PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 1939 nf ield rReceit Visitons: Miss' Evelyn Cunningbam, London, witli R. W. Pascoe. . Rev. A. E. and Mns. Hard- ing, Enniskilien, aîd NMiss Verna Ormiston. Oshawa, at Mr. Hoskin Smit's. . Mt. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Lloyd at Mn. Percy langmaid1s, Oshawa, and at Mn. Arthur Smnith's, Columbus. .. New Year's visitons at Mr. Alf. Pnescott's wene: Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Pnescott and famiîy, Sia.Mr. Carl Ferguson, Baw- mianville, Mr. N. Prescott, Onono, Mfr. and Mrs. Gardon Leask and family at Mn. Frank Gilber'ts... Miss Vena Stinson at Ballyduff... Miss Danothy and Mn. David Hall at Barrie. .. Mn. Wilfred Bowman took is miother ta Mount Forest on Sumday. Mr, Nonnis who is Wîlfned's gnandfatber, died on Satunday at his home thene. Mrs. Arthur Hubband is home from Oshawa Hospital. Mns. Watch- arnais attending bher. Mn. Harold Ormiston was re-elect- r Mn Gcodfn Batrnustededth sr.hao tnustee. tenedth funenal of is grandfathen, Mn. Nonris at Mount Forest, MQnday. He was in is 88tb year. Haydon Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. W. -Chalis and Phyllis, Bowrnanvilîe, Lm J g, with Mr. and Mns. T. Mount- 'Jay.. Mr. Douglas Fontaine, Miss Ruth McNeil. Toronta, witb Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeil. .. Mn. and Mns. Roy Thlonpson, Miss Audrey Tbomp- son, Bawmanville, with Mr. and Mns. W-. Thonipson. .. Miss Verna Tre- k win. Oshawa, Miss Anne Tnewin, WALLPAPER "UN WORTr 19I0fts bmfay luWt WOOL STAR -GLO l m .............. .... 39c1 SPECIAL 3-Ply Andalusian Wonderfully Soft 20e - oz. Complete Line of MONARCH IDOVE See thse exhibit of hanid knit garments made from our yarns. PUGOHNSTON 'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanvle Itfs the Regular Advertiser Who Gets The *Regular Trade of His Community Eldl Mlarks, 'Scugo ÏIsiandà. at M_r.-A. __________ Brunt's. - . Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard and Elgin at Mn. W. Hoskin's. . . Mr. and Mns. J. Herad, Mn. J. Gif- JJroVvAAs f in and Miss Vera Loyd, 'oronto,- Mn. and Mrs. G. Whittaker, Hamil- ton, Mr. and Mnfr. L. Gnif lin, MnI. Recent Visitons: Misses Pearl and Mrs. M.* Griffin, Cartwright, Wbite and Inene Graham and Mn. witb Mrs. Mary Gril fin. . . Mn. An- Onville Elford, Oshawa, with Mrs. son Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor G. Arnold. .. Mn. and Mns. Moses and famnily, Bîackstock, Mn. and Heard at Mn. Clint Bnown's, Lake Mrs. M. Nesbitt, Mn. J. Tiaylor, i Shore. .. Misses Audrey and Fern Nestieton. Mn. A. Trewin, Whithy,liWehber, Mr. Frank Webber- andi at Mn. S. Trewîn's. .. Mr. I. Bates i Billy at Mr. Gea. Rabm's, Bunketon. and Miss E. Moore, Toronto, 'Miss 1. . Mrs. Walter Farrow and Hazel M. Creigbend, Lindsay, at 'Mn. W. at 'Mn. R. Bone's, Toronto, and Mn. H. M1oore's. . . Mn. M. Heard %vith R. McKay's. Bronte. .. Mns. G. Mrs. R. Heard, Lindsay. . Mn\f. and ýArnold, Mn\f. Truman Clark and Mn. Mns. R. Grif fin and fami ly at n..Dick Roiev at «Mn. E. Fanrow's. Osh- M. Giffin's, Cartwright. , . Dr. and awa.. Mrs. W. Brunt apd family Mrs. C. W. Slemon and family, iat Mn. C. Bnowi's.. Mn. and Mrs. Bowmanville, Mn. and 'Mrs. Thea. 'Tom Woodlock with 'Mns. T. Brown. Slemon and John, Mrs. S. Tnewn,.'. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aildned and Haydon, at Mn. H. Annis'. . . Mfrs.i1Mns. Hotson, Lake Shore, Mn. Gea. E. C. Ashton bas returned aftcr vis- Graham, Newcastle, Mn. and Mrs. R. iting bher daughter, Mrs. S. 'May, M I\cNeil and Phyllis, Oshawa, Mr. Toronto. land Mrs. R. Graham and M.\elvin at Congratulations ta 'Miss Gladys Mn\f. C. Turnen's. . . Mr. ànd Mns. Page an rcceiving ber RN. de- Freeman Eddy, Joyce and Norman, grec. and 'Mr. Bill Clark at Mnf. R. Sympatbv is extcnded ta Mn\Is. W. Brancb's. Oke on the deatb of ber sister, M.\rs. Miss Wylma Farrow is tqking the H. .Avery, Waodstock. short course in borne economics at Mns. Wm. Oke and MnI. and Mrs. Canton. H. Sanderson attended the f uneral of ____________ the former'5 sister, 'Mrs. Henry .Avery, Woodstock. Thene is a wealth o! unexpness- Health is tac thing that makes yau feel that now is the best time of tac year. ed love in the worlct. It is one the chief causes of sorrow evok by death; what might have be said or might have been done th neyer can be said or done. ,of :ed en hat How abundantly true is this of your local Newspaper . . the only COM- PLETE source of the news of the entire district; the most looked for, best read medium of ail! .. The Canadian Statesman is read fromn masthead to footline by the people m o s t interested. . practically everybody in this district! Merchants who regulary advertise in these columns get the regular atten- tion of these readers! The "Durham County 's Great Family Journal" ATrc0,and Tested Medium, Known For Resuits À( INSTALLATION (Continued fromn page 1) Toranto, Mr. and Mrs. S. *TrewinZ o and Earl, Enniskîllen, witb Mr. and Z o Mns. W. Trewin. .. Miss Grace ____ n.Trewin bas retunned ta Toronto and Mr. Athur Tnewin ta Brýooklin after Recent Visitars: Mr. and 'Mrs. G. spending a week witb tbeir. parents. Hiîts and Ruth. Oshawa, Mr. and a . Mr. Harold \Vebber. Miss Laura Mrs. Ivor Gary, Alan and Arthur, nPbillips, Toronta, îith Mrs. Phillips. Toronto, at Mr. F. B. Glaspel's... h -. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp, Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and fain- 5Ivan, Mr. Bill Evans, EnniskiL. i, ily, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Fergusan' Switb Mrs. E. Mauntjay. . . Kennth. and family. Tbannton's Corners, Miss LtMcLean bas returned ta Tanonta Louise Faley, Maple Grave, at Mn. dafter visitiniz Fay Mountjay. . . J. W. Balson's. . . M.\r. J2s.eph Mc- Miss E. Sauch, Mr. H. Pye, En- Master, Manitawaning, with Mr. J. niskiîîen, with Mrs. E. Ormistanm. . W. McMaster. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr. I. Tamblyn. Miss R. Haskin, Ston. Toronta, Mr. and Mrs. Aigust dOrana, Miss Verna Ormistan, Osh-I Geisbergen and family, Harmany, at awa, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormistan. En- IMr. Hans Geisbenger's.. Mn. and niskilîen, witb Mr. and Mrs. L. Ash-I Mrs. Thamas Matin and4 family at tan. . . 'Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glover, Mr. W. G. Fond's, Uxhridge. .. Mr. "Oshawa. Mrs. F. Thampsan, Taun- jas. McMasten, Tananto. at home. "tanm witb Mr. and Mns. C. Cnassman. Miss Arnie Killen, Oshawa, Mr. and 5-.Mr. Gea. Cowlinz witb MIrs. D.! Mrs. 'M, Knapp and daugbters, Narth sGraham. . . Mr. and Mnrs. L. Gnaham Oshawa, at Mr. Rabt. Killens... and faniilv witb Mr. and M.\rs C. Mn. Fred Martin at Toronta.'-. . Mrs. eAshton, Burketan. .. Mr. and '.\f s. Russell Rabbins and Ruth with Mrs. L. Asbton and family, Mrs. Wernv H. Allun, Bawmanville, xvbo is ili with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Werry, witlh pocumania. Mr. Rabbinis spent Woodbrîdge. . . Mr. M. Sîemon, Newv Year's witb tbemn. .. Miss Ber- Lloyd and Gardon witb Mrs. Johnis, mnce Staintan, Peterbara, Mr. -and eiHampton. . . Mr. and Mns. C. Cross-I Mrs. Rass Lee, Diane and Brian, .man and Tan with Mr. and Mrs.1 Kedran, Mnr. Kelvin Edgar, Osbaw,.a, eiW. Kilburn, Oshawa. ' .Mr. and 'Misses Eîinon and Lyle Staintan, Mrs A.Ranle.Hamtan . Mn !Oshawa. Lloyd and Boyd Ayre, Miss B1ecbSitA ral. adon Mrs. A. ameAudrey Ayne at Mnr. A. T. Stain- Burketon.. Mr. and Mrs. T. Cowl- tan's. Misses Bennice and Eileen ingr and family with Mr. and Mrs. Stainton, Mr. John Stainton at Miss T. Tabb, Tyrone. ýLyle Staintan's, Oshawa. Master Annual meeting of S.S. No. 21 was Reuben Stewart with bis familv at beld Wednesday marningz when Mr. ýWalkenton. . . Mr. and Mns. Deîbent Albert His was ne-elected trustee. Flintaf f and sans, Mr. Clif fard M r. Avery's boys' class met at the Johns, Kedran. 14r. and Mrs. Stanley born ofMr.andMrs L.GraarnCoverly and Lloyd, 'Messrs Percy ;Friday nigbt. Bible reading wvas read Flintaf f and Walter Brown, Eben- 1bv Roy Graham; trombone sla hy ezer, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane .Gardon Siemon: piano sla by Jim 1anld Betty Marie at -Mr. Wesley .Gnaham and a cantest hy Lloyd SIe- Camneron's.. . Mrs. Wes. Glaspel is .mon, after wbicb a social time wvas1spending the winter at ber daugh- enjoyed and lunch served. lter's. Mrs. George Hilts, Oshawa.. Church on Sunday at 3 p.m. i Mr. Gardon Law, Wbitby, at Messrs Russell Perkins' and John Cruick- sbanks' ... Mr. and Nrs. Russel Penkins and Margaret at Toronto. EAU iskllein J Mr. Alf Ayre bas heen laid up with a badlv ulcenated tootb. IMrs. Norman Leach attended the * Recent Visitors: Miss .Alma Page, funeral of ber agInt, «Mrs. Wm. Miss Clara Page, Toronto, with M~rs. Lammiman Sr., in Oshawa. Etta Page. . . Miss Elsie Oke, To- Mrs. las. Stainton is ifl witb the ronto. Mr. and Mns. Stanley Turner, bad cold that is goingz around. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland 'Mr. Robt. Killen is the new care- at Mr. Wesley Oke's. . . Mrs. Henry taker for the churcb and the day Avery, Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. W. school. SOUTH WARD (Contunued tram page 1) Follawing the sing-song Mr. Wardell made same bnief remarks. He said: "When I was a yaunig mac of 19 1 held a goad position in the city of Toronto. The ques- tion of whether my 111e sbauld be spent laying up tresaures upon earth or that of laying Up trea- sures in beaven faced me. I chose the latter and for 34 years I bave been laying up treasures in hea- yen"; after whicb Mr. Slater led in prayer. The follawing scholars of the schoal gave mast pleasing recita- tions: Betty Spencer, Florence Heath, Marie Mulholland, Bull Spencer, Rab. Spencer, and Gea. Heath. The pictures of "The Life of Christ" and a "Stony of an English Boy" dinected by Mn. Milîs was o! the bighest ander. Mn. Henderson, Chairman of the Teaching group, presented ta the pupils of the schaal suitable gift book awards fan regulan at- tendance. The regular Christmas bag a! candy and orange was dis- tributed toalal the childnen pre- sent and ta any who were unable ta be present through illness. To ail those who contributed towand the success of the enter- tainment, a joint vote o! thanks was given: Ta the Public School Board, ta "The Canadian States- man," ta Northcutt & S m i t b (chairs), the janiton Mr. Button- shaw, and the kind friends !nam Oshawa. A!ten the singing o! an appra- priate hymn. Rev. W. A. Bunnen offered prayer followed by the oeediction. Long Sault Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mr s. H. Murphy and family witb Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Bowmanville. . . Miss Jean Wallace, Mr. Bob Hef- Lord and Mr. Fred Brazier, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McRoberts. . . Mr. Wallace McRoberts with bis sister, Mrs. Albert Niddery. Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Smith, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and Mrs. .1. E. McBride, Inglewood, with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith. .ý Mr. Albert Wood, Bowmanville, with bis brother. Mr. Henry Wood.-. Mr. B. H. Rice bas Izone to London to spend the winter with bis sisters. Owinz ta had rnaéds cburcb service was postponed Sunday evefling. Hampton Recent Visitors: Miss Nora Kers- lake witlb friends ini Port Hope, startinir from there for a motor trip ta Florida. . . M.%rs. Phillips andiNlrs. Gertrude Pirie, Toronto, with Mrs. W. Craig. . . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burns and little daughiter, Osbawa. witb Hamp)ton friends. . . M.%r. W. T. Perrett, Malton, with Nirs. Perrett. ..Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hastinzs an(] dauglhter Gloria, Mr. and NIrs. M. Cryderman. Oshawa, at Mn. C. Hastings'. . . Misses Helen aand Betty Knox, Toronto, Miss Jessie Knox, Haydon, with Mdr. and Nfrs. Rov Kniox. . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allia an(d family witb Bowmanvillc fni- ends. . . MnI. and Mrs. \V. \V.[Harn with 'Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Staf ford, Oshawa. . . Miss Cecile Petit with M iss Gladvs Cbapmati, Bowinanville. . . Mns. Jas. Burns and Miss Flor- ence Burns witb Oshawa relatives.. Miss E. Gamble with Oshawa fri- ends. . . Mr. Howard Pnice at T. Salten's and F. G. Kerslake's... Miss Elsie Hadden at ber borne ini Uxbridge and Mr. Harrv Faulkner near Kingston. They returne(l ta their duties \%edniescay. . . 'Miss Daneen Perrett returned ta lier duties at Kendal. Mr. an<I Mrs. Jno. Cowliii and Mrs. Bessie Rabbins attended the funeral of their niece. Mns. Henry Avery, Woodstock. Sympathv is ex- teivied ta Mr. Avery and daughiter, alsa ta relatives bere. Mrs. Avery was a former Hampton girl (Grace 1 Harris) and was muchbehlovc<l hy ail wvho knew ber, and ber oId as- saciates bene. who werc sorny ta biear of lier iassmne. Cangrattulat ions to Mr. and Mrs.j Henry. Stainton (nece Effa Staîntan) wvlîawwre cjuietly married an Satur- lay afternoon at the parsonage. Tbey Colds arc very prevalent ini aur communfity. A number of New Year's gather- ings were held on Monday. headed "Who's the Finst Baby of the New Yean?" Fnom an adven- tising standpoint, for the mer- chants who panticipated in this event, it created an appeai and reader-interest that could nat be equalled. The novelty and human interest of such an event natural- ly Vjoused one's curiosity ta knaw what it was all about and what gifts eacb menchant was donating ta this "blessed event." There- fore, every advertisement was read thoroughly and readens learned of the goods eacb mer- chant had for sale. Thnough sucb a stunt considenable goodwîll is also created which cambined with confidence is twa of the greatest assets menchants require in build-' ing up a successful business. The part that pleased the editor mast in this undertaking was the fact that it was the first cansign- ment, on selling job, he had given his son William who joincd the office staff last week as a full time employee. Bill laid out the page, solicited the advts framn the mer- chants, wrote the capy for nearly ail of them, and, in fact, made a "bowling success' of the wbale job. We greatly appreciate the ne- ception the merchants gave him on his finst solicitation and hope the unqualified success of this endeavoun will justify a continu- ance of your patronage and con- fidence in him and the paper he represents. session was the presentation of Past Master's Jewels ta Rt. Wor. Bras. F. C. Hoar and G. C. Bonny- castie in recognition of the faith- fui and valued services rendered the lodge for so many years. The presentatians wene ably made, on behaif of the lodge, by W. Bro. J. R. Stutt and were graciously acknowledged in neat speeches of appreciation by the necipiets. Adi ourning ta the banquet hall a delectable turkey dinner with all the trimmings was served by Wm. Flaherty of the Balmoral Hotel. Newly elected Worshipful Master Pency R. Cawling presided as toastmasten for the entertain- ment and lists of toasts, the latter including a toast ta the newly elected officers pnapased by E. E. Staples and responded ta by P. R. Cowling; toast ta Grand Ladge, prapased by John Baker and re- sponded ta by Dr. G. C. Bonny-« castie and F. C. Hoan; toast ta visitans, prapased by E. S. Fergu- son and responded ta by H. Gib- son, Newcastle. Entcrtainment cansisted of sev- eral selections by a Male Quartet from students of Bawmanville High Scbool, Dan Masan, Bill Brown, Keith Slemon, Bill James, under the direction of Francis Suttan, Mus.Bac., who also pre- sided at the argan for the instal- lation cenemany. W. P. Mercer and his troupe of artists from Oshawa also deligbted thein bre- thrcn with comic sangs, stanies and skits. EBENEZER Miss Mabel Jillett, Winnipeg, Man., visited Mrs. Chas. Found and Mrs. F. W. Rundle during the Christmas bolidays. MRS. GREENFIELD (Continued tram page 1) Norman O., Frederick G., Cecil J., Percy E., and R. Victor, also one brother, A. H. Fletcher. Two bro- thers, Charles H. G. and John D. Fletcher, and twa sisters, Emma Meader and Minnie Caswell, pre- deccased ber. On September 12, 1883, she was married ta Robt. Grcenfield and they lived ta celebrate their 55th wedding annivensary Sept. 12th, 1938. Mn. Greenfield died Feb. 19, 1939. They were bath loyers of flaw- crs and took a great pride in their garden which was a model in lay- out, beauty and tidiness. They wenc the parents of five upright sons in whom they were justly proud, tbree having senvcd at the front in the World War of 1914- 18, and anc has agaîn enlisted for ovenseas service in the present wonld confliet. The funeral took place from the family nesidence on Ontario St., on Decemben 28th, with ber pas- tor, Rev. S. Davison of Trinity United Church, conducting the service. Paîl bearers were four* JANUARI On Fish & Came Ass'n. Suggests Changes Would Lîcense Outboard Motors and Have Open Season on Coarse Fisx Till Freeze Up The Durham and Northumber- land Fish and Game Protective Association bas forwanded the fallawing necommendations ta the Ontaria Fish and Game Commit- tee, Toronto: L 1. We suggest the seasan on coarse f ish remain open until freeze-up. 2. We recommend an open sea- sac on deer from December lst ta l5th for two reasans. At present a lot of meat is lost by spailing and the present open season is right in the middle of the mating season. 3. We recammend that the Federal Departmcnt of Fish and Game and the Ontario Depant- ment of Fish and Game co-operate in maintaining a uniform water level during spawning seasan and thus save millions of fry now last through drapping the water in mid-seasan. 4. We suggest a license for autbord mators which we think would reduce theft of many mo- tors. FIRST BABY SURPRISE PARTY (Contunued fram page 1) sent, hoping they would have a very enjoyable time. Speeches of congratulation from a large number were heard, and community singing was cnjoyed, alsa the hymn "Blest Be the Tic that Binds." The balance of the evening was spent in social chit- chat. Lunch was served, after which ail departed ta their homes wishing the bride and groom many more years of happiiies. On the Saturday evening pre- vious the usual gathcring of the Snowden brothers and their wives was held at the residence of Mr. and Mns. R. D. Snowden, Oshawa. At this gathering Mr. and Mrs. John Snowden were presentcd with a beautiful easy chair, fromn his brothers and sister, Mrs. John Sanders, Toronto. A nicely word- ed address was read by Mr. C. H. Snowden and Messrs Samuel and William Snowden made the pre- sentation of the chair while Mr. Thos. Snowden presented t h e bride with a bouquet of roses. The Snowden family have been a power for good in the Maple Grave section for many years and Mr. John Snowden has upheld the high moral traditions of this clan, being a member of the Offi- cial Board of Maple Grave United Church for many years, and a strong advocate in the cause of temperance being an active work- er and members of the Sons of Temperance. He was also a trus- tee of Maple Grave Dublic school.. ÇASHMERE TISSUJE ContIetey wvapped Soit Pure Whue 700 SHEETS U~I ta the roll CASHM. 3fo725$t Z= VELVETTA CLEANSING TISSUES 200 Tissues - 9c 500 Tissues - 23c Special Prices Pinex Comp. - - 32o soTr 16 oz. Cod Liver OÙ 49c 100 A.S.A. tabs. 19ecM LSO Dodd's PUis - 33e A Setter Way 83e Noxzema -59e ft e. ¶~Cod Liver 011 Beef, fron & Wine 79c ~ Cnan 10 Castile Soap - 25e j- Vtamine A and D Fellow's Syrup - 87c 530tand 980~ 100 A.B.S.&C. » - 9c Your Films Developed Here Free 695P. . OWLING, Phm.B." sans, Norman, Frederick, Cecil and Victor, and twa gnandsans, Wallace and Cecil Jr. Many beautiful flowens banked the casket including tokens fnomn Goodyear Recreation Clubs in New Toronto and Bawmanville, Jenusalcm Lodge, Eastern Stan Ladgc, Prudential Insunance Of- fice, Cobourg, Goodyear Tire & Rubben Ca., New Toronto, Good- year Factary Office and Divisionai Fonemen, New Toronto, and those fnomn the famiiy and other indi- vidual tnibutes. Relatives and fricnds fnom a CLEARA SPECIALS MEN'S FINE SHIRTS R eg. 98c ------------------- MEN'S FINE SHIRTS R eg. $1.25 -------- ----- --- - MEN'S BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS R eg. $1.49 -- - ------------ MEN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHTSHIRTS Reg. 31.25 - - ------- --------- O n MEN'S FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS R eg. 31.38 -- - --------- ---- MEN'S VAMA PYJAMAS Reg. $1.95 - ------ -- - MENS LINED CAPESKIN GLOVES R eg. $1.50 -- - --- ---- -- - -- Reg. $3.49 MEN'S FINE MELTON WINDBREAKERS Reg. 35.00 - ---- ----- - - O n MEN'S OVERCOATS - Reg. $17.50 Speclal Value -------------- MEN'S OVERCOATS Reg. $24.00 ------ MEN'S CHECKED FLANNELETTE SHIRTS Reg. 31.25 ---- - --------------- O n MNSHEAVY FLEECE LINED HR A D DRAWERS. -------------. MESFLEECE COMBINATIONS R eg. 31.25 ----- ----------- ---- On Sale 64c On Sale BBc On Sale 98c Sale 79e Sale 98C On On Sale 1.57 On Sale 98c On Sale 2.49 Sale 3.95 Sale 12.95 On Sale 16.50 Sale 98c On Sale 69e On Sale 98e SPECIAL CLEARANCE Ladies' Dresses - silk crepes, satins, wool fabrics. Reg. to $3.95I On Sale - $1.00 distance attending the funenal i-. cluded, Mn. and Mrs. Reginald Greenfield, Coîborne; Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Gneenfield, Mrs. Nellie Fletcher, Toronto; Messrs. Harold and Elsworth Caswell, Clarke; Mn. Cecii Sr., Ceeil Jr. and Owen Gneenfield, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. R. Victor Greenfield, Stnatfard; Mn. and Mns. Norman O. Gneenfield, Etobicoke; Mn. and Mrs. Frederick Greenfield, Part Penny; Mn. and Mrs. Howard Mc- Coomb, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ed- wands, Oshawa; Mn. W. J. Woods, Toronto. CE On Sale 2.49 -------------On Sale 1.98 On Sale 3.95 LADIES' LONG SLEEVE FLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNS Reg. 98e ---------- ------- -- - On Sale 77e LADIES' FLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNS Special Value ----- ------ -- -- On Sale 49e On Sale 79e On Sale 73e On Sale 34c On Sale 98e On Sale 77c On Sale 98c On Sale 1.98 On Sale 9.9S SPECIAL CLEARANCE Ladies' Hats - aIl styles and colours. Reg. ta $3.95 On Sale - 49e - 98e M 1 j < i "Ail I know is what I read in the Newspapers" - WILL ROGERS il % CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS Reg. $3.49 ------------- GIRLS' SKI SLACKS Reg. $2.49 -------- LADIES' SKI JACKETS Reg. $5.00--------- MENSBRUHEDWOOL WINDBREAKERS LADIES' SATIN SLIPS Reg. $1.00 -- LADIES' ALL WOOL SWEATERS Reg. 31.25 ---ý--i - LADIES' HAND BAGS Reg. 59c ----- LADIES' LINED KID GLOVES R eg. $1.50 - -- - ---------- ---- BOYS' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS R eg. 98e - - -- -------- --- -- BOYS' VAMA PYJAMAS Reg. $1.29 BOYS' ALL WOOL WINDBREAKERS Reg. $2.49 LADIES' COATS, FUR TRIMMED lReg. $17.50 ý --- -... . SHOP AT THE ARCADE NOWI. -No Phone Orders Âccepted 1 COWLING SEILS THE BESI. And Serves You WeIl When we test your eyes you are assured absolute satisfaction ini quality, fit, style and price. .Wampole 's Creophos Calo. A. Nova Kelp Extract for ocughs caps. 79 - 1.39 $1.00 $1.00 11.10 - $21 $2.79 1 1 (Continued from page 1) PAGE FOUR Hot Water Botties Reg. 1.50 Bottie - 1.09 1.25 Bottie - .89 Reg. .75 Bottle - .69 Reg. .50 Bottie - .33 Halibut Liver Oùl Caps. - . - 89e Ext. Malt and C. L. 0. il, M.49c - 2 lbs. 89c THURSDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IL M