THURSDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 1939 THE C.\N.DIAN STATESMAN, B(,, M"%ANVILLE, ONTARIOPGEN E __ _THE ORONO NHWS 'BEGIN TRAINING .- OFCR ___ UTM erchant Moves To Peterboro SOE.FFER FOR BOY SCOUT ARE INSTALLEDI SOCIAL AND PERSONAL al__Te_._._.___aigihte SbouttGr opsComtee sa n dAf ter Five Years In Business Here The S te ha abignihtNews of Clarke T wsi dbou te bo's et hurday ___ ___Mon aythe bigest event for the night. Officers elected are: Group, lodge this year. Two carloads___________________________________ C ommiuttee - M. Linton, Rev S. are from Bowmianville. and the --- Lly ye so h ikls._ r .Sot h a enLittlewood, M. H. Staples, H. Fr Mr. and Mrs. M. Oowan Buy C URCH nRPORTS S0.E. members enjoyed carpet Mr. and r.LvrePtesn Llod Mlesis n te sck is iiting his father, Mr. 0. W. Scott, ,rester, Major Gamey. R. C. Ros- Larger Business - Former ARE FAVORABLE bail and other games. Nf'..J v ille ii Leskard..MisAnbleH- Mr. Donald Hamm spent the!. borough, R. Widdis. J. J. Mellor. Onr WlOeaeA A M C ~ T Teeofcr eeisaldb r.Pnyol ihM.adMs weekend in Toronto., sca1daavTedy wn ommittee officers are: Chairman. AT PARK y Jon Hnd-M to the death of his grand-daughter M Lino________ e. .Li-,Lca toeJ .Nichols of Bowmranville: P. P.- Y. P. U. meeting on Thursdax-ry.....rhanMs spent the weekend at home. '16 year oîd daughter of Mr. and tlwo1GopTra.M .Sa Chureh Treasurer W. J. Riddell V. P. - Thos. Lewis; Sec. - w. C. Culture convener, Miss Marion parents. r n r.Lsi i Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid and dau-1 Mrs. Rex Boice (nee Jean Scott. ples. Five years ago next Aprîl lst Reports Balance of S94.66 H. Mitchell; Treas. - H. Milison; Simpson, and was very interst lin. . .Mran Ms.HRold ghter Muriel have ail been ill. who died suddenly Tuesdav. Officers for actual Scout work, i Mr. and'Mrs. M. Cowa and fam- .After Ail Bis Paid Chap. - Win. McKenzie; lst Comm. ing. Young people are planning and Mr.aiMs odnMri Mr .A asy aitn A tree faliing on hydro \ires1 elected by the boys, are: Scout ilv of three children - Pearl, Joan Wm. Hoar: 2nd Comm. - L. ýa skating party at Orono Wed- ,vwith Mr.adMs .J icel Mr.L.A.Gas.'lamltnMaster - J. J. Mellor: Assistant aid Donld - maved ta Orono and nesday Mr.Waachs in ow lsIwek.caused the Bowmanvýille lvd ro a oa Lunn; 3rd Comm. - Geo. Cooper:.-onmes bee menmaebn wokin ona hghren cougMater a ohnGray adest-u ae dy godsaadreary-o-oocdulihousdwre cqured4thCom.- . FarowdSt Com.Cr.mectr M-îsn ws tkenundr te dcto'smare LeRoy Brown. Guelph, spent .-Gardon Bruton. R. C. Rosborough -wear store. ta o through the reports, the-EWht;6hCm.-RBrnhtoTotoG ealHsiaon M. m. ownd tene the eeknd t hme.sion wire late Sunday night untladRn atesnwr pan- o fe-îevar fpes-bs: t n hEletosa ak~ . Whiteo. h mm.n - aCh;Al- M ono e hoelHspcitlon Wntri y 3 o'clock Manday mornîng. The ed a cmmitte ta wai on Chm- - .str- hrhaG... . .Sho ida Mis Lur Aln asbee o tmpratrewa 10beow a d coomm erc ee kî ai ng hiamtaocitonwt'Oooie oolnu.metn oMi: uior on- J. . onis. AGe o snot erious HsiserdiMisn A. tereeti iigbsbe MhesickLar iist. n n :te ien wre w4 0 eetaoýv. and it hocainý,thOoieso i thesik lst ý hemenwee 4 fet bco-ap t erton inmmbc king teirve hom they have become attach- Mo'.Q,, night. Following the de- Cooper; Trustees - F. Hall, Wmn. Bady, of Herman. and Messrs. 1completeinorchlose Miss Ethel Stark hias been on wasnt pleasant. cooeaini Ccigter d. they are nioving shortîy ta votinnal exercises and a fcw %words Cornish. R. Wood. Thos. Kinsman. E. Farrow and1 the sick list. M.adMs .Hrio ment. Peterboro ý%-here they will con-, by Roe.. S. Littlewuud. the min- Alvyluc rghT..Redaom ni i, Orono Librarx' card party will host and hostess at a delightful e hsby il meet l duct a simîlar store. ute: wre read by Mr. R. C. Ros- Antlvelyn ch bogh a ples-T.A.eed.ccmpnedahi. inere the sebvhl o h colboroug, . .metsW be held next Tuesday. crdParty Wednesdav n i g ht. in the assembliahall 0f tha schoolst. at the home of Mrs. Crossley. Mr. W. A. Downing, Toronto. Prize %winners %ere: Men -It- ceyTusavngtfr i sofn- Mr. Cockandoatwal-s tak en: Uh n vnn aacoe .A et ensa.Fb r ~vas in town. Robt. Glnvîlle. 2nd Wm. Hoar.sîve training . As soon as; tYesegrainestispts-beaî, r fooinrprsweei- ca nton onso lan ve 2Win: adie.-boys are able it is proposed t!soCallhckyanaotblkA n A. Y. P. A. olyster supper nsoditide RoyPatrols alddtake1in the present tîme anc of his aims W- A. showing $54.56 in re- DOUBLE HEADER Cu scheduled event of la pralst nigh . Harvey Morgan, 2nd Mrs. r more ibos. os n ak nwa h enlarging of the Orono ser% e fund and $142.58 in current det r. anFasrinth har st_____Cha.________onolaio_____orbys rink. and this will be taken up at fund - M rs. James Dickson. W.A. I________ en M Miss Thelma Myles. Toronto, K. Neale. A lovcly lunch was the next meeting of the Agricult- secretary 's report. dealing wîith trheprga hc sse f wsm. i ote iiedi e er eng ta a close.abl e urai Society. He is an active activities of members - Mrs. W. B. The double header hockey' game Dont forget the Home & Scbool Duets on ionadpiobyMs servi Prtrvii ed. bringe- e ing an enjaboee.- DUM AND DISTANT member of the Chamber of Comn- Hoar. Corr. Secy-s. repart and re- Friday attracted a good crowd', Dance and Card Party in New- Agnesan CrstnSo;ac bora recently. The Boy Scouts met Monday HAPPENINGS merce. hîs main idea at presenit lief committee - Mrs. J. Eagleson' and provided lots of thrills for castle Cammunity Hall on Friday.crdadusbyMsDoiWit Agriculturai inspector visited night and 'were put through their ____ being the aperating of the can- W'. M. S. repart - Mrs. Charles the spectators and spilîs for the January 27. !and Mr.CaieRcrd;von O. C. S. first tw.%o tests. Eight of the ten From The Orono News of nnfatr.twaasohsie Wod TisncudteBbyhckypa's.Brown's section extend hearty' and pianode yM.KneŽ Newcastle defeated New..tonville boys wvere successful. and the January 22, 1914 that the stores close every night ýBand. Mission Band, Rec. Sec. of The first game was Oshawa and congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. 'bcltnadMs bcltn in a game of hockey Thursday other twav are lvorking hard and____ except Saturdas' during the win- W.1M.S., fruit secretary of W.M.S.. Bowmanvîlle. xwon by the form- C. Allin (nee Vera Power)î. Mrs. The acker r .J elr night. hope ta pass before t1reir next1 Clarke District L. O.L. officers! ter manths and this is proving and treasurer's report off W.M.S. er, 7-6. Oshawa. seemingly not Allun taugbt at Brow-n's school for Orooe sp ok n h Edo Mr. E. Evans hias returned from meeting, Feb. 2nd, when ail ten 'for 1914 are: D.M. Dr. Neil Cal- very' satisfactory ta ail. wbich showed $179.67, and includ- a bit tired, played the second several y'ears. ;Ooo Oshaa hopitl an isgetîng ill try additionai tests. Ahl the 'ville; D.D.M. - Gea. Cowan: Cha' His wife will be missed i the ing the Mission Band, $201.88 'game with Orono and defeated Visitors: Misses Joan Reid and te Roaeshcbpovd eyn along fine. Mrs. Evans is better. ten boy's were out ta the meeting.- Thos. Patterson; Rec. Sec. - Thos. Institute off which she hias been an raiscd in the year.- them 8-2. The two scores for Or- iEllen Alldred, Oshawa, with Mr.,oftersiand dctoa.Avt Mr J. J. Mellor canducted the Smt;Fn e.- dMortan nterested member ever since'i Suîîday School repart shawing ana were obtained by' Roy Winteri and Mrs. R. Graham. . . Miss E'.ft sdt htkn yernmer attBwn villte GFn- tss Treasurer - Wmn. McLeod . . cain here. She lias helped ber:$92.12 in treasury' - Mr. A. J. and Ken Neale. [Simpson with Mrs.Ge Stbpen part b nu ter ate d d h G o- tsts te h tig ih C p . tle ; e trr -C .L husband in the store, giving cour- TamblynI. Mr. H. J. Souch pad Yes, they' were exciting games, ison...Mr i d rs. eo. A ee n dat y reH be ou b Te.wo Oranoîtel c ting erv i týB elCapI H . Stk r; Lcu s . O H. L. teus service at al bil les, and las tribute ta teachers and asked for and all the fans cheered the m and Doreen, Mr. and M rs R. otramco mn î g o h i e p o J. Bogie bad one off his ears Park St. Church Sunday night, were înstalled by W. Bra. Dar-: been a very valuable assistant taonsîderation of a change in the selves hoarse at the crucial mo- ,Gîmblett, Maple Grave, Mr.'and A fewgaewrepydan fro en wh le wa ki g ro m Ty on x er i te est d a no t at he lin lo , ar er y ffToronto and him our of Sunday' School since the m ents. M ajor. te O rono go alie M rs. B ob A ldred and Lois, M r. lu c wa se ed Sunday. had become weli acquainted dur- now~ a resident off Kendai. The three children are all ste-l teachers neyer had an opportun- was certainiy busy that nigbt, and land Mrs. F. Coucb, Mr. and Mrs. The cast off the play "Our'- ing bis stay in the West witb Rex'. Mr. Herb Barrett, Toronto, vis- de nts at Orono school, and xill ity off hearing any of the morning had a bard task ta keep other C. Turner and Sam with Mr. and OronoI.OO.FmeJaar Cburch Fair' had their supper at I Arthur Roxve. son of Mr. R. J. ited his brother, Mr.W .Br iss their play'mates considerablv. 'sermons, goals from being scored by' the Mrs. Chas. Alldred and Mrs. Hot- 18ltb. TheIrdgee ascn Pearl's dancing will be missed Statement from Chair was read seemingly' indefatigabie Oshawa-so . Mrs. Tom Woodlock and fre nD.H .Mnig the town hall Friday'. Rowe, Newtanx'ille. and also with rett. from the entertainment possibiî- by Neil F. Porter in which tribute ites. Weîl, beter îuck next time, Douglas with Miss Jean Perrin iLunch wau evd Nx etn Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morton quiet-Rx.Bry ftm a emt- iRvBer.Ible aprmt'Miss Olive Hill, Myrtie, visitedite shha'n wotemdaws paid ta Mrs. Sandercock. the boys..Mr an Ms.Cs.AdrdwlbeF.15, bnWiim ly clebrted hei 49t wedingted a langer chat lie migbt pas- bier sister. Miss Muriel Hill, at lber at thie festiv'al last y'ear. organîst. The minister expressed Misses E. Simpson and Wy ,m Smith,DDGM.PotHpwl anniersry undy. siby' avebrogbtwor ofthegrandfather's, Mr. Rich. Hill. The best wishes of all go with appreciatian of audience ta the Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. C. Turnerpahiofcalis. Congratulations ta Mr. J. J. lwelfare of other Durbamites.: Mr. John Kerr, Manilla, visited ibe Cola family'. and it is hoped wark of the choir.I and Sam witb Mrs. Geo. Stepen Mellor wbo x'.as appointed Clerk However, this was enough ta Mr. A. E. Cbapman and tht bv il in ter ,e E. R. Rainey gaxve sessions re o.i nmR .aULU.RALISs î ndLod r~extlîîusuayis nai Dy'."ter il. ewcatle.profitable. remoIe by letter lu; rernoved by' U P U Wonder if the bear will see ils Misses Mary and Ruth Arm-1 We understand that Maurice death 9; received on confession off r sao.Istrang will receix'e Ibeir degrees Breslin off Arcade Store, Bow- failb 3: receix'ed by' letter 8: bap-i Financial Statement of Durham Lake Shore, Clarke! SE EA R N Dont forget 0. C. S. open lit-!PREACHER URGES as graduate nurses at Brainard. manx'ille. bias purcbased Mr. Cow- tisms 8: marriages 3.Visitation CnrlArelua oit shadow.isLi. .,3AVmttongCentralofAgrrcurs ofasesion et v______1938A moosewa sî t erary meeting ta-nigbt (Thurs- ENFORCEMENT 0F rMnn is izi Amtrn ef n' tokan viîaert teof emes fssso t 'aius13wea Tusda t e reet Ith x-, rnosor. rbCaeneWib-hme n amuit va ls Lk Soe om ndShoewegh asaoux-0pons a day). L WS FOR UNDAYiecises. Orono tore. M. Associationh hmet Jannuary'itIl.aMrs.o'seenciTuesdaet by three. McitizensTu number from bere attended L W O UN A rîe eridge will be in charge locally'. mentioned. Receipts 'Bex'. Jay'nes. third convener, had Geo. Gould rdSso n b Ihe ardn's eleraton a Ca At arkSt hurc SudaxMr. Witberidge is .vell known as M. and M. Fund was given by Balance $ 310.00 charge of the pragram wbich con- Bowen. Ti ssmligoto bou wrg Tensay'. min t O tPr t rnî Rv SL l d cona hockey player and lbas been in E. R. Rainey'. showing $249.45 Legislatix'e Grant37.0 ise0fVoasls. anaM-heriay.Tem seasen Gardon Bruton assisted in a tînued the series on 'Paul's Let-INT1 T TELNY;S mMr. Bresin eplo forsease in rnradS4b8 oute.rat2263 r Kay: readings, Gardon Martin;i Geo.Canswmp program at Browns Home and ter ta the Gala'îians". takîng as W L C E in Ibis district several years ago Bible Society' collectars raîsed DoPCi lbGrn 10 ransleons, iN ewcastle oys. Scbool Club. DoubjectCub raCbi100dren seeoffns Gecdsle oHs Thelib wic w-s rokn ffsuboedt -htald preachd- WmnsHsett meig kin the samne store ta v.-icb be xxill $25.97. in Orono and axer $16.00 in Prov. Caîf Club Grant 21.00 Ross Allin, Chas. Clemence and the tree in front off Mrs. 1. Win-1 ainst the dixidîng hune and so the form off a successful evenîng reur3,e')r 9fft7 mnt. irs raised for Temper- Drom. Field Crop Grant 32.00 BrwnJars; . diloeandrSc ler's, Mi d had landed on tbeir mucb rilual and in favor off theenrtim tudrte ie- ance. Prv il ro rn 80 Bon r.T.Wolc n roof, MWs wîithdi culty' removed. 'idea off the Fatherbood off odtion of Miss Kathleen Stark, in the AME TT A TUonrptsb igS1. Donations and Special Brown; musical seleclions, Mrs.C Par S. Uio ae hldng her'The choir rendered tbe anlbmcauncîl chamber Friday' evening. A LSAGEST genrinreasryvs i'nb1.65in:Prizes -82.50:J. Mitchell. John Mitchell and Mr. V rcs o w le skating party' January- 301h. For 'Oh, for a tbousand tangues" The main item on the program A G S CROWD Stark. and Missianary' show~ing Femeshtin efryF 1939.140.0 a hrey' cal ues, cmpneUa those wbo do net skate - especial- lx ith Miss K. Stark and Mrs. J.was the two-act play' "Our Churcb $4.07 in bank, by' Sam' Keane. & eti Enry99 195.0P.a wtbohrevocall Is, Jumpne eis l e ly the older people - there will be i Richardson taking the duel. 1 Affair". the acting off every' char-. The double-beader T u e s d a Y - Follaxving the singing of a Rental off Grounds 162.00) by' Miss Eiieen Halîman, Bow- crknle. Lunch will be served. Rev. George Webber, Generali acter beung excellent. nîght attracted a large cro%%'d. in bvmn, Neul F. Porter gave the Sale off Concessions 43.95 manville: reading. Maurice Pow- A sim 4 Ms. ugetPetrboo. asSecretary off Lords Day Alliance, i The frst act dealt cbieffly w.ith . fact the largest for years. The aditos report xvich paid tri- Gate Receits Fair Day 946.10 eli: musical selections and vocal Thte ipi om Tetmn bee inthehosita. Ms. . C xas speaker at the eveningser getting ready' for a fair, the ladies main complaint was bbt salns bute ta the neatness and accuracy Grandstand Receipts 81.00 solos. Orm Ogden. Campbellcrofî: ior aiI rorss.Tdymn RborouinbtexopecstaMspen.dCa vice. He tld off the onsîaugh ahrng in the churcb vestry lof the ice area. off the wav in wb-icb the church :Concert Receipts. Grass 58.10 vocal duets. Jack Holmes and Billovron.., hilc muh oe gaeobteSbbt y thoDance ReceiptssOshwa oos leNetet31.75 Rowland. Mr. F. Coucb. New- uky fsuhv aioevieo w-eek xith lber mother. an he abbthiy'thos wbretey mde hei fi2er.an0Th ffrstgamewasgsawaeooknw're ept lîneit .'I?, r t"av o hiS.the %vio soughbta make it an opentbeir tangues ffly. The cattish re- 'B .A. vs Newcastle. endîng 5-4 W. J. Rîddell gave detailed lin- PieLtAdrisn12.0cte.gvanneuting, hum- baok to nri iendiyuar yo akpenhî mes ot vc fr0hav.Booth Receipts, Gross 251.05 orous and educational account offwsso vi(0Sa Correction: In the Union write- day so as ta miake more monte ak f h ebr oboxaarfrOhwancual statement whuch showed Js l e, 'at Contest Receipts 114.00()bis trip to Virginia. Lunch was .atg. noiia otea up an error appeared. The affir- He deait withbb efforts ta mak 'iland also oui loud creaied lots Offý The second game x\'as Oshawa ýreceipts off $2 182.69: $2088 03Saeo gsEtnSpc 67.-'srvdirphni matix'c. E. Riddell and Nll. Wood,.it a- open day for stores, manu- amusement for the audience. Orioles x's Courtice, the former spent; and $94.66 in the bank A 1MselnosRcit 10 eetVstr:Ms .C irgt took the side off the country' boy, facturers. and arganized sparts.r wbile the evident desîre of the i winning 6-4. vote off îhanks \was extended ihe 1 scllneusReeiîs 1103 ReenwthViitrs: Mhtrs. W. . iti uhr, ti taî pil tnih not the cîty' boy as stated in the These oiv-laughts were made bv ladies ta prox'e their own chil jBath games were ffast and fur- treasurer and assistants for their ' . -.sia accont ff he dbat. mney-eekrs.natthe commonî dren the xittiest alsa brought ious, several penalties in eacb case xwork. $4108.58 Harold Skinner. Tyrone.. . - Miss gt)ro. snlerm crena uesa scor:o tedbt.idoe-e bkgernmt bd one hesofaen cias afer in-being meted out. Fast rushes and Mrs. Dîckson's motion that the rExpenditures Evelyn Brown, Tornto, aI home. iPope wowntt edc arc îittee theîpibergaenizaionn er he exrbdysckun clexen blocks featured the games choir be gix-en $25 eacb year forr Fair Prizes: . Mr. Henry Jay'nes. Letbbridge, Ct rsdirsoi o ei muiccrre. hecoi eran- Hay os All.0 Ma.. ditbMr. dC. B.Jneths. i.l t tyi otea oc.i s ta llustrate the point, stated Ihat was discussed, recîpes excbanged. bw h erebrou heglyenjoyed muse cared.The chfanir etawin- iHxy'Horses$169~.500 .M.adMsCBonwt raîlnî-îssain ie there w'cre twav lawý,s - anc about etc. It also sboxved the president -The local store xill be vacant nat be wasted. Beef Caille 161.00 90 years aid. the other a receni vaînly endeax'ouring ta mainlain Feb lst, but aI lime off wriing itl: A resalubian w'as passed wbicb Dairy CaIlle 158.50 anc - wbhich the enemies vere try'- order and dignity while the small is ntdeffinitely know n w ho w-dl will be forw'arded ta the Attorney' Sbeep 177.00 ing ta hiave repealed. and on chat off the members developed 'be occupying t afterwards. The General stating the cangregation Sw'ine 118.00 w'bich the gox'rnment secmced ta mbt near raws. Afler bcaring ne- stock xill. off course, go w îtb the w'ere not in fax-or off the broaden- Poultr 81.95 ho lukewarm. He urged the con- ports the president finally came ýsiore. ingoff tbe laxx'ta include Sunday' ri n ed 45 OS AW gregatuon ta pass a resalutian thalI ta the conclusion that not very Referees wcee Ginger- Edger, business and toil. commercial andi Vegetables 24.00 OSHAWA ~~the laws be not rcpealed but ra- much w'ould be made for the pur- Bow'manville, and 'Red" Krantz professional sports or commercial Fruit530; Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. ther cnforced more strictly than chase off the churcb carpet as very'off Oshaw'a. entertainmcnt. Flow'ers and Plants 63.-J5 ever. This would be forw'arded ta few' booth conx'eners werc suc- The elections resuited as fol- Domestic Manufacuin 51.00 JAN. 23 - 251 Mr. C. G. Mercer, 1M.P.P.. sa bie cssfful, altbough the sewing w'as lol a inuacurîng 8.50 fl L~would knaw hoxw ta vote vben lall finisbed. The members fînally' J.J. MELLOR IS Session - H. J. Souch. R. H. Fine Arts 36.25 'CooUy & Lhe Lady the question came beffore the \vent home anc or twoata a tme A P IT D~W'ood, F. Blackburn, R. Smith, R. Domestie Science7 Sain bos.the remainder ialking about th P ON E L 2.50 - MER OROng - Mr. RSlaoedre pc-anes wbo had aready gane. Rasbarougb. W. Reid. F. Hill, W. Baby Show 30.00 GAMRLEOOERddMxoca. solon Thdee sine n Finally "the last anc ta leave OF CLARKE TWP. Wood, E. Rainey, S. D. Soucb, E. Jr. Farmers' Caîf Club 63.00 GAYCOE i oa oo"h inradand the first anc ta camne' 1aea's Patterson, C. Bîllings. . Field Crop Competilion 75.00 - Added. "lMer Babies" the Sancftr iagteig tigse Chosen By Council On Mlonday - Stewards - A. J. Tamblyn. W ___ aartoon bopi ghtsoeday she iîî up. WiI Replace A. J. Staples - J. Riddell. R. Besi, C. B. Tyreli, ,649 Walt Disnev CRaFrBtH TEoorsnet Tesces f tefi Warden's Banquet Planned R. Sutan, C. McLaren, F. Tamn- Sl,624.95diure MRS F B W YT I pescint.Th sccssofth firblyn. A. A. Drummond, J. BcrrvGnrlEpniue On'. s lefIta the imaginatian. jJ.J Melini wvas appoînted W' Hoaî', F. Wood, o. W. Ralpb ' Fee la Ontario Association $ 2.00 Thr.Eei O 'y ELECTED TO BOARD Cast off characters s as folloxv,ýs Twsi lr n raue t î tc aaaymmesPaud for Judgcs 47.10& ON OUR STAGE Mrs. Roberts. the ffirst tacamne, 7 Oroo Lhnrx oar hnx 0- to lstla o.andwîî wnistaa special meeting af Clarke Cauui- C, J. Hugbson. Thos. S n i i : Expenises ta Conx'ention .5- cil on Monday inBlire hovn Hallthentbers,'oovliH. Curtis. Races. Concert, Music, etc 295.68 j Miurreys Uauî orx reî-n-t-, bepro1 d of terh'oiet'- ----- - Mrs. nModv nth Tw HJ. emes.RHa oo. .Ctri. ueMs hs oa:Lba-mnewt eeaplmson Tuesday, January 31- lasI issue, %vas appnox'ed. Those' Retained Membersbips I reyihaled combine with the BuckleysMitetosth The ad Mss M nton ian, Mrs. J. R. Cooper. ber liaI. xvho tried bard ta mait- Oshawa O. - Orono. responsible are ta be congratu- for 1939 $ 114.00 and heal tortured air passages. The Mixuesos h og Th a i' atn Aioe off thanks xvas exbcnded tain (discipline and conduci things Oshawa B. A. - Bow'manx'iile lldo b \elet eotad oeOttnig650.00 and helps correct the over-aj odto lmdfrpoog - BARBARA STANWYCK - ta lte audibors. in a husinesslike manuter). Friday, February' 3- loothexlensrvcgi-Samn figcuh ndod.Rmmb hsci HENYN FNDA MrONADHe.vMr. HspA.Th pHynwasyucbenoye, a OsawaeH.A. Thecatplaay ontheexcllettser ic gi'- tatiias o rshacwahs e. olA. RmemeNtewsccastate.-Bcely. 'Dean and Mrs. R. C. Roshorougb 1verc the folaowing items off music: Oshawa O. - Courtice. Improv'ement Fund. 1938 Mx~. n 1 1 Added: March of Time No. i wcre appainted ta approach couit- Choruses by the casl; piano sala., Tuesday, February 7-- Jan. 1, 1938, Bal. $864.93 in relievng cecls, bw hit ub- US as Refugee-Today & Tomorrow r cil for a grant.. Glen Tambly'n: v'ocal solo. Mrs. Bowmanvilie - Newcastle. Materials purchas'd $639.35 ergcetcls rnhts t. ryu oe ak A card party xill h bc ld in lte W.C. Lynch wilh Mrs. M. H. Sta-! Courlice - Orono.B idU ' 'isa cE Labor paid for 319.03 COIGnear future. pies ai the piano; piano duels. Friday. February' 10-Setfrrfeh i Mrs. M. H. Staples and Mrs. W. C.;r Oshawa B. A. - Bowmanyiile. mSent forre.esh BING 3ROSB 4n Expenicnce sbould bc t b c Ly'nch; xvocal solos by Mr. R. E.!i Oshawa O. - Orono. inetin y. sn Dec. 28, '38, Trans- BN CRSYischool of virlue, and buman hap- Logain with Miss Jean Logan aI The boys are very anxious ta ___ ferred from Gen- nnunun piness sbould proceed from man's the piano. Mrs. Brown officiated have a large number off spectators 974~IT'I '~rieral Fund . ... 100.35:1q "Paris JIIIUUII b ighcsl nature." - Mary Baker at the piano for the choruses and nol only for financial reasons but ~ ~ ILL tA 1Eddy. the National Anlhem. ýfor moral support.. $965.28 $965.28