderman was in Toronto Tuesday to see his son Fred who recently underwent a serious operation in the General Hospital and is sbowing satisfac- tory progress. Mrs. Wesley Downer and fam- ily, Lakefield, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Moffatt, Jack and Alan, Pon- typool, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moffatt, Cburch Street. Wbat a relief! Just one more instalment to pay on' 1938 taxes- November l6th - and then re- member to do your Cbristmas shopping early, if you have any money left. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Peate, Baltimore, Maryland, and bis sis- ter, Mrs. James Darcb, Newton- ville, bave returned from a trip to Quebec, visiting the Sbrine of Ste Anne de Beaupre, and other bistoric places. Mr. Boyd Slemon and Mr. Glen Mllveen, Guelpb, were at home over the weekend. Both played in a rugby game in Toronto on Saturday and gave a good ac- count of tbemselves. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Clan- ence Ferguson, Betbany. Mns. Pickard and Mns. James sang a duet at the aftennoon service at Fleetwood. The Goodyear Recreation Club held an enjoyable dance Friday in the hall at the plant. Round and square dances provided plenty of fun and exercise for ail con- cerned. During the evening a de- licious lunch was served. Alice Jackson Mission Band met this week with Miss Donothy Bedford, Miss Evelyn Pickand, Miss Joyce Woods, Miss Joan Greenfield, Miss Inez Biçkle and Miss Clark taking part in an en- joyable pnogram. Rotary and Lions Clubs are holding thein annual joint meet- ing at Balmoral Hotel Friday, Nov. llth, at 6.30 pin. Mn. Rex Frost, Torornto, well kn o wn broadcaster and commen ta t or, will be the speaker. Mr. Bob Lowe, bis sister, Miss Lowe, Mrs. Crosby and Mr. R. Lowe, Stratford, Mrs. James Mc- Brien and Howard, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tetlock, Mr. and Mrs. Cottingbamn and Jack, Osh- awa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McIntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley wish to announce the engagement 'of their eldest daugbter, Velma Mabel, to Earl Franklyn Luke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke. Tyrone. The marriage to take place the latter part of November. Miss Joan Hall, wbose manriage is to take place on Friday, was given a kitchen showen Tuesday evening by Miss Bernice Gay. The girls gathened at' the home of Mrs. T. H. Knight, Westmount, then pnoceeded to Mns. C. Hall's, wbere tbey spent a pleasant ev- ening witb the bide-ot-be. A typographical erron in Cowl- ing's Drug Store advertisement last week wben bis phone number was listed as 699 may cause trouble for some people anxious to participate by phone in this great anniversany sale. The cor- rect phône numben is 695. .Hooper's Ladies' Wear Anniver- sary Sale continues this week with a bost of special buys such as children's underwear at 23e a garment; full fasbioned silk bose 59c a pair; ladies' winter coats, fur trimmed, at only $9.95; and ladies' crepe dresses in tbree groups at $1.49, $1.98 and $2.49. The engagement bas been an- nounced of Miss Mildred Weis- miller, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Weismillen of Toronto, to Dr. Brenton S. Hazlewood, son of Dr. Brenton J. Hazlewood and Mrs. Hazlewood of Oshawa, the marriage to take place quietly in Trinity Chapel, Toronto, t hi s week. We would like to, see more lo- cal merchants issue a challenge such as F. F. Morris Co. is doing this week. Too many citizens don't give their local merchants a chance to f ilI their orders. Tbey beat it off to the city, get stung and then calf on the local mer- chants to see if tbey will belp tbemn get their money back. An optimistic note comes £rom Oshawa with the announcement that 141 families went off the re- lief rolîs thene over the weekend. During the past few weeks the speedîng up of the auto industry ~' ~- I ville, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henderson. nrnc'i~wi&iMisses Jean Brown and Doro- ) PRLftu1 AL thy Walkey, Toronto, were week- end guests of Miss Kay O'Neill. _______ Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eapougb ýne 663 agd family, Weston, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miss Mary Birks, Guelph, was Chambers, Centre St. home over the weekend. Dr. W. J. Langmaid has been Mr. George Spencer was at elected president of Osbawa Lawn home over the weekend. Bowling Club for the coming Mrs. Jas. E. Flett is in Peter- year. boro visiting her sister, Mrs. Gra- Nov. lst Bowmanville Lawn ham wh î~ *Bowling' Club held their first ham wo isill.bridge in the Parish Hall. A large Miss Dorothy Mitchell, Guelph, crowd was in attendance. spent the weekend with ber par- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hawkey, ents. Prince Albert, Sask., are visiting Miss Audrey Elliott, University bis sister. Mrs. Garnet McCoy, of Toronto, spent the weekend at and their aunt, Mrs. J. H. Mutton. home. Wellington St.. Miss Mary Tamblyn, Toronto, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, Bill and spent the weekend with Mr. and Ruth, and Trevor Davison wvere ýMrs. M. W. Tamblyn. in Uxbridge Friday attending the Dont forget the Remembrance Hutchinson-Bishop wedding which Day service at 10.45 Friday at is reported in another column. the Cenotapb. Messrs. W. C. Caverly, W. J. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock Bagnell and Clinton Caverly left and f amily, Fort Erie North, were Saturdav for their annual deer in town over the weekend renew- ýhunting trip in Haliburton Coun- 'in acquaintances. ty. posed the motion and Councillor i Gunn was the seconder.r Councillor L. C. Mason intro-1 duced a bylaw to provide for thet sum of $16,000 for the Public Utilities to take care of expendi- ture on the waterworks system. It received its second reading and1 was laid on tbe table. Amusement machines a g a i n camne into the discussions wben council was advised that there were machines now operating in the town which did not give slugs, but yet could be used for gambling purposes. Deputy-Reeve Morris movedr they be allowed to operate untilc the end of the year where license had been paid. Council will also1 ask town solicitor for informa- tion as to what method can be used to control these machines when the licenses expire. A motion passed that a letten of appreciation be extended to The Canadian Statesman for its editorial support on the council'st application for a government loanE at 2 % to take care of waterworks1 expense.f Roads and Streets Committee was authorized to purchase a new battery for town truck at cost ap- pnoximate'Iy $15.00. Letter concerning amount of money lef t in town by Chain Stores was received and fyled. Oscar Hudson & Co. were ap- pointed auditors for the town books at a cost of $350.00 under Section 242 of Municipal Act. The town will purchase a wreath fromn the Canadian Legion for Armistice Day. Accounts totalling $5664.74 for general expense and $143.30 for relief were passed. Councillor B. B. Furber moved: that the Wilson account of $26.421 bc paid for damages to Laver Transport during fire truck acci- dent. Carried. Councillor Furber also mention-' ed that the alignment of the truck was not right and that it had been repaired. He believed the bill for the repairing of $350 should be deducted from Bickle-Seagrave Co. account. Clerk will commun- icate with company. The accident insurance was re- newed on firemen at a premium of $87.75, and Fire Committee was instructed to make a sunvey for additional coverage for firemen for bospital accounts and doctor's bills. The matter of repaining the approach to the cemetery was left in the hands of Cemetery committee to bring in a report wben they bear from Highways Engineer. Councillor Furber sugg es te d that fine truck needed another siren and also needed something done to make brakes operate more effectively. No action taken. Roads and Streets Committee was authorized to instaîl catch basin and storm sewen on George St. from Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co. to King St. at cost of $7500. Council went on record as op- Posed to cost of milk inspector being charged to municipality. Tbey will nequest that the town be nelieved of this expense. Pr sOVAIng MARR'S JEWELRY STORE Phone 463 Bowmanville York Hotel honoring Mr. J. J. Gibbons upon completing forty years in the advertising agency business. The editor's first job after leaving school nearly 35 years ago was with the Gibbons Advertising Agency. Dr. G. Elmore Reaman, former Superintendent of Boys' Training School, and now Principal of the Glen Lawrence Private School, Toronto, is giving a series of ra- dio talks on "Child Guidance" over CFRB each Friday at 3 p.m. Several Bowmanville friends of Dr. Reaman have already corn- mented on these practical and helpful discussions ôn children's problems, or maybe they are more aptly termed parents' problems. We notice the Toronto Star Week- ly has taken on Dr. Reaman as a feature writer and announce him as the "Noted Canadian Psycbol- ogist." ROTARY (Continued from page 1) into a criminal with bigger ideas of crime. Those boys are not the Public Enemies, he concluded. It is the disinterested public and the par- ents who haven't time to bother doing anything about it who are to blame. The master artist can take discarded things and make them beautiful by his touch, s0 can you and 1 make invaluable that forgotten boy by giving him our help. Dr. C. W. Slemon expressed the club's appreciation to the speaker for such an informative and im- pressive address. Guests included Claude B. Watt, member of Oshawa Rotary Club and Advertising Manager of General Motors of Canada Ltd. TOWN COUNCIL (Contlnued from page 1) A quiet but pretty wedding took place Octoben 26th, at Tin- ity United Church Parsonage, Bowmanville, wben Rev. Sidney Davison united in marriage Kath; leen Berdena, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Alldread, Bow- manville, and Mr. William An- drew Rusk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rusk, Castleton. Th e bride wore white satin and shoul- der lace veil caugbt up with or- ange blossoms, and carried an as- sonted bouquet. Miss Reta Carr, ber attendant, wore turquoise blue chiffon. Mr. Clifford Rusk. brother of the groom, was grooms- man. The reception was held at the bride's home wbere ber mo- ther received, wearing a French blue crepe dress. The couple left on a short motor trip to points west, the bride travelling in Frencb blue with matching ac- cessories. They will reside in Newcastle. HAMPTON W. U S HOST TO SOLINA Hampton Women's Ins t i t u t e met Thursday afternoon witb the Solina branch as their guests. President Mrs. W. T. Perrett ad- dressed the visiting ladies witb words of welcome. A short time was devoted to business when Miss Lulu Reynolds was appoint- ed delegate to, the Provincial Con- vention at Toronto Nov. 16 to 18. Mrs. Ed. Wenry, president of the visiting branch, took the cbair, and in opening the program re- lated a few suggestions gleaned from the officers' rally held at BLattle. In IJevotional period prayer was given by Helen Monden; scriv- turc reading. Cyril Coombes and discussion period. Marion Battie. Program consisted of piano selec- tion. Helen Williams; readinz, Jane Tkatch: current events. Sam Castle; interesting account of the Young People's Congress at Orono, by our officiai deleRate, Cynil Coombs; guitar selections. Chanlie Clemence: a verv interesting and educational topic on "Remembrance Day" by Ruth Tuerk. Maple Grove Recent Visitors: Mn. and Mrs. G. Collacutt. Misses Pearl and Lenore Collacutt spent the wcekend witb relatives and friends in Toronto.. ..Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples. 1 Bethanv, M r. Vernon Trimble, Port J HERE SREAL VALUE VVeddingTyrone.a Mrs. Charlie N a y 10 r Weddingplayeda piano number, followed Luxto-Buridgeby a forceful address by Mrs. Luxto-BuridgFrank Gilbert, Enfield, who held A quiet wedding was solemniz- her bearers most interestingly ed at the rectory. Long Brancb,!iwhile speaking on "Thanksgiving Ont., by Rev. Edward Slemin, onland Armistice." Mrs. John Ba- Friday evening, November 4th, ker favored with a vocal number, when Miss Aida Burbidge, daugb- accompanied on the piano by her ter of Mrs. Walter Burbidge andidaughter Helen. Mrs. W. Leask the late Mr. Burbidge, Brighton, Irecited "The Song of the Market Place" Mrs. C. Naylor contribut- was united in marriage witb Mr. ed a second piano selection, and Kenneth Luxton. younger son of ýMrs. Roy Langmaid read an "Ode Mr. and Mrs. Wm. muxion, Bow-Ito the Women's Institute." Mrs. manville. The bride looked charm- W. Leask chose as a second read- ing in a gown of midnight lu ing, "Foreign Views of the Sta- transparent velvet with matchngtues." Miss Helen Baker and Mrs. accessories, and wore a corsagelWesley Yellowlees sang a duet, of baby mums. She wat attended "Dear Love Good Night", which by Miss Joyce Luxton, sister Of concluded a splendid program, the groom .who wore a frock Of each number being heartily and mayfair green velvet and corsage appreciativeîy applauded. of baby mumns. Mr. Roy Jackson. President of Hampton Brancb Bowmanville, was the grooms- expressed appreciation of the man. pleasure of the afternoon. The On Saturdav evening a recep- company was formed into circles tion wý,as hcld'at the home of Mr. and a social time enjoyed. during and \Irs. Wm. Luxton when abouti the serving of refreshments. thryrelatives and friends gath- ecember meeting wvill ei ered to pay respects to the happy charge of the west group. couple.1 Previous to their marriage the bride was the guest of honor at a St. aul' Y.P.U. miscellaneous shower at her home at Brighton, and a kitchen shower at Mr. and Mrs. Wmn, Luxton's, Regular mneetingz of St. Paul's Y. Bowmanville. ' P.U. was held Tuesday evening in the S.S. room whcn meeting was in Rusk-Alidread charge of cos1verýor. M,£iss Marioi A GENUINE RADIO Small in size but big in its abiity ta give you real radio enjoyment. Dan't confuse this with miniature modela, Ies a real funl mise, fully equipped stand- ard receiver, compact cabinet with cloaed-in back and- built-in aerial. Has latent type Edge-ligbted Dial, Magnavox Speaker, smooth, accurate tuning and volume contrai. Cavera standard broadcast and police bands and ha. a tone which will really thrill yau by its beauty. Came in and sec this exceptional value of the 22 new Westinghouse modela. Aak about the latent and greateat radio achievement-Presto- matic Contrai. Ies new I tes Westinghouse. W. J. CHALLIS« Phone 2653 Bowmanvle Hope. with '.\r. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble. . . M_\rs. H. R. Foley is were on their way to Flonida for Georgie, Mr. and Mrs. Russel visitîng lier sister. Mrs. Hall, Lon- the winten wben Mns. Finney was McNeil and Phyllis of Oshawa, don. . . . M.%r. and Mrs. R. R. Stev~- killed by a car dniven by a 19 Mr. and Mns. C. Turner and Sam, ens svent weekend with their daugh- year old boy. Miss Wylma Farrow, Newcastle, ter. \Irs. Rav Snowden, Toronto. Mn. Geo. Stephenson and others with Miss Jean Perrin and Mr. Rev. \Ir. Pike, Al People's fromn Newcastle are away for two W. Morley. Church. Hamilton, Rave a verv in- weeks hunting. They are staysng teresting discourse on bis work in at Red Stone. Hamilton whicb was much enjoved. Visitons: Miss Jessie Hicks, A card from Miss Isobel Steph- Bronte, with Mrs. Geo. Stephen- enson, who writes such interest- son. . . . Mn. W. H. Whitfield, mng and entertainng articles un- Bro n~sDundas, at the Stephenson's. . . . der the headmng Our English ]Brown"SMr. and Mrs. R. Graham at Mr. Letter", informs us she is in Paris and Mrs. Jack Reid's, Bowman- on a vacation and alsn istends ta The nice weather we are hav- ville. . . . Mn. and Mrs. Henry vîsit Spain. Statesman readers ing 'makes us think summer is Reichrath and Beryl with Mn. and may therefore look forward ta, corning instead of winter. Mns. Geo. Law. . .. Mn. and Mrs. future issues to a description of Mn. Alfred Finney, Rice Lake, Chas. Alldred, Mrs. Paul Hotson, her trip and observations about called on bis cousin, Ms. J. ] Mn. and Mrs. Fred Couch, at Mn. ithese European countries which Brown. Mn. Finney had sad news land Mrs. Les. Alldred's, Bow- lare very much in the news des- for Mrs. Brown. He and bis wife 1 manville. . . . Mrs. Moss and patches these days. p I -i il~ LOWEST PRICES Dodd's Kidney Pilis --27e Pinkham's Comp. - 87e Pinex- -- ---32c BSE SMARTadLIIK SMAR EHAVE EREAM 34 LARGETUSE. IP PILLS 39C UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY THIS YEAR GIVE HUM AN lectric Shaver These money and time-saving Dry Shavers have bee greatly reduced in price during the past year and are now within the reach of every purse. They make most acceptable gifts. Let us set one aside for you. PHONE 792 today. P'ackard Lektro Snavei FORMERLY $15.60 Schick Dry Shaver FORMERLY $15.60 Handley's Clip Shaver. Miracle Shaver Gillette Dry Shaver 8.050 13.00 11.50 12.50 20.00 YARD LEY of LON DON LAVEN DER BATH DUSTING POWDER (WITH PUFF) The finest quality, spothing and beiautifying YARDLEY Gift Sets' $1.00 to $10.00 Prescriptions a Speclalty A LE X MCOGREOOR Il -I - y 'ml3495 AT ALLIN'S GROCERY Sun Sweet, tenderized Prunes................. 2-1b. box 25e Apricots..................... lb. 25c Rolled Oats............... 6 lbs. 25e Graham Flour - Germ Wheat - Corn Meal 5 Ibs ..................... 25e AGI C Domolco Molasses .. tin 25e Alymer Soups .. 3 tins 25c I 3 pkgs. Corn Flakes and Cereal BowI .... Both f or 25e lb. 29e OId Dutch Cleanser .......... 2 for 19c Matches ................ 3 boxes 23c Fish - Fresh Fruit and Vegetables - Bulk Molasses RARRY ALLIN Phones 367 - 368 Bowmanville OTHER GUFTS FOR MEN Rails Razors- $6.95 Lentheria Sets Milette Razors -$,0 $1.50 ta $7.25 $1.0 - $.25 4.00 Ronson Lighters $1.0 - $.25$450 up Yardley Gif t Woodbury Gift Sets Sets - - - $1-.00 up 49o - 98e CHRISTMAS CARDS 14 Cards - - - - 25c SPECIAL BOX 17 Carda » - - - 39c 10 Cards - - - 15o 21 Cards - - - - 59c1 12 Carda - - - 25c VITAMIN PRODUCTS These products willl a buld resistanceý g ~ agalnst colds and ather infections. ALPHAMETTES ----.L~ $1.00 - $1.85 - $3.50 1.D.A. COD LIVER O]IL SCOTTIS45e - 79e KEPLER MALT EMULSION C.L. 0 * ,sne.'n o.ni75e - $1.25 C.Mho Vh 3c £ and9 HALIVER OIL »d 0.CAPS. 50c-95e-$1.55-$3.25 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IOTH, 1938 $133,5 1

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