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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1939, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY l8TH, 19,j9 Conveners outlined their pro- Clerk and Wife grains for the spring terni. Kath- leen Toms and Edith Hendry fav- Entertaind at The Nwcasle Idepedent ored with a piano duet, followed MWeadowlark Farmn by a reading by Maurice Powell. Phone Clarke 1114 Refreshments were served con- sisting of apples and fudge. Fifty two weeks and twelveA ________________ more. days after they had been Miss Reita Cooke spent the Mr. Norman Allun felt unwell married for twenty-five years Mr. weekend with Miss Marion Rick- Sunday evening and on Monday Week of Frayer Jas. D. Hogarth, D a rli n gt o n Colege ~iby.OntrîoLades losd Fidy Township's Clerk and Treasurer, ard, B.A, at theOnaiLdes morning was Seriously iii, becom- Coe rd and Mrs. Hogarth, took time off D A II ep W ne Mr. g, Hward . Tmshs e ing unconscious. His condition vas fon____cs___ea n h EA H H l W ne Mr oadJ oshsben 1attributed to a blood cdot on the _____fo hi oyrteto h __________________________________ re-appointed a member of the brain. He and Mrs. Alun wr The Week of Prayer at the outskirt% of Hampton, the town- CTEL-O aur 1 90 ATD-MN HRUH Newcastle Board of Education by both at church on Sunday morn- United Church closed January 12, ship's pretty metropolis, hub and CTEL-O aur 1 90 ATD-MN HRUH the Counties'g At tCouncil.tng he Is stilî when the 'teen age boys and grlcapital, to accept an invitation hnZ uthi eoe ise f adorhr ok Rpygvn LdeofS.GogsChurch qig o. ieofwiigmembers of the organized gS. .taat "Meadowlark Farm," hme laTno Gten elodsitl, Lof andexpricead win ply, iry hLdaie o St. eorg e's uThe Mncialow.i asbe Classes and the C. G. 1. T., had of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. J. C. Miller of Toronto, and age, experience, rcferences and Beidga nybe and s auccssurTeMuicpl oncl a be charge of the service. Brenton J. S. Rickard, at Shaw's. Here, Mrs. B. Pigott, Chicago. wages. Apply Box 12, dlo States- Prizes were given and refresh- takng aedanae the iwe trh Rickard and Pauline Deline joint- near the south-eastern frontier of HARPER - In Bowmanville Hos- ý manl, Bowmanville. 3-1 ments served. halomdo h oe as y conducted the service. Mre Mr. Hogarth's revenue producing pfi aur 6h 90 neWNE AAL OA M r G o. S ri gh m w a k - to have a supply of gravel draw n P edw ell read the scripture suelc o a n h y m t s m o e r - N c o s i o f t e I t h l p f r g n r l h u e o k o n fA rm jured in Belleville while engaged from the large deposits at the tion and Carl Fisher and Ruby latives from across Clarke Town- NiHrpe,i bero64thye aIterment i oh nail coenincs.Reply v- in helping to, instali the new heat- west-side park over to the east Gibson led- in prayer. Margaret ship border line. All had a happy Lawe, n em 4t eaItery Osawa. ig ale, experencicences and iv ing and plumbing systemn in the I side where it will be available Ash and Reta Alldread gave help- time around the supper table, en- 'Motunt wanCmtrOhw. igaes. ply Box , o Sttes-an Belleville hospital and had to when required. This has becomne ful readings. Musical numbers tertaînîng and being entertained IRWIN - Ini Whitby, Jan. 13, 1940, maîîOies. lBo1,ciStes come home last week.1 a commendable annual practice were two vocal duets by Bert with yarns, anecdotes, opinions Lilliam Wecbster, wife of Rev. . malOfie 3-1 J. H. Jose sold two registered since there is onl a foot bridge Jarvis and Pauline Deline with and experiences o! the past and Manseil Irwin, in hier 68th year. WANTED - WOIMAN OR GIRL Holstein cows, to go to Green- leading to the west side. Harold piano accompaniment by Laur- present, and the sprightly con- iognrî}oswrtoaut caslePen. nd adthentuca-nAdi, Loy AldredWaletrrececoron.Alo a ocetorbtersa.oncotinedtianwel n MYNRD AtToont Wsten i fmil. ppStern ox 99 edtoMytl SatonThrsaytoEddy and Stanley Bowen have Wmn. Allin, Roy Ashton, Donald to midnight. In the course of the Hospifal, on Januar.O12foh,4194 behiped.J. . Bownal o oi been employed as extra shovellers Jose, Rd. Roîîey, Ross Allin, Carl evenîng the kinsfoîk from out this Gog ret\anr en Bowmanville. 3-i one to the samne buyer. . to speed up the work. Fisher, Jos. Hockin and Brenton way presented Mrs. Hogarth with loved husband of the late Amelia WANTED - AT ONCE, GIRL Miss Jean Robinson, youngest Newcastle fiends wvere sorry f0 Rickard, with accompaniment by a lace table cloth in remembrance Kate Maynard, 169 'Montrose Ave.,f for general housework, f0 sleep daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, learn of the death in Whitby of the Young men's class pianist, of Jim's and lier Silver Wedding Toronto, and father of Mrs. Letai out. Apply in person to Mn\rs. Frank Robinson, was operated on for; Mrs. A. M. Irwin, wife of Rev. A. Laurence Morton. Rev. R. E. annîversary at the close of. 1938. Wilcox, Carl and Ernest M1aynard, W Xiliams, Church St. 3-1 appendicitis at Oshawa Hospitali Mansell Irwin, pastor of the Morton gave the address at this and. in appreciation of all their iii his 83rd vear. Interment Bo. Jan. l0th. Mrs. Robinson who h asj Methodist Church in Newcastle and the other meetings of the cousînly kîndnesses throughout Manville Cemefery. ýWANTED - GOOD EXPER-- another daughter, Mrs. J. Turner, from 1907 to 1911. Among those week. Miss Kathleen Toms play- the years.1 ienced farm help, must understand living in Oshawa, went up witIh f attending the f uneral at Whitby ed for the singing of the hymns. REYNOLDS - In Cartwright, Jan. tiactor aild apple orchard. Phone Jean and* arranged to stay for' Jan. lSfh, from Newcastle, were Wednesday evening Mrs. Nor- l5th. 1940, MIary Jane' Williams, 2206. 3-l* a while. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Colwill, Mr. man Allun, Pres. of the W.M.S., belov~ed wjfe of the lafe George John Bradley, Mr. Fred Graham ledi the meeting and Mrs. J. H. a mptonJ~J Reynolds, ini ber 76th year. Radio Serviceý and Miss Ethel Wade. The new Jose, Pres. of W.A., read a passage parsonage in Newcastle was buiît from the Bible. Mrs J. A. e cnViios iî ileRo RUNDLE - In Darlington, on Mon- HOW ARE YOUR RADIO a pduring Rev. Irwin's pastorate here and Mrs. N. L. Rickard Adin Ret sto:ssVlet o- day, Januarv 15f h, 1940, James T. tue?14 Tbe esrbr.t wer it fist ccpans aterit HaoldTom, rwi le ininsn aîay, lfa, ranaugterof Rundle, beloved busband of Eliza Tests can be made ini vour ownli anwere and Mfrs. crwnsand snHpar Mesmes J. nC. Hlankthe late Mr. and Mrs. Win. Trayne, Jane Pascoe, in bis 79th year. hm.F .Coe li tet S peed Uitil completion in May 1910. H. M. Allin appeared in a dramna- former Darlington residents. with bon.F3.3 rwEgi tet fW. A. of the United Church met tization of a portion of the W.M.S. Mr. and Mns. Charles A. Johns. . C rso hnsPhonie43. 3-2 av Jan. llth, with President Mrs. J. Study Book. Mesdames C. R. Mrs. Cumberland, Torontu, witbh ler ________ of__________ .__th Precîsion H. Jose in the chair. After wind- Carveth,.C. A. CowaH .Au daughter, Mrs. Geo. Farncomb. . . Noo n aiyws 01ursing ka ing up the business o! the past and H. R. Pearce contributed a Mr. and Mns. Fred Billett, Toronto, thank their friends and neigbbours WILL NURSE AN INVALID kr year, installation service was held quartette accompanied by Mrs. E. af A. E. Billett's. . . Mrs. Stevens, for their sincere sympafhy in their lady or gentleman in mv home, ri when Rev. R. E. Morton installed C. Fisher. Mrs. J. E. Rinch played Enniskillen. at W. E. Etevens'. . . - 5udden bereavement. e Apply Box 9, Statesman Office, fh * "the officers for 1940. Secretary for the hymns. Mrs. L. Hindman and daughfer Mur-___ : Mrs. Harold Tomns and Treasurer Mr. Thos. A. Rodger, S. S. Supt. icI wifb ber sisfer and brother Ted MrJ.EElitwiesoe- Bowmanville. 3-1 0C SMrs. C. A. Cowan presented re- led the meeting on Thurgay af Bellwood.. Mr. and Mrs. Will prs. J.Er m os t ince e prcifon f0Perona ports, and Mrs. W. J. Malley gave evening. Jos. Hockin read the White, Donald and Douglas, Clarke the kind neigbbours and friends for -of the report o! the corresponding scripture lesson, and Chas. Glen- Union, at Mns. C. Johns'. . . Miss the many expressions of belpfuhness, 'MEN! WANT VIM? TRY RAW S( secretary, Mrs. R. T. Rutherford, ney gave the explanation. Mrs. Audrey Ayre, Bowmanville. wifb tbe floral fributes and leffers of sym- Olysfer Tonic, Ostrex Tablets, f0 to Ail watches and elocks who has been unwell for some A. E. Mellow led in prayer. Miss Misses CohwiIl. . . Mr. and Mrs. I. patlbv from fair and near. îep up wholè body quick! If not St repafred Immediately 'wîth time. Group Leaders also report- Kathleen Toms accompanied for Bulmer, Oshawa, at Mr. W. XiI- deligbted with results f irst package C( the utmost care and pre- ed on last year's activities. Mrs. a duet by Misses Patricia and bur's. .. Mns. W. W. Horn witb O IG E E Tmkrrfnsislhoc.Yui cision. Percy Brown favored with a solo, Margaret Pearce. ber son. Dr. Wallace Horn, Port ________________________________ce.You w accompanied by Mrs. C. A. Cow- Hope. don't risk a penny. Caîl. wrife tfi an.Exeutie ad GoupLeaersHome Cooking Sale and Afternoon Jury & Lovell and-alotber good by anSEeutv ad rupLadr Quarterlv 0f ficial Board met on Tea in St. Paul's Lecture Room on druggists. h-fli P CALprovided refreshments. Newcastle Council 'Monday evening. Fairly zood con- Saturdav affernoon, Jan. 20thb, under - until the lst of February Y. P. U. met Monday evening. Expedites Business gregation on Sunday evenino, in spite auspices of Gnou» 1 of the Womens Notice to Creditors op ANY WATCH REPAIRED After some recreation conducted of bad weatber. Service %yas held in Association. 3-1 ____ils FOR by Ernest Gilbank and Bill Row- tebsmn hnorpso rale to $..00 land, Rev. Morton had charge o! Make Ail Appointments and F111 a siplendid Sermon. ReevSodt auay2tfr ALPRSN aigaydi $1,0 te nstlltio nw o- il ffcesAtFlrt eetng Sympatby is extended f0 Mn. T. recif ah by pupils of Mn., Ref a Dudley against the Estate of the hate MARG- fr ficers, in the form o! a Candle- Rosie in the deaf h of bis sisten, Miss in Sf. Pau's Lecture Room at 8 p.m AE .HLLEwodido rac Workmanship Guaranteed light Service. The Sunday Sehool AAnnie Rowe. Tpronto. on o fo n er a ihe nyb h adle Newcastle Municipal CouncilAni oeT-rt. under auspices of Group 1 of the about the 3lst day of Decemben, tal for one yMr. waorgh oand astecn held its inaugural meeting Jan. At the Y.P.U. service on Frida*y women's Association.3-19. theTw ofB ma u hel b M. oronan a ech8th, when Clerk H. C. Bonathan evening Mn. Ted Chant wîiI show bis 3i the Townty f Durhmni convener accepted his trust for administered the oath o! office to pîcf.ures of the Royal Tour. Ra saeFrSl are required to file the .same witb str S. J. H1ARTWIG 1940, he lit his candle from his the members and Rev. R. E. Mor-w Durham Temperance Federation Real____________For__Sale__proof thereof with the undersigned a WATCHMAKER neighbour's until all the candles ton conducted devotions. wilh hold a special meeting in S.S.HUEFO SA -T CL E not hafer than the 12f b davy (f Feb- toi o!bThe council set a new precedent room on Jan. 24tb when Rev. W. E. Estafe, soutb corner Centrean ruary, 19«~ affer which date the th( semi-circle and the remainder of y appointing all the salaried o!- iMillion. Wehcome, wihh be speaker. Dvsn Sref, Bw and saewl edsnbtdadalf Klht loc -Oppsit te Lagu fome anthe smi- feers at its first meeting instead Relatives and a few of their knw s"hcunao. o laimns of which the Executors have or Badintn Cub crl n ondi ign Beto! asking for applications to be Hampton f iends greeted Mr. an~d pnîce and teri, apply G. . not reCÈiyed notice wihh bie barred as un Bowmanvlllebe the tie that binds." President considered at a subsequent meet- Mrs. \VilI White at their home in AniFoe2. rCîsn gîî hm GanoRfkr the n took charge ing. All former officials and aIl Clarke Union, Tuesday evening, if Annis. Oshawa. 3- f anudary, 1940. hi 6h ayo o! heprora. lans were made former representatives on vanlous beinR their tenfh weddinz anniver- of Daedat Bwmnvll9is4t0dy. for a skating party Jan. 26th. Boards were re-appointed. Sala- sary, and presented fhem witi a FOR SALE - 96 - ACRE FA 4 M.GV.oudwanie f _____________________________________________ries wîll remaîn the same. batflsle aebse.Te si li omi odsAe of . Gohicitor fr the oroano ent., Offcias R-apoined evening was spent in games affen cuIt ivation: hi» roof barn. 80 x 40, Trusts Cornorittion and John Y. 19, OficaI R-apontd wbich a dainty lunch was served. stone stable, silo: 8-roomed brick Matheson, Exectîtors. 2-3 H. C. Bonathan, Clerk and Trea- Y.P.U. met Friday. Ted Kersey bouse; nevcr-failing well, sfream surer, $225.00. took chparze of the worsbip service. fresh spring wafer; 6 acres mixed Notice to Creditors A tA t __John Garrod, Constable, Weed Readings were given by Lloyd Ker- wood: 8 miles fromn Osbawa, 45 iA ie X iV IC G r e g o~>r and Sanitary Inspector, Care- eyl- Wil frid Smahe and- Ted Kersey; miles from Toronto. Apply Boxi taker, etc., $720.00. Garth Perrcft read the bible esson 187, Bowmanville.2- AL pesn hang nycin George Meadows, Assessor, $65.00. an2rFuke-e4n ryn gis h stt ftelt NI Features Two Outstanding Offers By E. W. Fisher, Tax Collector, $60. Ruth Colwill t ook charge of this Livestock For Sale .GREENFtheELD, whof ied oe ANItE Mns. Floyd Butler, Auditor, $25. __________________________J____NIEL, w, %,, Onth Mss Irene Rincb, Auditor, $25.porî:rednDrtb owl;26tb dav of December, 1939. at the C u ex a d do R -I oDr. J. A. Butler, M.H.O., $15.00. vocal solo, Edith Racklbam; piano FOR SALE - PURE BR.ED JER- Town of Bowmanville, in the County C u e n d - o N irJ a-duet, Mariorie and Florence .Allin; 'sey cow, just freshened, yug fDraaerQie 0fl h pointe ameber o! Public Lib- humorons reading, Thelma Robbins; Garnet Symons, Phone 2459. 3-1* samne wifh Proof thereof wifh the ray oard Mr E. W. 'Fisher Mr. H. Peters »resented the dhapfer memry o BarB! ddato in the Missionary Sf udy Book. PIGS FOR SALE - EIGHT 5 undersigiied not later than the lst Mrs. H. J. Toms and Mr. Fred weeks old Yorkshire pigs, fit f0 day, of February, 1940, affer wbich Couch, Sr., members o! Manage- wean, quick sale. Apphy Robt. date thie Estate will be disfnibuted mn omte ofCmuiyTyrone -Camneron. Tyrone. 3-1 ind albca no of wbich fthe under- mel; n dC M r.ittE e o! Com mnîty h s o received notice will Harolcl; a dard .fE. ea mm-FOR S.ALE - 15 SHOATS, AND be barred as against fbem. which Reeve C. R. Canveth and Mrs. E. Wight, who is seiously milk cows, due this month and Dated af Bowmanville this l6tb i at the home o! bier daughter, February. Apply Lloyd Wvilliams, day-.of Januiary, 1940. Dr. J. A. Butler are the other Mrs. Russell Wright,isaite Hmto.3I P E.GenedB mnvle members. _______ _Hmptn._31_P.E._______________ivlle C I rE XCouncillor E. A. Walton will improved. Ont ario. 3-2 again be Chairman o! tbe Public Mr. Willis Stewart is now able FOR S.ALE-ONE GOOD BROOD ________________ Property Committee; Councillors f0 get up a few minutes eacb day. sow, due f0 farrow February 151h. H A N D Chris Law and Fred Couch wiîî Mn. Glenn Hoskin, Burketon, A. E. Bilhett, Hampton, Phone contiut Rods Bidgs ndvisited bis brother, Mn. Lorne 2557. 3-1 C M ~~~~Culvers Committee; and Coun- HosALkin.L CWS cillor Geo. C. Wright will tak Mn. and Mns. Otto Freund ne-FO SAE - ML CWS ove Siewaks n lac ofHarldturned home Monday after spend- Holstein and Jerseys. Apply Lax'- ovrSîealsi pae !Hao ng a weekwthfinsnNe crite Chemens, R.R. 6, Bowmanvilhe C. Allin wbo bad charge o! this YorkCity Or Pîclîei243.Ne- department last year. Reeve C. YorkCity._or__________2436.___1 R. Carveth was in the chair.Fo Sae0%ý NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Autone FOR SALE-CHOICE 0F THREE Chisms etsRom2ELMER WILBUR Etuden Ganders. Apply W. Howard SmChnisfmashTests Rooms2Licensed Auctioneer Pearce, Phionie4412 Clarke. 3-1 Smotis Sltns WIien b J A-75 to 100; B-69 to 75; C-60 to Hmtn n -POSITIVELY NON.GREASY - 69; D-below 60. HaLto,1nt 1 Specialîzing in Farm, ivestockFOR SALE -VIOLIN AND CASE REGULAR 500 SIZE **! IGrade V Implements and Furniture Sales in good condition, price $1 5.00 or ____________________________________I_______._____-A- BraaBnthn Ni M S MODERATE- - will exeliange fortvc i;- p *Over 100,00,00 ackag.8of Odorono Mn. Iohniî Miller, Ailîburn, at Mn.3-* parailon bae bin soId an*ut..AIf. Ayne's .._r.Cas_ 3dw1 navO ** *an eu. IOshaaat **M. Chsi s.aidcrLOSI - A FOXHOUNh) PUP, ?R Rordscf mylt iiwtoih '3.eblaek-tan, whîite front. Rcward for uhn lug ges rd 0 S YIO <O W O M .W .t a . m aiir a t he nda y ScTh bg o ol * inform ation eadiniz f0 re c o v e yW ________________________________________________ witb apfain tedfo ancTb goups .C.Wrightf, Newcastle, ot Ce Wen.etppin tfre nay cb othlGoJ U.R Y PRESCRIPTIONS A SIPECIALTY Lunch was senved and a social time 3-1 * .4 wI Phn 9 eDlier enio3'ed. me f Argument, as ustially managed, is Telephone Your Or Phoo 92 . elier Sunday Schooh executîve metheat . e sort of conversation, as ini ththmeofMrwAoTrst to 01Prompt Free Deli' Ste omeof n. A. T. Sano O 07T kIS books if isgenenally the worst sort1 Satndy igt.of reading.-Swift 1 To Rent FOR RENT - FIVE - ROOMED, furnished bouse. For information Phone 2390. 3-1 Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT - FAR'M of 100 acres, good dlay Ioam pre- ferable and good buildings. Applv Box, 10, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 3-1* Baby Chicks WVE WILL BE PLEASED TO mail von our 1940 Chick Cincular. .Ai R. O. P. Sired Clîicks af at- tractive prices. Nowv booking on- ders for delivenv anv fiime.Nîintb vean in the businîess. Our dý,rain is well aud favorablv known. Donald E. Gibson, Bowmanvillc, Onf. Phone: Clarke 3811. 2-tf Notice to Fur Coat Owners and Creditors During flic faîl adventisements have appeaned in varions ncwspapers lînouglîout flic district unden the heading and style of "Delaney Furs" nentioiiing Belleville, Trenton,. Osb- awa, with a local store as agents for the above finm. AIli this ivas un- :nown f0 the undensigned uîîfih today and no doubt the agents did not kniow that "Dehaney Exclusive Fur- res Belleville, neyer did have amî- binz f0 do witb "Dehaney Furs." )shawg. .As f0 tbe undersigied, J. Gordon Delaney, Trenton, the agree- rient with Peter Madison, Manager of t he Oshawa Store, was broken on Sept. 6th, 1939, wvhen be was ondered to vacate premises at 12%½ Simncoe Street, Southi, OshIawa. Therefore J. Gordon Delaney, Trentfon, is îîot and will not be responsible for any con- tracts enfered int o. or debts incurned by P. Madison as Manager of "De- ley Purs," Osbawa, on and aften Sept. 6th, 1939. as P. Madison ne- Dpened the business uîîder tbe head- ig of "Delanev Purs," at 17 Athol treet, Wèst, Oshawa, also 10 Athol Street, West-~ Oshawa, of bis own fee wihl. That anv business f rani- Ictiofl that mav bave beenx under- iken between P. Madison and the indersigned, since September, was itered into up)on P. IMadison's in- ructions under the same conditions ione wouhd enter with any dus- omen. and that. I, J. Gordon Delaney, he undensigned, am not responsible mr any wnitten or verbal agreement s )r transactions that may have been ridertaken between the customen and P.Madison of "Dehaney Furs," shawa, on aild affer Septemben 6th, [39. -Dated af Trenton, Ontario, in the ounfy of Hastings, january llth, 940. J1. Gordon Dehaney, Fumrier, 86 Dundas Street, West, T.renton, Ontario.3- MODERN RADIO SIX VICING Battery & Blectric TUBES TESTED FREE AIl Parts used are new and carry a guaranteé, includlng tubes. Phone 575 R. QUINN OpposIte Stevens' Taxi King St. - Bowmanvllle Readings TEA CUP AND CARDS PROM 3 p).m. to 10 p.m. Darch's Tobacco Store. 50-4* H1ardwood Floors l A NEW HARDWOOD FLOOR or kifdlîen cupboard would *. appreciated by youn wife. Esti mates on ail wonk. C. L. Warren. Hampton. 49-8* Finest LADIES' COATS And DRESSES With Fur Coflars and Plain Reduced to Clear $6.50 Up A REAL BARGAIN The finest Coats and Drues we have ever handled will go on the nmarket this week for ridiculously 10w pices to make room for spring merchandise. You can 't afford to miss this bargain. COUCH JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Phone 836 Bowmanviile ,dLireL Pure Test Vitamin Products MALT EXTRACT with C.L.O.--- 16-oz. MALT EXTRACT with CLO.--- 32-oz. MELO -MALT - - - 20-oz. A.B.D. and G. CAPSULES - - - 25 's HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPS.--- 50's MULTIPLE VITAMIN CAPS.- - 50's *.COD LIVER OIL Concentrate Tablets 50's BREWERS' YEAST TABLETS --100 's VITAMIN C TABLETS - - - - 40'j3 WHEAT GERM OIL CAPS. - - - 5O's YEAST and IRON TABLETS - - - 100's Sick Room Needs THERMAL WOOL - EAR ISYIHGES - - GAUZE - - - CLINICAL THERMOMETERS FOUNTAIN SYRINGES - BELLADONNA PLASTERS ADHESIVE PLASTER - SUPERIOR COTTON - BABY WATER BOTTLES ATOMIZERS - Nose and Throat 1 Yard 1 in x 5Syds. 4-oz. pkg. 9I .47 .79 1.00 1.00 .90 1.50 .65) .60 1.00 1.00 .79 .43 .25 .15 .59 .79 .25 .25 OVELL GIANT KRUSCHEN ).WStot-e rders to 778 SALITS -69c ivery Service A -M ýPAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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