THURSDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEF E Cemietery Interments SOCIAL AND PERSONALForYear 1939 I h dtrsMi SOCIAL AN PERSONAL The following is the officiai list I h dtrsMi PHONE 663 of interments in Bowmanville ________________________________________________Cemnetery for the year 1939. The ---- -----dates are those on which the de- 77- lSth St., New Toronto, ...,..<. HOLIIDAY VISI[TORS will continue bis career teachmng ceased passed away. Figures fol- December 3Oth, 1939.' science at Clinton C.Î lowing a name denote the age, Dear Mr. James: RT I Mr. Arthur Living with frîends Mr. and Mrs J. M. Minore, and where the age is neot used the Yeu are advising your readers that in Toronto. Hamilton, Dr. and Mrs. Westman, age does not appear on the record. if we know somethiniz you L.hould Mr. and Mrs. Stan Morrison Joan and Barbara, Toronto, wit This is not a record of ail those knew, that we should let vou know- with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Minore. who died in Bowmanville in the that we know. Well, I arn leaving Mrs. Geo. Pritchard and Helen Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Early, Sas- ps ear but only those who were for El Paso on January 4th, So in wit frend inTornto kaoon an Dr an Mr. P E.tere in Bowmanville Cerne- order to have my copy of The States- isfis eln Conox kMr and Ie and Dr. ond John, .E Too to, Many of those listed died marn sent to me is that not something US Mis Heen oxwith Mr. rld and s. H.oWesta- elsewhere and their remains were you should know? My address will Mr. Ber J.Wht, odong with Mr. Dn CmronR and is brought to Bowmanville. The last be R.R_ 1, Box 539, El Paso, Texas. I i a is o t __Mr. F.r J. Wht, Coog. i way. year's list contained 102 names Best regards. I l a is o t bismoher Ms. . ewel. pal Mes. Donll Raegin and s. while this y'ear's list contains only Sincerely, his othr, Ms. . Jeell pa, Jaes ewel, Rgina Sak.,77 names. r.M È.Pnh Mr. Alex Taylor, Port Hope, both at the R.C.A.F. station at ____ r.M .Pnh with Mrs. Milîson, Scugog St. Camp Borden, at Mr. Hugh Cam- Miss Margaret Wightman, To- eron's. January 628 Crawford St., And Dresses ronto, with Miss Mary Jewell. Mr. Fred Neal, Harvard Uni- 4-John Alexander, 82. Trno jtro Miss Josephine Bailey, Port versity, Cambridge, Mass., with 9-Otto LeRoy Truli, 53. Tornyoth Ontr, Hope, with Miss Alne Northcutt. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal. John 8-Fred William Nelles, 40. Nineteen Forty. . Mr. R. H. Battie with his bro- Neal spent bis holidays at Lake i 1-Ida Louise Tod. Eppy Noo Yer: ther, Mr. Wallace Battle, Oshawa. Placid. 21-Alice Fisher, 84. Yep, the last leaf came of f the Miss Marian Warder, Tamworth Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Snowden, 23-Addie Eliza Lucretia kitcîîen calendar last nite. That's Insieo 4,. aktprcsi e' with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warder. Miss Margaret Snowden, Oshawa, McCready, 83. what closed the cld year. We're en- .\" ~Overcoats we are taking large reductions Mr. Don Wilas oonto, Mr. Bert Jewell, London, Mr. and 24-Eric Thomas Goheen, 1. tering a iiew year but the only thing in Ovrcat as I a with Mr. Wind Ms, Toank Mi vrs. K. E. Cox and family, Mrs. February about it that's new is the number. It i vrot slwa lians an Ms. rak Wl-M. Jewell, Miss Mabel Jeweli re- 16 vi teat ihoa sures tihkese gladr iess, worres, Neli atiso, oono cently with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. 3-John Heard, 90. sur hes thckessaes joyains, plrrea- with bier mother, Mrs. Jos. Pat- WgtCour.2 months. hapnse,~asadIernesses as Messrs. Barton McTaggart and 17-Brenton J. Hazlewood, 64. ail others, se cheer up, we'll ail soon Misn. RM.AnieB... Calvin Wyckoff, Montreal Mr 18Robert Greenfieîd, 78. b ed 'rln saf, it h tac-and Mrs. Elmer McTaggart and 18--Mary Jane Lawrie, 72. Bueomte htmycreo ..~39 5 .y Florida. ismte nDn r n r.A .Hr, 23-James Stanley, 94. go, wve must have a poem or two soe~" Ruth, John, Hugh and Marylin, 23-Irene Shotter, 17. yqou will find enclosed 5 as follows: Mrs. Mary Hyde and son Harry, Toronto, Mrs. D. Morris and Mil- 27-Sarah Minerva Tole, 82. "Christa ie"wihpes s Toronto, with Mrs. J. A. Mc- dred, Misses Jessie and Marion firstma tme , l Thich pteae se Clellan. Minaker, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Mareh firit. "The "Ai Troug "The Yner Mr. Rhys D. Fairbairn, Toronto,, G. A. McTaggart's. 3-Thomas George Mutton, 72. FlY"' and "A Bigger You." Hope you with bis sister, Miss -Beatrice _____3-Jesse Hunt, 74. like 'em. O C ,J H SNCR Mr. Donald Quinn, Little Long- Mr. Robt. Davies, N.C.S.O. »St. 7-John Brown Martyn, 87. cheerful and squeeze ail the juice lac, with his cousin, Miss Carnie John, N.B., is enjoying shore leave il-Thomas Leonard Bottrell, 57 you can f rom jhe orange of life this Phone 836 Bw»nil Lathrope. .with his family here. 12-George Rogers. year. Mrs. G. W. Bedeli, Toronto, Mr. Byron Vanstone is spending 19-Margaret Coiwill, 83. Yours very truly, witb ber daugbter, Mrs. H. R. bolidays with Mn. and Mrs. T. H. April Ralph Gordon. Campbell. McCready, Lethbridge, Alta. 2-Wm. Henry B. Chaplin. 1aaoiOtro Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson Miss Greta Wickett and Mrs. F. 2-Donald McDonald, 73. aboiOtr, with their son, Mr. Roy Ferguson, R. Kerslake attended the funeral 6-Mary Darch Rowe, 70. December 3Oth, 1939. Blackstock. of Mrs. Henry Avery, Woodstock. 10-Pauline Melvina Kemp- Dear George:i Miss Dorothy Knox, University Miss Edgerton, Lotus, visited thorn, 50. Enclosed find $2.00 for Statesman of Toronto, with M. and Mrs. her uncle and aunt, Mr. Jim. and 17-Elizabeth Maud Polard. for 1940. 1 am enclosing a cýlipping unique. and proved to be very much They al join with me in wishing tive and practical work this i-ceymd 67cfadrn h Fred Knox. Miss Minnie Hooey, Maple Grove. 2i-Grace Aluin. from Renfrew Mercury about the te the credit of those who tried their you ail a bappy and prospenous pontant men's organization of eya.Blsoflthnvaudt Mn. ih MGil, Toontoand Starting next Wednesday the 21-William Bens Mutton, 62. senior hockey teani of Ottaw ai e hard als erae mrite r dth New Y earu "ut e C ourche isaoigr ite$14wee ace adsnt John Livig. in th aftennoo till futhen no-wiiwZ on the f irst forward line. letters that corne to you, with the J. Selby Spencer, Lt. sula." They bave about fiften2qursffuitoheYcr Mon iss . Grtioad ad nal te atrentl ute o May acRiewas here for- Christmas friendly personal touch, and I'd like "D" Detachment, Mid. R. speakers of various occupation isoTnno Hall, Guelph, with Mn.' and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hawkey, 6-Ada Sarah Allen Moses. holidays. He and Douglas caught six to thank mv f riend Mr. T. E. Ijig- - and prof essos besdèste in Auiir rastadsnt 8-Idabell Shetlen. pike f rom 20 to 26 inches long. jack ginbotham of Calgary, for hLs letter Ontario Regt. (Tank) ises cofs e the P resey Mi rsyeia ra.$846;Grs W. B. Poilard. Ethelton, Sask., are spending the il Elizabeth M. Wasbington. and Doug sure gzot a kick out of with the Personal reference to his Oshawa, Dec. 20, 1939 haeonntdtadesMesadBysMiinBasapx-'4 Mn. and Mrs. Hanny Allmn and winten with their daugbter, Mrs. 16-Isaac Newton Selby. f ishingz through a foot of ice. son Creighton. one of mv old stud- Dean Sir:-: Clubs, Brothenhoods, or othnmll 5;MsinCre$4 family, Oakville, witb Mr. and Garnet McCoy, and sisten, Mrs. J. 17-James Edwand Williams, 84. We are ail well hoping Y-u people ents. I agree with Mr. H. in bis To the Bowmanville Branch of cbunch societies, on a wide varie' . GIT$10OBayan$4O; Mns.H. iilng. . Mtto, WelintonSt~20-Thomas Allen Brown. inBowmanville are the saine. WVish- appreciation of the Dim and Distant the Canadian Lego we are ex- ofve stubjetwic arenora- aigattanf$0.9 Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Wilson, Font Mrs. Alex Hume and daughter 21-Fred WiUlis Goddard, 62. iniztive, stiymuelating and ententainjng. The installation service wasng suh enggern Wim E h lson Sbtr-nlwMr ae nes idn on s Coneionoa Cals akon 3 Luther B3. Nicliols. That special Enniskillen number such wonderful presents. T he tbey also intirnate they willtr Mrs.EliWilon.Shape' resdene o Cocesioninterested me greatly. It was well card, enclosed berewith, (wbîcb te brmng a singer along with the Mn. and Mrs. John Box and St. for the winter while Mrs. June docn on yefwsiRta eads: Sincene thanks - and if the farnily, Port Hope, witb ber bro- Sharpe is with bier daughter in 7-Keith Roy Beckett, 1 day. The Salvation Army mvgodol rin, the lt .getrjyi o tegvr hnByo une ayprnen'sa Asida- M es tHo e ther, Mn. A. Nonthcutt. Monteal.nwmyeyo h h lO-Ellen McLaur hopr,2n.s Grace Hospital, David Rozers of St. Thomas, had you are happy, indeed), explains tien might considen with a vie Mns. Harry Foster with ber sis- UtiInw ayeyou thlntafodanwougbt 1-Davoi nt COs oer,2ms 133 Bloor St. E., Toronto, been spared, so that there could have our feelings more than pen and to bringing more men ofteM s.A L.N hol ters, Mrs. F. A. Haddy and Mrs. ca u you c n't ffor a t noe 12-C a Mane sBn . December 29tb, 1939. been a racv sketch f rom bim. On mv paper ever wiii. I arn sending this chunches it serves into cose W. N. Tilley, Toronto. coate butc you cn' say tat an i9-Rboda ary HBurs,. My Dear Mr. James: last visit to M.\r. Rogers, we talked to you Herb. as I know of no one ocan grteaties, Miss Nellie Burk, Belleville, Cryderman are clearing ail Men's 28-Mantha Ann Dancb. Again we find ourselves at the of those ,ve botb knew in Bowman- else wh is a memben of this in the work of the church.meatteh eofMsA.L and Miss Sybil Burk, Tororto, Overcoats - somne as low as $13.95. 29-Russell Langmaid. close of another year, andi feeling ville andI Ennikillen and lie recalled branch. Hoping this finds ail-__________NcolCnesnStD ebe wt rs. T. S. Holgate. Betrbrya sotnn slm 0Rt agrtCr.after aIl that wve have much to thank the old days wvhen eadHr J members in the best of beahth, and a ete hue as s vaues canno es Cbr- 3 ReaMrrt r.nleadHrb(. ing one and ail a Menny.28,wihMsF.B erped. Mr. Ed F. Weekes and Miss Ida itd astbe vaue ca t be God for aIl that has corne Our way H.) Cryderman were boys togetîser ws WeeTrno ihMs e.dpiae.July duriniz these Past 12 rnths. in the old Darlington Townsbip CrsmsadaHappy, Proslper- TriniÎty W.M.S soeo eaigo hit Weekes, Tonto Mis ith Mres. e.die. 4-Neya Beatrice Metcaif, 47. Mucb fias happened that has dark- countrv scbool and the late W. E. ous New Year. Mn. ard Mrs. Wm. Calver and7-Albert H. Worden, 61. enied our skies, anîd sometimes People Tilley, Ph. D.. then a voung maniPe eo. Wineston thes Wo etangs Mission ar SceyYa eouint iea famiay d Mr ois n, - O N 16-William Tbompson. arc inclined to think that God has wvas -the teacher. They little thought Pte. J. etont wahed Joanuar 2isin, wihs. ntemds fawrl fsnf chser Y, Mrs. Ger Rbn orge Ro-_______ 16-Fred McChung. forgotten us, but He still lives, aind at that time that their teacher would Pe .Soatwshl aur nwt cetr .. ihMsGere122-Neilie Grant Bunner, 74. when folks begmn to get back to some day be the county school in- -Pe .L ony .Dvsn rsdnintecar n nett ohwi h ot Banton. (Cntinued tram page 1) 21-Mary Charlotte Penfound. God and His love it will show a spector, Herh, a successful mercîsant Mns. F. H. Morris and ber gropseso h n b aet Miss Esmay Simpson, Toronto, 20-Jàmes Herbent Power. different picture. - iin Bowmnanville, andi David, a Mcdeti- were nesponsible for the devotin bigpecadgodiloal and Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Watson, accepted as foilows, the first nain- 23-Mantha Adelaide Morris, 87. This bas been a v'ery busy season odist preacher. Lay Association ai service. Mrs. J. H. Baternnmn oecmmnt ao ig Harnilton, with Mr. and Mrs. W..- ed being the chairman: 24-Thomas Couiter, 76. wvith us here at the bospital. We Reading the accounts of the var- Provides Spaesreadthe sciptures, Mns. M.JinfooedanMs.. icon - J. Cully. Fiac ors dodtn,26-Anthur Allen Battle. had tihe joy of making mary folks ious interestinzg functions of Bow- SpekerhJe nso offered prayer, Miscniudwt1brlsoso ar ereSecr h a 7Toa rni ih,5.Ja Pantridge sang a solo, 1n."umnhpgvn h itr betanfrefrrWeantoGunn, Challis, Abernetby.hapadi on s, tbogtmnil ihSho ne rni ewr laetentc htC pelgve napor Tont ithee fRov. land t.Ce od n tres-Grn hi- 1-on~Ags happiness to aIl of us who played Pal Dippell andi bis staff of tel' the President of Niagara Presby- npoeaig ondMs W.h P.w Rears aosrsigrynprua R. Spencer. lis, Searle. 17Jh .Finlay. any part, and we felt at the endi of teachers made me think back to 1906- tery Lay Association is none other soeo TeNwYatel sa h aainpout Messrs. Blain Elliott, Owen Fa- PulcPoet dodtn,20-Charles Arthur Blanchard Christmnas Day it was ail worth- 7. mv first years as prinicin)al of the than our old friend Fred R. Foiey, Backward Look,. and the ForwadA bnatluc a evdb Craword ttened uie Lit'de t donso 22-James Hanford Mathews ý7 while. Tired, of course we wcre, but school. W\e had an attendance of native of Maple Grove, a former Look." Ms onn n ru n o gan and Byron rwodatne u ,Lil. 12-Emma Alberta Yeo, 547 ' it was surtly a phad tired feeling, for about ninety witb four teachers: J. iive-wire merchant of Bowman- Annual reports of the vari:sca îeejyd Fnaid ayknst Police in CPetseErndto- Spsm we bad-in the truc sense of the word Elliott, A. R. Cameroni, WV. G. Car- ville and elocutionist and story- departments wene p re se nt ed boreia y ih.Plc hliEmnsoe etme made others exceedingIy happy. penter and Miss E. A. Allin. Never telier extraondinary. By press showing eannest and careful pln Ifyudntgteetinyu Mn. H. H. (Bert) Hunt, H.M.C.S. Searle. h-Sarah Gaie. If ont wants to be happy, try do- had a Principal a more loyal and comments and circular we are ning on the part of thosein antnko th tigs ou St. Laurent, Halifax, N.S., witb Fine- Aberrethy, Morris, Chai- 15-Sarab Sofia Southey, 76. ing for others, and they wvill be more agretable staff and the spirit of tise greatly impressed with the effec-, charge. The membens of the S--dntgtta o o' at bis farnily. Bert looked real smart lis. 18-Williamn Allin, 22. than surprised at the happiness that scbool inhenited from my pred.ecessor, in bis naval uniformi. Manufacturers - Little, Evans, 23-John H. H. Munday. wvill come to their own lives. Mn, James Gilfillan, wvas excelleîst. Mn. Edward Mason, Florence, Edmondstone. 25-Mary Ann Pansons. I hope this f inds you, .%Mr. James That was the vear the scbool mette Ont., with Mrs. T. G. Mason. He C e mn e t e r y - Evans, Little, Otbrand your family, quite well? I would __ dpe. h rnialcnrbt Searle. OctobkJa er ln,5I wisb for vou and youns, and friends iniz athe the pr sincal contert 7-Fnank~i JaesFine8 OId Towvn a very Happy New fusing the d atn "Ntet lssa mrast Court of Revision - S e a n l e, 7-Stephen Clayton. Ycr tht i be crowded with a rnshigttLtn Ntbwpet1 lt Gunn, Morris, Evans, Abernethy. 12-Archihald Mathews, 78. of kindress for the uther feîîow wbo but o wa kind r' being expressed nST OU C K K E D uI IN ~ ~ A i A number of letters fnom Bow- 19-Gertrude McMurtry. bas rot been quite se fortunate. as "Non qutantum. sed quale." I sup- manville Hospital were received oemeEnosdfdachueor$.0pose it is still iin use. That wa; also advsin te amitane f lcalNoembr nclse fid achquefo $200the year of the fotîniding of th7e Gil- adiing t th admittno oa 24-Roger Fishheigb. coverng my subscription for another f illan scholansbip, in memory of thtexetoa rgV le oHI sR dc tc citiensto hat nsttuton.27-Joseph F. Pattinson. year, for the best paper poing. aîsdfomrricpl W H IT 1 N G'S Finance committee presented 27-James Gordon Garrett. I don't mean maybt. I amn very tager fre rnia.EcpiniIrgV le its report sbowing that $173.24 to scan its Pages every week, and As a lait wvord, 1 wotuld say that FISH & CHIPS had been spent on relief and December 8. thsen Pass it along to My cousins wlso 1alwavs read Tht Statesman editor- $634 onZret xess. 2-anh J.Eter Green- reside here in tht city. Remensher ials pointed and rot too long, aisd I VELVETTA TISSUES 20s9 0' 3 A bylawwaspased uthriz 26-nni J.Fleche Gren-me to aIl tht Tome Town Folks. God like tbe historical reminiscences of ,%t Tutr tgle îng the Mayor and Treasurer to field, 82. bc with You and bless you, is my iiv oid f riend, David M.\orrisn~ Sr. Lowest 'A A borrow$65,00 at ½ % iteres praytr. John -hiot Pricesi TARLII M0 5 seasan. Your icheme ai gîving to some of ttakn VU andu nuPe tat 1 inay within 48 houri sarnetimes *btI fARN A ASM hess than are hour and a haif. tht editor's desk last summer was sonallv in the near future. jont are hardrd rf heain, av Citizens were conspicuous by their With sincere wishes for a Mtrr' jontpresipinb eed T r hs o lthe Roi r uzngi hUa DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIES absence as tht audience cansisted WATCH FOR WAR LOAN hin- ma and ac He ar prescrpin go, yeoylfea ainsrna of ont retired farmer, ont netirtd _____ours truly, only a few cents daily. Money '~' 2f 25 da.Rlesquc Csto~I5 minister, ont fonfrier mayor, Penpd whoy moneyto doms ifo hsl yount epyu.2 « COATS SUITS DRESSES a pressrepreentative. Allo s l e ineese ta know ....Ofies es indifferent ta iearning finit bard be floating this month a big War Trenton, Ont. Prescriptione pca 75c e ch o 2. or $ .00or they have absolute confidence coupon and will run appraxi rnate- Dea M n. Cotton:-M i in thein civic nepresentatives. Rt- ly 10 years and selI around 100. Thank you veny rnuch fan the 'opkRs Tw Bze gandîtîs of tither opinion we If you want ta shane in this irnokes whîch tht Boww#-li Osha a Landry Dry leanng C Ltd couicilto atendthemeetings adbeen appointed lclrepresenta- S.L. sent ta us hene.k ]Phone 419 WeCl o n eliver thus encourage tht membens who tive. Betten get in tauch wit Mn n e rm Oro cup ED tIA STORE Ph1 9 R OSW ei WeCalFo adE h & ad e fo rcarry on theot u dmis- Knight right away as this lban rnville appreciat 1 tab"jLé E CAGETOENCoeY9 tration ofbJ s.\ wiil be picka. geIç.klY. 1-tf yomlr kindness and/ 1 1teap .N peppek eggs t the e I.