----w f y i Read By 12,000 People Weekly Zlbr With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News -VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, -ONT., THURSDAY. .TANTTÂRv 5th 1loqo ECTED DEPUTY MREEVE Details 0f Rul Explained By 4 At Rotary Mg Little Mariory McLar-' en Gives Prize Win- ning Address an d Factory Head A. M. Hl a r d y Completes! Fistory Rotarians wore given a rare troat on Friday when littie Miss Marj ory McLaren, champion pub-: lic school orator of Clarke Town- ship, gave her prize winning ad-' dress on "The Manufacture of Rubber." Miss McLaren, introduced by ber father, C. S. McLaren, Orono, explained the history of rubber from the timo it was discoveredF by Spaniards until it was devel- opcd and put into practical use. The complete address iollows: Rubber was first found bv the! Spaniards who followod Christo-' pher Columbus te Central Amer- ica. Those Spaniards found that~ the Indians played with balîs made from the juice of a troc.- These balîs were objects of cur- iosity for when thev met %vith a hard object the 'v uould rebound. V~ Isn't it funn.v that the Indians c made our first rubber bouncîng balîs? It ,vas named bv a n Eng- 1z lish chemist Priestlyv.11o in ex- primenting %vith a bail found that ît would crase lcad pencil A marks. This was the first practi- cal use of rubber. Il Rubber is an elastic guro madle from the miilk.-x juice of a nuinber of plants ic grow in the tropi- T cal regions of the world. Then NO ACCIDENT WEEK-END)S bber H stor espite bad road conditions and ~ber Histoy the possibility of an increase jf DInE dukdriving, Bowmanville ex- perienccd no accident week-ends O ron O ra oIr both at Christmas and New Ycar's. Chief of Police S. Venton reports. F L eetig Frday0 Two 0f Five By-Laws Pass ILIect REELCTD OUCIL , Approval Given Full Time Nurse Candidates .W And Board 0f Education Proposai [Mason. L.C. 9 Band, Council PaY and JUST OUT 0F 'PEN' 1 Morris. C. G. 7 Extension t o Fligh: BACK FOR 6 YEARS'MortfrCG.ori Sehool Turned Down,1 Gunn Jno.A. 120 i~-. in Elections onMon- A series of robberies covering Cals m . 9 considerable territory were dlean- Abernethy, J. H. 105 dyed up wvhen Charles Matnals Little, Sid. 100 Charles Bright and a couple of Biekie, Geo. B. 67 other names, was given ternis Furber. B. B3. 59 As was expected the electors1 totalling six years when hie ap- Ward, WÀ. F. 58 did not take too kindly to the bv- peared in Cobourg police court on First six elected. laws submitted for their co sd Tuesday. eration at the municipal elections 1 Nine charges were laid againstj Sdi on Monday. Two by-laws were the Orillia township mani, who 1Ycs 10 k approved and thrce were rcjected. according to records, has spent No 44 Business conditions are such that most of his time from 1919 to 1937 Majority gisBya - by-laws requiring expenditures of in jails and penitentiaries, escap-AgisBya - money, no matter how small, re- ing three times. Records showed' ceive a more or less cold recep- that hie was in trouble thrce days ye 14 tion. This is a general condition after i release from peniten-NO 4 and does not just apply to this tiarv atArl Majority gisBya - communitv. Blx Breakng and ontoring andAgisBla - The Band B-a asking that i theft charges were laid in North- The Fi SIOJOOats$10 be raised through taxes to i umberland county. Bowmanville, Yes 29 W. J. hallissupport and aid a town band .vas Darlington township, 0 n t a r i 0 No 29 \ ell known car dealer and couin- the onlv by -law petitioned for bv countý and Orillia district. Po Majoritv For Bylaw-25 illor of one ' ears standing who citizenis. The Town Council. w iî-vncial Constables D. P. Morris, cas retuî'ned to council wvth a eut an 'v official requcst from citi- Bowýmanvilîc. and A. L. Monnie, The Boa large vote on NMonclav. zens. took it upon îtsclf t0 submit Cobourg. made the arrest. Yes 83 Much of the stolen property was No 54 (Continued on Page 5) recovered and rcstorcd to owners. Majority For Byî a,, - 78. 'imazon is the ch:cf source from ____ _____ v'tuch rcîbber ndian thoes tlb Theo sap or hi Oes ~intheie in ho troo s is obtained. The e xork. latex as it is called ier laver of bark. gashed just deep Manvers Elects New Councillors Jucerseblsenuu-n to reach this layer. First --~UI5O44 juicereseblesthe milk--whIitc a vertical gash is made. then other ' JI sap) Of.the milkwecd and il is just sat ggashes cwîlh Ogv thervn the Districtrmacry re-elected W barcl% possible that plants of the this. The latex runs down thesOhrScninte DsrWaeby-81 rnajecorîv Fom r ran F ctr uaitofrbe.Tehvabmilkwced famil,% contain a small cuts and is caught at the bottom Show Animation Over Elec- De nT rno Fo nu o i trec which is found in large num- cp h apn sdn in eea bers in the foresîs along the (Contunued on Page 5) Changes Are In Cavan Township Depuly-___ Made Reeve Garnct Shield wrestlod the Made Rcevcship from Reeve Arthur J W. Alexander Succumbs to LEGION CHRISTNIAS DRAW Wood by 122 majority. Dcputy- We-i lns ilb h olwn sasaooto IlReeve W. W. Brown received an Buie*kOd from St.-Pauls e The fCawnadian tte to T b coC o igI Duh mio ny Two new faces vwill appear on'acclamation. Burc Fîd S. ay B te noln e raw whitmas Manvers Township council as the - uchon Fia eeoec rwwihto Fylrsl fMna' lcin h place on December 2st. M ay D ev elop In to C h ie f In d u str y F RieevesFChas. Rocuinn retains his F B w a vle ctzn eesd oain W s seat i Cramahe Township by de- Dtiet s. 68 headed the poli %-ith 34votes, footing Gordon Honey bv 61 ma-i Cawker 1.00zes wresa And AceLRg. TW reelc wile CouJ PancillorA.jority. Harrv Sirrett 'was re- dened and surprised Wednesday avkr10 A',OSt 1000 Arsin RegonT& EETUuRES -lce hleCuclo .elecotri Doputv,-Roeve by acn'- I to learn that John Watson Alex- Expenses: S18 ~r Ridge May Be UnderF SELL AT PREMIUM 1Hoasiip and Ed. Youngman woro, malien. adr rsdn n oea es 30 _______dofeatod. H. Neals did nol quali- adr rsdn n eea Turkeys, 6Gee$40 uultivatiOn Next Year fy. Reovo J. C. Cummiskey and manager cf the former Dominionr Cost of tickets 7.29 Fear Only Early Bowmanville's financial stand- Deputy-Recve W. J. Boggs were In Porcy Township Reovo AI- OrL ,,n &_,Pi-, Total Exeenses S41.90 Frot_______ fred , 1 - .1 Yes 37 No 110 The 7.W.XV. N.W. N.W. 2 1 2 For Deputy Reeve 71 57 116 93 148 59 -289. Couneil 158 139 127 96 99 84 hool Extension 21 23 The Band Bylaw 43 26 36 53 - 88. Full Time Nurse E 47 34 33 42 ard of Education1 86 93 62 78 eCouncil Pay Byla 40 56 149 116 105 85 87 69 92 Bylaw 27 36 32 22 173 51 45 33 261 ylaw 51 37 22 226 34 39 24 201 By law- Sid itti.New Countalo S1 S2Toa Wins Fourth Place At Poils 48 29 335J u H asCon - List 127 89 644J.G n ed Co ci 136106 789RE-ELECTED COUNCILLOR Returns Larger Than"f 105 58 606 Last Year, With W. 81 48 587 F. Ward Defeated 79 76 548; C.' G. (Ted> Morris was elected Deputy-Reeve of Bowmanville by a majority of 289 votes ini Mon- day's municipal elections. He de- féated Councillor Lawrence C. Mason. Mr. Morris polled 644 and Mr. Mason 355. The Couneil John A. Gunn headed the poli for the second time with a total of 789 votes, 240 more than he received in 1938 elections. Wm. J. Challis was in second place with 606. and the balance of the council consists of J. H. Aber- nothv 587. Sid Little 548, Geo. B. Bîcklo 455, B. B. Furber 420. W. F. Ward again tailed the list wîth 13 9 103 60 42 312; 43 56 397 J. H. Abernethv 29 till upHin te litiof re-elecited 4.LaThyear o rceved29 cancillcors clr ig Meonav's ec- ,voes. oo tefieby nouns i-os cupnationi aiter wr asdb h oes The B-L and ecoator Piture ofoth r Onlylo ofthe foraienbofas councllor wer net vailbme. ierepasseod h o dters. Te M"e eresorY torecivet areela to the Pformeain ofa sad ewsfromCol Edw WhtoSchool Boards, with a majority of ýsadnewsfro Col Edy Whte,78- The vote was 475 for to 397 Miami, Florida. that his son-in- against. F law. Brigadier Ernest R. Holz,' A majority of 25 votes was Atlanta, Ga., had been "Promoted polled favoring the engaging of a to Glory- Dec. 22nd. The Holz- full time Health Nurse for the family are aIl active workers of, town with 226 for and 201 the Lord lhrough the Salvation against. Army in the United States.' Theo By-îaws which failed to carry :late Brigadier Holz was the only'includod the Band By-law to levy son otf Commissioner Richard E. in the general tax rate $1,000 for Holz, 00W rotired. Threo sisters support of a Town Band. Il was are officers in the Salvation Army dofeated by 88 votes, 173 for to and his eldesl son Richard i5 flow 261 against. a Lieutenant in the Eastern Ter- The electors also turned down ritory, and the other children, Er- the proposed High School $20,000 nest. Wilson, Keitha, Edith, Nancy, Extension for the teaching of 36 16 214 Davd ndEdy ae Ilconet- hoowrkan hoe coomcs 1 lrlgn"L.StDe inguuu condition. 'given acclamations,. fe erl n euvhdlna astWeek_._. CDigpuCo.-Reeve1 Latwe .L ri oTo- - Thos. AlcMullen rccoived accla- n Wellesley Hospital, Toron- Foi- Christmas Be voience $20.56 r.R aiel ietr o to. bn brers, b oung h t In Alnwick Township Roove J. mations,.e Orono Chamber of Commerce, poration at 100.50 which will ... ..... years a citizen of tis ovvn and Baskets S 9.46Sm I Bu Ha p NeY arsP receîiv declared that tobacco -yîeld28'. These dbnue OOYA E N .hcad of ils one lime outstanding Christmas Welfare fa f grov.ing in Durham Countv max hiave been issied to cover the cost« SCH OOL BOA RD in u ty. A ~ a g o rlr d C i mtt~ 11 4~ * I u becm c' one of its chief industries cf1riln-tle xv$20a.5tcs aS65 ~~ AND COUNCtIL els t ethsdai and movod te Toronto wilh his'- $05 in tlhe future if growers mccl for, additional supply cf watcr. AND..OU I J lwo sons. He had net been in ro- \vitb tlhe success the\ expeet. building pumip bouse and equîp- r _____fr___a mnh i 85 n etldi Gep. as ad osmaes i Tobacc growcs fromNorfol mentfor sae. andrclinig theW. A. Edgcr was roturnod bs elhfrsvrlmnh Tobcc towrsfSchorolomntlorBaneard elnib he4»accla- J ai-d a wook ago was taken te thý er 1895 a d stlcd i nvulh. VoHats ind Narosmkes n RIIT WaMtS o rltv 10acares and nur th 0f han se ontCercb Soft. he issin erlyno000earehofvilageo P o f hse debetureS. hi n f-man of the Propcrty Com - -Citizons will remcmbcr Mr. piano business. Ho rcsidcd here mtTe proo, andar te vrllarig e lny-fothee înillreas they ill. be f-mîîtec Sid Little was re- rAlexander's philanthropy in don- for 35 yoars and was a member SmalI-er Than smet TedytenonwthPe poadaepeaipteln ettemlraea hywl estored 10 a seat in council Faling the propertv, now known as of St. Paul's United Church. Usual shin r, s..Dvsni h for extensive cultivation. 0ne met eut of revenue from the , after one ycar's absence in Bowmnanville Hospilal, te the Mrs. Alexander, nec Neiliechiastebypt rien greonhouso is being eroctod and ,vaterworks dcpartment. six ycars. Ho was defoated town He as amiember o theo tti, dagheoftele Mr Mrs. C.W:Seo.Anar- olhers may soon follow. ls_____n__ .. fr ep hspt. baH o a nm0r f Bain daubtoe riofthat pede' Asalrcodta sa ot A great'deal of the land is sit- Rut .Blhaecml yas Hia amdstmnofacasdhm eoalyas g epr. uated noar the bigb. sandy rîdgc dent of Millbrook. met vith suc- lsiy Ree n otct are Dpop- yas ewsamds a fa'esdhn eea er eddteana.NwYa rciningtheentre engb 0 tle 055 0 bs opermens. ealz- d at the Goodyear Tire & retiring dispositon nover seeking:Surviving are two sosîoh n Badminton Club dance Fridav monts. Deoin1pro x W. A. RubbhrCo. Sid LitiegIhpublicofficesbun lhayseinterot- Joscphalfi61 CharnesSt.oE.,aTo county. Hore the soil is of ittle iîg thie possibilitx- 0f the sandy .A de ubrC.SdLtl uleofc u lasitrs-Joeh f6 hre t . o hnBradTenysOce cag use foi' general farming, but for- sou uin the district, lho ocrsuaded itend Cad atlareHis adu- roThe funcral xvi be heudifomasto and MiegCndaCrsta."Ms tna.tcly is deli tobaco rew- evoral ghrwcis o DrhaORlk SRLTTRvice was often souglit and freely St. Paulîs Church on Frida , Jan.* Probablv the smaller crowd LtWe Dppripesntd htchp OUR ENGLISH LETTERgiven in fnancial affairs. Born 6th, at 2 p.m.. with intrm enit in was due le the dance being Fr- trifnhe StCaBnkaldin evor, tbat niay prove serious. COuntY. in Scotland, ho came to Canada Bewmarnville Cemetery. ýday' raîhor than oni New Year's Mrs. WagagvearaigGo' Whcn te iants are lransplantcd As tobacco growing demands a STRANCG ' INTERU DEIl 1 -IExc Saturday niglit, butth dir- Lv" in May, thero is a chance that great deal of band fortilizing and B isIo tpesnectors boiievod the carly closing Le.Sera prbes ee durimgt tnonth there ma,,-bc a attention, a successfuîl obacco B M'sIsbl teheso ve to f ub erTo B H no ed provoka 5seMt . . .dRges.nds frost. If se, the crops wvouId bo trop next 'car \vould provevîdo Elle igthak ad Ms.W ru ined. eniphovient foi- ian-, mon in the 1 Iolfloi, sIr îîpri 4.4(1 itlier i4ainlluh. aind!Seiruier! Il iiiiilt s.ter-ible I ield e ittAk onFrîday. dcoatdstorx ,shocn adhp nue F. 0. Stinson, head cf tlie gov- district, andi aIse miglit iman a ,uîî.l iiirc ihiaiîa hli 1rillei . .\iin Nex -ilnhcr I ',rueThieclu xvas niceîy and et sufferinY alrov errimental oxperimontal station at boom iii ]and buving. îvck î..-ore . it lII tilv 11' ilî r flîîkiiî2ahii0th oeb tsc1îex-iaîifforson tobacco growing there. deserves the land inchude Emile Maeckel- - iie tii4F,4li-reWipilr re t141,44I. . 1thi Yik, i.'h ietî of niost of the credît for th(e project. bergh and Camille Neyens, suc- mneeetieng.4 i h 441--iaiîîîv .r ie5ttî ie L! eýt ivc oandlseaofonal papor docoralions. sevthral0ofhthieivmombersgclosedstth Mr, Stinson, \wo iwa former rs- cessfl Norfok Cotintv gowes 4,r hoila hui 41 hi iii' 'ut h ica.î r ii-i h., îiîI C ae!o dy a S e t Lie1Y 011SC UBB llo s woo st\g acvsihleeig ________ hall on wii-osll landa thldenj1 Idnî 144-4. s. tIi, i'u.-r-. 1.11 w a~ ili ~ ()îîiîrir . -, - . . +,,,,. fanyal,,,I,,e -df vouî be dsturod a intrval nil i ein 14e I\i.,i,4i ~ i4S. h.t44 -iî'ime in De.vel14-. Ii4r11of 1-- rTTeofirst m-eeting of the Young as the air in balloons expanded ManagingEioittePr Present CouplerMariedl25 Yearssiai oIlc\\hh4I ýiîlu et1la i aî.iiihr, obc-ti iu Rubber, Bu Did n Mtis Cubfr t nw ver bur sîtbr-HpDayGudfothpstl (luriiiaxt Couple Malîav-, rrudii 'v25i ;îhci.h, IFoundation for ronTodyevening, Jan li Papor bats, neisomakers and signed. W .D aMlanw OnSiifaîîe%-îîî h bavsitrîîîîîr withiChurtian Pii jiihc Id8tr olo duMerings bolidax-s bulfeatuired thie ven- oditor oet:teGid i IL he hihi 4iiiiiZ li 1444 fires cin i , f Crefa silîeîîdeî-.1 nusr cninidduig h hldals otw s entrai-intyodhws otiu W ith Address And Silver Pieces - i-iuCne.1h. red-cieck ai h breao i d 4 01iiîa eht i-liipoabvdrn eiirC it is8 oclock. Metins voelp-i ________ _________and_____ îi'.ki-, t is bed thsîev wis rv v lub s ontrtin on . L n h wa ti ue a s dtr-nc if, efc ______________ 4' thir and ncar t I eai4iii llt i:. IlIIt îvc niv ic) Ili thie early \%,inter of 1839 poattcolixasfo arei-l. A n cu obî-.tv Jna'1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman RETURNS TO BOARDlihiiifat,. :ii\mi iii trles Goodyear.hit<hltvingein Honored By Frîends At fiatjIthiev iail hcard fi-oui seoiinnc N.--iI .Ilc Ifa ol-rii :.î,cle oodvoars.,thso îxin 1-as there is important business oN w M s nc O f er w le ii~ iiat- iîvder"-i to 'i. et it. hithea t Wbrn as, ivx-rdxul-dîscuss. TIie oxecutives hope t Mapie Grove as They 'th tmc~îu- a - iîv daieu thîe- Oh LI guess N * îe .caiîization of î-ubber. Ho had beeise agod rwdo Tudo A. . Reach Quarter Cen- L! c aixive zero! âh nh.ire-al is abolit 300 mniles. ' working on the probiemr almost Migtadolthog uhc L .L turu MrkInTMarkele Inlds for six yMeher!Uiahrstîcs-cmîîitinî-. dy ndnigt orsi yar. gai onrlin haeIhcclbueb od J hn' N ghaCde raio W e d d e d L ite ~~~ îii--cticiî. W h~ i d i't voit w ait tintil spring ? îî a îd a g a in h o h a d b e n p t n su cc ss a_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______r *Ol . pisn erdei.Hi fmiy adcou-rse (bis icans nothimig trio , im raî~al but begged on the sîreet. jýarge Gathering Attends Cere - W. Bro. E.H1rw, ntUn ~ ~ 1~rhîh. es used to 50 anîd 60 bc-e Mi"aseassebyWBr.A.H But on thi Fbccar mo ni g tos etusii the rubber indusrv mones W ich Include. o nai . W o s o k . S Abot i eiiv rhatve îî, freiis ,. -s~-1mw Ziro. ii anaai 'Nu-,iuig oiz le rushed o t to look a h the c n understand, t at lho mu a f imd Entertainment and FergW.L, El cf Mi- aiid Ni rs il. . Fre huaI i n ile n o oes îhI - an d ad m tui th at ib a c h o f ru b b e r h o h a d n a ile d o mi u t th e e x a c t d g re e o f e a t a n d T u k e D in n e r lio tt, L . A . P a k r A W G . N r - iiiet at thii- hi.nte Thitim--,iav- cîti- Ilmes-cm'fomecî thie tinte î1îtad iî 'the'i s.- Fof tebuete ih mu t ime n sayto etaegun,.HDdly utcL. Dec. 201h. le heli t (Ieiticehbiate - ,-V cLfi-m'en .off. Dî 1110 -d fy ca, before. h e eauewas eprfc cure.cuHt, R. E. Logan, John BR.er 1)11 ia-ellnis! ,H îosv Iugd dir .Totmeaue b-pret H a oe uýR. W. Bros.F .Ha!n .C LC. Thtis fi-omît IDoi-oti%, wlto en- l ----~î~ ive'îe mained unchanged under hoal. If ches amîd put them in the ovOfl, St. J0' ih fJcsae o tteogn W. C. Siijithi actedlis chiaimiuait. Mf-s. n4, itiŽwitht ess sense etfhitiriiilr aiv ecd at mnmtal a-tieîtccold aIse leftitilunaffected lho had after bis wife bad finished hier Lodge A. F. & A. M. Wednesday The toasthtenelistld L. C. Siîcmwîhlen r iia icchîwod thiiiii aivone lte 1 h lav-e ev-cclmut. - won.t . mîas." gfor one, two, three, siy nighî lat. Ffi-G wasbEr.F 3Flý,. And Chacles Goodycar, a pions Ihîours, andt ite resulîs. Ho trie F1dmgtoisalto f otadrsoddt yW I_ i- F r (e it li i ii sc ite iî th e hi dc a isei i c o W u Ir r e f b ynb e ith e n oieo ic r s a mn d o h e r b u s i - . E c p e . T a t L r t"Iiiii hisa hîialitc cflvte anlltrav-ellhnhe c hs M aker wlien lho ound the Lynti, xalk ig back and forth lL d e w a nd-,iuitiniri mîm-acticah v ahI tiacc-(ifîg bea-,ts e t c 100 m iles a iav : and ru b b e r u n ch a m g ed . D iv in e g u id - fr o m is h o m o i ii W o b u rn . H oe î s , t e g t e i î e i e e h o g a r p s d b . B o flow. basket, cake salIiî. htmah tianque"tacshDllîthî- fmowitiig atihie (ma'av'vti0shl vti tn.~ -i îcrmolhnmthffi-o\shie i a t eevfoa e ll) nchddict imoaditidcrn ubrzdcoh( tm-.>mimneni cm- pliatea siiiiostîi coxvooylhonfît wasvastly m-lmuIlandkcalndarecoslstedetljustsocvedtldeloctblelturenddin-by R. W Bro. H J. Tom, New. Farlm-in i th(,ili eveiliiiz i gh lle iaiiru-kntt %v ider kiowhcdI0e cf Caiadiamu 9cern portant te mnankind. a rolling pin and a marbie slab)nec rt Ho armocalBHoteghal- frri- a Chtienei lir rstmvaes ni1>-e St.fTic de) -asmallîîv amu pmoesn. (i ttmimt Howevcc, it must flot be theugbt before an epen fice; lho boiled t poig. BotrtHarvme, cogbainginPorvHpe askud ercasîle andoR. aW. Buce.oW. J.sWoc- Ci-ami(cîhihi-il, Niai-v amuI Gam-x'Pic- l-. îîds.î ne invove. am-mer l'Dhv. ey hee w re n ealn s h anliher ate o po n-.n n kai-d. The zocIeomuîon behîahf f mî himu iW. P.Corbett "il qias i hîccesil. i her iii .- er --F skl thpesa henwyisale fiesa e rndyBoM.JElotan self andmhbri-lIc tlaîked ahi foc thîcii-era yecsPbi e Oiiiandmit-stoit.iiit aci hi ing-thsmîîiln ~thereotonwe n e aînes te aner inhotoad, in hdotebyW Bo.C Bh hevev gtis On tetîm-e f ~ Chai-manof as eIm Pb i-kmi mî1ou-esmoiîgmitv Chlmeate. saiffiicîîcs. rotatmi îahad. merning. No one xvould over be- ashes,boforo slow tires, qcUick Edgar- E. Staples, W.M.; E. S. Fer- Hope.,adW r.J.GtePr caoevizivs Oehiat fiii-ofematic- s 'Scbool TrusîteBoard xvho was 0 f ti-vif to teAake D lnliv iiider--. \îî1hlrof corse twoe-St. Bciiiardîs. Oie lieve lho bad discovered anytbing tires, used the ovemîs et neacby FliiSem, I.P.M.: P. R. Cewliîîg, S. cain vsthtfon recatosgivemi ai acclamation. P n b 1il c stanid ttat ftr- qmite soletehieo\. t îcFîiiii'iîhche tuer withi t'etofvalue. Thie first vulcanized shops atter heurs. Ho was ccgaà- W.- L W. Dippoîl, J.W.; F. C' %\l-,,n r he.toiIInnhirescîîl îvliieiischîoh affaira have rmn smoothhy Itie -ael if iiian lias reasemi tot imtel- cliasci'."was net impressive ed as a harmless lunaio. Hear, Chap.; E. H. Brown, Secre- mirre'.t 'crrivi-otelii iiin.shot iiimder bis leadership. \varii- hinoi>s in h i lîids cf Tronto.! eeitvi evt"loekimgindicated lithoe usefuinesa Goodycar boped only that hoe tory; J. R. Stîti, Teas.; J. S. Em- IJUNIOiS PA ENSA ineoW,IeI eand4. il ho N " ilrn.-- \h.ttum i or i< Oi (li Nises"te anyene. Il was a ful twe years mgtlv ogeog edm o-oSD:W .PseJD; MngrM rai a se Snîiei:îî I mîam '4.h,-i :fier* I nn îiteIîd ? asks Doeî ii'. "Vos, w'mives and tliings." aftetht thtGoodyerwas able onstrate bis discovery, betoce it Dr. G. C. Bonmîycasîîo, D. ef C-; s - ',vithi Nirs. stilit ilion ivtimiel'Tie aIl aftr which ahl idemai-temi (o thirin-ii iecenuîîer ast vear. tIitiil ite Cem." 'hiMc oD h uniuebtehue i .S.H G.JitI..; .Egaee eloljuorwîlb me imaimdi-i mnf(t-es-ci iîgwaî Ica - 1 hoimies. xvisiî ie (tie bride andiiigroomi Il mi darh î' hci-d tuaI LDo te întuedin Pge SthTyer. played H.G. Joit,'I.y.;on.Wednesday,, samîîhc sint iii gamies et cai-ioisiaimoreîo c yar's etfîedded lite. -'om oîetîm 'e snwiciAugrsd< tthadt agSmihatshooarr ied a~T yl fici ee tîed b yean lî0 i v--- t.. 4 ..~A.... - - -1 Y i. NUMBEË The licu Lesults i i'Sid Little New Councillor