ably you are doing too much last- minute preparation. Strawberry Ice Cream u lt C u t DF INTEREST O W OMEN èA12cen lhk2sr reeaer am cream and whip until it is the consistency of a thick custard. OF d f L lGIRL GUIDE NEWS Fold in the jam and the lemon MO0THER LOVEWedig uice. Pour into freezing tray Former Durham Lady Tells O Ranger meeting was held Dec. Do not freeze too hard. It will h Rd l CC hGod is all-loving but our human C u h -R b 1t h r a n e rl e t o freeze in about an hour m m P. . • powers Cuh-Rb 1t hr a nerleto refrigerator but if I make it aEa The apily C angng C inaToo puny are to grasp the Love On Christmas Eve at the Trmnity Roberta Callum, Margaret West- average temperature which is thtsor.United Church, Bowmanville, the aa, ayCwncl nuht reei ufcet Miss auraHambey, ativ that direction when I returned And so, to teach, He gave us each wedding was solemnized of Gretaavy;MrCon and Olive ld Ths ionereei in of Cartwright, and Mission- fro furlouh aI ot fou r r a mother Victoria, youngest daughter, of Ward. After this all business was desserts, both winter and summer, rom ou a osourye sMrs. George Raby, Bowmanville, closed and the troop played as it is so quickly and easily made. look, and listenl. Managed currencies, not fill anypuhcofie:bu1a) ary in China, Writes of ago. As far as work in Girls' That we might learn by parable to Harry Ernest Couch, son of Mr. games. Miss Evelyn Goddard was I usually use commercialr jam, Goverrnment control of interest levels, idynihoran odctznh Conditions in Far Schools is concernied, there was a the Other. and Mrs. Harry Couch, Newcastle. presented with a presenit and giv- saving the home-made fo more1 etc.. are newv in practice and it is wvill lonz becapiyrmebre1b Eastdeiiebekwtth past. We Of all things mortal, only mother Rev. Sydney Davison officiated. en charge of a present for Miss important uses. Sometime s uiea osbl ooesoot thei manyv friends adaqanacs see now that when the New Life love The bride, given mn marriage by Grace Werry who could not be raspberry jam by way of variety. Doint of safety by allowing rates to Mlr. CawkerwamrretoMy Tzelit N 1 1938Movement, and the Scout Move-C 1 usrt hG her brother Carl, wore a becoming there. The girls were each given Taste before freezing~ to see if it Lro tono%%,w as it is to allow themn Hannahi ThorndkfWibMr sing, ov. . ment was started the General- Can aptly illsae e ae dress of blue sheer, with blue a presenit for which names had requires more sugar. This quan- to zo too hizh. It sceems hardlyncI86vh rdeesdhmfv er Why say the past four years? issime and Madam Chiang delib- above. BP ttSot accessories, corsage of pink roses, been draw,.n the wveek before. tity serves six generouslv. esr osaChti.rtso ntrs g There seemed a decided effort in erately began a work that was to -y PrescottSo-t baby's; breath and maidien hair Lunch proved to be a very merry reachi a level where the thrifty lose E-ight childrewrebntoM change the whole country through fern. 'Her only attendant was her affair and very little food was teicnieadhnetedsr oadM akr-Ms ila the activities of Young China. 1 sister, Mrs. Herbert Moorcraft, left over. The room was put in .sv there will be a dep)reAsion in Cawker. Samuet onCwe e Andnowwe re a osiio toexatlyhowto -be commands, w ý,ho wý,ore a burgundy colored order and the meeting closedi with Caaafo -hich there will be no thia Francis Cwe Msior tabulate the results, which are and carry them out. crepe dress with navy accessories a Merry Christmas to all. It was recoverv lah* In the lifetime of mnost of deceased). Willa etnCwe The coutmovmentgavegirs an maien air ern.Thegroo inguntl th newyea 33truly wonderful. Three years ago you would and corsage of roses, babys breath decided there would be no meet- l• s.F lorence NoraCwen(r a as wvell as boys the finest physical gaspa oeo tetmstey was attended by Mr. H. W. Moor- Thicncr oitelie nurane hrfchi.Alve lo Cawker ,Gog 3 / %training. Now you see the' girls wvere doing. Young girls, just like craft. Dr. T.' A. Partridge presid- companlies ¶nl the matter of interestOcaCwkrChsHeyCwe. with straight shoulders, heads the ones wýho had to be so care- ed at the organ during the cere- !"rates lies in the fact that our con. The funeral ai edSna.Dc On Guranted Trst hld hih, eergy n evry moe. flly garde fromthe ubliceye ony. 111t For omebdiestrySct.sIt 8 tacts oith -ur poicyhldersare sth.rith ntermnt a PineGrov Certificates They have an a'ttitude of assur- Just a few years ago, were now . Following the wedding ýsupper ae nrtsofitrs acl ted e ttePinc let ance. They know just w.hat they out on the main streets directing ttehm fth'rd' ohr Written for The Statesman ito Drovide a sufficient miargin to Toeatnigtefnrlfo are doing 'and just how to do it. traffic. In most of these cities: the couple left on a short wvedid- by Sf35000 Liearantee the prompt and complete .1Bwavl eeM.adAr.J A legal investment for They are very highly organized. there are no policemen who know igti opit at r n Claims Savings oflic0,0hoLd f paymlent of all poliev claims -- and A. Gunn. Maor n is .O Trust Funds For instance, we heard of a fire how to do it. These young girls, Mrs. Couch will reside in Bow- Jsi le BonIsrnAff ectedy r h usto fgvrnetlitr--ns.AF. . M otr r n that broke out in the premises of are sent out in bands to order the manville. ATnhBrha ference wvithi interest rates is one that Ar.F .Vntn n r n Unconditionally Guarantee thBosscoliou Misohossnpbelaeddpha This issue is an anniversary- directly concernis every one f te Irs. T.. Cakr iz n Ju gh erShorts et.o chrgan. stp ofe approva t fet thatan d P P L F .8theoem odies. I ch hope Hinsread- publ ol e is ce itlic sti ah ren 1rne alc1 lesnn m e oi g T aS an TrHE zto f h cusokcage.irls vould lose all modesty and PRESENT CONCERT'ers have hadi as much pleasure! secuirity of life insurance, 'Mr. A. N.1 ada. On their behali, life insuirance Tea stainsonbaktcne ST RICEvery, one knew just whlat to do, womnanliness. But behold you' out of reading it as I have hadMice. President of the Caniadian co-nmiames operatinz m Canada have removed .in tefloigwy STERLING TRUSTS and who was leader of each group.Ad usescolaminwt thev do not seem to have lost Christmnas concert of S.S. No. 8, out of writing it. Occasionally it Life Inisurance Officers' Association invested aDproximiatelv $2,000,000.- Immerse thestiepatna CORPORATION And utsfidiechoolndctme n ith vasanything, and they have gained Nwas hld (in the schonolhou)ise Dec. 21. hsbe adwrwe oe-adPeieto h aaaLf %mteDmno.Hvn aebw hc otm ouino eqn u.efuiiency, ntse 1 rea greatly. Unilike its i)redcessors an annouincer tic duties have been too heavy, Assurance Comvany, interviewed hiere 1thevse mrvestmnents. it is the simple and one tablespooflo lcre soon ot. Ourstudens now re bu most f the ime ithas-benltod! 1redctedotatbnetlifetnsur-tlearlydefindtdutyof thecompanes haf tablspoonfl of amonia STERUNG TOWER TORONTO not only highly, organized, but Thent the war came on, andllt-k the'11c o h chairmran. nI•-i lifei i-ccrvdfnddivo h e mas'handnm tablespooflso highly trained, and they know oere orkcountryuniesonsudeth 1fl rhat and tailst Nith a mlicr I)Ill!enjoymntmeThe writing of it has an ciavritten I om is ad Pros tsconservetscurio hich. ldrsn ts-atdnerla etesrwleh w a r . T h e y m a d e s o ld ie r s c lo th i g o i e e d th e m ece tin z % ith a n a p p r o - a n u m b e r o f ;rt r a e e i s c e s o e a m la st a a lv si s. bi e s i m th e in t e g ri ty h f e a n f l e l t i n a d a to1 andb n1nf .Te eir s li easgastir ul1a teh a sin thDominion woul total $6d5.- tentorrower rns vhetheri di n-stain haRineatra r l ganized concerts to educate the the Hlalls." This song. by a choruis halh curios- Decembher .31. 1938. and that tota naua nefrnewt interest wamwae people. They go all over, canvass of Seniors. was followed by anlother ity i n wh a t bsns nfrc ol xed S/.-rates. desizned to force them to ar- wr ae. Sh o D O M IN IO N ~a whole city at once raising mon- verse over the '*miike" with which ohr oe000.000.000. bitrarih- low levels. improperly Venl- Crtneharovs ey. The order comes from some- the annouincer called iupon Betty hn iga le ti osdrd"h ad lzstelnesa obt h ae Ce . . OR QALIT FOOS. . where, and at once everybody is sai alrt gv wloetder atIng man o-~ tatdsite thoe reessi of the iea thln ttrl s oaananbotr e nfandstscsueye tn ar Si)eechi. The responise won the lit- tell you about SPring and the very vronouniced . soile on theirarms while the re- OLD COLONY The populace needs education tie Miss, a hearty clap. A-gain the it. It has made soigdw fbsns eeal will unduly low rates of interest minderof the cvr r tl MAPLE SYRUP 16. z along patriotic lines, as so few mlaster of ceremonlies rhymed his an- mýe read,. studyoigt hvrv nentoa make difficult the further builing clean. Rub theam it la ESQIR DUBE UT BUESTEL are educated, and few can read nounicement, the juniors wvould smez and attend var- situation in the Fall. new insurance uir of savings, but it aifects the rag soakedinsealcaig ESQIR DOBL DUY LUESTEL newspapers, even if they had the a sonz entiled "Planting Christmas ious Cla ssessaes wil\oalvnl efo w hole working out of the funds al- tretnadtedr ilb RAZOR Blades Rh .25 money to get them. Last spring Tree Sceeds." Bv this timte the aud- we osbe eseAln o he e et eo hs frayacmltdfrsuch impor- immediatelyreod.Iisahl a campaign was on to teach the ience had bezun to wonder how long It has made me Brown 1937. and that the volume of insur_ tanit purvoses as sinking funids. edul- to have extri eahbeam SUGAR CRISP people patriotic songs. The whole, the Droizramn would be anniounced in clarify a lot of vague information, ance in force will establish a record cational and church endowmients, pieces oftesaemtrilmd CORN LAKE 2,,,..15 school would go out just before verse formi. for it was evident that because I check and double-check al ih o andte eutsaewrkmen's compvensation, red-we.h oesaemd.Tee Sdaylight, and spend an hour sing- the composer had been familiar wvith anything that goes into the Col- 1 articuilarly- gratifying, not only as sceis ieisrne esos t.scrdb rs-tdcnb DATeliiusVcumPcked otatoChip ing all up and cdown the streets. the vroizram and the children's umin as facts. It has turned me a xpesono hecniece of j",ife insurance lhas proved to be clipped on oe hecarcrs and be in classes at eight o'clock- sel called lnoon Harry Rogers for a I do all the talking myself, I can- in hrcadlat i merhaos the grateso-andnaional lie.Disturb nce of as feing asncesay GLASC'S32oz Oe ayI awon o or wnrecitation. and the audience decided not learn anything. Wasn't it Ber- ,oerative business in the Doiniioni, that economiic findation threatens JA M RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY Jar school boys, standing on a high that Russel's store of pooetry wvould nard Shaw who said he did notbuasnexrsinofitinheheavnsomilnsotrfy JAMwith PectinIIII box, teaching a crowded street lsbhog h nieporm--ko uhhmef u ewscutrv itself Teseithi iCnad-,thveole wofarelconeredfotrithe FN YSELDfull of people how to sing a na- wvhichi it did. Hlarrv's recitation tol very fortunate in his friends? ians tr oel. theiri vings il i of eare of dee cnets. for the n W ALNUT PIECES t•• alunsong.enf erghtpuths thazbout the front of his nice new -pants. The word 'friends' akes me real- race. t ruernot on rocin feNva i eriy ofteifr wneodfage BULK SHbut anxORuslyIenquired how thevuize themmkt desendents and providme iý1-1r ir te education of children, for the- BULK SHREDDED OR DESICCATED wDork, bh o hfmake %sucesslooked behlind. His ba-ckwaý.rd howv brought me. Editors all across d ebthirvy amnofotgesnubnad COCOANUT -IL. 5 Dso no bareba dy.Th eoe hnedlut theaudince convulsd with nCnadaarel m.f e.a hnasthis h bn a vahliable factor tarmnhomles, and for similar otheCr INO arousing. There are no sentimenl- laughIter. Jean Anitil, costumred. exe- 1 e, e lodtoro ulde n o nthbe nreucnIte ude ub1cr- airre1osbitis DOqM ES IC - eeeks. 3 necul ntreemerte ua-a el non acdncr Te ex y llootembgibwt, Iel' st inLteplmnt l (il c rstheit es. It ensres theconiuusfo ter sof thle. Somerof the tunes item wastai " l.ave" s ong i o r fiend'or 'it eem Doi nin0flf nuane b nft t h are woth ofbete wodsifthe vey mal grl to th ir doles m s fou I. had rknfown oal l ongThe o r jjd te ti r itci hell con- h es crith t lu o fo ir ne t CO 29EELAK SGrade.2A9oLarge, ozeO e as of th ivl rSeffot ws a annuc tpndat h no rthefelingofdscouage-an verwhen litior)jpitofthe illfobe ainanad alamity.00We0must . EGGS 35c scnes, foravexhibit n he ark.1-uIrs. orie aves"awas le onttikthMota i ud-enr n rersosbl o h hv h isrs fcinertin oor th ngbs me de ic ednA.Iam " ihe ". f lled wit h Do ee P air te r o be si ul t n . o e of s r nc sansf h os m ora tuan otew au ly wot y ciie s ontp ti n s urvoeo h dar i ntic peache r mth is school t e t e c n r lf g r sth a r u e . t e l m theh ve ev ry r - ea s v hi h th r an ho e to of thei com miz f t h ose r igsp nld CHOIC FRUTS Pincipl ased m to repar love Loe an Phylis Aamsthe cpe Ihaveeverprintd -ehichaccomlishtheiaintntios. Inmanynecesitie. an coninue habissofwersnd trns te wold aains Caio rnia Sdless sid 3 o e icol ore chalks, ar-a ov \osue s. whnile B ty A tlvud e e t e lp h nie cl mn h y sbtantial estateheaccumu- t o t he welfaris res ofthe tnation s a a d rfablt.letoey urss t or do . Bt wh e n it m e t o vPh a u n s i r -, a nd D o gl s i so n r e thesix yad o fth e cl ip h e p a tsth ' ey f ýin la t A Pe i et o t h eil a na i n w ol.reoo e u a h btsi h e l g ' Oran es d z. 9c -29c ing ombsdro on y pacefl chldrn whse elfih wihesbrouht ost ine ren. Some'clip theDoinsunceO.ces sscaio . ALL-BRAN. ALL-BRAN helps th tr tyowna d fire rging, ifut the m dv isam>oginlstent. Kenneth Ruti si on1 h id k psnyc oogy -one w*h o member c Man ischaelcobee n esupplytthensoftobufky massyou RICH ELL 'ilb. kge St ictdrawsh i t. ve cM e w nt to thtPruta n n al for s , wassmoel fri sky wo m an senrds lk these to arfr ti c se n ar ou t se ite dsreo f sh o ul•.bowels needofor "regular" move- Grade A Large, ozesame pas eirs.f Wth allfothi s pu - abb n , hs wite sui of i t e wo hs feea n g ope d id. I sart- man y Cn aianii craonsr itmy ment. (Ordinaryatofoods often failnuito e lty I thinkiwe have nicer schoouldotforgvettnte tal e whcion liar-ent h clmniteleyobu t. en dut t %t orw n arda. oinof iw1 supplyue proper "bulk"). And ALL-ON45 COF EE 29 GGs35rlceesathanerthIbt does toehe bak, liar Yongmade aperfectwalkzingei ds owr ik terstae if enc w ijjch allGoe reDnandfothe i ael t.e Cawksf eraiort Per BA sarc-oreo iai STORFS /M/ FD have stnt an d efficiency o w t alnd rI oll i f-lged a ngxte e-th imatondoeeapeid f uli if soldn eredido at, Por te • ece - BNauesinetnl o cda But Oh! hat willhappen i lv sauc. e ,, earslon it ake ne feel, recspons.. Inro een esthesem tohr1t198ahilyescedALB Nevydyandik VALUS EFECTVE NTi JANARY7THthe storm reaks ove s n oriecorsn usteibetadhor caefl. t s uhvenatendecv m ,,ta .a i cieninhe esndof amulplny fwae. ts h cntrc they aroe eft ihothopesor any- the ohtwon ththhoese< art prisingbc the uber ofpeole wo .ehrane. isnecoftnosin ptat 101 homsCer tive wa to dea with comon con th ingtea k fr i f G d hol he the Musial f zresalth ve arQ i. I tell me h tthey sn h ou e hev der r-bto. orear here oal-stp tin ut o itdfiiny o arPeorhve aiincipvait e ti i a beesi pn he ia eleite 1 oal rte s.an I tn e nha"busk" plan weRU Ivoulk d ham e o e is nice L sse iad l niv i a s. tha c up ee adv t.tl he fr sued st rtn a n c l i h r e t s li t uare it\r. heti tch or . Haca edo C na oe. rent, whichuChna hasnfrsnc. widolvn D seat n gaveia r- d ismr av.Otfvewekie sin teandwhse ned is ias e ipotat rom tobth ifth i aren tstwhniheimowasneen .G itI California Seedless sthe finlrsie in her his I ory ewllcitatin about hi 1e Fv," whl ih, hv- ofthoe fivethee tilue it u n a te inal stanp int astat acii-tte ear f are. fthe f ayttled m adiritbi D ri k M lk or ealh mchie o a ounry hatsho l amonogaWisymnhy romGen othersdeathe f sthe e iMvacut. IAwulreind of that hat buche busnes whch hs ben twanot be pagan. E urtto l:l inor Hinstilin aellow coRu- gams of bidge in he afternon e mnowsiswataotelmnoprtinfot8hersehelteC dr w it ie e t o te a k tanmen ave aou Dutch a ncdel , rfect h ae b en rd uctled talmot t ten haIisu save.n d thco a th se h ave .Ca k r an . .R C w er radneoasttheng Wthia ts bnoeurain rhythm., viraeuiandfalmost asin pt buthere havare osntoreayuin the aioiy.Tor lo wmanv Oiure brothes of de i lid b yilent.nwhichhcaeturedrthehhearts t e colm nsatons, much asin moarve th i socale 'hrdnofde t' hlv mceased.in o ir s hNo v e r 8 t d, a n e a (ou s h e r u i n e . t h e n a m e svI i xl a r e o e b i g . v r o o t n i i c a n c e lla t o n o rNv r e apd ia t o sim pl Ai . S T . C a w e r o v e t o P o r o ]luve ut.tnte d aie ara unio z rm na duthsn.Msessetdtat I wrtwalifecok- icmatilunde nthse ho se.SPerryin.869and , oreedthel terr RNsa tryingto getout tosafetymoreleanadloan10 An tiIl Margaet ii- bworok. I havehtoewtthieafrhebnitfohrmmesof.sne-hm nettevlaes hare coming iadn n tik os lse\ezl \ur Paraandnd iinc ow hravetevnsoeso fras oth mbc ife scoundvity. IsaBeýa.nrt uinssmn.Hecodctd h ing O ! le avig. W lh pewecn .raieH l strdin blue and colect and clasioefy homeso my *tically t a s i nthe slut1.1Ion hsessunied ab ottwPenty y ers i-ago- beLUof someCuse toTIthe people in Cowhite Duchostm a etybstrecpes.Wheter Iwilleverand theca ttetimle h\i as comato cndwen 5he retiredand tulyrne tedus o .. theisrmrea s eeds, d uv rtyeecs hc 01fish itnd orent s ar d to t say s idristwre suh-lcis wl nspvr ohssoseunh a Siceel tem ofthe he s()tage w ul lketotae hihopotundlad us cul lad to na iona 'ken istud e o narke S ad uelt thyae Laf ihua H. o mbe. Te arorred as the titeiofthankng broh reades andi <lisaster.h li Athorouhl v osteeupoaalloubh thing to w rk fr. I Gen and theusclv stathllo e it' e ll edi tsfortheir kindtely mres t. "he babto nt ezaof the Canleain maers. e retied hs au tiesin u leenine Courice Grea \ ilkns ong ay t co tin e. - ecoomy i the o u e of al sy.t il t e ray of ohis ineath. Mad.m Candn .\uldreve GriahCcl R bno , a.Ruseill Malca on. Painlessone rtainin ines. o \l atheed toete i d me. \M an of th ruglv dpedal Y O U G A D Yir nar iis er nd w . na n at s r e n a ll swi n e- a r ter n o llaor is t a in ld for h ar ae r. i- idcease t uck by hia s aom E E Br m r A T E S H E Ro t t h e a cts o r s Ao 1 ( l e el D Dt a r a c a u e e e r n l k s t o e t r t i a f e i e n i v e t e t s i u r i . c o e . o t e o h i wtt a c a l l s . a e b y K l e n L n d n a n d t o r t r c r s 89TH BIRTuld h D naYe "Dnie. thesaine aferthe-ead s heirriensathe holidayfsea - sttution such sebanks. nsurcf et He wsonof a eting atreand Eid a t Fe suddenly.rtund o t oh ilac s on. efrend sai to e t e oher comenie ,atust comp mes andada ChiAnteleram annoucedothatrantaiday horad tI eThe frti e s at iy c oaies Ah a n owngth $2.000 on Mov rs. w T cso n 7 a tha o r t. s nce hi way so ten child re all ith ve s ee e o be n to b .anmw o rtgagei, a c m tuay oes tha t h i a e t h n le w s s v n O £ - F at e st O haw , e leb ae her 89r , il th assem bed o nu t he stage, s nh "SantaI mgad ith se f i thape ars t hau e t a t ount to an yo i ivi als . Sug-h ca s (f g . Th a il et d i nbirthdvDecoemb 28th. NmerusClus snoming" and reie agelawait-nbutheoue can hae parie wtl h- etedremoal dof tetscalle a 'bur-vll ndetalsl te / D r in k M ilk F o r H e a lth mach~f ie fcalled ourng theaterod on ed te fsou n o ahlls. rOnli 1yca fewou thework.If ithose asito yisude. of deb' resumably pre-suppos- buinsswhch lis e i and evening a ei d aean t omeInt s d Sa n a o as hee th easeo idlways chooe a e o n e t i \s hat th sahit nvid als salil eain fr8 vas h ae C vst Mr. acsni on of O h stre alitc.a il ly ana . imaial'e that cabe pre pred al ot the hof gi v u n dthe ir ad arnd o e v orv I a kr ad V .R a awa's ilrem arkbe "ong ad i ean d n hr okwsmaeoyh noieuwt iteo ols mnt h eei f h etrrh r. radvisi thto he h me s awas a rea ad in r o th e ree ef orea he hur- preaatih o n b t c hoo sall e ce in the ict. T r- 1o naniweeor f e ofa fnaca onl eas e 8Ling andOshawax ever1 ried oft ohi s natuet toeping ac o e ae s orco oens hion , ch can be Ilin s o ating fordsu h o up of v ea sin e er ar ia e s e ee s u w th ar on , l a v n g i ov a n h r m o y ad e th d y b f o e h e u r e n id vi ua s o sc re s th e f ac s, ii i h le ed t e I l theunews. othe ay hr e o te lbeh ienci . Tis am >xl e ig ee.EJellieds aladn s nd ave otined th m b tto ughtful.C \v e ioe P r frs. etack s n eg oneof our odest S lve t a th sbeo me d u i t e c t n n en e n ian im o rne o wh t I havesaid. r v n 18 9 ai( le it , . . a d i s i a i s i e a s a d n t i i ewr d s the be s u t er m s a t oe ica n d om e so r b utel I rmlk o r -a boo tess erve dtois e ehtfuaonsuppuec and unif o on e m tr i a r e us n s r t r o e o h il g va u s p o o e vt laroi g h at n c id er an her ,manyd rin s.on e day. The a i t e ilk l e a 1an dwhhvequired onyt sred. dc agrus oallliiths f r 1a aion to fla- iS bis'tc m n leco d tdt ren and-grown- voninav dvsthat miay he the any way- ed the previous day. We had in- inlteresIt is another. Tlhose whlo prac- -4#fa ------------best e-ver." We could write on for- dividual jellied salads. Some were tice thirift are entitled to a retuirn Fr A CALL WILL BRING OUR ROUTE MAN ever buit will close thiis birthd(ay i(nws -- - - - red and some green. They wvere whlichi will eniable them to accomn-e ------ with thie hope thiat hiealth, hiappiness .. made from currant and lime jelly illishi certain endfs. suich as thie huvine and a shiare of God's blessings may\" M aans od n powders, made tart with vinegar of a hiouse, farmn or business and e enter your hiome and find a welcomie1 teincosy the and had canned chicken, esadscriyfrodaegadaraoao tha alaysawitsyou fiens ad erinfctonsby he plenty of crisp celery, 'folded in standfardl of livinL, for thecir devend- G le n R a e D a iry niihbiloulrs. To you, Afrs. Jackson, regular use of when cool. For dessert we had ents. Rates of interest hiave become p r we sav Afany Happy Birthidays. This squares of home-made ice cream, unduflv low and, if thiis is the result Phone 2665 Bowmanville welcome news item was contributed fC1S5Ne with ch°°°late sauce, and a varie- of G°verrame"'nt oiiv. 1 think I am by hirs. Webster, 50 Charles St., ty of cookies. If your parties seem entitledl. in the capacity in which I hm. cONTAINS VITAMIN B i to be an awful lot of work, prob- amn paint-sktaw tp PAGE THREE THURSDAY, JANUARY 5TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESAIAN, BOMNILLE, ONTARIO 4