ORONO NEWS inan on Page ian taNEWCASTLE NEWS on Page8 With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY l2th, 1939 NME ni' i 1à 1u1rur n 1n 1 1i mJina Able I1o Kead tBooks Aided By Talking Machines Speaker Informs Lions Club Impressive Service Is Held for Fred W. Nelles, Club Member Who Dîed Day Prior, Meeting - Place At: Table is Draped SPOKE AT ROTARY Lions Club members at their F meeting Monday night paid tri- bute to the late Fred W. Nellesr Who had been an active member 1 of the club. Rev. W. F. Banister conducted the memorial service. during which the lights were low- ered and two minutes silence ob- served. A vacant chair had been draped and set at the table for the member who would be meet- ing there no more. Mr. Banister also spoke impressively of Mr. Nolles' life and paid high tribute to his public spirited work. Tho meeting was ini charge of the Blind Committee, with Chair- man Joe ONeill presiding. Guest speaker waà Goo. MacArthur, graduate of the Brantford School for the Blind and prominent real estate dealer in Toronto. Hie vas J. C. Anderson, K.C. introduced by his son-in-law. Alderman elect in the Oshawa Gordon Lwv a membor of the Municipal Council, who spoke at local club.f Rotarv Club on Friday outlining Mr. MacArth ur expressed ap-r several suggestions to overcome preciation of the Lions Club, on the present situation of uneni- behaîf of those blind xvhom thev ployment with resultant disloyal-, had holped and for their wvork in ty to the country. conserving the sight of those who_________________ might evontually have hecome blind. Though one club may pos- . During the past year 1 have read sibly feel it is not accomplishing 145 books by this method, said Mr. a grcat doal. when the work of imacArthur. the many clubs is totalled, there Unvriysuetae abd is more extensive good done than r to sniv ersi'stden ts are enabd most people realize. the use' of this talking machineï A new machine for blind per-I and have found it much more i sons has proven one of the great- prac tical than hiring readers who'l est boons thoy have ever receiv-mano be too proficient or may ed. It is called the talking book not be obtainable at the desiredf machine and in reality is similar 1time. With the machine. the blind to a phonograph except that1 student may study at his leisuro speech, instead of music, is trans- and as often and as long as he1 mitted. Each record runs for wishes. about 25 minutes and is the same The speaker a1'io dealt xith the as having someone read a book guide dogs now in use in United aloud. oxcept that expert readers States and Great Britain and out- are doing the roading. The ma- lined the possibility of more de- chines are supplied freto al velopment along this Une in Can- bli ',and 40 to 50 new books are p at in the library each month. <Continued on Page 5) Public Spirited Merchant Dies "Following Two Months' Illness Reeve Pres ides At Inaugural- New Legion Band President ýIdeal To Challenge Loyalty In Absence 0f Mayor Jones One 0f Its First Mem bers Seriously Needed In Canada Rev. C. R. Spencer Opens Session With Prayer andý Wm. Shotter Succeeds J. H. Abernethy as Band Head - Scripture Reading-Desks Adorned With Plants Loaned Members Disappointed, But Not Down-Hearted Over0hw lem nE ctSy byPoe hp-Cmite r Struck for Year - Defeat of Band ByLaw - Itend to Carry on as UsualOsaw Ade anEetSy ELECTEDPRESIDET AId~maaga b.f I Anderson, K. C., Ac- companied By Mayor and Councillor Gives Interesting Address "We need a new ideal for Can- ada, to challenge the loyalty of youth," declared Alderman elect J.C. Anderson, K.C., Oshawa, speaking at Rotary Club luncheon on Friday. 's ~ . 'Anthony Eden speaking in New York recently, said, "It has fallen to our lot to live our lives in a constant state of emergency." There could be no question about the fact that the stress of this emergency is upon us in Canada and it would seem to me," said Mr. Anderson, "that there are but four alternative paths which we fmay follow: Communism, Fascismn, the Status Quo, or some new plan. _______________________________________________ "Communismn means revolution, where the hand of every man is Russell Osborne against his brother. The doc- trines of Communism do not arise vho last week was elected Presi- naturally fromn our soil or fromn lnt of the Durham and North-,i our social life. rnberland Apple Growers Asso- "Fascism means regimentation ation during its annual meeting and dictatorship. Again our plan n Port Hope. Mr. Osborne is of living does not fit in with this ,own a!7 a hard worker in sev- 1 emphasis. Our emphasis always *al loc:al organizations and the should protect the individual. pple growers should progressF "The Status Quo - It is futile ider his leadership.f for us to hope to stem the tide of change and it is not desirable that we should even try to do so. Mr. Oswald S. Pollard, Toronto, Wemst, however, recognize and rites: Here's $2.00 to renew m!y adjust ourselves to change or it bscription to my 'weekly 1lt- may be too late to save our tot- ýr from honme.- I look forward tering social structure." the speak- reading my home paper everyf A minimum of business ,vas Finance: Morris, Edmondstone, f William Shotter was elected J. H. Abernethy; Property and conducted at the inaugural meet- Bickle. Gunn and Challis. Presffdent of the Legion Band at Transportation - AI. Fletcher and ing f twn curiil o Moday Roads and Streets: Gunn, Fur- its annual meeting, following Sid Fowler; Sick Committee -- E. ingof ownconci onMonayber, Chals. practico on Monday night. He will I Hennings and W. Woolley: Drum morning, due to the onforced ah-l Public Property: Edmondstone, l succecd J. H. Abernethy who hias! Major - Mr. Kilpatrick. sence of Mayor R. O. Jones, who Gunn, Abernethy. donc excellent work during his Thtrauesrpothwda is in Caniden, N.J. Reeve G. A.: Police: Challis. Edmondstone, terrni of offlice, sTmail baancer epo anonsough to. Edmondstone occupied the chair. Li ttle. Mr. Shtte has the distinctioncaronfram thr O Fire: Abernothy, Morris, ChaI- l0 f being not only an original While disappointment was ex- Following the oath of office, lis. 1member of the band, but was one pressed at the failuro of the by- each membor took his place Manufacturers: Bicklo, Little, rOf those who helpod organize it, law to receive a favorable vote around the desks, and Rev. Canon Edmondstone. along wvith the late Robt. Lowens from the citizens, the bandmenr fC R. Spencer brought a message Court of Revision: Little, Gunn, and others. He is a band enthus- wero far from being dowvn-hoart- of inspiration %vith words Of Morris, Furbor, Abornothy. îs and assists Bandmater Demp- ed. Indeed soldom has more en- scritureand rayo. Deuty- Cemotery: Furber, Bickle, Lit- sey in the work of instructing be- thuis benhon yaneF Geov . .Mckorexrssend council's Iginners. exocutive in taking over theirj 1 e.B icl xrsedcucls Expression of appreciation was S. Scott acted as chairman for wr.Te oet banfnn appecatonto r.Spncr. also made to Kingsway Flower 'the clection which rosulted as cial and othor backing from in- Tho clerk was instructod to ex- Shop who had provided beautiful , follows: Honorary Presidents - R. terested sources. with which to press couincils sincere sympathy r flowering plants to decorate the! M. Cotton and Dave Morrison Sr.; carry on the work. fto the families of J. W. Alexander 1 council room for the occasion. f Past President - J. H. Abernethy; The most helpful foature is the and F. W. Nelles, who had died __________ President - Wm. Shotter; Vice- large group of student musicians rocentlv. Pros. - Max Tuerk; Secretary - xvho are attending the beginnors' Standing Committees w e r e, Mayor R. O. Jones is on a busi- Howard Brookirîg, Treasurer - El- cîass evory Monday. struck as follows, with the first ness trip to the head office of the mer Hennings; Librarian - JaCk Further concerts will be held named on each committee as R. M. Hollingshoad Co. in Cam- Knight; Executive Committee- during the next few ots cha irman: donN. J. Wes. Fice, Walter Woolley and c for anucmns :NO MAN TOO POORJUIR TPA TO BUY HIS OWN ApeGoesAeW re;PORTr HOPE 7 TO 1 With a new year at band B~0 ,,%e think 1-at ail non-sub- 11y M inist Of AricI ultur ,iV In a one sided fixture Wed soribers - but w~ho are read- nesday nigbt, Bowianville es y thogod heig our- rJuni gmeof-beaon defeatinhom orsy~ ofkl, tou egb 1bour- T gam unosfotheir snfi one sbould adopt 1-is resolution: . o/ voiU Iittalls Ly S Port Hope 7-1. Game -vas "f -will become a regular sub- Y:,u played at Whitby la Taylor's scriber 1o The Statesman for a4-, 1939" -"lu No man is too poor to take bis local newspaper. and it is false economy to try to get along without it. Hardly a week Passes that sometbing does flot appear in its col- ums w.hich ivili be a financial benefit to you, and by the end of the year you have made or saved from one to twenty times its subscription price, says an exchange, and we heartily concur mith the statement. The city papers do flot take the place of your local paper, although some people seem to tbink they do. The city pa- pers are airight in their ivay. but they do flot give you %%,bat you are most interestod in in your community. You cannot learn from them when public meetings are hield. %vbo are dying and w~ho are marrying. who are moving out and -.vLho Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . o.P. .De a TesWison, Morley Webster, Prof.L Mon. P. M. CaesaTellProf.'G. N. Ruhnke, Prof Apple Growers T o C. E. Petch, Dr. Hill, Mr. F.S Guard Against Over Browne, Mr. J. A. Goldie, and others had been giving valuablE Prodctio - Ugesinstruction in problems of culture, Study of Their Pro- fertilizing, spraying, han dlîi n blems marketing, and helping out in apple growing for the two days The orthmbelandand ur-of the convention and they were The orthmbelandand ur-all capable men. sevoral of thorn ham Apple Growers' Association, from the O.A.C.. Guelph. The: at their annual banquet in Port knew more than he did about the Hope, January 6th, were highly busieso rdinadmrkt favoured in having as their after- . esfpduing andmre dinnor speaker Hon. P. M. D an n pplesso ho, the Ministor of Ministor 0f Agriculturefr n would talk along Mjniter f Agiculure or O- 1olitico-economic linos, something tario. The Minister was introduc- x'hich they didnt know anythin, ed to, the assemblage of porhaps x.oout. (laughter). 160 fruit grQuers and those in-r terested in theo industry by Mr. H-e said it xvas alway's a pleas- W. A. Frascr, M. P. for Northum- utrc for him to meet xith and tali borland. to any group of people from the Mr. Dewan said ho had n i- ar e eno liing ntaeat f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~v ttioofgin an ninlade Howemphasidatheaofh tenton f gvin anaddress of a plenty and an age of surpluses. ________________________ ~ .,*a~u 4! avwvthat is -te a body of apple 1This is su now in respect of to- Crawford; dotence, W a r d, hundreds of items w hi c h rowr D.H phal e. (otVudo ae5itheridgc; centre. Depew:, Frd ~ eis opla Mr-gale Lodge, . 100F.. No. 66, the might lie of particular im- gees r .Usal Go Cnîudo ae5 wings. Dilling. Morgan: als. PrdW.Nle, Pp rMr Lions Club and a member of the portance to you. Such mat- Bird. Wiseman, McMullen, chant Will Be Buried To-day officiai board of Trinity United -tors city paper cannot furnish. r*1C I7 u jNichols, Ashton. Roferce - From His Home - Inter. Chîîrch. Y l n SL IHEUNS" f r y LScouts V atch ivapie Lear s arry Lott, Oshawa. meut Bowmanvilh Ie is survived b-, his wifead "EFRGTOSES _________ Cemetery ~twc children, Helen 14 years, andla desotprius k B Cemtey oward 12 years; his nother, Mrs. inDivine lwde oprmtu TakeB ston Into Camp Saturday Next meeting of Town Council W.G els n he itr nour thought of another to sub-____________________ îlh ody a.1,a i In th passng ofFred rick vho live in Detroit, Mich. and stitute our sonse of good for the wl eMnaJn 6 t8pm W lin mth e pas io n of F ed rick M assey n .divine w ill conc rning him . H u- RW oet o on o H cD E N U D Yt a r . w A . . Ha d , Suri oy, nt. ord as eceived Wednesday ing, January 9th. after an illness Te funeral will take place man affection upliftod to the finer 1RcieTi oTrnoHc IDO UDYta r .M adSprn of two and a haîf months. Bow- from the family residence, Elgin essence of love through the exer- ! e ac-s eadfr edn-o h oalGoya manvilieaosesnanndtstandingand will, I ýplant, was taken suddenly ill soon mavle]se nottadn tThursdav afternoon at 2.30 cise ofpuicaon ndslle- Proficiency in Scouting public spirited citizen who took a o'lckh odutdb ness trusts all the objects of Gods During Past Year f after hoe reached Windsor Wed- keen and active interest in civîchspatrRe'S.Dion f creation te His infinitely wise and F."~ edymrig i odto politirs and the genoral welfare Trinity United Church. and a~ the tender guidanc.o-Christian Sci- was improved Thursday morning. oftetw.H aemn r-grave by the Oddfellows lodge. once Journal. if vrfryBo cusa ofther Ownr fortydBoy Scouts and Cubs ity and a natural desire to ho Toronto, Saturday night, January helpful to others.An lf 7th, and watched an exhibition n e sig Pr r Born in Burlington forty yoars W s Du h m Appl Gr wer of the fastest sport in the world N ago, deceased was son of Mr.W p(i f h oderon hockey. No one yell- C e e u e ie e odrthan thbe Bowmanvillo wH theIte ratiousnals Nicke two goals, and wbether the play- Gre Compahe ny teSdrnatioaftNcer e0 ut. ok sawy e eadF. S. ors knew it or not, they were ,~ Maple GoeBrotherhood Met comig aresden of owan Deartmnt f Aricltur wok i alays oo ewand cheering 1hemn every minute. Atfuc nFia o ,vleig a llreidtcf own- Departml ent e rane Browne, Extension Hortîculturîst Among those vho enjoyed the .:I tChrch on ri.ay To vill hostîl reaînd bi înoret Wil B Ased T Annge for Quebec and Eastern Ontarie. game just as much as the younger .HerAdes"h and faith in the possibilities of Short Courses on Care in his address on "Ways and cnes, were several of the leaders Editor and You,' the mining rosources cf Northern and Cultivation of Means of Improving the Apple and membens of h ru oi Opntao njhi-,bleurs e p-lieesIndustry", had spoken some plain mittoo. fteJam om ienb e. spet mny njoabl h________Aple words on the bruised condition of W ae ing pcsted on mninîng activities.agrtmnyOaioapsa- At about 6.30 the cars left Bcwý%- a great CircuitarBrotherboodp Coiin t Bwrnnvll wth At the Northumberland and Ipaigoth Mnral akts betveen 7.45 and 8.15 at the Gar- r, metidayCirnigh t perave his familyý neanl. 1vet ears Durhami Apple Growers' 28t n and of their generally unattrac- f is The Bowmanville delega-me rdyngtiMalGov ago, they prircbased the groery nual convention beld in Port Hope tive appearance. tienof yotbfulrootes om't' Frd W. olle businss cf1-be ate0F A.oHtdrsS day choolrooW.with resi buieso h aeF .HdyJanuarv 51-h and 6th. 1tbe Resclu- (3) That this Association deep- seatedo togetheran hoGado dent Chas. Osborne in charge. which Mýr. Nelles later sold te radteGre W. . avrl wh cntnu s bu-tin Committee, ccnsisting of ly regrets the illness of Mr. P. W' officiais must have thought 1ho who. passed away loto Sunday Rev. W. C. Smith cffered prayor, Wes int sanie lwo cantion.esForsa Harry Sirett, chairman, W. F. rdgtt and the fact of his re- were celebrating the New Year evening aftor an îllness of sever- and ccmmunity siniging xvas led te hoin ro the ast Endr Rickard. Mcrley WVbster, Ian Me- sîgnation as socretary of the On- kind of late, as cheer after cheeir aI months. Mn. Nelles \vas ci e of by Jini Hancock wvith Leslie Col- Garagle per~caed fromEaB. Fnr Leod. M. H. Staples and W. H. tarie Fruit Growers' Association. went up during the game %%,hen a Bewmanville's public spîrîted' cit- lacutt at the piano. Secretary C. baer, andnowooacd mB. Dea- Carruthers. submitted throe re- and that the socretary. Mr. E. A. Torcnto player made a sensation- izens, having been membor of the H. Robinson rcad the minutes of berodon. Sinc d y e128hanuc solutions ail of which wero adopt- Summers, ho instructed te draft al play. Public School Board and rocontly the previcus meeting. codsnlv arined1cn8aled s an- d uanirnously. They were: and forward te Mr. Hodgetts a Several boys were lucky onough ro-elected te 1tho Public Utilities The following clever juvenile White grocory store in 1ho Darch (1) That a committee of five ho letter of regret and aIse of ap- Commission cf which hoe has boon Maple Grove artists centributed building. named to enquiro inte the poss- preciation cf bis past services in (Contîflued on Page 4) chairman for two years. much te the enjoyment of the Desirîng to moasure up te his bilit ies of establishing a modernly the interests of tbe fruit industry prograni: Recitations hy Bobbie fathers record of public service equipped coîd 51orage plant in in Ontario. Stevens; recitations and duets by which inclxided three yoars in West Durhami. There is an up-to- __________ OUR ENGLISH LETTER Jack and Ray Munday; vocal solos town counicil and Deputy Reeve date cold storago plant in Brigh- ~ - by Loryne White with Miss Edna at the tume of his doath January ton and a langer one in Trenton, RANGERS PLACED I 3 .L e1'ie w4 Swallow accempanist. Orville Os- 17, 1934. Fred realizod and sur- but nono in Durham County. The berne with bis rich hass voice passed that commondable ambi- cOmmittee named consists of: N I AT O S yMis Isobel Sehno sang several rollicking songs with tion. Ho was eight yoars a mena-, Russell Osborne, Prosident, M. H. U W A R L ySehno Leslie Collacutt at the piano. R. ber cf the Public School Board Staples, W. H. Carruthers, How-1 At thIatmeigte3 on . on ..gn.Te attehueo ogt R. Stevens intreduced the speak- and in 1935 was elocted a niom-1 ard V. D. Gibson, S. Chas. Allin. ! h atmeigte3 en on ee h attebueo egt St., e r of the evening, Editor Geo. W. be f h Pbi Uiite Cr- (2) That the Ontario Depart- menihers of the Rangers were di- last grains of sand slippd thro ' wbere Dicens lived and wrote;! James, wbe spoke on "The Editon: fobteyerrmn of Agriculture ho asked te r vided into patrols under Irene the narrow neck of 'plbe heur- and, a little fartber on, passed n o. h hnsc -eBo misin.bengCasbeurn, Betty Emmett, Ruth glass; and 1938 was gene forever. the unimpressive domicile wbere! thorhood was oxpressed to those Chainman of the Board. At 1ho provido sehocîs or soasonable 'James, Kay ONeill and Kit Stor- "And tbank Ged it is past," Benjamin Disraeli was hemn.....takingpronte rgamb January nominations Mn. Nelles' short courses for the instruction ey. This metbod is te ho tried someone said.*** Ed. gpadu.rt on the onam by was again elected o 1the Com- of those intenested in the bai3d-fo a monthbhefore definiteîy Yos. Oh yes. Pduk ensmnswn mis o n b claain.H as a lnsrig akgadst r for An unoxpected g 1 i mn p s e cfr servod and friecdsi rc'newed byacaain.H%îg onîg akngadso gadopted. QenMr nfoto t alsfloigteporm Con:#výative in pclit ics and xvas ef applos. 11- was f011- 1-at 1ho Qheeco Maryrinefront ef St.ePauls' follewin 1-be8.prognain. a ni nber cf Flonence Nightin- nuambon of pensons tnained in such, Tewokfrscncastss Srng yar198Ayarf Cathedral. Vivid instantaneous To-nigbt' (Tbursday) Courtice! :spnogrossing and this week 1-be bigblights in our momories, as impression of a woman beautiful Bnotherhood is guest ef Hampton patrel bopos te ho examinod on well as the little lowlights of in bier seventios. Curling silver Circuit Bnotherhood at Z i o n 1-be Morse Code. Miss Goddard1 evony day living, bain oxquisitely dressed. Hat, Cburcb wben Editer Samuel Far- D aughters 0f En gland Degree Team ,h 1-b tat patrol work will help f * * rme*e coat and dress of palest orchid. mon of Port Penny Star i h Instalis Off icers 0 f W hitby Lodge game of Morse signalling was from 1938: The rich discovery of * ouavsekr j_____________ r during 1-be eeig h retBaa' xust hn oen ad Hv o meeting closcd ith taps. ose tales . .. Easter Sunday in the' intenest in who wins In. Spain"' A meeting of 1ho 1938 Execo- l'lie teaIcun Of 1-ho130w- and Sisten M. Leggett. A vers' Meeting of Finst Company of Ahbey. The Westminster Beys' Answered: "Franco and Fascismr tive cf Oshawa Proshytenial of inanville Duughtcns of England fine prograni was enjoyed, aften Guides xvas conduCed Wodncsday Choir siniging witb beart-filling versus Goverroment and Commun- the Woman's Missionary Society ledgo inlstalloci the' officcirs of which overyone joined in a boarty night. Audrey Humphries passed beauty . . . . ism? No, I have ne intenost." Of 1ho United Churcbi will beho hlc Princes,, May, D. O. E. lodge, of gaine cf ouchre. - A dlightful bier tendorfoot test. Second Com-** r*** in t-be Sunday school auditorium Whitby, Fiday cvcning. Worthy' lunch was servcd. Invitations pany' is open for new membens. Apnil and 1ho cnd of a bated Sunday morning iin June; and of Simcoe Street ChUrch, Oshawa. District Dcputy Siston Mary Gould wero received hy Pnincess May AIL those xvho wisb te jein Brown-;. job . .. The nexv job in Fleet througb Trafalgar Square' 1ho Monday~, Janoary 161-b, at 2 p.m. ,vas in change cf 1ho installation Lodge 1-e attend 1ho instalto o r akdt o1oMssVn tet..and 1-be discovery 1-bat quiet ordenly procession carrying:inulrprswilh umte with honitcani: Sistor A. Downey, cf Durhami Lodge on Jan. 26tb Camps room at 1-be public scbool of two *routes I migbt take te 1-lic at 1-is meeting and 1ho new 1939 Sistcî' E. Bennett, Sister J. Toble. at Bow'manville. at 4.30 Wodnesday, Januany 18. new office cacb mornicg, one xvent r <Continued on Page 8) 1 Executive xill assume office. id le fri 's e t1IteJI. The Arcadians came through wvith one in the first, two in the second, and four in the third, vvhile Port Hope tallied one in the third on a long shot that sllpped past Crawford in the local net. Bird. Witberidge and Mor- gan came through with two each for the locals, with a single being scored by Me- .Mullen on a pass from Bird. Thy R ..m.n!uI1 cniau er ~much better 1-bin the east- -erners. fBowmanville on 1-be nigbt's g91 play should have been a doz- ýg e n goals botter, but 1-bey miss- g ed wide open chances galore. The last five minutes of tbe 3- game were best with both k teams opening up -witb snap- e py hockey on 1-be sticky ice. it There were just three penal- f ties ini tho game. Fdi f i i ut w: su te: to Five Durham Reeves In Contest Foi Warden 0f United Counties 1 Reve . A Edmndsone I From 1-bis outlook over thbe neigh- I Reve . A Edmonstoe I f o ring county's municipal scene Running As Well As Other- it seems 1-bat 1-ho candidates wiîl WeUl Known Figures ho Reeve J. C. Cummiskey of r rom Darlington, Manvers; Reeve T. A. Reid of Clarke; Reeve Creighton Devitt Clarke and of Cart-wright; Reevo Chas. M. Manvers Carruthers of Darlington, an d j Reeve G. A. Edmondstone of The C obourg Sentinel-Star last 0to se fv i e M. Ed n st n ,week gave 1ho following ver5' in- Ocarnes1-e haicap r.oprsent- teresting story about 1-be candi- cristehnia frpeet dates wo are in ho field for ho ng ho town of Bowmanville Wardenship ho nie Coun- hs reeve in 1937, noxv Mayor fivo of U îRedg. 0. Jones, was elected War- don, and if bis successor can click tive candidates for the prose- 1 twe years later it wll ho an ac- shipof te conei Wafde n-d complisbment probably deserving cute f -oruncmofbelniend place in 1-be records of 1-be united countias fort93 maerlnd an counties. Reove Edmondstone is Drbam for 1939 ac avatili been one of 1-ho mest active members re-elcted 5' aclamatonoi thero1-e counties council, bas al respective municipalities, and are th1-e ncsayqaiiain ne roady 1-o lino up ttebewiro wben. eesr ulfctosi x y 1-e January sessions of 1-e coun- perionce, assumes a big share of 1- cil get under way at their inaug-ih work, but for all 1-at ho looks ir ral meeting. f i<e a long sot. ýn The 1939 Warden will ho one of Three of Strongest i- 1-be ropresentatives from Durhamn Reeves Dovitt, Reid and Cum- in County, thbe bonors altornatingf miskey are going 1-o be up in 1-be gy e a r 1 y witb Northumberland. front of 1-be race until 1-he last fjurnp te 1-be wire wben 1-be de- cîsion bas 1-o be made. DiReove Chnis Cmikyo rarn resented Manvers, one of 1-be ablest mem- bers of last year's council, bas Guest A tists1 accepted ail 1-be resp:nsibility Gues Artsts hat amebis way with a high level of efficiency a wsbsown YOUN MEIS LUB by 1-be ceunties council's compli- YOUNGMEN'SCLUB ments 1-o him as chairman of 1-ho Young Men's Club met Tuesday1 special roads commission last ovening in Trinity S. S., witb Ho- ,yoar. Nortbumberland and Dur- bort Heoper in 1-be chair. The bam roads bad been starved for prograin stanted off witb a livelyf three or four years wbile the twin sing-seng led by John Grabiami. coucties were recovering from Before and after 1-ho address, Len!r 1hein paving spree, and witb Somenscales and Alvin Welsb pro- Reeve Robent Innes of Seymour dgoitars. The goest speakenrxvasmac Cummiskoy turned in a fine eMn. Chas. H. Mason whose most record of road improvomont. interosting subject, "Who Am Il" Political Factor deal wib 1ho eed or soial Politics are a dominant factor change and 1-be problems of1-be, in 1-be Little Parliament 1-bat jpresent systein. meets at Cobourg, and espocially The following were elected as in thbe election of eacb yoar's war- prograîn commt-00. Byron Van- dec. According 1-o scraps of opin- Sstone, Nelson E. Osborne, John ion in 1-be corridors, Reeve Cum- 1Grahai. h miskey enly a leaning t fThe next meeting wilb hl h Liberal ie but as 1-be ne- at St. Paul's S. S., Toesday, Jan- oary 17. (Contlnued on Page 5) Former Employees Attend Funeral O f Organ & Piano F actory Owner A mac whose lîfe bad moant ently onjoying almost robust *much 1-o Bowmanvîlle was burîed bealtb again. But only a week o n Friday, in 1-be person of J. W. ago, 1-be ravages of pneumonia Alexander, oxvcer of 1-be former struck and forced bim. to bed Dominion Organ & Piano Ce. for1 where ho passed away January 4 inany years Bcwinanville's larg- in Wellesley Hospital. est industry. Tbe service was împressîvely St. Paul's Churclb was f illed conducted hy Rev. Mn. Bacister with friends, relatives and former wbose comforticg message must employees, many o! wbom bhad have been welcomed not only by not seen Mn. Alexander since ho those noarest o! km te Mn. Alex- ef t Boxvmarcville last summer ander, but also by thoso wbo had i and moved xvitb bis two boys, worked with him and by bis fni- John and Joseph, 1-o Toronto. ends wh'o also esteemed bim se lis paster, Rev. W. F. Banister, bighly. paid 1ribote -o 1-bis mac who had Paîl bearers were former fri- dcnated te Bowmanville, its bos- ends, T. A. Dustan, Geo. E. Chase, pital, who bad lived industriously, Duncan Smith, A. J. Adams, Geo. wbe had been gecerous with bis B. Bickle and A. J. Edwards. means and wbo bad maictained! Mns. C. H. Dudley presided at intcgrity and faith in spite of ad- t-he orgali during thbe service. Versity. Icterment xvas made in Bow- Death bad coe suddenly 1-o manville Cemetery. Mr. Alexander. Since moving -o' Sirx'iving are bis twvo sons, Toronto hoe had improved in' John and Joseph o! Toronto. Mrs. health and spirit until at 1-ho time Alexander predeceased him sev- of bis îast illcess ho was appar- oral years ago. E.ý 1