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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1939, p. 8

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P \UE FIGIIT TuE C.\NADIAN STArEsNt.\N. BOWM.\NVILLE, ONT.\RIO THURSDAY, JANCARY 12TH, 1939 Russell Osborne, No. 9 S. Section., 1938 REVIEW Clarke. ____ Officers and Directors i (Continued from Page 1) President - Russell 0 s b o r nl e. banners, "Food for Spain!"c The ew c stl In epe den Necaste; astPre, -J. . Fnd-ical Supplies for Spain. Quiet. --Phione Clarke 1114 ---- Sirett, Brighton: Sec*\-.-Treas. - E. ieI.Egs Red Cross Nur- Miss Jean Clemence ,vas guest - W. A. cf United Church A. coSummW.Er.Bowanvilleob ir-.1 And English Army Officors. Cern- cf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ MisEl aby.Ooo atme hrdy a.1,a .. cos-W .Hr.Cbug .munists? What was the real storyi ofsud aTirbvi oo ay. wenev R. EJa. 1out3 pil in-A. Wilson. Cobourg, C. Morton. of Spain? Sundy. hen ev.R. E Moton illin-Coîborne, S. J. Tinson. Brighton,, Miss Marguerite Harris, Toron- stail the officers. F. R. Currelly. Canton, W. F. to, was guest cf Miss Audrey Mrs. W. J. Clemonce ,vent to Riekard, Howard Gibson and July - and meeting the wo-j Bonahan !Cb Sturay o vsitherHarld ibsn, ewcstl. 1man from Spain wbo told me s0 Boaha.Co~rgStudy evii brmaod"isoNecste much that I had flot knon Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MIoff at. motgrgMrs. Robt. Allen who IJl itn nRyodMs Mimico, were Sunday guests of now lives right in the town. -,ESIN sy s resingiRom odthe Apoll Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Moffat. l Mr. Lloyd Stephenson headed a NEW~CASTLE FINANCES IN eatewioh md-pyo Annual congregational meeting delegation of niembers of Cow- GOOD SHAPE TIdiotsr e hlgh ... Ju to. of Newcastle United Church w'ill anville L. O. L. te the Orange- adnbhdteBvrly ax be held Mondav evening. Jan. 23. men's convention in Orono on Village Expeets To Pay For Hydro gadnbhn h eeîyBx Mr. Kenneth Pearce. Oakv.ille, JanuLary 9th. Systemn In Five 1'ears tors' charming bouse . . . falling and Mss Jan Cwk ýin love tvitb Clive. aged seven.. and issJeanCawer, Toronto,' Mrs. H. C. Allin and Ruth went * were Sunday guests cf Mrs. W. H.i to Toronto te attend the funeral, Newcastle finances in brief as Auu1..Lr evrro Pearce on Saturday of Mrs. Wesley Kerr., gloaned from the financial state- Miss Dorotby Rickard, dietitian, mother of ber brother-in-law, Mr., ment circulatod at the nomination making me laugh . .. August.. who has had a position in a deli- Lawrence Kerr. meeting and from Reeve C. R. y friend from Spain fin tow.\n catesensho inPetrboo, i nov r. eo.Gra wa takn t Cavet's ddrss:again fou a few days . . . looking catesensbo inPetrboo. s nw M. Go. Gay as ako teCau et's ddrss:tired . .. nerve-ridden. Began to at home. Toronto General Hospital this Community Hall Managemient wonder if I could Possîbly go Mu. and '1Mrs. Harry- Couich. ,%eek for tueatmen'r. and MIr. Jas. Receipts$ 1,369.71 back with ber . .. No mention Bowmanvillo. -were Sunday, guests Larkin was taken to Christie St. Expendituros 934.19 of bolidays ai the office . .. Tore of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hospital for examnination.- up letter I'd been carrying around' Coucb Sr. Miss Margaret Sanderson. B.A.. Balance on hand $ 435.52 for weeks, to send off to tbe fani- Mrs. Frank Allin. wvho uwent to Newcastle High School staff. and M1ontague Trust Fund For ily if I should suddenly got a- Toronto in November after Mr. Miss Marion Rickard. B.A., of O. Community Hall holiday and go with Gwen te, Allin*s deatb. lbas retuuned toeL.C., Whitbv, dined at The New- Rec'pts from Bonds, etc. $ 894.84: Spain. Necstecastle Arms last Sunday. Miss Expendîtures 874.70 1 _________________Rickard ueturned tu ber duties' August driftiîig into September Jan. 10. Balance on band S 20.14 . . . electricity in the air . . . ev- $100 of the reward offored for Mvunicipal Council enings tramping the u n e a s y information whicb led te the au- Rcit 13.9.1streets »..wbat was it? what _____________________rest of Chas. Martin, alias Chas. Rcit 1,9. was the electricity in the air? Bright. alias Robert Allin. and of Expendîtures 12,287.26 drawn with dozens of others' te hsbeing convicted fou robberx' the magnet of Downing Street ... ad sentenced te penitentiary,, Cash in Bank $ ,709.45) Thon the Week of 1938 . . . uni- oent to Mu. Lloyd Stephenson, Total Assets- $8,5 10.00. fouis . .. sandpiles in the streets R_ O Y ho took is car number. Liabilities - none. r... refuges in the parks . . . gas-1 O Y A L ~Annual meeting of Newcastle Expenditures: masks. .....acuate the cbildren _____________ Horticultural Society will bc held Board of Education 5,s000 00 from London . .. telephone linos: 11-in ,ho Councîl Chamnber Mlonday Street Lighting -7.68 busy . . . long-distance calîs an ]RE evening. Jan. 16, at 8 o'clock. Relief 460.14 impossibility . . . railway stations'Ni Mu. John F. Clark. Provincial Salaries and Allowancos 890.75 looking like Toronto's during tho, I* R EA Lecturer in Horticulture. wvill give Roads and Bridges 1.176.16' Exhibition . . . but the crowds J BOWMAN VILLE an illustrated address on Homne Insurance 200.0 0)net in holiday mood . . . Week of Beautification. Everybody we01- Counties' Rate 2,71,48.02 1938. Thurs. - Fri.- Sat. Corna.Doga'ndMsBrt Printing. Postage, JAN. 12 - 13- 14 Mrs.Doga*ndMs rt Advertising 123.66> Thon it xvas over . . . and one tain*s holiday in Toronto was sad- Sidcwalks 107.53 made plans to lie again . . . to, dened by the death of their sister- pr-opertx' 276.23 go te the theatue . .. to bu%- a IaRMr.JonBo%.ThyLîur 350.0 new fuock . .. te spend a sunny rernained over for tho funeral and Mselnos260 week-end walking tho English returned to Newcastle last Wed-- lanes. How. sweet and froc 50cm- t ette nesday. Mus. Thos. Brown. who Total $12,287.26 cd those fiust fev woeks afteu. OTa ma was also in Toronto, attended bier Receipts: the Cuisis: et:lc stssteu-in-law's funeral. i MI ' e *O Many Newcastle people %vere Balance in Bank. amOtbrdy We -jt% t4Wýinterested in tho wedding report Jan. I. 1938 S 1,286.33 .voalm Oc ito d aN's. Wen iouldyou Cke$tetake holi bfo-el* ,, ee in the Toronto Star on Frîdax' of Relief 136.93 day?'" saîd the office. "'Now?'* 0Cl%ç ej% Liess4.0o e Lautra Eileen Cooke, enly daugh- Tax aroars 2,097.39 Paris and drifting chestiut 006 ~ ~iC ~ ter of Rev. E. B. Cooke. Thorn- Liess 50 aves in the Gardons of the Tut- bi. nbfueuy fNecste Poîl Tax 51.00 beries . . . And at nigbt the train ~4St Jte Mu. Chas. E. Cunningham, Dog Tax 4.16 for Perpignan . .. Spain . .. suni- Nwmarket. The wodding took Liquor Contuol Board. hn adsaow ndlute place Januarv th. in Tbounhill, Feos 193.30 ahn eandsadW an laughton. UntdCuc.Newcastle Hydre noersadWr1a a - 2 Uited hurch flrn,,-,hoDe. detern ato., i o n. JEAN HERSHC CLAIRE TREV CESAR ROMEI SLIM SUMMERVI H ENRY WILCOX I NEZ COURTN JOH N 0QUA L JAN E DARWE PAUI.INE MOO lé05. . 1-. Pd .AIso: "Crime ID and Color Matinee Saturd Mon. - Tue JAN. 16.- JOHN BARRYMC GEORGE MURI MARJORIE WED1 JOAN DAVIS JACK IHALEY ahomo! BARI IER 'BUTH VONALD MIK - JOHNNYD Oirected by George MOr A2oth Century-Fox Pk DorrYl F. Zamuctk la ChOof,o I i Also: "March News and Commiission 138.57 Bro. H. V. D. Gibson Installed Miscellaneous 19.00 On St. John's Nîght. Dec. 2-th. Province cf Ontario Bro. Howard V. D. Gîbson was, 1 mîli subsidy 278.29 installed Worshipful Master cf 1938 Taxes 9.46.74 Durhami Lodge, A. F. & A. M. No. 66, by Rt. Wor. Bue. W. F. -Rick- Total $13996.71 ard, assisted by Wor. Bue. Bout Board of Education Bounssîl. Bowmanville. and Past Roceipts $ 9,802.j4' Masters cf Durham Lodge. Fol- Exponditures 8,391.33 lowîng (ho installation cf (ho now______ officers a st.mptuous supper *,vas Balance on hand S 1.411.41 partaken cf in (ho commi.nity Ne-wcastle Hlydro Electrie hall kitchen. On (ho r e g uil a r Commission meeting night cf Tuesdlay. Jan. 3.Ro Rev. R. E. Morton cf (lie Unitedi . cîlpts since t a k i n g Chuuch gave an educatienal taîR over sNstemn on Apuil 1. 1938 S 7,362.00 coi Lodgo Jowols. Paîd for Electricity 3,100.00 Y. P. t'. Offlcgrs Installed Y. P.t'U.iiet Mn,riv' ,',ih t-- Profit on opeuntion cf r "We will win. You see, Senorita. we must wîn, if Demecracy is te romain alive in Europe.' "Tell us Senorîta, do people in Canada and England think we are rigbt? Do t'eu like our schools, Senorita? Everycrie gees te sebool noiv: it is free" . .. A ducani, a hope.; a wili November . . . December 'Christmas Eve in Paris . .. a ner- vous Franco .- will Mademoi- selle please beave bot passpout at the office? . . . (ho police caîl ai the hotels each day for an ac- counitinig cf the guosts" . .. France on gctard . . . four o'clock ini the monning cf Christmas day gotting up crossly te adnîîu police searching fou recfizes. . . nos- pU S A), , w Aucton SlesFor Sale H-air Treatments FOR SALE - TWO BRONZEý Household Effeets and Desirable ecliblers. Plîoc 25r4, Orotîo. 2-1 11Z YOU \VANT TO BE "UP" IN Real Estate the_________________must____________ FOR SAýLE - A SET 0F LIGHT ,tî taîie c uthv en Thie tndersignted lias recevecdi in- sleiiehiý. R. J. Hodlesot.Tcîe Iiatvbin. HotolItratmnt structions fron the execîtituinscf thîe iPhioie 2323. 1-3 wjtb slatroo and finzerwave. _______ofthe________$1.00. Iris Beauty Parleur. Phone MRS. FRANK SOUCH Feed Special '1601. 2-1* iii .el I li lul iattion at lien laie re'iîîtîce'i IKYFEED SPECI.\L - King St. E.. Bow.%manvilie OeiErnîaLvteM'î$0 t'en cwt. Oifier czood tîntil Jani. 01i 1li. F. C. Vatîstotie. Phono 777. Saturday. January 14th 211 i a e Ite lînît ,loll o f f c ni tire 1:..-Itn Bîwnatî 11e l-cioa1. iniiiluiiiEr : 4 hductsuit'. diîiîîg mii Tiîesda. latîarv .în<l 19,39, t" rrmil. kjîclîeî au! lit ic rrunî Ni r. atnd Mus. Rots cl Bell. ai fiirîitîine uclî chairs atnd talîsr'.nicz. hatiL lît et I Pitricta t leen .cairpet', ic tîîts. an edec t nieta4iîer, ~eeiianiit walîîtttucre.a lot D EATHS of erle tool and la rlatitve c co ke0. To Rent FOR RENT -SLXTIN-ROO\IEI) îoctse iniIHamponcîelectric Icclîts. zood L aruietiandtl araLe. ii ,süssir'ii at onîce. \ptdv C. E. Iloru. I lanîtu- totn. Itlîote 2144. 2-1 '1.1NTOFF - Itn Oshawa, Tan. 7 AXt 3 îti.. at the saine pulace thîe 1939. Frederick Fliiîtoff. beuted iîuîic ant lot tvill lie oifered for TO LET-TXX-O UNFURNISFIED liîîbîaiîd of Fatîtîle Crumib. ini bis 'aie. The turop)erte, coui-ists of a recta, wîth Paîtri'. cciii ci- 7Oîlî vear. Initernent UnijoniCcin,- ,ilare , lid brick butildlinin~i excellent iences. separate entralce. cetitraile etent . .tàte cif nep)ain. ertîipitecl y ithî hot locatel. reat-otable ..\Apulv Mutriel it ite Iiatîîe atrî lncelaw aîuî L. Ditin. lDivisionî St., Pbiuiîe 645. LINTON - lIn Orono. Jan. 5, 1939, carîlcîl. 2-1 (;eîirec Harris Litîtot iniifant sii Sale ai 1.,30 p.111. Sale w Il start APARTMENT TO RENT - FIVE 'ut Mr. snd Mrs. G. NI. I.itttni.age 'liant coi tille as it is a large sale. uooms. Apply Statesman Office. 6 tnciîtli. 2 weeks. Fuiteral w'tal'rnis Ccî'li. Win. J. Cîtalli'.49t bield lait. 7tlî. frein thie ret-idetîce Au\îctîocîer. ____________________________ cf Iisi, tareitt,. Iîtcrîîîeîîiai Oronti 1.2 Centene.____ ____ Tea Cup Reading NIORRISON - Oi TJaiîcary 6, 1939. Mortgage Sale NI \DA7M ALICE, 0F TORZONTO. at thîe residetîce cif Iii parents, 188 - jîll ead tea cîins and cauds ecut' Lee Aveinte. Clarke Raytîîctd. UNIIER A\ND BY VIRTUE cf Tbctnsdav. 2 tilI 10. Troubles solv- cule beîoved soitcf Nr. aînd Nirs. lie Prie, cu 'f Sale cciîtained inî a cd. At F. Ni\cînîlo".s Kinz St.. Clarke R. Nionnisoti. ceutain tilicutQaze ivîicli wiI bieprc-. E.. Bcwîîîlanî-ille. 1-2* dclîteeti itthe tile cf cale. ilîce v oo aniB ar IC.\NON-Iîî Tweedl ai. 4. 19,39 lue uffereti fou sale b R1wa d Bo r Nliiîie Nav. belneulvttfe of R. ' ENIR WL R,.ttiien PO RD \N ROM C TR L I). NîcCaitnti aged 68 i cari. Inii. LIE IB R Acine truitctît at Nîîîaîee eincer'.. ailocationî.. Apilv F. NIc Itîrîco.Pline Nlitîîen offrn-. Luîthîer B. Nîelîî 1. lPU PIIC A\U'C TI1ON 894. Kinig St..,hBoînvtîailie. 2-l* 20) Cari le .\te.. 13utvnativillc. o NE1E.1.1 nS iin- 1Tuesday, the Tîs'enty-Fourth day 1 _____________________ MI St ii' ii'. 41) \tvcar'. Fitiieral ir. 'iii l i te ilitt' . IF' iin St.. iii iaiiîaue I2tiî. at 2.311. 1licteil t B. tt tîaîl Il e'e iet OIl!N SON; Iii Clarke. onu Sat. îî rlci t. Iai are 7tlh. 1939. -laie . nit RbIin - sii. lieloucl-i-iter ci T. E.. andi 1). . Rob iins-u it. aetl85 îears. Initeýrtitett Nvt't, 'tiille Ceîîîetcuv. SW\'UN - Ou Dec. 21, 19.38, at ili i .te ne. idltce .51 IcîLanL'id' S t.. XVI i iiiiicee. N lai.. Chlues Sa iti. aued 84 î er-i. bluel\'eul iîîî'lîaîlif latte Staiiii (l.te isttatî Rteu r. Mîan. i Iiitenriiiii iii li ukil sX\'Xl ' Cii lue 2(). 1935,,. aut ilt Tsii' it i f 35;4 Licî St.. ]îil P ai,'} e i i i iii ' ra I - i n IqiiiM on-t ia\' li. I î\ i'). P .1, î tîl " Iit I~ ~ ~ ~ l i c Iili, - 4tlît îi c tnt Riekard pnesîdîng. eRot. E. s.stem for 9 months S 4.262.00> sîble spies ...bwait anir cui-to X1-1)I .lt Ii i îv l Mortonti tis(alled (hetîcw officeus, ad 3 yrs. Debentcues S 2,900.00> pouncl on oees door' C.r .tic i.li1,~ 2, laul. 9. t--~ Bill Rowland liad charge cf de- Foui'-,.cars paNmonts on the 20 t riU3tIiîiIîeX u i1I iItir voioalan roucni Atr uit au,' deheutures hbýav lreadN' Christmas da% . .. Paris white li-l,-îl'f t1w lilt NýI.,î etc ~LT nicîsie by Bett Pnglem. scnîauet heen mado and it is oxpocted (bat and levely undeor a tibmdry fî .,l.î.i rliii il Ie. l]i. DU ,as road hi' George Milton. Mus. th1e whîole s-,ystem ivill ho paîd for of sno'.v, . Happy, noise supper tetl ltu t.IliII t. tcut, 'OR ~ hue rwnsn oo ro- ti five Neans instoad of ini twenty. party.....Lokbre! There's slIc.tu ,RO grain conssted cf Ccîrnent Events Balance on hand-$10. an awful lot cf food left' Let's LLE l1), Alex Henduy; piano solos by ti obfl fayoetihep ie cars and go scare up FOIT ON EReita Cooke: vocal duet by Mar- Newvcastlec bad any conception cf some people to eat it!" . .. Pu 4E y garet Peauco and Evelyn Allîi: (tho profits that weue heing made fect idea -. ., Sweet celui Christ- rigs a 'E e L Nrcadings by Louise Hancock and by the Ontario Hydre Electrtc mas ntght . . thiKwhiteway IRE ' ~ Hîlda Rowland; musical selection Cmiso nNxcsl Vr moon reflected quivernig in the OERS P hR CaleEleece BrJuisthen the vote taken (c pur- Siene . . . Old bridge of the Sienei tittuitttit\ i s andChrlss Alen;vcalquartette by' chase it, and wbo would bave ho- ., uddîed figures ,. . .fou (hem ititîiat tnntei s ti' i t, Ross Allun. Chaules Clemence, ieved tirat(heocpeuatîng profits (tho cold was net sweei . . . fouruuin.itw-u for ii ui'iciions. ,~.Wlber Baiikerville and Wilber î i 9 months would reacb(h un hem (ho moon was not a shin-ý Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 Blackburn: and a talk by Mu.' of $4,262.? ing fragment cf alabaster . .. Tbey Bowmanville oes ot Py"Fred Grahami on bis (rip Xest. Population 700; (ho grant of! looked ai us suspicieusly . I ______________ Croe on y Roc reation was conducted by $350ti (ctho Public Library is cal- say fellows, we've got more pauiy I EM RA Cron Chaules Clemence. culated on a basis cf 50c peu cap- (ban we cari look after. Do corne IN_____MEMORIAM______ ita cf (ho population as peu (hoe along and belp us eat it c p.".. lay :30 .m.assessor's roll. Assessment $278,-. Fifteen had a surprise Christmas DE l) - Ili i utte uneui ni iofltIi'u .ayA 2:30 p.m. . AT 290.00. :supper . . . With (ho exception of Jdeanruc.leie XW. XX a(i', viiio LOCA ORCARDSTS T ithuee who seuved (hem, there was tias-c.e ai tutte icar cicit. lau. 1.3, PORT HOPE ne gallery to embarrass (hem. , 1938 - s. W d.NOTICE The rest of us went immediately; r Re-itlrî tîar lessi -uc ytri lI 17- 18 RuslOsonEetePriet into the librauy and sang carols su î u of Apple Growers' Association RE BOND HEAD CE.METERY at (ho top cf our voicos . . . It Vii tillilite IiatId,ý-i ci II tvîrk Newaste ad ajoiiri aple as a nice Christmas . . . uic10îMore': .0141> guoî'.ing areas of Sbaw's amui The Trustees cf the Cemeteut iriiulî i ci itrirtrbt ,et Lockharts contrîhuted fully one- îîog to thank (ho ladies of the Christmas Monday . .. wandeu- Vttrneliard îîlfour tîîî-e POfifth cf the total attendance at Iîrirticultuuuul Society for (hotu tng through old Montmartre %vith tiiet thie cnîual cotnvenition (if the Nor- good %vonk in planting flotecus: a friend ... funny litto . hcps . . ." rît i l ule iift' îti lit 'il lu '. tliututhe'latid anîd Durhami Apple the men cf the viI Lcge wIî gril- cati just tehat I wantrd in one ~. Guoti-ens' convention in Pornt Hopie euousîv gave thein flme anîd labtîr -'ti ilitepo tîo te Vîiii t, tlet uu JanuauN- Sth and Oth. Althoctgh (o gnaehint(ho uoad, (o thîe Reeve " Id hîke to huy N couitlitei fi: groxeers in these' 'îiturI Cricutie . oid COrporattotî for their iccstst- twhite elephants. Mvotîsteit r.The 1 I iiuii 't l'lit h . ul la- i uaittit comprise the greater parit<if the anrce i thie %wonk, anid (o IMr. J. E une'eriot frîr sale Mad.tdeuoiselle.'~ li ttîeltttet memhorshîp anid attendnrc thet c Atkutîsoiî for the uîew trou111t.toce. 'Oh, I am sounv. Thev cire prettN-. riii:îit ~,are always some preseti.tîcndtauk Let usconinuîce (ho good t ork adeMoleur.... . a desle!' l-i ;iil i iIIîrî\eltr '~itg an active iîtereî,t iii the pro- atndî make the cir'meterN- a place of Madeoisel"le iî. .ouademouelle!"c ceeditigs, from Prntce Edwaud heauty. rtm'î'iecehns utIwl i u Ia i c andOuîari contis. niO r g Tire eticomerit futîriis slow'lv gîte 'eu one'""Thoni thict will Il ir 'e tsltî Iit tî those at (ho conventiotn fuon N('wt- tncreacing. but fihe Trustees ci* re nîg me very gocel lu('-, Mon- uttii IitXrîl castle andui vcitittN'w re: T. XV. scîmee:iicat erritînncc;seui hN tho sieur!""VoYs. I think 't will Jackson, W. F. Rtckcrd, M.P-. faut that a numbet' of cwncns cf Mademoiselle!"- John Rickard. XWater Rî<kaud. lots hat'e not paid their comoucu ' o* i * iCa r cs of Thanksý o. Gaunet Rtckaud, W. J. Clemetîce. dhues. Xe csk (hem to ceepertîte atcnge year . r . 1938. __ j Frd Gahai. eo.C Wigh, l-Vith uts and pay these arr'ars. The' taîiî rîý ýthtîe late Chiarles W.' Colwilh. Rcussell Osbornne. ours sînceuely, Isohel H. Stephensoi, iit h tili tlui îîîaîîk iînfi ctIi, mii Ecul Osborne, Harold Gîbson. h rses atrih adn lb Hboward Gibson, Jos. Quigg. Louis ThLTrsdon.,au W .ightGados1 lu, Itliiuuitr. -i u ulîtal triuitte', atît Clark. Miss Maur' Chaplin, J. H. _________________ ono, .C.)t ut -sPIirt-'i îtu 11Iati .-itII luDr ,~Jose, Wallace Hoînies, C. A. Cet'.- NECATLîî'itîîî ,îîîulDr.Feneit',;oti for tlîuîn ~ \///)an, Wm. Rowland, XXm. T. Lake, E 'ATL tituI.lutut-ici thir eceiut sad H. R. Peance. Eaî'l Waltouî, Geo. VITAL STATISTICS 1938 and Heheti Anti Devuies, k' Rot'.l1,r îcîî i Walton, XW. E. Bemaui, A. 0. Pan- R.EMotn____ r \ ker, Lancie Martin, F. XW. Boteen, lr .C oahnrenrl Sept - William Bljike andý ClrkF. . oiaha ecrddArIa Mtiv Mack, b' Rev -ýD, R. Notice 72' Geo. HoneN', SC. Allin. Cîcîre AI- li, Clcuence Allin, CG'orge Ah lin, on1.N' uo hîrths itn Netwcastle itnDt'diy O RE ~~Iîtiwrd Alln, Rcssell ncgg.1938; hîtu this ts no indicationtiof Oct. 29 - Chas, Thotncs Aldued .:îîu I~i. fteIli îuî 0 REl7c' Squ owrdAllr, J. sell. BraggIl*tle tîi iher of hicîies honiti 1and Ahice Jeanett' IIrtt.oui, by ;î .-c eh . -ul'fcl the sI-iillu PH Y' ~-%~t tlt' Haptei atnl ithrir cîasNe'w'tcustlîparts teithitif(ho Near Ret. R. E. Mor<iton ha.uhsi iIllittih'iih1. uii .tt epsettina.; istnf h rts took plaice Dec. 17 -XX ,evihî1iuitdit . Tlui Stlî. ah2 pua. Ail ~~.. ~~~~~ ini Bo,,,t'.'ma iiîe ospital rto i ctriin an LeotîciMuitrforr, b e îot. R.!j ~ ,uî iit- tt'uitt ut Rcu.. I Osonr'mcl' o homones otside the tiillage. E. Mortonr.i il. iCt- u ,l ,îiltuetd r Rustsellgi.teneborrnetucîtle esus tlheW Ilvi rtuler', I tte.t t 1tnipiriip boler of pi-esidetî- it i îo:otereitrdi e rl eah 1)arih>ý t ttit<ic Fi1930o '.a o ' ri - .1. 1. C.-C thnre uiix R i. te-thttS P l TERN I ctl1i t':sicînt cf thie Nothuni Augtt ac Lie.Ii. Choans EBrownc. lh'i"hi..' F I (IIP DOWNS I. -dcuug ton tif Mn. and Mrs.XV. T .2 Tems n".t nd Durham Apple Quoi'.- Laîke. Foi. Carehdinuoi. I1 ersat o ssocitio.v. lien the chair- S'pt. 11l-iNtin Ahlison ThniîimuFol). 18 --Saura !XcPhatl Atkinsouî, 'lnv uîi mc .. i lirutîteaiati. elci) aeaai oDuhmducgter cf Mn. atncuMt's. Fî'ed Mar.O16 lenenîmihBne'et i i r 'ult;Iit t uitt -. t)î Ici take rCoîtnty fotr aîî ix'. veau terni.* Thomas. Mur. 18 lJt laiiFltgg. 'tut 1 'e;ci ta uectable serve 1,5u. in tit Soîae of tule puesideriticil chairs ltSMar.'2: 1 EmniaicieCtttcliun riitt î'2-1* iRcussell h11,SCCc'cpied nu01-is ocCUPy- Marriages (6) M<a' 9 - Albert Amos CotixilI. ing are ubrîse cf Durnhîîî Central Janî. I - Robitn Trevir Aleîued M av 14 SarcahiEizabhethi Finley. M iscellaneous of Time" Agricultunal Associaîtionu.Lrick- aund MN'tle Beatuice Allun. hy Rut' Acîg. 27- Elizabîethi Atîi Alliti. r____ Cartoon hîcît's Hlome iel Sciîool Clb,; S Mucî.en. Acîg. Wi- Vlliam Cbistni;,rs Lake. XXI STI hNI) ..\ GI ND Nf\_ Durhal)înîm CoijtvteTruste-es' cuti lune I18 - Thîccuire Jans Ste- Acîg. 3l-Jac'ob CobbI'c1 îk. ilslîuSh i-- XVe st)Cie tlîce iii Ratepayers A.ssuciat in, etc. liletis tIrd Ddcttn'itli Maugcînet Nrot. I Frnklitn AI li. uiaciiterepamrq, 2ciertaI canace And tbouo's aci nt'cIsri 1lle fice' Fcînow, hy Rot'. S. MacLeti. Nov. I19 -Fredeutek (Iordti:i Asb. Ini.i i tIth iu.tit i e utuce. sceks (hoenîari anîd fuuîdt hiiui itn Aîug 31 - Guorge Stuitihe Ugioti'D)îc'. 2 8 Elizaehi McKciv% MoITat. I L m,,o.;, r oic.,-or., of January.-1939 at the hour of One o'elock iii tuie a fierliteil ai ihe ii a i 1 PERCY CHARLES EDGERTON, R. R. 1, Nestleton Station. Ontario., tIleu fi o,i ilviîe trotîe t aincît* AHI the Sitieîlau tlîat certaini parcrl ~r t ract ou f l and anid tue tites. 'lt- ta t e. lviiiLe andîclbitiiLithîe Totvtî- ,liii' rof Cartýi e, nthe Coi tl ,f D Otuhami. cotiaitit c lie adrina- 'it rc'tîett10fi)iac reslic thîe 'antie.tore ir le-' andtul lite Ctitir 'et.l "f tîte ca't liaIt cf Lot 13, iniie ho eitli o ce-~' iifii tlid Tc'a-tîliiv. At the 'ail tile sud tplace, îttiflui thieaii i 'i o f a Chat telMcA utg XXarratît. there will ic ' ijcr(!(i fou sa le lthe t n li nuz cîatiel s :II eldl- i)L lîae. 2 whiite feet and lfaîce, .DI.. 12 t r'. :I1celiiie îblack-stcar. G.P.. age i ; 1 Imîare, bîack. 2 teliitc feet. 1 -1 ).. 15 tu-i. : 1 cote, 1Iere forl, -.raiile:I1cw. Briiîdle : I1ccv. reî 1 lîci feu. red anid wti t.1I r. ;I -iteer. uî'îIand whilîte. 1 tu. : c caltes. 7 iii'rtili' :2 : 1 Joc Iliti Deere ittîice irrî,1 Fro ,it &XXWood catie i .rt P i,iiii nul 'c lciro'. 1 i ' ~ X rriî .1 ii.c.tirrliCuîltiva- i rr[ Ioi- arris stiff-tecth i. iltie,,t. t. I PeterHlailtni seetl dilll. iMI. bitîder, 1 Deeritîg tii 1t n NI,î-i-ie. rris liat teuiden, 1 Irtut &X'Wood licu t rakeu, 1 Inutcen-r nactiontal liai mcade, 1 liai na ckil,1 I riii tewet ii, 1 set sleucb's. 1 NIc. -aitcLIi liii ciitter, 1 N hLauclil in bltc- 1i W Xilsoniiieil scales. 1 Oshiawa i.îlinil-ie îîi. 1 'tile lit a i. nîaîîîîne inî'.den. NMAI.. (M lut-. blcklei 125 lii m iixu 'zri clin. 100 lus.luarev, .3(jtit liai. 15 ],,a(],, tîîrîipî-. 7 load, Onli the saidullatnd, iteore i-. said to sutitalifart hîiildiiic-. 'l'lie lanidi wil! bu ,nld ul bîiîic ti a Rc.t ut,' B id. T F-RNIS OF SALE ,0 F LA NI): Tii rîlte--fit e ten it. cf the' ttutcliase tit 'îîîule ttaid iliwn tî ithe time fu '.îlvt. thle blsatnce tii li'e e ti ned it a1ii'u c i i iiiitî'ri't ait fu ir ret]t. iter aîîîîîîîîî. 'Il RNIS OF SALE O-)FCHA T- 'litinr, i f siale. a.ît ttut r \. î-R I t STEFWAXRT. K,(C.. Fast 11 r, arliatiietit liIcs., S'ii i 'r utlîIv ntei i Jul. i Trutthi î 2')ti îîl.t tf i A 'îiii 1 ).. 1938. 1I-,) Livestock For Sale ZR '- (1 I8 \( 11'. I andllîI îîil .\ ni il tm R . 2. H', v îî,îvtillî. 2-1* F'OR SA\LE - (1101CE 1i F1RS HY lii r. iîit t t AppI \tuv tir St i!î. x.R. 2, ( Xliawa. 1 iniiî' ..itli ,fileatit 1arts. 2 -1* FOR SALE V IGIIT YORK- ýliIii v hitu t %v. cks nId .\tp til N.t.Pelwe. line2260. FOR SAL1E ONF'\VFIIR L'Il tiilkci tRi trailvri-in riîlitii 't' r a tck, spriai tire iii. Real Estate For Sale FOR SA\LE, -IRICK I 1OUSF .7 r li . air liii t acru 11H11. 'mîall ba in rit ht'.. nih i lo t - 'tf ' i.iî lc iii iîllt- rî:l. I' l ý. ii a1vitvllv. 2->* NOTICE THIS IS VOUR CHANCE TO SAVE 'MANY DOLLARS ON FURNITURE DAVIS-HOULT & Co., Bowmanville are clearing their stock to make way for alterations- due to fire damage. The follom-ing goods are priced at manufacturing cost - Dressing Tables 5 Drawer Chests, birch 4 Drawer Chests, bireh Open Bookcases, birch Kitchen Tables and Chairs Dinette and Breakfast Buffets End Tables and Novelty Furniture Ail Styles of Cribs and Youth Beds For ,vour convenience the factory ivili remain open during regular business hours, also Saturday afternoon to 5, Mon- day and Tucsday cvenîng to 9 p.m. This sale will last only while the above mentloned stock is being disposed of and ail purchases will be strictiy cash. You are lnvited to attend this sale at our factory on Temperance Street between Church and WVellington. Boivmanville. One cent a word cash. each insertion <minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement is flot paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10c when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50e each. In 'Memoriams, 50e fnr notice plus 10c per line for verse. Classified advertise- ments; accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTH y AUCIN SALE~ T.B. Tested Springers and Milkers MONDAY, JAN. 16TH Ernest Werry Lot 17 and 18, Con. 9 DARLINGTON 1 mile north of Enniskilien Roads open for cars. 20 Head of Cattie, consisting of Holsteins. Durhams, Ayrshires and Jerseys. These co,..s are a choice. Young lot and must be sold as o,.'.ner bas too many. Highest bidder w'iii absolutely be the buyer. Aise for sale 150 bushels fali vvheat, 150 bushels two-rowed barley. 1 team Young heavy draft w'ork horses. 2 acres of standing mixed hardw'ood and pine. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms Cash. ELMIER WILBUR. Auctioneer. p Yvom,. 'Ceci. Moio A~@. e EmneLi. DON'T wait until it's too late! If you're troubled withi eye fatigue or headaches have your eyes examined today! We can remedy poor eyes if an early examination reveals any signs of future eye trouble. Take special care of your eyes between the ages of 20 and 35 be- cause it is during this period that the majority of eye troubles become apparent! See Better Feel Bet'**r Have your eyes examined by our Registered Optometrist When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly JURY & LOVELI 4"- 1,aewwemx 'ýD4ttqSioe Phone 778 Lowest Drug Prices m PAGE TIIE CANADIAN STArLsNIAN, BO\\*.NIAN\*11-1-E, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 12TU, 1939 1

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