THURSDAY, JANUARY I2TH, 1939 THJ.NDA TTS ANBO.'\NVILLE, ONTAIZIO PG EE __TUE e RODNODNEWS Al À ORONO CHURCHESiuviii îaumMIU IW HAPPENINGS SOCIL AN PERONAL(Continued from last wveek) F Ps erAJ~ 2Ic FronTheOrono News of NewsofClarke Towsi On Wednesday the iheme of Fo P s 1 Y asA.J Sape the prayer meeting "TheDid Kl - CareJn Mr. E. Evans is on the sick list. -Misses Ruth Logan and Patl: urch U onis ldbyr ev.S ahrneMRe ele fewt'onvie Vaer tteOaneLdei Miss 'M. Taylor is around again.!; tors with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lo: were athat in churchi universal as, U WD~ U I U i~ i ied:laietm ell-y. aged 9 , rsVarnn _______ __-______D , n TJan. a es R y Bi t e Mi s Relle a sb ,T ro t ,aa.s in personal religion there ____ ___ .____M r.__and: ielle - G eornle Miss Rosaline Gamsby, Toronto. gan.wcre lhanksgiving. confession and 2d nTrno ae o ile iios r n r.Gog was in town Salurday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan have prayei'. Thanksgivjng includoed After 15 years' service as sec- Supt. H. J. Souch aged 7l years. Smith, Starkvîlle, with Mrs. Thos. Cro k dCre Miss Helen Waddell, Toronto. joined Orono choir. andi received thankfulness for fellov.ship. and relary-treasurer and clerk of the A pitdMss Sohne arel iing hîddau Roist eon with Mr. and Mrs. Weci visited lier sîsters here. a hearty -welcome ai praclice on thé fact was broughî out that the Tovvnship of Clarke. A. J. Staples Again ______Msopirvstn hsdu-Rbnoný,jh r n Ms m Marlene Cantrol has been on Wednesdav night.1 coptic chuirch hadi been 1600 -,,ars tendered his résignation aI the At S. S. Meeting ghter ' AIrs. D. Steens. Marîposa Robin~son~. Starkville. Mr. an~d Mr. OswadWagi h e th ikls.,orking toée reCrsint.iagalmtngMldy 11 p1 Mrs. J. A. Barrie and Nlurrav Miss Mar-, Sisson, Toronto, i ai the Canadian Electrionie Insti- cofrnezfaldnmn-hathfre i elk hsa-. dv te take a course of siuds' ai Newcastle..... s. Gordon, Mill- scin spent the weekend here. bca Trno1a om o î t ions w'ere aIse meniioned. Con- tion. Thé résignation vas regret- Mr Il. J. Souch .vas again ap-cih, Dominion schoovalhoe of Telegra- brook. andhé pintMrs. Carr andnd Mrs. The snothwDoinin ploughf has done goodd lrs Car ad Ms Tesn Tihesatidng a hoc e Womveeen'ss ueaepear eso ruh u tepit ul cepe n oni ilPoint(f -i Superiniendeni of the 1phy.Russell. Peterboro, with the for- The tîddn iaw iierfredweeknd.that thé church should confess advertise for applications for the Park Street Sunday School aI a rs1Dn saw mrs grMr. îfrd c wihsaigadhce.WmnsIsiueaepea-nar-rowmindedness. pride. indif- position. Mr Da McKenzie, Osaa . ' dauhliteMs ife cars this wee Mr. Garnet Gamsb, Kingson, ing for a social evening Jan. 20. ference, laziness and worldiness. Reeve T. A. Reid spoke in a Thmc eri edenTusappon iht. viedh e r ftHerll Mr. A. Sdihe. ar . dMr. aMs. Plbri Mn ClubismetngthNw was in town Saturday. 1Twýelve characters will prsent a Prayer should be made, il vas mosi eulogisic manner of he samc t eachers and a few new wedding of his grand-daughter, Newcasle,,%,jh Mr. and Mrs., We exten ypty1 h Mr. K. Gamsby. Oshawa. was play, also musical numbers. pointed eut. for ail people 10 ho failhful and efficient work done ones *,, act as assistants. Miss K. Miss Bessie Hill, aI Toronto. Wm. Milligan..Miss Donnelly, Robinson fml ntedaho in town Saturday. Congratulations to Mrs. James saved and for aIl mankind. The bx' Mr. Staples and expressed re- Stark was appoînied secretary of Mr. Chas. Hawke speni holidays Toronto. wiih Mr. and Mrs. Nor- their sis1erissJn neRb Th uln etn i o oeswoqityclbae icsinclosed with ihoughls of gret thlal ill healih had forced the mneeiing. ai Claremoni. man Scott. . .. Miss Elsie Wallace' inson, one0fteodsmmbs materialize Friday. lher birlhdav Studa wen 01peruionus p ee i o ein lwa eie o ie$0 Miss A. Thornion lias been on small family party vas given in cpe.Last year. Mr. Staples retired the M. and M. fund. A note ofca arviinghrise, rsWaaeBleie.. .MsEtl MrTo Tuerwoinw the sick list. lher honor at Mr. C. J. Hughson*s. ! Thursday, night the theme wvas as socrotary-treasurer of the Con- regret was apparent when il was Moon. Pantner and Mr. Stanley Goble,j boarding in i eolscini "Home Life and E d u c a t i o n." tinualion School Board afler con- revealed thal. owing 10 ilI health, Mr. Doîberi Gibson, since tak- Bowmanville. with Mr. James home for 1h eeed Mrs L A Dntviitd n o-r Ms.HeryConih cnptre wrered y r.H.J.tinueus service in that office for Mrs. R. Besi will be unable 10 ing up his résidence in Toronto, Darch... Mrs. Arnoit withlhe r n ronto. ! and family have moved mbt the Souch and Miss Elsie Roxve. Re. over 34 years.* take her class for a lime. A sub- has been elecied vice president f friend, Mrs. A. E. McCready, Mrs. Reid'sprn. Mrs. F. Lovekin spent Monday b ouse vacated by Mrs. John Liîtlewood took charge of the dis- Council meeting openedi with 'stitute teacher is being secured. the Bible class ai the Meihodisi Bowmanville, who had a siroke. with Mrs. W. J. Cowan. Henry. cussion, divided mbt throo parts- scripture and prayer by Rev. S. The .vork of the superintendent church Sunday school hie attends. . r n r.R rc n Mr. W. W. Sherwin has return-. Mr. Art Smith. Oshawa, and thanksgiving, c o n f e s s i o n and Littlewood. A vote of thanks was and loachers is a worthy one and Ed.iligan agtr os .aint Mr. and Mrs. eo Bruce71and ed to Guelph Veterinary Colloge.1 Miss Pearl Brooker, Toronto, prayer. In thanksgiving il vas extendod 10 him. il is hoped that the church mem- ehd AdedinRkb and Stringer, Oo-Mra vt r no. d Mrs. Wsod Mr. W. J. Stuti relurned home spenl Sunday aI Mr. and Mrs. R. 'pointod eut ihal we should bec Reeve Reid spoke briefly con- bers will show thoir appreciation families, C. Cummings, and Miss and Mrs. Rorabeck, Cobourg, wîth Monday from Bowmanville. Smith's.r thankful for Christian parents and gratulaling the deputy-reeve and by genorously contributing 10 the Berlie Rickabv, al of Toronto. the former's duhterMrsD. teachers. Christian influence, food counceillors on their acclamation,1 funds. Rot iligadduhe fKu ...M.agerrs.Con Mr. haresMiler Symaty i etenedte r.and shelter. democraux. guod ex- which hie said, showed that the.l Rev S. Littlewood opened and Bowmanville, Harold Rickaby of lhwaiie. Port Hope, with Mr. and ton Farrow n WyaMs left Monday for the sunny south. and Mrs. G. M. Linlon and Betty ample and teaching of parents. people were satisfied with the c losed the meeting wiih praeBriadahs fnab r-Ja er New Years with sinus trouble. fant qon and baby brother on took us le Sundiay school, and the;, appreciaied whal had been done r _____ __M._______and________ortHope_____Mr Mis Ma oie ison s omeThrsd .aby*s aI '"Spion Kop" on New: with Mrs. Hskin. .. Mr. and row. . . . Ir' Rot Gaa MissMarjrie isso is ome hursav. eachers in the Sunday school. l10 reduce assessmonts. repair Assessor aI $200 salary He xiii r Year's Day. Mrs. Jas. Stark and Donna with Mel vin withM.adMs ls from Toronto. aRîev.Wli Hancock of Sb f Under confession our shortcom- roads, and still keep within the 'aiso roccîvý,e 5c a piece for deliv- Ms Nellie Hockin xvas in the Mrs.I. Stark, Starkville.. Gimbleti.. .MisJn Brw quilting xa held at Mrs. a.woi istn i o ngs werdicse(ie-ntu- budget so that a surplus remained Mis citveur James Tamblyn'ls Ihis veek. - .ther, Mr. Edgerton Hancock, caîl- ing our opportunities, 1 a c k i n g ai the end of the year. 1er.Jng dogtg.r losltn nols.Esioeo ehlrenWallacewithher a.Mret t has ered ohesok fe ed on Mr. H. Walsh who for many knowledge of the Bible, neot hav-. Each member of council ex- W.Jiidl pk nbhafGenako od.. Mr tw Cwees.hldy n n Mr. Keith Bradley and family. vcars was his neighibour in thé ing family prayer)> also whether pressed ihoîr pleasure in being 0 rn oieTute ncn and Mrs. G. N. Smith, Starkville. r.Ca.Obreadfmiy Pontypool. visited Mrs. A. Brad- oft hrol a ete hni se eundteofc n poie eton îPhlihe Trurse if cal- Horticulturalists Mrs. Cecil Glass and Lloyd. Ken-: Ebenezer,Mran Ms.A ti ley. ____________ ebe. Il was decided that the te do his best te administrate the c'umi chloride for Orono roads. I Eîect Officers At dal. w,,ith Mrs. John Jackson. .Tre n Mr. and Mrs. A. Linion vvere xvorld vas bolier materially and i aff airs of the township wisely. No action xvas taken. New Year's guesis %with Mr. and Mrs. C. Turnr . r.adMs guesîs of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lin- that thero might ho a îrend le- Reovo Reid and Deputy-Reeve A grani of S15-00 xvas made o l A nTuMeig Ms.WlrdMca r.C AnnalMetig rs ITfrdTurneree Mr C a nld Sm ih r ton. Cl.ark~e Unionl vard spiritual betiermont in spite W. J. Patton woero appoinied re- Kendïý1 Womon's Iiistituto. Gordon, Miîîbrook: Mrs. GeorgeMr.RGibelM le rve Durhamn Central Agricultural o f 1heo change of spiritual aimes- preseniatives on the Orono Me-,r Accounts passed included: All the executive and dîrectors, Plum and son. Toronto: and Mrs aleaFaro Society annual meeting takes phero. Under the pointi Prayer menaI Park Board. Hydre Commission. of Orono Horticultural socioiy Mrs. W. Halloweil and Miss Meta place Wednesday ai 2 p.m. There -,vas ne school Tuesdayiwa.vs mentioned ihai wve should Dr. Neil Colville, roporting onl lights for hall -S 16.15 jwore re-elecied ai the annual alw1ladM. rhrMc- hv a heeetii. ntle Hceltlast ,veek due te siorm and badf prav for light for toachers and Board of Health activities, statedi Mrs. Clysdale. relief acct. 6.00 meeting Tuesday. Ky tryle r.Blah r 0terhue Hoky game Thursday nligh roads The snow plough lias been parents te direct children in the ihat conditions in the o1wnsi Oron o Meat Maktrlif13.30 fcesor13ae:PéintndM .CclRbno. Mr. and did nol miatorialize ahthough some tnship Markectinisvreliefes .() M.ffic pers for193Viae- PrsdetnMrs. C ocuaRobiandon. a playrs urnd u. irouh iis sctin svonl tmesnigî aay d nd e iy l hae a harveecelentwil ony icascellentil orl. spples .01- M.H.asapes:lstVic - rs.E. Ms. . LckhrsuandMr.and and the roads are in geod shape rattractive influence for good. - ro- f imported measles. 1 case of Dean's Bakery. relief 2.80,. J. Hamm: 2nd Vice - Mrs. F. Hall; Mrs H.-arowanv1±ieslv- M. any Sommerville hl a s again. membenîng that actions speak: doubtful whooping ceugh. and 2 Mrs. E. J. Randaîl. R vs F 40.00 Treasuner- Mrs. Jas. D i c k s50 n;: ille; Mn. Vance Cooper. Orono. been mvii g i bohe, Mn . Mr. W ilred Sherin has re- loudien than words. The closing cases of chickenpox during the j R. H. Wood, caretakr 22.00 Secretary - Mrs. W. Hars n Mess Hu h tpeon nd Jc W. Sommerville. uriîed te Guelph Agricuilbural ihoughi %vas that we should all pasi two monîhs. There are 2822 Orono Times, printing 3.0Drcosapine 1938 - A. A. rKimbail. Mn. and Mrs. Bond and Noneen. j Cellege aften his illnoss.j do oun besi. people in the Township of Clarker Rolph.s Hdwe. supplies 1.5o Drummond. E. J. Hamm. E. E.1 Our iwo stonekeepens. Mrs. J. learn of the psig0 isJn Toonrontot, undy vihpn.eMn JmeSRckbv Toono hee fito inlMeeing' hotaencae o, utheli W.E..aey txi .5ePttnsn.W. eaen Ms iMi- jT.PencTan M. lean atela and Mns. R. Smith.MrJae ikbTrno Teeo th fia etni ob ae aeobthat W.EDvy t45 Mis Ehe Ruhefod hs e-end wý,ith his uncle. Mn. H. J. and il xvas aIse the occasion of about 8c per penson. ciatien Rural Municipal-i ed 1939 - Mns. Ed. Dean, Mrs. O.,i day and Wednesday cvening. The funeraiozodyfo tunned from visiting Mnr. and Mns. Souch. Jim has boon in the coun- tho visil of Presbyteny commiitee. A bylaw xvas passed appointing ities 5.001 W. Rolph, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Miss Isabel Bruce bas secuned Bowmanville a eîatne A. McDonald, Milton.r try for a weok iaking charge of .Mn. R. J. Rowe and Rex'. E. L. Dr. Colville M.O.H. for 1939 aI a Hospital accounts, Miss M. Dav'y. Rev. S. Littlcwood: a position in Toronto and left for, by friendsadnigor.nt- Mn. LeRoy Brown has returned a 'country school. r eech, NFxtonx'ille. Praver by salany of S200. 50- mice. 25.18 Auditors - Mns. A. A. Dnummond. there Monday. ',ment in Nexvovle 10 Guelph after holidaying wilhi Mn. Jim Cambie lest a valu- Rev. Littlewood and scîpîun e' J. L. Lowenv was appointed Road 'ouchen No. 1 17-1.97 Mrs. R. C. Rosbonough. RvREMro aeavr Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown. abebat1edb n .Tyo olwd Before the election Mn. Staples M.Jc aehsrtre abe y r C Tylr oIove.announcod his intention of ne- from Guelph having completed'intercstingsemnoSndyn Cemetery company's a n n u a I Mn. and Mrs. H. J. Souch, Mn. 'Mn. R. J. Rowýe siated lie ne- inn u h ebr ol his short course.: "Christians, udrdfiute. meetiïç!^,iIll ho held January 16, and Mns. Hanry Baiiey, Mn. jim membened services in the same L fSU not alloxv il. Ho expnossod his jMns. Stanley Glover has been' AU activitiestruhtewe at .3 _m i c.nilchmbe. icab, is Elen Suc ad curh 0 ear ao.Hewet n . IL.Begins School OfInstructionapéignionouth okadclre vd t O aw Hspawr anl Mn. and Mns. Horb. Rundie, Miss Mamie Archer spent a pîcas- to tell of the rexiyai serxices, ngMe' .>opération of E giadve 10 t he re Ms Jas anwo isiln ness 0o f theros.Anabs- Florence and Aima, Bowmanville, ant ex'ening aI Mn. Neil Porter's, resulis being permanent, and al- nTeVls fihns sn meeting spent Sunday at Mn. R. H. Wood's. . Orono. mentioned the fact that some xvcre ___________________f________________Voesof________ iheien samhe ails taein lifeho lixtiingi a ________h th______thi lf, iin secretanv for hier untirîng efforts,' Toroois not 50 weîl. 121h, weathenpritn.Lde j Chrisiian life withoul knowing zc 1o10teadios Miss Jane Robinson, Crooked arc asked ta nn ersmns f xhen they accepted Christ. The Park St. Cliurch Someihing new was attempted . The pnogram included t w 0 1 Cneck. xvas buried in Newtonvi le Mn. and Ms1 .A.Ri n need of getiing public school lea- in Orange indles in Onono, Janu- piano solos by Glen Tamblyn'Cemeteny, Jan. 9th, following the Barbara wergussfMnad chranSuayschool teachers ary 9th, w~hen a special commitîexvhich wvene much enioiyed; an1 funenal senxvice in Bowmanville. Mrs. Wes. çtigrOoo bthe eer.eswenc heoes nwodegnasr sotemnsc hnh nOtxa,\ .Bo the président., a vocal solo by Mrs. Thene was no Y.P.U. on W.M.S. 1 whichtdogoodorkinbild> on Paul*s lettons 10 the Galatians.I Breen of Kingston. and \Von. Bro. O .Rlh ihMs .H cin a.3 nacuto h withthe ackgoundof Nil F Porer 0 Onoo, 1o w rBown as accompanist: treasun-, stonm. ing harctes, nd hatat 6 t delenttosanthoxvcngrwhouo l .Porterbyfhe rnd wOrange en's report by Mns. J. Dickson who Miss Kathlcen Randalbas ne-f easily but are genenally vihattex preached to the Gentiles and hoxv Lodge of Ontario East. operated also nead the auditons' report;, turncd from Wcston mucb îm-j Is ThisteR so hiil hmemnnty ecn- disappointed ho was when thef the second Scbool of Instruction discussion negarding Vaniaus flOw- pnoved in hcalth. mended the thnee-fold pledge Galatians failed to measure up 10 in Ontario. The finst one was held en beds and plans for the comîng 1 Mn. Clarence Mitchell is in poon You AreCntp ed against the use of alcohol, tobacco bis teaching. in Spencenville in December of yean: a much appneciated piano'; health. andproan laguae.AI he veingsen'ie M. Lt-1938. solo by Mrs. R. C. Rosborough; Mn. S. R. Jones is in receipt of yu'ewnrig hyor Rev. Beech stnessed the need tlewood chose as bis topic "ivc The object of theso scboolsitxodeibtu xo a oo byM r etrfrMan. Da entMuldrew, bweandon *9 ih .so of a rex'ival. He poinled out that FResponsibility." He deait ciely10give the young membens of the iA. a.ndrtsunds c-acopan-, Vird on anwovsent. bis L.est ad, thiaouwhtoua fonly God cao saxe oOne. and that xith two things: (1) our duty as onden a funther insight in the id n w tnswihpoi-rrgrs1 etnil .O . Bed n oaos 1ini hes das ofcvidpeplehavecitzenltpaedsploe woavxe wnktarzednosbytheasscia-cdhots0f auseentandpnîzs M. Mldrw reenty clebnted Ailgooenouisoncia-d lost thein sense of right and wnong jaeeetdador uyt h in for Mns. Harrison and Mrs. bis 85th birthday and was guest but iaçking i uk fe h ha~cecccdad u dtyt to in.. Drummond. ________________ digestive pres. ndyued and can only got il by going 10 state, and (2) certain cincumstanc-; Rcv. John L. Hodgson, Junior A elciusluchofsadwchs the houe of Gd. He oinjed ut bk rsFoooertthat gianeaslove thehose f od Heponte otes in which our duty of obédience: Deputy of the Grand Orange cookies, tants and tea was served, b r.Rbn anyadalv- boweis somhngbwrkn that in mosl cases xvongdoing, b thoso in authority xvould con-1 Lodge, delivered a vcny inspirîng bringing an enjoyable cvening to ly vocal duel by Mrs. A. A. Drum- to heip them oe wa xcused by' the fact that I flict with our conscience as in the adcso oilSrie oracoe odadMs .Sih ib If ]usIbsacof'uk Some one élse xas doing somte-1 case of the Jews in Genmany on îouched on evra important!MsR.HBrw theî thtscasig oucnsiptin thing xvnong. Ho stated crime is 'conscientious objectons during the pase of the xxonk. The discus- the meeting closed with peroayeAl-rn s uebwy incneasing thnough sion period was filled xith many'L: .L ISA L Rev. Litilewood. mass remaîs wîhhlsy sense of right and xvnong and al The choir nendened "Behold the taking part.L.0 L.IS A SAsoilhfhurw eoyd bwl m senso of God. and that in mOst Soxer' xith Messrs. R. Sutton Nii.Potrsok ntoNEW OFFICIERS A-ocil afsas nwoyed, Boaneimve.badto.Al cases il as beingcaught tat 'andhenl a.looter tteag vfrsandwichesortBranpgi oestyoiujNaturae'ovin- asecs i xvas thebe ing au H et that -a nd so l F o t r a i g ' e s s \v rkings of tîh e subordinate cake and tea w as s r xe d f om a l testina i to nl . vt mi i a xývaonstoide the lsieil.Ha o bd oos.lcdge. pciniing eut many featunes At the meeting of the L. 0 L. nicely appointed table. centred tlîis tastefulrayt-etcra often the parnits led the childrcn vlich many ovcrlook. The ques- Friîdax night theso officers werc witb a potted plant vhosepi every day. rn lnt fwtr aistra, and showecî that thée ticîî of thesocial side of lodge înstalled by Won. Bro. F.W. Boxv- blossoms matched the pick pin~ and enjoy hpirdy.Al î'cn Bran is madbyeig nLo- chunch should give fleic oral Lake~ Shore Clarke .vorkis vas aIse fully discussed. on of Newtonville lodge, for 1939: dles in their silver holders. tea don, Cao.Sodbeer ic. standard. since people %verc sus- ,Rcv. S. Liltlewood gave an ad- I.P.M. - C. A. Browvn; W. M. - W. being poured from a silxven tea picieus of mass exvangelism. Ho dress on 'Isms'i hat ,vill lcng ne- J. Riddell; D. M. - G. R. Morton; service by Mrs. J. J. Mollor. closed hy îirging chîirch members Mrs. E'. lx c Jax nes motoncd 10 iiî:ii in the minc of the dche- Chap. - N. F. Ponton; Roc. Sec. -R. ____________________________________ te miake' personal visits to people Twe ed Monday -xxhIeno she x il gales. Ho toîichcd on Nosismn, R. Waddoell: Asst. Roc. Sec. -W toshow tlîem the beniefit of the spend thic rosi of the xxvinter ,\ îî Cocîmunisiîî. Fascism anîd Social- E. Davey.: Fin. Sec. - Chris Bar- ch'.îch. mnectiocing the w'ork of honr daughten. Miss Audne-ý Javnes. ccd plcadcd for a greater cad Treas. - J. H. Gibson, Jr.:Oftak pis anc John Stewart in bis oxvn circuit, Our Home and School . Ass ocia coliversion of the brcthrcii 10 thé Mon. - C. T. Gibson: lst Lee. - MI. ne ssrksw h à s (.li s f à.. a ndS y c d 1t o o p t i m i s t i c r e g a r d i n g t h e i o n m e t J a n u a r y l i h .c i i r c h , e m p h a s i z i n g t h f c t t a A . o i ' s o : 2 dJL o - fortCà tes contacts 10 xxin souls 10 Christ . J icelwt n ite2, aunaýnc' ianfl Iqs_____uclri hn o obt h n CH EST cO LD -rtis a c" P. ian;Co Lenat Bukut with Mn. and roads on thé Christian wonld of Tyler - C. W. Allin; Son. - H. Mur-, ~cntIn û~rpoI.aoteLa Apo tsMns. John Patton, Kendal. lis u iofne.rasv: Audiiors- J. L. Lowerv~, J.; lev T eicMsey t lndotn obeato Coneas. 5the -Y. P. U. Appoi-nts Mr.î S. Powell and Mn. C. Mitchell Hanold Shil)maii. Grand Mas- H. Cornisb. eivTh rM sryt ln-o Ïb t Uo5S adsl" t kinds I!oun a9 r Winter S h l to Trnt.tonof Québec, paid panticulan cm- This________ a .111, ailt U' D leate I ay1phasis on the beautiful wonk of'sra c ver 6 t aV o aca the .egoeiModaa- l and Ithe decorum wiîh Reports Presented 5 IR there's a cold to treat- A.2< lyrothces _ aile et noy e speialiy if l's a cha &md cloth (tOs charge f Union meetng Monday xhc many of the cdei-ces were A W.MM ai fi' J.n uneî o iihrbig