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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1939, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 5TH., 1939 THE CANADIAN STATES-MAN, BOWA AN:\\'11LLEý- ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN !WEEK OF PRAYER 'ORANGE LODGE DIM N ITN OPENED TUESDAY ANNUAL PARTY TEPWRHUEHPEIG News of Clarke Township on epecmie h SOCIAL AND PERSONAL HG UCS yApaPnhFo h rn eso meeting with the first night of'Jnay111 the Week of Prayer,whc Rev.1 S. Littlewood is conducting 1--- The ninth annual party fMsvetrSeatadfm Cowanville Mr° Jhn Bile, Torno, au %v; thaMhiS h 1HOLIDAY VISITORS vilsle takd a afew firom New-ante lor tglle c r . Sad kn re i ing herf asud W. . Lke.. . r. obt Mrs tin ymnwa shotj noyed, afte which -a dantage of thieskat- a huge success, both tegleyln.adi u oe l fasd Annua schol meting Waswth.isLaughe..Mr. eo. tar vitinlwsewoded in rayer. Miss Viola Gilfillan with Mr. mng Saturday night. and the hall itself being crowvded dlendarkness vs a(t)igt n Mr.JonAmaddugtr hllast week. Norman Anidrew.,s >pletonNetovileN.. r. and Scripture was read by Ne.lWod andMr.JJ.Glian The funeral of David Bell took wvith people to enjoy the eniter..Ithe streets, and by o)ressingz a button. MissSohearvitngisdu was eeleted ruste ad wiluMr.eF.Parer wthoM. anlMr.eRe. Litlewod ith he adhof Mr. lgi SeyourTorotoplac Friay fom he rsidecehtinmnt povidd bythe heeionte hoseiifiled ith ight sprkleghte, Mr. D Stehens Marpos serve %with T. J. Simp)son and R. Chas. Bedwýini. Brown'iis. .' .Miss a blackboard led in a discussion wvith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seymour. of Mr. Hlenry, Cornish, Orono, with Enýtertainers.xThedanirceitthptheio-- >and elitter. townshp Hollingsworth. Audrey Jaynes, Tweed,vwith Mrs. of the theme "Personal Religion." Mr. Allen Hall spent Chrita itren tOrn emtr. yhes'sx-pimoeorsr a pdlrio- F awhence coms tsange? Mis enyNecatl, ndth Church service wvas cancelled.' Evelyni Jaynes. . . . Miss Ettai The discussion took the forn of with Mr. and MIrs. Jos W. Hall. Congratulatiost veeC .i dtied npmifo e and glriousMseforsadAglOh as he asor asnotabe t tHolmes has returned to Oshawa. the various notes of personal re- NradMs oyWne nCar- g iofNcs to Reev .R.odtiemuilorteaoes cf enhaa er anuildig stnds aar wrygetsasM.A.Hn ah ca though ntbe its gt 1We have a Normal school stu- ligion as follows: (1) Thanksgiv- M. n Ms.Ry ite ad aret f1ecatlonreevigthe light fantastic. Before each alace onofautrivadtre t whwsrs north of Morgan's Corners. Sev- dent. Mr. J. A. Rickaby. visiting ing, i.e. for blessings both mater- Btyinh eatvs ee.camon n. Ccagal iedie hch was dbirected r asuit 11 1a atoity-arssit wich Mram.HokideCbor erl eihor wn t hsasis-at our school this week. He is ial and spiritual: (2) Confession - M r. C. French and family with Dun.act elbyin re1uti aldadm-amnmd si aln elh ealncewithhrvteir a s aly tob- saigwt r n r.Jh es f()the holiness of relatives here. Mr. Wm. Brown, B.A.. took arad cap changed the cards on 'truicture b it to control the river. Mr. Hre ilnsocpe comne snow-bound themnselves. MIr. Hendry. , God, (b) the wveakness of human- Mr. L. Beal and family with trip to 0Owen Sound before com- which weeprne.tenme fA uli lled wvith huming gz en- the Metoitcuc uptSn Arthur Bedwin finally brought a Ratepayeors' meeting wvas held in ity. (c) humility and (d) sin: (3) relatives here. mene ng duties in Toronto after the artists, saluting smiartly be- eaos lc twls attosdymrig horse on the scene a'nd the cars the school house December 29th Prayer - its various forms and at- Mir. F. MIcIlveen at his home his holidiayswhc he spent wvith foe leaving the stage. ior.crnsadsarasstu h uia r ft were drawn-i to more solidi footing. to discuss the installation of elec- titudes and its results. in Bowmanville, his parenits here.Patoepndwihasl- to rule over the inorces or nature:a, h rsy ra hesrie one b one.triclaighs m t schol. BcauseMesss. Jon andBob eane, Youn Peope'stUionixceu-tiondy th strag quatetfolloed a il c us us hat e caleservce.*ayeudercte.diectio ofe Holiday Visitors: Mr. and Mrs- smiall attendancerthat fiveurte- THE SIGNS THAT FAILED 'Toronto. vwere home. tv oe 1 o h .adM yatpdneb lao aer Tere izit litle by way of decort ioOrGambwa fadeiel Getlick and family with friends in pyr eeal ogv h ia Mr. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, fund. I'hey appointedi Betty Rowve and vocal solo and tap aiance by enem t i. s nowv mad r> le ighode.AmuretebyMs Oshawa. . . . Mr. and Mrs. N. Scott d~~~~~paeison-enefavl o of the inalP t S a om.'and Jim P ýowers as debaters to, Norma Moore. Bobby Jones gave was sedl. I a o edeet1 ae .A n hsomr and family, r. and rs. RSoyt Lk n nfao o'helghs. By rescottSortahoe debate with Clarke. twý.o excellent selections on the carved granite columrns. There w\as ville aniess Tono n and _fmiý, r. ndMrs Ro 'Tiq TSh- . - Smith and son Carlos, Newton- Associatieiotwn. hily n Assocatiopur hased a beautifu shl n alto iofcr.po Hzl rse lk nýht n Mrs. J J. W Striger. . . r. Conty Cuncilsof deth cae to im, ad whe, at ome.lower wtardens voaround anitaltoaen-raGamsbyhatande duets byar-theerabovo villHe, with Mr. and Mrs. ChS. Hwreat hfoR obt olBas r wa spernsiios. Hacul elcM-hod ntll ation ofoffica ers r o The lChrio twins, S ie and I e gav: t sengt nde mi)enoedaisadMrGmb Cowanlu. . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Imay stories of omens slt en to r. and Mrs. . B oaJ .. Sa s pciaedese lk n ht n uabhvteointdhen e y hglpometdo Ostrnern r.and Mr. adLM. ti,( • him,; ,,llt.con ad aand d herulime fulil-Toono ro.u et l biporsfarnd ilv er wt boncurand theng There re omeiend(optleciseein t HoMr.Tos.ngPr Hpw ChtrtOs on, Orono with r. ndl, ment. But wentthe three omens Mr. Jhubert Con.BbldckA .A, ladies. areelman ee - o an, theoutfrbak ativatendsthe aud- ewr housethi onoffietrnerly fortyyasaoiant aMrs.. r.oW.strivnge. . . . Mr. COuntisety COUnh cIo iS ,r(s odah*c ame tohiman he, thoeeinc it ter oaldutan fls n rnisltathvedsaner.gnea soe usnssinprte M. .iparnellantodauherf ,namily of bitilii. ie stil livg, hl eespfral iuohster, here.enarrow escape when the drierof"e. sure i true" e ovbi actenof te ounty heareLngdropeddeasTusdamfr Proewith Mriran. a M rs.S. Hih Shol oadnhs elef n igs'Mrs. Elm Sapes.ronvto, w ith ntofhditaseenp Tesacar - wrdhet also. u rad %it nro o tescenerv, nd eret thedeart fue ewsnmnt Porteous. . . . Mr. andnot Mrs. cM.t-n t alltarogoted andnivweilnIMr. andMoors.A .apleMs. E snout mIr ha oa ot again with- W eblackhiedEthel Fqiher so hs.Yttoesm epetedypeiu o h o Osborne.. Mrish.RuandSmr.sand U11,1 t theet inf 8cutv coun- a dgcm adhwe otie M J °wihhrsee oc nddnigwil en homens dothe Irondre ope.ouil. Bowmianville Hospital, at home. -.-.seParate twn0whrenoiceas But John cowered under the Searle. Mrs. R. Fairbairni is giving up evident from his first recitation thev ves a b itoies il1aki iz l Mr.Bidwll Tcker teaher also Misses Viola, Ada and Violet ie that thec hiulh Schools were pen sheets and protested, -I don't like .Miss Ruth Lowden, Toronto, the hotel business in the near that hiis own name of Bill wouldi elowv ironi electric bulbs. They fail Napanvee r FakKnxotah at horne. ocut uis ntesm n to, Mlary. A dog howling like that wvith MIr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Low- future. The hotel will be made in- suit him and from his second that to realize that the lihit, and service M.reomtEstWibydn A number of expected holiday 111U nin iiii i àItut is a sure sign of death." den. to apartment houses. Mrs. Fair- hie didn't think much of women. Harold Rickaby, teachersine Bar-rie ar ho visitors didn't arrive. They- prob- Fâtd ire nimcoa eM s ahu nt Pfl' adse.M.adMs ebr Fitf ar ilreani on Nvrmidil.Te e Ver cst the fomnte psariver hu rieaehoefo hldas ably figured if they didi reachcun rretai vr And Mirs. Spence had gone to and three sons, Oshawa, at Mr.. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. that ater)rher hat is nlow cntroled r. and Mr s.Slanaamltn their destinations they w,,ould -d fortrm f heya .oere- the w,ýindow, and shouted at the R. H. Wood's. Robert Ross (nee Eileen Sterling) "Elenor and Barbara~ delighted the s>trutcture- that staInds (1n the and Mr. nd rsEvvMddetn n erlvbethrfo thersto the softh rn echyer intruder till it disappeared in the M.Vro anesadMs on the birth of a son, Robert Wil- with tap dancing and Ruth Legas- rvrsbik known as a p)owerMr savitdtthrfte', wDurin. 1938. section 3 'i Thec distance· H. Orr with Mr. and Mrs. A. liamn, at the Burnside Hospital, sick«s reading dressed as a raggedhue Bord o Eucton:\t ndSe- The incident disturbed MIr. Saunders. Toronto. Dec. 26th. urchin who "can lick any ki d in Messrs. ChsanWmStpe C k C kd tions1.3. 17 andi 21 ,f The lIIhSene*e i otsep uh Miss Helen Scott, nurse-in-train- -Mr. Wm. Stutt, wvho has return- tebok a nc-u.Thn. ilaginthres in eservity. ofTyrnes wr'uet tMr..J TOO e ee Scools \ct wee ameded t the rest of the night. ln nWsenHsia oot ed from Detroit, is ill at the home Charming Norma Moore dres- t. laewtbuissntt-Saps vide thatcamenin Manar-,st A vsre gno eth Btqe ih NMr. and Mrs. H.Scott. o i oM. .Sut o- e nslenfvrdwt on trisld mdutrois orreveryescreip- Missrt Vary itotecerna The Home and School Club of e"uty ounio*mayaldntverbe hhmq itforer e Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winter anvle, wtha urs i aten- d ane"Lttelmeacdy ae- .ntrn<ratoc ne.tritertPryishmwtheri- Crooked Creek lheld a successful "l n ersnaaeo uh At breakfast time he was Stijlland family, Toronto, with Mrs. ieve sangThel echlde-unions. even, inour lhomes. there is. New Year's dance Friday evening. had.fra emo n ya.Tivorrying about it. He thought Winter. Thog heow lugheanusaner0 go , blu*n e ng icEe Blue or shouild he. a ipower house. Spolndidmusièce wasra nise y 1-ar tl antiu('1lchhart c ilnthea -Mary had a little less colour than NMr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron and sthr ou he igeute often niliiigan hn rsoEe r W r cal ts hem ings. aors rnoPcktr a lca fvepice rcesraunerooite o schbor<l rtie t heusual. He asked lher tentativelv son, Madison, Toronto, here. the now so t looas f tee rooad ill roryl'residens who collect arou d efa direction of Clinton Farrow. dcri,] whtherthir termns are if she \was not feeling well and-1latter two remaining for a longer b etcerbtenOooad hre n ae aoe ihthem councillors to assist thiem. in Dfa ecsl Aninual s chool meeting was held finýi,h1v<l or no-t. and lte conty c"1un- she rebuffed himi for his pains. visit. Newcastle this winter. a song and dance, and the f irst the <lischarze of thecir mnany duties. linO eig am Wdedymrig when George cil imay a (,mtle tuteoh There came a sudden loud NMr. and Mrs. Clifford Winiter Thare p roo dbate beee n tp ar of the progrlondse-ith insding beulwr solslveprob. White .was re-elected trustee. Athug 5ction i12 nf The igh ,Iicrash from the parlour. They and two children, Toronto, sent Clare.and Oron avsUbeenican-ia tap nc te by fivegiqurlsan ase~em. nrtloial seice, nd i tls h Mr. Gordon Clysdale spent \hcl lAtias beer nctmededto were both startled, and Mrs. Christmnas with Mrs. Isaac Win- cle.Nx odysUnioneto ytesrn ure. wrigi amn uhgo s A attewahrhsbcm Christmas and holidlays with his rer ,r hg sholbard shall Spence sprang up to investigate. ters. 'meetmng is mn charge of Olive The second part opened wt cooihd favourablefo wud-epc- mohe.qr. Clysdale. c 's f ;at least thiree tute"- She came back frowning, and she Brown,ýr and MervynriKeane.thepanacodnslcins.. .. hsrsndhirflof Mr. Lionel Hughes adMs ta fsxa omr- h culcridapcuei eandnd. r. Thomas McNeil spe rn t iMr. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborough (w fte ecrs yBill I aDoac itsarese"lidet, hsatcfaswn n Ann Snwde spnt ew earscmostnofhbars h lias tii "I hved askuelervouandozenChristmias with his daughiter, Mrs- isent rnessages to variu lDuffy, a young chap with marve- aagr rBsiesDrctr1h Evensatigi Orodpno Ndeport be altred exstcpt thatds coun ýt a -Iesatvfixastr oge hokonGordon Martin, and called on Mr. here hl nthi r s lous abilit, and black wavyhar steusebtofnimne Interwdsheistocy ed the ice good. pointees are limnited to one, ap)point- this picture, John, but you didn't H. C. Bow,ýen and other friends on They arrived home Sunda- ev Wee Ruth Legassicke, all dressed manutaiictuiringi compilany\, or chain of gm tOoorkwspae Mr. Im Turner in Peter- eL.( for one year. -The Municipal do it. Now it has fallen and the the line, thoroughly, enjoyed the ing . en- up as a bridesmaid, captivated the stores. H-e makes thle schedule that Thursday igtwhNecsl bor a e e-uio fr lstyer'sWokl glssisbroen Mn mkemeday. audience wcith her vocal solo the others ,llw He is the one bemg defeate yteloas41 normaNass. tired"' Maýster Jackie Marshall, Toron- ngtSkatgcotmud ng til idte-"Often a bridesmaid but never a who hoi, ldste bio\e-nestofthI t a hs afstadthilnggm Mr. Lloy d Clysdale is sporting "1What picture is it?" to, (grandson of Mr. Geo. Coop- nirght atu rdngw theui bride." (When Ruth grows up wve fc ei h owrhueohtandschrees rnhearcntnal a 1935 Chevrolet sedan. She held it up for himn to see. er). Mr. Fred Glover. NewAtoni- phnogrsss aphproimgte muLoscdon't think she'll have reason to business. mae scoreadnr-ceswe Mr. Frank Gilmour and family Canada Makes A He stared at it as if it w-ere a ville, and brother, 'Mr. Howard aood isesazel interusandsLinssing that song.) Len Wrattan fav- It is so in every organiizationi ther ewade b rehplyrso fs ie hiave been indisposed wvith flu.', Film of Wheat I ghost. It was a picture of Marv. Glover. Trenton, with their aunt. th oddoing a rushinabsiness in ored wvith a piano solo and then hie is somie one Who holds the union Few sthator wr pesnu Mr. and MIrs. Jack Reidl spenti Another sure sign of death: ~ Mrs. Margaret Cooper. and hier tebot.Teeianls kt and the accompanist rendered a togzether, be it a nation, p)olitÏcal nwta vroekosta l Mrs.SidRuterfod.inge exort.owhat, i*s gteis-deenedforal favored again with a piano ac- there is one whbo lashes together the -sr atinic sjsokad oh o MrSdRefr. Ccisayinstoprsnta T exinsmen", amovie rctoly .bothentfal n mtial. Waos-The week of prayer openied cordian selection, after which voc- linre nalities, talents, charmis. and s gab beteoa talk atci the Me rsClbNewton ade Kundre auspviece o th hetosufer uc a oss-H cold rs.Maiso Hal s lid p. Tuedaywitroeaepecalydfr a ad qartt umbrs eregien ersnaitis tattrasfoms her payes i ea etogetlot o ville. Jan. 12. on the subject "Hit- Canadian wheat board. It will be hardly tear himself away to go Ms .SIgt ya eno h oungcole. Wedne' (hsday)wa bve colwoysone of em ea ltn oesit e norgmnrmroes u ler and the Jwshown in Great Britairn by baker ,to work. Mr. . Sggtthasbenin telor horto-igt' (Turda) we irlwh culdyoel lie Bomavile rind wil ls Mr. id ughs ad bideareandmilersers As he wvas wvalking to the gate. sick list. wvill be for Sunday school, and Swviss songster and whose sweet f.ootitaohrwaapw rlieytkadnagofurrk back after a holiday atilNorth The actors in the film are all he noticed a scrap of paper on lMiss Margaret Millson was ont-oro igts o ffcal.Al ocecame headene Tehus old ue ilesos itht ta orteirpatcsn ab Bay- farmers and workers, and the the lawn. Even in his agitation. the sick list. are urged to attend these meet- second part closed with a violinist latnurwihcnwtropowergms Miss Katy Bedicky, is still in story, of wheat is followed from hle stopped from force of habit Ms hrtnetr ings. Three speakers from New- and two guitar players rendiering and ould be ioblesswthute Heres hopigwaeasc Congýratulations to Mr,. T. A. the homestead near Peterborough. He looked at it and he looked Friday. tions by Bill Duffy on the piano itact. h oe osadrvr ae Reid on hiisaclm tot an- Ont., of the mani who first grew again. It was a playing card. it .Mr. and Mrs. H. Mercer enter- The marriage took place at Emno accordian. mnust not oly be near one another other termi of office as Reeve Of Red Fife whieat. Plowing, seed- the ace of spades. Another taedfrens on December 24th, of Frances The third part of the program butnmustrktogetheror there wil Clarke. i in, and harvesting on the prairies omen of death! Mr. and Mrs. George Butters1 Gamsby and Calvin Hamm, son, consisted of tap dancing and beneeviensto \ti oerhuebeg(rvr Mr. Sid Rutherford, w.howaispcue as it is practised by.v The forenroon seemed an eter- entertamned friends Monday. of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm. Or- 'dances and dances typical of En- Again our hands, feet. eyes. ears'nh ihbwdhedadfle. skiing ot fKna.rprsSose.Iihen. elsme , t to him but at last came Mid- A number attended a dance at: ono. Following the ceremony per- gland, Ireland and Scotland, a and tongue obev uis. They all do ing lips askingta hi oro co ndition a fexelenta. rp and> Eo,ýmnlishnr. hereaescenesdy HIuridhl ' 1rd obugSaudy ih.formed by Rev. Lavendar the reading and a patriotic song for usefull and solendid bits of serv0 icuncertainty andurslo oga of the shipping of grain on mile. Would he find Mary bustling Mr.WN. o neranda! happy couple hiad a wedding sup- Canada, selections by the g.uitar every day. butl the\- would notn ober ior. and swetu ec ta wl ko long wheat trains, trans-shipment about getting his dinner ready few friends New Year's eve i per at the bride's parents, Mr. quartet, and the appearance on the ilsany\ more thani the river uniaided n nie.adltu ertywl Lake Shore, Clarke on, the freighters in the Great or would be find hier dead? h as ie u at thOr and Mrs. Guy Gamsby, Stratton. stage of the various entertainers woutld vroduce electricity il it wverec Omle voice thligtwl oe n Lakes. and the storing of the grain He fumbled with the gate latch. anedac ratied ots eOrf Mr. and Mrs. A. Gamsby and the (as the quartet played "Aloha") not for the )ower house. For it is thle shadow ofmhwllbekan in the huge clevators. He rushed uip the pathn; then halt- ag ac rae oso un. bride's sister Florence attended to remain there for the National' the brain thiat directs themn in their we in a niew a onotoh Holday Vsiorr and Mrs.y The filmn had its premiere in ed in a panic of ir.decision on the Mrs. Richard Mortonhahd the wedding. Anthem. All were in costume. The'Nwork. and thoughits. cuirrent thatwesmigykont Br.. JAes nkil it' Oha M. adTrot.A fo.hrsod H etiecullo, vr adcl.School re-opened Tuesday for rest of the evening was devoted to l1rains are of little service without howv to contro Mrs E A Toki. shaa.. .iestern Ontario to 1have Fife bring himiself to open the door. M.FakPaehsbe ni-tescn a ftesho er dancing, a lovely lunch being ser- the lbelioof hands, eteeader.l"aa k ~if l 1 .Mrs. Gordon Clarke and family , farmn recognized as a national mie- But at last by a supremne effort posed. with both teachers andpuil ved around 11.30. Mr. Porter ex- buit they have not attainedtewata eo ew n nsa Tornt. it hr oter Ms.moia o te onriutonmae f il h trnd heknb nd Council meets next Monday, rested (,we hoûpe) after a pleasant pressed the appreciation of the of service that would have been vos- Tlieetisi Baskerville. . . . Mr. and Mrs. E - by David Fife to Canada's, hea entered. 9th. vacation. It is too bad that the lodge to the audience and enter-i sib)le hlad the brain not those mm. ee sth ranthtgoen C. HolmeIs. Jack and Jan, owith trdwnAFguet aI tie prmere Therjutonsethe dooo r, face r, Snow shovelling is the order of teachers and pupils could not have tainers. bers to, do its bdi The ýireatest A alohl. hart's. . . . Mr. and MIrs. L. Allin on the homnestead of his grand.. perfectly still. the day (maybe). heard the mece things that the and hiLghest ioower house rvaldt" We miay esue1ta)iiso with Mrs. Ada Samiiis. New\\toni- father inOtonabee township, Pet.. Dead.' Mrs. Wmi. Cowan has returned truistees and the mnspectors had Il. is in the 1st chapter of Genesis, comles villeIf. . . . M\iss Berniece Brown erborough. He was not surprised,. Spence fromn visiting hier daughiters. to say about themn and the ex- ýJOHN TAMBLYN \erse 3. urst words. and G"ml said Fromn the vwrhueaoe wvith hier aunit, Mrs. Bob) Patter- One of* the early scenes in the told himself. Such omens as hie The fire enrgine was out MWed- telent wvork they are domng as EIGHT TIMES *T """ °ve "f " "N picture represents this farmn in hadl received wvere w arn ing nesday afternoon. ou u c(, in thie reports given at housev or damis visibevta pwr From theonwhssevcha the 80J's.shwn the planting of enough. But hiewas unnerved: r dBi e Trusýtee*s meeting Dec. 28th. SCHOOL TRUSTEE that mnade mian a hit ole %wr ithan finled wt ih TAK THE sverl hndfls f sed romHe tumledto chir nd Mat . poitorg BOvvi as secured mt of wihappears in the ankZels. placed in im thile brain, Th'. manycnureif ie Glso.It was gýrain picked uip (down-. He could not take his eyes sto I saa t' ýu, and fills it wVith insurrmg thouights. \\e mlay be uetelgtwl TAKE THE oni the docks. The first planting off that still figure. The snow plough got stuck John Tamblvni was re-elected It is to thlis power houise weu go IrOw. EL AD OUT as a failure. A second planting But lher armrnmoved. Her fin- back north due to the terrific sho rse o h igt erweAh i-en forlvsrahs .nd that itsgoigbaswl wais tried in the fall, and the seeds gers clutched at somiething dlown amut of snow. Park St. Church last Wednesday night at the meet- à climax. Whevl n eotions are at last, L A O Tsprouted. Just as the grain was in the cold-air register beside Oronoites teaching in other- - ing of schooil section No. 12, Or- ilomdtide. and thle river of ouir amn- LUntil the Shdwfleanpac FY UR L S ripening the next yeair, oxen which she layN. centres have returned to their 0ono. hition, hopes and desires are drift- shall rin broeoito hefied adtramled "Jhn.lsh sid,"I'ereenscholseBthservce atPardSree A.J.Tamlvnopnedproee- wod.while hiheranrththeebsWhre rethesknitSsucesiv down all but a few% stalks. A fewv try ing for ten minutes to reach my Miss Dora Graham has rýeturIn- CmhSud Y eeandkeeping ings by saying' that those present the ed of unlcintrolled waters. It iournesrn Get Oxygen in Your Blood and You'll Get the kernels were rescued, for seed, thimble. Can you get it for me"'ed to Toronto after visiting hier with New Year's Day ad roe were going to hiear one of the best Pep that Sends You Bounding Up the Stairs and that srnall quanitityý of wheat. John Spence has no more faithi parents. to be imipressive and mnspirmng. reports ever given, as to teachers. People who smnother to death die becuewas crossed w\ith native grains. In signls. TetpoatrewsbknoT -At the morning service Mrs. sho n iacs °the u ha s uel o rpetesÎut off n leeFron that eventually David Fife inefrot of Wntre \,a rs, tenlimbs rmtrng. rs.Hooey,in Chlalsdand Ms.J.R. For 24 'cars Vicks Advertising hmsbeen passed on byaBadfhscaa ering if your blood lacks red corpuscles. ev eoped the stram that was to ling onR.their roof.d t Cope wre ppintd haima us car heoes n yubrenahe n te ev. ba i aeKendal Ms R uto adJoc r- ughtransfer.n Comm u rponand secretary respectively.R.. ery part ofyour system.wihouenough oxy- turned home Sunday, her sister was administered at the close of Waddell gave the trustees' report geon-cayng corpussles our kin yors, ie, We nn WnoSbeing much improvedi. tesrieRv .Ltlwo' hich showed high s t a nri nrig, g peaby f en p m y irnr t Us a sponige, and then polish Holidlay Visitors: MIr. Wm. Dar-1 Marjorie McLaren gave her ad.. sermon dealt with covenants and great improvements in courses ans rmay becomne jittery--you tire quickly--hwIth newspapers, which wvill do lington, w\ho is teaching school1 dress on "Rubber" at Bowman- certain customns amiong cer tain andd m the building itself, won- Helps Prevent the Üevelopmen O$ fee hat yarou e s D.illiam Pnk ils. hewor baui fll, wthutHeaeKngsonswihrrs.A.G.tileeotay lubFrday popesshe enerng nt ep- erul tadinh inacill, e c NO, t'seay t rlive ea cod a-to-olat nc-itheps o re Thee ord-amuspilshep ak mreea\ ing [ usýty Streaks. Ammonia Darlington. . . Miss Annie Wright Don't forget the Chamber of crnants.easora empcrs discomfort. Just put a few drops of vent many codsfodelpng and better red corpusicles and thus increase dissolved mi the wvater gives the with Mrs. 0. Wright. .. Miss Clara Commerce meeting Wednesda,ý The subject of the evening ser- ports which paid gr eat tribute to Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril and Va-tro-nol i pcaie eia thet Dr i Parink powaro ur bloo 1. glass ia muI-ch clearer look than Seens, Bailieboro, with her sister,nih mon was "The Round of thei the wvork of the teachers. caretak- feel the tingle as Va-tro-nol's stimu- tion--expressly eindfrtens druggist. See for you;rself howiiuickly thiý s soap. Be careful that the, dust isi Mrs. R. Elliott. . . . MIr. and Mrs. Clock". Ini his interesting sermon er, and pupils, the excellent con- lating medication reduces the swol- and upper throtweems od t.ime.proen blod-bilde wil elp in yo takn frm thecornrs bfore . Stker hve rturnd fro vis Thehocke gam betwen Oh- te pasorhcmpare thehand of dctanddtehwor m sienceandcenemmbransdcearsawaymhersart.,sed n tie, itstimlate back your pep, co-r. 9aH. G .r tef-dr-ceM.'1washigtewnoting inhTrono. .. .Mr. nd rs.awa and Orono Tuesday did not the clock with life- each five ladvanced music. cogn uu e cek Nature's owndensstfghof C. Glass and family, and Mr . and aeiaie minutes representing five ye-ars.l Mr. Awde commented on the cold-letsryou breathe again. eomto throw oft RR P B R G IN F R ESATN Ms. L. oskin wth Mr.and Mr. Mrs. Frank Peate attended the Emnphasizing the fact that' each1 fact that the year's report cer - NX IE o' wi niiorhadclsi IK Milton Robinson. . . . Mr. and funeral of hier sister, Mrs. Ruske, stage of life has its purpose, even tainly showed a wý,onder-ful imi- head is all stuffed up. At the first their early ROýN TRI BAR AIN ARES Mrs. Milton Dunbar and son El-! Port Hope, Friday, old age, hie expoundced on the fact provement over last year's re-| warning sneeze or sniffle, use stages. , Eliott, Perrytown,,wiher par-1 Mrs. A. Moffatt, Newcastle, was that life, like a clock, is friendly port, and congratulated all con-|i Fro B W A N I Lents, MIr. and Mrs. W. Elliott. buried in Oronoi Cemetery on Fri- and useful, and also issues a cerned. The fmnancial statemient Mr. E. Little, teacher at Marsh day. warning - for, just as one hastens was explamned by Mr. Waddell, l Jan. 12 - To i..R Stations in the Miaritimie Provinces school, with his mother, MIrs. N. Anme teddOdelw if the clock shows themri to be be- and the auditors' report was read Province of Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Little. night at Bowmanville Wednesday hind with their work, the passing by him. Madirs. J .Coe a Island, Nova Scotia. Leagule Thursday evenring wvas night, somne helping on1 the pro- o f each day vwarns us that the re-relctdaio. mn charge of Jenny Wright and grami maining portion of our life is one A lively discussion arose wh-len i JAN. 13-14 TO OTTAWA $5.10 George Carson, wcith a good at- . dav shorter. At this service the John Armstrong broughit up about1 JAN. 13-14-15 TO MONTREAL $7,30. TO QUEBEC CITY 11.30 tendanitce. Scripture was taken by he vici ,iCeŸntreSM.enterti coir agWenteod-erppisfo.ajcnfrsgt TO ST ANN DE EAUPR 11,0 l\r. Swýarbr)iick. Rev. E. Bee ch (dfind osvealewsi," n rs .A Drummnond ting the benefit of Orono schioo TO STE ANaEeDa veryPmteres90ingwtalkron and NMrs. Rowland Smith favour- without their parents pavmg Or- "Education to the Indians". Read- nrduigtehlaysason. ed wvith a splendid duet "I'll go ono taxes. It was finally decided A A ASLRGS ELN 3 er, ars Tmu Lmisan Ifomao fomAgnt'ings wvere taken by. Anniie Wright Mrs. MI. Cooper and Mrs. E.iwithvo. that the trustees investigate and and Win. Hoy. ^ninteresting top- Searl entertainred friends ilo1 a see what can be done regarding CIAETETOAC CA A I N Ask for i as akenby ennyWriht.New Year s Lgoose dinner on Mon- "Rgenothtwihspa;terarngmtofheeco, THE ORONO NE W-S

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