r THURSDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 1939 jYOUR WORLD AND MINE W (Copyright) 'j BY JOHN C. KJRKWOOD Many, manv peesons are wondeinig !stoeed-up wealtb te a fabuiotîs extent, about wliat tie state cf tlhe woeld and 50 repeesent incalcuable iaste- is goinz to lie afîe the cueretît wae !wasted materiai, asted tiîne. Thus, contes te ail enîd. Niaic îîecfess te ýbv %vay cf illustration, having te ru- believe that tlie 'ar will liave des- ibuild eeads and bridges and bouses teoyed civilization. and factories, aînd cites aînd churches Let me sav emphaticallv that civ- and schools. and ships, destecycd hy ization 15 îlot gcing te be desteoyed. ýwae. relîresenits wasted teaterial andt Peoperty will lbe - is being destetîy- tinte anîd labour and rnonev Yet civ- Cd. Fortunes are being destroved. Bujt ilîzaticî,nt eanîng. accîrdîîîe to tht ncî civîlizatiîîi. Ili sorine coiîntries dictionlary , the tatlcof heiiîg eefiiieîl the pace cf civilizations prtgres5in maiîees frein the riîdeîiess ofi ntay be siWtv(l itp. yrt cîviîzatiîîî savagu life and irnproved in. arts andt w il I retnain.I h i hi ue anîd discredt - lt.t rliiitg, iil reinainut ai I rast ini able pessist shich delares ihtt thOse coliltrîsitîîitocietl hv the civilization w il hc destrîîyed. ravages of w ar and far forward iin Nars îake nmillionîs cf ntt îîîciviliitd dotîmnet cir os n wonî en otilt of producitii. a-îd ch cut rc. Canadla, for exanifl t. aini] and teUnitedi States : atnd let lis ltt 'viouslc thîs ntist slcîc îîuî) the pro- Bitaili. also. Neitlher a p)ersit nîtira geess cf nations and wae <ots rediîce oitvbcne ls iiiz(hu Ille wecf tht Wll ..zlsbourcands atitsv- ccause -if lOss cf fortune or prospur- itic oftheworl. Aso arscst"ý'iîî. Loss cf fortune or cff priisleritmnai le senocnes ailitc iit\ eltre5' ret fimenent ii inîauinursai(] mav hlii Business Directory tiles progrtss in expressio,,if art anîd learning, but iî neeti octninake ________________________________euebarharic. wilI ceîîceening wbat should be done in 1940 - in the space of a singlu yeae. Whv sheuld the creator of this woeld iîteefeee iii the workiV kbf His leiig-terni plat, fer NMatn ina particular rnentb oe yeae or centtur% r How dees eue generation differ. i]n God's siglît, frein peevieuîs getiena- tiens aîîd feota geuîuaticîîs te cîînîe-, B3elieviig as 1 de, I ain tnt exiieci- ing Gcd te answee l)eayes, ne mattur Iiew ferent they mac be, uchose îîetitioîî is that Hlielîeîîld iînnîediaie- cv dcouchat the prayer beseuclîts Hiîn to do. ïct I do believe tlîat God ansicers tînacer. but eilv conditioun- aiiv, auit n cf the conitions is that the pras ce is God-like ini the îLuaiii (if hslîi hfe or pose. God aîsîcers liack iitii hsetif teChri:t-sirit. uî îlîî tsiniihariicv witIi Hnisel f. 1hltie it n iitht inistitti on kîî it as tht Chiristiani Clîîueclî. fcr Itît Chrnistian uî t. h cii s - ir- shl i i l -the interpreter (if Gîîd te NMari. Vutt. alas. orgailizeil Clri.stiaiiiy --> i îoriza11i/tdiinii truoiniîiitiins o ivts aund as iîîdividtual llliis(tortcon- ertatîýýtitîs -lias nouialwaNs 15(1 as ius firsî andtisupent ttîrpose the in- tern-tiaiicli (if Gissill cocCeingl Mn . Qîit troc ci un nnlv ll-cit eclicus t itlav are nltt grtatI iiif fereuit frîuîî a social club. îitlithe clîtrcli tîificu as, tue club lîîust. SC K ICK Ve tak a ot aboiut icars b ceti Legal lIn ibis cernectioti 1 proppse sas iîg scar:. but tuaIti i lîsi ft.ily. Jîst sc M. G V. OUL, B.., L.B. soîethuîug ihîIc may ulst he vers long as mnîiiîdividuualv antI iiitheir G. V GOLDB.A. LLB. iew, vet is likcly te bc eesisied by geoupitigi illeci ce reject the God- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary maîîv cf my reatiers. NVhai a nuam pliuof living. jusi so long wili tliere Phone 351 . abeut te sac relates tri the divinîe bc strife -scar - iii ibis weeld. Bank of Commerce Bldg. sovereugritv- of ilis woeld. Vie eau taik ail sce like abcut de- Bowmanvilie. 1 arn gcing îcassume thai nuosi c f iiccacies anîd îctaliiarian states, anîd us believe ihiai thent is a Supreenit abouit isilis : but îîet uîîîîil there s W. R. STRIKE Bciuîg, the creator tof thet univee. a uuivtnsal Iîurîiose iii ail lanuds 10 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary None cf us kncw liicsc îld thte mt- pattern lhf e on the God-platî can and Solicitor for Bank of Montreal iceese is, cet we die kiew iliat ibis wili ilîcre he tulai state ef affairs Money to Loan. Phone 791. flullet ou wilihch sce lice is tiver calieti thet Iilleuuuiuun. Bowmanville, Ontario. .30.0000 vlus old. Noce tii scu Iu tht meantimnte re is obligaticti - kuiow hIow leng Niu lias o euipid the onî thet part cf eev itiidal tn L. C. MASON, B.A. 1 aeîh ;,Ncet ive Ic kow îlîat ilere nake lus oscu life barrnouizt wiiii Barrister - Solicitor scere cuilizaticls - auivauîced civil- the God-plaui and tlie Christ cxaunple. Notary Public - Etc. izatucuis - fan beyond tlîe peri ou ofX\\lien ail s said antiddonc naticons Law in ail its branches. nrecceded hiitoev. wliiclî wciild stuli are chiat the iudiiduals are wlîc Office immediateiy east of Royal uizzest that civilization cati be counPse thlui. TReatle.raes cf ce o extiuiguished - thiat Phones: Office 688; Home 553. barl;aeisrnm -en a sli1abac intoicartis lesser degrece, Gernnuy. seem n tiliese Dental 1resemt tintes to c i ci backvaetl. _________1_i__t__edirection__of baebarisiîi. cf Miss Hannah Emmerson DR. J. C. DEVITT savageec-. Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson .Alsoe. i inz iigtc assume iliat Miss Hannah Emmerson, a resi- Graduate of Royal Dental Col- mîîsî of ils believe ihat Jesîus Chirist dent of Bowmanviiie for many lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubi'le was; Gceini the f ieslî, anîd thiat he yeaes, passedi into the great be- Bidg., Bowmanvilie. Office boucs was hemn as ail cflils are bon-c yond on IJecember 2lst, in Bow- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daiy except Sun- 1uartlIly lîaee4i,. andîîtuai lie wu.,s manvilie Hospital, after being in day. boniu te rectal tt NMati Gods planu failing heaith for over a year. She Phone 790. House phone 883.lcf life fer men. .And whenî se think, was born in Tyrone in 1859, being X-Ray Equipment in Office. o f the 300.000.000 ce iniirç yeaes <f eidest daughter of the late Eliza- _________ his plaietsq existence. theui Christ s beth Westlake and George Em- -GctIs -- residetice on ihiis planet merson. She was one of the out- Funeral Directors bas tii lcreugaeded as beitît a veuri sanding deessmakers of ber day Moereetis ,an was much sought after in FUNERAL DIRECTORS AsIeti.G.thctao many homes in this town due to, Servceanyhoue an da. ;NAu s g-ceils. iii thctoriîof hî er expert workmanship, thor- Servceanyhou, ay dy. Ial. lis gvenlis inthescrl)tresoughness, tare and interest in any F. F. Morris Co. cf te ici andt tht Newc Testamienits. work entrusted to hee. She a Modern Motor Equipment, Arn- fuîll .insutîinîts coniuiinei. tht kitnd kindiy, considerate and aiways bulance and Invaiid Car. Cal ofIlife He wauts N.Iani ii lice. NVci wiiling te give a beiping hand to Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. are lut leftinii the driek eîtuceuîmui1 others in need. These characteris- tht Gcd-wav cf life. If anid wlicii e tics cf love, sacrifice and devotion nef use iii lis'e accoediuîg te thte were sbown on many occasions, Veterinarian tdicvie pattnx se hut punuisi or- but paeticuiarly in tEe attention 1(11%v(s. ail iv wet I iuita urt- given bier sister, Mes. Henrietta D. C. DAVLY, V.S., B.V.Sc. selves regardeul as indricidiials ande Eastmnan, who predeceased ber Bowmanville rîumselcces in cuir secial and racial two years ago, and tEe young Successor to Dr. T. F. Tighe uiidsss So belies iiug I eau iuidr- childeen of another deceased sus- Office: King St. East, at Tighe standt why iin these pretseit tilles We tee, Mes. James (Mary) Bedford, Resident - PHONE 843 have stars amd cinte, anti corrutiit who ivere given sucE ioving tare __________________________ ansd faimîilc tIsrutititis. by their aunt. One brother, Wai- D ENTIST The Sciptîlees givt uts a recipe fie ton Emmrerson died many yeaes1 life - itw tii lice. XX'e knic hic ago.1 DR. R. O. DICKSON iii lise uieefctlc;: yeî ifi u erefuîse Miss Emmerson is survived by1 (Toronto) and Newcastle, ont. orn uîglect îc fullow the recilie giveuu two sisters, Mes. Byron Moore, Over Langman's Store, Newcas- us fîtr licinguz prftrtl\-. aud Ssîiîîîîtic Tyrone, and Mes. R. S. Wade, To- tle. Office boues: Saturday oniy, for the Sciptiiee's eiierecip)e5tif rento, also these nieces and neph- 9 arn. to 9 p mn. uinn tm, theni ste nlsi exîleet t ews, Mes. Olive Anderson, Mes. J. ____________________________i\cii t iiiîrfuctlc-. IAspinwall. Toronte. NIes. Miio Qulitu t,îiîsy hîetefret. if the .Logan, Stratford, George Bedford, ROUN TRP iiieul s ute li aîîîîîah te ler-Purpie Hill, Edgar Bedford, Bow- fuci seauîtf livinig. therne ntist bc a iTanville. iumîuersai effotrt tii licc acciiediuig tii Deceased ivas a member of B argaïa Fares t, Gi ttcîlS htr sai ug.Trinity United Church and a Jan. 5-6-7 utitie!(]inth iesc tiiite. andi in ailf ithu attendant wben health limeus, fortiutcatiitm il epIspeemitted. ho eariy life whiie in B owmanville to tit cih-ienii rlai tht GIit-1îittert Tyrone she was cburch organist TORONT - - - $ 1.10i,. lui ttilr cds tht whoile wiold and a teacher in the Sunday TRNO -$11 uîîust lie Christanz .Sehool. rT U'LTON - - - $ 2.05 The funerai ivas heid December. BUFFALO - - - $ 3.80 .1 C K 23rd front Norteutt & Smiths Fu- CHATHAM - - - $ 5.60 \Ian\s gitittpeotpleîtof u tiletmes nerai Parlers, service being con- waimiGodttI iiiiteeferu. iinmiidiatelv. ducted by ber paster, Rev. S. Da- GODERICH - - - $ 4.35 wu~cftiuy m h fae i î vison. Palibearers were Herbert KITCHENER --- $ 2.65 c tehîl.Tiuc iaut Gidto iplerfi rniMoise, Ed. Witberidge, Freds OWEN SOUND -- - $ 4.10 miiacle,,tîailv - te rescume Niait front Moore, Arthur Moore. Friendst SUDBURY - .0-n. 's acls dis- atnd relatives were presenit front $18.05, eadfrthet ettiluftor tht punuteci ernt, Enniskiiien, T y rene, SCHREBER lif- îhmv ifess tii ivîturuotver Hampton and Purpie Hill.1 points. o tf meli, to the suif feiîgs oif mein. Going - First train 7.27 p.m. Jan. 5.: Thev waiit Gîîd ii steafe tht Rts- For return limits, trains to use, .sin antithe Germans and the jap- etc., consîjit Agents - Procure anesu Tlev forget ihat God bas becîî Handbill. satchiiig NMan ant i ls wavs for, say, -' Pooi a imillioti cears, and tiuat H-e nms go Canaulan Trai Canadian c'ii watchinz NMatn and is wac-s fotr Ipiaifi SericeNatinalftîrîîcr nmillions of years. They want Paciic Srvic NatonalGo,] to bu ohedient to fli r views ai Don't delay CHECK UP today on your fire insurance. Don't wait u.ntil you have a loss to leairnti that your protection is not adequate... that sonoething bas been overlooked... that your policy does flot fit because of an addition to your proeerty or a new mort- gage. Call us now, Je J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville Mrs. Hannah M. Gomme .\ iiuuiaii blulced isv a wite ciecle oif relatises amnI freuds hassuti peace- fuîly te ber utenal rest oui Dec. 2ist ill tllt perseut cf Hamîuali Manie Gonîmit, sidew cf Ille laie ChI arlus Goniint, Newccastle. Slie dieti at Ille liiîe cf ber tîauightee, Ni s. H. E. .Asllct, I1290 Lanisdownce Ave., To- ruiito. îitîî wîîoun sleItelat i hicd ini Buis mnaiisille amniTornlto silice Ille passinie of Nie. Goîuîumîîe in 1921. I)u ccased iati hieluin iii fitiig licaîth foi-i situie îîîîîîîlîs peevititis t a stnt îkt wiciiei iastluti lier pas.,iig a fieret% t Ni s. Ghtlii me sas blil ilu i Brait forn, Y'orkshire, Euiglamid, 87 %.cars agoNiMr. andmuIN s. Giili mi spmît iii st %-cars tif tlîcie lises iii New- castle Nviere t ilim cîîiiuengreeeiim) andt atteiittîsci l. The faii hieaei- cd I lit ustecmi amnI respect if ah h citinls. il'lit w ritecof tIis lu tise ut Ni s. Giiiiit cftemî stlilt sliv was a resitîui i f Bhui ta i il lu amni ah sas fultit i a i eeitti toi ii hlavse lîtmilm lie lieustui. Sue itistsu a hitcas,- ingl puesoiimu'uii'a Iitlly t ispoîsitionl andu eatiatcd a Chîristian i tithitrlspirit whîicli imatîcle fel imusardhc slie was u in ut a dean tîll sîti. Shît ca s iuîdustriouus aeuil lved t kli t. eccheti and lriake o uil is. lries t i, ii ak i it tt lu red lieu su suas Iuusiic eugaguti kuittiuîte socks for tlle Red (Cross. Sit Sas a ieiîce îof St. Ciatis Aniglicanu tiuclî, To toii. amduth îîk anu active jutîrest iii Eaelsciut tLetg- ion Auuxi h:1 n.Si h r Croîss (liaitien .01.E.autîl St. CluatI's . \fteinionii Blrandci XX.A.Ail tf thiese stîcieties senlt fitoralIuniibutes, as ici11 a, tllie litil Tu-IljiuuCe., Niai suni Spottrs- scia , Silccrth ruie Brani O.. andt St. Clatis IJunîiore V. A~ serviietvas ield ahthtllelîaîuul if NatDouigail & Breowsnu Tortou, Dcc. 22ii tia 8 p.uîî. conuucttd bRev. F. H. ;tf NcNvc-_t\ -'lut THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMl\ANVILLE, ONTARIO P'AGE THREEKtf To Droadcast Neighhorly News Front Ontario Weeklies Solina Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Zion. .. Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Allun, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allin. Bowmanville, Miss Nan AI- lin, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. ___________________________ Wes. Yellowlees... Misses Jessie and Grace Yellowlees, Oshawa, GRADE A LARGE with Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellow- oe lees. .. Misses Helen and Muriel E G 27C Baker, Peterboro, with Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. .. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. ______________ Icing Scott at Mr. J. Armstrong's, Maple Grove.. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bal- JEWEL IIA q soni, Queen's University, Kingston, UGAR 2 15cUI with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson 3flho teulngm Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryder- mn, Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Taylor,1 ~ ~ ~ ff Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson, and 13______________ HU 9c families. Mr. W. T. Taylor. Miss Lena Taylor. with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Larmer, Blackstock.Spi Mr. Donald Yellowlees has re- FIRST GRADE turned home after working at B u t rEAS m 6c Pickering the past year. Y. P. U. met Dec. 26th, with u Harvey Yellowlees, Cultural con- 30C th Choice Meaty vener. in charge of the program Pu e 2. 5 Christmas carols were sung and Kathleen Baker told the story of3 ePrn s2 t25 "Good King Wenceslas.*" Im- promptu speeches were substitut- QUICK OR PLAIN ed for the usual topic and the fol- Shredded - Dessicated A. D. (ANDY) CLARKE lowing subjects were discussed: at "What I would do with one thou- t are ri is a big neighborly community-even in the cities, people sand dollars" and "How I may imn- 6 fo 25e COCONUT m i19c areintresedin what the folks are doing in the home town and the prove this New Year." Verna 1 homne township. Starting Sunday, Januaey 7, from 10.00 to 10.15 arn. Milison gave an appropriate read- EST, Andy Clarke wili bring "Neighborly News from Ontario Week- ing and Helen Langmaid favoeed ______________ lies" to listeners of CBC's Ontario Network each Sunday at this hour. with a piano solo, after which Many thousands of Ontario listeners remember the friendly voice games were enjoyed. READV-CUT of Andy Clarke, formerly news editor of The Globe, whose "Good Hampton Circuit BrotherhoodFr i evening, friends" opened The Globe's nightly news broadcast for five meets at Hampton Jan. 10th, when DiacaronaFr i years. In his new series, presented through the co-operation of the Enniskillen brethren will be their i Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, of which The Canadian guests. A full attendance is re- 1 6 t b 25C p s' l Statesman is a charter member, Mr. Clarke will review each week's quested. happenings in Ontario towns and villages and on the farms, as A number from here attended Coaking 10 th for gleaned frorn the weekly newspapers of the Province. Mr. Clarke's the funeral of Mrs.. Will Lammi- Onions ---25c many years of newspaper experience have given him an intirnate man, a former resident of Solina, understanding of Ontario-its people, and their everyday interests; 'in Oshawa. The syrnpathy of the BLUE ROSE Washed 3 th in"Neighborly News" he will keep listeners in touch with what community is extended to ber R c art O Ontario people are doing, planning and talking about in that im- farnily. R c art 0 portant part of the Province that lies outside of the cities. Hed b~ WEEK 0F PRAYER Weddings ______________ 9c_ January Sth to january 12, 1940 Stainton-Stainton ~* * General Theme -. "Personal Interviews with Jesus"l took place but the parsonagei MONDAY, JANUARV Sth - in St. PauI's Hampton, December 30th, when Rev. W. G. Blake - "Nicodemus."MisEaMrySinoduhe TUESDAY, JANUARY 9th - In St. Andrew's Ms f aySanoduhe Adj. J. Hart - "The Rsch Young Ruler." of Mr. Luther Stainton, Bowman- WEDNESDAV, JANUARY lti, - In St. John's ville, became the bride of Henry In time of war, the first casual- Rev. F. Banister - "Zacheus."1 Alexander Stainton, son of Mr. C w n il ty is truth.-Boake Carter. THURSDAY, JANUARY llth - in S. A. Hall and Mrs. Herbert Stainton, Hamnp- Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. T._______________ Rev. S. Davison - "The Woman at the Weil." ton. The bride wore a buegundy A. Reid, Mr. and Mes. Jack Reid, FRIDAY, JANUARV l2th - in Trinity wine velvet dress with matching Mr. and Mes.J..Saricad Canon C. R. Spencer - "Martha and Mary." ha.n1acrae.ftaroe.M. i ed Aih. and Mrs. Ln Offeingforwelfare work at each service under auspiceshatadacrgeo arss.M.S Riwt '.anMs . Offrig o f the Ministerlal Association. She was attended by Miss Aima Reid. . Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan REV. S. DAVISON, Peesident. REV. F. BANISTER. Sec'y..Treas. Rundie, wearing rose beige crepe anîd familv with Mr. and Mrs. M.£ with matching hat and a corsage Osborne, l .orrish. Iste. and '.Mrs. S. TH A N ftS VQatine ntece sio S rvies of white carnations. The groom C. Hughies and baby Charles with W artme I terc ssio Ser ices was attended by bis brother, Mr. 'Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hughes. Crook- To ail our Customers and Durngth wrsevics f ntrcsson ndpris wllbe Jim Stainton, Toronto. ed Creek. - . Me. Milton Edwards Durng he ar sevics o iteresson ndprase illbe After the wedding ceremony Northern Ontario, with Mr. a-nd Mrs' Friends we wish to thank chrs h eidi seornavices i ever eFrday o53 in the vdr adrious the reception was heid at the J. J. W. Steinger. you for your patronagie dur- chuche. Te srvceswîl behed i th sae rde asdurng home of the groom's parents which e..lack Barnes has Zone to To- the Week of Prayer, i.e. in St. Paul's, St. Andrew's, St. John's, was prettily decorated. The bridai ronto to complete bis course in radio. ing the past. year and hope etc. etc. Beneth S.auprl's calend ar hShS. ons party lef t amid showers of con- Our p)astor preached an excellent i i Fnl. Jan. 29th- St. aules. Fr1. March 15th -S.A.oHnll. fetti for points west. On their re- sermon on. Sundav' but flot' manv 1twil continue during the Fri. Jan. 26th St. Aone's. Fri. March l5ndth .S.A. l. turn they wiil reside in Bowman- wcre prescrit to hear it. cmn er Fri. Feb. 2nd -S.A.oHall. Fri. March 29tnd. Tninity. ville. .Animtal chuirch meeting is scheduled cmn er Fri. Feb. l6th- Trinity. Fr1. April 5th- St. Andrew's. t'or Thursdav ighlt at the church_____ Fni. Feb. 23rd- St. Paul's. Fri. April 12t1, St. John's. Foran-Morris hall. Fri. Maech lait- St. Andrew's. Fr1. April l9th S. A. Hall. 1 .Th mrrag ws olmnze A scoobo ocereared JOHN LENZ bv relatives and friends. Service was gazecd as Mr. Lyctt's assistant, on December 9, in Trinity United A r wshooiy anoncellrenare aiohl n t ere' nlcnChurch Parsonage, Bowmanvillevr ieywt nitliec ai~ hidiîîSt Gore'sAnlian Heartiest congratulations to Mr-. y Rev. S. Davison, of Marjorie beyond his years, that "When a Shoe and Harness Repafrs Church, Newcastle, Saturday after- and Me5. lohn Sniowdeni on complet- Winnifred Morris, youngest dau-maisrapdp nisefh King St. W.-- Bowmanviile noon. Dec, 23rd, by Rev. D. R. Dew(l- inz 50 vcars of wedded bliss. ghter of Me. and Mes. Sidney Mor- makes a very small parcel." --Sir 1ev ini the preserice of lilajiv ret- Srrv- b loos ' Mr. and Mes. Ben' ris.,TBowmanville, to Joseph Edgar Harry Lindsay. latives and friends of Newcastle' Brown and fainily front cur coin- Foran, son of Me. and Mes. J. 0. __________________________________________ Otlier fricnds front Bowmnanvillc in i- v hyhv oi oOhw.Frn rn acpda ube cli(le(l 1.ev. Canon and Nirs. C. R. mnt.Te aegn oOhw.Frn rn acpda ubc Spenicer.Mer. and N.Ies. 1. Living. W~e selcoine '.\r. and Nrs. Or- The bride iooked charming in M,\rs. A. E. Wrenn. Mers. \Vîn. Cowle !fist<n andl fanîîilv to unr comnmun- her travelling ensemble of wine %ualty g uaranteea andMr.Geo W. lmes ad M. arltt. Thev have taken it)p residcnice embroideeed taffeta with match- IliMr. Ge. MrtW . Jms Bad'randcn. ve Ne. and Mlrs. Ben Breown ing accessories and corsage of fav13 1,'\ ori rten. livcd. sweetheart roses and maidenhaîe wver ,Illg. 'I Heard thle \oic-e cf Mr. Rov Nichols and staff of feen. She was attended by her lestis Sac' and 'Cone ioiv Spirit Courtice. reiscrite(]Me. and N.ies. sister, Mes. Sidney Martyn, gown- front .\hovc." NormniBurgess with a Iovely ed in navy sheer with corsage of lkarrs erefiv RrndsilsRob. wddiz gft.pink carnations and maidenhaîr Beares eec iv gradsos. Rbt tddiig in.feen. The best man wvas Mr. Sid- antd George Crowther, Roht. and AIl- _ney_________________ ,lant Sîtldaed.Albert Turner atffl a A reception was heid at the mncit icas iii Bond Head CemectersB r eo hc h hpycul etai N.ies. Gomme is snrvived hv on'. showers of rice and confetti for son., Fred. Toronto, and four daugh- Rcnî N isîtors: NMe Chester .A. Niagara Falls and points west on tewtes.Nis W'. Cro. er da), Hoskin iii Torcnto.. Miss Isabel a short honeymoon. They will re- Newaste: es. W. udded arter, Cartwright. Miss L. Brooks, side in Bowmanviile. (Clara). Oshîawa; Ms H. H. Ash- cf Bcwnanlville, at Me. E. Cafig- le (Ettie) and Miss .Annie Gomme, hil's.. Me. and Mers. W. N. Hos- Blgelow-Austin Toronto: also 16 girandchlildireni and ilkm at Mr. R. Wîioods. Orono.. A wedding of much inteeest took ii 15 great grandchildeen. Miss Mildrcd Knlalpî, Poiit>ypool, at plc-tthfntdC f lii 1",Irs 'arta dam'. M. Cand Wakefield, December 23rd, wheri . ' a c o r e tc ssd o 'Mr. obt Pili i Osaw. .. r.Miss Margaret Alice Elizabeth Maple Grove an r.D acelaNi.Ca.Asi agtroMranMs Mi Stefflhensonis, Betbany. . . Miss Dcc- A. E. Austin, Wakefield, P.Q - W i ,a ls'cen \îsiOr Ni. aandesJ.Mr.andrAustn, daughtrlMewofh & 4eIJUCIL _______îîtl~ Brt Hskiî atMe.was maeried to Major Philip John -wen Hoskin's. Tyron...rM. Bigelow (Midiand Regiment) of of Sarbtrouh tll vis hat o d. 1'NlïbahFoiiowing a trip to the New of!2 Scanorough tay owaty old.s "M e y bEi s ngobl.dts.lttand States, Major and Mes i Babys Own rablets and she threw this cold offo26mnhcagtaasyclottre N îsJean Coclhratie. Bw alvlEngli quicker than ever before. 1 certainly amn for Nie tr Nr. S. A. 1iýerliîson. Black- Bieobt fwo r rfl 0J L T U L Babys Own Tabiets front 00w on." .îti.Jsp npClavduates of Queen's University, Wini.J L T U L Baby's Own Tabris are safe and sure in -'live in Port Oota.lFort.ra-ePhing e:95 thcir action. Tiley correct thr cause of babys Alla.. Nliss E. Kialpîi, 'Ie. Claretnce nPotHp.Frraelg trouble. Effetcive in clearing tur teeihing .'tvere, Biiiketonl,Nie. .\etliiir NVot- tebiewr leceewt Yard: C.N.R. Slding - 2673 troubles, consipation, simple fevers, diarrhoea, ti îwnnil.wtiNe n is matcbing bat and a seai coat. uuîset stomach, colic and summer conmplairatei oraivl.%it N.afl \Is iritability, simple croup antd ciher of "bab)y'st: I inecAtansBueketon,Nerbarm etanoemn ailmcnts. 'et îhey are utîcrly free fesm opiaica of trube at me. Sanoeneoie rmn adCaladoEtaC or siupefying deugs. An analyst's report lao rul ta ie oepol Get a Package today. Sicknesseootîen strikea îs libeeîv ends, atîdl it ouglit bear three kinds - ail they had; h rmu adCa tAoEtaCs i the niglt. 25 cents. Youe oioney back if y~ ou t lt ,Min tli t ietv becomies ail they bavre now; and ail they .......,.t .......i................. aentstsidthie etîrse cf .Lis ighbos.-Fari-ar 1expect to hAvie. :ý:. ......t........t. lM'UinI .i[ENCEL I t - ,els u~ dî .snks intoj c~ ~ é --.-. - -.dmmm6ý- - - 1