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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1939, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT 1H E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. TAMUARX STî-î 1o~ut remaîned as guests of Me. andSpencer. Catherine and M ar y Mes. Hawkins ttll Tuesday mocn- 'Dewdney, Billy Holenbenko, Farn- ing. comb LeGresley, Ida Rogerson, Joan Duck, Betty Gray, Barbara, The Newcastle Independent LNewcastle Coupl H elen' 1 1 Lockndoolma Rgron, Jbuean Phione Clarke 1114 F.ft Years Wed! -ocal solos; Margaret Ash a piano HOLIDAY, VISITORS Murray, Miss Clara and Garnet ! solo; and Dolly and Mary Purdy down from Toronto. Married on Christmas Day 1888 nd Hellen and Margaret Ash vo-_, MrsL ox ad ornto w ith Me1 acSl~wîhM n Friends Shower Them With Gifts ca uet.Mrae sin ayp Oecn Mr sacSeb wt'Purdy also appeared in a cradle Sales awrdcah ec Me. aan e.W.Dhct,-Ms re ikTrno Not in the lives of many couples song, with motions.ineto (mium cag u t - "eodlwn'. ewaste n he Mr. Richard Pooley, Toronto, do such red letter dates as Christ- In anticipation of the arrivai of 5c). Charge of 25e extrarisio Lake. vwith Mr. and Mes. Herbert Pool- mas, a birthdav and a wedding Santa Clauis who had been in andi Mr. Jenim TopsnatMs. 'ey, Thicd Line East. day coincide as in the case of Mr. out. of the village for the past si made -when advertisement ils ouse l Etand esîa Wil Hnniga M. Morley Allun and ,Miss and Mes. Thomas Franklin Bran- dayýs a group of the older girls flot paid same week as inser- Dr. Dickson. Toronto, with Mes. Betty Allun. Ida, with their par- ton. Church St.. Newcastle. Mr. sang, Santa Claus is Coming te tion. Extra charge o0 lvllwen lt itirgit i- ece-lii Dickson and daughtec at Mr. ents, Me. and Mes. Icwin Allun. Branton, familiarly known by eV- esvýn. Then he came romping in relies aresdrecte oa -ttciît.foî îee ei eogC.Wihs.Third Line. while Me. Robert AI- eryene tn the village foc more from his snri haunts with glad oa Ittci Mr. and Mes. Jarrell and hec lin and Miss Marie holidayed with than haif a century as Frank.igreetings. C h e er a bo un ded Stat1 1 o nme. c.ttei îelt moy thec. Mes. Myec, shewasthlie their brother. Me. Stanley Allun, chose Christmas Day, 1868, as his1 throughout the parish hall. Bieths, deaths and marriages MRS. FRANK SOUCI! dayd t Boalaw."NewasleIda. bicth day. As a young man, neti The usual pcizes for attendance, 50e each. In Memoriams. 50e ue1li îîlleaicîit tlc- ac ontelk.wihM.adMe._____having yet attained his majocity, and pcoficien- rc--.rsete t, ing t.E.-îîccvll Wm. Doherty. p ~ veepeetdt for notice plus 10e per line for ingSt E. owmavil Mr. and Mes. S. C. Scoîtheepe. Miss Frances Stinson has gene he wooed and woen a fair maid Of these pupils: Sammy Brereten. es.Casfedavrie 1 Pot opan M. n Ms.EretoNe York te study at the Newcastle, Miss Adeliza Spencer. Dolly Purdy, Charlotte Gcav: erse. Classified advertise- PrHoeanMran r'ErchalN eho They svece macried on Christmas Farncemb LeGcosîey, Mary Purt- ments accepted up until6Stra.Jnaylt Pearce and childeen, Robert. hlSho. Day. 1888. Mr. Branton's 2th, dy, Jean Gray: Balfour LeGres- pm Vdedy îciîîeeloîci dc îrttti Marilyn and Douglas Alexander. Me. Rosa Allun is taking a sheet birthday by Rev. Canon Henry-S-le y, Mary Dewdne , Murray Wal-rntlirc Claremont. with Mes. W. H. course in Farm Mechanics at the Bet ece fSt er eyMton- E S ,Mra Wl lct(il,, iit.diii Pereadsn.0... ulh hre t the om ofSth eobride's to'Enest pencer, Charles tu),)lIli. ki tchlîcîand lis ng Ilit Perc ad on. .AC, ueph Curhai hehoe f hebrdesLakc. Rolly Spencer, Jack Gray. MARRIAGES fitriutitre. îîîlîichairs atîl talîlu--. it- Mr. and Mca. J. F. Osborne, Mca. J. W. Bradley and dactgh- parents. MeI. and Mes. Richard __________________a__ _______________ Shaw's. and Me. and Mes. Orville ter, Misa Gladys Bradley, visited i Spence. This is now the home of Ic rnivU it-svr- -lt tut(ti-.. ltute!ce ieCes a -111e r Osborne and family. Lockhart's. Mes. Arthur Elliott. Port Granby. Me. and Mca Parnaby Martin and UNITED CHURCH S. SCHOOL ed Clit H h on SBX Ii rtîîutt 1- it- If 1-ueai t0oîtniae ivaiti uiecc- alu ut enjoyed a goose dinner at Mr. and Misa Dolly Purdy entertained a., family. And nosv this Christmas CHRISTMASi ENTERTAINMENT, 24t[i. 19,18. I)v Rev. Sidnîey Davisoît, coke. Mes. Carl Selisat a Newv Years group of young friends at a Newl Me. and Mca. Branton clebrated 1 -rt itra orzs agie -t3ii.a h an )aeIl gathering. Years ex-e paety at Elmhctcst. Al the 1938th annivecaary of the na- GeaVcoi.vnte. itgîe \ ia ie-aît'aeii Mr. and rs. Pere Hare ad had a ovely tme. î tiitif thir-..aGeorgethRnni-t-f BeteGttan-Rahv Bo%-.ea-anti lute andiot \vil ffersieel f ,t Mc. nd ca.Pery Hae ad hd alovly tme.tivty.thehusbnd' 7Oh ani- Newcastle United Church Sun- ville. tii Harrv Ernîest Couict. sit saIt- Thte troîertv coni-ist-. ofia Jack with Dr. and Mes. H. C., Week of Prayer is being ob- xersacv of his birth, and the bride day Sehool held its Christmas tcee cf NIr. aud NMrs. ilarrv Ctuîchi, Iar.e soliti brickhîîilîiig iîî excellenitt Rundle, Brighton. secved at the United Church %vith - and groom's golden xedding day, entertainment December 23, when Netecastie. il.tate cf reliait. cotuiirricl tiit huhit Misa Midred Munro, daughter meetings on Monday. Wedinesday -ail in one. They began at homeithe S. S. hall and galleey were - vuatet îîeatiîîg.. andt a large laîvt tiln of Dr. and Mes. B. Munro, Toron- and Friday evenings. but on Christmas Sunday morn- filied with parents, relatives and, IcR013133E-PINGLE - Oui Satur- r rie, i toi, was gucat of Me. and Mes. A large number of local fruitI ing their nephew, Me. Percy Tuif, ' frienda, the attendance beîng lac- tlav. Deceinher 24t1î. 19l38, at Deer 'Sale at 1.30 Sale ivilI start Percy Hace when Mr. Jack Hare growecs are attending the North- drove down from Toronto and 1 ger than for some years past. Park United ChtîrclI. Toronto. lit-shant oui tite as it is. a large sale. was home from Queeni Univer- umberland & Durham A p p le, took them te the city to spend thei sity, Kingston. Growers' annual convention at day with the brides sister Mes. , Supeenitendent Thos. A. Rodgec tîte Rev. Kiuîu-esjohliti, IPlivilis. Ternis Cash. XVi. J. Chiaili-.. Christmas xisitors with Mes.: Port Hope on Thursday and Fi-, John Tuif, and family. They came acted as chairman, and Rev. R. E. seconîd datuglter of Mr. andl Mrs. .Xîctioncuer. Geo. Eilbeck wece: Dr. and Mes. dlay. home after tea with a wealth of, Morton led in the opening prayer. Water lingle. Bosviîîauiiie. t1u 1-2 F. Haffnec and Mr. and Mes. Miss Louisa Hedges s p le n t: Christmas, birthday and goldenî Numbers on the cachier part of .lex ýNicRîhhie. Boi tativilie.-- Bradford Kay. New York City. Christmas week in Toronto with wedding gifts and memories that1 the progeamn wece: A welcoming Mc. and Mes. W. J. Eîlbeck and hec niece. Miss Clara Hedges, but1 shaîl long linger of a pleasant - pehb ajreTmrct DEATHSM rtaeSl Jack. Mes. Ida Stinson and Miss has now retuened te Newcastle to time ait a delightful family gath- i tions by Helen Aluin, Rodgec Mel ________________ Frances Stinson. Toronto, and "The Towees- wheee she is spend- eig Te veeaihm n low and Hazel Brown, and a song XI\\iiU\IFR .\ND 1,V \ IRTUI of Miss Hattie Mason. Newcastle. ing the winter with Mca, T. M. Monday at their cosy and immac- byJyeMatn ls w ho tX dttc lti u-i iiSl.cuîacl iiaI Miss Dorothy Henninga with Gibson. ulately kept house on Chuech St_ uses by- the primaey glass uandier ttI uuuTtOJanîuarv 4tIî. 193u9i. ctIltt iiuittrt eagIle siîîfî wiî)lt'ti, Bowmanville frienda. John K. Allen. a student of, and received a number of visitors the direction of their teacheî-s. b liii WVatsont .lta(I-rheoscîl ( le tuîe tiil tîru \% il! Miss Gladys Bradley atter heui- Newcastle High School for four ameng %vhom w-erg, Miss Cacrie Mes. W. E. Beman, Mca. R. E. tatîtîr if Johntut andtut Jieli .Ie ,uifert-îl futr-alv 1)daying with her parents. Mc. and xears, xvas a-aeded the Samuel Frayne. Mr. Mitchell Jollow- and Meritn AndhMistseantlmene. iit Setru icati-n.St.. a-.î. Ui- tee, Miss Muriel Bradley, Toronto. Montague Scholarship foc highost bringing grootinga and beat wishes. pupils of the achool opened ,v-tth tîîrl. uîttatihe riday. 2 -îc .XtTCi has eetucnoed te Glov-ocs-llo. N.Y. proficiency in 1938. gaining his A host of relativs-c and friend coruses, A Chîld of Christmas, ut. Iiutttiiilu i taiil i Me. and Mes. Ed. Powell and junior mateiculation with clos-en remembered them by sendîng and Giad Belus, w-vith scriptître ItuIiutttti. Tuesday. the Tiventy-Fourth dav family and Mes. W. J. Hockin and i first clasa honora and one second. Christmas and golden wedding coadîng b, Sipt Rodgee. Theuc 2tl. family with Me. and Mes. A. F. Ho s now a student at Rîverdale carda. ssishîng them alI happinesa cantata cempriscd eecitations bv Da-1.. it ul IuuI. 1 l)c.ati1. tfeJaur fOn1939oc Peppee. Xhitbx-. Collegiate. Toronto. and conveying congratulations o as tonF cs eoaate I.\hasiiIcI.lcu u, l iiilatthe hourofthe o'ciock- Misses Florence Monteal and Rev. XV. G. Hancock and son the completion of ftft-, veats et Aluin and Joan Bonathan: aeng. PERtt ttu\-ati SVi C .îîCHARLES t i tîERfiNîtu Minnue Pearce. Toronto. %î-th Mer.Wiliam. Kingston. visited his happy. sîedded hife. Sis'"-e and Il the Xold ta Singing. by lite lttiitta tiu îît-î R. R. i. Nestieton Station. Onîtario. and Mca. H. R. Poarce. Vrthors. Me/I. J. C. Hancock. :Mlr. geld. crystal. linon and silken _girls eft Irls. A. WV. Gicnnc vS-Itll'.> X llillilsiI-ir eiltul,-i,,f lutiiî ut:ttt tîîî Mr. and Mes. Leslie Cotter. Fred Hancock and Me. H. E. Han- waro svocc ameng the many love- class: song. Shephords on thet- - l .-- 211(l. 1>>. harIuo X - II lte SiiîgîlIa t tîat curti e Dartford. with Me. aund Mes. coi-k un their Newctastle homes. i-prsns eesc. - Hillide. by gir-ls oI Miss E MI Bruce Cotter. Rex-. W. G. Hanceekas last pastor-- Durham Lodge. A. F. & A. M. Black borna gclass: song. The Chl l leusu it-iîu t ati - rc tIttlnlii ttc.- Membees et the Public and High ate Vefore ho retired frem the con-t-emmeated the occasion Vb, of Christmas. Vy Pauline Delille- l u tti ii lit-7ith\Lt s. hiîttitlitatu .'iCandîl luttttiý iîl the si sehool staffs st-ho spent their United Church ministry un Sask- pceaenting Mr. Beanton with à seng. Eveegreon. by Miss Black' uiI i f(.-itîîs--Iîi tCtî iîll ithe t -utîtîts Christmas holidas away Ifrom atchewan. was at Gl.tdden, Sask., Past Masters jesi-ol w-htle the buen's clasa: seng. Mary's Lullabs-. f PtIs u iît ii uî luîilitiit. tiiit li itti the village weee: Me. J. D. Ceemba ii or near ,x,hici- a number of lodge members sent Mes. Brantoln by Mary Toms: seng. The Star. Gy ,l îî -193ttîttîrs 2îîu . îî..îî'Iruk< - ýs titiillii) ttc lut tte-.tu- uit-utc at Melbourne: Miss E. M. Sander- fermer Newicastle and Clarke pli- a large bouquet of gorgeons yel- Mes. A. E. Melow's glass: and Ii-uuok.. iii Ili,- 72tild veat. lutter- u.t-.t littîf cf Luit 13, il] the Suscutîli son ait Lindsay, and Miss Neema ple and their families are now- lest- roses. 0f a beautilul golden seng by, the achool. Gloey in theo le l- helzrCiltuv ftesi Orchard at Port Peeey. ceident. Mr. William Hanceck is ihue too w-eregthe chrvsanthemumsHihs.ttitt leuutetcttvCuic-.uuiuttt-.ilFuît.ltu Me. and Mes. Carl Xeyich with now a student at Queen's Univer- un a dazzling ails-oc flower bas- Othor intecesting numbees L- in- 1.RI< Sîîuuî.ait lier hit-n. ;( .X\tte saint- tituie atfl plIate. iilutc relatives in Orillia. sity and his father la making a ket. the gifttet a greup et Me. and eelated te the cantata w-ere: A (ltt-.tvrliîll Ru-ail. Tiuut.liii. 4 'tte autoufts a C!îaîî-t -urta Me. and Mes. Lawrence Crydec- home foc hîmself and son in Mes. Branton Newcastle frienda selection by Joseph Hockin's 1939. Sîiraît J . 'Trituilile. lu-lus eti Xarrattt. tlîer - ti 1h lie ,fuut fl tu man ,and Anne with Me. and Mes. Kingston for the ducation et hia .vho will ail be gathered together lass, a gcoup ef boys piaying oit i ii XX iKerr, fit ilt-i -svif -sale the - fîulhu iLcelttels : 1i gc-Il Wm. Hanna and family-. Ceebetta sen's university caceer thece. at a house part,, at their home kazoos and kitchen utensils: a iuwttt-îl.attl ulcur ut--tht-r cf litelas. 2 e>hitc- cet autl, Point, Whitby. Me. and Mes. Norman Allun. onoe e-ening thîs week and gcac- seng. Good King Wenceslas, by Nlllttt.îîîit-t îr12 s-. : ieîitt Ilack stttar.i'.., Me. and Mes. T. C. CIemence Miss Marion Allin and Misses Ada îng the lunch menu on this occa- Stanle,, Rickard's clasa ef yeurig tulîtît seatRu-itga i,-s tl- agt-<l: 1i itre, black, 2 Mltite feet. and daughtees. Shaw's. guesta of and Elizabeth Alîjut. Newcastle, sion w-ii hoe the delectabie Christ- meut, aise a dialogue by clasa (Iu-, îur -.eîsice lIiiSîîrîa a-1. 15 srs.: i cuutv. HlerefordI. Me. and Mes. A. W. Glenney, Mcr. and Mca. Russel Robbins and mas-Viehdav-&edding cake with members. and a dialogue, Any- tîrtutîoit ai2 ucl11k tcit1gae:icosi. Britîdie: 1 ccii - ted: Newcastle, aeound the festive Ruth, Zien. and Mes. Hares- Aluin. its cevatal white frosting. ahl made bedys Famnilv on a Sunday Meen- - ilt PF'a.tîeitut1s iliciter. red andti selite. 1 et.: i board on Christmas Monday. Bosvmans-iile, w-ee C h e i a t mn a a by the brides own hands. îng. bs- Mes. Mellew's glass, w-ith -teer. reti and whiite. 1 vrs-t: 3 cals-es, Rex-. and Mes. R. E. Morton and Mondas- gcests et Me. and Mes. 'We couid not begin te liat ahl maie support. IuEES lu i .-.iat l uî7 uiitlt.: 2 sies: i Johnu Deere i Laurence joined his brothee*s Wmn. Hawkins. Port Hope. After the les-el.,-gîftt on dispiay, but; Santa Clans svho had been at \îli-.las. .îuuarv 4îlî. 1939. îîalkinug îioîv-, iFro-.t & XVooîl ganîg family at Thornhill, in their Yule- auppor, in their tsio cars, the.v ail thero svere a five dollar geld the cemmunitv hall in the after- Itittît .X.I'utet-.. s - uttte-t il:igvt1tulî%v. I Diarnuiid set liarreîîs, 1 tide festis-ities. staeted foc home, just w-ht-n the puece. ycllow candies in goid and neen again Ias-oeed this osvening.tut - -f the latu Niciuia-. attul Ettîls Fruost & XWoodisiritig-tootlt cultiva- lr Me. and Mes. John Caswell had snows 510m w-as at its w-ocst. Thev ails-or candlesticks. a glass and event s,ith his presenco and the: I'urs- aitil-i-tut ut(If N-ý R. 1).tt,. iINfassv-Harris stiffLtooth1 ail their family at home for bucked it foc a fosv miles and ils-oc floîver vase. jesývelierv, a excitement et the childeen rose te las:ul-iuttai atttof M-. ) R. u tttivatr.I-, l utter H-ariiiltout seed -- Christmas foc the ficat time in thon decided. each car ioad un- lace tablecioth, gîfttafor the home, a high pîtch vhen hol appeaeed XlluIrlîeu i, e 71 s-at-.. Flwt-raI l 1l. M i îtîulr. 1ltett nine ,years. XWalter svas t-p teom knowvn tethe other. that it would and persona] gifts fer Voth the on the piatform and calied al the fîi-in thIt tauttifI-,I-utliciiit & tlrsr INaht-Ilnilas\c-ll À Bailieboco. Me. and Mes. Harev Vue better te ectuen to Por Hope bride and groom of 50 yol'ars. litthc folk te him. Thev gatheeed, Sîîitlî Iit Sattîtîlîs. l.îîîîî,rs 7th att i Fruost & Veed lias takv-. i luter- Helupand sons, Douglas anti- foc the night. This thev did and Feom hec gîrlhood %ycars UP, around him ses-erai coureù ep 2tiiiîîc îuî tutie1t-taiuuîIa lae,1bcttk ______________________________Mes. Branton has suni un theland te each ho gave ain ens-elope ier\.-h ii', saguuI. I Set ileis.i I C- choir ef St. George's Cht-îch. Hec contaînîng a nice littie hankie. Latiugliii cLiite r. 1N c Latigli liii bI-i nioces nowsing in the choir, but RiUhS K X 28t1î, -., vi1XXil.uoitt îîigli scalc-. i OsitaiVa Snone et hec generation are now u )r F uc -Xii.î -ie-t d atîgli- Ifannuitiil i l. i stotite hoat. 1intan Itrtt leIt sas'e herseif. She is the soletr ,th ae>a.l idMraýsrdr 6 ts bcke.e sues'isoe hece et the choie et 5o: TYRONE COUPLE tet it-i.itt ait \a-ttil Maria i sîtte. il.. 60 hiri 100u.ckIeat.years ago. Me. Beanton has been r MARRIED 35 YEARS:- 30 tisfaI;las 1 7lal iruhail the chairs of Durham _____ FLORISTS conu. W a lk e r's LdeA F. & A. M., and of Tiu «a vnn.a~ltt Kn s 'y,) le-aill tl1h-1is d1 JAN AR C EAR NC S LE some ycacs as a ceunicillor. Their -,autlv s -rised '.\r. anîd NIr-.. Rohit. FLOWER SHOP Siîitalîlu- tarîi htlihiiîg-.. industev, integrity and sociabiit luge. o-.ui the ocasm it iof s)tRiAiL (1t i-k us -l'lie landl iill lit---.ultl -.tliect to ai are proverbial. They svere rear- -thtir .35th ve it e iganis-ersars - r s.u u i c-îruIiîl ____________________________________________________ d in opposîng camps of party BiMake Stteiut. Sliuia. telîru acted i Ia-, t.ig ,; lu1i-..TENIS 0F SX OE F EXI ------politica and their chuech affilia- chi-tian. calieti on Nît-s.. .B Phones: 772, 263' 263 îes-ivi tercen-tt. ut thet- uîrciîa-.c FIRST QUALITY tions are dilt erent, Me. Beanton t"tlei voraancl vrd Bi-m vleio - l ) )li ttiýtii RelSl -hedbeing et Bible Christian and Me- ,aiîle- . MtA. XV. Xiltis preîîiteîî ofi sale. thlit- halauice tIIIlut-- su-ciireti hî ......... elSik4Thedthodist lineage, but these diffler- the couilvenîtle s thIni îr-.e ni IN MEMORIAM a riIi- tteauzeteitt iittrcst lit futur per .......F ull Fashioned Chiffon onces bas-e contributed to eathee r ue.Nt tresiia eeeou- _____Ct'Ilt. tuer 'tllllttllt. than opcrated againat a happy, tîtauikui teiteîtfuir thîir gis. 'Short i TI NIS - i .n rîOsCtl Il ~cengenial wedded lite. They are -tuucesîer0t-irtaîd îNesst, XV.E. 5 ( ~ w-it ther tildaand rchad an TIiunit Nîutiiiiov Roialu Scutt. it ii ua-.ttisl. s J aisuii.î- tsai.auui u -- ve~~~yuthful and active and busy yet Sc -t. X V Xuis .C X-îot u lti iil. d -l t trthîc-r ra-tliciilai-s utitulCi)1 - WWW 5 5 C cews and customees and their gar- I- viiv aiittauî Nts luivaril Stevut. XV. FRI1C SKV R .Ci - 2 air- $.OO on t sgetalesandflot-or an ~ rîîîiuîîcr uf îucevetitî ics h -tout -eilit- Puu u k.nuitliuîîîîît lul-.d sheuba and hedges and grassy- Itluellt i Otit - quaintances unite at this time un, ____i%___________1î_______it, iii, 9ti la o congraîulatung them on the at- 't%\.(It-l tl-tX1 i'5i1 Womens Flannelette K BOYs tamment of thoîr golden svedding lIndtitute Presents 'rI1.î , t rn> sf;t ifttiieDy W odSl KNITTED SUITS oft many more Chistmas tides. Yuletide Program Mle cIitit-.lIte tearý, 1ýu e odS l GOWNSSl.98 Grade ____- tulttitu- ite IIIruIls i- l-- - --> Usual $100 Value 69c ea. In two styles, one with short sleeves, fashioned from "Hec- reckes" English Fiannelette. in white with colored embroidery trlm. The other a long sleeve "Mother Hubbard" style in soft white flannelette with self colored embroidered yoke, in both V and hîgh neck styles. $1.00 Tw.o-piece, soft. B o t a n y Wooi. blue and gold vvith tvhite trim. Sizes 2 and 3. Children 's Fleece Lined BLOOMERS 1 9C In Naturai. Blue and mottird effects. Sizes 22, 24, 26 to fit girls Up to 7 years of age. FLASH! TERRY BATH TOWELS Check the Good Welght, the Big Size, the Soft Absorbent Qualities, the Smart Check and Stripe designs. White grounds with Green, Blue, r;old and Rose borders. 22c 5 for - $1.00 DONT NEGLECT TO SEE OUR NEW PRINTS Ail Sun and tubfast, for bouse dresses, aprons and quiltlng. We carry a full range of comfortcr bats. 1 1a ---1 ST. GEORGE'S CHRISTMAS - Xomen's Institute met Deu-om- TREE CNCERT er 29th in St. John's Parish Hall. TREE CNCERTMrs. F. Baker, sîho prosîded, Santa Claus Directs Distribution made a fosv cemarks s'ey appre-, of Gfts nd Pizes priato te the season, and suggest- of Gfts nd Pizes ed that eue w'arm hand-sbako and St. George's Paeish Hall w-as a cheorv amile migbt profitabiy ho blaze et lîgbt for the Sunday- carredl on inte the new yeae, that Schoils annuel Christmas trece the amil1e or the kind w'ord might' eotertainment, beid Decembor 28. Ve j uat what seme one nooda te In addition to the usual electrec help thcm carry on. iights the levely oveegeeen 'tree, Mes. J. Thickson took ovee the laden with gift, and the stage chair for this Christmas peegeam: werg beautifully illuminated with A sery fine piano solo by Mes. coîored buiba. Under the direc- Edwin Wood; "Silent Night" sung tien et Miss Hloerocks, the stage as a duet by Mes. A. Colvil and bcd boon decorated for Ibis Mes. K. Hull. Mes. Thickson read Christmas evont se that when the seme legends of Christmas et the pregeam oponed the scene was a enigin of the good St. Nick, et the moat attractise one. Sunday scheel burning of the yule log, the light- pupils with their teachers, pae- iiig of Christmas candies, tht- ticat enta and fInonda wee eut in Christmas tree, and the moat large numbees. In the lite of a beautitul stery of ail, the comingi i Sunday achool pupil thia la the et the Christ Chiid. Mca. Hul ta-1 giaddcst lime of ail the veae. soeed sîîth a sole, "Song et loy'.t Rn-v. D. R. Dewdnoy w'as chair- Mes. Tbickson contint-ed stih the mati and exterîded cordial greet- Christmas story tolling et tht- be- inga te ail. The iengthy pcogcam losed carols. "0 Little Toswn of et oser tsienty- numbees had been Bethle-hem" sias sning bVMes. prepared under tht- direction et Cois-ille. Mrs. Thîcksonii tished Mrs. D. R. Dt-sîdnex-. Misa Ethel with tht-se liner: Spencer and Miss Dora Martin, Gseeau-huitst- day ils ew'u good and t gave esidence et a wide chee, i variety ot talent among the- boys Ail other days apart, and girls. And t-very day throughout the The- progeam epeneul sîith three y-car tableaux, Tht- Shephuerds and the Keep Christmas ini yeîîîhi-art." -Angels. lThe Hoiy Fami iv. and Mes. Hull sang "The Holy City" -Tht- Three -Kungs, svith carol siuîg- 1iin an inspired sîay, bV1urIugng tea iîîg in conicînctien. Sevecal carols cloet a fine performance. Iand ether numbers si-et- suuîg Vuy-1Mes. W. B. Poilard spoke Vrief- the- chidren. 1 ly, stressîîîg the ni-iýd if cîîreyngr Secoînd part teaturcd nt-mbt-rs1 the spirit et goodsîiil thrigh al uy- indisiduals aîîd vocal dut-ta. lte ceming ycar, and thankîng ail, iChildeen eentributing rt-citations w-lieteck part in tht- peîgeam.r were- Murray Walton. Erniol Mes. Baker urged evey'sîuîa Spencer, Charles Lake, Reiy' present te make use ethec- ra-o Yol ur îli'l -.ld i, lot l );îliiiutoîii. tîrivaîcît . fr mI llei tc 4til S,'lite (la %. ",MIiL, tittie. IlltV u .,es c 1Ini iai t iiitil te 14tiî. 4 acres. hall or Iv'-..of statidiie titilier. i 1,1t,- tactlue ,s1 d >o ttî-l. 1iliarter acri- lois. iilttoi- î t-.. Plair- suite (I. * u nttt ite. ili andha t! iic, to îiivv tutti! Aýtiril i. 1940, ti ,. Il cîa-. r-îitt tiiîer. Terîîm ea-.i l'iuir- AXiii tic r >a v i a re wtv -.\~ ec 1lia ,ut1a v lia a v.M3 d cvrucdridit. lv i rt-inetiîîlî-reii )\î> iý W f t ililbe r ititm t i ie n-uoe itl anid i )aîît i t-.. Riit ý an d i 'arli a- iaidilfor. \V. G. \Vottiî. it rketoiî, R.R. 2, 1l Notice Livestock For Sale ORS LET WO YOI NG Notice to Creditors fotin cw.1rde iii inilk. andî 1 1 ezitere Hostei toreite a ai. AL 1..PERSONSlitav-iing an%, daim Oit. . .Stevents, R.Rk 3, ltoiv- aizaiitst thei Estate of the late DR. I. îna;tville. Phlone 2245. 1-i * C LAR K IlELL. wti lt> ietd on or - altint the 22îîii <at- of Ociîîler, 1938. FOR SA\LE- ONE AX'Rl SI lIRE tît tîte Towiî uif llownmait-ille, iii the coti-.() et-.. <lti.(Illte Ajiril 2ndî. tîiîiit- nof Dutirhtamt. a rt--re<î ired to i gui il iIke r; aIso t railet iin g' ci f i l thle salu ine% i t i rof the rt-of w ith conitionii. :t îîk rack. siai e tire iii - th e tittîI- r,ài gîet Ex etti r. oîr lie r c tld i iiîî.KtgSt Soilicitoîr,. tl att-r lta ai aîîart-31 t, h i tnsIî-ii 19,39, i ftt-r >hidi idate titi-i-.-tatc wili_________________ li) eîistrihîîîtu-îlaîd ail claittî fF rSl se Vucli No tici- liaiimot i ieitr(.c-iFrsStl teiI Iu lu-arru-ula., agýaiiît te satîl Exetit' '. 1FOR S \LF-BUILDING LOT ON i ated l atlluwîiaîts-illIetis 27th K iitg Si.. East. $50 \îls- ils f I )î ieh-r. 19.38. Clare-n-e- Mlitîtoi. leîii il- M. G. \'. (OL'I)D, 1-1* hui inîtili-.Ont. -ri Solicitor for Marie Clark B3ell. FOR SAXLE -- A SET OF LIGI IT itcIui oîwnîîaîîs-jfle Oli. leiugiî- R.J. iluitison. Utru iii .522 liîuîî2323. I-3 chise to get out and vote, to re- Feed Special member that the privileges we- enjoy arc not ours by right but \VEEKLY 1- E-l," ) SPECIAL - were fought for deaciy, and wc Slittur-Gain 17% I' ig Starter, $1.80 must fight to keep thcm. Mes. paer cwt. Offer zood unîtil Tait Baker also gave a fucthcr report 2i.F .Vntn.Phtone 777. of the convention in Toronto. 1-1 ' C ar ds of Thanks' Nfr,. Clark Bell amii lan it s-h to t iilk the inknoiw t d on rs of li -ut i fil ti vwreatît anid il iwcrs iplacei ti iti D)r. Bell-. grave tinriiti. the Chtrist- oftît in iete. itid r i t tn tli Ru ýiicîieiler ail]tthe bc st oi ouiia t moments \îîid.>. tii sliere 1 stait. I attilîtak-iugtItis 1ltr 1tttîs u îhî.îîkiîîg aIl ihuse wsio îîîurciandî Itulteiul utak- uts iv ectiutitu cilutcilr it suieaitîtle tîclîs <ii Niul-t I1 s11lî.îl-tri îc rit s-nur conufiiletct J. fH. .Xhîeriîcthîs -. NIas I take tItis ucprotiiliiitt\-fex- ttuflitte nîvs- iucete thauîks for azaiti tîlacutîr vtur trust inIllte aithtle polis , it 1lnls slîaIi trv tii seurk iii tlle Itcst iîttre.t.(cf et-crs citizent. WV. J. Chiaihis. li ;tîreciaiiuîof uts-returutiii r C u tuicil. 1 îei-.lîitn expre.-. ns- tlltks t., liuu-e wtiu tmadle ut t-tltci, Sidh Little. iItksii hiîuî%ou -uîînaîîîilc- fuîo it 1,i aI 'tuitu i n dauîlcon fidetnce iniiecltc tiiitmetii cuuutincil for a tother seat. I teihl df ii luest to Servevsut tIi- sciar a-. la-t. Xi-vioi utaIll: lii iti atndlptc . tîroît s N iYea r M iscellaneous XXI T V-. 'iND GARAGE XND) MA_ tll1( lte sîtuqI - X - . luteitali/t- ii: utîchiutcrv enat-. euieta aa 1v f h l) îîîelîîg iîurli >t- Room and Board loucationt. XuîsF.N îîlîu.lhîîîîe Lost F()ST-IN uOVI X 111: I )t-ct-utt hîcr 24tl. iti ai r ct.h nît. Fuile r tl case iu -ti fs State uîîatî O f fice. h To Rent APARTCMENT TO RENT- FIVE eoems. Apps- Statesman Office. 49-tf Tea Cup Reading iXDA-M .ALICE 0F TORONTO, sifii rrati tea etuns and catch, evers- Tiîîrsdav 2 tli 10. Troulies solv- cil A.t F. Ntcliitdco'.. King St.. Did You Know ? That for thousands of years Wheat has been generating heat for the huinan body in one forni or another. That is why Bread is still the principal food from which body heat is de- rived. These cold days will flot be nearly as hard to bear if you eat plenty of heat producing bread in white, wholewheat, brown and several other types. EAT MORE BREAD FOR WARMTH CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bownianville FO R YO U R-1Pffl SERVES AS A BLANKET FOR YOUR HOME 0 ilere is the insulation you bave been waiting for-Red Top Insu- iating Wooi. Really biankets vour borne. Pays for it8eif in fuel savings. Easy te instail. First cost is low. Fireproof. Vermin-proof. Perma. nient. Ask for sampie and further deuails. A product of Canadian Gypsurn Cernpany Ltd., your war- ranty of quality. RED TOP INSULATING WOOL ANNOUNCEMENT SAIT PRICES ADVANCING Buv noti w hile tic are stili seliing at the oid price. Ping Pong Tables $14.00 Complete Makes an ideal table w'hen not in use for plaYing. The most practical table on the market to-day. Ask about them at Sheppard & Gi LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone 715 - Bowmag ille Why TILLYER? Why do we recommnend Tillyer Lenses so strong. ly? There's a very real reason. Because we know that Tillyer Lenses are the most perfectly pro- duced lenses available in Canada, we know they '11 give absolute satisfaction. Our' Registered Optometrist pre- scribes Tillyer Lenses because thousands from coast to coast have had complete satisfaction froxu them. SPECIALS FOR THE WEEKEND Noxzema, 25e size --15e Gin Pulls- - - - 39c Absorbine Jr.-- 98c Groves L.B...2kl-44c Alka-Seltzer-- 29c-57c Italian Balm - - f'c-55c Baby 's Own Tablets - 23e Pabhin- - - - - 45c Buckley's Mixt. - 40c-75c Radio Malt - 89c-$1.50 JURY & LOVEL ee 'DQS/wý-e Phone 778 We Delîver z' PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESINIAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JAMUARY 5TU. i

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