THE C.\N.DI.\N STATES.\N, BOWMýNAN\VILLE, ONTARIO Tl-R'RSDAY, JANUARY l2TH, 1939 E siabiisined 1854 A Weekty Newspaper devoted to the interests of the town of Bowmanvinne and surrounding country. issued at Kinug Street, Bmwanville, every Thun'sday, byM .James & Sons, owners and pubishers. The Clanaian Statesman is a, member sof the Canadiai Week 1 Newspapers Association. anso he Class " Wee k les of Canada. CEa. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada $2.50 a year; when paid in ad- vance $2.00 a year; 50c extra in United States ta caver postage. Sirngne copies, 5c THURSD.\Y. TANUARY l2TH, 1939 The Home, The Source of Habit ]n thitise lax xx irei '..ui raln peoe pe latc' resuîrsiui tyftor ueiancter on 0ert iingus tirarutire homre. it Nimuiitertstinr te i'eal the epiietoi <f naBrit ishr Columtrbia ps * 'liatrisl orn ' 'Persutnil it \- e'ii orrr f titi'Pre. Seliuîuîit'irilîl. ' 'Dr. Aîthir -M. (3ee of thiri Provxitrtiai Menrît lHospitali, Essotidale. says tiiat îît'îsorîalîîx- is 'de'ix'ed fromn fix'e basic eleneits -iirsq ne rteligentte, emiotion. îsitrtt amrd ihabit. Tire first four are i- Ireritenu, tint' fift ir a 'qrtired. A.s teihabiit,lire says ' ' W'e uî'c'boîrr xxithir ontri iabits anrd xxe spoîrd tire greater' par't cf gour' lives acqtririrrg babils, good or bati. Tire baby spenîds his first years ieariîrg habits oà rîîrrsirrg. habits of hygicue, walk. ing andt taikinrg. Siowiy the persorralityx begirîs te titfoid as the chiid beginis ta feel his seenrrity atîd realizes lire is an itrdividual withir tire fainîlx"conrstellationî. With it- ereasinî ennîtienral miaturity, lie is -rad- uaiix' xx'aneîl axxav froi iris complete pivx- sicai and emotioiral depeiîdenrce tîpon iris motier'.l'Tire lav connes wxx'iieîrire iiîst stepg eut fruini iis ite andîrtils seeîr'itx te enter' a rîcî' xx'ri at setîol. xxher'e ut' is tiîrex'r moreort'ltss unr iisouiînresiir'î'îs. IIer't he ieir'irs rnî'xx' ilit înttu'rrs. Tir(>'fuinrîd- atioru tirat lieilirns r'e'eix'ed dttr'itugr is lt'u- scbîîîl lit'> xxi il te a g'rea t extv<'t rii i ' fî ire patt'nrn tri)xx'lielrirhis bnci' liii'xx'illr'umnr foi-Ili. aîîd ulrrrruter' ittiiliiti is tît a trnltter of st't'i' tut'iigrr. v i'utiirtes i)D'. hec. luit 'if effer'iig' <'iri lui ten i t m'uîuiî iu"îiof thir ideIc vcloiiirîrt'trt rpruî'uiatr' îîîîîrtmrit.x v fui r' iearîinrig. tlit'utir i it'u'ut pat'it'ilatiirrainîl t'xpenîerru'i'. Pl>rits tntuut ii)<'tri iix' lie î>îîe xxax' vatriil instr'xrtt tir'ir' t'irî-iiiiire iuîitimýr. ivili nifleet thic ir'iunîe anrd thiî'iî'arnts iit spiteuof î'xet ' veffortttiitearir tireri ettet'. As sineir as a cril isbuîriu, tire lruîîrrî' self beg-is ereatiîrg ut ini a spirittruri ci nitate. teaeliiinrg iinu libasie r'enctieîrs ti i hfu' xxi ir wiiluter 'ogîxeî'r I is etinriltet. The Publie Did Not Know litNi'x irat'i'tinsit îrtlîît'ecetors vetedo in e wîxa'uiitu t i t ire, iigîr si'iror> te per'mnit thru'tenîc'iimg oe t xtnntiinri stil Jects. iT' pt'o.icc't xxas dufeateci. andiltie editu u' of t' Nt'xx'rkut Ei'a ru'1 'î'uIirt i tire irtte r'te sec xx'iv tir>',('1 î'tr ns midi rut apprîîxe. lie (, i) ftiire surnie u'unuimsiu>ri as xx'>'iiiiut tefet'iierr'etrithie ufi't of<uta sicnilnr)' bv-iaxx irere, tiraItfire ciief reasoîr ivas ttrtfire peuople tlîd imît nnndur'stn> fui 'lrurî it xxas ui]nabolit. iii' giies <îrli, say tirat s'<<unr>' rnrners<f tire Borrd'ii rt' Edni'vatimuitirad seine iotiriirb fuui'î' utl"- cd fi) tire preseirre of tire press at ils immcd- ing's. hbut after' x'ithi gon thlet'inuiterî'tire press xx'ns perinitted tri sta.v. lI Iexeer, tir' Buar'd upiears toihaxe tmet at ils ew'nr cet- i-eniieoail tirepress xxasfi'x'er' ne('iiitîitiit- ed xxithvtirnr" îg rigirts. Vie te-ti t wua that tir>' lisi'tssieîîs uir thî' nî'xx'nîtîrit ioir wvere ir'er r inuli'publniie. atndl xxireii' lti' Boardl hal iriiuil ieasiis teorJropiisitg I iru' additi>ir t hail iiti> xx'uv oufatîtitirtiirtr' pinlîn' xxith il(ir' 'auts tirnt gnnî<iei tirerni mît tire î'uîrr se therî'v'took. Whîichir ngslils baek lutir îtu'.îillru doiîg lnulir'iiriti's hriridmil u'iiel tiuur'.. saYt1x w ii'Fort Erie' î'imtres. Tire, 1939 lixînr r'uîuînrî'iianl irm'id 'ut' ofEgiin tioui mîu>xx'm'nîîî'n lipiîntlrîir' l alors. it nîiglît lui' xx'î' i.un tiresei' ui iu' lii ;Iou ristntdlv thter niîî'm' 'uto J'î'ss 'it'i'..,inttiimr t tireï.ir' rr'tinngýs Er Wii"u'i'm a gr'unrjiitia iu'nr000turu'ui ru'îitu-izl i- iies. . 'ilws'-. ],(Mtt(x'ut<'ts liruxil rniglit ru' kilow x' ix unîttrir' inpIuteu's nre" iîiî' ' iesstitei' utiss is r'i"eîelaht lwit'rmî'î't - ing's ir>' x'mîu'r'i'aniluot kiox\\.x'lîurî si <mn. i'r 'retuî",ifm'u"î tx-1i'ut--A ebe' . ' i l ui itîit l <u hii' xxi l r'u'xu'nri lootk oin lut' and niti irr i .iuir' Iii's tiirî.îlV' tint' (jiiiii t vr i' iru î" f i11i m. Iir mnds.' Oui'm'rui.uumen'tnl t îîrills nmia inîuun'omatnd w'Irerr so'mir'tîti' tisistti uunuri' i mx- t'i'i izatitit s pussinig axxay, omit"s innttali <pu'-r aliens present a elrain of eonftsig larnd frigblteing imges. Onre'stuliloises tlire passing et' eivil ihat ion oit]\-iin auabstract w'av. Avtilli i ins. of ;'iourse, r bat x'îit teflic iditluai.whitbas sîuimt rmirr,'h t intre nandîl ergv t'irrtimmg sel- tish ness. jl it'feretti'.iorsre ssinteler- alite. al idf th iti o'ies.ftitivouit are timet of thie w'itîie thiîiir. antd vort att' gtiinrg tii stop mvrowig ag iîrs.-t tihe streani. and tlbat v'ou wî il dri f I ONw-lst'eai lt. Wel1 'iitr. rrriitpled hy a mtillijonr. t'a 1ttmrruir'ed il rii o dîithIe sarie 1t iir. is tire Irassirrirof eivilizuitiomt. Brit it liasntsîît pass- iii yet. 'alrradiarrs shlirtiiirtard eiî"tiitteir mrerntaîl îîper'-îiirn'. iitat the îtltaiitxut'f tueuir rrrîa nzî's Iaîxsat îsfx'. Ila rîîi-îapt's - inob'l' ahiîî'"î rtisre th irnte aits -tt, -sar i'iSiil booiks r i'iiîiniss easoii-Itistiee -,'onttidetro tirese ,ttoiil ..e'iî t lie irle iriires tiîl i rrtr.rvei.r. -MaY Yon irrlav'e tireii irrii trl- Observations and Opinions Farrnets anrd tîxx'rfolks xxili ititi foodc tor tirourgbt ait([ actininitire tadcl'ess, re- îiertet l esewlitere in titis issue, ef lin. JP. M. Dcwarr. Mitistî'et' oAglriulture. dî'iivered at tire Aple Grow'ers' Conrvention ini Port Hope. Ilis poliey of cii-oeratîiir is a practit'al eirre andî yet lire places eorrsiderabie responsibiliitv oite irendividîral tii so1 xc is owtr prebieirs. A. spirit of ieifideî'nîeo and îîptirîisrrî grips orre as vot-lane tirrutgii tire Ei2-paire Arr- irua i Finaricia I Stnîvev of lte Torri o Cflube anrd Mail isstid .Janî 3. I t is a gientt adl ve'rsinr'tt for' tihe rrati'ai î'esOiIirr'iS. wî'aitii andîl inrari'iai sI ahiitv atnd prigress of the' ),Dromiin. It Nis agr'eat ai'('uirriiisii men't and il 'txiî'î' irle prii oersf('raias li' i l la'erriai pa. i1rarri a litil' thiîig xvîtir a iîerr'rrrg iiisplii1" tuie. Iirvate fii'tiisliip andî eiîîid xxi. 1initspire re'spîet and i i i irîrul Ex'r' iîîî loiives rie. 1ibreno ri ire. 1 i xiîite nro iurxî. Ieiist iîithing. M.11 *v iave pr'nised mre. iirr' ia., exet' î'iirdentied tie. 1 amt iirttr. tr tiosi' of iigirand lowvuî're i afil tseftri ,ve"rrrimomernt oif'tir'he v i AM (OURTESY. it is a n-t'ettali t'rt..tliratieitier 1tAiir fiilsi. .Ser'x'îe (ilt11)s or pri'iratî' indrdI- mîris bxiveso'enrfit tii pit'vide 'a c'îveredu sk i'ardiit'kule\' ri-riik-fi. 'tire voirr pleîo' f Buirralviiii'. Mil11a1111r1rirs ini rrrarîv nrearr'lv xiliae'es tlirex'irnîxi'srrîlrirrks11ý. And îi rîîw Maî)li'(e 'îi is irrtire spiitligiit irgaii lui i'irx ' t h ie <ii iiirrlS.liedi ii i'ui't'i'i r 'sii 1 Il ' frî h>' rîîjîî'l tira ie"ir'i uitlit îinii" ilires rrr'iirri Bîw'- mratxlivi' xvii] slvxi'titis i mipii't unît pr-einr of ure' r ri ' rk Ilinvriv'sgtifmuT'oiuu'ront I ia s (lro i] v i aitI zndu iin aI>'l'*iîtrmI xx'a l 'Stnmît in g tumua anrîl rrruinntis Ih','ar". 'u(. nr'iag tseries cf i iiinrr'us iri Murketiirg. Titis important and u'îumstr'ru't ivxi sem'es oif taiks are te be grx'en bv rmn xxiii ualifiù'ttespeak crn tire var'- iuunns strhji'uts ufit' itrest 10 retniiem's amui rrarrfnituiets Retail Mriat'Associai- tiouns nrn'iuise î'eau'i <f Toronttoi sirnii pre- vailii n rIir i nptier's te attendt. A fei, <if uix' $3.110 is t'hargeýdfii tht' entiri' \\ i'shlili vxoitr umi' frncutirhe ped- diir « ' 'ir ,'VTe B raniptuutt 'uîrsei'xatci'. (I'<les i ti'lutottî'tiieit'bmuildingilit) ufit'tr' 'l u rrirnrIil v.Ilie is rrît part. of tihe î')lllllîrrririii' it'î. le i'x'nilis uni butsiniess tlr i.. nînri Ii., nut aixxays urvainîbie te-iv'e Ilt. i> - m'i lf I' t i t iii' u llialrs beliu jiirîmîsi loruinl frm >ieb i'li'u'srr'x' i inugad rli i'i. pxî'iîî'r i u ui zu' t unbI~ 'n u i;l i in'tili' tîi %(I i p-l x'iri'nt vi t iniin %-,. 1ii»f1i;r' (ii' \-i' Io ii u' 'îî xîvo it irli ii11t . .î Thoii" <)luh" iviîr' I>rt'iaîrnt of'rît u it' r'i- i, s ahi itraiui'I'ninrgg 1rotnr 'rufmrleadertshrip uirimitir>' \'uuunnrgîl'r r'i iii' ,titis ur'ui'irr'i. l'lii' iii3 s iir'at g'i'Isoiire trairnng irn grup~ xx'uumkamindpiblivu'sji('nkiîrg ii llie' uîrgzrrrizi'ui l1*1'immrliS uif' un Boys ' Wor'k Boardl andti1ii' I l' mii' thei'x' haie ri'alieîd lire onge<f riIinrriinr'r uur'oir>' I>er'ux'inc'ial lix's ' i>nr'ian- mn'rt tiru'x' inrx'î' il'tirjeà senit' latet il i- ilx' . Ili tint' inrr'ianri'nrtlireid dntm'inig Nexw \"îl s xiek, xx'u'werc' iinpressed lix' titi' 'r'luitnisof liie' isoussioit. Trex' shoixx'i'tita fliii' (>lmîr liiivs min' iukinîgua kuu'intr'est tumiui Iiitndilfir'nîIY foit'riglit piniruiple... ini t lîî'lit" ofii' t ir' ratîitr. It is toii lii'ri'gmi'i t- t ii it x x i " i'iît' in'r it't tlus i unît'. vi.îu. 1t. o.t'r'xitrtf N:ii.uii.nms iî. tud hu'ii,, t inift ntl i 1u'uin îi' inn tiih iinriis tir'ionl' rîti l 'irsing Sin'ili'uili hru> illiirni.. 'i'ii' L 'î" g I olu îr'itu'isilîg Sur trrurrni luiini.r. mrploil ~~it lit' ai>aiiwritr iiiii iii. m (ui' Pa s >rk~, \'inx îuurir \411i ,t»l"' ii' . iIi, sntidu l le iout met' < 1m' I x '; 11u tlu't" mnIi ani'sndInru vl 'nn'ridu-iu'1<ît i il'li ii11w 'r"ngroil i l n d 1*; iii l i ili'>"'t .r n'mi'. un ru'x'îi'sses<' M. ' il' iotin. 011,îumî ît wiant wxx'il voiîut i iiilt 'uil mi' w dresses? wei i sais 1, '. 'u'x i. l'A ar stucre'nglir ltirere tîtiil tirei nst. tiî'iss xx'ns fieit< mic. --- -- --- -- -- C H O SE N A S CH A IR M A N tir) err)iiccand f eîrîd cavillirîg and BOARD 0F EDUCATIONý firîallv- camne te sernetliinz we cornu( >yiiîderstarid and sawx that the whole IDEALS FROM "HIGH PRESSURE" Itiinc nicant faiît firîrinzî. By Scibe Gail rrred. t.. a werîder rietile dnt By crie Gelith ileî eari. Here %we lad Do you remember ever5 thrcg, snakes ou.t of men. We do things t" lire rlîis bis bok ,and mioxu tale it you read? We don't cîther. We îuc ewouidn't think of doing if we ba.îk. \V'e hav-e leur a ixhele everrimie read bundreds of books... but xiere rndependent. Married men tn ofn ltslltizw l cannet remember tbem. Two that e ml do xxorse things for money r' mi knew'.Sure Hiram îis a faîrit we do remember are: The Inside than single men. When a Corpor-1 ne.Ta'aZodtili obc of the Cup" by Wrnston Churchil atien xxants te stick a man with a Te(ntrfn.rtefil n e (American). and "Babbitt" by tough job. they pick one who has ll.. ' ilieterfiThte arrî arrfid rle- Sinclair Lewis. Both books are a family te support, and is fiîîed riiui's in. the carac arr iiîd.. hie based on hy'pecrisy and dissimu- xx'th the fear of God ail the lime. îýt ii rie'e fellew'î czet iveil tuairl for latien . . . trc character piclures1 A Reman Calhelic priest cari' d1i uie ues. Iirarri reriieves thre fatrîrs of people who live in our midst. crack the whip ever bis fleck and i tiitchance. Onu hi' hiee îlicari Now cemes a neiv bock of the feel prelty safe ru dcing se. He fiîîd faîrît.. are able te retlev-e tlieii. sanie sort cailed "High Pressure' bias the slrength and support of "'ai~frii eipiint v hi' Jesse Rainsferd Sprague. it ns the Clirch cf Roe behind him.1 1al' frteclpinlt.w a' dandy if yetm like your ment A Protestant preacher cannot <l oii irti % v iere imdailut ti-arnd mare te medium. Some cf the pr'ess bis parishioners becairse hie eallitiL is nrlit'.. ideas expressecl lu Ibis book max bas as many bosses as Ihere are cet bc pepular but tbey sure are mnembers cf lus cbrrrcb. dmscerning. We xviii try and tran- A fool is the perfect etstomner: I h dtrsM i scribie a fexv fer veu: Suppose you are an automobile iTh EdtrsM l The arthor thinks there are dealer. and yeu've geltxx'o pros- peeple se destitute ef spiritual peets. One rs an intelligent crn conception that whec they hear' xho says, "My uld cam' is runrîing Dr. 11artley Lewvis Winnipeg, Jamiuary 6, 1939 the phrase "Blood efthIe Lamb.** xvýell. I havent any urse for a nex eme tOsav Bado Dear George:- thex' cannot keep the picture of a one." The other rs a mice felcel' Edireation for the past six ye 'ars, T939isndis sFriday, Jauu iary t buce hpotof their bead. -who Ilistens toe exerything you tell who xvas the tnanimetrs ciiorce ssmx'asiifcl butche as-hageut le shiiaou h fnYgagt o me, inasmnucb as I arrived mn Or vhe a Chage f harl ushimabot te fncygadelsonchairman for thrs year. Dr. Lexwis' Winnipeg Friday, January 6, 1883. pretestcd they lbink some one is the nexv model that lie cami asten- wife xvas fermerly Miss Agnes fifty-six -,ears ago by day and fumbling wilb their insides. isb bis ceigbbors e'ilh. and be- Vanstone. daturchter et Me. and date (yýears excepledn. Memory 1Jexvs are harder workers than lieves you xihen 3ou say bie oxves Mrs. F. C. Vanstene, Boxvman- cre ebc etedt fm mest of uas. Thal is one reasen hi le bis wife and family' le pro- ville, carrivai e and the rdapearance 'tbey are deprecaled as competi- vide lbem wilb the very latest. _________andthe_________________ lr.Whatever pursuit a Jew is Whicb prospect xvouldyi r-o as hnsi oncinwl in. lie sels a bot pace. Tbis ceces- fer? So you see (bal xx'en a bigh- .Senm rdafnîl altrneXi the cily of Ibat day, claiming a srly for brgh pressure rouses the pressurre' business mac gives mon- Yca ru lai. anid ertertaitied du feretît resî-dent population eslimaled at ývrtisicsin acy mac. ey te advance education he's 'mii..remîv- 12,000, of wbom 10,000 were class- Th icslicofcth Service Club really taking bread out of bis exvn haumi 'lu iuc. r'.reu d as permanents and 2000 f loat- Iidea (Retary, Lions, Kiwanis, etc.) moutb. e it ç,i 'lcodstrsd ers, financiallv backrupt and un- in the past 25 years, is due te There is a theoru' Ihat dumb this veuîtv.\r, . îiza ?xtartiti. able to remnoxe elsewbere for 1 progressively keener b us i n e s s guys are grealer mocey-makers p îuietlv iauedall-ai Satiirdav rilucbt. want of fucds, many of whomn compelition. Mec go imb Ihese Iban sensitive cnes. S u p o s s 1 nulier Sth %-ar, iteaergua Clubs because they caccol afferd lbere's a dollar lying on the floor Soliria: Nir. amuINfre..\. Sîaimiute kitchens" estabiished by city au- to slay eut of tbem. There are across the room. You and I botb hlda uid oolibceanid rniiltiiie on Fri- thorities in convecient locations limes xvbec Cemmucity Service starl for il. You bappen le be a aîlî îitiî thetirsîmal social tirac after- lhrougbout the city. You bave rs over-done. Que cycmc wbolirved sensrtrve felloxv xitb some imag- xvardsl . eard cf the Winnipeg boom of in a lexu'c xhere the Clubs devot- inalien. As you go for the dollar. Salera: Farnrîeru tîcldil abîec 1'ririax' 1882 xvbicl icfiuecced macy from ed lhemnselves te 'Boys Work'. i vou lot somne oul-side theughts f ruuî,un anid cravclled thi \ialk umtu the east and seulh le visil the said. "A bcy bas te rrmc iike a occtmr te yerr se yei. doc't go quite t,, the ..clîool. city and try' their luck in preperîx' scared rabbit Ihese days te keep in a straigbl lice. But I'mn a lhick- 'i'uroîre: Nli", Niabel V'iiclit eniter- speculalion se rampant in the 1882 eut cf the ciutches cf some one headed. ucimagicatrve s o r t. I tiiil uiller cirl frivends. Dcc. 2îtîl. 'boom. Wl'rilc seme empleyed their xvbo wanls te de bima a gocel thiuk cf rielhicg lu the xvorld but i.uîtîr: i.. Gib..uîuiNîaiilla. ftmcds te advactage, others lest ttrrn." that dollar. I go right te il. I've lia.. tikeu.i cli.r£e <if tlill jum îr (Jv%- their ail. Our prescrit high-pressure sys- got iini civjeans before x'eu're -.'îi, lî.lu i111,1aNîlr . 1:. j. Il xxas 44- belexv zero the day 1c.m cf business makes ratîle- haîf xvav tlere. G"it .till thj11. le blleui in rte of mv arrivaI. cectrasted xxilh 30' -- - -- - -n ,i' ri, l eu.rtueur.. rail..l Zir..eý lia.. iui-all,,l a fininacî iii ui.. b 'mle LI 9rolum fflau &&MrIld%9na. n 1%ad.îi'l will 1nuixe u ni qMILT-T- ai lR%~ IN lTEUIM AND DISTANT PASI From The Statesman Files1 From The Canadian Statesinan, .anuary 9, 1889 Mai; ried 'DuKa'iti lce. 27, V 'v. Rcv. R. 1). Fraser. at thue r e.. a lie,'i of Peter Iu rulecli. Sein ce,- xx :ýii:.. .n ..ii ...... eBril i uîm e.. ammuer<iftue i urtll,. Rumidle liait' beeui cria iuintour ti n'1 ii aIl if B îîî ofrîuîmîî 111A. ini Carte rielît. .. arîrmilCeînrtie lutI l fBwlavl lia..s mii tiî"nîced uitiet'ua X'insdicio. NL aile Greve: Fri'md.. amui rülatiî e.. TIENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO etlt'icilai tt huuîmîîe uf NI r. andi______ Nir... \\'lit. Volet andil lau a ver\ From The Canadian Statesman. lca'aînt truie inu cleiiratimîe tie 2011l1 January 8. 1914 omunîr.a f tlhir îuwudhig <lai. True: A lue ltime lias emiîîîî il N'rrc.:Grill..- IIin \t rt'un- a t Ni r. lh, nai Gariiwnr' .. Erl,, b o,'ef bride's . rieter. I it t'31>.t. uIIiîIt. ('hiteker. i, tlu" faviî'u b\ Rît Il. P. kenîî. NIr. H'owa'urdl «eanîît' at tit- rt.\i ii Grill. .andmuI Nl... rtlia Ni. I faiulun: rînnu.. gtlinnul iue \liii. daîrebtur of Nr..\V'. IL'. Al- Iloîrme of NIr.aund Nîr..\V'. I lai'- li,'n '.îîx.i--li '1"rt cn'a ft. r, uý irtlît'nnîf.reiil't'u1t i r' oii -3 îîli' t Toie.ronto.x ti, dlax rifle'.huuîtuc xa.. nu' îmarri A'.ur'uî.tî.î i nie t'nîiuu ', a litat .tmi)ii(-r a lid M '.Ir . 1. II. ftirn ., rîanî nm iuids dait il I . 2 'I , t1lat 1w nnîneluC1 duruuet' . îmuuîr'in iiilt' leai IIi fui Ciîi.. îliir.'î.1''irv nutîn' w Vna' Vît Ili .a ciel e-utd i ilf r Poirt I fuie, xxa..-iosi'u 'fNl r - t*.aie'i i t lated u c X. 20. 1913, ul uni 1>. l"lt'telîM r. N Ie iii i .ai . ": I iinllti i to Ir" t'ut Sîuîulî'eî'rini sorîntir 'm our "f tii, luicli'..tiiii nîl tuýlax . 451 fi.. Pricr.n.. ..îmcc'el mi cain iiiii cmial e- .. iti xiil] ki, 'i'Iariu cî(ttirie in mraneu'irîr' u ne rt'.idence or i Mr. e"'Ii ..iu.îeaai.' Sallmu e 'air..tol're. 'Fle%'-rt.' ie n- NI i... lr ui. . oh'rue %vnî', î,conul tlinîe of 'aiunetbunt Iuft iuetiu tir and ui un/ea.. adi <irixer at tîn \xiîth îiriiexx eeII. n'mî.Frin.lair. A arc surrisr.t arti' crnis.tirie IPort I lutvkceu..tIi"cîîuunnriv ..c ai or IneinnIit'r.. of Netlieriist clirru -h andrlf fie aI.. liune zînotiuielii ..uiffliru2 Coli LetrioI<uni atimtred at tlie lhan d- nmo'e' ulr inukut lîunun tît' rc t' .ti mlu sonrie ri"','resiulerce of Nîr. andîlNr..irinit'naii.. losu..erulinlivi': ii.. rue R. Itarrett. Eleimi Si. andu i'uenited ia..t dîi,it "froi-ii' nii"itis .fo'r lit iliumt iiii nlii' comîle i iia xii i luarîul- imc liiir so'rit' ie a I ru mnlien renisunite in recu ig NI r. au lnI r. . \V'. R taîe a ndi lirtion if ilîir x'.ltnahi e rîii' i n î.o it i uni tii,'u...Il.î i tii liun' mai_ tlue ti'ir. lE>limnoiriu. N.Bi. 1li cî'lai,' i enScli' îl ieîîeied î'est'euiavthinilii. I 7îlî n .n 'il tt' ix %%ni u-n a uer i la rce ar t'ulance abliît >5 ieux ,nuiua mwnîiîî reLi.termi. Tlîis xxiii tax iii it.. t' îmîî.kîlieui :lDe. andiMNr'.. («'. VW. By The Oild Box Stove _______By H-iram Back on the Sm'venth Concession I t i, a r'nmli glît eit. The wiiiil i.lin il flthe fîx ingt. aid the zali-e ut, liere, rzetîie ats uilii, it nout * lt' e fr eare bi'sv iri neteiid o!ut e bat lkiid oeta mnaltî i rain is if lie i.. a cinic W lixa dietieniari liure. It i.. the hoigg ,kt el..'e' ..atiditls liai d tottî th lert' arc .., iai wrds li i the 1 l'.,i lailzmuae. The bok i. a I ead ini it.,el f and the blam n iiiiiue rita r cuvers the who ile tale efe ore iln .. t lias. taken a loin- timi,'teîinid the word fer we were 1.iciii the' S coliîînîîî but wC' Cet tli' n izlît nI ace e lien a Nxoimari ii'l lias, a zged eiiicatioin t Id is .te leel, C.îdtr( Ilt..liaiidv to bave edîicated îeue like be i-aroiii Sitelias asi i at- il i.. e l'.itraîite. \Vti Il , lv .. xi i w h; t ' li e, iîil \ t lle i>. n, : et i (.rI.. for rît lie.. anid art. Tliat ..aii. t bh, e I iiat thev mri rt airetît H irami. lie i.. ni, tl Grrek l, h a lo1e iiie..t. arîd wWl ie 1, i kcd 111) tht ' i ld Coln teiiit st.aid it raitnt ..e iril. W' k'iiow elirainbitter rbaniii hat. liei lioe. iev anul it îveîîld bc a de- lu-lit tr,, lîînî to bclie cli. f t' iirxt iîaiii t f îîll ix a.. thî.t a i uIic e mo rose îîîuîîî. ix,' look..d..el 1ii1) îe.,. ;îi, tiat ie, >a% \%:îi (- liad li lI r I l iv.iii iftr irafi i, m c, i'r \Vit'dîne a lîttle îl,'eî,r aîîul folîîîî, uiat c%îîe i a. m a,, t,î.afiilriî'aiiii a. wuiixer,'. allinit' Iliur:iiîa ii î..ld îîîl e ere beeîiiiiic ,te cet iteitmail. I eei ee ,k (above to-day. Biliy Milis, now of ,j St. Marys, a friend of yours, and a neighbour of mine in Enniskil- len village. accompanied me to !Winnipeg, both to . c for Dr. [Maxwell & Copn irplement 1manufacturers of Paris, Ont., now at St. Marys. Ont., who had a tsub-branch in Winnipeg as well as agencies throughout the Pro- vince (Western). Billv returned teast some years later to work both in head office Paris and later St. Marys. Ont., of the Maxwell Co., and is now a very highly esteem- ed citizen of St. Marys. Personally iI neyer regretted the meve from sEnniskillin village (my boyhood 1home) to Winnipeg. Fifty-six vears' residence in one city seems a long period v.hen ceunted by 1years. I have managed ail these years te kcep out of the police station, attend diiigentiy to the duties of each day and minding my own business. and no%,. in my, advanc- ng \ cars arn cnjoying life, free of \verry. still trying te radiate sunshiine and be hieloful to others. Apart from neuritis, an ever present cempanion. I am in good health in my 77th year, and thankful tee. As n»' wrrting hand is cramp- ing from effects of neuritis I am compelled te lay off now. prom- ising te continue later. Cordiaily yours H. Wilber Hutchinson. "There is nething se small but that we may honor God by ask- ing His guidance of it, or insuit Hrm by taking it into our own hands: and what is true of the Deity is equaily true of Ilis re- velation. "-Ruskin. ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the %vonderfully versatile e n ter- tainer, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated circular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. 1-e ~'" IJ'*ON V W'H.fl SMi*A.LL i.CC..UA'dI bARE1L VLLOME- ' l . . "c~ -'il v EVERYDODY Should Have A Savings Account A..sumn of maney, safciy icept in a saxings accourir at the Bank of Montreai, is a good thing for anybody to have. Evcrybody's finac. ciai future wouid be more secure with such a sure re- serve fund. The baby with a lifetime ahead, the aid per- son ce longer able tw earn, the >'euth and the middle« aged, the wel.cto-do and the less prosperous .... everybody wouid benefit by havicg a savings ac. ceunt, an invescment which is always worth full face value. BANK 0F DMONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 Bownianville Branch: F. O. McILVEEN, Manager MlODERN. EXPERIENCFD BANKING SFRx'ICE. -the outeome o/ tryeaei succesiful operatiowr 7%S PAGE TWO THURSDAY, JANUARY 12TH, 1939 -I