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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1939, p. 4

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Il,ýi J hn Mek. t. . h% horses anaiwtAt "n" Ir. iand '\lr. 1L Saver ýland fami- H w r Rn e par t lor a h ril] ilr aW fa & In We are so overstockeci with Coats our racks are groan- ySvrs ..M ssAfwu mrrm ;o!, \%:I,1,1lh. \, --l11d ing and we must make roomi for new goods. ."I! e M- Rif harjd Mi nn Come in today and be corvinced that mwe have somiethin, T ! ,,",, iý :ý .ýýj -'ýM n lN1 o un il a t'1"AUDEED for you at idiculously low prices,. Hn( as coal, washed free Fine Coats As Low AsAica-rea. $ 7 9 N lli;ý ,. adpa , a, f .J. FLETT FUEL Couch, Johnston& Crydei man D.CAESiin n cam e Yard C.N.R.Re.OtroSN Phone 834 LTD. Bowmianville Phonen "2P73R A oO L an en n S ree of ~~~~~ýiMrs. EC re sman !Iand M 'i efunrl ilwa, held fro a- h nl27cow a vll h ne2 9 Sleon.dinr'schal to Elmnwood cemectery. PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIO TH-URSDAY, JANUARY 12TH, 19,39 tue thn th vitoryis oundy pagainst further blasts of wind. to be followed by lamenting, for . u .ZYSPLL Mr. and Mrs. Gibson wish to Blackstock Y 0 UR W 0R LD A ND MIN E sq els wouldbc itteness pobFOR 3 YEARS rende"a siaancho ackdCO LI G S LL F0R E ably, suffering, perhaps shame. e eiu aae- (Copyright) J C K e eiusdmg.Recenit \isitors: MIr. and M.\rs. N. O LNSE S jResult of Acid Indigestion No. 9 Home and School Club Wriulht. Eniniskillen, and 'Mr. andAn Sev sY By John C. Kirkwood · A repressed life is not neces- met Jan. 4th at the home of Mr. Mrs. Roht. Philipi. Burketon. at M r. nev SY uW l sarily a dammed-up life, or a i B-efore takinz Kruischen." a and Mrs. George Barchard in- and M,\rs. Tohn Larmier's. \ .r. andý anstf us ouldlike to be free -cumstaœcs, and of ten by our stagnantdana poisoned ds ý %%ritesand"hothadlusers con editon at the school due to th M\rs. I eith rsS a n rr MaAr When we test your eyes you are assure bouestsato siretsatYet it is a good thing for eadi sadfc or life. The conquest of desires and slells of acid indigestion, and I was number present was smaller than Mirs. Cecil Downev and JnRa.I ult, a r u htwe are unable to gratify 1 eadi sadfc norappetites wvhich should not bels evu ttme htte es usual as a result of the weather.boatM anMrJRA aillour desires. It is to our ad- edtucational system that our tea- gaiid unse oewt o Speaker of the evening. introduc - - Nf. ad .s.J. .c vantage that we are continually chers are not required to teach ers which will express themselves thn ol pe e i a bu ed by Mr. Stanley Rickard, wa- ashs 0$42 2 laSle 95 under repressions. morals and ethics. It would be the more strongly - powers which t art vears inlt aticonntion.sho Mr. Jas. Burns, of Boys' Training tMr.onsAr thurBailw.h sdra ii Kings and emperors in pastigood for all children and all'will be applied 'to high endeav-,te o nvrshr School, who gave a splendid talk teTwsi nwpohdab tla am 2-58 days were supposed to have pow- young people if they were taught ours. Torrents are not likely to iaoa aSla ta- on "Learning" from a psychologi- hclaigrdsatwekKep713929 er to do anything which they in school how to live, as well as be useful to man uintil their wild- 1aers n tsat v cal viewpoint. The program was Smatvothcmunyise.•N a-- - wanted to do. They could order how to add, how to sing. how to, ness has been repressed, to formnowtkn hmfo18mnts cmltd'yavoalol)yM.%eddotefaiyofTadaeVtmisPus-27 personsto be ut to eath. Tey pla. resevoirs fom whih man- on-wold not miss them onle dav. Thev Hubert Osborne, reading by Mr*\'ifedwode a.9h coud cnfe hoour an rihesJ C K trolled and man-directed streams are a1ra ept noewosf Mark Blackburadpaosl Victorian W\omnen's Inistitu;te metWapl'Et.-10 on their favorites. They could de- : It is true that all of us are will flow to operate machines or; ters as, I didi. I feel in better health by Mr. John Buckley. Refresh.. at Mýrs. N. S. AfcNallv-'s. Jan. 4thi cree war. They could pardon aware that we have to deny our- t riaegresadfrsadtodtakn I havlenfortyreares. Ather ments were served to complete awihir.CclFruo ap.-$1-2 murderers and lesser offenders. selves the indulgence of many deserts. tk kuce ortrewestevery enjoyable evening. Program wias in charge of A.Irs. W. They could cast into prison or desires - both proper and impro- dizzy iaints and hot flushes left me. We are glad to report that two Hloskin. Dr. J. A. N.IcA\rthutr gave ,,•BeIo ie-8 send into exile all persons ob-! per desires. All of us are fully: I.niow teel so brielht and cheerful. young people in the neighborhood a talk, on "Child Wýelfare": '.\iss V.HenBa noxious to them. They could eat aware that we are repressing our îkruischien Salts assist to kleep you who have been seriously ill since Sadler sang with Nirs. M1. Afountioy- and drink, and play and lust, with desires and impulses, but not aillSaemit and -e.-(r.\ J. Christmas are well on the way accompTany-inz:'M\iss Verna Af\cNally -1v PNr Sus--3fr2 none to say them nay. They could of us see that this enforced denial Kruschien Salts is anl excellent re- to recovery -- Miss Ruby Gibson entertainied with piano selections, al- --Kenx--2fr2 tax the people at will. They could of many desires and these neces- "The religion of the Izood neizlh- cmDe for mnaintaininz a condition of who has had pneumonia, and little so violin: Miss Camneron and M.\iss e attire themselves according to sitious repressions of desires and houir" wvas the subject of the fine internal cleanliness.. The numerous Barbara Osborne wrho was ill with Sutton. Short Course instructors. their whims. They could build impulses are part of our disciplin- sermon zivecn bv Rev. A\. W. 'March salts in Kruschien stimuflate vour m.- typhoidi fever. , were present andl spoke. Hot Water OD SC/i AY palaces if they wished to do so. ing, that they are of great ad- here Suindav evenin. ternial orzans to smnooth. regular Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Election of officers for St. J ohn'is ote The cul hveallth savs anagetous I i no olychl~ EY. FIUL. meeting scheduled for aton Your inside is thus kep)t Porter, Conestogo, with Miss A.Y.P.A. took place Jan. 5thi at Mlrs. Botei they dsired drenwho ak Whvcan'tI d ensa eveninz. Tan. 4th, was clear of those impurities which., Mary, Bowven. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailev's. Thiese officers were .0btte 10 Unfttredliery ws k ng'sthand that. and Wym tihdrawn enowvinz to had roads and hnaoe oacmuae-oe .Bon and famil, Mr. and elected: Pres.-Mý\iss Vera Forder: e.12 bt 8 prerogative in the ancient days. neo hae this kean i that Een e ather conditions. the whole tonle of the system. Mrs. Elsworth Caswell and fam- V-ice-Pres.-Roy- Carter: Sec.-A\fiss Rg .5btl 8 The xeriseof he ing' une- e oderone kee asingthee . . .ily wvith Mr. and Mrs. W. Brunt. Leona Devitt- Cor. Sec.-George Reg. .49 bottle - 33 EM UL O stricted liberty was usually ac- questions. We older ones wonder Mr. A. Lockhart. Niagara. visited . . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Malley Wol' :Tres-TomHodzeI -i copaid y nusiemaeol hy it is that others of no greater his brother. Master B. Lockhart, at anIaiywihrltvelnT-C i es i 0u IET ence, cruelty, iniquity, measure- merit have more money than we M_\r. E. Silver's. Solina ronto... Mrs. Leslie Guy with Irwom. Vers. om ge.ssses less suffering, violence in admnin- have. And many of us who are, Mrs. Todd. '.\r. and(] Mrs. A.fcGaith. ý Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Osbo-ne. . . rhom. CoussnAgrcutue n 200 in a box istration of public affairs, treach- older are asking, "Is there any ie.r. C. Cornish and son. '.irs.! e -- -Vsi Mr. and Mrs. H. Ogden with Mr. 'ir ussi rc uea ' HNP.I ery among his subjects. grossness gain in self-denial, in repressing Edwards and son. -and 'Mr. C. Hal. ecnt\ iors: Mr and 'irs. B.I and Mrs. Ed. Dean. .. . Miss Doro- Home Economics are increasinz in 2 Boxes - - - 17e in ways of life. our desires for many delights?" - aa eeMnaycet ih t iN'e tlet .spentGthite kend tyGisnBamtnwthhr miers everve lied ato date therCDLVEci peror not utilli ties urta u ed atu ear rnot a r- M. andMrs. . Cor sh. Mt ý.tNr. and Nrs. . . gath,e'. m brother. Mr. Harold Gibson. Arnentaeben mdeor S cilP cs ed, by parliaments, that the coun- is character -building and self- tont. atiAMr. Thos. Baker's. .\Ir. literarv meetincs Fridav atternoons. Dodd's Pills -..27- tre u yt he ea1 oe o et. ad that it i not the and Mrs. Chas. Howsam and family Afr. Tom Venning. who h las been ru d b e ecae m e a qireien ofrices d owe Ha pto visited his mother. Afrs. Geo. How-Net tn verv ill in a hospital in Toroto Pinex ComP.-- 32 every way. If every one of us was given up Sam. at Holt. . . Mfr. and Afrs. Sam came home Saturday and is impvrov- 100 A.S.A. ---19-CEPO ISGA NT D to the unstinted gratification of . Brooks. Gwen and Grant. Provi- M d EV1 .mZ. Felo s yrp . 8 J C K Our desires and appetites, with-T Recent ait Fold l'.in a x tle , idenice. at Nfr. S. E. Werry's.. vitehspansnraaet Congratulations to, and '.Irs. Abobntito TO STO OR OG te tokscnenu ri s f titoanouthregd f othericeioif eer Accv fr n is lifri Ar.Weslev Yellowlees and 'Miss M. Emerson.IrakBie1 thbrhofasn1lb ----2 -Z.Ote•-$.0 s tehfkings and emerorsthtit ande rihts of ntohers;i everyPeters. Toronto. with AMr.and irs. Helen Baker attended a shower for Mr. and Mrs. R. McColl who on Jan. Ist. 13. is btte fo boh tem nd hei on ofus as enton akig a ters' A d .R ' is Vera Power at 'Mr. Chas. AI- have been visiting in Toronto are The Durhami County Tempterance·····--- subjects when they themselves lot of money, without checks of . .\- r. and .\rs. Rav- ,.Bomnille.Saudven-hm Federation meeting was hield in PoeW and their peoples are under the any sort; then this world would mnrsan agtr.Braaine r ndMs Kneh ael Blackstock United Chiurchi. odv restraints and repressions of laws become a very horrible and evil Anni. Oshawa, were Suindav ziuests MrWerYelw.C and m vsiteed hr arents Jn.9t. hefolwig rora 65 • I• Dlie framed and enforced by the com- one. What makes this world tol- i fMr. and Nirs. Jas. Burns and Ms. . ser cllwes. Christian M dM Jh H d69a5er: igsn:wosi:pc mon people. It is signif icant that erable and attractive is the clean- F1-lorence. . . Afiss Rubv Clatworthiv' Fellowshmr Convenor, hiad charge of Jr.antvlers. Jon enderson' tua ereso n srenz:"Drsinki e-an the nations and countries which ness of living and thinking of the of BBowmranviille. with AMr. and Nirs. the Youinz Peopfle s meeting Af\oniday Mr. acllr. tL Joblinhevisited Drivn."DraConty zand. have greatest might and glory are great majority of all persons L. Trull. . . Nf1ss Bessie Simpson. nuelht. Bible readinz was given by Mr. and Mrs. G Jon ste vnce-" by resien E Cour'.i- thos whse ules hve eenknow tous nd nknwn o u. Aarerve. sMent nda.Ry Ni th :s ladvsMr.Yellles and thee- Mr.and Mrs. John Wilson at- tice: an ,address Wv RevW. P. Rev Dr. Aikins conduicted the ser-¡Toronto:trebohs.Hbr, have been made subject to the the nobleness of the ways and calf and 'children. Base Line. with Mrs. R. J. McKessock gave the topic Davdelh at Omeme ofhsln Wed.' Roe.: h.\ Fev. Df h oir, iceHaré laws enacted by their peoiples. minds of the majority of men and her miother.r. A. Trenouth. . . on Praver. Piano solo by '.\rss Hellen d , ingo w. adtw ises As it is with kings, so is it with wvomen, by their obvious devotion Nfr. and '-irs. Norman Clemens. To.. Baker: readinz. 'Mr. B. G. Stevens; nesda .Ja loa istdMCak. Morrison, Toronto (Ella). Ar.JmsBlo.adMs us all: every one of us is better to keeping their names unsullied ronto. wvith his parents. Mfr. and Af\rs. Pianlo duet. Ariss Gladvs ande, r. ndMrs. DaiJon.CrkRymd orsncnEtaFnofloof arngn every way when we have notj by evil practices and dishonorable A. Clemens..fran rs. C. \\eadslev C Yellowles Recreation was MsRaMlcmYvetnOb u riseCtedwikte po ranincaTw.Ason. GlnnoneecasdTi either liberty or power to do as conduct. The strong life is one RundleI(. Bowmianville, with Mr. and enioved. vised erMalohe, Mr. eterO idaisecatents o the or to Evndast Aarch. we please. Far from its being which 1s full of repressions. The' Nirs. Harry Hol1well. Suindar services were well attended. Wigeh TerM.Peerdleram edJanf6th, ooto Ehis le ThefneaMashlaMna something to lament - Our inabil.. fully-disciplined life is the enrich- Mrs. W..L Clemens lhas been un- A h udrSho esonMse r rcCptcWistda r isiyPtrs.owmnvile188 Lea ed venu. 6olow ing oey frmThe fml eiec hr ity to do all that we want to do, Ing life. The weal ie is one dler the Dr s care at hler son 's. Hlebn and 'Muriel Lanigmaid and Wallace Armstrong's. il H i-li ReJ.VAcNevfKngSrt it issomehingwhic we houldwhic is ncheked y la .\1Avin Clemnens'. Evelyn Tavlor and M\essrs fHarvey Mr.' and Mrs. M. Emerson visit- IFollowine a few monthi's illness, ,vearand the owavsonist1 t- roniefhuc.codcedtesevc tam athatwe had fll powerto ot er. J CnKNfondavr mo-rnn. the result of a caved iins and certificates for ver- League on Tuesday night wVas imanvile Hosiital on January 4th. uae foIheUieriyofT'Ross. StvnadAlnFiofad do ailt we want to do, we iCKfallinmlher Ihome. feet attenldance at Suinday Schlin cageo M.Larnc al- She,. had been pvrozressin fter anl t n12 ewsoeo h trenpes ebr.Afe n woud dstoy urelvs.Daily wýe have a multitude of At the Sndr venine ýchuIrch la-t ya.A-h hrhsevc h om praini h trpartotte oanzers2of He achoeof tballThn lntf.Thcoo nMcse All about us we see men and opportunities to practise repres-sriescaetwsamsee.chmr sanit-aannýithemiii"The JLamnh1erbu adbensriulilsic wr bned hf women and childrenan yog ion. When we are provoked to burtetv ffcia Bord etin halLed Tem"RevW.Raclk bi.ce caguIe and a former secretarv.ilHerwtewes ro nm people chafing under their re- say hot words, or stinging words, the chuirch o.Mn vnnit. lhamhadlcharue of the quarteril k ZIOn rs t le rasf en e antn. .e°Was nteet i ti%-of ehe o ce t Nicrceme rr straints. Most of us want more or evil iwords: when we are in-,1 Hamlllton Ziun NPiolestms n communion service M - 16 1867 Ni h I ss>ciatilion t money than we possess in order cited to do some bad thing, some mtFia ndwt h ign eebrour i-ome and Schl -----I Nav16P107to the late- th las IIone ULmted Church 'ouiti Peopfle SwhetebrhentCdaLoe to be able to indulge our desires - hurtful thing: when we are in-of hyn ate hihPrsdetClbmeti TusaE an 7t. Reen istrs r.Hrr is-ters l viers ic se CUass and Hope IFelowsip. and<tsa-iler1treoeshtee our desires to play more. travel clined to spend money unwisely Wlfi Sai edin rav ierEit h Th ii muicnietso vervone come. 1RcMn iss telHNov. OIhawa, atMr. senohraherindabookkc, orfice Deeasd ws nehewor lr mo--rie, eaothand driik movre, eaoffr moey hchitgetl eee ackham ltook charee of the w-ls agod rocram iiis beine pepaed.Ra-Caerns.. r. and M\rs. Les wsamme fTiieUielDavid Mrio.Sr., ofBomn ichr lohigsi i avaiey f orbete tins:whnielresh>csrv'ice. Twvo New Year's re-ad- -- Hoskini. Thornton's Corniers. NMr. and Chrichandt k L . . vtret le. j>,vays, and do harm to those whom stronglyý willed to let go the:ins wre even by Garth PeCrrett Mr,. Taý. Hoskin. awels Mr. 11utrch 1 andolthelnat mer SC UTS TR we do.not like and to those who steadying and saving command- and] Ted Kerser. Rei. Rackham read and MIrs. Hlarvev Hlazerman. Meda Srhe ara< una are unjust to us or injure us. ments: ,when we want to play tebbelso.A trTTeFo-yrone adal.Ohaa-r.AbrtBon .was an active warker in i Fred Flintoff, Oshawa(CniudfoPae1 There is a difference between when we should work; when wetble Ieso.Aso% Th k"v n na sav.Nr :1)r asn the \.C.T.L. and the Missionarv ( restraint and repression. Restraint want to go "on the loose": - then freroca Tvasroer m va hr Wmn'Dntttodlme terisar cSlla a r .rJ ckhakWI.b.Society of that chuirch. Shte took 1Frederick Flintoff, one of Oshiaw\a to have ihrfedgasso sigifesa onratin f urwear bthprset ndulim o erilF.TeohiCnve-anr ladvs h oe of s. nld Svllict an.the18 and Dougls. with h arns M rea t interest in lher beaut uil woer and district's well-known and higllvbinocular n hs eepse freedom by the will of others. ate gainers when we repress I.ft.e.ellwarden onandorwould beme seens. onearlcot.inn.resadpectedswicitizens.nts Mr assedn nawayt atb the cafromn handete toitzhandpasod wthat teevem - Repression signifies self-imposedi these wills and wishes and tend- Tu.Rv Rchmldi ravecr: at 2.. and Mrs. Hansen. Trenton. Mrissi the miorningt hoeinz and tending the famnily residence. 29 Elgin Street, one couldgtacoe oka restraint. We are restrained from encies. There may be a stern ANfadl\-i vn ilcox taord ith a iano ir ection _of officers for the Youne Ruith Hansen retuirned iwith them. .-.- wondferfl flowers loi which she was least.Jan. 7th. lHe had suffered a players Tecnecinr- thieving and murder and reckless fight between our desires and our s,,h>: 'Mr. Rackham tpresented the Peopfle s LUnion resuilted as follows: \frus. Cramorton. Nirs. B. Hewitt and 1so lroud(. Her other zreat enIliovmtent stroke in December. wereketbs slin th driving of our motor cars by the conscience and our inner know- tom)c and zave several lessons to bieil President -- Lornle \fortson: Se-cre- >lon. Oshawa. Afrs. A.\cCuitcheon anld %was reading.BDal Twrsibeen e d d law wear reresedfro~glt-lede f wat s igh; ad f iwnmthe Nw Year as illulstrated by tarv--Robert Cameron: Treasuirer- Aud(rev-. Rock Glen. Sask..i B.Seissrie yhe itrad ornbin23 1ngton Township 0on thos h eelcpros tony, and lust, and acts of hate, should lose our fight - if desire the story of St. Pauil. the Apsle lovd Hloar: fsinr Treasurrer- .\shton. Merle and jean. '.\iss Becttv brother. \Irs. R. D. Davidson and i e er .t.ea son of . t eaMr.y purchase oesr fsetga and transgressions against the should triumph over the ever- Dorreen Perrett gave a readinz: a Aldben Hoar: Convenors of Christian D)ensoni.'Mr. Frank Hubbs. Toronto. Mfr. Williami Peters. both of Bow- 1te etwnh0 h ae i.l hrd twt hs laws of health, by our own wills, presenit guardians of our soul and viohin selection w\%as rendered lhv .Afr. eosi-fs.R ite fisa i.Rsel ekn' .Ms avl.ntor was in his79th yvear..\A-l- notso el iedfn wr W.-C.T.U. met at Miss Reynloldse len Trimmn. Mrs. C. Siemonl; Citi- Mfaster at Mfr. J. WV. AfcM.\aster's. . . condu(Itcted by Ret S Davison of 'tw1 ie alntnTo.h ie Afterthgaehydiprd \%ih ithe President in the chair. M s esi - odn Brent. NMiss Edna r.W.Ga1e.O ha a1t f.F.T iit1nte hrc.w siag l hs trade. tirst as carrenter then as to their svrlcra d w n e Burns conduicted the dlevotional ner- Camieron: Cuiltuiral-Cranlstn Scott. I,. GlasDel',s. .N.r. Franklin Awvde. attended byv friends and relativecs.hudean cotcorndmyteiwytoaabrgrtn. s iod herThe e CoLall ofaqatheoiNew Aotne. MSct:SCia-M on orno tAr rnkPso'...Se a uida nonCmtr ulies etdIv i ineOhaa nd dinitt-ayhmi ms as Yea."TheprgraIws a fl. ooer.As. . i-elow: Pres- AMr. and Mr..Wel- tgmr. P-rt IHone but Nwill be re-interr-e<l were erec tedhvhim. He mved in-f th(,einsnin ay1og ows:Mis Renolds ave a talk n oreondn-fis Winnie Brooks. Cross Creek. at T. Mfartin's. .'.Ir. in Cantljon Cýemeterv_ in th(, springz. toOhwabutir-ixvrsa" erehnomcss LwEnforcemecnt: readinz h% Airs. Mr.iand Mus. Stan Breckett. Bow%- Fred Martin is hliain nToronito..\mn hs h teddteweeho conItitinued l ]s buildine and wnuisaetthdr ntesa Trennuh. "Is Moderae Drin i l anle'i . at Ar. Laulra Virtuec's. . Mr. and Mfrs. A\. T. Stainton at frunral we-re Mr. and Afrs, Bla ke otat ebsns ni 99 w e rr w vr \ e Irea i T e 1. r rd i o m il. a 1 a ..·l. anor. \11 laf1 * ir r. and r T h P trh iteof Illcth b chaiter rrom tii le Ctiulv h - o aSuie Thompsýon and Afr. T amlird t Mr. _\. T. Stain-.l ck C ntn fr. and Mrs. IIer- 1.- \was a mnemlber of ngStreet wereIluc ytia e ik d sc .venhr irs Co vilenttle "B ck wo.\\.Graam. IMw anv lle t t.,n's. . . N s Bel"frnice stittn, man Petlr,. and Afr. and \Irs. Al, l nited Church ( former M tod t a Inig tfr her a n ltip o of th,- I. irtur .\d il(heCho iheet .i.an1dNMr-,.Les. T o po s Mr. A. T. Santn Peter, of Port IInpe. Thef. ilora 1 n a m mbro' (da'fde AI the, Garde s was in char rVM s. \\'illiams andl ulto Sùee Mr. lrdD dlvout ..M .R h.Kilen. MNr. Franlk Iaý- _ kes wrel ovelv, and inichuld ·& A.M. He was as a 1memlber of - The la es n bh lfo1h .r i P rror.n Net metn . lto reixort Mr. C. \\. \\ondlie % tr r. Runell Staiton at T - rathtro hTc v S n a irasme cun m ome oys and te sles]ih t ---omraivae oom. r .W. Balýon istilm il] is sr I)v bis mwife. foruni-kindlylandthi ar atra Several fromt this comnitity v at- The v allbearers we-re Mes-rý Allen erlv Fatnme Crumbil : three sons. Roqss eveni ng: o.L . c a g ln Starkville tnd(ed th(, nra-of S. S. ok PtrHemnPe-terý, MoIt ickle Flintof f. Ohw:Steven Flint-ff. Messrs.J.ONilHarCyd- • LeSKard ric.and iFred Fh-lntn. Oa. '. RAdrad. \\ll MntomrHleville: AlnFlintoff. Stratf)rdl: man. Rs tie om os Mr. \\'.Lson has rturedhom an (haresLandontoe dugter (Doris). M\rs. F. Sl.S. VentonadGoc ae Owijngto, sudden change of ThrmOaw osia wveather many are suffering from e roads are nowv open teontc)-a colds.fro Leskard for cars.- C ' ' O S~~Ymptvi xeddt h Next Hl. & s. club meeting wil, Edard J. M1oore. Winnipeg Ontinu nd ur . . *Robo n b e e r ther bsng -e Ja tarY 1r w s el h reH a y d o nP RMT DL VY kP kt tS a new pla. .Sunday School meeting Friday .Recent \lior:M. n rsG wiecitaI rv .mthe Winni", r e o Shiloh (V. A. met at Mrs. Wm. night wvas quite a success. \\erry nv od i r and \rIr'r.O allKnsoBaeGod P O hsio Bo, sixh liet h Mýq ,Ms is n r rw r oe it cel r )ua ir Odied m. 4t. atot. Biifac

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