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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1939, p. 3

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 12TH, 1939 THE CANADJAN STATESMA N. PO\VMANVILLI:, ONTARIO \ufvio got ]ast vear. Tuck one of '0 }Il :se pads in the sleeve of your <I cI'o.s as it hangs on the hanger aohrone in the drawer wt INT RE T O ~us Tenwhen you wear A K O F INT REST O W O MN tllrn thcv are pleasantly perfum- '4 d One',sitpped under the bn nt vour hbat, just before wvearing. P Ceet 1ýrnakes your hair ail scented and Home & School Club ý%et. A test of a good perfume Within a few weeks the stock- Guets f Ohaw HntsForHom bo IS that it dûes not smell stale minimum before that time.T Ennskilen Co pleGolen ineci hankie you take out of money-saving value. - o' W edding In Rochester, New York Club on Monday1 Wrltten for The Statesman . our party bagw%,hen vou are go-LDE'AD01 OttNuodav eveninz about fort, .il we n pelig hnLDE'ADvI usi>.ieushers of I3ownianvilic ----essie Allen Brown- ',ou have the wrong kjnd of per- W eepesdt eeva!H MPTON COUPLE iliueandî School Club. iourucved fue Alttegodpefmede We wo TePre essed to reelitit ,h - av t coo.wee The Women's Institutes something for a woman's morale ~iUI Greece, N.Y., a suburb of Roches- FETED BY FRIENDS Know aa Mar St. Shool.seher ter, containing the following ac- ~tbev %werc the Liuests of tihe Homte Ko o and he]ps put ber in the right cort fte ode ediga- H N IER A Y and Scbool Club of that institutiou. It has always been my conten- frame of mind for an occasion.Reua$1 Robn,0Nnnsilnfr. and(l Mrs, Clifford Colwil Vc-' srutNrs. Beamiish. Aiter the most important and valuableNe Rcis celebrated their twentv-fifth weddine theix liu.ies-, ueetinz. a fiue rr(ýrir women's organization in Canada. Tody m r going to give you learned o th eepness hwch is ersarv on December 101h, 1939. ws r ruse-nted 1w vthe Bowusanviile Some times when 1 have said this tvo recipes, neither of whiech I ucthre t herho e nths ofs ss theenidc preue a te inlie t b urrie a d o k- stn grphr wh d e m m m - 11O enjoyed by two young people who A)u sixtv relatives and friends lb It con-isted of the pla\- that some of the city women have been have had a chance to trs'. The have our undying admiration. ztever ograhoe n hs ççs ivssihs)lngi asked me t heiclne a e uprif adlokIsenghadrwh de eveie-$ 1 0 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robbins of ion to do liouour to ttbem in a tanz- 1 Public Scbool Christuia. Conicert. edcdlown their noses. Howe ' ru gagade emon mtufigfor tu r Enniskillen, Ontario, Canada, cel- ible was-. Na-e lesesitîs the Princess and Most Of t h e mmaeL onSufgfr rk ebrated their golden wedding an- NIr. Hilton Peters lu a fe\, s el tie'Flitc Tsesaune ceast know little of I had neyer heard of it. She tells OHAMO - SUEDE niversary in the home of their eho-.en reuiarks calied the compativ was ac'aiul sceil re-cui\- ud 1w) the and- the W. îI.-irue lit is a Welsh recipe and the daughter, Mrs. William Hamble- to or<ler au<l M\r. Edzar Horn rea<1 nchied Rns iîîr ex rcvk wIh a v e oe rmteraw ae ton, 107 Castieford Road. on Sun- a ni1(-t collîlimentarv and eloLi.tic f (ialli Tans- (the hiuticr). George had more re- 2 usead crtumbs Rglar49 Robbins were showered with Cane»r.- uTiih, etur iiSniîtb _ speaking ta an 2 cups chopped suet eua49 greetings and gifts lu honor of the NaIrKlbPtraiIev- s b uus xt îthi-o nctte ta ay anpepe happy occasion and it was with Truilli îreseîted tise bride andl r Thoi 1 i iss. Rî-e! aeh- llise IRe(i fisa-gatdrndo 1ý en nîuch joy that they told of their of tsventv fis-e vears %vith a huatiîifi i Prinîce. fiis\ rls T other. îtisaiigaedrn of le mons- Juice of Th2 5cl av rtiy ]ives together. s Iv'r ta service ansd trac, lîn crape Pi 'sîcu. kNsî-'I ll i sfiiit: Tilc ul- tx'averaif1n iegg 2 5mo 'We found that il was harder n attr nsud littie Mi-sReta Catin,. os Irsitcv. itlîEslas liTe 3 easbchppeopasl to make up after a quarrel than. cousus of the cr00155. umade tIse ire- "las i:lislls. 1lomle.isr 1oh1usto inionhae om e- souns erihy,]lyBilarcnInFawn it xvas to agree in the first place," -untation 'f a botuiset of elsrs--alueSliul.î \ii-'ss MIiîràI l Mci)'usald 'a1 sdyo uylk otyi.__________________ said Mrs. Robbins, "so we just unuis. (eiis i1~n )au erLiusous voit have been Jessie Allen GigrBea1O E' don't quarrel.' Said ber busband, AeilstPi ISt(uî'ijîs. (ordu Made.Tackthiking WhBreadVi Mywfe s te bst ook u Cn- unsnirtIse Lifts fronit Ile bride-, .ls-. OnueO-iiawa lads w-as liiar(i I huard Miss Isobel Armistrongo!tm adbadasned.Tea adaandsheknos wen o fed îsîîsu. M-,.Brauund. Oslw.wliî . to sav at tise close of tIhe pi ourinu. (Marly of you know ber through friend who gave me this says she u e hwat I e, 50 Iae t ho. ua uers.u si).cann î<ic- Il-ilu siwv wouid start it at tise ber work on The Ottawva Citizen. bas kept a part of it for as long Mli ~ N ber~~ ho uhI prcat t-- ) ?-u(i ueurets 'f i tiser near rus-- - iielu audsifd, it aIl ovi-ssr aiaj. and in other papers in Western I IN R jut n enra pinipes -ndlais-. assuse.sos aiýn -sarudsiniiTise uast ss)I)iud C(suedberause Canada and in Western Ontario). atowes tre nterfi-RegUlar to $2.98 there is the true secret of marital ibis iaticiar el fi. and aisrs exteuisi <i lu ru wvas il,,s-ceneus availalie. Sa;' just what I have said about cînto r. bappiness. tluir iîest w ishes. ý\fter tise puozraru refresiisent, thé Institutes, I was pleased. 1 1 cup granulated sugar A daughter fRetta). Mrs. Wm. slr. and \rs. Colssili expucSSesi - iere served I1 tise ladies rf thu - think this illustrates the differ-1 cup shortening Hambleton, two sons. Fred and ilsuir ilipreciation and îhauk-s. selen 0sasa Club. assisted In.tise cast of 'ence between the Institutes and 35~ cups flour Jmssi rnhideadaalsalir "For tises are jolis- coor tise pias-.1 the city organizations nicely. At egg5 0 great grandchild add to the al- felowss" Those selo kindIv cf fered their1 a meeting of the Canadian Club 2tapossd ______________ renal coprect a n e s s o theal eeCheS were rmade i)vs suerai cars 10 transp)ort the cast of the ilas in London the pianist had to leave 3 tablespoons ginger most supcrfluous for us to ex- ucîstleuscîsand a social tirsie iu camnes tus Oshawa scere Ms G. Wicket and wben the meeting ended, the la cup molasses.TAL tend heartv thougb belated conad social intercourse seas enioved NIr. H. Chailis and Mrs. Geol. w President asked if some oue j rerushrtTigAnBsuar gratulations. Mrs. Robbins wiîî tise reutaunder of the eveninz. and lamnes. would play God Save the King. add beaten egg, molasses and remain in town for a short tim refreslimenîs served. __________ Not a person moved. I know there ruslk.SfindyngéetsLt tmnsee____________________________were a good many in that audi - -sf t in dry ingris. et .r. whil be husandis rturîng is augber heîALICE JACKSON ence who couîd have dclatéit, evenstnfoatest7ouseord sa. n s home in the near future." hsduherTem.owing tuaISO ANi ~bt eseesuue obakeinmuffin ins5andéatr32s if sadEs Mr. Rabbins returned to En- Mrs. Robbins being in poor health M S IN A D Ibeing obganie and aing tags in ailarge intn n t35i nisilenovr heweekcnd ac- she is remaining with ber daugh- donc for us that we had neither__________ comanid b bs sn Fed nd'te luRoceser.~iue ackson '.\ission Batnd met the initiative nor the courage. Su Your _______________________________________________inu TrunutvStiundv Scisool. M\oidas, the meeting dismissed without the Dominion M ngr Cholce - Each atternoosi The useetune isas ssher- National Antheru. That s a me aer l c e inuu bv qtuet mîusic bs- Nluss Puekard. week I was at a W. I. Convention Go To Wol' Fair andr the eaul to svouslip 1w- Dorotlis and whcn the meeting was about At New York City i3cdfoud. .-fteu a licussu. tise Lord-, to close the Président asked some - Praver. and the cf feuinsu takeîs b one to start the National Anthens 'Z A LK E Al. \beuta Oit andi Lola Marjeurisoîs, - not play it but start it. The une electissus of officers took place wiîii who happened to be sitting beside \lu Gilbeut Toues. rnausazer cf Our tisese resuts: Presideisi Icaî Green me svas a middle-aged country I il Doiniuoncî Stores. aunounced Phone 451I fildi: .\ssistauit-Sllirles- 'Moore; Sec. woman. quiet and unobtrusive i,-su excusiue interv-ies-witli The9 .\sîdu e Vestsu-s-istarst Suc.- looking and wiîh not a second's S5 sttesmaus tîlin-, that tise Domnîion DorI)i sirad Pues Sec.-Gweîs hesitation she started it lu a full Si,;;res; Luuîted hsave comîsieteul for a Hooper: .\ss*t.-Fas-e Boe; Pianist- round voice and l'Il swear she bit tisanwde store staff contest. Lila NIarlerrison : Asst. Piani- G exactlv. The Institutte wýv0 en Ilus a letter acusan it asilisîs- teeseilCnda iios l lonWoe.have to do things for themrselves s' tes ioprtfoiio anuiicinz tise cous- tsi and they know how. l u-t. ?slfr. T. W. Horses. Presideul of t- r xpeuses seill bcpaid, i xurv * p l)ousiuioîi Stores Liuîited. said : 'Oî traîins and fine Isotel accommsodations Dr. Speaks Read 'Orehids On Your Budget' lasî r vuucsn ill add to their pfleasures. lu ad- A T Bethesda H.& S. Every sa often I read Orcbids biuiest coutestinluour Iistorv: Fif- 1 itiouî 10 paid expeuses and tihc extra _____on Your Budget, by Marjorie Hil- t(eî store manacers and tiseir wie veeks holiday-s. the 15 w uners ssill Bcthesda Home and Sehool lis. It is a great cure for the fin- seul 5isiltishe New York WouIdsý recels-e extra spend uniznoncy. Club met January 6, with Presi- ancial blues. It always makes me Fair ai otur expense to sec the swon- 65ircol the unmanv'stres rancun dent Mus. R. Wright conducting realize what a poor manager I am ders cf the \\orld of To-mouroareshe 'ussusss anin jthe business. Devotional was tak-9 not t0 get a lot more out of our and tu bas-e the timte of their Is es. - m$2500 to $10000 lu cash. e an ithels megetmor Iv Tiose manacers seho. for ans rea- en by Marion Werry wbo read a InIcoe ndthesmeetor Besides these eraîsd prizes. tiiere are nltk paper on New Yeau Resolutions. for my money. If in no other way cash awards for the staff cf each sous do b aete trip. will gel The prograru was turned over ta lil makes me realize how much of of the 15 sinin, stores. and fou tise extra holiday and the cash q~ui- Mr. F. Wcrry, convener of the the tbings of life, which really tise entire staff. (Manageer iucluded) c-aient of' the trip. group, and the following prograns matter, we actually bave. 'f you of 5() other stores. No "rule cf -given: Community singing led by haven't read the book, beg, bar- îlsuuùs' or mechanicai method of ST ~* Mr. Scott; Dorothy and Roy Scott row or steal it. You might even aditudzinz conesants will bc fol- ST* U ' YPU I P T O6favoured wth two pleasing:duets buy tMost ofus fee poor most iw~b:ahmn suptei hre on eoinipn doesnot llowus ta have ail the aund inteliienî consideralion of "uieo- St. Paui's Y.P.U. heid ils firsi ion nd elenWery; M. Sm thngswe tinkwe wanf. Act'.al- oIle" and "performances" willlibe tbe rmeeting of the uew year on 1Mondav snig"Sang of Sangs" and "Be- ly every ane, excepf the veuy des- Tcfrst leso ruosnt.'tevuhiarge. uih Getorg Gahavrun Brew Lipton's as weak as you 7liJ cause", accompanied by Miss Mar- titute, spend on the tbings tbeyNeYokWrl'Farviab tscnuelso w ze vCrl 4lae o'lnve idiispd ion Dudley. Dr. J. C. Devitt of wanf Most. You nsay feel cheaf- tNese ork XXi sore'saF-airs.aiav 0scuue Cm esn ws W.F.veni s-r please, you'll neveu find it mss Bownsanville gave a v'ery inter- ed because your best friend bas ls opn-ssoema-cu.hv ome u u.W .Bnse For Lipton's is a small leafblend of etn ak-nDnityadtesucb lovely things for ber bouse. caused msuich favorable comment cas-e a des-otionai taule on howa the finest teas growa ... tts flavour importance of the care af teeth Ytyu nosîu eiei asmn ierti tae-swi a asns o eaeaCnsjn and richness linger in every exhila Ms iselmoe oeo set a good table and feed yaur amone empilovees of tise Dominions isiicis proved s-env intenesiing. Nexi rating cupful. Buy Iàptoa's today. - thanks ta Dr. Devitt and all wba family the best of everytbing. Yau Stores since the f irst prizes. cf fer- useting is te bc lu the fonm of a Three distinctive grades: Red label, belped ta make the prograru a get wht you want mast and sa lue as ibes- do f re trips s seul al skîtiuse part%- and social wilb the Orange label, Yellow label (Lipton'a FREE Y!Svethe coupons (om success. Lunch was servcd at the dues she, because ber intercsf is uxpienses paid ta the selilinz ianag- lusinLe sidu cf tise 1938 groups pro- pacagea ho . They are exchangeable for close of h rga.nat lu food. If we cauld oniy uns' wis-es as weii. represet a gucat vidisue the refresimeusîs and entler- Flnest).~l Wmogers & Son Su!u'êrpla te. Write fteparn realize that we gef wbat we waut deplartune frnm the iltiuai procedure taiusuiscut. Mjiss Ruthb Tsucnk gave a LpTrON'S. Idm woetd's Iavgea sellingfe la for premium book to Thos. J. Lipton mast out of aour money, even if of cash distribution. rea(iicoui "The Qsuints z" George ble sde e~ ecaI>, or a.w ia , ~ Li ite . L pt n 3dg1 T r Aro.F R IE N D S H O N O R w e cannot get a l w e w ant, se T ie 15 fo ltu ate store um an ager, Graha um as-c a se us-in crestInz topic SSI Iwauld be a lot happier. andtmL--------------------- al-----on "Tie Situation of the Jessil MRS. LAYMAN Perfume adianBuidnead i e w erusss" jMany of our readers will be lu- Most of us bave more perfume miie netitin teuested iu the following cîipping after Christmas than we ever nui. atedawe j HAMPTON W.I frons the Bradenfon Herald, Flor- have the rest af the year. Is there banij Il PT O-radNIraE sts reIbeoiss ucag 0 h ot ld. a cncers arecptio giena wrmécweptouona dad, he uahhOTmafist omens Istiutelahaor a Mr. Abtet FthLa- dasn' tbuk prfue th bet metin fo th ncwyea wa man,a former résident of Bow- prsent she ever bad? There are meedting otbe Sna y eholroasi L IT O 5manville: ways and ways of using perfume. Ct edi h udysho om 'Mrs. G. B. Knowles w-as hast- If y'ou pass someone an the ste v E esignt EducaIonllTbursday affernoon, tbe prograru ess at a reception Friday af ber and geta blast of perfume then it biGroup chPreo thrs.NW.t. 17home, hauoring Mus. H. Laymun is offensive but if you chat with And Perett coPvesdew Yeau greef- AUa recent bride. Gucsfs, after reg- a friendi and find the perftime Perettcov- --ew- wasret istering lu the guest book presid- sneakiug up on yau then it is a - - -- - E -spondted a members lcl cd aveu by Mus. Leon Wilson, pleasure. There are several tricky E s'f nciency ings trene a members lcî wer geeedbythereeiin lnewavs of usiug peufume effcctively. B- giviug Thoughts for the New _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e u g r e t d y h e r e e i v n g i s e î u e v e r w i s e t f 0 p p î y i l d i r - BY e a r . I l w a s d e c i d e d t a a s k t h e composed of Mus. Kuowles. Mus. --orkDstitPéiet Ms 1 h-k ~ Lay man us eogvE hie- ectly ta clothes or underthings. if - Dsrc usduMs .Tik seus act iA Ltc LiS 111tale UI 11 i whicb te-a, sandwiches, and cakes: jwere served was exquisifeiy ap- poiuled. Sils-er services stood at cither end of the lace cox-erud table, and a large silver bowlv holding deep red roses w-as placcd ou a mirror refiector lu the cen- fter . At each side of the etr piece were red tapers buruiug in silver branchcd candelabra. Sul- ver platters and compotes cons- pleted the table arrangements. Presiding at the te-a table during the afternoota were several fui- ends of Mus. Kusowles. A pro- fgram of piano selections svere giveus by Miss Alice Cox." Iu a letter t0 the Editor of Tise Statesman, rencwiîsg ber sub- scriplion. Mus. Layman comments upon the wonderfuui.1"southeru hospitality- she bas received, and also mentions many other social fonctions at wbich she w-as the1 bonored guest. They include us receptian given by Rev. Du. and Mus. White, wbo entertained the officials and theur wives of the 1sf Puesbyteuian Churcb, lu which Mu. Laym-an served as aîn eIder for sanMc tise; an Christmuas Eve the choir of the chuuch staod out- side their bouse and sereuaded thernswifb Christmsas esrols;and I last but not least, a royal welcome frons the Bradenton Bowling Club. Iu closing, Mrs. Luynant says, "Sautheun bospitalîfy bas9 cxceeded anyfhing that I b-ave I experienced lu my life tise." 1 without putting a dab of perfme behind lier cars? Sure sign of a glamour girl! Our great-grand- mothers had the right idea when they tucked away sachets in their clothes. Use perfume the same wvay. Put a littie on a scrap of absorbent cotton, or what is more appealing, on oneC of those colour- cd powder puffs. You probably have sorne left over froin a bridge prize or that Christmas present TAKE THE LEAD OUT 0F YOUR LEGS GOt Oxgen i Yoe Biood and You'II Gel thse POP dut Sends You Bounding Up tihe Stairs PeOPle whO amother to death die because OxYgren hms been completely eut off fromn tjsem. Just as surely You are alowly smoth- ed norIu your blood lacka red corpuacles. Thed coryuacea are your oxyqen-carriers. Theycary Ui oxgen you breathe in to ev- erY Part of Your eyaten. wlthout enougrh oxy- gen.carryini corPuscles, your kldneys, lver. stomaeh and boweil slow down. Your skin geta Paie. flabby, ofttn plmply. Your nervea mpay become Jlttery -you tire cuickly - feel depreaaed. N What you need la Dr. Williams PInk Pill. These world.famoua Pillaelselp make more and better red coripuaclesan"'d thus lncrease Uic oxyren-carryînz Power of your blood. Get Dr. Williams Pink Pil today et your drugglst. See for yourself howv quickly this tlfieproven lood-builder wilI help guve you back your pep. O-st1. n. T. FSItC, Lod. \ Disney Bidg. (opp. P. 0.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 Number 66 Myopia commonly called short- sigbtedness is geneually caused through the improper use of the eyes in early life and duriug sehoal life. An undue amount of close w-ork and ncaduuîg wheu the eye tissues are li tîeir formative stages is the most comman cause. The desire for anud habit of rcad- iusg is these cases is very easily indulgcd lu and appreciated be- cause unlike tIhe coundition of far- sighteducss, Myopia is very sel- dons accosp-auied by headaches. A Myopie condition accanspan- ied by headaches is geueually found f0 have sonse other error consbined sith the myopie condi- tion. Many cases of be-adache eus- countered lunl'hter life hsave been developed and fixed by eyestreuin rut this period. More directlv counected with tise eyestuaius of nsyopia is au fous of acbing of tise eyeball, generally1 fouud wbcn the nsyopia is devel-i aping. Certain farnss of musclei trouble are consmon fo be cons- bîned wsitb this trouble and a bessdache duc fa muscle troublei may exist. A history of these1 symptonîs is of value in diagnosis.j (ta be continued) the chair and gave a reading bear- ing New Year thoughts. A chorus "The New Ycar H-as Come" wasI suug by at number uf members 0f the North Graup. A ueading was given by Mus. J. Cbapnsan. Flou- ence Allun favored witb piano music. A chapter of the study book, "Baoks for All" w-as re- viewed by Mus. A. E. Billett. Mar- jouie Allin contributed guitar music, and Miss N. Horna read- ing, "Tise ears Go Fast." Trinity Young People eve usiususuug Trînitv Young i t fl's L .'uunionopeuîcd seils svonsiip suýrs-c luweils Prusudeuit Hubhert Hoop- er ins chai-ge. assusted bsv Doroîbv liielisurds. Burt Jolînstoil ansi Edilh Trsuli. lîsieadu of the nuctular topic usure seas a debate. nesoieed "Tisai sessrueus le uot aiioseed tahlod pos- hitosu seiine ssesotuid bc uoidiuc." T'ise .-ffirnaîis-e side seas taken bv Burt Toisston. Donotbe Nichois and lîsrns- Tas'Ior n sd tise Negativ-e bs Doris Dudies-. Lorraiune Piekard and lsîsisý Desseil. The debate was won 1wc tise Necaîlve sîde, the iudizes be- liise Rus-. S. Davison anut Mn. Ken- usetis Soanes. "Neyer bave I greater reason fou suspicion than when I ans par- ticulauly plesased with myself, my faith, my pragress, and my alnss." :-Christian Scriver. FR'SI 'RE-STOCK-TAKING A -takers will be wlth us. We are anxious to get our stock down to a ro o tis e hve ut gratdeal of odd lots of merchandise to the or less. You reap the benefit. Every bargain listed below is a real tmiss any of them. ILDREN'SLADIES' PYJAMAS CELASUEDE GOWNS 59 Regular $2.00 - Sizes S M L $1800 Entire Stock DUSSES' '... O a t S Reg, to $1.59 Reduced $1 Reg. 17.95 $12.95 Sizes 16, 18, 44, 46 LADIES' Reg. 13.95 SATIN.9 Size 1 A I Reg. 13.95. $6.95 S LIPS Sizes 14, 18, 20, 42 Reg. $1.98 1 ONLY CHILD'S COAT Size 14 $ Reg. 6.95 $4.50 $ OHILDRENS TABLE Crepe Dresses Odds and Ends Regular $1.98 Sizes 7 - 14 4FI eEah 9 R STORES, £JMITED Bowmanville DOMRINION.. MacLR~SSpecials . . Golden Halhowl PUUUT DATES - 3 Ibs. .25 Crosse and Blackweli's Cream of ~~3TT~I Esquire RazorSoP16k. 1 32-5.Geisha White Mâ 32-oz.T U N A F IS H 7-. .1 7 Glenwood Horseradish UTTT MUSTARD, 8 oz. Jar .10 G RADE "A" EGOS Dozen BRAESIDE FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER Lb. CRISTIE'S PREMIUM SODA BISCUITS CRISTIE'S PREMIUM SODA BISEUITS CRISTIE'S PREMIUM CHOICE FRUITS [UMMERïRIDEI TOMMTES Lb. 15 c 3T. a Crisp- CELERY HEARTS RICHMELLO 2 for 25c COFFEE GRAPES 11-1b.2 Sperial Values effectie ~ until Saturdoy, Jan. l4th 290 250 No.'? Pkg. .3 No. 50 NoE 3.10 1~ s - j s- k NOT EVERY ONE can be a competent insurance agent as the business is so com- plicated, special training is required on many insurable hasards. We represent the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. We will gladIy give you prompt and full answers to any insurance question. J, J, MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville Pe\GF THRFr

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