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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1939, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TECNDA TTSABWAVLE NAI HRDY AUR T,13 Re %àt4bman fftitînm Established 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Wlth whiclx are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 85 years' continuous service to the Town of Bowmanville and Durham County. MEMBER Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and Class A Weeklles of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION, RATES $2.00 a Year, strictly ln advance. $2.50 a Year in the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THUKSDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 1939 Facts About the Dominion Loan for War Purposes In a î-er'x- short finnie flicfiî'sfJDomniiion Loani foi' iar pîu'poscs xxil lic offered for subscription fo flic ciizcîs cf Canada. Foi' the informationi cf otur reaieî's ive -visi tof stafe fliaf flic var lban canpaignii is beinug conducted lix a Nationual Connnittee -îvliie~i is non-part sati ; a ivar boau is nof a polit cal party propositioni. Ili conceert witifltfhe policies put'sîed by Britain anud France, Canada is seckiuîg to avoid the finatîcial anud eccoiuic piffalis which marked the last ivar; by cautions policy, nîcîx she seeks fo avoid ert'fic anîd rîninîous price tioxcnients clui'ig the %var and complexifies afferivards. If seentîs well recognized fliat ftie real niaterial eost cf wvar is paid iin goods and services xvhile flhc war is on. The monetary cost of those goods and services eau ho provicled only ouf cf the nationial inoome. The nationual inconie is. of course, flic sîm total cf the dollar value of thliy oods anîd services produced. As far as s reasonable, these m(iIetai-\ costs vll be provided ouf cf taxationi. Thaf part cf the financial cosf xxhiichucurrent taxation cannof possibiy provide cati only ho secuîred by uafonal borroxvung - andi fli borrowx- ing. just like flic general cost of flic war. ýhould be sprcad as wxidely as possible over the whole populafionî. This ixar - mucli mnore se than anîy xsar in lîstory - is bcing fouglît oni fli ecotuomie fronît as xvell as on the milifary front. Sounid principles dcnîanud a irtual "pay as yen go" policy. 1l, ifs borrowiiig. ixlaf flic couitry, realiy uecds and aimns t do is to borroîx'tfli real saviiigs of flic people at as lowx a rate cf iîîten'est as is reasonable; f0 cisc as liffle as possiblie cf flic uionetary ccsf cf the ivar xvlîeîî the warîIs donc: aîîd toe xcif, chiefiy if îîot enfîrely, ftote I) eopleocf fhts comitry.rThîe counilîny's ibonîd-, eiiîg hid ut boulne arc thus quife uiuikelY f0 constîtunte annuonior- oins or insoluhble p'ohileiuifui thli future. The eariings go te ( aimudiami peoplei . vto <f course. wlieu the i'ateo f inteî'osf is Ciitsilen'- cd, xxilnîcif iisî tfo profit ui lîyout <f flic o<uîutfrv-'sext reîîîty. Biuu"iuxinîg tui eauul saxings cf flicpeople' aviiids oîtirel. va itiycourse xhie'lîxviuîd t enid to ehx'îta meut- sonuahle mnnî'an'y e'xpanisiontuiltît uniifia- fioni.('anadla seeks fut fnutii'i tti *N' let'- fort iii stîcl a îuanuneî' t htt t ax nic'a muax'bchobrni' iit hocîf uid ne sI rutiiiantî wxî ieut aiiyinuatciiai reduiet iîuîii i thle sfandard of Iiviiug for aiuyhody. At tliti'suinet time Canuada seeks f0 carryouit ifs easoni- able horri'uxxiigs tio nîaintaiîînmaximiumlu xan'- time productfive ffiprt xsitliuut ski-roekef- ig-flic prie-lcx'ei anid thtus addinîg uindue burdens f0 flie cust <f living. In other' iords (tanada is stn'iving caî'nî- estly to ax'oid flice iuonnmicpitfalls tftit tite last w'ar discioscd. Site is seckiîug 10 protect the (aiuadian people by appiýyinug flic les- sons lcarncd dttring anîd as a n'csîltf cf fl lasf xxar ; îuaking use of flue xxidî'r ectiitiiuc knoweldgo xhich nîcîs prcx'aiis and utiliz- ing to flic fulliche iî'sfadx'ice <of a corps of experts second fo nlite ini fle xvurld, foulaid <n flie'staff cffthu e lîpuî t nili it cf Finance anud f flic Bank of (Caniada. W -giv'e titis infuotrmatiotn as tote linmde- sirabiiti' cf Caîtada 's xxar-fiine effornt «mu flche 'îîîîîefronut heiîug fritt iiecil any. liaînuuîred or ex'cnnvitiateci liv tnciw nu'ndi debiliat iîtg debafe nînîd iusce'ss '<ltixn' over tlt ra-ideal istie concepts of so-called mont'an'y i'efomii. Jtxx'îuîluI secin thla t ini its war-tiîne fianucuug. C'anada is facd wîV1lt a seri'<s of î'niieniy ý.practical priupositioits. If uuay xxoIll cic nttaiiid fIat fine sutcess, of Canuadas xar fiînaîncinug shoutlcl ot 1wi jcopardizi'cl y ixi-i<ingiC'i fuinnifIl mnoetary fhuories ivhtiehlu cainlit liegivelu practical alppi iat i ,il, t lis cuiui'u<'OI<' aind xvbiehcal <untîite <iiv'ie'uf 'hc'ift<lien' for ciseîîssion u xv'iu'uo'o mfruns. hve I 11c'0no hesifal iîîm i snyitt hat al of the ahiove is niot nucr'li-vthe <ffieiai vivix of tihe "rtnuoit ifis flit e euli ltii.c ci- viet,<i o 'icitnfixemitunu tuci \voln""", rejrdless of 1<untv. ig in loi tîî-aî't- isan effor'ft > ininke('ttnit'sxtrfîatig ailtîîq uta!ifie'lsicî05 In passiitg tles'xvis atu illuti('uiîtîiiî on te oint'i'cndiu'" fiirthoun luutgtfîlcci- sideraioluixo foPli tiis is tasu '>'ai'" giviig flue Empujire' uuxuu'is xvitiui tine I.oani COtniuittf'O hitixlo tsît utglît îunr 00- operaticil rco,,ii zuîîg liii'strming 1position aiu fue unqin' utiui'i'u <î ~iblii u. o<1llon Loan Sharks and Free Publicity Ilounds Real Menace llardly a xvcek passes fliat somiebody doesi't try to put if over the grey-headed editor to gref sorne free atlvertisiiurin itfle paper iiîider flie uise ofcalliiîîg if nîews, so that the v don*t. have fo puy for if. The miosf brazeiî atfenuîpf to g-et somne free pub-1) lici- ixas l)erpetraftd on fus this veek xxhcn the Genceral Maniager of a Finance Corpor- ation sent fi-. a lettert'vihi a fwo-page article eceose(l whichi lie described as ' news,.7 Bu~ît to cuit' iv o(f siziîîg tîp is ' îîxs storv ' if seethes -vdh. aclvertising froni stuîit tii finish. Forin îstanîce lie sfarts îiglit ut flic fii'st sentence h)y«v nainling bis cnîpaiîy, as theo Icadiiig siial -loaits ciiuyi(Caliî- aida. foreastý_, conipaîny program of expanislin. opoiîing înot'e offices loîrow us low ils,2( and 111 to $50( u'oniiipait- assinies iniie of par'ent Poiipanty .i..nade thoînsanîds of iamis total iing tiiiil- lionis ut'doluilar's, etc. Mid 'vu, dca r reuider. tItis is ut liiews. mlot aliword ot uuvertising '!whîafdoi oot thîlik '? lThe lasf pa'agr'uph iin the article is what made lus înile. Wc <1tOt: "'The lban shark is liîîsv pavcki n- his ag and pn'epan'ii îz his exit.-' We hî<pe ie s ri'iht. andciihile flic hutamisha rk is înakiiig lus exit ve -vould sungtresf the generai manager xxith ]lis free puhhucîfy taetics ride iifo oblivioni. toutoon flic saine banid vagoniandi tîus rid jouîr- nalisi of a pest that is as ohnoxiouis as flic seveni years' itelu. Changçe tfl ic ýme of your coînpanY. if you like:, boosf flic convenient mcîîfhly payments plus interest plan : have flic gox'- ernmeiît amîend ilie Small-Loans Act.: but the boan shiark looms up afresh iniithfliclam- our togs cf a free pitllicity ho0utid asking alms fromi a weekl ' newspaper. Wonder wliaf Hitler vouiq(, (0 wifhi a guyi like that? What is Demnocracy? Deioerc .'sa vs Webster', "s goverli- nment by te people or governiiient ini wbieli the supreine power us i'etainocl hy the p-ople aînd exercised )Y î'epresenitatiom as opposcd by aristoci'acý.' ' Are ive nlot riglit. liowver, wlhen wie say Iat for' nniy of lis dcinocn'av- has ut 1lonst fouir maîîg as a wotd- as a legai iniýtituiii - as a tool of auto- crac" - as al menîtal attitutde. Wcliai-e alreadyý seenu Deiîuocrae\v as a Nvo rd. As a legal institution.,liowxever. we pro- habîr know it lest. Howx'btter could if be iihstrafed as such flhan througli referene to fli Con'ustitufionî of the U'nifed States, xs'lieh Bî'itaiuî s imînorfal Prime 'Ministet' of the lust centuiry. 'Mr. Win. Gladstone so aptly referi'ed to as 4"fli greatest xv<iîk ex'or sfruek off at a Yi-ven finiie by the niind and purpose <f uait." As a tuiol - ahi liere iiidcî'd Duiioerutcy lias tutti d serpentt iii mni istaitces ivit hin oui' tinte. Vlindet'the loak cf ia puiîeîDe- nuîîurae %- have a]l oîîu 'î'd sitfaînioiîs d ctators utn'elthi powet'. TIieO usur per iii the niane of Dîîcrîvdentaîdth e vivil ri'ilits wis-oh lten- lie shtutl deîv fo uts iii lIteiinie <of bis so-callcd Icioro.Be- isa re cf thle ileniagogueil xhoiisu> oftci sut his soedus <tof etiî'in iithe feittîle suîil oir Dliocî'ac. Hoxvofteii iii our in iei' lui wvo sveiileti 'ma u sed as i ut iiffer f' %vihl îiihlivin îflueceof-i'as ia shilt<Iî hehiit wivhitutaihieve selfishi 'nds. As al mentl attitude - withtoîî flic iii- elutsiin of tht k nneiigi,. our convept cf 1De- ittuiiti'IVwctild hoiîndoinu o lfilied. We havei' I )iuiuio'ov as a wuii'(, a li'gal inisiitut- til andîlia fouI cf aufoeracti<' naiagentelti. luit >asil mtalttuiattitudelOalunearîîe the 'fruits o f 'tueI cnuoraoy ohtaitnbldc'As ia mntfal utttitude wiv> nmustconîtinune to fight for t'in i ilcuimpaignin iiwhiihicomplote t'oii<hesf is duoiltiîftl. fuir flic <egree. of perfetioni cf xvi r u h )n ierys i.alîahle williai'Otn i uiitkîown t îî thfe indelfinite future. As a state i'x'on' to lui' nttrelvattauiable. if ro- nians thlic nore î'ffe't i îeî, for if is fhlirt'oif.,h oui' sti'iviig fo attain l)cniuuu'iaoy tn pi'rfee- louit W'enî yifrs aut<itta gos ilîost fi lI. A s(riwîlda\-xiiiiiode lui'i'uaeliud l iîo xxi'tluiîuk ve havi' aliîiev'd pitre D)iituiu'nutu un ils hîi.rhisf i oi'<f eflniii'itt. l'on'it iiilic uit t itis ;uîiimltt.that i shiall slart .'roundtîîi tIti' hi i'kni oiion' luienteri'ut thte f'ronît d<hum'nuthe it'sti'î'i'fs xvi' u'îuiisi'to xalk xiili e pave it xthicohihles, nlut ivithi <aitpet. I huuxv uic xvilus ilnauut in iisi tot>> efinue sutjil ou innt hcci uhtys<>fiiixvi, in t liese unixs w lion Iluit i'i'<andtu 1t'i'jîuico e sîî'îfi [Sayî. so large a hit, ïfi k viii juinlis tht wuî (14) our uî' st liii'mihi'îthit ivi'iv AM u a ltilld tu i liii îvui'iivrîî" i ' e .eleuîîî ssii> is.uow n ut îuuî i. i Se Iîîl i k'lis 1 P)u THEY'LL DO IT EVERY TIME BY JIMMY HATLO publicty contest, They stuck to the old French tri color. TIMEM FSH--EYED . CA SE Iwill bet right now that the Voc oftePni LOOKHER! WHT AL 1 AM EE thr ifty rench Canadians wont ABOUTATHS ToRSIIE - DOO.FTORITHA IRNDO«M GH fly the new flag either even if it ABOT -Hs s>r~s DNT IM , AMOFFICE> GeT I T 1<EEP THS SWrra4 has the fleur-de-lys in one corner. CENT ENTRVY FOR IF W! ()SE <6O0E~K~ AD HOT ALL DAY This is flot for the reasons which Bvnaîîl LIBIC! *IEE'yV<R DESW, 0NORMAL AIR CLLN P lER fE some suspect. I often used toaÇpuz- Deceniber 6, 1939. ONSIPYM39 FFT? 0> vci Mt(,EO pe m C&LINSP i4I zle over the fondness of FrenchTe adinStsm, ~,r S eMEI~~iTHi.'.>w.'a t1~JUH LIETS Canada for the tri-color of the The Cnian Sttesan fllEy GIVE me French revolution, for the comron-nnsle n 'A TtE ceREEPS. mon people of Quebec have no Dear George: rem iEY t..OK* sentimental - a t t a c h mi e ni t for 1I ain beginning ta fînd hoss close- '~x -AT ME LI<E France and less than nonte for the ly The Statesman îs v.atched and 1 WAS JIM, French revolution. rcad for news. So many say "Oh! 1HE PENMAN. The answer of course is that wc al%%ayýs look at Your ncws' "So A '.C~any French housewife can make 1sylien we have visitors or Ucws now - ~a perfectly good tri-color flag at 1 phonie themn to our correspondent. 1 virtually no cost from old ma- L-i- wondering sshs she has no* teniais lying about every house. mentiolied our Red Cross ssork. I That is impossible with the Union %outlînkitO.foncsIthuh' -Jack, the Stars and Stripes, and it mniglit givce other smnall places ai rmore than impossible with this bit oi encouragemrent or inspiration lit new Canadian ensign. . Two or tbirce of us rounded upd One thing which leaders neyer tbe vouing mii and t1icy collcctcd $120 seem to ask themselves about t) add to thie town contribution. Our such things as flags is whether ladies are also inakiiîg bospital sup- - thcv will be popular with the pîlies at ,.cwing lier., and busy kniitt- people - if they cost three or four in.g dollrs piec. rWe catiiot do inuch but it scents ROLDON ~ TS, Incidentally I once came across to mie the gr" er iicji life today FrOL ON o yoR éi-rS, a Union Jack ini rural Quebec is imore of tlle old-fa.,ined spirit of 'j OVS- 1kE AUDoiToRS which made me look very care- co î,ur,îtiî'îii in tle vital tlinigs. Co- ARE 'HERE AC.N1- fully indeed. It was an eigh- opu)ration îlnay- be slosvlv comtiig bc- teenth century style flag, that is cause ni our ecOnounic sit goo ~~* - flr4EVLS. 00 17 EVERI1 TIMC. without any red in the white 1 iîeîir Ill ottoco ýO -.~,bands which run from corner to tînei tildI) but slieni people of al (Zo, ~corner. I neyer did find out whe- classes an(l creed,. voluintarily work ther it- xas anhilo hc oele or a causc sncbi as the Red dated from before the Act of croi t h lmnuld revive somcthiing very 1 1is a mr taeito h no whereby Pitt united Ire- otille Wlîv cdors it hiave to be T h' e i.ounsellor bside fiteldahle has been on this land to Great Britain, or wbether rtilînîuzî before pol ildo ByRINALDO WILLIAM ARMSTRONG ter abdicate now and be done run out of red material before ..în ndfleieasaî lv el (bwith it. For Andy and his side- finisbing the flag. Tlie farin folk have very little How to sell one's self seems to gin ta look ait the wbole war kicks between tbem have pulled- The original flags which went tinie for inuch niore thîaniîheir every be a pressing problem witb the menace as one piece. It is impos- a couple of fast ones which have into the making of the Union JackdadtrsbuIthnii iswr majority of men to-day. Not long sible by every law of common lef t a lot of soldiers as well as were perfect from the standpoint sotiniore lasting iune.very way agoa mn o fotydecare tomesene a weî a eumt totret oliticians dizzy and bewildered. of ease and cheapness in making. munst cone whcii the farm f olk f romn that hie simply could not do it. the wars in China, Finland, and On the eve of the ultra-secret Even the red flag of the Com- coastocatrlzelatacsml H1e is not advancing as rapidly as western Europe as isolated out- departure for overseas the High- munists is no more universally coîninuiutv' linking up îîîigbt bc a hie should; and bis own reason breaks. I can see excellent mili- landiers were told to put their available than a St. George's ra atri epn oxipae and conscience tell him that his tary reasons why Britain and kilts away for ever. They were cross, or the makings. Incidental- 1 arn ashianied of somte of our work is just as efficient as that of France, baving already uinder-r handed substitutes whicb look ly my observation is that the racial pride, perliaps ïone of our new many men who have been pro- taken to stop Hitler, should re- like a cross between a ski-jumpers white ensign, even to-day, is a Caniad.ians rcali,.r tiat tliey are moted over his bead. Not being fuse ta become too directlv in-i pants and those monstrosities more popular flag with the mass- sujerior to us in many wa3,s. I like a good salesman myself I was volvedi on the side of Finland, if wbicb stout ladies wear around es of the English people than the tlîrni better tbaîî sorte of olir silly unable ta give this man very only for the reason that Saint the beaches in sumrmertime. Union Jack itself. It is when one Canadians. mucb help. However, the con- George alone can only fight one Not content witb that, on the ges. ltrta h picture rurallcestirepot Ouigbî lîl oh- versation centred around the dragon at a time. There once was very eve of departure, the general chags ua lc. orpr u nalcn things we both had read and ob- somte excuse for the United States staff also handed the little Cana- A few years ago a few Edin- tribtiins te tbe Red Cross, along served about the art of SELLING to ronsider wbat was going on in dian army its own flag. The poli- burgb pranksters climbed the with Boviiatiiillr',, donations. WC ONES SELF. China as something in a water- ticians have been arguing about tower of Edinburgh castle and cauvassedl CS rs hîoineini te Maple tigbt compartmcnt. But that time this flag business for twenty years replaced the Union Jack by h Grove and I3ase Line section snd Gordon Byron says, "If you are 1has passed. o oe eratrya ali-gle ctibLo lg. That people wli, obkiie%% noitliiîg and caFed not a salesman, you had better goormr.Ya fe erPli-gdnSatshLnfa. and reserve a bed in the poor- Not till the three great demo-: ment has fooled around with the wasbl ob ertesna h e,,aotteRdCo~aeitr house right now, for you are sure-j cracies, with all the numerous idea, always stopping just short time. This last summer the Cana- ested. Soine Russians -vouild gis'e no- ly going ta need it. No one can small nations tbey can get to sup- Of the point where Tommy Churcb dian people had to have some- tii. Tlîev sucre slinutinz .down with hope to be a success unless hie Port them, begin ta look on the was threatened with an apoplep- tbiiig to show their special wel- capitalisi," before the war. Somne of understands the fun d a mi e n t a 1i great land mass stretching from i tic stroke. Now Scotty Duguid come to the Queen. My personal tiini have no use for thîe churcli and principles of salesmanship and the Rbine to the Pacific, as a sort1 (Col. Fortesque Duguid) quietîy observation was that Her Ma- are afraid of iiothing but our officers applies them to his own problem'of burning city, ablaze w itb war, decides the flag issue with per- jesty seemed particularly p]eased of tie Iasv. ThieN arr of selling himself." I can we begin to get anywhere. haps as much finality as the kilt at the display of the Scottish flag. dustrious and intellienit. If farmers Chre .Sha as W:Itiki ilcm hsya.issue bas been decided. bave n parity i f ojîr elass bas too Chares M Scbab ays,'We ~ ~'~"~ ~ fli~ yea. micli and another class too rnicb are aIl salesmen, every day of our The 'United States is extremely I used to be very keen on the lives. We are all selling our ideas, sensitive to Soviet aggression in flag business myself, back in the When you are so dex'oted to do- Ouir farniers. arr going into New our plans, our energies, our en- Finland. She will probably soon twenties, and wrote some pretty ing what is rigbt that you press Camliadfrtia lay îds r ein a Calet tbusiasm to those wîth whom we become even more sensitive to good edîtorials about it for the oldr straight on to that and disregard tirfr hrd3m!cm nCn come in contact." the threat of paraîlel Japanese- Montreal Witncss. But two tbings what men -are saying about you, ada sshen sv will realize that th # With these two statements as a: Soviet aggression in the Far East. cooled my ardour. One was that there is the triumph of moral nuls tbiiiiz tliat nîattrred or ca, starting point we continued for For unless all signs fail Japan and I tougt we ahl had a lot more courage.-Phillips Brooks. 'natter L~iâi recogiiiZg each oter' an ourinver pofiabe cn-Russia will soon try to make a Important things to worry about Economy, wbether public or as possible equals regardless of an hur i vey prfitble on-deal on the lines of that between these days. Another was that the 1 prîvate, means the wise maniage- Vossessions. versation. We agreed (1) that Htler and Stalin. French Canadians, for whom the ment of labor, mainly in tbree YVours sincerely, the desire to sell one's self is fre- ___flag was cbiefly intended, sbowed senses: applying labor rationally, Rural Farmer's M quently inspired by a selfish am- no inclination whatever to f ly the preserving its produce carefully,, bition that is both anti-social and Our Generals Are Smart new flag which La Presse of Mon- and distributing is produce sea-' Ere you consult fancy, cons disec'oncerting; (2) that it takes If General Andy McNaughton treal picked after a mammotb sonably.-Ruskin. your purse.-Franklin. on' mdof isimeite________________off________________________________________________________ tasks and tbus tends to lessen his-- efficiency; (3) that it bas a very FS IG R N HN G IU T R IIG L M I.1- undesirable effeet on the man V bimself because it brings the ego I IH N A C I G M IUTUDV6 I I G U B R into the forefront of bis personali- DA RY ty. Besides all this we concluded that it was veryý doubtful if cther (q modern salesmansbip are rom- patible witb the bigbest form of a service. The salesman goes about bis business witb his eye on the price lie is to receive wben tbe sale is completed. Tbis deprives ______________________ salesmansbip of all altruism and of the spirit of service. We next agreed, (1) that it is indeed a poor man wbo bas no- thing to sell; (2) that true suc- cess depends upon our ahility ta impart the tbings that are pecu- liarly our own to others; (3) that we are defeated in life to tbe de- gree in wbicb we fail to make our full contribution to tbe general good. We finally tried ta arrive ait some workable and ethical tbeory regarding the SELLING OF ONES SELF. We concluded thati it was both legitimate and ethical for a man to strive to attain per- sonal advancement if be did sa without injustice to any one else or recourse to intrigue. The first thing a man should do is 'ta explore bis own resources and becomne tborougbly acquaint- cd witb tbe thinga be bas to offer. He sbould know wbat bis own, talents and capacities are. This ia neesaytoaod eomn . about to pass away. A smart ivise- cracker migbt retort that if can- not pass away becaUse if bas neyer started. Btt one could bardly feel encouraged to look at ramap of tbe world to-day and use the blackcuf symbol to show those cocumtries tecbnically at war. More than baif the world, botb by geograpbical amen and pripflatiouî involved, xvould bave f0 be ini- cluded. Xet I believe that cither iIbis ycam cm next thue most cnligb peoples of flic wcrld will be dte iaiute policies wbic hlijl ave a pofound fici ect on ail livingb j sto me t bat t that we should Through years of endeavour to improve typography and format, and ta establish a sound editorial background for advertisers and readers alike C. W. N. A. papers have won a large measure of accept- ance with space buyers. C. W. N. A. membership bas becomne 'Tbe Hall Mark of Mernt." When you buy C. W. N. A. papers you establish an intimate, friendly, effective type of contact. Reader interest and rcader confidence wilI buiîd sales for your products with 69% of the population -Canada's Greatest Market. a Charter Member 0 the C.W.N.A. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATES.NIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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