PAE I PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO T4TTP~flAV TANTTARV 4TH. 1030 J * y home protected with tibis blunket insulation, and hWhow grsânenuns sLO i ant thuht .of E j a'siJeam"gldedbeoreth edTplnltg Wool will actuullypyftaihy shoot of goodness.-Bavee. kidseys, until à M auien e, looked ut the sleeperLag ritofmkeanFoz is Top Inaulatinorgtsef b The habit of looking an the best suggesteil Dodd'à Kid-.m~ andI passed into oblivion. Carols LreVreyo mkdadFoe ihSir g sVzng fuel. side of every event is worth more ney Pills. At once she wene sung by the junior boys in I Red Top Insulating Wobl is a produet of Canadian Gypsum than a thousand paunds a Yea.- took Do4ld'a. The thnee graups with lantern light Oyst.ers -: Fresh Fish ComanyLtd, yur arrntyof ualty.Johnson. "washed out" feeling ta brighten the right's darkness, G CM m t. orwTnyo ult.To make knowledge valuable, was soon replaced by "Reuben Spring a Surprise" was SE' you must have the cheenfulness Of deay headed energy an restful sleep presented by the junior girls. A W. R. G Shep ard GuiLumbr Co Limted wsdom. Goodness smiles ta thy1Crjîe, bickache, lassitude and other skit an "Tnapping Santa" wasII RRAL N Sheppard & Gill LuCheerfu.lnesstis aaftiend cammufaulty kidneys disappeared. 112 given by Jas. MacGnegor andI Ross A RAL I Pbono 715 omnil grace. ItpuLth. atint A nlt s i Wilson. Pneceding Santa's com- Phone 367 - 368 Bowmanville P11 Bomnvle t~ rist~usth eatint ing ws KidneyP*i ng91the Primary class sanga hlG tb prise Gd-Waton. eosingchoru IndSanta came! mmm o Bla ksoc î .a D. M. Stinson tedi the Nestiet nEv sfh Ed cton o' rum. It'a u m n ehai.rge" Recent iios is iinSd funeral of his cousin, Mr. D. W. l my lad," shouts an esthetic gentle- t iios isVva a-Sandy in Toronto, Monda-Y. Recent Visitors: Mr. Jas. Mar- nd man deliberately. "You cant win this er with frîiends in Claremont...are Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lare n- shall and family, janietville, at Mr. war on drink."D ON j T a i . I1a IlcII Mrss. J. tAAt ur , Bety an tertained the Larmer and Beech M. Emersorî's.. Miss F16rence Mc HeIIfl~w and his wifc had strolled into ] omni l n Jesi iiSrafod ..Mr. and MNrs. familles to a turkey dinner Saturday. Causland. Lindsay, with, Mrs. John By the station to see the sights before Wesley Montgomery, Lindsay, with Wiims..Mran Ms.Wfrd /Mr. Alex Dever. Private Bill A aood play. "Look Out Lizzie, Golam..M.ld rs ifedt,.HT c ers ngrteen Prkway."Whvila do Barnes wootwthfred.~ as presented in the commuîity hall WlimsaGroW.Smeî .ldTc e rnigtoe t rig li"htt ladnWoo I Mr. Ralph Larmer is attending the On Mondav evening by the A.Y.P.A. Mr. RandgttaMrs. W . SMcll sOtaendatyoutikothGedone e ________________________of St. John's Anglican Church. Mrs . MraadMs.W.Se l-d ye.nigh: breezed. "I'd have every soldier turn- Robert Archer and Mr. Jack Smith Miss Margaret and Mrs. Jas.Ma, SPecialùýt ed out of bars for the duration of0 directed the voung people. The cast Colin. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter De lg the war, Beer is a curse, and a dis- and directors were entertained after and Jamie at Mr. L. Johblylih om fMs v ýdMs ai o n's.n . . Mr. . grace to cvery soldier in the arrny 11" hPaa at the homemofhMissMEva aedlMrJ.hDavid O shaw a' A nd the sailors too," replied his wife Parr. watd ai h ae a Sau - i t is e n M omother, M ss ellaIo n. .- sh w lightly, playfully adjstiîg er Par- D u y e r 's G u id e -Bs n s S a igt artd at the arenaSeatuerCmssbeanlco.m itMi ss en Eeson Number 13isian veil. "Why there's Archie and J u in s coayntigs he anpotiseold bcwea therCMisesî. r ar ui S erson 11 bis f iancee." she continued, "Let's in- cotne h eao rmsst b ihMs agae teeL Mr. In speaking of the relation of vite them both to supper. Yýoou knowv 'R O TÏATE ICa m:nowr-aR. Maries..MrowalMr tantthings to be care hadcv ed MutiAgnces ndBhatir.lrsCB ,,IlGeorge Bowers'. . . 'Mr. and Mi\rs. Depleted nerve energy or wast- onlookejl verc nauseated and began _______________________ eHmofeglEtrametRalph Cook, Cadmus, ait Mr. R. W. ed nerve energy due to, eye de- to make thîngrs very unplcasaîît for Dealers heHm ofeglEtranet Recent Visitors: Mý\iss Anînie M.\arlow's.. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan fects. thm Wl, adGedln," adame E c alum Mountjoy- Prouttad aivad\is'Mre Efcofdetv iin on rude some people are!I It's a ptv McKeever là Smith King St. East - Bownianvllle Th r.- n St ont McLi e ran.U ide. . Mgiss Proutt at Mr. John Proutt's.. Mrs. memory, vision being mental. ca'-e pe o ot we k" Jack McKeever- Harold Smith PHONE 529 ýMarjorie Pryor. lrmnwt Jas. Williamson and Mr. Atu ev derangements affect the "You'Il soon sec ye can't do what J AN. 4 -5 6 'Mrs. Meredith Fallis. . . Mrs. Whit- Jackman at Mfr. Ivan Wriight's. View muscles and it has been found ye lîke, when ye precious husband's Temperance St.- Bownianville Hafrdresslng and Ail Lînes of f ield withbher daughter, Mrs. Rus- Lake.. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor that consideration of muscular conscripted," shouts another. They PHONE 641 Distin C tiv reo Genea A'seil Brown. and familv at Mr. S. Maicolm's. .. errors was the means of relief to hurried aw'ay, as _Giendoline makes Hdo & PackardSae & SevcBisiceat CulFur M rs. Ed. Hanna has %zone to care Mr. and Mrs. P. Philp and family stomach trouble, dizziness, specks the remark, '*Oh, and I Must remem- Ocrerai Repairs Dlscrlmlnating Women. Cn for a cousin in Whitby, who is suf- at Mr. Earl Dorrel's. Mr. and migraine, neurasthanis. T ho se ber to take home some caviare for Gas - 011 - 'rires - Lsed Cars. feringz from a stroke. Mrs. W. Campbell, Grant and Evelyn getting over a nervous break- supper. Archie simply adores it E" _______________ Mr, B. Henshaw lost one of his at Mr. H. McMullen's, Lotus. dw hwsm fteaoe Anwkaica procession isBu Lie r tihorses Mr. L. Malcolm in Guelph_ taking symptoms as do those when the mArcjnnto h aki o nobrDuh m OIcolG ro 'sB sStto IFOThe epidemic of measles wbicb bias a short course, Bak li pe ndi ton. lot. iust like the f irst - aIl ioily - Writes from West T. A. Garton, Proprietor listruck this neighborhood is aîmost __________Ba itigcntosaIl doing the saine things, stereotyPed____BE aL an end. Jaetihe fieaeanwkss, o veruse- alînost - another train - the 7 p.m. W r erig bnsTruh King St. - Bowmanvllle w Mr.lDand OflmetsJaneissaitarycondiions.special. AIf dashes to do bis bit anew, W aelernn tins Trog moved into Mr. Gordon Stinson'sUno , ariStn oe ftheser insait U cniems.e and the old routine is repeated. At the kindness of Mr. G. L. Wagar, a PHONE 2M6Ki h uessu co inoeprty was Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard suffcetcue o orhatexactly 7 on the big cdock face at . afrmer meb irinf t e.S.tieaconB- 8 rip shaa-ib A ucsfl rknl p fcetcasso oo elh'Victoria, a sharp word of command ngsafno liingreid f Speciai Buses For Ail Occasions Ga __ puton by the Orangemen at Devitt's Bradley and famnily, Mr. Frank but when linked with improper .had and îust another train to Centre Street, wbo allowed us to read At Reasanabie Rates.Pr @elslË8gaa Orange Hall, Friday. There were six Webber and family, and Mrs. Dart use of the eyes or with use of the isheard. ______________H._____________ so b abe of crokinole and the prize for at Mr. George Rahm's. .. Mr. and eyes as is necessary in some oc- the. trenches glides out. One or two bardlettAer f m I e H.(Ss..)ib th adies went to Miss Doris Mrs. Jim McLaughlin, Burketon, cupations the trouble is pronounc- officers who have been delaye~d come bar, BA,of ose aw , Sask.ut.a Builder & Contractor T T h o p s n , a n L w is S t n s n o n M r. a n M s . R u s e i M L a g h i n e d . w ith a r u s h a n d v a u lt in to th e g u a r d s n a ti e o y o e e f n u h tG o e thegensaprieLnwas snwo rve .dfay a nd M.RsllMoLulntj t(to be continued) van. lt's always the samne, and the Mr. Gibbard was principal of George- T. E. Fla.xmanGr theRen's rie. unc_________an______an_____ounjoyatvan is aiways left open untîl -the end town High Scbool in 1893-4 when Bwavle-Bx48Cr and the reinainder of the evening was Mr. Will McLaughlîn's. .. Mr. and Mf 1he long platfolkm âs reached. Mr. Wagar assumed is first teacb- onavle-Bx46C spent in dancing. Mrs. Leslie Wotten at Mr. and Tris oTenhes "K el) the home f ires burning," sing ing engagement in that school. For PHONE 318 We are pleaseçi to see Miss Leah Mrs. James McGregors, Maple thecTommies f romn the train windows many years Mr. Gibbard bias been BUELDER and CONTRACTOR and Beth McQuade and Miss G. Grove. . . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer - then "Goodbye - goodbye again.", Librarian and Secretary-Treasurer of W a upypasadseii Johnson home again. Beechr'and family ut .Mr. atn<otne ta ae1 It's ail over until tomnorrow, wben the Public Library in the City of cations for ail classes of work ~e. b Azhs ~On Tuesday, Dec. 26tb, the funeral Larmers, Burkton. . Mr. an Dtmdb7byDskl. f lydBon b wssosd Mrs. Bll Conlin and Joan, and Éilence. They both understand what aohrseilwlbe due. and an- Moose Jawv. Many of Our older citi- at a nominal fee.Ge ofLodBrw h ass u-Mr. William Peters, Oshaýa, at the headlines mean when they re- other precious buman cargQ launcbed. zens wililibe interested in Mr. Gîb -_________G_______ elà Sd horts and News deniy kiiied in a niotor accident, took Mrs. R. Griffin's. .. Mr. and Mvrs. port, "Wounded and Missing" - The smile was on my face. andi the bad' letter part of wbich follows: ____________________place f rom the family residence. It yiAvranJocBokn "Killed in Action" - and the Head- water stood in My eyes, for'touching December 19, 1939c was conducted by Rev. E. P. Woods CyilAvryan JyeBrokin CR M n -Tus - e. asse yRvD.«.Stinson..- The Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McGregor and quarter's awful telegranis "We beyond expression was the sigbt. Da aa:________________ J. R M o. T es.- ed asisedbv ev D M farnily, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. regret." The quotation came to rqy mind: An item in the "Statesmnan" bas 'JAN. 8 -9 - 10 palîbearers were John Nesbitt, AIla Elmer Herring and Bobby, Osh- The steady streani of kbaki-cluds "Lads wbo wili die in ber glory, stirred me up with a f lood of mei- Coal & Coke Beacock, im Fallis, Ross Lansing, awa, at Mr. William Wotten's. . . keeps moving on in a seemningly un- and neyer grow Old." ories. Gay Witton discovered you in P Merlyn Pbilp and Harvev Tbomp- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cochrane endirig queue. Policemen show de- I could not altogetherlmet the bouse wbere he used to live. I John A. Holgate & Son Groce« l opper Takes a sFlo wr bealclRsswere TobnMay- and family, Bowmanville, Mr. and ference to the boys; conductors many a noble brow would neyer Coes uind I romedgetwher.DMy lo, el acom RssPilMu-Mrs. Harry Rahm, Burketon, Mrs. apoloLgize for getting in the way of know wrinkies. and that these curly knae buand t rcollege wben Dan Mrs. T. S. Holgate, Proprletor Bad rieSamelis. Roy Stinson, Sidney Fred Smith and Mr. Claude Smithriaewown ohaeteraz ok ol ee r ge.Ts fs H S.ecigwsudrM. DvinS.-Bwm vle H ld yFerguson, Harold Crawford, Roy Ennisk<illen, ut Mr. Cecil Rahm's. giagote whe w ageaksti alck w Oudhemny rchogey. hs frsM . S. ack hingwa n der Bo M. ivsonSt gagetnetoabedcrOagereckSmtitet.wee th manychosn of GodwoM ewi] b et oBwa-PHONE: Office 428 - les. 802 M.Albert MLr ihhscollectors reveal endless patience wudf ight - die - then 'wake ville. He was a stimulatiniz principal ol-Ck -Wod-Lm Constance 1enntt, lleof the largest f unerals, if nttepaetToronto. ..Mr. George weaoko om aeeeyagî,adg ot lrosy- t tAthens (then called Farmersville). Col-oe-Wod-LmRE &ukRIndYst arnd aLlydiargst, lknown n d the tow r. nsdpfr okewthbs pa rnWity oce for an evasive slip of puper reinforce a waiting beaven. A uhe e r fo ne 0f ourin pupîl Cret-Bler'SpIs Ceî ail tarcaa. Loyd waswhell onadne ra r n r.R rfi with hiwbich is bis ticket to the trenches. London. October, 1939.teenwtace nteCI. bere faortewtbevryn wthbs Mrs. Charlotte Stevens, Hampton. Wben te"itevrit su-__________ and landed in mny home the f irst Creameries PH'N .lProgram includes V'aiiety of pieusingz personality and helpful and Our school is to be wired for eartbed, a yeIl goes up f rom the carr- Gra h wshr hog a ulce hrsaccommodatîniz attitude at aIl times. electric lights. iage. As often as not, others, bearing, neyer heard of bier existence. I1 lm tnCea eySit eetesorsThe wbole township add their :-ym- -oin in the jubilant shout until the Courtice tbought Witton died years ugo, as did H m tnCe m r h patby to the sorrowingz parents and M d10idj hi taneisacniuus"o-anI apo k .brother. M d m C idi h ra in emiCurtice ublic chool hld itsCoutes and Fenwick and yet here T. M. Chant, Proprietor Stranger to Work It's a wav tbey bave in the urmy, Christmas concert Dec. 2lst, with 1 was glud to heur of your daugh- PHONE: BowmanvMle 2520 T.M Says N.Y. CongreSS and, as the song says, "It's a migbty a cnowded house. Each participant ter's success in the library at Fort I.,____ god ay ooE" vergroingcrodsannouniced him or henseif, and in Francis. 1 wonder if she ever beard "ýBuyers of Chnrning Cream ati HN standby togivethe bosasnd- l.caactr of a play, one of thejof J ue Osborne who used to run a PHesIake rîe. The oden cild s astrngerTheineitabe lmpsare eltin erswas the announcer. newspaper there ! I oftýn see bis rc Delivery the oadm hild isa tage fr Teieiui up r et Junior children began with a name in the "Statesman" uand saw C nrcos-M sny Hrwr twokadtiis'godfrcroaking tbroats, and muny heurts ota or -M snyHrd Ourhi, heNe Yrk onres f "anta Song," followed by "Wel- bu hçere 15 or 20 years ugo. He Parents and Teachers was told the aesdnd.Tetinwsts.cme" recitation by D o r ot hy nwon h oldest daily in the U.W.J.C ly. other day by Dr. Luther Gulick. Ominous sound! Soon the wbistle of Sh wort TeBrs aeel a Aiiwisheiumsurg. irgina. À M en W antTC Junior may not agree, but bis fa- Death muv be heurd by many. now presented by four girls andfornlaugespclygam rof Wlnto S.-Bwanie then probably will, especiaîîy i ibatwitb life; sourn the "Last boys. Ja Atjoae u fatre ut tehel r PHofWelig onE 503mnvl i ihe was bnought up in the country, Pt" will be heard by somne behind tap" in hen usual efficient manner wr tBHS oehr PHON Pl-ease and even, perhaps, if he grew up tef iring lines. and won hearty applause. "A By the way 1 have a verv old book P I in a city. AIf, cal) in hand, stands izuzing ut Barnyard Song" byv six boys and classics and modemn. It used to be- General Masonry Contracter G Dispparnc o awor e- heno fstdpringtr - five prtty grlscsd m h long to Bvron S. Vanstone, who be- Brick and Tule 'Y'OU viranment"-the very p h nl a s e guzing upon a scene that leaves bum laughten. Gnandma's "S le c o nl d fore h idi Winnipeg. sent bis Fireplaces andot would have puzzled a boy some divided between a transcendent joy Minuet" was gnacefully perform- books to me ut Tononto University years ago-is causing children to and un unspeakable sorrow. "If only ed by Jean Antil and Elsie Vetzal in 1881. to sel] for bum. Tbis one I gnow up withaut expeniencing the 1 couid go!" nemarks a bystunder as charming old-time girls in cri- bouglit myseif. but if uny of his ne- zest of work on appreciation of feeiingly. "Why don't you ?" remarks nolines and Gainsborough hats, latives in l3owmunville wvouid lîike tou____ the value of money. Home and another, "It's easy to tulk." "He's with Audrey Phair and Hilda have it as a keepsake I'd be glaJ o ' I training by "chores and cnafts," pers someone else. "Hlm - well - white, tight trousens as esconting own handxviting is in it, as is Mine, 'tis said. Not even ta-day's fuil there ought to be soie sort of swains. Little Shirley Antil ne- too. FrequentM ae prgamo sot tks h paetoken to advertise the fact," emot- cited why she was glad she was WVben I Passed thr matnic iin 1881 C O L IS The mnan who deli'vers f~v of work. sot h lc ionully butts iD a fourth. "He'd be a girl. The Senions sang a sang 1 made sucb a record us sartled the C -LKin iorml veydy~ Boys who were boys 40 on 50 better to die for bis country - than entitled "Christmas Belîs." Six natives, then I went up a vear before MacK a you mü eerydayisyears ugo, especially on a fan on thut -' suys AIf, drawing the buck siail girls and boys formed pains i had expected ta. Bvron wrote a ài4biVFr relicving dis- Mardwa in a country village, rememben of bis bund oven bis face. "If 1 were n acdvn rtiy ud etrt h ~ttsa" rbbyconmforts of chest Frgan part of om- service-to-you their work and chanes as a joy, 20 years yaungen, I'd be off like a Hawkins necited how much he in August, f rom Lindsay, where he colds and night coughs, rub MeclayE oranzaio.~ chrate ho' e~ued~5ut awise h ~ped~ he were "Santals Boy." wswt V .Tlebsbohr VapoRub on throat, chest, and organizaion. ThePamperedDarling"was a inîlaw. He pi me some opi backatbedtimne. VapoRub'spoul- building."idf course, ice-vaporactionrflievesconges-odASaE. th times when fishing in the creek King an' Queen " A f rail little widow play presented by the eldest pu- mens ceit ndifyauar acltion ofup e iasaescasges- R. would have been more fun than wbo bas iust wished ber boyafn pils and was heantily received. enough ta bunt up the letter and soreness of cbest and back mus- DAIL DE.IVRY oeig crn. ameime, to, t "oadye,"gazs twars te eptvJean Antil, tap dancen, ententain- make a copv for me, I should be very cles-helps the youngster relax Kn _________________________wus bard to get out of bed uit 5 bay, ber eyes pathetically saddencd ed with "The Sailan's Hornpipe." tbunkful. There wus soie discussion inohangsep a.m. to go fan the caws in the andI tear-stuined. "My baby," she Mcomsmn a asdbia awehrtetuh r nthe lower pustune, on to carry corn to mutters, "My littîe son."smlHnrRoesdecig n students deserved credit. The paper VFrcuhn n rioe N ur the Rhode Island Red hens and "Sweet au revoir, but nat good- esconting all the childnen to their in neioilsemdt iems throat caused by colds, putOn I chickens long before breakfast, bye",, pipes out a street arab wbo bas place s on the platfonm for the 'of theb ei otetahr o aou ntecidstnu G ie n Rae Daînry e-But when a boy tookha culf or wandered in. Soneon: chases hini. h las old fwhehllo of Santa'lesed tttetaces o livapRb ntheirriatsionge Phn 65 Bowmanville chickens of his own ta the country "Oh how I wisb I knew àt were caming, andI just as it was finished would bie intenested in looking massage VapoRub on throat bhn 6 h olyodflo appeared. Hetbrough the paper for those two and chest. faradcame oewt w e true," bretes the te widow, yan i helpers distnibuted the montbs or sa. ribbons, eurly ising was fongot- hushand used ta say that gaaodbyes many pnesents that had hu ng on We expect ta move front bere For "asniflZes" and vniaerzv ten. Filling the woad box in the wend ten thousand tumes warse t h unthlagC imstee about August lst ta live with aur r ofhead colds, melt VapoRu chore, it wus the prelude to a wtve, a atish Highla"Conernta bis Sunday Schaol Chnistmas con- agtriVncue.S rivd nabolfbiigwtr H eM wurm, cheerful evening in the pal, "We'll be avenghlter our s cent was heltI Dec. 22nd, with Rev. thîs moaing ta spenid halicLays with the chidbreathe inthe steaming Ms farmhouse, with next duy's les-nxwek awemyweîb- W. C. Smith us chainman fan the us.-uosTi osnsplg, Kn t sons lerned inthe glowofea. firsteprtaofate pnagrmhaled n ith best wîsbes ta vou and your cdears air passages, makes breath- kos eane lmpeid te agl disoha aglass o' beer naa " I'i wîth ye, l sarce Pef o can d u easier. Also massage VapoRub of popcorn on bNontheanbigydup- netarted the ather, Anit's grand tuae Chainman Shirley nti gaea a l. Yours sincerelv, on throat and chest. Millions cf pIs oloe y ueofdm-ke ht e edogtter encitran.Sveraby as ningHGîbaad families use these throetiITe- Real ceries & Meats Caverly's ) & WHITE STORE C. Caverly, Proprietor treet - - Bowmanville PHONE M7 ceries - Meats Fruits Vegetables *mpt DeIlvery Service rimble's Store lies and Cooked Meata King and Liberty Sts. Bewmanville PHONE 687 We Deliver. ieral Merchants cynolds' Store Reynolds, Proprietor Hampton rE: Bowmanville 2562 e- Meats - Dry Goods lware - Boots & Shoes Robinson's -» & WHITE STORE I. Robinson, Proprietor Courtice M: Bowmanville 2517 Oshawa 180r11 Dceries - Confections _Overais -Socks » Mitts ýmon's Store 1 Slemon, Preprietor Ennlsklllen 'E: Bowmanville 2573 - Meats - Drugs - Paints e- Work Boots - Clothlng Wearn & Son Ennlsklllen ': Bowmanville 2521 xoceries - Meats ber General Supplies H rdware Stores lason & Dale - - - .- Proprietor PHONE 408 St. - Bowmanville are and Sporting Goads I Stewart-Warner Radias .eElectric Refrigerators :Iectrlc and Coal & Wood Ranges Mcoregor & Co. tetail Hardware Si. - Bowmanville PHONE 774 intee You Market Prices ,1 Our Merchandise. Insurance -E. V. Scobeli .West - Bowmanvllle PHONE 474 Estate - Insurance Conveyancing. M ichine Shops et End Garage MACHINE SHOP lmering, Proprietor .West - Bowmanvllle PHONE 781 lachine Work - Weldint Storage. p .8 & Decorators sH. Abernethy OnSt. - Bowmanvlle PHONE 431 A Exterlor Painting and r. Also Paperhangng. ee Estimates. s vice Stations meenaway's irketon Garage Sinclair, Proprietor Burketon PHONE 2171 d Repairs to Ail Makes of -- Towing Service adlan 011 Co. Products - t 1% THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JANUARY 4TH, 1939, j7ý