VULUIVIfi OM Editor Answers His Gives Further Inf( On By-Laws To Be' Many Letters From Mayor, Citizens andý Outsiders Are An- swered in Attempt to Cîarify Situation MVANY Read By 12,000 People Weckly ITTTTV A w- - - - -- TTT"CT-%A n T Nllltflf OÂL The Drug Curse- rities For Control By Lions Speaker Critics FIFTH FORER iD t il 0 s Critics PRESENT PLAY DtisO AT LIT. MEETING orm ation Christmas Party Closes Sehool And Acti For Holidays - Two Students Receive Diplomas for Shbrt- VotThen hand and Typing O utlined 1 Literary Program Tesecond literarv programn of the HAPPY RETUN season wvas Drescntcd 1w Fifth Formn Eric W.* Morse i Thursdav afternoon. Deceniner 22nd. Interesting Stg jThe nrogrami opened w-th carol 5ing- ingf led by M,\r. Francis Stitton. tea- League of Nati( cher of music at the school. Fifth forts to Contro' *Forin tien Presented their play cil titled "Amonz Those Presenit." witi Traffie the followinz cast: Betty Edger and Gert \Vazar. societv rep)orters on the ýf h, word' the cooperation of almost every country. Narcotics are in three groups, opium, coca leaf and Indian hemp. Opium cornes from a certain spe- cies of poppy grown in India, Per- sia and North China and can be treated to produce morphine and heroin,' ail tbree powerful and useful narcotics wben used for medicinal purposes. From t h e coca leaf, which is grown in Boli- via, comes novacaine and cocaine used extensively by dentists in their profession to relieve pain. Prom Indian hemp cornes mari- juana, a more recent drug in use. Morphine will deaden pain and make the user feel fine, but each time more is needed for the same feeling. Heroin is more potent than morphine except that the (Continued on Page 7) m in et ti to rh Ir i HIGH WIND 'Offices OfMayor And ftww rO CHECK BLAZE ey Fire at Homne of Fred, Are Filled By Acclamatie uson, King Street, Tues-br ýY Mornng, DiUiIulLUt Fire endangered the home of MIr. Fred Ferguson, King St. East, on Tuesday morning, when, ow- ing to the very higb wind, the himney caught fire. About 9.30 the f ire brigade was called and it took the men over an hour to get the blaze extinguished. It was iecessary for firemen W. Hackney and T. Lyle to ascend to the roof with a fire-extinguisher in order to stop the fire from spreading. No serious damage was incurred. TOWN MERCHANTS REPORT BUSINESS FAIR THÉS YEAR Interviewiniz merchants this week. we find that many are in high spirits over the Christmas business, while others dlaimn they have seldom cex- perienced a poorer year. No one seems able to explain why one store should have been well vatronized shile another xvas vacant. Nor do we attempt to do so. Shopping w-as very late startinz bhis vear for some inaccountable. -cason. but when it did begin there vas no stoping it. ex-en on Christ- mas Eve. Most of the mnerchants were ruslbed off thcir feet for the ast two weeks and rezained soine of the lovial spirit xvhich departed earlv in December Mi-len thev lookcd it the larze amounit of Christmas zoocb, and began worrv-insz if it was zoinz to move. In short, business xvas in mîost cases ncarlv as çrood as last x'ear. and in a few. much better. Santa Claus must have been too busy to get to St. Andrew's Church on Thursday, as the eager children waited and waited in vain for the good old Saint, but he just didn't show up. In spite of that disappointment, everyone had a jolly time. Supper was ser- ved by the ladies of the church, and afterwards there was a short program consisting of a folk- dance by Margaret Rowe, two drills by the girls of the Sunday school, and several individual re- citations. Rev. W. G. Blake acted as chairman. Gifts, candies, or- anges and apples were distribut- ed and everyone departed, hoping that Saint Nick would not be SOi unfortunate on Christmas Eve.1 RLE-ELECTED MAYOR 1 R. 0. Jones Who was given an acclamation as Mayor of Bowmanville and re- turns to office for bis second term. Mayor Jones outlines bis views on several civie matters and takes exception to Statesman editorials in a letter to the editor on page 8 of this issue. Eleven Men Receive Nominations for 'the Council But OnIy Seven Qualify T o Make an Election Mayor R. O. Jones and Reeve G. A. Edmondstone were gîven acclamations at nomination meet- ing Friday night. C. G. Morris, L. C. Mason and Sidney Little were nominated for De p ut y- Reeve, and eleven men were nominated for Councillors - J. G. Garrett, Sidney Little, Wm. 9. Challis, Jno. A. Gunn, Chas. D. Searle, W. F. Ward, B. B. Furber, J. H. Abernethy, Geo. B. Bicide, F. Morley Vanstone and L. C. Mason. Fred W. Nelles and M. J. El- liott were nomj.nated for the Pub- lic Utilities Commission, and W. P. Corbett, W. A. Edger, Herbert Goddard, and W. F. Ward receiv- ed nominations for Public School Board. An election will be held for Deputy-Reeve between L. C. Ma- son and C. G. Morris. Seven quai- ified to contest the six seats for council: Messrs. Challis, Furber, Abernethy, Bickle, Gunn, Ward and Little. F. W. Nelles, who bas been Mi (Continued on page 7) Legion Band And Choral Society Lead Carol Singers Christmas Eve The editorial comments in The ct iwDie;RvAho n tatesman two weeks ago ex- Patil Svmons, reporters: Oweni Fag lainng he fve y-las t bean. poet and social stif f; Margzaret oted ni a the municpal o ee McCreadv and Dorothiv Jones. societv iote on t te muicial eec-sttuf f. The Fifth Formn Rascals ions on January 2nd have had ýrcndered a cowbov selection which e desired effect of arousing con- was eii*Njoed. A trio composed of iderable interest and discussion Betty Edgzer. Charles Mý\cIlveen and mong many citizens. Some ac- MNr. Longworth sang two popular epte ou invtaton t exressi snes entitled "Heart and Soul" and epte ourinviatio to xpres Yoti Go to M v Head." Mfiss Thora pinions under "The Voice of the Davison. who is home from Alma eople." Colleite. St. Thomas. contribnted to The "Senate" letter last week1 the program with a reading. Charles »tld just where they stood on I.NfcllVetil acted as master of cere- atin aoutothrs. toTheoris m Party it ' :most questions and asked inform-;noniSave The Knormcosd.t Councillor Challis. true t form,ChitaPry ;gave a straight forward expres- sion of his views along with a Joseph E. Atkinson The l-iLh School auditorium ii as ,rsm fhsyear's ctwrsi ailv bedccked wjth Christmas de- resum of is sewarshipPresident of the Toronto DailycrainThsav heabu20 Banl stnds, anhe odosnt wcare aStar who celebrated bis seventy- Tusa hnaoi 0 hool tanwhoknows itor wetera i third birthday December 23rd. niijls bade farewell to the school ,ho h nwith im or not r Aki sonisa native of New- Iuntil next vear. .After the Litcrary you agree cast eiandrbeobasMneyer bat in- nrozram several armising cames Rot Not so with Counillor Bickles tretintiscmmunity or its rthe partv off to, a zood start. aftcr letter, which was well over a col- people, often renewing acquaint- which snoper was served in the umn in length. We failed to find ances by freque nt visits to the L-1m. Basketball was the ncxt item ý"Jim coming out in the open once home land of Durbam County.1 and cvervone crowdcd into the zvin- U %d expressing bis own personal His generosity to, local institutions l na-.îini t sceC the schoul senior tcami ~ iws.Rea hs lte oe gain and causes close to bis beart bave trini tbe Lcracnatc. 0f couirse the N hsis what you find: "Many also been greatly appreciated by fnmer team blas bad mnuchi more ~ Epayers have said . .. there are-. tbe home folks of Newcastle. Mr. iractise than the grads. buit the crowd tl"se... the ratepayers can de- Atkinson is an outstanding ex- f ound lots of excitement iin the f irst cm~ may dim . itis eldample of a self made man, having came of tbe scason. After the caie. binmany . .. we have often heard been tbe directing genius from cvervone dispersed to the auditoriumn itjsaid. . when one considers.. its inception in building up the where a dance w-as held to the muiisie it is the opinion of many, etc." largest and most successful news- of Don Caineron and his kev-hoard Mith the crusading spirit which pape r organization in Canada!lîndHalîf wav througli the evcnling r. Bickle boasts of we looked which includes, Toronto Dailyl a floor show xvas presented b)v the fir more of bis own ideas and less Star, Toronto Star Weekly, and puipiks consisting of: a tap) dance by etrasiveness on bis part. The Star Building at 80 King St. CniudoPae7 Band By-Law West, Toronto.<CnmudoPae) Few District Municipal Elections Many Are Elected- By Acclamation crs to read music and words. &A. loudspeaker systern had been in- stalled and reports are that people in the South and North Wards could hear the singing just as. plainiy as though it were taking place in the adjoining bouse. Dr. T. A. Partridge led the smng- ing and Bandmaster Thos. Demp- say led the band during the num- bers which iasted for over a half ltour. The large crowd sang to their heart's content and asked for more, but due ta a shortage of music and the necessity of the band ttansposing from hymnaries to band music, - several requests had to go unanswered. Possibly by next year the band will have music for ail of the popular car- ols (providing the Band By-law passes) and will satisfy each one's desire for some particular num- ber. The quaiity of the sîngmng was exceptionaily good as about hall Tells tory of, ons Ef-' Al Illicit Is greateat were toid son Mon- 'Morse of Port Hope, -ty on the band in- ion which League of ;uppiy and drugs. He bad been ýs of work id received Loudspeakers Brinag Singing to Citizens Forced ta Remain Indoors on Chitmas Eve For the first time in several years citizens of the town and district joined together on Christ- mas eve for an old fashioned carol singing bee. The lot next to Challis Garage bad been cleared of the Santa Claus platform and spotligbts j provided plenty of illumination for the Legion Band and the sing- But iet's consider tbe Senate letter first. The poor dejccted senators admit thcy have iost the thrill of. listening to a band... wouldn't even foilow the parade . . . much less contribute their 30e per capita towards its upkeep. if tbat'à what old age and retire- 'ret does to a fcllow here's hop- ' gwe die young and in active irvice. We always iked band itisie and like Dave Morrison bpe we neyer get too oid to fol- )wa parade led by the bands. Publie Health Nurse By-Law Lct's not be too critical of the O ver 70 Baskets Are Delivered Late Contributors Increase Fund Ob - Conuittee Has Abundance of Foodstu.ffs ta Send Town Unfortunates to Make Their Christmas Brighter Sn-ate for the milk of humais Last minute contributions in k-acness bubbles over in tbe next large numbers once again put the ~agraph of their letter when Christmas Basket Fund over tbe admit a large majorîty Of top with sufficient funds and sup?- th senate are in fax-or of a full plies to fi over 70 baskets with t,nurse. However, they plead large quantities of food stuifs for ,piace of ber duties. Tut! Tut! tbe unfortunate citizens of tbe adetailed report of the town. The baskets were distribut- SHealth Nurses activties ed on Friday afternoon. appeaed each month in The Tbe committee is grateful to GreatiFamily Journal. But take those who hclped with donations it f rois us, she had no time to an lobusgthitrcso sit ar4.and the box stove with 600 ad lso heba sinetheird trucks o sehool children, baby clinies, etc. wdelidine tbe aetsand toatcos to lck he baskets at the Town Hall. à1gh Sehool Extension -1 Many families were made happy As or heHigh Sebool Exten- and their hunger was banîshed by As fo thethe baskets, so that tbey couid at sion 3y-Law thcy want more in- es noalit fthCrs- formation and here it is: (1) meast easnjo. iteo h hit $19,0J0 includes cost of buildingmasasn and aquipment, haîf of which is Contributions which have not paid by Pronvincial Government already been acknowiedged in- and the counties pay their share clude: of oir haîf each year; (2) one Mrs. E. P. Bradt .. $ 1.00 addi-4onal lady teacher would be Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderman 2.00 required; a maie teacher now on Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jobnston 1.00 the staff is qualified to teach No Name 1.00 manual training; (3) govcrnmcnt A Friend 1.001 woi.4ld contribute grant of $400 A Friend 2.00 toward salary of eacb teacher; (4) St. Paul's Church 10 00 courses are available to botb pub- Mrs. Thos. Tod 1.00 lic and high school students, with Mrs. F. C. Vanstone 5.00 grant of $400 from government Miss Bleakley 2.00 té each school; evening classes A Friend 5.00 would be started if demand war- A Friend 2.00 ranted it. In considering this by- Mrs. P. Cowlîng 1.001 law don't pin your eyes too close- A Friend G 1.00 ly and solely on the monetary Miss'B. and F. Galbraith 2.00 cost. Look a littie deeper and Shaw's School Junior broader and visualize what it will Red Cross. 1.00j actually mean to, tbe youth of this Colette Ferguson 1.00i comimunity in heiping themn to Miss M. Trebilcock 1.00 ~tÇ e establisbed in a trade. Jack Brown 2.001 Read the letters in another col- No Name 1.00 umn f rom Principal Jackson of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell 1.00 Simcoe High School and Editor Mrs. A. E. Freeman .50 Lorne Eedy of St. Marys wbo is Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown 2.0 aiso a member of the Board of A. Edmondstone - 15 lbs. meat. Education. Also consider what it Rangers (Guides) - 16 knitted bas and is costing parents from articles. this district to send their children Mrs. D. R. Morrison - Fruit. to the vocational school in Osh- F. C. Vanstone - 7 lb. bag of flour awa and what they would save if each basket. these practical courses w er e W, J. Dudley- 33 lbs. meat. taugbt in Bowmanvillc. Board of Education The Senate accuses us of stray- ing from the point on the Board of Education by-iaw by giving past and present members of the High Scbooi Board duc credit for the wonderfui reputation and re- cord of B.H.S. and its students. A sehool board, like a board of directors of any industry or insti- tution, is primarily responsible for the administration and the success or failure of the body it governs. SUCCESS is written in capital letters over the 50 year traditions and records of Bow- manville High Schooi. So why change the systcmn now of elect- ing the Board, to satisfy a fcw slf-appointed crities whose act- ual knowledgc and experience in hanaling educationai affaira are practically nil? By this statement we cast no reflection on a man's own personal education. The re- (Turn to Page 6) High School Bash Shows First Gamq j3uniors and Seniors Look For- ward to Good Season With Plenty of Competition Senior Boys Jan. 13-Lindsay at Peterboro. Bowmanville at Cobourg. Jan. 20-Cobourg at Lindsay. Jan. 27-Cobourg at Bow'ville. Pcb. 3-Bow'vilc at Peterboro. Pcb. l--Peterboro at Bow'ville. Pcb. 17 Peterboro at Cobourg. Bowmanville at Lindsay. Pcb. 24-Lindsay at Cobourg. Mar. 3-Peterboro at Lindsay. Mar.l0-Cobourg at Peterboro. Mar.17-Lindsay at Bowmanville, W. P. Corbett - 28 loaves bread. Carter Family - 28 boaves brcad. Mrs. Teeple - Pickles. Mrs. Mason and Miss Hutchinson - 6 dozen- eggs. Gien Rae Dairy - 25 qts. milk. Bowmanville Dairy - 25 qts. milk. Mrs. E. Gibbs - vegetables. C. T. Ross -gnose. Mrs. Purdy- canned goods. curse, the drug traffir, to Lins Club members day night when Eric W. Trinity College Scho" ol, F addressed the club.* Mr. Morse, an authori subjeet, presented first formation on the actii had been taken by the . Nations to, control the si distribution of severalc stated that this control one of the finest piece.< done by the League anc Utilities Chairman Brings News ý 0f Further Hydro Rate Reductionsýt Ex-MWayor W. R. Strike Hopesj RE-ELECTED REEVE I Eastern Ontario Will Improve l Industrially Due to Cheaper Power al Rates f Usera of domestic power in Bowmanville wiii receive the benefit of a further amall redue- tion in charges beginning Jan. lat, 1939, it waa announced by W. R.b Strike, Chairman of the Utilitiesc Commission, apeaking at nomina-c tion meeting Priday evening. Mr. Strike spoke optimistically of the future of eastern Ontario t s0 far as location of industries is concerned. and outlîned the oper- ations of the Waterworks Dcpart-r ment. Complete report foilows:c It is impossible to give you ae- curate figures for the Hydro sec-5 tion of the Public Utilities for the year 1938 as we do not receive our 1Stb power bll until the end G. A. Edmolidstolie z of February at the earliest. This wbo was re-elected Reeve of e l3th power bill is the largeat fac- Bowmanvilie by acclamation at tor in determining our operating the nomination meeting on Friday profit for the year.1 evening. Reeve Edmondatone at However, there is no doubt th at arcn ouclmein ttdh we have operated at a profit this would be a candidate for the year and wbilc it certainiy will Wardenship of the United Coun- not be as large as in some years tics. it will be aubtantial. It, bas been -________________ of course fairly obvious that anyi large profita we bave made in the 1 SCRIBE GIVES Wilfred Carruttiers - vegetables. past few ycars bave been chicfiyny Sp---ST ALSCRITA REo f those present were members of Miss Nora Sbrubb - groceries. because of manipulations of theý HIS E S N'TPAL CRTMS RE Bowmanville OxlsSo some choir or choral society in Mrs. H. Foster - sugar. reserve funds of Hydro by the iWeeA lcinI e-tetw rcuty hs h Mr. Foley - apples. . Provincial Commission some of St. Paul's Church entertaincd WeeA lcinI e- tetw rcuty hs h Mrs R.H. arer aples idre oftheSudayessryto Decide Cou.ncil sponsored the evening were most Mr. . .Wade -apls., these policies wcrc quite proper:Bein the thcidnofteuda School hsar appy about its success and will Dominion Store - $2 in groceries. and according to good business i - n tepress represenaîve with a supper and Christmas tree Members look forward to next year when A. & P. Store - $3 in groccries. and engineering practice but oth- 1 mentioned in Mayor Joncs' letter tywl aeabigra&bte Weston's - were not quite up to that to the Editor this week, it wouid on Thursday cvcning. Supper te ilhv igradbte Boy Scouts - oranges.apa htw adngetdorw as in charge of the Women's It appears that Bowmanvilic organized funiction. Business Men - 500 bags of candy. - (continued on Page 10) apa htw a elce u Association. Rev. W. F. Banister will be the only municipality in duty in not being present at the opencd the meeting. Chairman West Durham wbere an election special council meeting in ques- Wilfred Carruthers, Supt. of the will be nccessary to decide on MEMBERS CHEER Ins g M e sag By vinite Ition. Naturally, we must make Sunday Sehool, introduccd Don civic officiais for next ycar. SICK BROTHER teeffort is oa difficuit one. in severai well-known Christmas by acclamation as well as its Rotarians brought cheer to, one Di.., f5,ir.v The Mayor writes that wc were carols. The orchestra, under the Board of Education and Hydro of their indisposed mmeswe Co cud sHa pLRt ry M etn md acquaintcd with the fact direction of Mr. Max Tuerk, ren- Commissioner. Reeve Ç. R. Car- they in a body visîted Past Presi- _____________________that a meeting was to be held. dcred a few selections. Santa vcth wiil again be Reeve. dent Fred Cryderman at bis home Actually, we happcncd upon the Claus soon arrived, and gifts, can- Orono will iikewisc be very on Horsey St. on Saturday night, Rev. S. Davison Wonders How tree in the roomn and by serving a information by sheer luck, whcn dies and oranges werc distributcd quiet on election day, with Reevesagcrlan hohtei delicious turkey dinner, plum during the aftcrnoon within a few to the happy cblîdren. T. A. Reid and bis understudies rsanca RoiS dtvnshrough te "Peace on Earth, Good Will pudding and ail the extras. bours of the meeting, we askcd <______________ returned to office witbout opposi- ed him- with a basket of fruit as Toward Men" Will Rev. W. C. Smith, Courtice, in- the Mayor if any special meetings tion. We undcrstand that Mr. a token of their friendship and Sou.nd in Some trodurcd the speaker of the day, were to be heid. He informcd us cilities. Ail we ask is that we bc Reid will be a candidate for the best wisbes for a speedy recovery. Pat fRotarian S. Davison, pastor of that there was to be one that notified of special meetings at the Wardenship of the United Coun- Mr. Cryderman, still weak from Patsof Trinity United Churrh, whbo night to discusa the McGili Bldg. same time as or as soon as pos- tics.a entortith kdten _______ brought a sincere Christmas mes- option, but that it would not be sible after councillors receive In Darlington, Chas. M. Car- a ncree nderainshed theoema sage to the club. of great interest. We took for their notification. Is there a scout ruthers, another prospect f o r Mcrry Cbristmas. R o a ri an s ntcrd ito te "e hae coe alongwaygranted that any information re- systcmn for notifying councillors? Warden, was given an acclama-__________ Ch rist a siriteo ridayt since aeycarnega ng spak-quired for publication migbt be We cannot remember ever re- tion for Reeve along witb the tCheir unchirion Fia at theBamoal er, andyar"e the s easkbot obtained from the clcrk the fol- ceiving such notice unless council same couneil. SANTA VISITS iterl witheoatSatae Clumwor humbrd"and a ju b e d s. A hi owing day. No mention was pianncd to discuss somctbing they Cartwright Township wiii again i reted iftaSata la member sper ansuaid ht e dare.con-made of the by-la{;vs. We attend- thought would look favorable ini be ruied by the sanme councilbead- GOODYEAR PLANT andwisedtbe te cmpimetscluin on o th drkest, most cd another meeting in town which print. 'cd by Reeve Crcighton Devitt. of ise the sn tecmliet ldiiclonear of t ihory wdeh e tbougbt would provide more Prom the severai letters recciv- Manvers bas not been beard Over five bundred children re- No ooerha te embrsle vs nl on Critms es nex.vs of interest to our readers. cd f rom the Mayor and Council- from definitcly, but wc under- ceived gifts from Santa Claus sete temeiesthn hc ~ sage to give, "Peace on earth, Furtber, the Mayor writes that lors, explaining the by-laws, it- stand there wiii be no clection when be visitcd the Goodyear Iasked to indulge in carol singing goodwiii toward men." I believe council bas no sotse seqit vien ha hy ared Thsi utacors teThere P atiast enjoesda svort Iwhich iasted throughout the en- it with ail my heart, but to bow wbercby it could locate us on ape- with the editoriai whihsad TislqutacorsttteTegaein enye asot jtire meal. Evcryone secmed in a many will it sound like teiling an cial occasions. The Bell Tele- that the publicexvas not sufficiently fiery speeches and the numerous program put on by entertainers joia modan rad t mx n-idie taie or fantastie dream? phone should certainly be pro- informed on the details of the by- nominations of Oshawa, E a s t from out of town, and everyone, 1tovia litti fun.dTedRoay îe i adsqiiignrspc vokcd to iearn that the Mayor laws to vote on tbem. Whitby and other municipalities young and old, joined in the fun. Col or Oct.eTte onitiofa M. tha"t wiîea we sing pCrisptias as evidently not heard of its fa- . John M. James. to the west of here. Evidently Saint Nick arrived about 7.45 and Clubor cteteconsstig o M.thatwhie w sig "Crisian ------ West Durham municipalities are candies, gifts and nuts were dis- S. Dale, F. O. Mcllvecn, Geo. E. Awake", guns wili be roaring in being satisfactorily governed. tributed to the happy youngsters. Chase, Dr. C. W. Slemon-, A. R. some parts of the world and mnany WILL FIGHT FOR DEPUTY-REEVE 'S OFFICE Virgin, W. R. Strike, D. Morrison, wiil be kilied. I hope we shal and a visitor, Alan Knight, rend- gain some respite fromn its miser-H c e e m M a p n S a o cred carols at the request of Pre- able outlook because I believe the ident R. R. Stevens. Father above wants us to be hap- Proprietor Wm. Flaherty pro- py and forget the troubles of this vided bis share of the meeting by old world. New Year's Afternoon In W hitby having a beautifully decorated "Present world conditions carry with them an însidious peril, be- caus almat nconciosiy e ~Scheduie Finally Drawn Up 20-Peterboro Colts at Lindsay. WithSixTeais Loals Port Hope at Cobourg. çetball Schedule peceounseivs rît o e eving that Will Si THme -Gaes ~ ~ lea eeb ae Jeo n carth docs nothue iPlyHmGaeMorcs 2lth Chinese, but has only a mystic re i hib 23-Cobourg at Bowmanville. e H re an.27t_______t thm.24-Monarcbs atPeterboro Cls "At Christmas, we seck to turn ~- our ind fro th sodid o te .Lindsay at Port Hope. ori oteDecember- 27-Bowmanvjlle at Cobourg. subime" ontnue M. Dvisn,30-Lindsay at Peterboro Mon- P. Monarchs at Cobourg. Junior Boys "and if we turn to the story of 28s rh 0Lnsa tBwavle Jan. 13-Bowmanville at Cobourg. Bcthlehem's Babe we shahl in no ~~' wise lose ourssense ofwvalues.e. Jan. 0-Petrboroat Pot Hop. eJanary-o1-Cobsrg a Peteborouolts Jan. 20-e3-PeterboroPColtsopet PortaHope.1P.CMonrcbat Pror Hoe. Jan. 27-Cobourg at Bowmanville. we hv entring to the 3PtrotÀott' otHpe .Mnacsa Pr oe Pcb. 3-Bow'vilIc at Peterboro. wrong worid centres and bave t ,' 6-Cobourg at Lindsay. 3-P Cltruary-avile Pcb. 1-Peterboro at Bow'ville. forgotten the' greater centre at 6-Bowmanville at Peterboro P. Monarcbs at Lindsay. Cobourg at Port Hope. Bethlehem. Wbile watcbing the Colts.7-otHpatPerroCls FePb. 17-Peterboro at Cobourg. mailed fist, we have lost sight of t 9-Port Hope at BomnPl. idat bor ols Pcb. 24-Port ope atoPeteroro. the greaea Lstndngyhof ThebCuigd Feb.4-Prt opeat Pteroro th greterstrngt of he hil.lO-Peterboro Colts at Cobourg. 10-Cobourg at P. Monarchs. Mar. 3-Port Hope at Bow'vilie. We must go on trek to Bethlehem. 1-otHp tLnsy omnil tPr oe Mar.l0-Cobourg at Peterboro. Wby can't the rest of the world erboClta Pebr A Bw nvl hm gms Bow'ville at Port Hope. do the same and wben we are be- C. G. Morris L. C. Mason Monarchs. will be played in Wbitby. A sched- Mar.17-Port Hope at Cobourg. side the Cradie, we shah ail be Every evidence is gîven of a real C. Mason. Botb have fine records Bowmanvilie at Cobourg. uled game for Monday, Jan. 9th, Winners of Junior and Senior one family. Boys to play winners of Wbitby, "Cbristmas is a festival oi love battie for the Dcputy-Reeve's as couniciliors and the election will 16-Peterboro Monarchs at Bow- probably will be played in Whitby UxrdcadPr cr.Win- that melts the snows of winter chair tbis ycar, with hast year's probabiy be in doubt until the last manville. 0o h feno fNwYa' nxing tam i and teir o Deputy-Reeve C.G. Morris being ballot is counted. 17-Lindsay at Peterbo2o Colts. Day betwcen Port H eadBw arrng eames for payoffs. o (Continued on Page 7) opposed by veteran councelbort. Cobourg at Port Hope. manville .a ndBw arranemens fo plaof4s k~ -- À arnab at;uTf With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle lndependent And The Orono News 'i -M~, f BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBEH 29th, 19M d"m p i iripir b (Q 1 1 1 1