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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1939, p. 6

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THE C.\NADI.\N STATESçNI.\N.iOX'N\IL, ONT ARIO TIIURSDi'\Y, JANUARY 5TH. 1939 greup. 1_,'fIoI.atl] j- s a ttatttrai/CiI Iittiý Fritiay the red-sbîrted Bev- 'iiicct. manvillites wiIT try te take tc the Ti hisi' .irtiis Iettcr ttt,,iie th measure of the Peterbero B team tat'îu î.tit îarclhoh while next xeek. on Xetnesdax' eýtitici!t!uî îîttauti they wili niake their ftrst "home' uuttuui.,fUi tîîlh, uti'f u' u t iu appearance xith Port Hope as op- f, i! t îuî 'r ii position. JusIte b axve Port Hope îiîu r i v tiztaltau u anti Boxx',manv-ille in the same ~îît ~ .t'~ ~~t rink at the same time means ex- ,.. .. it' Ilui't u.t cîtement. lu t ti '. ttit'tttftiii As mentioneti before. the make- 'tî a"'ut utt up of the BoxvmanvilIe team ta changd cosideabivIn goal, re- piacing the diving Ed. Hooper. who is over the age limit, xiii be Jack Crawford, a seventeen vear old youth from Biackstock. Craw- OSHAWA Friday - Saturday JAN. 6 -7 Artists and Models Abroad Starring JACK BENNY - JOAN BEN- NETT - YACHT CLUB BOYS Added - Popeye in Goon Land. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. JAN. 9 - 11 "The Great Waltz"' S tarring - LUISE RAINER - FERNAND GRAVET CO'MING JANUARY 12 - 14 "The Dawn Patrol" Nvith ERROL FLYNN - BASII, RATIIBONE - DAVI D NIVEN &WORN OUI,, AND WORRIED Dragging &round each day, unable t 0 do housework - crank witb the chiluben - feeling mserable. Blaming it on "nerves" when te Iidney ay Ie out of arder. When kadneya au niehe ystem Hnahz-backache, frequently folIow. giignature a chance to restore health a.d nerg.Es to take. Sale. 1i16 Dodd'sKidney Pills iii t't N ,Ii'utt! .in % ii l u î xt ' ý%t> k t! ut îtatx' ftuili ir' ."u-in t' itor'.. I sct attr u'lîli a' cvdi,ue iiici-titi xx titi lii' tOi lî.ttn'.'t!'a. iuut.t Iî"î ik itre ut is uit' aimut(t g' t ant iultuuîic-rtu- t io ttpermit fromniC'anadt. I xiI iit i'.. mune 'tant on asisnail staie. i1isave ithe ambhition saduensiitece te ni',e intc a hiItiien class. eYeul a itr rans- îuiî.îîiti u i ter st-ii. The tss c matit fituindtit t.'tt". fir .iicce.,s, C'har- tatît eîlanctî'! mu is'suui'utiiuîîî" k'ý . 1 liss e icaruicul îcut'udu v1ticits iintti' rut sxurk', tuf 'N'u- k.,ý% itir. T' l 1 -ro u~t hi i1l, iîtî ut 'tttia ut cutoittu cý i'. hu it' t '.uuut aîîîli t ila tii ttI'. '. .îîut.i rîi tutt à, le(îî ru '. , i1ttlu :ii tt V. 'i i i Lit 1rtt tt i '. andl ,i t' itii . h iai t tri u! 1'u' ii i t K ;I" !i li t ti ' f 15i i t t. i i i l ti i -ui lWîr' . utitftu' i nuit tir . i 'ii tu t ! 11 , ,tr ' 'xi i ii t It. Iil f 1ti i ut t 1 . .t.i tti - aeI tri t I'.u tutu tuu ,uc' %tut ' ui.u t' 't'ii it *:i . t' I uu i 't'u'r . .t i I "t ttt t ttIil a d it-,:" i- ii Il :1 ti i L , o. a i .'; uîti. rtt t . i . ' . ', m ' t -i 1 ' 1i l I't i C ive il l tia tutti-i . u"it ' i t chcI""'rrV rt I l id t' t t i t , -11c( tti it lui s à , (1 :1 h111i. a e ai, 1- k ) i l't t u '>ý i SPORTNEWS Fast Hockey Assured This Season JuniorsPlay PeterboroFriday The 1939 edîtion of Mo. Bres- ford piayed for the Port Perry lin's Red-hued Arcadians hit the juveniles iast yoar and xvhilea long hockey trail to-morroxx night littie on the green side, has pienty when they visit Peterboro. and the of nerve and has the maktng of t question is, where viii the trail great goalie. Pressing hirn close]: lead . . te a championship or fond for the first string job is Ronnit hopes shattered? Hooper. who is just as good as vas Since early in the fail plans his eider brother. have been in'the making te form The defence t'eursomne xiiibi a streng local team andi a streng mad e up of Ed. Withericige. mov- league, and at each of the three edi back from his rtghit xx'ng posi- meetings held by the Lakeshere tien. Deuig Nichols xvho is shoxv greup, Boxxmanvilie's C o ri ~ n v ngreat imprex'ement ever hit Smythe has emerged btter off 1938 performance. and a couple than before. of huskies frem Whitby'. Ward tetng and Ashton. Se far y ours trulv bas Prier te the 0. H. A. mein net seen ariy of the Whiitby'- lacis Toroto. he aries mmber 0fin action buit the reports of the the proposed Lakeshore group got board of strategy' are gIoxving. together and exerythtng seemeti Up fient, crie broe wiil be coin- rosy for an ei.-ht-team gronip. poseti of Feather Bird. 138 pourids Peterboroxer entering t xv ,o of dazzIiîng speed. Louiis 'Wise- teams, along xith Lindsax'. Whit- man. xvh-Io has been sttcking vth by. Oshaxva, Boxxmanville. Port Bird stride for strîde. andi7IMl Hope and Cobourg. Ltndisay anti len. a 'eung.steu vho îs empioy'ec Peterboro verbaily' agreedt t pay the expenses if Boxvýmanx'iiie xvould play' its home game tn those respective texxns. , rR lIf Howex'er, at the next meeting Y OUR u R, heiti in Port Hope. they cailetiR that deal off since they bellieved (Copyl that Mo xouid take bis home en- gagement te the homo of bis op- -- BY John C' penerit anyxvay. But before any.- thing was tiefiniteiy decided an- Xofii 'fîarse ioukitîEr ittu 19. other meeting xvas beitiin Peter- Itttiitritu' ix.' iutuiii int, ot. bore, mainiy' because 'Xhitbx' re- N\'ill tiierue ts'iu orti ot" Son ite fused te make the txve long 'trips ot uh'c et at tiitu'.eniîltialait'th2it te Peterboro. andi some of the tsar tili Iiresk mitt thi-' sean ii other teams aise hoped te freeze I'.îiuuulu anthtî at wil meait sorlîl eut the Bowmanx'iiie entry'. Mean- tsar. O)tî uof tîiese inuni s a ft'iel whiie Hatch of Witby phonet i u fiiniii itiiLýiLondon. \X'Ien 1 Mr. Bresiin, saying that 'W&hitbx'- lit'ed itn Luiicloni. this man atndi1Imct were dropping eut for the season ech sxeek at a Stranti hotel. te have and that Mo couiti use Whitby as hitieîon. 1 uîîloted atîdi trefited i home ice andi aise use any Whitby frein tîti'. inetinz. for mv friend wta'. players that he wanted. a îvs'. itait. astoiti'.hjiix' xx'velliti- And that is the xvay things fomnîcti antI xseil tîtulit ouit con' stand at present. Peterboro with ceriiie Etînopeati af fair., anti polit- a B andi a C team. Lindsay, Ce- ije He %vs '. tn in Juguoslia ansd bourg, Port Hope anti Bowman-, ouest' uii)titre. I met iini iti Loi- ville with C teams, rmake up the (loi iin 1907. He hacI left i; ewtî greup, with Oshaxwa B's draxving t eîitntrs- te eseaoe iavitig te perforîti a bye since they are unabie te a .ecidti ircecvcar ternî i nîlitar% oet ice ta nia,' in n,a vn teT: .;- i.1- in . . f~,FUNERAL I)IRECTORS iis.-Tire sttr v x\as divided ijo \%t lria Service,an hour, any da%'. u At Ile ii'frsi udivision the' l rt *t t it i i h 1 \ii i oit F F. MORRiS O t 101sh ofl lr,'"0Littie Tuxvn Iiof W rai] f iti. F. M RRIS COi 13 ihiehlcni,".:iiit the second, iNIrs - otXr .S ier, MsDorrel. Mr. A.John- Modern Motor Lquîipm t i i1.0Ani-ii ona1i Mr N. S. McNall hulance and mx aliidCar. C'ail iî~~'t .siî 'î i!Nt sîot11 y stang tethrd Phono 480 or 734, Assistanit 573. *"S k \eI Nlit iiitk ttttrtittme Mtowad howr i demn Praises Farm Clubs mie___________________________ Iltv t tiit re.îttt it,,rii'itîI tlIi- -ii..ît . Nî. Il fî i sng ' There's a Song tri the Air': omrn n t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 'a.ii otnl '~ 1eittttt .l'Iio îtth-n the schotîl sang "Hark the Bwmn \ldi ENTERTAINER i ; . tii! Nit. present at Stindav schooili125. fo ii ttîiî.'l aeili SmreRLI OROhe < \i iJ ii I r,. "ttu Ir u - Nomination was held in the or aduit. S I. Ilîtot, )îîîtt NI itPt, woerfuRLy veRDOeNte â o tIi \Ir, ii! I\r,. .%N siti Cie commfiuniy hall Decemher 2(3t1 u . Dt ic Niti-ei, w nd rf ll v rstil efi i. r fic; % I t* t u iii M i. atlit NIr, The 1938 Couii'l xere re-eiected nIv r 1%ttlti.u i)ti'titieîtof Xiii tainer, for your next entertain- 0 t', t.(i:wa .. Ni n.1',bYh acclamation as follows: Reex e today. i t a' i tIlle tht iîtittr ti titi. ment. Illustrated cireular free. e t. <t ýh5 i r iiiul \Il,. Creighton Devitt : Co incillors -, i h Bt1, antlCA i'a rni, 1Address 628b Street, -I tilt tii\itttaIl.i(x i liîrtt,l Ruper yrBue -esiXî i , prc, vlit air activuToronto. citt,. %11. al N I low I Ta ' , , 1 fricd Bowies, WesieN Hoskin: Clerk o NI t. aiti N I r,. lýI.k't.()kijait! ,j. - Wm. Beacock; Treas. - Henry Ili, ru i thuattail %%ittirulii uitN.___________________________________ )uîc'., wti Nr ttii lr. iîtrt .'-homForedlatoFIFrd --v tit 'Ilietit tîit -lut la tcreî- i Nr. C . 1'. Ntti îuhltlC. 1Ytilng People's Union present- hn 4 *t.I Ciiýti tii i't Ie nltut iIttItlut Ieud .'i .uuîrl t~their p]av' y "It's Papa Who il,î,ttt 2 L a avre, cIi l 1 "Lest We Forget"1 ulrt titt" t.'u nî,utitriPays"in the Hll December 261, i ti i h ti î~tiii'ii' vi t iîts.Nr liîttttl Bîîtin.i. 'i i it Mr.George Crawford iin titiit rk tIiiittttiiiivileH OIJSAL rsî. 'u itri.! ît\t .*charge and Mr,;. Florence Thom- 'iiiîl 'ttic .hui t' ru '.titqail- monuments, Tablts. M arkeus, etc. teîi.iitr Fîî.ixtittIr.he!NIrprogram. he cast iý O N il iy r :lk!t'<ii iri(tlitii it i tirIn Granite and Marble. I I l T uîitît . MNr. rîtit! \Irt.Il * uritr: Jan Wrgî, A st ltiti: t i! a kiti, ipfar t. A licw S(-,i - Sut ftîîil ii'.' bis T<ljo r Ralph I.armer, A iltil e ii'.iti ,îr if(e hu. a li Iii ie iiu u!Nr If Therson, Kathleen Wright, lIv- JANU. i t'. liu it f i'. j"1i'. 11 î val xii StiIlqon. Viiti Sad 1er J'A.NUJ i o, .en (1'., r1NI r 1h tr Keithlt er WrghtJANU i"Ifour ; ~n~Mu.S i1'5,O hAnne heson tand Verna Me- ;til ii ]ilI i u nIi t iciouî.izd ; Wltutu i arerord of t50) vears ti R rnoeî eas- a a Nr oi! N '. tîîii hatî. u v a duel: Misses Kathleent il'r hr ut' nf bOit le!,f I et st i 'tuurî' reuinmentt for îitc9er euur btî a îleii. . . Ml n, d INt-, \V.Poni andi .Dorothx'Wright,xiolin selc, C A N ti'a i t eîoîi i tol(] ias >ou neeti j Dn Io___Dr. _________________________s;jîluin. Olw. . -MNi.s C(','lîeriiie 1Miss Verna McNaily, piano selec- I 'et ti alîîzlerplae.i Lnwc. Turoino witil î Mm. anti Mrs. tiens. Couniciliors made speeches, Mille Dairy Milk ýht food for baby .There's strength yglass. Try it MAN VILLE DAIRY Bowxnanville Sunday Midnite JAN. 8TH And Mon. - Tues. - Wed. JAN. 9 - 10 -il "I Arn The Law" Wendy Barrie, plus selected short subjects for your enjoymnent. TRIP- TRAVEL BARGAIN From BOWMAN VILLE rARY 13-14-15 TO CHICAGO FARY 13-14 TO WINDSOR rARY 13-14 TO DETROIT $13-10 $6.70 Parcs, Transit Lîilis atîcliIufemnsatiiîis from Ageuits. A DIA N 10N A L CANADIAN P A CIFI C 1 . - PAGE î~siX -w w REVIVAL Friday at 10.30 p.mi. "Life of Emile Zola" ixith PAUL MlNI. Lt TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 5TH, 1939 at the Daxis-Houit plant. This PRESENTS ANNUAL HEALTH REPORT Georire Lowe... Guiests at Mr. andi thanking the Publi-or- ei-u-- Ilarraltal, C;-Dennie Hanewich. B; trio are midget iisize but ex'eriN ._'. 1 'Locc Mm nt rs or.Rs tic n fckay . D ; Ila N eis since the first practce they' have I':tlitard NN'de andI fainbs. lBroken Church xvas xithtiraxxn at St. C: tiePneît.C tde been vorking together like the Froînt..N isiter'. aht Mr ind Mrs. John's Anglican Church Sunday! itlîin.ilenRx or. :Gr Dionne Quirîts. And xve imagine 1 .t'utî,ît" cre. îr antIMd night and Rex'. E. Wooti preachetiîIttliinson. D I'u alC; I thetO other teani xxili think la h ntdCuc.Seil at ttcIUaitedcChurc andpeaiaeI'.l'inaX' zal, C; BiIl~~'Ih.C they' are five iin numbet' before Is .tînteat tle otni-mscwa no'diR' Nî'oîB the game ta many 'minutes aid. iv ile. NI r . tandlMm'..N. Livrtxv. 0,it- mscvseje.los iolB The other lune xill ho centreti tisa. NIr. snd Mmr.. Lirtie Kiîsitt, Visitors: Miss Aileen Mountjoy. ;rat I.X insColne.. C;er Etuuice. Jetanitant Raltihi. Eufieltî. Nfr. Touante, Miss Hazel Mountjey'.CI by' Tom Depexv xho is stili handi- siîNn,.nlui lne itrPni 'M N KîtahtRtti )'Hln tteti C cappeti by' a tender callarbane, i n Is rlir lre iteBi Bronte, xxîth Mm. anti us. Nor-* but is fast reunding inte shape. tait.n. uî m.Tîuî Leachi man Mountjoy. . . . Mr. anti Mrs. ' Pt:FHorace \'ut7al, C. On one wing xxiii be Burkhart, the V'îîî.NIlr. anti Nifrs. Is.aac Sissoît Frank Heskîn anti Johin, Oshaxva. Gradhe 1il! M\amaret B3urrow.s. C; husky' homrbue xxho playeti centre and I M. NMelville Kîtappi, O'.law'a.. r at Mu. anti Mus. Norman Mount-jGrc Deaîn. C; Alert Gravelle, for the Whiibx'ihes last 1ea, wil Nho'Lorraine .utl niNir Vu i os . . ..Miss Lulu 'Wright. To- Il: Bruie 1llanewiclh. B; L-orrainec x'Diliongateamate lan traXttiI. Osliîala, 'ith Mm. andtIMrs. rent, with Mr. anti Mus. O. I i'lites. A: tDtiuilas Wilson, B; Delitng atem-the, xxi e tua- auil.Xntil. .. Mr. andti Mrs. S. Xin- 1Wright. .. . Miss Feuga Johnstan h3ttutsil XX'ttiou. C. yl us ho god hi tem s,'o.ort. Bntîkeuî Fronit. stith NMiss lennie 1:anti Mu. Arnoldi Johnston, Toron- Graid' il Plivs h' .Xiîî'. C; Bettu' at one is certain, but a couple of îast atntlNir. AXmbroisc Armeuir. ta, with Mr. anti Mus. A. Jolinstani \ît A:.' tCarl Bnoek, .X; Billie y!iyeam's Boxvmanviile aquati have Svîîîîîatliiv us extendeti tuî '.\. Guis ..Mu. Robert Smith, Tomanto e, ;ei ic. C:;.'Xnit Gravelle, C; Stel- a! ee auiby wshng lieree iat Mu. anti Mus. Chas. Smith's.... îli;ttv. C; jlesce Lowe, A;t Jean been auteiibiyî Tisi he xe Grill'.. Ebiiezeîrm. wlîîîî rîîkc urani.jI FlrneMLigi, - e stili eligibie. This xx'ili be theScîtoutiBoairdicf No. S8îmet Dec. I i s s Foec cagln o Iikt elNemli'.. X; Deug- aý thîrd year that Ma Buesiin has 2,'t1î w itît i acoo uti îuîîîr rt rate- rente, xith Mr. anti Mus. J. R. Mc- , Ncl.sA;Lus\oilaýi C is sponsoueti a team .vithout hax'ingj Laugblin. . . . Miss Ruth Mamloxx. , ilî' . ousIiuttnsj the eneft efa hoe ie, ad ta cm' preent ClaencePenfîtdtl.,Toronto, xxith INrs. James Mamexv. ,-ti s'alitr. 1 . a l oter.C; stas eelct eretmv t va,(l- . Miss Norma Hoae%. Toroîî~nItit\.te.B \intC. XsteC vhile Mo is neveu ex'eriy pessîmîs- hiavd e v latintbiuilt foi- 5f home. .. . Miss P. Hooe'v ""C-'r.tttiW'l.t.C -tic, he feels that this -,'ear ho has i :lis'e St futuire concerts. Tliîe ntîater Mm. andtiMms. George Heeey' . 1 , C u it. B:Sm line .Xuild, BA l elteam. Onîy one thîng is tut fi-ec uext boouks for Iletitc' r on rdbrTtotA sel(I \cC -stili qutestionable, x'il the texvns- ws'. li'.cti'.'eîI St lenQttl -lld l'iteievet x îîMr. anti Murs. Wesley' Brad- ell u... tSelctNcC tpeople of Boxvmanx'iile suppout: utrs latin meweting.1 bun... Mr. ant i\Irls. Iv'an Shoek. i r la ot et iib la buhj. \hile Whitby' is thirteen! 1utv c eitc uuî,vTootxihMs onNaix'i .NtItlia'"iul..X hi miles distant, otheî'xise it is stîlli euu ltXet c. 29t1 Srt ile ItoiilvTe oro..MuntLithMs. LJtohBn'usantiNîtt N. \'iiitt.. u.îA- e S a Boxvmanvtile affair, xith Non :br. IW. H. Birks, 31.0.H. Sututio it euiticnt Cat Ie IP'ltond'of Mr',. an t .Lit' ys. andt___________ siTay'lor running the riîk ai-idthe ttut amm.ttcitoCrnetaiha i irit Bu'eay, Mr. ani Ms.Hueret t em bain name 0f Bosv M -morron, fiai WlCoctrtice Circuiit Brtel n etSwý,ain anti Miriam, xvîth Mn. and h "If xvitches came back theyti nilit ntheM F . resen[s nealtn Rep rt îîri'.tia uîs' ' Brtoiierlîneutri "cit Mms. James Byers. .. . Mr. anti f]iil iniisortie parts cf the count- team its be tail. Viiinext~ ~ ~ttiutilis te îcets' tultules Ma Waiace anioM' sd fallace tus as mch asntiey exen titi, rspuing sec a C chamîpions ilî ip Eriet and on ,luave heenîîre - iII n r.HryVziCin -y ,rie.Btte« id iteatietiteivautiBoxvmanviiic or Lit.>t~o st.t tu(lt cxprc'. tu t iiri'.n Mante .is.Haîr at\ICamD.p1 sta'x's axx'mieu. Bt tîy"abfittioi x viii it Oc just another y'ear of % s O ervice S owcD crease ul ii. iutîeiaîieî of tlii',. ' e atipGlenn vib IN.I. atiMu. ad aauum axkxauti gctýtig abt on -cdisappintment'. Oîly' the sha- . uieu'.Mus. Cecii Hill anti Marion xvith-W'all Street Journial, tiev knoxv,ýs. .Stutil)t.'uî Bss-i att i cieul Mu. andt iVrs. J. Joi...Mus. F. Dr. W. H. Bîrks'. M.O.H., annuai thc expenses for sex'eual chiitiuen e ' en . '"iitt urciTOompsoîî ant ine, anti Mus. repart ta the Boartiof HealtOmc- te Ihax'e their tansils rmvt. t .N c utaN'liu'.Rc.Rb.Arhra veald tht th cos of aintin- (8) Thc Liens Club suppiieti 1llt Neiis.. Ass't. Rec. Sec. Smitb's. y sgh Ed c to yert the indivtdcachcitirenxn'îh iases:NN'ilson. Gîr.Sec. - Nitîîa Mrq.John W yeihtE uc to ..aDta1AemDtîxMINE cti(n9)55 59 chiltiren receix'etimili , Se"roi na.-lu'eîîu Cetîrtice. their nn lChristmas parts' De-And 31.6e as compareti with 50.6e a lthe chosebai uring thec xvinteu Cliiitiat Sesar andîtitu Finanice- cember 21110. fou their chldueî rîglt) veau ago. The total cest of Health montts anti matie gooti gains in ileat.tî Nuiî,,,itt'.i"ie nigrtteble' Mr. anti Mus - l reiý--,ieadgrncid :E ff iciency Kirwoo ____________________ dministration for 12 mentts xLeghît. This miik is suppliet i itfuutuic. Brcss Sec.-Gicît Bey Normanî Hointes andc fanîily'. Osiî- KrN.odentiing October 31, 1938. xvas thueugh thc Miik Fend xt'OcO is tîttîtî'.. i'cnîpcrauîce Siii1efuutcaxva, Mu. anti Mus.O. Wuight andi B tiut t'.iiuitut uttiei urlS1202.86, a decrease of $644.88:matie up frani contributions by' huic'Se Gîne rOaliatuî. Gift family' Mu. anti Mus. A. '%. 'WWighît îiui îh tev 'utiouiltuav foi yer u ni eolCutcBxScBoun Fislittu.Liter- anti Jouîn. Mr. ua n rs. R. Stinson 'C..Tc ti Ctît" icar ast ..t Du. Birks makes tOose abserva- Teacheus' Fend, thc Retaux- Club tturc' Sue.-RlîtOSiitte. 'tttît anti famulv Mu. anti Mus. C.ot ili sertaainz t earv StIroi tiens in his report:1anthtO Liens Club. i . t tlle %ear ilicad. liits'thEui l;M'ittt ie Vetza!. 1Bit1Wright anti family. Mn. andtiMus. it eau aoflisai. . Xttion.e there n.r (1) Deaths of chiltiren untier:(10) The discontinuance of the r Barrsuu.îii. Lsîn-istllv'iIikit"P. VanCamp anti family'. - Eycsbg)ît re.' tuîist. tut sitake off old Lcsn-th age of 1 year mestiy occurretiý Public HeaitO Nursing Serx'ice is lRat inouulNiskasK. Mu. anti Mus. Authutu VanCamnp SpCai xithin tOe frst three months of a seriaus handicap in Ile puex'en - "Vuîcts.secainne ttt ct hi aiy at'Dcm Disney Bldg. ulcut. ttîslakissu Ohtsttt ife ada i percentgexxeetien of disease anti outufortunate ;' aCm afrt'.. sud tut starnt itu etw nutadtioi fMr.11v isnDc 1 4h r n r.W I n.ihraltrcitild.svoe na'due te prematurity. stutotis y'eau is a resuitaltin fof'. .lîîîV'andî,Iue 9 4:MatiMu. aWdm. VaCamppP.0. a ithuiutradier i . wl o e ra k 2 D at s fro ni causes oth er the years f w erk xvhich have n .uit ecte t h îese cffic r s for tîîe ani am i] andM u. eanti Ms . a dH aau, P h o pP15 O6 ut'.llot tvtros Tioil ll hncne were stiy de oprecedeti.cuîuîosa:M.TeiaXcai'tVaCm ani len Muatisaa Pne5 hav cui. vilîcoun 'accidents anti eltiage. iFeu the seventb sucessxeyerwas ncclectcîl Prcsideuîî: Mn.. GecurIge l Mus. ArthuBailey' anti Ross, Mr. _____ soc snd lhune . A'nti ilis ta 0e horpeti These twa facts are evitiences netonecs fDipbtheria has Barber re-electeti Treat.tir st! l antilvMs. aPderex'V anmpantiumer6 tlit tveare macle str<gielzI)v tite lof the generai healtb of the com-been reperteti, a recorti ameng tOec1 Nirs. Wi'lson cecteti Secnetary. Otîer Campaniiiy, ru. Snan n- I Nue s m bemsofraip tufs nth rvneofOtrooficers xviii remnain the saine jeuaCm nifml, u niMs O y'poso tanue n)os'es.,ion adthc continueul etuti-i munity. ieti O rvne0 ai. Francis Weuuy anti famuîy'. Mu. thse eyes' of a cOuld are generaliy vaîtîtof ue irtes f ciaactndai (3) Tbcre was no epitiemic nf This record is dite iargely ta the l slot tutc anti Mus. Norton VanCamp anti noticeti easilv anti are among the any serloes contagieus disease ant'amiun fdiptei e- __________ aiy.EmrMse ui nifelaowing: Cempiete turning or a ru'.iuten.there xvere ne cases of Scarlet et omuiy loteeiOieVnap M.Jc tendency of the eyes ta turn in, Stumietites I thitiik that fan tutti Fever or Diphtheria. weue no cases of Scariet Fex'er, asj VanCamp. Mu. RalpO VanCamp, eut, up- or dlown. Twitching of nintitufis'. ut at n udcrcstbniatcie 1 (4) Tlsere were no diseases e- theme bati been sex'euai peoplet J.Jackto'3..tBuockvi]le.xvas unable ta be pue- the litis or of the face. Choretie t\-,litreetf ulianacter. Tonîstus pouteti whicb' couiti Oc tracet Int treateti xitb toxin._____ sent. movements. Slitting the litis of lutts' rcî,,arîl as heiîîg more vtîîîîshue wateu or milk seppii The reports tsis (Intentietifor last xveek) !eye ls eeb n1eefr ,tand îu'cfi clisuice. oi'ioontuuîits suit! on tOcexater anti milk have beeîî General statisties rex'eal that High Sebeol pepils presenteti te . btmiteer. ai.sit neevys e\i.'.'tietlcv. NNe let on u isit!n gooti al year. among resitients there xx'euo 75 their annuai play December 201h School Repoirts 0scbten isn n y 1 tu1 1uiu' u h eittciO I' 5 i mtlk solti in Boxvman- births, 2 stilîbirths. Il deaths u(Ivi ( 1 ciie ýti 5 In- snd 2îst. entitîcti "Hot Capy'." - on]\. Ini somO cases natisea and tu' tticucuttîtait-- uv tliîcstinîîl Ville is pasteuuîzed since the coni- don one yeam, aund 4 ticaths from Tho usuai bîgb standard of schoi voînîîing nîay Oc founti. Car sick- tsiitu ilt'i'.ing int effeet of thc Prox'incial canceu. Among non-u e s i e n ts plax',sxvas naintaineti. Directet COURTICE îîess xvbetî iing cm driving in adCempulisoy Pasteurization Laxv iltene veue 57 births. 4 stiîbiutlîa. bv 'Principal R. P. Allen thie cast .~ street t'airs. buses or motor cars C itî itir'.tit u (.)tir ti'. it! r (6) Dutingthe x'eau' a Deuntal 6 leaths Liunder one y'ear. andti n fchacitcîcs x'as us foiloxvs: Rita , ututiC iuiîc Slutuel Ri'nittforutmay' be dite te ey'estnaîîî Mauket i ~'O i îîtî'tu . t u~'lt'i.t'iirClîtîte xx ai. utganizedt! tbough tuie cethts fuonicatîcen. Deatha l;Sxaîî Ry-CatrBi Bck Ciiu.uit. 'xtîitioî.Nïuuî,utnleatiac'he is. et course, a cor-nîmnn ti ttIul ti tutî ut -Iîn assistance of lte Rotauv Cluîb. Eiti cisildueis uindehe Oc geofofnee y-eut NI,iroî abatî on e:.!uîîuteî ruer. N Extu lcuitt: Ilssy mptonî. t cbilchnen xxer tî'euteti for a touitalic. stIy o urewi tvhiîîlte fîrsixi. Harv'ey Malcolm, HaroltiCd u ltC yntct1 uirtI Dîîî eic îeoesui ut1,r ii 'i t ii i ' ieit1 of 727 defeets. thuee'niutntlis of h fe aIcia ]",-Il Crtixxfouth RotiaiiTueix-iti.Matie- Fute tas- Oc uhiu'te at imînîope utse of itýf k~' itt Like plns',c litr ( 7)Thc Rota-ir-Clutb aise nu I îecentitge ixere dcheie eott-lino tiixx.Eiietî Enmeusoîi. A C~ i, ' iurs(ut it. .the (,'os. Inifuet. Oaci babits ini thncnevr letsagbwenat.Dpnisvee i; 1-i iL-,n P teu xvay' of cxpressiuig it, because iiracciencîts adolti aguue. 'petintedti Miss Btutite Gilsoîî. N Jutit NîtîItil. :1_)Inyoflihlw h titi tB sies irctr Communicable Diseases Htîx'vvThionpseus tatidVWalter lii i :î.l'.î'". llî( O . ,O<f latcu life ancre te 1oai-Fmpua- Diretory ro u et :euss a e Vi i et bOy Mu. Fan Douncll Af- hitNujIti . B,: Si,,ît lcufotttiti. ýpeur use of tIse eves titiing sebeol and atue an Il% tlý- ireprtec isfoIlws:Chickenpox tel, the play' Wetnesthti'yvnigit a Ru'lui tlur'ut C: Riittî Siiruuî,ll ut.c otiud t' u ilititcetu tirr<'utmti îa'k'.LEGAL 2. German Meis I . Measles1il. datîce ivas eîîjoy'eti Iy'thie ,'ounug NAt:C reta NNiikiîî. .N t ecoîisc ofi ,ttie1Mimpst1i Pneuîmeuia 1. Tuber- people. Grade'N LutaulF'h C; ' îs tilt fui!îiîîelitv.31. G. V. GOL'LD. B.A., LL.B. I1ciosis -4. TvîîhoîeîFeveu 2. Wboop- Ou Doeomber 20th. Mur. anIXd uinet (r.iaî.NtN'utaS'tl. h~ ~ Ct Ktttulsiititu urîf' Barrister, Solicitor, Notauv îng Coigh 14, Gonoumboca 4, anti Mus.Ernest Laumer atnd famîily. i:t HaroilN'iiî. C. If iý tsi' ai utuake fa'r iue. oyl Phone 3,51 lEncephalîtîs Lethaugîca I. The Ilu. anti Mus. Austimn Larmoruauntd (; l' ' laitNutii. IE: Naiiau i lial nai ndRo alBank Bidg.. Bowmaîîxihie i contmol measutues tiîung the year famîly'Mu. amntiMus. Jabez W igt urtutt lute-uuît." 'Ilotithutîcit tutIV. R. STRIKE jectiens. utîndiScaulet Feven Toxin meu's te celebuate Mu. Launcr mr"'. t'ts.iiite" sîkxv'e.i ibbei oot n ndu m niMu.Jh a-Uk tu'. '.litîuîe oitr ife utnttcrertl.iiict',tttii Barrîster, Solicitor, Notauv r te 49. 75th biuthcîu. __ tutulà. itIutItile t xet'ltt "tutu Solicitor fer Bank of Moutieai t Water Supply Egypt ptublie sebool concert antid ~ l* L**~ ~O H W ii t1.>u iltiii titi' îu'uîiî Of Itiui Money te Lean. Phouse 791. Sxe sm!s f1e ulcChristmas troc xvas on Decemben L OSHAWA 'triSve if t tpitths ofî the pubilitse tii axvanxile.Fntaio luatutu uiist%.,. itat wi avtt t (ii i Bwanile ntro. 'ateu stipphy' x'ceetesteti duuing 20tb, xvith Mus. Sxxitzet, tiisie îui'iîtitutui (I. f tese utîlu L. C. MIASON, B.A. lthe y'eau xvth ne utîfavourable tietu niMm no alri FOR BABY Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. tlii tiatu'.. 'flielu' ut.Itk', sut 1scfiui Burs Sltu reports. Txvelve sampios of pui_ charge. 'ltt utuitl e c aîiill uv ' JAN. 4 - 5 - 6ter - S licto ra iu ee't(. t Netauy Public - Etc. x'ate xveils xxere sent iin fou cx- Rink opeuset Satuuday' uight JN aminatien. anti four of thesu xvîtb a large croxvtiprescrit. Skut- tu ~~ io ru t'ik-u tefuil Laxw iuîall its branschses. shox eti conutaminationî. Thc saliri- ing is 'Montiay. Wetincstay audstil' Sh"li ix ,jj, ad' t' a 'tifxi tsl uu Office immethîatelv easl ef Ryltr\protection of xxells in getîcral Satuucay' nigbts.Gil' coo uit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tete tiu rctu'iiu ioows si Poot fie68 oo53 rpeutedti tebc fair. Chruistmas pregmam xvas enjoy'- ihAnSile t.' kit 'te iutuuuPi'.ts:tutfiicei688; Home .553.IMilk Supply cd Suîîîtay mouuingut thte Umntted ih neShre t 1u î,î'.st tuii \tt uttu tM OIALTIe xvIpseuizts paîîs Chunch Suîîday' schîool. Christmas and Ralph Bellamy MIat plae, we (I_____________ toiBIxi'mICiuT bIleupieing92lantstie vmîîs xvcue seng anti Mr. E. Dem- xx i' uutrkî'îi ut fuir autur.c'ix't,'. ti ________92 ,;__ofthe_ -ucl Suupt. reai tise C hrimînasaud on the sam e programn îîîtn,e ut a'.'ri.,tl4 reirtc ti 'lth t DR. HAROLD FERGUSON cnti'e mnik cetsumptuon of tOc "BtofrJtesuis"lx.'uAspuesetb- . tuts u '~iî'h tie'uuuuî x 'il' ta!of Enniskihlen Oas taken ox'er tOe Thc Iota! average duiv consump- .priîrti epaulment.s contusg o l1iýiitq- ý, ive lliFl- in v- pirnry epatmen. cnsitin ofCharlie Chn at i ~u u ttitt tiuc'xtuu t ipractice of thc late Du. J. C. Beil. tien of miîk is 1300 quiarts ou a nLsc'eiain n og.Te tit t iceittt nittiuu"iii'.t iiuuOffice Hourst 'W'ek day's, 2 tili '4 peu capita coîssumptieus of .68nisiucatnsatisgsTe titi i 'utiiOctt b luhtu riut. 'clc 6 8 mjuînuor gtels' ulass sansg "TOc.Ami- M ne-a olc;Ex'cnings,6 till 8P. ýpînts peu day. Last -'car the peu- gels are Tellîng" xiths Miss VîviantMnt arol 'li ut u i.iesttittut ýr'-, Suntisys by appaintment. capîta censcînîp tion was5 .62 pînts Satilcu accompanying ut tise piauno. ihNanrOnd ý,iia,,-.id4oî it e a.Sxtyý-eigbt vxx ith WMitonBalmerthejunornoys ut unutu utl i ui11t i!sud:adit(uutnu DENTAL macle te> prothucers. sox'cn to Mudto Belas a efheaiuuuîhoer bo's 1wlu'C~î kî'î(lIt u'uuic',uil'.tuibîtteus of uaxv nsîk, andtifouir- 'of Jss.-aveirceadîugil"ThieBîut r>.îtt.ttue iiti!'f 'tirlittut turilut. DR. J. C. DEVITT teen te tîîstribîtous of pasteumizetî Jesuis." Intermd ises gi rla Witi '1tutI lue tai uee'î e Assistant: Dr. E. IV. Sisson ml.T\Ieee 0ifctosMNally' andt An ise Thonmson ii 1u ti icreiIin ý r-.lGraduate of Royal Dental Cal- associateti xvîhthî1e nsilk suîppiv sngiîg a ute x-ihJMu..R.Sud 'ut 'nt at'! îttuu li rîtloge, Toronto. Office: Juryv Juble duînng 1e y ar. Thirty' baby' cliin 1mi. ttu-I uti . t ii - Blg. ox m nxilaOfie icus c xec oI!uIîiîg e'eîninbs col ttse piuo. M . eliR Ba.- Sad-y - a . t Ti"Bd. omnil.Olc jr c -r edciigsvnnots c f yctung men's class sang a "Sandflow" ir t ý dîi'î ttri fit ii tuttifronutt (ii 9 u..teo6 p.m. tiaiiy exc'cpt Sun- of tIse yea iuuxitii altottal attend-h-ivmnîî Miss Geîex'iex'e Beut'oc-k "iis N'icuîxx tau ut t n' uttiday'. once of 236. o<ijng ladischuss telc a stomy' 'u tiiii uurtî t'frtutt Poe79 oij hne8 . ous! cliig lis-rnîtirks Du-. "Th'i Fitst Christms sTuoc.*' '.nvith Buck Jones plus a 'tu î-î i u 'ii e ,itue ti lx' X-Ray Equipment in Office. Binki.:ax .\s"Ixxi',h tt tlîauk i! XN'lten N'îight of senii'rmeîys gauxt' ,, Timbug and Rooney Comedy. ut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wo îIL( utttuIittt' ! uttui '.tîîýsîoh s i stIcitii tiih vrk<fanîtîîg 'bsa xi -tîstise

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