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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1939, p. 2

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THE C\NADIAN STATESNIAN. BOW.\XVAILLE, ONTA\RIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 5TI- Established 1854 A Weekly News pa per devoted to the interests of #ite town of Howmanville and surrounding country, asued at King Street, Bowmanville. every Thursday, by Ni. A James & Sons. owners and publishers. The Ca nadian Statesman s a memnber of the Canadian W:ekly N ewspa pers Association. also the Class "A" W eeklao f Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywheýe in Canada $250 a year; when paid in ad- vance $2.00 a year; 50c extra In United States ta caver postage. Single copies, 5c THURSDAY, JANUARY 5TH, 1939 Some Side Lights on Monday's Municipal Elections The v-ote onu Monday at thle miiciipal electionis showed that eitizeiis loouk a -,ieater iiiterest iii thIs imiportat i ci evelit. knoxx-î as the bat tic of the ballots. fian iithiey did a v car ago. Iiowcvcx.. tiiere is stili c<fii- siderable lack of nîitcrest on thec part of mnanii, as the voto iniiates thiat cisdn ablY Jess thian two-ti îrds- of the voters uscd their fraiîchise. It xvas ho1)cd w'îtii sil ia varictY uoflllest ions stilifiiftcd. îerînced 1by- laws. iii whideh e rv'îî)e %-as direetlN or inu directly intcrestcd. or affccted. a record vote xvas f0 Le expecec. Soie xiii tel ou eit izens wvil not turul onf to vote ini larg-e înnibcrs uiiless lucre is a mua>oraiîy (-ont cst. This miay be a faet but whaf jusiffiafion is there for suech rea- soni'iL? Electing seven ien tb the counucl board is reall:y .iore iniportant thati elect- ing a mayo xho. altlîough flicpresidling officer. otil '% lias onîe vote as compared witli the sev-en men wwho were elected f0 council on Moiiday. Othcr excuses one hears for liot voting are Lad wvatlîcr anîd roads: election <lay comiig ou a il da . vwhcu nso inaîiy peofle are a-way. nobody was inferested sufficicuit- ly to caîl an(fl £iv-e tlîcin a ride to the poils so tlicy« sta ved hiomie. W\e lhave a better excuse thaui that: ouI' car -was stal led ~v eral tiiiies on a couîtry side roaci reiluirinig flic assistance of a kind-liea rîed farinrci'ad his teoi sev-eral tinies t o pull uis flroug-li the snw L aîîks. Rcstit -wc were t wo houirs lato foir a siînptuous Newx Year*s goose (linner witli relatives iii t1le coltiiliw 'and(la rrivc(l hack iii touvutloi) late tii vofi' Ma %-be after Sueh Ilailexpcrîcnî-e we l~iu better rcprimind thers too severelY tl'or flot tng But IcI 's look at tire vote. The coîtest for i)îut-cxcdex'elopî'd prety uiiiI into ilil ouf antdouit pi l it ica i pau't«y fiLIrit. Thue oet-et stakes lîeing- il v'nt.e for thie Wrdnil) ofthflc IUited ( 'tuiti er'. x'ihil eleet îio, as xvi'. ofteii expiai ii<tlandîrliiriutiih- ed, is mii absiuteiufn'iyouai'tv lunes. Parb-, foiiutt'cis alxîaYs Liaiuîefi lueethler sitht'fu' iuJ"ii'piliti"s luIt iuutui-îpali'lretiouî'. anud it gi-uicially bru-ak-,()i t t î iauiti lat andr monîoîtuin ofeutlt'c('outest. Sri flicpar'v stalxx'au'b lad theiî' tilt as uîstial. ltthivo-- testanlts, De)i'i uv-I1Re ('. (G. Mour'ris anid Ooîui'ihuoi' k ('L MsCu. hiaxe pi'r'i'îtIi-t selviets iiergeit'and l apai uIc uo-iuiei-s ift Toxx'ui C'oîîîcil. sîî it xîas tuil't'tunit'fi hat the iiniitipallil- t'as hiuîutnt Iriltlies' vices. tf onue ut i hese iiruui. î'at l osulir' year. Ilut ilis îistaii(-a if iii hie "i'r. 1as(mi. Mr1i. )lorris xx'tnulias vii' t'hîal onetilt' i , ' expcî'ielue it'c I ('uiltiu'.s t 'îînuî-ii sIîh'lid Lt' ini a licter positionî fuis ycamr toa aevauucc so ie f lus umoern'uî aulol eratî-hx' taîli-al ideas tif cfficienîî'x anîd eerîuuuurv rnt Ilis muiieîritiized anud alouscd hbody of cixie admnîisti'alto's aI ('oLotirg. xxie'Iî is soute- tintes teruuîcul ' -tie riuiher sI auna eutQuiecu's Park. -' We-'ce gladti o qi l)puy 1) it--u'-ý Moi'cs isuto iait sriiubher sîaîîîîîr- ]lie lias ideas of hi.5 ow'utand lisur t liae'kîîai'o iii e'x- prp'ssîulgthteut. it xe 'r a tîntid ilis i-uit'. leagiiir', at ('ouuuiies ('unîte'il are'sru sot iii tieîir w'iiv5 et'iuuicdîlod ini the' rut of red bape autilioarY tradrition ît hai "uicI>'r i Recu' xill iîax'î'ta i)it*t' a bte hî,uia ou'(1thiaa poîx'rtu thi otrf eitliiatiiig in lus iloti-neii'out shert. -uts tootic-îe-r atîti lss g)ivtiriiiuitt. Tht' i'tuîesîtuof s'îîîrauidaltes t'Irlîtiuig it ouitrir six seuls ait ilt'. 'îiliî'i i hori-.I.liav' xviat u' q lIisîhu-saf îfia iu'a î a i- fiIu-alinii- 3'eilr, îas a'rtu lxtl ini tfrnt . .hau'k froîri'in rtiîiuu i-]in tj liliti ire ' Sionu oitanivy -ii.' li'iibo-i. Il' 'tuih"at x'alumah'hî'sî'i'.xii'u' t"li,'ttît'.'ut t 'iii t il' ('îiî'îuîauî (i't'Iouiiu'.îand S t it' il iti' aanr(l('I iithi ihuitv ' ut jîlilSuanduiihfii.,i lia] aniiuut tif li "tî. It*'s tir Lïlihuil ~Jack is gixenIlle hia uii"i.înî'itt- liIiis y'ear. W\. .1, ('lîiiîis lî'au'îît'î a lut amuit îîîîui pal affaîu's iun ls tii'st i in iii 'tiiiil: luit iiosi ut il toi gîîîuîl i.' ax't '11 l îgit tîr wxau'hî"uii'u of Ili, w'>i t s i'iit'andri ls itteiitirous t'ui' 1hle>' "iiuiuug it-al'.il' uî'Ieieuh ini his pt't-o'iî'ttuiuî inîiuîi'iiut inIi ii. papcu'. 'Theiu'. l e"' )1)' t r i i i lîl il th 'iî' r li-bt'etl it' hoit'tl os t'ienii.ttitu ls antd gaxv(, lu uin a genoi'îrowiotexlii xio-îlti u ihtltiii ii i t'îli plat'e. J. Il. Ai vi'îtliux xsirtt i-ht autil r'înue ou it and t 1l i ll i ~i i (i l i t l- IriutrIi 'uî fi îteo.- ast x' i'. t nî- ri nt(, iu ' au~ditiolis, t uiiui ti u i l i .'.. 'osîl i li I l- ro iî i n i thîui-rriuthi tit ulillitis, i'itii' klClIuuinixxi ('oul.lixi r") ilC .. Iile 'tt s gittu i . ut' tîn gu'e-oltu's i u,îii'. .hlîui ru-itirI thli pluati Illetit-offlestt'a. (ivit' rai'. af' i a \ r','.t'îsputa hllutfi b-ev". SiuI -m- 1,e . )1iî ituiil iii'. j'. utruoil muiit luil i ol' iiwi l ului iii. hlu'. 'il i- il yeili'as liardias lie criticise(l lasI vear's ecullu'il. (ico. B. 1Biekie take i's sjob as vivie ad- iiiiiistia t or verysersiol isl. Ilui tact lies I lie Atls"utili otiniii itlîe load Ielie s-i sne.aîil limitai elle violpcdia l'or mmi11- colurse ilii i e Tloronto Univer'sify. 1t . 1just fi t o Le lu pe'd iimoie ifoMi, ('itv fat lers uil l hink aIttnd t lis t- ivv o ourse tlIis vear. for flieir Santa own -oo as wlas thietowîi's. For flic idea bt to wîuisiîcslic descrvcd il liglier i-at iuîg .ig in thlait fiftlh place andtilnu mue wasnmorur- ,e,-ryt puisedtl la n i]w-as tîa t lic wasii t 11p)wit hjsut thl'iatie)r-. Iloxx-ever. thai aIl gî'es uitli the t1l au il dii te ofniî)iîîlî sel'\ioe. the fa] B. . Iîi'be' lît'i1f'l lî-îîjîî oi ~'. almost Fiirer ntvideddropinL, (lit. 1iiý asks fo V ciii buit xxaS Pi'exai1ld uljI)u o 1 0 "isdîr disillus lis î'iisioîî iiiorderî lui)imaki, a e t-itst as 'child's Souul'.i-'utiiil-i'- îîaîîe an -<- l~'~~ If a3 on the ]iinii-i- is lit liea'iîl and ul tsp"keii andt as we kilo os i t, buit n 'ver -ai-ries a grudtltr- after would ut 's all ixer. I[e 's xorked liard iil,'uui his pî aiuliîi~'. )tt'.iii'ciî iiisiuilers'iol ~î Irs mght. and as oteilhevi in is. discreti riolintentîin. respect List (iîl e list is our pvreiîuîial î-andi- xod date. W. F. Wai-d wlîo de] iîlîts in l lllla t the pri pl fighlt. It dloesiî 't wori-y lîimi one iota if ciluatio liv"s a loser for lic, cunies îighit Laek jjexîj train tt veari t'îil ioutliOl)C and optiniismi. first col - ont prit ('uiniuits On the I-esilts outhe f~ ive Lx - ilime, il iaws voted on will l'e tuiiid 'o1 mîlici' fitness Fairy pagc. ~as the. Promnoting Better Understanding Maiil iuleas î't'l aI ing 10 flieeconoie i ii, 's uf'thle I>Otiiiiioi silic e ficsiek nar'ket -rash iii 1929 liaixt' luei adlxaiîeed Il\-spea- - t-i'.anid x-iiter's. luil jrer-nt alibiu'ss atI'Co- *iin-ii ( 'i- lre a(liii iof ]the Ontaioît l)ti 1îa11- WeUil lrr and i prollilont II uraall mrainr. i 1h. oli"xini' il-. '-i'litue t'îîluî.s 0) i-rithrt1 vvv iîoliioltîuîi iui)iig'ix ir toir iiiidrr-le'd!C t'arîîîîr's ini 1ai oia'jî t" Luiiig 'it titt xx'hi- î'. ver-'xvlit le lît xitlî xx'ioliî tussupporit :a are dý(tttî tîtilîlx . Thei'aî'iili --x 'u--llx liii.t h lii- thliii if thli' \ii'i! 'ili îi M î , l- i ' tirai lluis,'.Il -îîi"jiis's thon x 'ill epu al, tire"Idî> Ii'ithiiiîîr ift.trarer t'i '.1' rv att fîive ftii'suili' tlime 'l euî iirg thuittrin xxrtî i lui ii ili'edonui i sîiitti- luisis: tirlat leaî, modorîi'î-îî 'lji-t lis l-, .u-alfptel and ll t lu theiii' ili i . r farimil" î" iii i , tie ililîi'e t'it of atL,'t thOIlt' î-, oîiî Ilu' lluuîu i iIr ý il of ge ilei ,; ettri- lr.îrter 1Y k lit -,ro 11)(.1oris iiiL, t wir1% tl tire-e t" ir'i mioiit oi' îllîr'iî uîîbrfo r - t fii fil - ui ctiren fi'il i urlis fr lii.iiî".'. iOl w tî lriî ct hIi<iittliiiilr iso f ut' ti~he il'us eiiîîiait uIl uî(e1w )li tii"saillestîjeet, as wclas i'i",t' "'ili 't lix theisti xx'i t.'trîip. v"il ..,::vî t': Lrîak ii'vithe , arrier 'îl îuxisis Is Community Life Dependent? ils rontîr' 'ut' imporiiluiitanit uends (It' liii'. Y\ifi Is "u t iI htI ixitfi t hi s ilîa. si tetsi-i. tx.' tif i th' unix-kort tli-iliîe'ls aiîuuh i'x -u iiîjxndlial ius tîx ilut' ti) sîu-lI'î' self ilitltpuuiiu -i11l->. V-t il tun oo~îk i î'tIii'uhîel iiutslî ort iail I oii u(.«11;i ht" ti thii'i' o,' lu- vux in '.1 tiintu'- '. l manîli hî u l siiitmi, uiii m' 'Ii. rhr 'îî itt hip îti i l*tti t ii îrîxu" ilhall .Xtih ut- mitti' io r'il tutI ' hili i bui' lilit -i s'li iloi' t ;1'1-11rt t i uiuorIl 'ui-tht 'h 'iî Mont il t'.v'lî'îu 'îîîhr'ît. îtîs i's ri \- h îîrul Ii m ir tir Iu ')i i t-i idut' l's . li q i l u l it I iii 111;1 t ;1 i l l' tii l zi uI\ l i il aCii' t 'r ii't i i t mx " hiîl 1'. ruiîîîl ai li <îo 't' ' t - lulluIr'\>.,I.10 Iiiitirîuutx lt1'shoo-'at imulsi I ' s'Tjn.' t'îutnt' tiui ii i ai-luI; S1101 .1111,11'dtiti i i'uIî uu1!lo ýý, hr'n-t it>5 t fa . I ion in i l tcal m' au t' i'î i ltuiri iii" iii liido'îa l.iiî 1Cx' li' ni4x) i s t o h i i i t i l l i l 'i S r v ' l i e t s t , t ' t ' i i ' h î tt s i i ti tutu îîîu'u' t'p r rIihativiu 'll s 1-11 o it' il t i itI i s t ll.In fit ' su wl i iuuiu tttun . u 1t11;11 stllil sIli, hl'lii."s tnita tiL 4i tu urni il h ll1, ir' , \'.sutoiii'tu i>'ii i ieit' a n ol n - Sii'..tiit 1)'.î' i'.*v"ir". li n da ilt l 'h'tit l xx r'.eîl i.- l t' 1 ip ii lr j f'itu i , ii l iuuM ihuultit hil i i . 's. k t 1 i r 41tui t it1) f_, 1( f'ro ii-ufimi1. 1 W-1n exx" 1)us rxx'h -; a1îi t 1i s utu111t t , - i ' THIS SANTA CLAUS BUSINESS By Scribe G we fooling the kids? Or like Black Beauty, for instance, fooling oursex-es. Do you in which a horse is supposed 10 we ae riht aout hisspeak. A youngster gets the idea we ae rght. abut histhat a horse can talk. Later when Clans business? It's a big he encouniters a horse and finds )ut is it a good one? Would that it does not answer when he zk the works if we bold the speaks to it, ho realizes that ho 1at Santa is a Spirit resid- has been fooled. In the same way -our hearîs . . . and that he realizes, some day. that you time we give sornething, the have been fooling him about Claus Spirit does lb? Sauta Claus. We can't heip think- iis now, a youngster writes ing, that somehow or other, this maginary philanthropist, in 5ystem is stupid. alse hope that hoe u,111 get Wh., teach a child somelhing he tanything iu the wvorld ho has ta unlearn later? A youngster ir. The oulcome is usually gels onto things amazingly fast. sionrncnt, especially if thei Wh% not tel him the truth as Sfancy is 100 fertile. i soon as ho is able 10 understand x-oungster were put straight it. Cnt out the baby talk and the situation . .. tbld the trnth lies that have 10 hc contradicted. are suggesting here . . . ho A baby tries to growx-out of: 1write bo the spirits inside being a baby as soon as possible irents and relations. Ho . . . but ,ve hinder il. Nature .s .in lime, exorcise a littie plan is toward maturity. Our plan ion as 10 how much their seems 10 be 10 thwart Nature. ive spirits shoiild shoîl. Ho Every day we read of boys and come 10 the conclusion, girls, in real life, performing or lator. that if ho hadn't hieroic deeds. These are botter, ýce to buy . . . (or the in- moral molivators than ail theî )fl 10 givo) . . . a $5.00 loy fables. The reai world is more! to his first cousin, that bis magical to a kid than the worldi ousin may ho likewise with- in fairy stories. Il perpeluallyt, ce, or disinciined. Thus, in presents puzzling problems which he acqnired a sense of the ho must solve. of things.1 What is the idea of fiction and -stories are about as bad fairy stories? Are lhey nol really, Santa Clans business. Peo- created tao ntertain the growni- id 10 the yonngsters. A story ups? BY THE OLD B( flJfl=l ramA )X STOVE tire cýarln i'. iacl, aicain atrd c'. xve xvarltri ýtaifi airlit are Th lia'.t ses's.ion arrti titithe '. 'tov a'.iirt't aboluit as ht ' t ev it'.eif. Suire "ticlira'. irii:ni a evirte. atnd i aliiti ru' 't lifi tire scmrui dCftiflie lire rf tl'. eruiri '.etîit isuix '.er ni udi îaqt'.tt rîildiltrrrî.î is e s W.\"eare o irirru x'a rietir lrx' atnd ite àfiri 'rt rîmr iîrrlrc."t rl 'l"ieiî'. îtîîîll r iroti tî iiennui' andîria.fiitrxxii a r te uati . \Vei ititni tel]i tri, r. ,1( atil in rie xxe caît 'tir ciiotiers t inttie. uit tlir' ixxe arr- tiiu oiciif '.rîiuct (,f tlre'e i'i.îur'. Ex'rv OU trick itjîits the' alie on ii xv arre liirii fi lied xx tir t tlire tl xi i x c rit ' r eartirtrx xxiiiire rrdt'r ua a ah tu te uxil' .,'f tirît nuel( xviiitîrt'vaih. 'oe, as a '.sîipe furtier if 1k arr'.tîrite xx iti '.i un of îrermcr \\,( k in. x tl eauirerîrîc lt san tpurt is'. tirat txW'. do v f. i îii.lri ltiitu'. toir iipedi' I it xxire x t trt' icett- r % l >x t i -itir t "n ii ltttŽ 1tIt ruan tscliie t tir t riu f - ulit r'.h î f nutti cit'. r'.t'. andi irririiri a n ratier rîit tier rudoctriner' hrî'ti..f itxx.. îteîrr'. <iil '.iriliii iv iur'r ii rir auzî. ir'. uiur ' 1'.t'i 11w xi f i rî iiv urt P rf' l 'ir'l ms. i , r, "i i ;ure lrutire tii\-f i i '.rrru rîîr irii' iun traln innii ;111i 'x aire il ciitr-i nt iic -to(ttard ti'.caril'.e xvith ethe iro ie tiai theire ri xiiir e aile Ct.'.tit '.lrle tritse.s snd fird hl'- r 'riuite rt nirk- ti rt xx illietairie t ir i. lu' .el rtto it. itreviî' u ie likctai. rand fiîre are tratîx oi iirrirr.arru ail thezcod. buut tvlt %i>-ther'furioinirîtitere i'. more ha in il Ir ini iore trirlut tirait il1i tire r -t r aui ruIrurýodinirua xar iruf-i- 1 tir tl irtr out ot a Ne'.1'. 'rfi1 lâInn un Gint1 i 193.18 srrtre rire '.ri îrrSPu.tiuut' ' a '.r'x't rttivear-iir ri t. elirra l ,ir cutr 'saice uir -'i1 x 'rxu lk iitr, a d aisxxiî'l lii"ce lt, itlifeîri ura -ic ,i iii Ire t' l w %lr i a iitd i l 'r xx Cimir ilie feiîrxx'. tLro andxx'eru'litf i t1iat tirer ernîldi tax arttirer v it i ,ri(-. l the tfour rar'. Tire iai or- i abi thel vioi r'af fa i raind cati ti iv '.>av xi tir red-rel tirat i rrlri thi i .il!r ru -1 '.rr ieIr sea le are ca rri'd r-rît iii .l111, P'xi rov ince. lu.\,1(iiiirpatier sain lire f il' inii M ICI ru Iltie cati a"., - ()il t.' xi ll - >,nr of tiiîni doo'. tIrit ' i. rn tir, fIiair'.of airart lrx andin - i i atrrdx thri il rti, rrrril, Il(.i dier.iutivilsut ti i.)xir Siill irc reii a iîi.r.rii r ad iiîitî not \%riociilirertiir tit'ei'eak-'of s'.îrr,îr !'ý -- xx. ' inn ct r, ili-ire .rîri' ri at, it 1- 'Innitil iil t", irumraî it rIieitiiur'. ilI t i l e' i,,, , rIîirid '"ur - 'lh Ill ii -\ ir' riir '.x tliai xxi l ru ii re ,îî un'. ,iu ii x'a f't r'i'i -li) ' il u t , fi r l iit - x' r ltr n " i t, i r i itvt NI THE DIM AND DISTANT PASI From The Statesman Files "1GUESS IWHO?" You sent me a lovely Chirisîmas OUR ENGLISH LETTER card, -WHEN GERMANY MOURNED A JEW Il had sncb a pretty view; VII And you hîd behînd ts signature 0f two litIle ix-ords: "Gness' By Miss Isobel Stephenson But I didu't need 10 guess at al. Oit luntîe 27t1î, 1922, sdilo lsop',, rîlt iîx litaîrrl t lu vu, For its message, kind and true iactirits anrd iff iee'si il erliîtwcrc orf xx oltie. Tell volur son that I Would neyer come from anyone ci'l-s(. xltle litunrreti'.of thiiriaiids 1fiorLi ihitiii ite naitne sud soirit else, of Genian î aid tireir tast re'.ieets - i Ie iiiirrlered iit, naay -God From anyane else but s-ou. I.-),'alîlucr Ratterlari. a ;Jr w. lid ilui if befure ait carthîr île liarl ireeti assassinaterl I)v voutrg ' iii'.tice lie mnakes a fullaud aven And w-bon I sorted ail my cards, Nationiaîi'.t'. "ic îrf xxlîrrn w a'.sev- c' iii' ".iitaîîd repeitti Lefore the I set \'ours xide spart: eliteeil1 iiî'.iice of Heaveti. Had lite kulowii For I knew esch xvord, 'thougb \ o.ti lotnbeta h at set lu type, fom.\ ire feral. Prexi(ltitt irerI ii' o exo dsclrhv Came. dear one, fomvorr 'al " Itri'. *ot lis'. rinie h lis bre i No'dsonrla heart. ýtrlkLtîtci e( lie ' murderer's xveaonon a hear.11t0tcfi liaulx at lxatliettie lîi'., If tlitan oit Itini. NMay these irraîl. but a31 li". xii'i'Gerii air n'iaexarcu iae-ah And so I did ual need ta guess. r tre"î !li ia. For certain ixel I kuewx-Ratlitiat.iin 1915, xva'. iefeireri ta)* From whom stuch kiud thotughts ilil Loî'ff ilew'.nratrler a'. "tIre sccir- (ii Mît eritrer 7. 1938, lierr Ernest came ta meru.swiii ira. triîritire Uerniti i te,,- tri Raîli. 'Third Secretary at tire Sa xx-b sbould I "Guess W\ho"" iîle ti i t'." Ife totitîrîrler tlire t G irlai v iiîtassx' iinParis.. xxas abat -Rslph Gardon îî'. ..'. i(je o rf eitatvat ear: iiii-r i f iee. Ilis îrurîicrer xxas ___________________________________________ airi iîîît forin iiri. Gci'tiit xoiii l i - % 11 '.v luwl Gît n'.,trait. a lexe, aged 17. iileerl i iax e cen f, îrctni pi '.ubitiit ire ioill.wiiil xtiecîneî L itie T lks fl lc irfi ie 198 xlirtli ai'îeared ili Scitxai ze Korîrs.' Advertising Vet Ratieir.ii xta'. i' xvar zcalri. iir îîtx'.raî ftiHitier's Black (Bv J. C. Kirkxxood It' tva'. air xt'ert tcireer, a iait- tir(s (Copyright Beserx-ed) attttîi . itîi. ire x a ritexer- c rît )i iserîuît xx ax . o itae î a IIi lîii .t lnitt c irarattur. iiieîiîii- 'l tli i ite treritle firîi l il. \Ve The woî-ld la fulil of mon - iit'li ,"iiii'.'-R ttiiii.'andrria'1. llil '.e tlic tri i tile irruciaixtrcd bx and x'omon - xxho vxant la ii Critici.iir if tlire Eca." t1ire letx - 'an etc for ait eye, and publish a nexx-spaper or mag- -\Iîliroîîiî ire xa'. ireir ta tuie xealrth toi 'iii f,'r a tootli.' Bit xWe sltal azine - partly as a xxay of iof tlire elecîric lfir',iz îriil kath- tak-e a tliîuiî',iid evct' for air eve, aîtd makiug a lix'elîbood, partly cirait. iris rit cair t'or tire cvitîîrrx of a tliirrî'aîîul teetlirfor 'ire bot." because tboy ixant a nmedilum Iii'iiir tv a' of Social 1etîîrc' of soif-expression. They are Ilit 1920 lire tinii'.liîri a 1irti iitire l'un'. Gcrîîraîtx. 19,38. kept back from startiug their '.îi)itet. 'Die Nete Geseii.cIirafl." '*** d r le a mn publication because \\rtîiexa.îrrird.u crtar1 ciH Seieî'o, tbe foese te iculty, if ievsrpe aid:"-Dr. Rathenîauri tva'.UrioridliriGardeits Club, nol the impossibiIity. of gel- ti îitie'.'. tiir ut brilliairi ecirionireî rriî \... ting a sufficient qnsntity of . tilitker rof îrreîrt day Geriirairv. atrdl'rdar. advertîsiug. for eacb suc- ici xxii iue, xoiii ce rtiii ix'iratvt cossix-e issue, 10 psy publisb- jolitnrîrc iraitaîrv otlier Gertîran to iug cosîs. ludt re'.uîre Eiirroirtait ccii' une af- S O Aderie * n heepr- fair'. tira stif itî raitiîv tasi'..' Adi-etiser lu Iese po- .Tliti'. titer c.o rîto:-"'tie eiîe seul limes are xxise: tbey Piit of Gertîratix xiii foilax i' vthîbreatîr- their sdx-ortisiug into oniy le'.'.iîîîere'.t Ce ri stelr iakil Iîr lit, wxel-establiied publications i' lice iii trace trire itrîttiai. 'r'. i' R BY 'S CO LD - those of adult s tature. bai'- i'ciît. BEFORE IT GETS WORSE ing a largo bodv 0of steady \rîre ('itrat attr rte D\TLT aicidexrp readers. They have no money icr i pacîi iti-ix.irtre- DN*TLTg rhaysLte n' Godc deo ta gix-e noix'lyý- boru pribiica- y .rî i i i îîrr lri rrer0te11c'1v olr t i 1iintzci tariin gr Let ruwhr b n. ' Iidteb lions, lacking a fixed and of :x r?îrrrir't11inagîr i r r-ty cîîid. su i inied x'luutarv cir'culat ion, builit rip t hw t illit'ilru xili i h t t' i tt.- l haut ". O% n iil'.abv îr slire tiirr'wthis cotd off 1 * * i.,,. r. than evr e, re. elreet- i m f ox'er a periati ai many years. Advertisers wxant a partie- ular kind af audience - an audience of persans and fam- iiie's likelv 10 ho inte'restod in t h e i r c ommunications and able 10 buv what they adver- lise. And 50 the\, sîrx'ey Most carefulyv the wxhole field of publications -bath n exx's - paper and magazines -' lu a purpose 10 find those faîth- fully read by classes of mon auid xxomeu xxho eau ho con- sidered ta ho logicai buyers and consun'ers etf xhat they, adx'ert ise. Advertisers give their adyci'- tising ta pubiishers xxha as- semble for bbc-m an attentive audience. They themselves do uatl help the publisher ta fiud an audience: the busi- ness of finding an audience of a particular kind is the obli- gation of the publisher, and flot untii ho secures - and holds - the right qualityv and quaiitity of audience eau the publisher hapo ta pet aciver- tîcers to use his publicationr. Tire prescîrce of a Qoociy quaulity of adx'ertisinp iina nexxspaper or magazine is a) recognition b;' adver t i s e r s that tire publislier iras as- sembled for tiîem a stauneh audience of persons and fam- illes likely ta o citterested lu tiroir adverlisements and able ta buy,. hat is advertised. FIFTY YEARS AGO Miss lIleoî Beitir, Ottawa, visited "CANADIAN MNOSAI("-' TRACIES Dr. A. Beitir. RACIAL, CONTRIBUTION Fromn The ('anadian Statesnran, Marriages: Freemaîr-Suoxx-denr- THROUGII 'MELODY January 2nd, 1889 At thre residentue af the bride*s AND LI'RI(' Long Sanît: T. Brimacombes' parents. Mnl. anrd Mrs. Thos. saw miliiwas burin Saturdax' Snoa.%,e'u Mapie Grox'e, Dec.' 29, i)e filliîer rxnlii. iii' .x nigbt. . .The party gixoîr by Mr. 1F-vRema S. F. Dixon. Mr. Harry' ti. xx tirli'. recemitirinunf , teotf and Mrs. Wm. Patton Fniday e%,- do. btia Dau'Msslr.tan.. oVni ' tnrr. (atnlar o.i. u enin xxas adecded uccsa. ker-Collaceutt-At tire Metirodistluiit uuutinrrr.Gretl'rn. Euîriskîllen: Mr. Sxxeeiman andeliparsontîge. Boxxmanrxille_ De,'. 23, icitr v Cî. 'uradiaîr I'aci fie Rail- xvfe of Scugog. have been speud- Iy Rt-x'-. If. B. Ketîtîy.'Mn. IHarry xx't-in. '.a ti n ctrîiitin toI îug a portiour of tiroir houcymn'otiIl. 'oi'lkt-r atidMiss Fis;e' Mi.' ., iteratnîre ti ii nCauîad- aI Mrs. T. Eîford's.CelauiIn' Mapie Groe': Jonr Runele iras A gonrdiy inîber of sfiattrr. 'l eCi inilu Cunuialr'.424 t'iLCt' a rre îposition oth ie Toroto xxeePresr'rt ai bte apeig tof tire \i in24 intinni fueutt Inci lin- police force. . . C. Poxiver aoftrur Buruxnitrvitir Arera Stur rea. r r ru e 'unr 'a ci"ff ,îrr,îîiru iront tclb girl hre gc'cse'rt l xlt in bi-i xx ut ' in ittl'nit' t r 'n un i,îrri.caîr' u' 'rîe r it '.' ronrt'siratuurg irruilirFeatuu'e' tf v"'rîg rxas Ill ur' irruiti lamiC(ire 1 XW. i. lîiiiî'..R. Orni' Dr'. Tticei'ui' anrd fm fîr i'. b k' îu. e pi r iie buit Mai- '1 Kirir r ru 'iuaefit url. N. île peint Currisii, inîr teloixiie . . ti,',i' .\iex T ' l'.'rli ratiru.r-'. ni' o .rnhrrî'. 1 n. 1:r1't N'rîrîr îid R' Thrt-Metiradusa e-ltiroir nujitur raî ii i'iiitiirix A chreki otnilil i ni'n f' nti4s uicnn in' rniirrxersaly . uppt'r Nexw' Xeua huî.I î îi tit 4 la to tire rrtr's riP- rii "i t.întit' iîi' uln'.n Exe. trInIn llrt'iI. i' t r ill nr- utlr. uîîîîîr' u T 'r' : A. laruge eîrxx n i i. titi Clonrutg exeriî. t: hti eie'ti in . vl: ',lini 11"\\. îlle'u'cr i tir" t-il pturîri Suituîtniix rigirt - iîlil vix i un' ftr' ('e'r'uiSn'iionil cit r ni. u raic i ia 'u i ir". fune s tf i iittg. .. \. iE. IL'.rrni lu-s l' t tftet'reîcrîr xt lt'ut triti' 00> xith'.it ir u u Iii,' ilir irl tioll Iris iiiiiiuar dî'xer ' FI%'is ' In Pin' ittuix rd tt'e înbr'u'estbirg I. r.mi.î "ri xill n tri i' u'a srt lt urfinn i a lîuîîî. trictux i Clili. tnîis îtts la" :. i l r.tnr.l init i l- fa x trorîît ni t ii brn uuir',a.if-u s tt' irulur bortonn . i, r. iii ni '> îii .î1,wrr lk ..i' 'unl itîtu t i iw'5 fii iii x.' It i uits lnfo i 'utl ji n i ' uu ii uun'n uh'i iu Nu ' I AX .rii iir ilu"titi tlio% i\ Iri thlio i I tt lrek ' n'tti ' ot' X 'r ni rîix u S'. t . um l m i S ,rî. fî'unn n-mi ~i I nut ' Butlxoiir u ln srn tr tr l ii . ta In' lit Mr . F "o h p 'm'rr' iiîu. A , (fulg mll.pper o g h n % il ilt,îin nr-i f ti l,ýire irfn.î't Illetin - i tt ('aîu; oi iifi ho l B i nfM NlOlI '>'irNvF:s t he .irth i iu'u.u'' aluxirur maden I xix itiir lx i" . ': ii trr iMrut..iitrYluig.'îBxAitri t iiiithr' C Iix' tii- tutturi fînn.r Ti iuifttti' uti .Ii ruind . t I itun lnî itit' t. eitir m 25- tri'. trn' i,- lnî~m 'I Ii'. '.ï.à da,, i hIiii.'ii. ',înc,, n r mnur ,lanuar', Ist, 191 h 1'~ii.~.t lii-' iii' i-î u uni i M tin Pl Sn Ut' Clii' ii" 'i ( 'i"~~~~~ rï,. 'i ' t i tutuu- r 'r r n t tn . iiiItirî lu tni i i. . . lI t ti ' l n tit , tIra 'lînttnu X li tt' , r ti ilfli', lrt iru'. a rie nui ir ut% ).m i-it '.' t1)î ln f.:ift'acil.imi" mn' iî' lo f Il zi J ilt . u' i uu e ali(l f- i, ý 1 rît s, -r t"i Cui r t i i gIr l es n d ile 't, ii un t inu.î :înn f ui N l xx i-t lo'-u ui u, i: t u t'..ui it r l'nricit. if u. hut uin t't i u tt" , 'lîn r' irititnt'. nir lîtt" ni nr în1nIlCooxv îrlaîchn ilft-irîn Xi t~ i'ii i li iii'il. T lutiG r'. xxr iii tirruna r ii n l i iii t otetuut rir'tr r ui, '.fuil' xith iris x.îu nu l i I rttr~î r un irtu i nrr factx iri a înraînîlrr xirici rrn n 'u i' rît u 'i-iît t i i ,t ri tuiîx n Itrutnnu in u It t'rry eni- iu'i. tj!l rut ' rr fou sl n 'on i'l t'rin ui'. (Ntei3leii-11aîti îrri stcxxuîm' riitlîir.\ t t' îni-nilrtin r lîtîîni . -$3.50).1 'l'nut xxa'. Gerîrati îrii unir, 11022 1'. nx't traizc rr i r I'u i îri uiriik11 crolirceeieni li arr cti f 'i riîiîi'. iiattr 'lreahenilltîr, f XXrltîlr rkath- r i x r r' iîr %%îiirt rr. 'i r t t'; thuIr,titrei (.ftii iî'rr-r i r rr nu rr "f 1110 accrî',l.. "'ini ui ti'.rraf. Irit rit' fi 1 '.rcit h Ba îuw- rra1 .ivtýroni nonu'on." ilui'ii.n iabtet- arr -att and sure in tlti cire. u, 'n huc ci nru tht <icasenofbuby's ir mit .1 ýtct,in . tirming' opr eenhîng nrnt'.. u'nu ni u.imîtuinfvr'tts, nianu'hie,ta in.Un,t i-lc'. - nnlînt and s ri-i ter cip are', aiVr n t il-, min un5 free front opiate" unr ni '-c n"ui, c...Artanair 1s". report r3 gir. ;' i nepackaue. -enar 'ickame'ti .Siciner;, zn ofien 'inikes nuui n io'.u fi t,. X'nurîuney bnck if ynu irenn r i '.t î lu' THERE *S FAR more to complete insurance than writing the policies. We g;- extra services at no cost- suoli as studying al our fire risks and property values, before writing your policies. We want you to understand what your insurance will do wher. you have a Ioss. J. J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanvllle ealu heas d 's I~ whefl tokieSo0 . th a ApeSt ~ et l~~rttO a& ah09hon1- leaves 'bl&0 aSl'L on sdi e lS V IXxUCh aS tha da'ýbetaaer. Y lOCiIaxtC * I-HAMILTON DY PRODUCI COKE OVENS LIMITEO M-AM <MN CANADA Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Limited Phione 715 Bo-,imanvllle HAM O sO T E O ETPI NYAR PAGE TWO w -~ '1, 19r9 j I t- <eA j r à5y iiiram Back on the Seve.nth Conve.r-ý.ion

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