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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1939, p. 9

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THURSDAY. JANUARY I8TH, 1939 THE ANADAN SATESAN, OWMAVILL. PNAGE w DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS Prom Tic Orono News of January 14, 1915 A. J. Gay, W. Landers and Louis E. Hall, contractors, Oshawa and Port Hope, were in town looking over tic plans o! tic new higi and public school witi a view to tendcring. James Carleton is making ra- pid progress witi tic building o! uhs new residence on tic latc R. Winter lot. Tic roof is on and fboors are nowv being laid. It is a na bungalow, tic !irst o! tic d e signta be erccted icre. Percy Ciapnîan is tic lcading carpenter. Bert Webster witi a gang o! 8 men left Monday nigit for Les- kard wierc tiey will chop down tic timber, some 8 acres, mostly beedi, bougit by George Stephens on tic Charles Bigclow !arm, formcrly R. B. Thornton place. Tiey expcct it wîll take !ullyi tirce montis. Mrs. Webster will board tic mcn in tic late Byran Grccnwood residence. District Orange Lodge o! Clarke met in Ncwtonville and elcctcd tiese officers: W.M. - Neil Col- ville, M.D.; D. M. - Gcorge Cowan; Chap. - W. H. Dnrlington; Rcc. Sec. - T. Smithi; Fin. Sec. _ Ed. Morton; Treas. - Wm. McLcod; D. o! C. - Bert Reid; Lecturers - Loftus Bcllamy and H. E. Millson. H. P. Long has retumncd to Vermillon, Alta. Charles Tiornton and bride, o! Peterboro, visitcd is brother, Mn. f Wes. Tiornton.î fuîîcrsls. Suggestions af position and kind were tien given by vani- ous people present. W. E. Armstrong brougit up tic question o! a definite salary for the caretaker and a!tcr dis- cussion Chas. Miller suggested that it be $50 a monti. R. R. Waddcll asked how tic pay was made now, and was told by tic hour, which !igurcd out at less. Mm. Armstrong suggestcd one man be given a certain amount and lire any iclp he nceded out o! tuis amount. He said tic ceme- tcry was kcpt well and tic came- taker deserved a living wagc. Matter was left witi tic directors. Tiese ,directors wcrc clected: H. J. Souci, E. J. Hamm, E. E. Patterson, C. Miller, C. F. Awde, J. Nixon, R. R. Waddcll, R. H. Allin and R. H. Brown. Directors met immediatcly a!tcr tic general meeting and clcctcd tiese officers: President - H. J. Souci; Vice Pres. - E. J. Hamm; Sec.-Treas. - C. F. Awde. Mr. Awdc suggestcd a large book for kccping tmack o! inter- ments be purchased, whici wan donc. Library Board Appointe Offîcers at Tuesday's MeetIng Orono Library Board met on Tuesday cvcning. Miss F. Cob- blcdick was appointcd chairlady. Minutes were adopted. Treanur- cr's report wan given by Mrs. Thos. Cowan. Mrs. J. R. Cooper gave tic Libmarian's report whici siowed tiat tic total adult rend- ing wan 4,484, o! wliici 4,332 were fiction; juvenile rcnding 193. Dur- .ng tic ycar 95 adult books wcrc bougit and 10 juvenile. Of tic 95 adult, 90 werc fiction. Prom the ycar 1927 to 1939 tlicy lad bouglit 1,465 fiction, 134 non-!ic- tion and 138 juvenile. Board members for 1940 arc: M4rs. Chas. Knox, Mrs. F. B. Ahyte, Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Mrs. A. Henry, Mrs. James Dickson, Mrs. T'los. Cowan, Miss F. Cobbledick, vlrs. Manning and Mrs. Neil Por- cmr. Board nppointed tiese offi- crs.^ Chairlndy - Mrs. A. Henry; Secretary - Mrs. Jan. Dickson; Treasurer - Miss F. Cobbledick; Librarian - Mrs. J. R. Cooper. A vote o! tianka was cxtendcd to Mrs. Cowan wio resigned af- cmr 12 ycars as treasurer. Miss F. Cobbledick will act as Ciairlady whilc Mms. Henry ihite cSouti. 86 ti t( cg s T1 L tc te c i say as delegate of Orono Union SCOUT NEWS ISocial and Personali atthed onve has returned About 38 were present at1 *Phone 40r16 from the forth where lie has been Scout meeting Monday niglit,a I-staking somne gold claims. continued their test worka Bowmanvjlle midget h o c k e y usual program. Plans were c Dr. Leslie, Toronto, visited here. teamn defeated Newcastle Satur. pleted for the banquet Fric Mr.J. C. Gamey is in Toronto. Oo, at Oro e raizro ooto ilb The village clock is again fixed. Kirby JnJrxedCo sn spear ic Mr.jonS. cM ,h Bob, evnadJh n, sored an entertainment Friday is unable to be present. The bc IToronto, were home. niglit. Everyone seems to be are ail agog about this, as it Mis Jen Lganwasin o-doing their bit. the biggest affair they have h. MBoysScoutsLmetnThursdayTo-dAbout 80 are expected to be ronto last week. opScetedps fot hir ban- the banquet table. Mr. C. Wmnter had an accident quet. They were glad to have to lis hand. John Grady with tliem again. LOL ntn Mr. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, Miss Ruth Boumne, Toronto, . L nsai was home. from the Red Cross headquarters, New Off icer Miss Marion Hamm, Bowman- was guest of Mm. and Mrs. J. J. ville, visited Miss Beatrice Hamm. Mellor. L. O. L. newly-elected office Roads are blocked between Congr'atulations to Mms. Thos. weme xnstalled by Past W. M. Ný Lindsay and Orono. Patterson who quietly witli ler F. Porter, on Monday eveningi Gordon Bruton lias returned to family celebrated her 82nd bith- follows: W. M.- George Mortoe schooL day Tuesday. Deputy Master . W. E. Dave Jack Stobart was home on T Mr. and Mrs. P. Wark and Mms. Te. Lewis; R R. Waddeli; Fin. Se ave. T. ~~Wark, Kitchener, and Mrs. '.Lws Treas. - J. Gibson Ji >ýae.ILLct svstn inRsieMciavstd Mr. Chaplain - Climis Barchard; lI Treto. W . Lc s iiig aoster, Michinnvisite toLecturer - Lyall Lowery; 2nd Lei Trenton. Wbor. J asnswuee ot oturer - Harold Cobbledick; Cor Alla Muir lias secured a poCsi urg mitteemen - Neil Porter, Albei tion in Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Souci, Oshi- Morton, W. A. Robinson, J.1 awa, have been both on the sick Walsh, L. J. Wood; Tyler - C. 'M Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond îist. Mrs. O. W. Sandercock, Or- Allin; Sentinel - H. Murray. have both been on the sick list. ono, a niece, lias been in attend- __________ Mr. George Middleton and Mr. ance. Ken Ward, Claremont, visited Mr. Congratulations to Mm. and Mrs. Reports Presented Jun Middleton. Ed. Morton who next Monday Mr. Lloyd Myles is home fromn celebrate their 5th wedding an- At St. Saviour's the hospital wliere lie underwent niversary. Vestry Meetil an opeation for appendicitis. Friends from Port Hope sur- Miss Dorotliy Tapson, who un- prised Miss Margaret Roy on Jan.. The annual vestry meeting c derwent an operation for appen- 9th by coming to lier home to St. Saviour's Church was hel dicitis, is progressjng favorably. tender lier a send-off party prior Monday evening when these of Miss Dorothy Creighton, M-. to lier retumning to Macdonald ficials were elected: Re ct o r mico, visited Miss Betty Rowe and Hall, Guelphi. Warden - George Butters; People' Mrs. W. C. Lynch. Cong ra t ulat i ons to LeRoy Warden - F. J. Hall; Vestry CIcr. Emn Bowèn and Lois Wood were Brown, O.A.C. Guelph student, - Dm. Neil Colville; Synod Dele winners in the lucky spot skate who came seventh in ils Christ- gate - F. J. Hall; Auditers - W. C at Orono arena Saturday niglit. mas exams. with first-class lion- H. Mitchell, Harmy Lewis; Sides Mr. B. Davies, Bank of Com- ors. LeRoy is son of Mr. and Mrs. men were ail re-elected. merce, is being transferredtePr J. D. Brown, Orono. Splendid reports were given Perry the end fth oPort Friends were sorry to earie W. A. by Mrs. George Butters G ad of ec Jon omn day bf the death of Miss Lillian Achurcli y Mrs. F. J. Hall; thE Gladto ee Jann CorihZ. Cuttell in Toronto General cuh yM. F. J. Hall; envelopE out again after a 3-weeks' sick-Hspt.Iteentoklaei and S. S. by R. H. Allen. z1ess. Toote al.Iturday n Nrok plis Rev. Dewdney, who presided, The snow-plough which stop- Cementery. ra n erooi congratulatcd the various organi- pcd in town Friday attractcd e try zations on their activities anc znuch attention. Masters West and Myles liad a splendid reports, and also made Conraulaios t M. ad m.race with their ponies last week mention of two presentations Conratlaion to M. ad Ms.which was as exciting as a wild made to the churci by Mm. and R. H. Allen who next Wednesday west show. Net results - small Mms. F. J. Hall, namely an altar celebrate their wedding day. damage to West's outfit and a desk and a dorsal. Meeting clos- Congratulations to Mms. R. H. bent sîgn post. ed with a delicious lunch anc Wood who celebrates lier birti- Mr. Vernon Saunders, Mr. Ar- social haîf-hour. day next Wednesday. thur Smith and Mms. Elizabeth Mr. Geo. Beer, a former resi- Rycliman, Toronto, visited Mm. dent of Orono now living in U.S., and Mrs. A. Saunders; the latter Road Through sent $5.00 te Orono Library. remaining for a longer visit. C mtr ugse Mrs. Maria Smith was hostess Mesdames Norman Rickard and m tr ugse to, the W.C.T.U. at the meeting on Kenneth Werry entertained at By Bd. Member Tuesday evening. dinner at the home of Mrs. Rie- pMiss Beatrice Hamm is in Lind- kard on Tuesday last. Mr. Orme Omono Cemetery meeting was ________________________Gamsby was among the invited held Monday aftemnoon, the main guests. events being the giving of reports The Officiai Board of Park St. and the election of officers. E. J. ~ Churci met Friday niglit and Hamm presided. C. F. Awde ead heard some excellent reports the minutes and the auditors' and, which will be given at the con- treasurer's reports. gregational meeting. Suffice it to Treasurer's report showed e- say that the M. and M. fund ceipts plus balance from 1938 of amounts exceeded that of last $2,511.47; expenses $1,439.79; bal- year. A special vote o! thanks was ance $1,071.68. OSHAWA ~~extended to the W. A. for paying . R adl rultu h OSH WAfor the m-wirýing of the churci. question o! keeping separate ac- Free Parking-- Phone Joli The rink was a busy place onpcount o! fund s maid or E.- Tuesday night. Orono Continua- .ptelcr e twa o ved by . R Thurs.tion School played Orono and de- E. aters, ta s e de byR R ur.- Fri. - Sat. feated them 9-0. The scliool's nine nWadel taoni.edoefo JAN. 18 - 20 goals were claimed by Dick Pat- Mor. Hm eotdo h trson 2, Ronald Patterson 5, Bob vMm. g f hamm rpor e ontic HAM, L, AL THE (GANG'StCooper 1, Herb Duvaîl 1. Then isting oftHe vario us mteries ALL HERE Bowmanville and Hampton play- la t yer.gHe also sueted at Willam owel - yrnaLoy ed, and the 'evening ended witli road chogstion o rfCemet lery Wili m o Illn yr a 1oy pr ctice for N'ew castle players. a o d o g st o-F a f c a a g Wad aidi t as csly t i utoefv U' ~.m ç0<jer."U*LI Bu ap- -o-easi the yeiUbo'shadlllow terrier witb tic soulful ~u apiceo!cat In bnsainboy's and Weye, tic cat, tic canary and a warm Inieto Willkilany ly iat an ugs ix~ourland &UI E i l - , rqte firel 1 28 Crawford St., Toronto. -RALPH GORDON .- And 50, our bero reaches "«Joumacys Kde iod Ene" - yct flot the end - for some -. j -i J ~ Doctors in Khaki words of cheer and sometirnes bathe Farmi Loan Board a brow or a hand in passing. the We invite your subscription to (Continued from page 1) Then corne5 the inspection of cards. Reviews Activit... and Further remarks are added for the and tainmrents, ail corne under army re- benefit of tiose farther on. Fractures Colleets $470,000 More From Bor- day Dominion of Canada Lruiationi. Evcrything a soldier. is and and splhntcred bones may bc discov- rwr hnl rvosFsa ýOtdoes is writtn in is historicai record erd here, and if it is deemed ne- Year - Total Repayment th ndpssdonwervr e my eo ssary to operate, the wounded man-297,O the F IR VVWAR LLOA1N adps doiweeesb avg. taken into tic emrgency hospital, iael hF If "Jack"~ happens to bc an over- where he remains until he is able to The annual report of Uic Canadian Oys seas man, he rnay bc tic victim of bc trasfcred furtier down thec une. Farm Loan Board for the fiscal year ysd NE L . OR E ~pntaiflsa 1S N is . P scasickness en route to his destin- Others more fortunate, are given the ended March 3lst, 1939, i ad. ation, o- if he i5 chosen to pilot comirnand to Pass on, and they loin eiwothacvtesfteBar ORON0 planes to the war area lie may suf- in thc longz procession once more. coperin. isiiiltnY so fer f rom faintness and dizziness asreut o aîn l t a n At this point, it is important that o ain 2 h or w sa p itd b TELEPHONE 92rl6 rusui ofhin a ltud. iee ay beun ail wounds be disinfccted, as a pre- I 99teBadwsapitdb mshap ding blitue raiing, bhe caution against tiat drcad fui tragedy, tic Federal Government to admin- misapsdurnR is raiýng bu he(«Lckjw,"thefea ofevey amyister the Canadian Farm Loa, Act f nd tatli s lwystraed witi Lcjw"tcfahfeeyam which provided for the establishment R r RESET Ncrius a e i land s brougt ckDoctor. If "ommy tkin s hp-of a scheme of long term bans to .R P E EN I dwc u ok ngs t rand r wi h t rat- p ned to bc w u d i th c es - the farm ers of Canada. Loaning rs t oknstnadwtth ra-the back - the thigi during ticwee egn n hen-in eil et operaions wr. beruiin tihsprin asIILLS SPENCE & CO.LIMITED eTrdatngc. dian MutOuyor tic SoutiWAfria oning at tic rate of about $5,000,000 y; TOR NTO M NTREAL HAMU.TON WI NIPEGTrainiig conplete, oursoldies go ar.,, iewas later reported as av-an sic tat im ee ba of on29atdivenervhace Laterre ha )n c.ctv c sic. Lte, tey May bcing"Died f wounds II for. at tic e of 1929tMrc 1s,199 ýy OOT OTEL HMLO INPGreportcd as "Kiiled in action," "Scr-tmeiteorotig askono benlndastMri st19, ousiy woundcd" or "Invaiided horne" ti mts o igwiipic- approximatci $38,000,000. During r.; Send your dollars on active service - and aftcrwards neitier tiey nri5 n "Lockjw"alasesl e e e on a egatdb th, eth Of op g with epiem-tic last few years tic Board bas been thi:iedcn e nyce ide- wi;h rzceffects mde mthe ~Board to bona fide farmers upon Iýert t ~ tc cu l -of disinfection, medca scnce and 4:rm ands:owne: :oper.:ted and oc- H.P lc rse OC. LDeets n sa mpa our soldier boy'surgical sicill, men tiat formerly cuPied by tic borrower. Sucb boans P oli e T ust es .C .S D e « tsand shar wih h m te atual ex- woud h ve ben onfontd wth ae rpayble over a trniof pto perience of bis joumncy f rom tic deati bave cvcry chance to recover. twenty-five ycars on an amortizcd Met Monday Leskard at Hockey trencies to tic cQrfortablc hospital Tic prevention of dangerous discases Plan of repayment. Tic rate ofi- cot wberc lbc now lies in peace and tirougi infection is donc by special_-tercst chaI'&ed is 5 per cent. peik -H. M. Mercer, H. -A. Clarke and O. C. S. defeated their older op-. safety. Ovi a gray misty morning 5at 'battalions suPervised by tic Red annum. W. J. Riddell took the oath o! ponients from Leskard at hockey dawn, bc and bis pais were iined Up, Cross. Wbercver tiere are soidiers, Tic loaning policy of the Board office at noon Monday, with J. J. Il to 2 Friday nigit at Orono tieir foot on tic iowest rung of the the oid slogan, "IKîli that fiy',isito ratan ina ut m - Mhel osiio as police trustees. scored 4 tims b Bruce Chap.. of tic trench, awaiting the tic entwall ahshadmt ng posintheeiong hdeath'sma, beadteron Dn talemotite igalin"G 1 gl.owing borrowcr to repay tic saine f rontthe In ic veing thc cectd mnDic Pateson Do Sapls wenticsigaito Go S given. colours attacied to attract attention operation of bis farm after makring Id these officers: Cliairman, W. J. and Dick Patterson, while Les- Up lic dashes, over thc top, bayonet- more cf fectively. Garbaze and waste Provision for living and operating f- Riddell; Secretary, J. J. Mellor; kard's goal was scored by Stan. f ixed, to attack tie enemy. He secs is carefuliv disinfectej and disposcd expenses and f or taxes. .SPolice Constable, James Moffatt. Bahl. In tic second period Orono witi dismay bis comradcs stagger oJ by nMen wio do nkQthing cisc. So In the last fiscal year, 'the Board ýssecured tirce through Ron Pat- and faîl, but on lic pressesSto gain arc arMîcs guarded. coiiected f rom borrowers a totp of ,k TWent Me br terson, Donald Staples and Ron his prcarrangcd objective. Suddenly Before our woundcd boy is again $2,970,000 as repayment of principal In Ne ly F rmed secured Leskard's onîy goal. In ycfcssmtigkc i esfrmo i a. he is visitcd by a Padre and intcrest as comparçi with an On Ne ly F rmedunder bim, and forward be pitches, who accompanies a' Doctor and a amount of $2,500,000 collectcd in the urn Clbthe last period Leskard was score-. face downwards. If he can, be raises nurse. Tic Padre bolds in one hand prcvious fiscal ycar. Culig Clb______ OC..go hretiro' isl sufficicntly to tear oe h ________ gGlen Tamblyn, Dick Morton and hislfoe tcabottle of viscid icokîng fluid, whilc In tic tcn-yçar Period under revicw Those interested in curling met Jim Powers. Franklin Tamblyn corner of his tunic whcrc bandages in the otier he crnes a swab on theoftc$80.00oadterwa ýat O. W. Rolph's store Monday was goalie for O.C.S., and Gilbert acee rsnfrb a îwdcd of a little brusi. After tic nurse repaid by borrowers $4,800,000, and, ,e nigit and elected these officers: Dent for Leskard. Hamry Davey with alarm a spurt of hiood that adminîsters a hYPodermic injection at tic end of tlhat period, only $337,- President - M. H. Staples; Vice - was hurt in thc first period but surges f rom a gapingf wopund. He of tetanius-toxoid, the Padre cornes 000 of intcrest and $637000 of prin- ,0.W. Roîpli; Sec.-Treas. - A. A. was able te play later. summons ail bis strcngtb to make thc forward and brusies tic wound, witb cipal was in arrears fo-r a longer :Drummnond. Ice and sciedule attcmpt, but fails, and too oftcn suc- the rcmark, "Remember, lad, this perîod tian six montis. dcommittees werc appomnted andcubtoicnctale hurts me more tian it does vou." A Notwitistanding tic difficult con- etic 20 members agmeed te play Park St. Union Uncxpectedly, f rom nowicre it bumninz sensation, as tic antidote ditions that farmers have experienced s thrce niglits ecd week. New wouid semn, hie dim figures of R. does its work. Tic Poor victirn in the last fcw years, Uie repayment I mnembers will be welcomcd as Union Monday niglit was in A.M.C. men appear. Tiey drcss his winces for a moment, but soon leamns record cif borrowers indicates that rtheme as plenty o! ice and time te charge o! Missionamy conveners wounds temporarily and toppfle bu to take ail that coniCs forward. Canadian farmiers, witb few excep- accommodate everyonc. Margaret Millson and Elsie Rowe, dcxterously on to a stretcher. He Tie faitiful stretcherbearers pull tions, respect their mortgage obliga- itic former presiding. M yr tl1e may not remember anytiing more, Up ticir burden anelv and lift it on tions to tic extent tiat economic Meeing Smithi read tic scripture and stery for pcrbaps, as weii as being wouild- to one of the Red Cross ambulances conditions wili permit. TelephoneMetn and music was provided by a vo- cd ie is siellsiockcd or gasscd, and - pusi tic strctcier on to tic rack Tic Board operates in ail Pro-~ cal solo by C. Taylor and two under tiese conditions. brains bave and dismiss thir patient witî a "Oh vinces of Canada as a self-sustainsng% Orono Telephone Co. met Sat- piano duets by Miss Dorotliy a knack of cracking on tic battle-I lucIjky Jini - how I envy hi. Oh 1 agency of the Dominion Governaient urday afternoon and re-elected Creigliton and Mrs. W. C. Lynchi. f ield, and soldiers suffcr a living 'lucky Jim - îow 1 en-vy îr" and witiout expense to Uic taxpayers these officers: President - Geo. Topic was on "The Ministry o! ýdeati for ever aftcrwards. Better to tfud fo angprosjae rCain; Vice - Heber Souci; Sec'y.- Healing in India." Articles on tice otii int es!Ee i These strctcier bearcrs bave fin- rtaifndsfr bO haeng purposar Fred TrulI, Anson o bclroy.Eveg tbtained fheromttic saleemo sitsnbonds, Treas. - Dm. N. Colville; Directors topic were read by Glen Hancock, su itly woundcd man may allow ail sdtirtakrte,50nwtn and Uic costs of administration and s - Fed Trll, Ason Glroy. Olive Brown, Sam Keane, Ruth tiat is transpirîng to pass unnoticed thir faces to tic firinz i-aang hre orlse r poie o Dr. Colville gave tic financial Bcbee and Elsie Rowe. Ruth as a piece of army routine - a infznitum Tic Rcd Cossm service ad in tic spread between tic cost of 5report. W. J. Armstrong suggest- Bouriie addressed tic young peo- routine tiUt bas nowv become cmbcd- ambulancefiundinbrroeed fr ioaninhpurpos* cd that tic company declare dlvi- ple with the purpose o! starting ded in bis bonies. "Wiat realiy hap- cr rieidetea i as&and tic rate of interest uaid by its dends but tic idea was turned a Home Numsing course in con- Hospital. On tic way into tic "Cas- boroes uiRtepro ne 1down flatly. nection with tic Red Cross. Jim pened to our wounded ?' is a question eu.t Caing Station rocs uigtcpro ne T ecopay i t b cogrtu Poer reaurrandS.Kenethat lias been asked a thousand ltumes 1do . C- n." wiichi s revicw thc Board has alwVs paid Týe ompny s to beconratu Poers tresurr, nd S Keneeven by tic casualties tbemselves. Ic-se at iand, voices can be beard- its interest and otier obligations on lateci on thc splendid service it missionary treasurer, "gave ien wnt1?' R iving re ortsonnytc u ae fie fteBadi provides. ports. Bob Spence wio was at 1Wone -ad h wtoficmZ cn-tic duedade convention in Holland will tie c trench whcrc bei sn owr otcncxt stop, at Ottawa and ticre is one Brandi Pak t.C urh ug eoleo Fb.4li adthne. Ti c litrtcr bur n - o t1hvîi l cabe nsfra PakS.C uc paker at tic churcli service for tic wk of ti tcccbaescn itcae5 may bc dlassified and Office of tic organization in ecd AtPr t Cuc ud Y ouch oir ea on g peope's tndics.treneslbitin thigi abo doviaelns madeout gvng ultimate des- Province of Canada. ations Tic Cbairmanof tic Board istDr bti prapcet whirc Cn e t hrs a na dttaions and directions. morning Rev. S. Littlewood chose Anivttinfo Bwa-mw, and swiftly droppiiîg it îaw at Somthiig like this is icard as thc J. D. MacLean of Ottawa. and as- as tcxt, "In tic beginning God," AnvietUn ion wthwlom Bw ave othir points. Sometimes a sentry isctsaesiouldcrcd ancw: "ýComing sociated witi uni in dirccting tic pointing out that scientists iad to to debate, to corne toBowman- pass.Id witi bis, "Who gots tîcre ?" onz. 2leg an gcrh, ou cds"; Baird'saffairTis . Menie, ie-o go back to that !act even thougli -ville for tic debate and also pro- Tic password is cxcianged, and thi Çomig0 2leg sidtigis1003coci- Cheiaran. eic tr mem.bClrko tliey could trace tic growti o! vide tic rest o! tic program on littie processionî moves on. At last ls civilization back for thousands O! Feb. î5tî, was enthusiasticaîîy tic first dlcaring station is rcaclicd, 10 alkings. 70nsittRci n ngd0 soks, the Board ar or. .FCia rkan years. adte h Frtaddesn Ambulances reaci tic railway depot Notani' Bouclier of PiciTeville, P.Q. and hen ic "irs aiddresingat îcngth wîcre waiting trains, witi At tic evening service tic long- station." After inspection iy onie thesan itfoarytech tic light weias liel.sThivicepfres iead e lb Doctor. Our soidier iq lifted and psnirltsfr re-srtcestumes on a summer nigit, wbcn stars th lghs ashed.Ths_________an Lar Cu sented to anotier, wio redresses bis are rcady to receive tbcm This is s l n heei otbre. sive service consisted o! a tribute wud n atn alblo ohscailed tic "'CasulyCl ig s hieadtîaei-st ree tcia bhA itc ork wouldino Jan . heltiveindicOrneCHlbmet nfrm. usesy, Tk1imto",ui Claig t-nemories revive again, scejes -of toa tickW. . th ot wlc fi Jan 1th iv e an e a lb mt unds .A nufsens ayslae n haistOn"and trains run from ichre tO battie confront liim; be cars thc have been donc; scriptural pas- 18 present. It was decided not to on," and witi anotier loos,' theic . tew trainbracs fiu onn ftc onetcsiik sages, tic prayer o! dedication, serve tea at tic Institute meet- stretcherbearers continue their neyer- tanstas istdlhe blfows,,th pnz f ulet and an appropriate hyman. Tic ing, but to decorate and make endiigzwork of lifting. Tuis t i tue andut. infste hlîs, ti lpitheo a bulet at sermon topic was "Our bodies for place Cards for tic Boy Scouts' Our patient is swungz inta a field The Base Hospital i5 tic next stop pain in an amputated iimb - thc God" and it was dcalt witi as far Fatlicr and Son banquet. Tic ambulance drawn iv mules. Stretci- and here tic wounded are divided afterniati of war. But somcthing elsc as clcanlincss and tic proper came girls learncd te make cookies and ers are equipped witi long stýee rods into classes. Unifornis are rcmoved, cornes too. - Tic sound of a strctch- o! tic body was conccmned. good coffcc for large crowds, aiso wiich fit into ail ambulance racks and patients are bathed, sbaved and erbearers voice saying, "00 - oops b" Tic choir sang "O Worship tic iow to judge by points, or score. slide borne in groovcs. "You arc on dressed in a dlean garnient, placed a sentry's "«pass on," 'a Padre's King," with Mm. R. E. Logan talc- Tic girls meet again to-day Your way now. Che-rio, and God In a warm white bced, and left to praver, a big red cross, 'womcu, in ing tic solo part. <Thursday), to decorate tic S. S. blcss you," murmurs a Padre. Tic rest. A parcel of clotiing, làvingly wvhite, and tiien, tianl I, otr In tic absence o! Mrs. O. W. room o! Park St. churcli and pre- next stage of thc igurney !»' painful sewn by WOMcn Red Cross workers in Khaki 1 Sandercock tic organ was pre- parc place cards for tic father and trying. for roads came itli at home, is piaccd on tic foot of tic France- 1917 sided over by Mrs. W. C. Lynch and son banquet to-morrow (Fmi- tic radius of encmny siieli f ire and bd ir 5 lasawr c aaa-14 at boti services. day) niglit. 'luge craters fuli of mud and ruts that coat, a pair of wLoollcn socks or ________________ burv tic miules to tlicir' necks are stockings according ta tic need of THE WINT R. FLY oten encountcred. By the workiiîg the patient, and a suit of nice flian. O K O - of miracles, wiliciî are evident cverv nel piyýjamas. Otier comforts mav bce O K OU O THE INT R - LY day it would seni, the aîmost inm- distutd I as supplies allow, and tic possible iouriiey "back" is completed. Patient is ail dressed ut) and ready Y U I E There are swattcrs o! wirc and swatters o! steel, ýAt stage.s, periaps, tiiere bas bec11 a ta gro - if ie is lucky Y U I E liait to permit of tic mules recover- But still many cases tbat reaci tic ItrÀ»yb.thcaueoyJg.m 0~u For kiiling off flics, but tic one that I feel inz f rom a particularly ieavy ioît. Base Hospitals require treatLmelit X- Buck Et upthe righgway,wt. Will do tic trick best is a pîcce o! 'lastie Tien tiose wvlo have been niabie1 rays are taker, of ail bonce injuries, P lgrand. In the hands o! a boy, it will sure do tic trick.- to céope witlî dU strain . ae slipped sPflinters arc remnoved, buiicts amid Yoe lv.,tW h.largua orurgn7h yn 'Twas a fly in our kitcicn all covcred with bugs aw~av ta tic side of tice road and shrapnel takeji out, fractures set, ammhioujye~jipumug From tic tip o! its tocs to tic top o! its îugs; ieft for tic burial squad tiat follows aîîd breaks put into casts. Operations W@s te dig 164t obdgei ud .a »N, Wur At lcast motier said so, tien a!ter it got tic ambulances. ba th majr ondedmîno ar)tte erf nd bmu, 60wath peqr auuismm b r" Witi a newspaper, which she made into a swat. A drcam of home, is a wonderful ut u uddhrai "teta d puinL whmfYM woguau of d. tanic ta a waundcd mai. At tuis W'liin ta take ail tiat cames is mduemp.u h in h uites.. T« wu Sic knocked down a picture, sic upset a chair, stage, pcriaps more tban ,at aan wa e is, igoteeniefrvages., Yh1111 p s"M 1Sae sT«â WuV Sic broke tirce nice pieces of new chinaware; other. tiese dreams persist. Maiiv aadwri ogteEeydveU, uUy u e Ia.4.~ ORONO 1 I "Another Thin Man"P with Vfrgina Grey - Otto Kruger C. Aubrey Smith. Added: Cartoon - Wanted No Master. REVIVAL Friday at 10.45 p.m. Tailspin Starring Alice Faye - Constance Bennet Chas. Farrell. FOUR DAYS Monday - Tuesday Wednes. - Thursday JAN. 22 - 25 Greta Garbo ln "Ninotchka" ith Melvyn Douglas - Ina Claire COMING Friday - Saturday JAN. 26 - 27t That's Right You'ro Wrong witli ail your popular favorites Kay Kyser and Ris Band doiph Menjou - May Robson Lucille Bail.F L-ý ýý ý 'à-, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO THE Nisws

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