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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1939, p. 6

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. e GESIX ---.. -., '- .. .V "ý1 Â nÂ,JTHU<SLAY, jANI±X l1-,1 O a eaDozen Recently an announcement of double the floor space and will ment andi bas deep appreciation Y Stake D rntSea 13 r2 0 lclinterest revealeti that Don al]ow room for a greater numben for bis many Bowmanville and Chrysier Sedan D@dge Sedan 1/ o Extra Large Julcy 4 for Flrm Crsr Head Head Christian, the entçrprising elec- anti variety of radios, nefrigera- district customers and for the ne- I * GR P F UT 1c LETTUCE - - 10e r cnl . merchant located at tors, ranges, lamps anti other elec- sults be receives through ativer- GRAP FRUI 19C34 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, hadti tical supplies. He bas also chang- tisements in The Canadian States- again steppeti out and madie room ed the location of the trade-in man. Watcb subsequent issues forB O I HLG A ifor bigger anti better business by department and, the offices so that bis ativertisements f e a t u r i n g *taking aven the store property everything is on the main floor greater bargains in electnical Hm fFn sdCr Wcntan ttoymreving.Ths moe ad bsinyaessbe.prHe tatesuppls HomPofFineU2d510 D OIIN1cnxtathe stpore hibs mben ateusinyess siloe. esttsu ppis hoo21 Courtice wanfe 5 OES LMI will give bis business just about ficiently to warrant the improve- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILI.F- nNTAIýTn --T-CýA%7 TAXTTTAT)Xr 10'rT-T IAIý Enniskillen'swon.rk w as rey Mis. Blackstock Enfield putting in bis s lyo ie ReetVstr:Mse lie Or- iers L.eshon rto aMissionB n y UN ~to Lindsay to continue ber nursing mniston, jean -Johns, Ella Hoskin, charge of Mlrs .W. Ashton's group: A well attended annual meeting of -- I o -rJe f ro m so n anvxe unddui BomnilM.GlnHsiOh raig vAr.F. Gilbert and Cartwright District L.O.L. was hcld hoe ron M inile HOT W ATER SB0 1 E S L awa. at Mr. M. Heard's. . . Mir. F. Mrs. A. E. Harding; piano solo by iin the Orange Hall, Blackstock, Jan. R O Y A Mr. Milton Samis is improving ____ Stannard and Mr. Allan Wearn at Mrs. L. Lamb: praver by AMrs. H. 9th, when Rupert Byers of L.O.L., i*r.Muraslowloh s om Solina I theseac ofow ng rices we Mr. E. Parrott's, Chalk Lake. . . McGill; chapter in Study Book was 399, was the popular choice for Dis-I'Late-Dw nv" trMray cClohihmentefae frigprcsadar Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sanders, taken by' Rev. H. Lackey: solo by trict M1aster for 1940, and 7,as Tneatre- Bowmfroéshortcus t ... ulp. Rcn istr:MsesJsi n suggest you buy a HotWaeBoteow Winnipeg, Man, who arf. on their Airs. T. M. Slemon. There was a stalled into office by hîs father, f r and Mrs. H. Smishaentertair- honeymaoon visited bis mother, Mrs. splendid attendance and a social time James Byers, who has been an Th urs. - Fri. - Se. cd a number of tI-eir neighburs Fni- GaeYlole Ohw.a r Hot Water Bottie - 4 yr. Guaate -- 8 10 J. Sanders and sister, Mrs. Theo. spent wben lunch was served. Orangzeman for about sixt ycvars. JAN. 18- 19 - 20 day nigbt when an enjoyable cvening N C. Yellowlees'.. Mrs. R. J. Mc- Siemon. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Har- In spite of the bad weatber and Other officers are: Dep. Master was spent. esc r.Bye HoWtrBtl -3r G rison. Toronto, at Mr. W. H. Moore'~as o udyevnn ehad Cecil 1-Itl; Chap. - Rev. A. W."~~ RM Our mail carrier is dlivering wit rwWib...M.adMs Hot Water Bottie-2 Gurne 9 and Mr. E. C. Ashton's.. Mr. and quite a ntimber at church. Rev H. March: Rec. Sec.-. .- Joblin; Fin the horse and cutter again ivhicb PercyDewelIHoitby, atMr, H. E - - - -G Mrs. F. Billett, Toronto, with Mrs. Lackev preachinz a fine sermon on Sec.-Oscar McQuade, Treas.-H 0OF THI the most reliable on bis route. Tn'.HtWtrBti r urne 9 T. McGill.. Rev and Mrs, A. E. neTigNed. Thompson; .Mfashal-Herb SwainWA;O Mr. John Brown, Edmonton, Alta., SYmpathy of the community is ex- Bb ote r urn HaringatMn.E.OrmstoMsrM.leLecure-Lvere evit;Dep Le Ms ri eSI basben vsiingMrs J sn Ms. ened o Ms.J. . undeAoires.rige.ittng - -- -39 Grave. -Wilmer Fitze: Auditors-Fred El- ...SIS Harrv Stinson. sudden death of Mr. Rundle. Annual congregation meetinLy was lis. Fred Hyland. The retiring Dis-________________met__th held on o____________inthe________ovWomen's Institutelie metosatithe cbunch Thursday afternoon with basement of the church witb Rev. ~ eloquent address thanked ail tbe bre-Mr. .i. erry presidine during H. Lackey acting as chairman. Re- thren for their support in the last .nayaon thrs Priceader ports were read f nom ail cburch Recent Visitons: Miss Evelyn two years and revîewed the work _____Ms ussell Gilbert, took charge of Evan, Est eneal osptal To duinz hi teni f ofic. Pst is-the prognamn. An address "Woman's 100 A.SA. tabs. 19c organizations. After the business bad EMnratGnea.osia, Tdrn ic as tenm of officwe Past D Recent Visitons: Mnr. and Mrs. Xork in the Institute" wvas given by completed Mrs. Lackey was invited nonto witb MArs. H. Evans. n nc atr rsn ee Fe Stan Beckett and Joan, Bowmanville, 'tisAf nsot;Ms .Wih1DdsPn ta the front when an appropniate ad- and M rs. Stan Coverly and Mfaster Ellis, Fred Hyland, a.BesHr ao Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto, at Mn Air tiî, avorediitltwo3oca dre.5s was nead by Mrs. J. A. Werny!Lloyd Coverly, Ebenezer, at Mnr. M. Hooey, Earl Dorreli who addressed Wn rwns isAde and signed on behaîf of the various Flintof f's.. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. the meeting. also Rev. E. P. Woods, Thompson, Bowmanville, witb ber soos Verna MillsonL av a cond- Fellow's Syrup 87o arganizations of the cburcb. and 'Harding, Enniskillen. at bis sisten's, Robt. Hamilton, Leslie Thompson parents. .. Messrs Jim Grant and ig n fs o aRadcn Ormisto. Afrs L- an Granda Brook. NextmeDouglas (sFontainerinMissest"KayouDeanFotaineueissber reportt on uedBuymrenorion,"BPianneiCo Pnp. C32c an their recent marriage. Mns. Etta Twist, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Twist, June 14th at Blackstock. ' and Ruth McNeil at Mnr. A. Mc- discuÉsinz cottons and linen mnatenials.X- - Pa resented tbem with the gift. 'Miss Eileen Twist, Oshawa, Mand ReeCpDvttfatnigO errNis..M. and M_.FakCr Lunch wvas senved. 83o Noxzema - 59 Rev. and Mrs. Lackey both replied'AMns. Wm. Laird, snpi Billie, Cour- Counties Council at Cobourg. clon s o er cie ter with Mirs. S. Tnewiîi . Mn. A. Y.P.U, met Mfonday nigbt witb very fittingly. The Board also seen tice, at Mnr. Ernest Twist's. Msiss Norma Hooey, Toronto. at RALPH RICHARDS N Beecb at Mn. Alymer Beech's, En- Neil Yellowlees, Citizensbip convener, 25e Noxzema - - 15 lit to raise Rev. Lackey's salany forl Y.P.IJ. niet Jan. l9th witb the Mn. Herb Hooev's. Stof "Th. cifadi niskillen. . . AMs. W. Thompson at in charge -of the vroizram. The won- th cmig ea. scil im ws Mssonrycoveer M. oronVALERIE HOBSON Mn. Roy Thompson's. Bowmanville. sbip period consistine of bible less on fron & Yeast tabs.- 69e 23c 2 fo,5 spCft and lunch was served.Jri, cag. A sotplyo iss Susie Van Camp, Bowman- s Ou~r Red Cross held two meig."M-bving Millions," wswell pre- ville, at AMn. W. A. Van Camp's. ACBeckUettA IC URU . Mss Ma rn ith rs.5and story bv argn.'«aret Brakenn100 A.B.S.& 0. tabs. -9ec OES EL% -- 5 Iast week ta carry on their needful sented by the young people from Victorian Institute held a skating Sympatby is extended to the ne- Time" vas the topic ver -v ably pre- wark. Trinity tlnited Cbuncb, Bowmanvîlle. party at the anena, Fridav evening Program will be completed latives of the late J. E. Elliott of sented by Mrs. Maurice Baker;.- Thursdav eveninz we had a fine Wonsbip period was conducted by with Rames and lunch served at the with selected short subjecta Cadmus, in thein sudden beneave- Ewart Leask and Stanley Milsn en- Giant KruschenkTot Bus Movinoe Picture show in the L.O.L. Miss Gertrude DeweUl. Prognam comMunity' hall. and news of general i tatteded teefu. acted a humorous dialogue followed S lsT R 0 hall, Alonz with othen pictures were included: voca solo. Jean Wight; MrT____________thfn-___aiao__t v rs Ws Yl-Sat the Royal Tour and Dionne Quin- violin solo, Stanley Snowden; rpad- Matinee Baturday 2.30 p.xn. eral of Robt. McLaughlin, Markham, lowlees and Gladys Yellowlees. Mar-69 tult.ig jfodSalw ilnslheld at Bowmanville on Monday. Mn. garet Brackenridge and Pearl Leach 9 o 9 Ms YigvoasoojenSe-UnionD rig o McLaughlin was a bnotber-in -law of conducted a "lTreasure Trail" contest tixPes. Mr rormo Sna ns. Aysidn; vclsoloheJeSte-f, Dringto Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Mns. R. Slemon and Miss A. Mount- after wbkch ice cream, cake. coffee 1T AWPr morDinz was in change of Mns. R. and skating was enjoyed by aIl for JAN. 22- 23-24 joy. and candies were senved. Ormîiston whe opened with a reading necreation. Recent Visitons: Miss Velma Fer- W.A. was held at Mrs. C. Gar- c () 'rDIFS M. Slemon, reading yMn Not as large a tunnout on Sunday guson at Mn. Malcolm Alfrtd's.. rard's on Thursday. Bible neading StoeRo op 10 Aqhton. bys . as usual owinz to the inclement wea- Mnr. Ted McLaughlin at Mn. Harro L as ea by Miss May Trewin and pass Sympathy then. Those in attendance wene very Wright's, Oshawa. . . Mr. Albertnki devotional by Mrs. S. Trewin; read- FrKdesadBade W..S etatte asoag.Re.pleased to hear a short addness f nom McClary witb bis parents in To-ig eegvn vMsae .TO Fair Director DMLS Oi esie oe -$10 La.ckey led in prayer. Report of the Rev. A. E. Harding, superannuated ronto. . . Mrs. Fred Mountjoy and Slemon, C. Garrard and CZ. Cross- Rlee n~eto Preshyterian minister from Enni- Mrs. Russel McLaughlin wîth Mrs. man; duet by Misses Blanche and (From Oshawa Times)DIET skile, ls asplndd eronbyHooey who is cluite ill. . . Mr. Clem ;.jMeta Degeer. Lunch was served by John Baker, Solina, was unable eaOlr evn 10 ROUN4D TRE the paston on "Worsbip." Rahm, Enniskillen, at Mn. Russel Mrs. E. Stephenson's group. W. A. ta attend the annuai meeting of NreTn. Red Cross meetings were held at MýcLaugblin's. bave completed knittîngz several pain the South Ontario Agricultural HN LI 'of socks for the soldiers and intend Society at teGnsaHtl er oi alt 0 R IL AR AI Sthe homes of Ms. L. Anderson Mrs. Harrv Rahm is quite sick din or.onJnlthe G e ausoe heCTOe ad Neve Bild Janiiary 26-27-28 Cecil Jeffeny's and Mns. G. Talcott's cd at the home of Mn. and Mtrs. Cbunch on, Sundav at 1 p.m. waniveratig 2 wedding whee sewing was done. Several are Aylmer Beech on Friday night to ar----------89 BOWManville To also doingz some knitting. surprise tbem on their wedding an- George Brown, of Brooklin, niversary. S ln thought that the Society should 5 8 N~eIelLxtv Windsor - -- - $ 6.70 Mn. and 1%Mns. Astnaaleemn _____tnon gratbisservocs. t imb Detrit - - $ .70Burketon family, Bunketon, Mr. and iMns Ev- bis___ wayof hepsrves.gfsaprca When we test yom- eyes youaeasedete OhIcago - - - $13.10 erett Beech and family, Columbus, Salem Womens Association met at r.JhBaewobsgvnatfaininiquitnd ree exhng)Mn. and Mns. Cecil Rabm and fam- the home of Mns. L. Welsh on Jan. our society such faithful service te Hiram -WannamakeainPortnPennrnat ily, Miss Alice Ashton. Ennisk lIen Sot es r md lth. Scrîptune was read by Mrs. ualtobwthut-dy"Poen n Iuui nm .n Gong- frt rai ra Troto Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. .Mn. Gortdonewsercb, Mn. Anthur . bew mnexrssmn69-day,>pJy PhonWeFi 5.25 p.m. Jan. 26. NrGro ecAr rhrl Cann. Mfrs. S. Buttery bad change ofsaedM Br.DTrss Retrn imt -LatBtaenfrnt rHa.ydonon' lFre'd Smith and Faursthe following program: neadinLga by bis thoughts, speaking slowly and P .C ILN Deturo it, itd s r3.5ahi tamd MceRs.Cane Tronts, . . Mr. HClan-fMn. Claude Smith, Enniskillcn, anI Matinees Monday 4 p.m. AMrs. Danch, Miss Thelma Wenry, choosing is' words carefully. froîtCinor.5 .m.,an enc R ahm, To en ron o k, Mn. 1 . n.and 'tfrs. Ross Richards and yeunesuay 2.30p.m. 1Mrs. F. Cator and Mns. L. Squair; "He is celebrating bis 27th wed- FrtrinCevcaeo1159p. aiscn. 30. Rahm's. . iAs.LenaTrooks,o-babe AMaurice, Bowmanville. attended 1 ~ >~~solo, Gordon Barrie. Lunch was ser- ding anniversary to-day - and as _________________________________ FortnseicdeascostmavlewihMsT.Tik a fowl dinner on Saturdav at Mnf. tced b Mrs. Buttery's Lproup. his en f our appreciation - for Agns- Procure Handbill Mrs. Harry Rahm is recovering and Mrs. Avlmcr Beech's. _________________ Several membens -attended the ai- hatokenrisvciM.Swnoceefswilb POOL TRAIN SERVICE f rom ber recent ilîness. ______0____ otnud Ithik Sowetyhoud ______________ service bere Sunlday inh sîite Cotne,'Itikw hudC arke Union leavin st Svmpathy of our communitv is of the inclement weather. andi Rev. extend to him - our sincerest ' ____MissLraCrk ndEle Canadian Canadian extetideti to 'tirs. J. E. Elliott, Cad- Mam s1arch delivered a fine sermon.' Su Pacific Ntoa mus, in er recent sudden ereave- Ebenezer -C d u Y.P.U meeting Jan. lOthi opened "Sympathy, shot in E. L. Cap- Teacinsl nteMrh r n r.HryBie iie Nainlmn.Our small village bas been again ith President in the chair. Mn. E. man. Tat ber faal onther's.h 1Mr plunge(l into jgreat Lrloom over theI Doitige took charLye of tlhe mission- "Sympatby," echoed Mn. Brown ment place was largely attended. . a ndMstH .Sochn Recent 'tisîtors 'tirs. ' C. Smith tnagzic death of 'Mn. J. E. Elliott iany Program, bible refenences, Miss catching the jokester's word the Prices were good, stock and im- M.D .Suhhv encn ----- with ber fathen, 'tr. Evans. Toronto. menchant bere. sareutofacrT Wer; worsbitp period, Mfrs. S. instant it was out and correcting plements sold well, and the crowd fined atehuewt odiu ic OPEN Trul), ccident. as a rCsit oaca1 utr;pnita "congratulations" as be cuif- was large. We would cali it a 'are npong OPEN . . M~Aessrs Louis and EarI lIacdn.Butr pao andt moutb organ cd bis prompter with bis program great success. Ms.odo Pwean Ka- Manton, Alberta, with Mn. Angus,'tir. Merwin 'Mountjoy is confineti music' Miss M. Collacutt and nr hl h uineluhdlsi Y O R K S IIIR R G IL T S son bas retunned from Bowrnanville i rsullt of the accident. 4th chapter of the missionary study ~ White, who bas been carrying on1 Mrs. Owl adrok 'Y O R S H IR G IL S 1accompanieti by ber inother. * _.'tirs. 'tifrs. .1. E. Eîliott and Mtiss A. book was very tbonouglyb dealt witli (51/ os Frank Snidcr bas returned to Hag-i Mountjoy neceived word of the jpass- by 'tirs. E. Dancb. Pnogram endeti ersville after visitiflg ber son, Walter.! inz of their oldest brothr-in-law, with a contest Attendance 13. * . . 'tr. Walter Snider, Brantford, !Robent S. 3tIcLaughlin of 'tifarkdale,' Several chiltiren are home wth $25.06 each - with papers was home. , 'tins. John 'tfuir, Brant- fonmerly of Enniskillen. bad coltis and others bave wboo)pilng fond, 'tliss Doreen 'tuir, Toronto, Sorny to report that 'tIr. Gof f i cough.e H ae TMk e Ro with 'tirs. Walter Snider. in Bowvmanville Hospital with a 'tir. C. Collacutt attendeti the f un- e HvT o ML 'tisses 'tiarjory Down and 'tary broken îekr. eral of bis aunt, 'trs. Po4ter at Every hog marketed tram WIllow Acres Riznik are' attending Winter Sehool 'tiss Helen Fowler spent the week-: Toronto, Saturday and visiteti bis since lune, 1939 bas graded as select. at Lindsay as delegates from the Y. 'end in Oshawa. sse,'is'iyeadfml.Fr Mr P.U. Rev. W. C.. Smilh is one Mn\f. Eti. Hanna was in Toronto. _F or____M o re___ " W ll w cr s" Fa nathe teacbers. 'tr. and 'tis. Ed. Hanna atne Bowmanville Phone 2456 'trs. Ross Pearce in change wbo 'iGcof janetville. Tbey will ne- Ne t to gave a short reading on "Prayer"; main witb 'trs. 'ticGee for the win -________ prayer was of fcred k' 'trs. W. C. ter. Recent Visitons:'tir. and 'tirs. J. __________________________________________________Smith. Devotional which was in 'tir. L. Faîlis and 'tirs. W. H. Reynolds and famiîy, Solînia, at Mn. charge of 'trs. Devlin on "The Fallis wvere in Toronto. BunvHoe'. M. da m World Outîuok of Jesus'" was assist- Iin spite of the inclement weatber Brne Hoey's tiMr.E1a. Em- cdk edng from the bible by Sundav a fair congregation was pe o'.'traniMsH.Wcer0 T E BO S S D Airs. Elton Werry, 'trs. R. E. Os- ýsent. Rev. D. Mt. Stinson gývea witb frientis in Oshawa. .. Mn. andi~L9N iyr~, ___________ ___________ __ lBelh'trs B. Countice, 'trs. Cecil Mepu icoreo Budn. trs. L. Joblin at 'tir. G. Johns'...1 1 A hII 1 1 I~C G ~3 nde Airs. 'K. E. Courtice, 'irs. Mn. andi 'trs, Gordon Brown anti 'tr, anti 'tin. Rae 'tialcolm, Yelver- Id i ,A LIV Beaucamf)andi prayer bv tir,. F tis. Whitfield spent Sunday at Mn. ton, at Mn. John Pnoutt's.. Laur- C E NM O U Worden- Studv Book was given by Russell Brown's. ance anti Neil 'tialcolm at W. Mal- inrs. A J. Gay anti musical selectioncOmsad tendth rkol j Domino 5 lM Pkg. .lss Chftdtvo ws doct îstmasosrvc n h nte O H EE GE q Soap Flaktes 3 50 bibrL iav party was helti at the uiiderstands their arguments. andj roatis anti weather. Something must be done! Folka are trading Fbe ezer, Jan. lltb, it being bis -Coleridige out to 'tr. Joseph Noon anti family andnwi' on otepit Nwhew Sunbrltîe irtbdav anti that of bis nephev Be caîm in argument; for fierce- in thein sati loss, also to Mrs. J. E. anspactSO e ! W t e'v oin t ge t -w JAVEL WATER . bottie 9c Chas Osl orne who. we are n- ness makes ennon a fault, anti truth Eîliott at 'Cadmus, in the tragie deatb i fteeue ar taypie DominaoDry cd s haIt as olti as bis oincle. Quizz : dsout : calmness is a great adi- of ber husbanti. rdo hs sdc taypi Excelsior i~~~~~~~~~mmd ate relatives al gathenc i There is no leveler like Chris- 'communitv have ati the measles but e ialstoafwcrsnOult.T y Exceqpml r &@ ounti the festive lboarti naii1- Atýi tnity, but it leves i ft inaL-eysemt-b--tig lart. ae.i r-oniio..

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