THURSDAY, ,JANUARY 5TH, 1939 TuE C.\N.\DI.\N STATESMAN, BOWM \NVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FIVE ê 4 Go li i i leiict. 51 -t f C m et ntecet sfi I u >0le , lî~tr rl\,d itCi7 \lli tDeput -vReeve andclCouînciilorsGI J . J .tille OFtEL St\%if li ellu Cier l liî G O R D O N T R E V A IL 'S a î o r o i E i e i l P g .P Il L S Successor to Henry i tîth lattri1cllti ivis Lot 34, ('on. 2, I)arlington$4.A 8 u Suco~r t Ieny Ltbop i rirtiecl ri.ti. 2!rîlîi ;dtîri J, l lre umile w est ef Cniti-tci l fil,. 11w lonie-Made Brass (or Silver Polislb Agnsfl ee Sla ok ic aiîd Scliore. .sýreiîir It I iciwx tiQe peinyxortl o f rouge pov- L Xgen~ fr Smet olvy Cke i îîrriur laituiic triatîtl lIii.Il. Saturday, January l4th 39coîepinwcli0 pwee YadC... e.OnaioS.,N il S. iieiliîcai Marv st. Sclinwiîel eusok iiffeinents. etc. willi buwiiteniiig: iix, aclcing enougli> UNITED CIGAR STORE Phn 79 Phone 2673 Bowmnanville Phone 2695 a îîî.Niodfav, latit. Oli. Negiulai ii Sale 2 iti. Ternus Cashi. Aîplyý' withi soft flaîîi nîi l e t' A!GENCY OI vtiuIur at Central Sclhool at R . '.M. amiesoi. ERiner \Viibuîr. il dry u.Plsîiitivsa lau i l. Bailiff. Auictioneer. way.' JeanMcCrmak, ait wit Mr ROT RY LUB Dougt Guelph. Editor T. 0. ELECTION RESULTS and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. ____Hcl.Cdla.ib Jh Miss Helen McGregor, Peter- (continued fram page 1) Neal. Wlli1lngford. Conn., and F. (Çontinued fromn Page 1) boro wit lir moherMrs D. . iL. Cisbv. Parker, South Dakota. SÇq CIAL AND PERSONAL boro ble ohr, Mr. iJ el~ in the morning and the la-:1 Président R. R. Stevens acon 209 were against and 103 for thc: Ie ie 18 Soi MGgo.tex is gatbered a few hours later.1 ducted the meeting which featur: by laý,ý Mrs. L. Gale. Hamilton. form- A paîl of latex looks very much ed much good natured banter and The most pronouniced defeat Phone 663 erly of the Kingsway Flower like a pail of milk and if allowed two expressions of appreciation.1 was handed to the by-law to pro- FOR NOT Shop, with Mrs. W. R. Strike. to stand the rubber wilI rise to the first to President Stevens for vide salaries for the Mayor and HOLIDAY VISITORS biggest money saving events of Mr. Ned Rehder, MciUni the surface like cream. his treat of cigars, cigarettes and Counicillors. A majority- of45 Mis Viia Matin Tronothe year - are in full swing. Read veit Montreal, with his par-:Te atr utbeepotd chocolate bars at the Christmas voted against the proposaI. Vote the dvt forpariculrs.ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rehder. and the rubber coagulated at once party last week. and the second was 214 for to 668 against. 8U eEeau e ew with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Mr. Edward Mason returned to Miss Frankie Jeweil withbher or the rubber will be injured. The to Balmoral Proprietor Wm. F]a- Mavor R. O. Jones and Reeven et be Mrs. John Barton with ber teaching duties at Florence, after cousins, Mrs. Harry Snyder and Indian makes a small lire of herty for the fine Christmas din- G. A. Edmondstone were elctod cousins in Oshawa. bolidaying with his mother, Mrs. Mrs. Pearl Rassmussen, Cleve- sticks and palm nuts over which ner. by acclamation. Miss Lillian Pritchard with T. G. Mason. land, Ohio. he places a dlay cone having a Changes from last year will relatives n Toronto.Mr. John Jury, Belleville, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples,I smail opening at the top throug ev .C ao u ftw Mrs.H. agaay nd wo ons Chester Jury and Miss Mary Jury, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Haddy and which the smoke escapes. He dips BY-LAWS PASS cuclti er ihSde Toronto, with ber sîster, MNrs. G !Hamilton, with their grandfather. son Jack, Toronto, with Mr. and!L a wooden paddle into the latex Little, who was in counicil for five1 FPrd.Mr. J. H. H. Jury. Mrs. C. H. Mason and Mrs. N. S. and holds it in the smoke until (Çontiifued fri Page 1) years until defeated as deputy- Miss Carnie Cherry, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Early, Sask- B. James. 1 the water is evaporated leaving a te t lb reeve last year. taking bis rplace. Mis L Wgg Ohaw, it Ms.atoon, Sask., Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Miss Sybil Burk, Head Officeltbin coating of rubber. The pad- Aot suie from thil one aein Ireland and dJehisagainondtain dipedann more in the form of strawVosconiwilbexcytesa. There really isn't such a thi: Ms a Gur ihhrMr. and Mrs. R. H. Westaway. 1 Miss Neli Burk, Dietitian, Belle- jto the latex and beld in the smoke to et te voce f th peole n Voing twads ila e fond Misens, Mr.a d MGurswither Mr. John Neal, Institute of1jville Gnral Hospital, witb theiriuntil a balof rubber so large it ordl that counicil migt governl in another article in this issue. I ntig nessmoetksab pairen t M. a d M s W M -Tecnology, Boston, Mass.. M r. mother, Mrs. T. S. Holgate. c n o e ba de s fo m d e lfacAsorn c i n athe cutmingIW eil - that's just what Is ha Guire~re Na, Cottam. olWal-is in this form that the crude rub-yarAsoectenatvpti Mr. Harold and Miss Dorothy nFrd NelCoa teioopans-t ber is placed on the market for the counicil was like the timid ENGLISH LETTER When the Hoa, Trono, ithther bothrMr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal. Starting Wednesday. January sale. yugmnwowsari opo Mr. Everett V. Hoar. pose to bis lady lover, s0 instead Dr. and Mrs. W. T. J. Veale and 1l11th, the Post Office will be closed This lump called a biscuit i of popping the question to ber (Continued tram page 1)O K L T IN O Mr. Ernie Bottrell, Peterboro , daugliters Margaret and Mar,,y Wednesday afternoons. taken to tbe factory and put direct he was somewbat evasiveCO KC THN A with his father, Mr. Thos. Bot- Harrow~ with their parents, M r.; Miss Mollie Hynds, Toronto tbrougb a wasbing machine, con- and asked ber if sbe wouid marry - 11mw cari xiii look a wliolc pack frth1 uliy cs trell. and Mrs. Thos. Veale and Mr. and attended the New Year Badmin- isin o apar ftot1doleiimifbeasedbe. oeve îlcx at orenfmu ieo Mr. Ed. F. Weekes, Toronto, Mrs. C. A. Jobnston. ton dance and was a weekend1 over wbicb water is flowing. The in most tbings we are willingt eî(u.Yenut ccîîac acmlte eti ubr with Mrs. Geo. Weekes and Miss Miss Gladys Jamieson, Wind- isitoî' of Mr. Howard Wight. rollers break the rubber into admit the councl bas shown con- ion îlhe leadcr. Vhcn lie turns tO ien od o h d uto Weekes. srwitb ber parents, Mr. and Mr. Jack Doughty, Guep,~rubsrp n h ae e siderable more will powý.er and slînjk a v ith bis tail between bîs; the price so, ridiculously low that rs Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bray and Mrs. Milton Jamieson. previous: acting manager te of Walker Stores mis owulh sroves the dirt and other impuri- etermination tban this young leu, the ,thers ail follow.' son Elgin. Enfield, witb ber bro- to leaving for a holiday in Florida. for the next two months while A. sent o t ips gaehdied n M wîrprunt f ui hmbeoe therMr. lginBromll. M.Mr. nkFran sElDiddan, E.lgin, isMananK.veChittourtheisronmxan inventorr, al Ontourpoptbeyoware imixedprewîtbwhesuiphur, ae ai-red Mr. F. L. Clisby, Parker, South i wb-o is attending uiest for bis fîrm.uint.abso.zc oxd lowed to, vote on the Higb Scbool 'caii bear ie o rer. Their Thsnleregcfînîxlngh Dakota, with bis daugbter. Mrs. iToronto, wîtb bis uncie and aunt, l Mes. Alice E. Garner, 47 Lake- white iead. wbiting, cia i ExesookBnadNus B- iniri fithe one. The CilubctTi lain fls eg M. A. Neal.~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moyse. vievw Ave., Toronto. iin renewing mica and talc. From tbe mixing lw ste r emdmnylak i rmtehaîirewt ain neaya oehe Miss. Helen1 Masonwsand MissarMe.eand mMrs.1 B.sS.nVanontone.easu- cription Mis Heen aso ad Mss Mr an Ms. . S Vastoe.ber sbcipinfor 1939 says: 'machine the rubber goes te, the' by-la-wýs. Tbis accounts for a! *\\Vell - Rvall ,exresi(,i anid1 then il in a month when the tail Jean Morris Il Monday nigbt for Dorotbv and Mary, Miss May: sure enjoy The Statesman whicb calendars or rollers from wbich it1 small total vote for these tbree l))retlîv sax ýt n(iii 1(01.bsy ThCokCoinCo an Acadia University, Nova Scotia. Vanstone, Toronto, Mr. and Mes. is full of home townm news.'" comes in sheets ready to use. by-laws as compared witb the The girl.headonk, frein joCampany Board of Education and Salary l'rc I rks ati mc sidcwaxs. 'Whiat and we sacrifice on our regular prof Janry Clearing Sales -the J. C. Vanstone. Kitchener. Miss Mr. T. H. McCreavLetbbridge, A osaeo h rcs SBv-asyibwr pnt i l , njvaotSul fia something for nothing. __________________________________________________Aita., was cailed home iast vweek rubber mened.It may be warm- eetorçnîo. Iaolit. o r al owing to bis mother. Mrs. A. E. ed at times but moulded solidl ' *, ,~ Naturally there is a limitei McCready suffering a paraiytîc rubber goods are preesed into Th~is vear the bandamen dîd not kîîoNv voui trekked 10 the boat iii anl 'stroke.1 moulds fo ordi.Frrb put forth any concerted effort teox-'cairt.* lengths and our quota is also limitei Choral Society wili resume its: ber shoes, clotbing. belting, hose bring eut the vote, as was done e droxe iii the famnilv Stuide- ugs htyucon nrgtaa C lea rancepractice in Trinity Sunda Scbool and tires the rubber is combined ater.btItienieyobar.1thtlat\ dd would like. January C learance~~~~~ Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 8 p.m. Here's Wl h uc. Tis is done by lay- ed or sta thm.Teb- hopîng the weather will be fine ing a sheet of rubber on the fab- t axa oe"Teb-a Ouir cars a Chl and the roads good. ric and pressing the two together was defeated by 261 opposed to *What are von îwo talkinz about'," i M. ad Ms. m. rewn 'etwen eay roler. Tbin ~173 in favor or a majority against asks L)orothv. 1iMru endSt, wll e a m.Tei e tiead e y prsing sof tubber isthe grant of 88. "1 am ciainpioninz vour cause.- THIS 15 WHAT S- A- L- E ding an~~~~~~~l ue n S . i ll -sar ai t u es- made y pes singe :ar18 rub î g v n s al vt, b t e ih vu d bu Cîal. il a prcae ti p ot nt their friends on Thursday, Jan. 5,I tbrougb a mould. Rubber bands Th y-law te re-engage a full sax s Nadline. -Isebel doesn't know If you are accustomed to buý on the occasion of their 66tb wed: are cut from pure rubber bose. 1 time Public Healtb Nurse was aise anv miore abouit South Africa than i e a osdrdo itecm etrlc npassing by the 1 look o)ainled. tailored to your measure at themaoiy 0 el"Naietmpie.'et ceprqaiis day for Puerta Rico to visit ber o rpring it for practical use vote against engaging a nurse inuch mnore'- sister and family, Judge A. V- ad been discovered and ahl arti- and 226 favored tbe idea. "Ah." savs Dorotbv. "Do I hear If vou have fil you could no LADOIES' D3R E SSES Acosta, Ms Acosta and their clés made frorn it were sticky in The by-law te build an exten- the tea zonz hge qarl hrei no dSugte Ama wrmwethr n bitleincod io t teHigb School at a coat 1Isebel H. Stephenson. hîea iredualîtcbtes, hee ieo The Légion Band is planning, weather. In that year Charles of $20.000 was turned down by a Cartwrizlht Gardens Clii. ra alrdgreta h o r 00band would welcome any requess ed a proceas upon wbicb the mod-1'ne' and 103 'yes*. It was hardl f Eiiland. for spécial numbers, or local art- ern rubber industry largely de- expected this by-la)v would pass __________when it lis necessary to cla out thi anosthey coert i Janu ar . Gendyear. anoAmercandscver tef t sa r te o e c 32 vted eand. W C 1 ImThs r tea reporteiol $ 2 pWatch for further details. by mixing suiphur with rubber o ut eitber the town counicil oit bywudlk eba.,pns.M.Goya on hta twsaorrpa roetwth-én eebrteeaefo h u AlToronto daily newspapers and beating it the objectional fea- school board backing it. The O iu r hmhv entebs elr WVe must clardoznsof attractively styled re o $7.00 a year - adwhntures were eliminated. badhdmade ne request boruarofoutem he beenite biest sel le itl is clubbed witb The States- If wve were te enumerate ail the extension since the counicîl Sidney Samue Brooks, Courtice your measure - tailored and trimmn dresses to make room for incoming stock. Every man are $9.00. It seems like a lot the articles made from rubber or,> turned themn dovn in the sprîngtoil wihasmdCokI dress lis practically a gift. Ail are nil models for of money. but don't blame us. into wbese manufacture rubber and the counicil in taking ful ce- A life-long resident e! Couctice f theo gnaitzedhiclha mennCoo i afenon vnngadcckalincee, aiYou can still get The Statosman entera, the list would ho long. sponsiit for submittinig tbe in the person of Sidney, Samuel h eonzdqaiygreti aftrnon. venng nd ockail, i crpes sainfor $2.00. Without cubber \ve could net bave'question te the people evidently Brooks. passed away at tbe fam -___________ -wool, and other materials. Many have been prie- Mr. Boyd Siemon and Mer ee.ns iylso uoo upsl al ra kltno l eîec.o ody aur Glen Mcîleeolidaying at their biles as they are now made. Near- the bv-laxv net intimatîng in ariv 2. after having been sil iii id as high as $15.00. They are really wýorth seeing homes. received Nvord to-day that i ail machinerx a nd appliances vcay, shape or form just what thé and in bed for the past fiw weeks. and buying. they bad passed their second ye-ar co yeetîiy bave some part extension was for. Sooner or lat- 'Ho bad celebrated bis 72nd birtb- exaintinsatO.AC. Gelh.macle 0f rubbeî' and there are er the teaching of sbop work forday. on September 7 asA r c a d e _____areinscienceCourses. bundreda of small articles sucb as boys and domestic science for Born in Courtice. son of the Botbhtwte otls knife girls should be taught in Bow- late John Fuez Brooks and Ann Miss Mary Birksband Ms De hnls and buttons that are S0 manville High School if it ta to Brook Brooks. be was well known otby -Mitchell wece mentionedl common wo neyer think of the retain its enviable record of be- and bigbly respected in the com- among those passing their exam- material wbicb entera into tbeir ing a modern and up-to-date' munity. -wbvere ho conducteda FEuT AND VELVET HAIS ih lbn a Macdoînald H a 11, manufacture. achool. In the meantime B.H.S.r butcher business. His popularitv Micb., Mr.ç. Alexander Wallace, of Ite Guelh. oth re omeon bobi- 1 thinic we are ail very fortun- gels a black eye as a second rate as a good sportsman tvas well Toronto, and Mr. Rae Brooks at 1 took From 4e to 2.00day.s. ate t0 bave rubber, found by the iseboc bnis uisaeno'i-kon a eodbi'w ilg home, wbo ta carrying on the but- Pal Fo 49 o$ .0Mr. Joseph Brown, Minnedosa. Indians and Spaniards and im- r en the opportunily of learning and for many er oto'ra hrbsieso i ahr n r 1Man., in renewing bis subscrip-1 proved by Charles Goodyear. i these practical subjects sucbý asi deligbt in bunting and at shoot- sister, Mrs. Arthur Langmaid, of 'maic ftien says: I grialy enjoy readi:g FoIIo\ving ber adles Rotar- rother bigb and continuation ing matches. Hoe vas a charter Oshawa, aise survives. Ho was Broc Ç,f»The Stateaman although it isr ian A. M. Hardy, Superintendent sebools are coing. We think il is member of the first Gun Club, predeceased by a daugbtec Mar- Broc ,71m 4 x cýtOP-many years since I left my native of the'local Goodyear Tire & Rub- the duty of the Sebool Board, if formed in Bo\,wmanville back in garet, and a child, Samuel. ]Phone 594 Bowmanville village of Tyrone where I attend- ber Ce. plant. presented Miss Me-i it stilil avera the extension, te the 90's. Botb bis parents were Deceased was a member o! ed scboel. I am now 86 years il Laren witb a rubber mat, nel pass on considerable more infor- 1; been in England and xvere pion- Jerusalem Lodge, A. F. & A. M., 1 Owing te the illness of Miss ciete in the Bowmanville plant. matton te the citizens te mak eers o! the district. Bowmanville, and a member of Louise Osborne, organist of St.' Ho aise gave ber a silver dollar,1 bmt rubycnesn it omridAr alwosr Ebenezer United Cburcb. lAndrew's Churcb, con Sunday Mr. one o! 250 wbich ho réeceied remtbis tmportant question. Lack of vives bim, to.-ether witb tbree The funeral, whîcb xvaa largely Th IDon Cameron filied the vacancy the cempany after 25 yoars in, information and facts in publice daugbters and one son, Mca. attended, was beid fromn the fam- Cour _______________________________________________ for .botb merning and eing their eipboy.affaira croates ignorance. doubt'Marsbali Seules. of Oakville, Mca. ily résidence, on Wednesay.wittbJanu services, and aise for the prayer In expressing the club's appre- 1 and suspicion and binders pro-: Hugh Filasimmons of Detroit, Rev. W. C. Smtith of Ebenezer Un- monr rmeeting Tuesday nigbt. ciation to the speaker, Me. Hardy' gresa. _________________________________ r1W17 ~~~~~~Ms. A. W. Bellamy, Meose Jaw- mentiened the local plant, o!f' b oeo aagmtn h FI LII'IL ~~~~Sask., one of The Statosman's old rwic e 1n 1l bsa tbtt Public andi Higb Sebeel Boards!i est and moat loyal subserîbera, in hopo. bcueiii dir nt o o ne Municipal Board of Edu- renelng er paper for 1939, says rt h aga ubrcmayi cation carried by a mait of 78 AT ALLINS GROCERY rI look forward te arrivai of m'v the werid and because it %vas the ib45 nfvrad 9 gia 'hometownpaper ivlr Morda;firat mechanicai geooda manufact- nîonin. bae bena sut-riuring plant Goodyear ewned. : This by-law was a direct attack for over 3 years but I liaten ove,~ After running trie Bowmanv-,ille at detbr o onigteaer s cfd trie D M NSR TR N CH REtrie radio for which I am very industry, for tbree years, a me-Higri aSeolcdbody nand make DE O S R T R I H R Ethankfui. I came bore May si. chanîcal geoda plant xvas startec hma icodbd ntaio 1883 tiiAkeo. Ohe. wtb to reuitappointeci. Witri tre bigri calibre, 1883 inAkrn, Oio.%vih th reultof mon serving on tris board andi Me. ee . Hipenyli73rdtrial a fine export business was trie pronouinced successa nd bigri Ae.Ottawva, in reniewing bis sub bostaudinby triethe srganizaiens £ P R H-enz Âssorted Soups ........ 2 for 25c cipin odabawshstea Trie Bewmanvîlie plant bas sadnP0 h ebo n iIai - cipin ed beotwse o l en trie feeder for mn-fereigni dents it ta questienable if trie 2 bottis 3 ie is old Durham County' frienda. r markets, riaving suppiied mecla prepesed change wili be condc- Heioz Ketchup ...........................Our ceadora iil recali that Joe l god teAsria Sot ive te botter conditions. It ta trie During 1938 it was our policy to Bakedunable te attend trihv e Od od oAsrla ot: nofe nertho mter twhatar Heîn Ovn BensBos Reuienriee a earO]dAmerica ancd Engiand cretid sol- oiine oea îtzn b ags rices. Throughout 1939 we will continu Medium tin .............. 2 for 25C owing to ilîness. Ho niw informa warrant building plants in trio tri*s s-ale o-wa umte maintained articles will be sold at lowest r uis ho bas baci bis lIt ieg ampu xvas net poel rsne n been dewocdedtre uind oiii Eng-us thus net eperati .ve. But trie ro- rate items we will establish the Heinz Strained Baby Foods .... 2 for 1 9e characteristie optimism Joe says.Ti easta "It might bave been worse and I land. There ta aise a plant under soibith ly fotrnie pre sn et-eeyaypîe Super Suds, eoncentrated.. Ige. pkg. I19c am getting on fine.'" mcnstuactionein Sweder ate oncuci Pn- onedea'or D .DrgSo r manfaclre rbber and o ed il Athougri the by-iaw_ (m i k.-Fe)In trie iist of K.C.s anneuncedI plant viill hoe constructed in 1939 cees net becomne effective tili next other store in Canada. (S aI Pg.- re)rocontly the name of George in Brazil for trie manufacture of yoar it ils rumoreci that some ofi Manin'sBrdg D inies. .. kg I5e Keogh, Toronto, appearod.'W110io tarubbor geoda. tre-emer-o-tiebor-ar-__----------__________ Shortning & urid e Lard....... Ibs. 25e vile. Me Kog__ashe:_Goo-er--i bndtht-vem--itplce bt ake t p THURSDAY, JANUARY 5TH, 1939 TIIE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE nething MING en reserved u ing as giving somnething for ss in the giving. iappening here. MPANY LIMITED tom tailored clothes - have hast lengths- (only suffi- of a pattern)- they make men who have had the op- seramble to get first pick happens only on rare oc- only once in two years and lor shops are not ordinarily YLirnited take a severe loss dit so that You really do get *d quantity of these last ed. so that is the reason we Yand select the pattern you YOU GET jying high-priced garments Lt to get a suit or overcoat price usually paid for the ot afford the luxury of the îportunity for you to get a ce you have been paylng. cornes on rare occasions .e aecumulated short ends, Is or léft overs - many of but just the odd length Ieft lw price. They are eut to ed in the regular fine cus- lothing Company garments Canada. Setore Cbucch in charge. Interment place in Ebenezer Cemetery. 1bearers were six nephews, W. J. Langmaid, Percy Lang- d, Fred Langmaid, J a c k uka, Harvey Brooks, S a m oks. INAUGURAL MEETING MONDAY îe inaugural meeting o! Town icil wifl be held on Monday, îary 9th, at il o'oclck in the- -ning.