THURSDAY, JANUARY I2TH, 1939 TUE C.\N.\DIAN STATESMAN, LOWMAN VILLE, ONTARTO 'J ROTARY CLUB continue ils excellent work of INTERMENTS IN APPLE GROWERS and a memory of a glance over _____striving te help their fellow vmon. the annals of the Wardenship re- E. W. Crawford expressed the CEMETERY <Contunued fromn Page 1) calls that about 1899 J. H. Devitt £TN(Continued from Page 1) elubs apprecialion te the speak- was the counties council's choice. W %OCIA L AND> 1'LKSL NAL er conitinued. "I is lime that de- er. Bow~manville Cemetery 1938 i bacco, also of w~heat. Ho said there Strong Contenders mocracy was re-stated. Il has Committee Reports It sfÎ danger and rîsk in specialîza- Reeve DevitI, Cartwright. and Phone 663 flot been re-stated for 100 years. Reports of committees were giv- Follo\wîng is the officiailîst ion, in large areas concentratingRevT.ARidoCaretvn Over the radio the other day ln Cm ncrnnsinBxmnille Cern on the groving of any one kind Of shîp are sure to be strang con- Miss Veda Purdy visîted her Mr. Edgar T. Jones, Field Sec- there camne a discussion as te whe-mtee hchfo Noebrteli.urn 138Thdasae crop. Mixed farming is best. Butj tenders. The lasI Warden from Mesr. ob. . aIlean Gotien, paid an official visit te Bow- Canadian type of democracy. Do glses.aav. Figures following a name1 approve of goverfiment centrol 'ent on te the House of Commons W. James were in Cobourg Sn-manville Tuesday and was pros- we value our country for our per- i G te.L.Dai e oan iz-earls netes thhego, adoeesfig- moasures te regulate acreage or 'as the Conservativ member from Su- nt aI the meeting of the First sonal gain or do wo love Canada r Commte.sae h raia re r e sdteaede pricos. Ho is elqually opposed te Durham. day calling on Mr. Arthur BaIlle. Traop. for the sake of Canada? te work of the hobby show was appcar on the record. This is net doles and bonuses. Such govern- I i rbblt teewl lef copleed th bos sonore bya rcod o aI wh ded n Bw-ment measuros can nover make have ta be a caucus before the Mr.andMr. J H.H.Jury lf High School toacher Ralph Wa clear cul vision of Can- 'club mnembers had shown consid- manville during the year, as those business presper. cute eni et edtr this week te spend the remainder (Steve) Ainslie had quite an in- ada to-day have we te offer the lerable improvement in sehool at- interred in outside cemeterties ae'sfra gvrmn otrlmn oeorcl es 'o islielv of the winter at St. Petersburg. teresting Christmas. Instead of 'outh. te challenge thoîr loyalty, edneaddprmnt ihsntîcue. ayo hs i Ad freguation f farm proc- ite arreprtys chois i tha Florida. driving te bis home at St. Marys. What is there in our social lîfe '1 have been installed aI the public ed (lied elsewhore and their re- tien and prices are concernied, thefia rln 0fhenwyrs Capt. Jack Roach of Toronto ho went te New York and hopped cherish and admire and sacrifice schooî rink and four teams or- mains brought te Bowmanville.fienforcement of suhtaursaercehhtd eetnec esarlv Fire Deparîment spent the week- aboard an Airways plane for for? What is there te keep us1 ganized for a hockey league: and t nfee mteasily con- h ape. Tbt thesarty cucs as end with his mother, Mrs. E. Florida where ho spent the fes- from being cynical about the oft- Girl Guides had been supplied January tcve of anearm fgo erfime cnt bepen.resot ted t n e any Oc-a Roach whe is in poor healtb. tive season with bis mether at repeated flag - waving - appoal te witb necossary equipment. 3-Samuel Allun. 82. enfcee ofrm fiors an cek csi befn ere theon oumnvci-r Mr. S. M. Mathews, Newcastle. StWePeterburg. patretisfor? p eakirng for ithee TC hamnty l1-Care a . inda -8. and statîsticians outnumbering take their seats on the opening We ned ne idal fr Cn- ettrmen ComiteeTed han 11jams MaConchi. ~ those criyedin the basic indus- night that il is likely te be em- writes: 1 greatly enjoy your dlean Mrs. E. Clarke, Rosetown. Sask.I ada. The ideal must be vivid., described the work done at the 12 Ch arlotte Hicks. 86. trv cf agriculture itseif.poedaan and broad-minded nowspaper. writes: Enclosed find $200 for roalistic. bonost. and sprîng from Lions Ward aI the hospital. 15- l,,yron Saper. Farerswold e wlladvse Mr. and Mrs. Luther B. Nichols r yeur valuable paper. We onjoy aur Canadian heart Of life. It Edsall Oliver, Health and Wel- 16 James GuI, 63. thogh estudbcthe problems Grit Darlington an sn oula atede te hehoe ew epeialy ad1 h must include food for ail. oppar-, fare Committee. mentioned the 19-William Pearn, 80. from an economic standpaint with That notion arises eut of the funeral of lher mother, Mrs. R. D. editorials. tbe Dîm and Distant tunitv of %-ork for alI. loîsure fori donations te the Christmas Wel- 1 26- Kathorîno E. Reid. the view of lirniting production te fact that Darlinglon township, the McCarnon. aI Tweed. Past whîc calîs up people and aIl. paefrala o 27-Themas Brown. si h nros eafrai n educalioni fare Fund and the Milk Fund suttorares The goernment municipality wîtb the largest Mrs. A. Kinsman, 210 Fairx-iewi happenings 1 well remember of for aIl. public school. 2 aîaSmsn a uyi neuainladeuizdassmn nNrhm Ave., Toronto, writes: Thanks for 1 the long age. Other articles are ms eanwepai .W rwod in dc-29-Beartrceimprsoln nb. han a dtiso n aa ct and am ers bolndd Duram , hasn nover your plsplendid r whpaperalwbichr iweeeaiin to heery ainteremstting nelempthes'aEd WasrawellLTonereu shouldatrthrM.ugh,1ahrninformationrycaphady an fardrsnrlaccanrdinga, tesnin- enjoy. Glad te enclose $2.00 for, as the yaung. Weather is fine on opening up creative occupa- tien Commitîco. declared that Fbur hudtruhalifrainhdawreacrigt n another years subscription. 1 again after 38 below zero for lion . Mr. Anderson declared. prizes had heen awarded .to school Fb2ar available try te anticipale the formation gleaned by tbe Sentie- Crsms * Unemploymnent could become: children for proficioncy in certain 2 George Wight. 'future ivith the view of nover el-Star. The township xvas spien- Mr. Bob McIlveen, Mr. Bovd Crsms the glory of a wise society. At linos of %vork. 5-Elizabeth M. Gaddes, 3 days. rducing tee much of any ane idyGere Asee t forlmeyear Siemon, Miss Dorothv Mitchell' Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Brown, ot- present it is noîhing mare than' Other committee c h a i r mn e n 8-Mary Julia Ormisten, 5. commodity. by ere ni, u arigo and Miss Mary Birks lefI Mondav tawa. cisited her sîster. Mrs. T. the corse of a stupid one. Machin- whose reports were net of gen- 9-Frederick A. Haddy._ Mr. Dewan warmly approved is a Grit stronghoid. and its reevei te resumo study aI the Ontario S. Holgate. xvhile returning hoeeor,- can be made the slave of a oeral interest inciuded. Russell Os- 10-Edwin Charles Hoar. 41. i the Association's proposai te spon- bas te count on a Liberai majority Agricuitural Collage, Guelph. fram a visit with Ibeir daugbtor neli civilization just as the civil- borne (Safoîxi. A. M. Thompson 12 Johin Foster. 72.soaca aiotmre idl-ith cuniteucedote Dr. J. C. Devilt i wsin Hamil- in Cleveland, Ohie. Mr. Brown ization of Greeca was built upon (Attendanco). F. V. 01t (Exten- 12-Carnie A. Stonehouse. saerîise n tmappe andelb idnh îp. W. F. Risckad, M.Phe ton Tuesday attanding the fun- gave the edîtor a cali Tuesdav hy esuegvn -ysae 1.R Jms<iac),Rs 2JhnLxo,6.licize Ibeir value frorn a food andofewatediili193wh oral of Dr. W. G. Thompson. The and in the course of convarsatiot There muIst be a re-direction of Stevens (Mombership). Rex. W. 18-Lillie J. Penfaund. hei safpontNtewcpofast majordityind33W T. doctors hav'e been close friands ,ve mentianed Iiaving received a work mb social channels and a F. Banîster (Programme), C. D. 25-Iloward C. Seymour, 4 days.I The prabiems cenfrontia- Wood of Miiibreok xvas Warden1 from the davs thay atîanded Don- latter (sec Editar's Mail) fron Mr. direction awy from excessive Hadgson (Transportation), and M.in12,bta h impotcl tal Collage in Toronto. Wilber Hutchinson in vihîc h personci gain. Once xva have our Breslîn roportîeg on the progres March riculture must be solved by the ~12,bta htlm oiia people on the land, Mr. Dewan differences vanished before the Mrs. F. L. Soucb, 608 Huron St. mentions lecving Enniskillen for ideals fixed. eur ieyalies chaI- of bis hockey îeam. 2-Jean R. Downing. . said. and the econornic one is a1 counis recognition of the ex- Toronto, xriîes: Please find re- Winnipeg 56 years cga. Mr. lenged. thon we need no, be Dr. W. H'. Birks was praised 4-Bertha L. Hambiy. eiu n.H utdfgrst eln evc n h he bl newai for The Statesman wbicb B3rown said hoexvas aI the old afrcid. if necessarv, e akeahighly b>' Chairman O*Neii1 for 7- Oea M. Pick. 3 mntbs.shroowta nHe iatfigur es ty alnd eveah ond wth iess of is the besî xxay we have te keep G.T.R. station at Bowvranville the change in our secial structure, bis x-aiuntary efforts in examining 12 Helen D. Ternlinson, 5. tbe generci cost of what a farmer the Lîberai reex-e of Miiibrok. in teuch xith the borne folk of day Wilber and Billy Milîs left where such change is eecesscry. children for glasses. 17 Lauise A. Brock, 84. bai 0bybsgn p ~ Icietly h haa .H Duhr Cut.fer the West. But such change cen onh> be, Lien Alan Knîght fax-ored witb I î-Julia A. Manning, 84. whisethe prices o hathopro- DavInidsnl, theetirieg Csrva breught about by bard study,i twa xocal solos, with Geo. L. Day- 18-Margaret A. McDonaid, 76. duehaenyrsn1 . tieWrnfrnteNohr- Mr. nd Ms. d. Hcks efI Afler listening ta Ray ced Jack much sacrifice and sustainod self- idgo at the piano. 18 Purdy (Infant), i day.lecnuso hoaoaedabradsctn.nbeaffM. towanvihe wl e week oriTe n- Munkd andhe9ed8 ear d s>-ofdiscipline. President J. J. Brown conduct- 26-James Ehiott, 96. tbree way co-operative polîcy Wood pnobabiy was a strang fac- ton werehowil b satone i ceekd edredhedo sas f Educatian may yet enable us ed the meeting during the pro- 31-William G. Downey, 82. 1 thal wauld be of benofit ta ahi tor le bis election. the Bank of Montreal. Mr. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, re- 10 pass on the guiding controls of sentation of reports. Thomas, Kingston, has taken Mr. cite so natunally and sing 50 social life. whicb wilh direct a Guesîs included Joe Goode, One April iThere sthuld be co-onc rt i o nd tihCbouDamn liane n ds Hicks place as touler in the locali sweethy at the Bnotherhaod meet- praperly ccd rapidly chaeging of Bovmanvis blind, and Jack 1-Martin L. Angail. grawers: there shouhd be co-eper- Annis, A. L. Pascoe and athers',l brancb. 1 ing at-Maplo Grove Friday night, socioty. The challenge te educa- Doughty. Guelph, manager of la- 6-David W. Downey. leewe hr e h e-ibttobgLbrltwsi,5 Mr. C. M. (Bill) Scott, 11724 - ýwe congnetuhated them on their tien is ta bcad and flot te lag. cal Waiker Stores during the ab- 7-Effie M. Behîrnan, 66, ereronbt ced c-epotan e - 1bttebgLb ltwsisl lOth Ave., Edmonton, Alta.,!splendid peorf o r mance. Who We have discovered aur power len'sence of A. K. Chitî>-. 13-Elizabeth J. Gilbert, 79. eienthoseanIhcd cie thas e writos: Enclosed find $2.00 foritaugbt you te sing ced recite, we machinery-, but we have nover dt- alTwse ha.Crer an- 13-C. Arthur Cawker, 65. iwn thosetrnde e lnd fesosei Statsma fo 199. Ve cd arn enqire efthe. "h, oboy,"covered a-ur real power tbrough1 nouncod that an important unvoil- 20-Eliza J. Matws ' the tans edcitos pnoty ovre eaterhas wok epiedJcc, jus m th er. education. Education must dareI ing cerernn would be beld dur- 21-William H. Found. Others wbo spoke briefly wene with thermornoter 55 below zero, Wbicb ail goes Ici prove that mei- te reloase ced direct the crective ing the nexi meeting. Jan. 23rd,CciG but Ibis week is lovely, le fcct thons don't got haîf the crodit forces in the werld about us. We when an outstanding citizen of Rfy eilkcrd Mercen, M.P.P., W. F. wsabove freezing toay. they deserve in Ibis wonld. must de cli Ibis ced still main- the tewn will be beeored. 7-Donald H. Kane, 6. wh1.. edW .Hr wa t i t o es e ti ls o f e m n7-Jam es W a e .w o m oved the x-ote of t a ks te ______ _____ _____ _____tain_ _the_______ _____ ____of__freW. Keon, M . D ew an and othe s on the pro- l freedom of speech, froedom ef 9-Ada C. Schxwalm.gancdt h aiso h wersbip, freedom of assemblagee li-egsJ mih lrats. gcu. rc h for the splendid dinnor antil__ u ees 1 M pl rove il Albent A. Clil ____ __ cd ti by oreefrs do1 1-'Margaret M. Wright. tho>' senvod. This wcs secoeded onc ,v hve etemied ur13 David H. Jamieson, Î55 by the new presideet, Russell Os- onc w hae etrrnne !a r eceeit Visitors-\f is, Kathleen 16-Themas Blockly. banne. J. G. Findlcy fulfilied the ffcourse?- the speaker csked. . Ceniiit. Tcroito. wiîîî Mn. ced 17-EIizaboth M. McMurtr>-. d1e verf-caraby ancd Wrn. Bicle "First, there shauld be a bold Mir, .Lloyd Snowdei... Mn. and 2-IfntMcrwbm ery cen oxce ind th i le. launching on a largo scale such ' 1r. I.D. Pickard. iwo chiîdreie 21-MnicR.Clo 2.Ile nothe comnunity ingtinglre as reorestation Ihrougheut Can- -ainR oe 2 e ntecmuiysnig ada. bichxvoud emioy cc> ary.Gzary wth n. andl Mrs. EcrI 25-Arnoid Anderson, 8 bns Alrte aqe1heAsca ada, wich wold empoy mai rwc.Kiîston Rdl., East. 30-Cetherine E. Wsigo,9.1AtrtebnutteAsca of our unomrployed and et the The sýneîpaîhv of Ithe conminitv csintn,93 sametimebe contrutiveenlion nesumied proceodings le St. sema lime o aoconstuctivenonJune John's Pc isb Hall. doavaun. Thore sheuld be dex-el xAsethe(I te MrseeRingsrel ae- eprnent of the St. Lawrence ccd fnlîx ase Liine, je, the 05ss Of! 3-Jane R. Lambert. Astoeecimtngna ah other xatervîcys for power ccd lii.I)Ci( l id( father. 4-Annie Reynelds, 7- tomnate batvoe Pont Hepe and Get appetizing variety à C DA IS & DRESSES industriel davelepment. ad Mrs. R. D. Trimble. 'Miss i 8-Agnes H. Bonlcnd. 90. Cobourg. nx erscneto 'Thora should bo c sane, pro-,îIi nîbl.M. e rs. .Al- i 9-Lilliin M. Joness,62 will bo hold in Cobeurg. cost - Serve doudcous, gressive doveoent under gax'-1 r In Clark. sonTin, atteeded lie1 25-Cornelius N. Ruse, 82. otn h niefn We are Clearing Ladies' fur trimimed and Orrient leadership of oun min- ifuneral on Satiirdav je Toronto af! 30 - J.ohn Hendenson. . WARDENSHIP ture and home-baked fiai oalrdCast ae omfrnwsrn ral weehth, ced a development of Ithe formîer's sister. 'Mrs. \Veslev r Ju cakes, pies and cream goc aord otstmaermfone srngour tourisî trade by deveoping Keirr. formerlv cf Bowmalceviîîc. J iCriiudfor ae1 you'll add zest to every mi camping, historic sites, A miscellaneous shower wcs hled 9-Hugb Davidsec. i <onttinedfr ownspage 1) ccd a teurisî technique, ced of t the home of Miss 'Margzaret Ste- i 1-Eva C. Osborne. peottv fatwsi hti CotsSelig s owAscourse gaod noads. w~art. Fridav eveninz. Dec. 3tb je 1 1 -Henry Carpenlen. 69. rneputedi>' Consenvetive, lho bas, WEEK-END .'One of the major factons inlionAurrofdMIs Lavonno DniFleonîG dsStchar. colon of bis constituonts, bas ne- Rich, Deliejous Choi winning the wer w-es the koopipg lber nendinz mariaze te Mn. Aîfred 2 i-John D. Ffetcher.nd of moral up te a high standard. l.aird. Jr. The bide-elect cfter Open- 22-Edivin Reynolds, 87. turieed yan aflyam fatendi;E h.... $ . 5One of the great tragedies et the ii lber cifts. thankcd Ithe girls for, 25-Jean Galbraith, 94. weas iernacamto bsEc marnent in Canada is thet we bave i hinking of bier. Interestinig gIIe 2Za August Maneos township bas a dlaim, THESE ARE OUTSTANDING VALUES hast oun menai as a people. were Pîaved iunder ftie supervision cf 1-aa .Sotig.o h cdnhpo b ai .1 'I am porsuaded," cancluded!r Miss- Greta M.\undav. The evening 17 rhr rdron. f notation of the honor, Ibat isTU ___________________________Mn. Anderson, 'that when ourijcame ta a close with lunch served ils distributioCamong the mun leaders bave fixed foribv Mrs. Stewart. 2MyHernm. isdsrbto m h ui H A T COM LET DR SS LEA ANC tbmsive cetai idels tht'On ednsda oftheholda 29-Infant Gimblett. cipahities, cetainly for the lest r COM LE E D ES CL AR NCEthm29-Elizabethdels tht n A.nsdAllie. hliaytwenty yecns. Thal epplies aiso' Bakers For Twc the people will follow leadership weck about 35 ladies of Ibis coin- 9EiaehA Reevo Croighîon Devitt of PHONE 855 Daytinie and evening dresses drastically which ccc accemplisb things in a nîiunitv catberec aI thie borne of M.\rs. September Cartwright whose township basi Buy Baked Goods Bal lange way ced stili keep preserv- Stuart 'Menton a avresent bier sister. 1-Elsie P. Thompson, 49. been overlooked for a long lime: reduced in price. ed for us certain fundamentals NlMiss Vcra Power, witb their bcets1 4-Anthur H. Scoboîl, 69. __________________________ As Lw Aswhich xve enjey ced elwa>'s wishr wishes iii the forci of a mîiscellaln-j 12-Sehena A. Tille>', 89. Selling A o stoenoiy as free mon." cous shower. A\ dainîy lunch Wxas1 13-John Everest, 67. Alderman Anderson was Ina- sel bv four zirl fniends of the r24-Berthe A. Cacc. 53. duced b>' Oshaw's Mayor-ehect bridie-to-be. Miss Edna Swaîîow. .30-Isobel Dcvidson, 21. $2.00 J. A. Coleman, and Relaran R. L. MIiss Gict'a MîIeda.\Mrs. Harvev Mitchell expressecl epprocietion: lrooks. aced Mrs. Charlie Whitîetof October FomelyPrce a Oer$1.0 o sts li loftudRad y T. uH. M-Os.hawa. I William Brock. 76.r onmrl r b tOvr$0.0Gebaîf of theRoTr>Cl. McP E CAL' Crea.vLetlbrige.Alta, ad';10-Infant Denison. Ca.SalBov.manville. 31Y WINTER VISITOR 11-Jane Hemblyn. 87.SEIA Chas Sealo,14-Laura M. Coiwill. l5-Frack A. Hoar. Our Jonny Wren bouse sits on top 17 Rebert L. Finlay Phone 594 BowmPnLIONS CLUB-_ofTat epolo, 17-Jamos Bures. 84. Phn 9 omnil htstands in our cîty back 23-Cherles J. Bunkton. Eo ekdrn 99w i (dontinued fromn Page 1) yand; 24-James C. Bell, 52.Ec ekdrig13 ew ada. Alroad>- Ibere are four mon 1 ene littho holo 1 IAlnBate 1 Largest ced one girl in Canada with theso Do thea xvintor wild birds noxv embr Socks ads. each week. Each special offered v degs. regard.1 Hardwater Castile Soap..................... bar 5c '"Vondeful" Laundry Soap................ 8 bars 25c M~ead Flour.................... 98's $2.29 Bread Flour..................... 24"s 60c S alada - (Strainer Free) Tea - YeIIow Label .......... .2-1b. 33c Salmon whole fish lb. 12e Sliced lb. 17c Frosh Fillets lb. 17c Simokcc Fillets lb. 15c FRESH FRUIT VEGETABLES HKARRY ALLIN Phone 367 GROCER Bowmanville Tcoeeare 8.00u oîîne people Bra1Kl M111 in Caada tdcy, utBdutta Lens other more. through the 7-William K. Sempson. Club cctivities this number per, crisp, frosty air. 17-Emilv, A. Suuch. 75. capita bias been neduccd considor-i Theno cama little odd sounds te 18 Merci V. Nekes. 66. abi>. A few ,.ar ago il was es- hor me: 19-Kathleen Hcddy. Teeworo dots, thora ,vere dash- 21-Williami C. Mesce. timated Ihat 15 par cent of the esan itetctck, 2-leE.Snd. pupils et the blind scheol w'ould ascc îtetktik, 2 AicE.Snd. net have losI thoîr siglit if cem- Like the saund of a telegraph 28-Annie Pottar. potent mon had excmninod thair kev. 30 Alex Humne. 80. eyos ccd equipped tham x\vith pro- I .vant te the wicclow. and thora eeme par glasses. Lions Clubs are nov. on that poeacebe tekicg canaeof axainntion and, Wes a down> -woodipacker 50 9-Emilv Curtis. 73. glassas fer those unebla te pav r dcci'; 17 Mciv« J. MeacPhorson, 74. for such serv'ice cccd hava reducc iPaeiedîc*larîx parched as hae 24-Robant Douglas. blindiiess çocsiderablv. tîippy tep tappad Mention -%as aIse meade of gov- Ilis wvirelass message o Seldcir. Alt 5 tA.i h ortinent ectivit> te s u b s i d i z a And I wondaracl from w haie cama etsa hst ekfodto blind se that the fear of old cge that wvao cown> bird, air cushion lest b> a subscribari w'cet xas coI se horrible tlecan- IOr wh bd bccn eflaiehrh-i tecub> r>eao hs dure. AI prasent time 4,00)0 blînd j il: '-eintecuryTr oefths aire a enisicn cf 820.0)) rWhan the rast of bis matas hb powful litl Wcnt As.' T se> e rnth. , sought southeril chimes. bnillcg vnerusoslsetsc The speaeriungad the club te More gan icI waathar te find. smlce. Se I1xwant eut te groot bini - als. Notie ofRegitraton liehaflew off, Noic o egstaio Adlit in the fins et the gate: U UI of By-Law Then I fastenad soie matc on th il rIGnî KIDNEY AGIDS laîl x-rn-housc poea. CIogged, iiflaniie(I kidnexs prev ont 'ni, 1. lt i1 x~ ~l~ An e red luxvcchald te proper eîirnîintion cf îoxîc'\%aste mat- law xi'irî'a> Ii livte Nî uiit plal wait. tcr, resuîîîeg in cxcess accd accumiula- r iii, "il r f Ille *xcii clf lioriai- And noxýY axer> mnorei. froni tîvt tiens in kidne>'s arncl Wood. Gin Pills xii r r nlIltle St1i da\x r r i I ciier. xlintei clad Ipole, flush eut thie iillirnis cf lin>' kidney IiJS.irîr't riiîcen ilir ,f 'C Dowivv xvodpace .tck: tles givieg qciekrelief freinback- t r tlic . )iriiît $f 16000) With aea: ache, lumibago, rlîeuiiatic pains. tritIi I 111->r,,,t tri uic ferIllie AndI whîehlie eaan. ivatlxvi Iet Gin Pilîs lhcîp s oii 5thîev have aa i rti rt,îiii x, i-iri.aîltclis little paaps. mrnnyothers S111111. .11,1Thon lapis \ireles Ijthaojs hac iii i ici lx r i i ic i,îr III, \'r-.t kîu 11 1 ( , hi l â2 l i d a \ r i I > r îî iii C hi a i s l a it h e i g l1 1 -Q u t - 11111>~it r1. iiila e xxitlîjîî thre tt tti. ns thin. A iiiea <xof uiî;,n!xt, pe i iiri, iiis.t îrlîlie:îtirrtî rrf tli i e i'i t ht'i i~ccîs Ile c<< i l t ir r and<1 i 1w't iiiih<e thuirt r al low ' gîcîves. IIgkii iî ait, i. a washacl as chamois ]bath vr1 s I ated tItis l2iIî das- of but icave cuit the <dl. Rub thai D)ceciinber, 1938.j ovar with c soft cloth \x.leIte>. Two Sizes - - - Reg. 50ci A. J. LYLE, are perfectly dry te givo tîîia New Economy Size - - 75c rCîerk. 2-17 sïilit glass. (Double tIse Quantity) j FOR BABY'S DIET ALWAYS UNIFORM 3fo IN TASTE AND IN 3fo TEXTURE 25c NEW LOIV PRICE into Your meals at low different baked goods w'ill enjoy the finer tex- avor of Carter's breads, ods, and you'll diseover neal. SSPECIAL colate Layer Cake .....30e "R FAMILY BOWMANVILLE 6ed in Bowrnanville fAIDES Ufeature two special money- Ipay you to watch Lor' our wili be a feature bargain. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK-END COLGATE'S NEILSON 'S Price Reductions 43e Kolynos Tooth Paste - - now 39c 29e Kolynos Tooth Paste - - - 23e 55e Three Flower Creamns, Rouge, Face $2. 50 Dubarry Face . 5 &~~L' Powder - - - $2.0 Bargains Dodd's Pis --27c SCOTT'S 35ecCorega ---24c EMULSUON 25c Noxzema --15c $1.25 Pinkham's 53,n81 Cnpound - - - 87ce Presciriptions A Specialty. Floating SOAF Chocolate MACAROONS i4,Lb. 39c- Phone 792 DRUGS il is said, has neyer yet welcomed homne its reeve as Warden. Whe- ther Mr. Carruthers has a chance in January is doubtful at this dis- tance. The odds seem against him. However, some of those who know their united counties could probably prediet righl now how the Wardenship of 1939 is going to go on the polilical basis, and who is likely to be accorded the honor. That is just one of the customs of both Northumberland and Durham. KITCHENWARE See our mixing bowls and oven serve dishes. Save time and labour - -Make your table more attractive. ]KITCHEN BOWLS in singles or sets - 6c up. FRUIT REAMNERS and MEASURING CUPS 10c each. Use Paper Towels to save laundry 125 (Onliwon) Towels 20c. TOILET TISSUE Red Feather - - - 6 rolls 25e Oriental (1000 sheets) 3 for 25c Cashmere Tissue - - 2 for 25e J. W. JEWELL Phone 556-- Bowmanvlle for lic 15c PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM the OLIVE OlL in this unique shave creamn soothes and conditions irrtated skin. LARGE TUBE 1i00 Sh.,i ) NOw 23 GIANT TUBE 200~~ -Mici ONY We Deliver TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 12TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATES-MAN, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE ONLY 3901 We Deliver