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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1939, p. 10

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P.\ui-: TEN l'il; t N \ N 1)1 XX ST.Vi'E-Ni XX. itùXX'NI.\XX'II.LE, OX'F \i-tiO TIIURSI) XV. J.\NCARY 26Tîî e. itSitIW 'Idillitl'iuctive itik tititht- firîct cisapter ci' use sewsstutis' bock."Pice Worid insCicit Mr4. uo aii dAllin lits aitci ssifh The Newcastle Independent iVee cfuI edr sl.-h Vcbecorîitfilc-utce île 'Ts Plione Clarke 1114 l i 'aTnd ii .i -,c tralitu> , f i l l T . i-(r îctco--. 'iIio1.5 tT i"'Ti Suie i., il,' ;th1 c SS i TIi ii bafizars-. but .1 .1 T Il Tilit '1iS Sea. . lt'rcîîie' Mr. W. H. B. Chaplin is flot s well and is definitely weaker. Mr. Eric Gray and staff are nov cutting ice at the Lower Mars1 It's about a foot thick. Mrs. Harold Couch is at Green bank waiting on her mother. Mrs Thomas Wallace. who is seriousli Mi. Mrs. R. W. Gibson. wvho i spending the winter in Orillia spent a couple of days in New castie on business and sisited hei cousin, Mrs. W. H. Fearce. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanna. Jear and Gordon, Corbetts P o i nt Whitby. attended morning servie( at the United Church Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cr,. derman. Mesdames Percv Bro,.wn's and R. T. Rutherfords greup of Unit- ed Church W. A. are presentine their play. "Look Me ia the Eye' at Grace United Church. Toronto, January 26. Miss Baliagh NAho isending ROYAL - THEATRE- Bowmanville Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Double Bill - Also - "G AT EWA Y" with Don Ameche, Arleen Whelan Matinee Satu.rday 2.30 p.m, Mon. Tues. - Wed. ON THE SAME PROGRAjM Crime Does Not Pay Featuri "THINK IT OVER" Fitzpatrick Travel Talk in Technicolor 'Paris on Parade' Movietone News COMING - "lBoys To,.'n' "Too Hot to Ilandle' "lYou Can't Take It With You" ,"S%%eethearts" "lKentuckY" "-Jesse James" "The Citadel" o the ss'mîter ssitis lier couisins. NIî's.Play Casts Enjoy It trip î 1: > " a,.ît. r hl iela,,",'iiî J. E. XW. Pilp. acconspanried Rt-cee uky Dne .T ;- ucfiteiic îii î -it' "C. R. Cacveth te Cobourcg andi vis- ______X 1 -c ii.îîî -lad1i)T -ay hle Ilisai-- s. ted relatives whiie tht- ceeve at- T .JcsnJ eto oor-lIeS iesii.;tî - ae,î- tended Coemîties Cocnil. !.W ako n eto oo I litt.1115 iTTTi ti-s tica"d is l.iertnî" n- It w-as noted sith regret at tise , Mesdanmes Part-N Bcoo'ýn's amsd 'ic c,îibr. St ilite t i. al iTilt- ciSIT scongregational meetinsg cf tise Un- i R. T. Rutherferd's groups of the oi-tf-r.XX'c iltS'e hall frein tlîirts i ted Chsîrcison Mondas' esenmmsg XV. A. ertertalusetitise casts of rti îîîfv îec-rî'î' i in uiil-î tbat three cf tht-eder. l their twýýo 1938 picys. "Look Me Ilis -'iutTT.îs i in uitr. wouluth,. is Fligg. Mr. J. W. Bradley ansd Mi. tht- Eve' and "Plaina Jaise' anti '\rîîîTîcîffue <a5.. ýa Fred Graham, s'.ece confiîsed te itheir ihelpers te, a turkey dîtîner t )îi fîîrîe' NîVii O til Ft-Iil- v-their honmes ,s-ith iiness. n tise board cons of the United la -OtT(ctî 'ile- a iniau n uîîît-î r MXr. Fred Graham bas been ils- Church. Friday' eveniîsg. Jais. 20.'.ITiît S tr. 'i-fIt-Tci.ust- ticîlini- "f disposed and Ii'a unabie 10 at- Tht- choit-e portions cf three ic'i sseii.. l'lit sse are 1115V assîmrcî in tensd United Church servit-e en plc-mp turkeys sve-e consunsiet. ta I î-ltîîiiiaeioeca t, Sunday or the cengregationai ia i nacrieca e meeting on MoistaN- eseîing. As S%%(, 3YER sa - >hc ilu't .\uîtcs 'Il id an eider, a member of tise officiiII Tti'tT i TT-ltiii tht. s'et-k wil!t - board andi cf tht-properîN' ces-n - - 's ItciI aiî'i.îIarrel flows c mittce, he ývscs ut-h rissscl ">Ti1 id Weekensd gcestS seits Rto-v. R. E isrtiii,, amsd Mcs. MXorten is e-ce Miss lînci ir. l'TIlitTTIi'rfiip I:a-t. amîd. iuc-.î' SHickling. Elivsaie. fcîmerlN' cmi tý;i Ilti, ii ~îeu .I>TIS hlLil',i gagetinmisW. M. S. ssock at fise, \\:s\.. !lit itss tifa',Sanudlrev'enue 0.Victoria Honse aîsd Sciseel. B. C.. T15iIT\i'... Tsf tectir' 'Ct-ar' uT.- and ht-r sîstec. Miss Ocplsa HiueR i 55 ir ýr,\Iici u.F_ N g9 linsg. Set-i ttais at flic' Noîral ' ITitilt li..Tand outîîri-iiuatii'fi - Schoel. Toronste. Mi's Iriez cave _____'iI 'î NTscalEtîl tut a talk te tise uscussi N' cIas chii -4' T Ip ,îtii'i Teil i r-' TrtTIý iTi.lTui111 dreis. V sit iî i 'fT Il il i' , tT' ilTT Ti ii " Mr. Carl Fiser of YoungMeus' p >sii tui i iai Suni rutîlu Class ef Unsitecd Clsmch S. Scho. lse ' ~ ' "u-i' uTs triuiTs Ilif.lit. iîsstrcîced the pcîpis sith a taîRllIi JI'iiesîî'.Tiilce ti on tht- lesseus Suiscas' . Beardi o -f'~T itT'iiTI 'uaiageiistit liasafraisgedt te c~t"Tt r trîîls a puilicf oni-eof the se-suer class-X W ai es gve a shor-t taik eon tie lessel Iof Mrs. A. E. Melsst-assill *addcess tise scîsool uext Sucias'Obt are Mc. George GraNy. oho is sec-O iu re lioslN' tîl ii Gent-ralHospital. To- rento. underseent aamner opera-Ms ge .Cote oot -io fesSaturdav. Mrs. Gray' ssas i is ta .Cuie oot Toronto te be sitb lit-r husband W Xeil kîsosei as a deaconess musii anti cisc te sce their elacghtec tise Unsitedi Chucch of Canada,- Betty sis is indecgeing tceat- T. W. Jackson Miss Agnes R. Ceutie dîed FridaN'. iT menst fer ber foot at tht- Sîck Cîsil- Jaacan' 20th, at ber home. 27 drens Hospital. Oîs Mondav BettN- Tht- turkeN' secs suppleensteni bN Fellîs Av\enuie, Toronsto, foilosviîsg underseent a corrective eperatieus a delectable aseic of asasheti lp> - st-cal momths' mluess. Bornata on ber foot. tatees. carcets and pt-aisdressinsg, Neswcastle, Ont.. sue sens a graci- Youiig iNen*s Class cf Unitedi reils. jellimes. relushes. and desert. Luitotf tise fcorser Pct-sbs-tt-iaui Church held a son r actice Jan. Mcar. Rutherfocd spokt- isieliN' Missniacyad Deacomsess Trains- 13, in anticipation fs et tccpN'iisg after diîsuec anscioTn behaîf tif tht- uîg Scheel. Sise istîi sers-etitas tht- choir loft ai a chicîch service t1550 ogcoups siacereiN tsausked tise leacee:ss'viiti St. Grils Chuci. la tht- Iear future ati leatinin u menîbers efthtie tsec casi.. anci as- Toreonto. befere gîîîug te Edmnsr- tise siiscing . Atter practîce theNv sistants for ail tht-N iaci done so tis.seisece foc sixit-CusNears she înviteei the girls cf tise C.G.IlT.. cratuilleusIin i sakinil p îossibiesereicstef10apcscfh- seh se-reisedîîg iît-r --.e-R' fTh as e îîca eietiseoN XX'M S. Affer service ii Haasi nmeeting, te sisare ctfresmeis'Ti îînr53 gsuee p- ton.she retturnedtiteTeoostoandi seýith tisem. Tht- girls ,ve-e gratte- larctciatiems. fi fer tisis amsd exprco:se ilmtnis a Mr. E. W. Fisher. speakimsg oi ntil bier retîreaîemt a fes erst-i' agoe eîgaged isnisespital viifi practîcal weay. Jai. 2o. byvmthtie g1- sts.s ccedti ieir ihauîks for tht- United Churcis. She Ivas a ing t ht-5ocîng meus te a skainmg fer succ a lcîxucîaîs.t anti sntishN'- isember of Bicer Street UnitedCl part,, at tht- Loss-e Marsis. fol- iag gesture. Everv. cnt- lrescrit Chticch. Scîrvîs-mng s ont- sîsîci. c loseýeti b5 a suppec of bakeci beanss ladi enjoyeti tht-tinîer andt the- Isaîella Leses.on Cecîtie. and ether s ands ai tht- S. S.isall.casnpans'. Rtcv. R. E. Morion aIse ____ _____ expressed bhispla-sc-ce iiibeiîsgt St. George's A.Y.P.A. îucludied aasoag these are tidtise Ms e.Aln atWib St. Georges A.Y. P. A. ht-ici fables cuti heîed tht aili ssho Ms e.Aln atWib their social eveeiig JanuarN' 16. ee1e901îmsg seUlste Ise pcs'te To- Tht- ceath ofMc George Ai- an etetane S. ohj'ý; ý onte on Jais. '-m. soî be ona i. Park re rad solttî. East X aî-i P.Anti ente aiîsed S. IJehe,ah- tht-uc betibeisaviour. bN' etcurreti Jaîscary 2151. at ht-rIl sent-e cf Presideai Rt-v.D. R Sittîîmsgai tish tad cf tise maini homne ftcoiicseug ais llness cf coeP: Dewdney. the Vice PceuilenMiss ~<table ssas NeWscasîIi'sgraTdel)olci oeitis Sue xss sbornsiBruceî' Flont-nce-Spenîcer secneitise sarieoffise stage. T.XW jacReuî. cTitN'. Janm. il. 1865. cîndti scsi S guest. Thevisitng prsici nese mn b, is 8fltis N eac. buît .tn i riher 751h 'N-tar. Sue cesîietiin Eas:t C gcmoss. Ts s'îsingpeest. ce.ei-cessnec ssYae-rX'stown csushipîipraticallN' tlI . Mr. Siduinl aCashoHcîcus. client-ciarer Wtiseb meeting. Bible readimagssvert-rt-ad as a stage cuiîîiatffcm i'Ttortalns-liser lifte. Sue cttenridin,î, sir-et by illam ait To Brre c-c Irai tht- tgeo-, 7iiitise Kurlîs'UTsiteed Clîcrcis Osliîass'ct. A' and William Tait, T eniBertoui cisollciitse. be 80 isexi Sue ssas prenitcease-tibN ht-c D ganim s. XV. Gî-dbo nSe v e rof i iXli iî.1lif sceaube lonsg befcre hsasiniiiMON'1933. ant i scur- 1h games toilseet bN'mut-is. li- siliihasve censpieteti 73 vcac.-mie-c b- -eio icîgiter<. M\rs C Il'iî htIe meii'ber.. cf tise' i'.O h.cîbe cfsîtv, A fme t %c. hats cgeî, t a ccsî. ut branches bt-came bt-tiir Oqclaînîh.iesc i ctiuitieslAthii àCaad ar.l E es usN'. tif O. isas. a. ad bS eti Table teniîsanti carpet bos -x ete )sný< ohi aaaMs.E ei'-- fOsi'ýi.adb igprosiec R-tus-,imet ie 'Utsnit-ci Statt.aci ai outs - Ilis ee stos. Johnsu. Ncmriîctacid DeuIN PurIct ndctiPauline -Di'iliseeti-ctlaies Oalhby.Ots Tiscrsela cPr ce.ail eto.f ssa cîccmspmsedbN France.:DieR -so lse ft': csi litaNparttrfii "ooR Tise' funecmt Ix's ht-iciTutstivNb atf tise piaise.. tsn cutidlîp cîcedi 'Me tus tise Es-e" at Occce St. Unit- aite-ncîscu. seifi Res'. J. '.Mc- pl At radieoîceîsircidnus:c ifor claTc- id- tlCiuii-cii. Toronto. plaNiag op -'in ischarge cf se s'. Ilus at îmsg. Ais lîccr wss'îe-i- oN't-cI hN'ailOl, fi"us.JerrN' Bros-:î . e-ieîst v s adnei mus i e -t-m Il ai cards Tise c îassi te-e i e _______________________ ct C 'csy. Il charge. FraciBreetoîs. etve-i Delou las urigNt, Ths. e c In1hSai er,. Dga oXv rst. Tse. Bi-ct-- The EÇ trCs MailMiss Florence D. Parc s tastN' lunschs. Tise vîsittirsexpress- )li htI iSTIT. li'.li- Hii'reuieî' th eti their tisamks cuti appcecuatîeu --- -- -T--- Hi. i i t ) li .a l'nîrur. .ýv eîîîi0 for an enjoNabit-es'enîng. atter, Cane, Ontario IIi-I'f '-iXiil". Pi îrî ctirtle ss'hîch a homne s'.altz ceacîcîiec Januars' 14, 1939 it 'TT fi îr ti"- i- tht- meetinsg. Dear Sc î. Sr.-î' 5't. in Cui t.iiiiiii -1ý ____________TU. .,....'....... I.....lui-.. 1w One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement is not paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10c wben replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Bîrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. In M.%emoriams, 50e for notice plus 10e per line for verse. Classified adv'ertise- ments accepted' up until 6 p.m. %Wednesday. BIRTH At l i- X i',îîss'iîaîîsilIe Hoiît.îual, 01u Jailîtars 1l tIî, î Mlr. atîl d Ni t. liT îîrs hall.,TTitiiTifT a C sTiu 'Y'IERNI.\N - In Bossiai'iii i l' 'Sptîtl. jamii. 19tiT. 1939, te N-'l. lIT i c. IHonward Crs eii îî. Xi.iutît Grese, a soni. 'il.N't II)S IiiBcs'îaits ,iý-19. 11)9). ii NIr. autel Xhc. J. R. Rcv- utoiI. latii ftti, a soli, (Di s d WHX' i:îi Ini Su. Patîl.'IIoui)itul, X'iieiu -.PC., Nie. 2Sîiu,193.)ý iii M c. andîl Ic.. 1-cc W Xebb (ii Mu'rXItîti l .ci i f ý i 1 ss'niaiî- v5 l li . - a daîuLIcl-. X alirut-il Card of Thanks Mrli -R. 1). 1)avhdseIu svi>.e, ft itu, ik r ucr ric-tbior' fisilcir kidî sý uiit Tiî '1 lsT lierii nii lir '1h - Position Wanted iTTaut 5 ilic. excellenit rcemremit-t-. ch/os1'1i. tlrîss'r 1P., itîis îîîs b 't'1i- in 66'3. Ndew Accounting System Designed For Municipalities 1 IATIIS Ao-ents Wanted! - COT..ti.'I- - .At 27 l l, .scî i, f -u ~esi'îi--r .tcads'ci îlv 'f 1 i .1i1n1l.20ttu. i9,31 \Agiles1 i-. ' it'i -II iTs iTidc'iiTtiict- Cîie. fîîrîueris' tf \Xt\-uat.ul' u' :stu îîle-is. -Tr 200 c-ic- i s i uautlue if flc ate i)asil îI - î Ttitte iii-ie-r i ialts'.1 ,îîîci .Xcit-s . Couitie, and i,-uter TII i ..îs - îre' Nt elietce ftil- i -ahi lit of L eST -t i C t . tIT 'il X' -u 5Tieee . iVî1'e1.eîti rs si C i tdliit', îf lic' t,.'i Iiitl iî i î 1t. puaT' andT S it. îîcr iuii ituNoîii' Tt' id lii.hoe., 134 liallamui Street, Ic ltlîtleeTi icri-îal.îi Ton-r'TlT. Fi't'l harciî, lîîî.lial f t. î. -În0 Si. Cleîîîeilf. XIîttt- tlic atu' Xera XX'iittaker. niiii e 4 iti i îitI 'onTTi "i f r 'Mc>.. î.uWîîNucJ' l)arclTantiîte bite Alfret-l iarel. X'N F î 3 lI' X'I..t)E a i j atliîr of XXilIlani. OTîcoîlst1i rivX-eîs a < Ti r Pit - t.. e t0-.,,. ,T,î i, "' ~ uiu utfi ' eTie.îupt niî .~mtam fGuelph., anti Turs. AtIEI- X lier home, 10 Bos- ASI1 Nst iii -i cllf.lai. 21. 1T).T1 ice Li-eu',alidi anilu dttc 1 cr '- il'mae l)s i F.le' . Xl iT'I.i li'ITTuIl1ti if Ilu TttS lt I(l%.îlls atî 24. 1939u.Ficl iiTTb I. ýGTiIteuh. ini nit - 'I f Xi. .îiiiiMXIr>. Gariiet G, -lîccîî, at-e I i lV t IlT. i) îî III, l 1. E muîcrai f cciî 111( i tTiIi5i e.1lvîc Q titi'ii Si - if - 1 ii <as', lattarv 2Îîth. ,tu -' iicl,îck. Jute uictit lT05 T.iTailie XlfTT is îhtars 23rd, .3i.i.1, Nlie V'lic-.tMlekre,îîl. ss'Iiiîîss' TfthTe iiTe S.îuîîîîel .N[.,XcCreals'. iii lit-r S4t it ar. FiTTrai fr- -Tii ulut te lilitie. Suîl dcStreet. onTit Tîrs- dtav 1 iîua ; tl.. IIT- i erTu itf 1!-%v5'nim.iille 'iIiit t s l )NI 11.1'(,il I ltiî umil. iî >5ili. iîî.31T. h1- 1i Isiill k, o lIT TI c-lt dulis îîl-'î i i 'Iii.i .'i -T iTTi tIt i i 'u t i il Ilis rs FLORISTS Kingsway FLOWER SHOP Defmmiîe assistance 10 smalier 1, ý.si.i'mis scuî>NS> u . e Onîtario mtmnicîpalittcs la tise torm \\c .1 e..u'Ti'. i'1'.IyTi of ais impros-et accouîîtîng ss--IIiSTilTi hli-'i> i-' tis tiesigsedti f0metttht- îîeds'cf al;-l' is. 1".T "T' toshsips. villages anti tosevns is Phones: 7à2. 2632 or 26â3 icomiseti bt-tort- theset-ndcf thse Bowumanv it-e t-ar by Hou. Erie- Cccss. Tht- Minister et PubliceXXeltace UNM M RA andi Municipal Affirs states (bat INM ORA arîîaîîtai et apprcs'ed accocîntingIiXX i iIstcitiis mratit-t- sel bhaaalable soma 'a i-aîl,îîî1 tie.ltT tît ucîg1939. Baseti cpem tillî1nnu.s t-tia'i.5 List-'î ts. iin pîegmess bN' E.î 13 Gravdca Jarmai, tht- inanctal fi ililiii 5 ,, 1937: w ill embrace acl tish e ccîntîaig C lnZ- 1 .v flllt i -c1iiý re1-hsoetOntai nue mscîpaîittes isse î'îc-fulnt fîlîs. tiin: Al- Jarais, a usember et the XXst.I-iliii'ai'ii, ii. )epcrtment. is temperaru îl- 01 TPit ilt rtt iTu ý(.1 d fi i uitee ac-nit an t tise Muait-upalinîansce ,Xsi ut ii i il lis X' e )ffîe'ers' Associatieon et tht- Uustt-e ~SiTI laîit-te frites andciCaniada acutiis nîrtkît'IhXXIIf luh sliiTi it uis llt'luthcciscers cli tise Umi istcsifs ikt"Y i'f ir ui î- i WXestern'ts Ontlaio inus Londcon.s litTT 1 Tii Ml.,' icil Tit loic soie îsoîstis Mr. Jrncimslias ii - 231,l.î" c'stuchNimsg tht ace-ciiîsnugiîuir -icrîî-, i'tîleîîîs cf sîsîcîl îîs ciî'pahutîes N iitî îîr l T.iT s î fi ceit rainitge tfu i ugls tIe i e-mu -cl it loi-Il w tasni of cu ,.ousai contacîte' t îîs ac- i s r cemîîlîri ls' X.i' muossandt msuniutcia l lT'iii ls. Tise Ittil cl. 'utit tif lis i> fîscîgs ss ii bec'con- î SIX X li ili-umuuîs i 'i j(ý te wîI sitis fhi' expce'ue'ce o ta etliir .11lre ýev' il î s.titt-s c ' fic-he m-odec i,i il . is T' iTî.,eîl tS 1 1 ii laTi.i ini ssiii b' ae a s' aii 1a h I e ti 19.37.- srocîgistht- Departsemît te ail 'Iiri.alîkiett iiî-fss-. Dtamie msumîcpalities. -\, . î tt'it tlTliT 'ni "A sciggested ss'1stem hs:hteu n ristal lt-ni iiioaa Ontario v'illage.'-u re hi. Cross said. "ancd as socus as its iii- tc IsT 'iu i uî' ',T.lui 'onu t-an ha festeti, c matsic f ,ii-iu . 0lc TTI,'icinli uîneintî ,0,',,', t . Tf- - - - ... . NEWCASTLE W. 'M. S. tothehomiV lr Is u o e n1)2.le ii %jsI1Iý te the home papr is due foî r- n 1921 lIer O-t-. sicf-, er- be pcpaced and d is t r bu ted.,tR TIiT'.NK»-c.oi- - ANNU.AL REPORT ness'al sshich I enclose. I s'. uld s tice tuer., o î(lerTti II.i:îîî0cr- ManlY Ontario teswns. tes.nsips1.1 'TTiîreî TTifaille. T TTT5 (îT Womns issenav Sciev ~not like te be s'.itheut the paper. niiTtetýI.i'- thirteilc Ir- Te wa- and villages continue to struggle 13 I ssant te thank you fer giving 'r-,Tî-î - St. oI-u.- N:gicali along without the benefit of pro- : _- sIseiisere the nite Chuch. ewc stl.sace fer mv peetry from time te ('11i iii l a-t of the-" scar. Per audits. and although the ap- 1 ii mtet January t ith slendidrs.tîme, aise for my shert stery in jITe O t- inder a;î ureatliTidica II.plication cf accepted accounting V idlTTi I tedne it rsdn r ast week's',issue. I have had a Iitil i d- fijitrllilaciti i 11). principies wvil net evecceme aud- Wi n ariý N. Allin presiding. grand tetal cf e l tiî iirTitI'. andî iting deficiencies, a proper hock- ('T'iTiniîrcfiiFat. Rev. R. E. Morton conducted a and articles puiished in the last TIfi TTTrtel tial lîro. f t- ,keeping systemn is bound te effeet 1 'TiTI, . JScott, oIT'T ui',. very beautiful and impressîve in- he etswîc sm ts --TTTTTT5le Sc l 1Otta some impres-ement. b, t.2(t.13 stialiation service. dweliing en the record te date. Each publication i.,r-f ils' X . \. Y ..\A Lauie The Department cf Municipal T'., '-iT Tetii n oilife r 1i. T. Simportance cf înspîring c siîrit stîll gises me the saine thrill as I)irei, r -of ftic.\Iriciitiirail 'îtitsAffairs bas been in existence is lTifiil] tllTe 5 Itiiillhir cf prayer among members and MY fîrst publisheel poeem "TO il e~ , naîture au -e stWrhanoîrvers heMiite e-v-diluT Tth iî* Tc. OIl- j~maintaining c stcong fellcws,-.hip P.H.S - s'.hicb apîpeared in The - li served, but dîîrîng that time lias .Tîl andcomen vmpths intheStatesman in 1918. Dc o ,-uce- iTn'TiTi 't i eril erT accomplished ic-ch in assîsting lTit l i-îIT-I - c.'aTitre. corn ecty.s c-it-member it" It lhsaYs 1...TTpTec TTI îr'i' T"nliimunicipalities cf Ibis provrinTcTeT'c'T S l ThaT- Rordet. S. specia . F BTtlui, - TT.rswith their administrativ-e prob- a gavea cOmprrcisien jý repot fort, me tpeaven my home tov;n ,r 5T ,'ilitleme sAltthoutgh mcch offitht- work____________ fieappear r hwcl7 ae.., :I jll A"r ct io h Dprnetbas io cie with me.mbers. mnciudin cII If;h fe imcm - Yeurs tculv, ÎIT T'u ir"'i'ItihT' 0e --i muniî'îpciîties sshich are- unrier COM ING EVENTS bers. s'vith an avec-rage attendlant Ms VoaSert tNnidi.i n~i i îîtrctt supexrvison due te financial cf 6 Eeve metîn~ st-c bol. t' i ..Ti nt. T. .f ! s i-s .difliculties. nttentin ha: bten Iplt-t l S" lît 5TicIzi TTICMceTi Les. ef t sec mrumhet' s cieîtSt. Marvs '. Ont. !lt TI"t i pain te th- ecok cf ceinty coun- ,il i Fni lr. 1i, Wàt \ Iitî Ti was ceported. ,Januacv '17. 1939 i TT h ." i lTk Tit fiTI cils.,l liý Trei csure c Mc W ý'.E. E-rma nDnîre rge-. Tii hQ- "'tIT.I 'Ti!'II..........Dîrng 1938,- Mc. Cross sai. gv-an enceuî-agîog fînalcilce- Th('- detr I get the- denier te 55 tIiTs t'i- 'it- TT itli u it uT ,a'c rpi'e. enitcti-c- cf the Depart- K, (t)IliT TTiTid il].- 'iii lt .' pcct recrtcg 485(>0'cn tOthtme heccîmethe- n..î,{'îtiens cf the l'r o TT i.ii 1;IIlIT.T , ilî'inTiment sisiter 2To cf Ontacios 38 àI l iî d 'H T'C T.iira Branch treasurer. s.hîch v-s- S0 n rii.1 ' lvcn.t ouiis ilnc isusc P- , 3u I.& .C l) i le more- than lait vear . NA p ~~ant idthe mo)re- ciT I salue e W ITîTisTTT-i T'T' in ('eit ' 'cTuiciis anytiofTi5thei d:1%"T IT71I' l S.tTl Tî'Ti Statesmnnas Ia iînk bts'enme-i"î! TTT i s .TIs'tht- uciosmaeoteTii-1>TuT ii I ik jr Vice Presîdeats M' .A 1I lci the einS'irtîninentTof l long .î nLý III-ýIrTI- o i lail falîli phase-s cf municipal ss.-'eck. We aTnd XTT I î i i"TlTce' R a nd Mcs. C. Hanccck took charge v acgc. 's'hnIrish h c- ts wr --..-T 'T"Ihuu t' i,, . cSadihave hacin mne cecîuests foc th is fi T"iTTTTT'iit-1 cf fi se meetings ý.Cercespoî .diiig ili'on ftht- h ii i nî- l-'r c i i \'î T. iTe 'I r fToiT service te be- ccntinued and pro- Sec'y. Miss T. Fergeison ,"rt 'Pcctî- n2of lenclIrhb-atbethpvi "'T T ' ic i aii TnIT' ' î'i'sent plans cii fcci-the cemain ing .X TTHTT.i X'ntieituîîe i )uic,,. c. letters. eadIihhat ca aplI Secrtar cfChrstin Sî"s'cti and in inison as tht-s'raciîcte'ritht- I T î T1i1TI. It 'T'i)ici" Fc,îuk 18 ci'e is t e h vsisitc-dcicîîring 1 i 'TTt-aindl SîIîl o iTCil) iTn D ship anti Finance, NMis. Rohisuî .oildcmpaTiîcfshi panti "' i " - tilit rtl ila - v.t- fi1 's sx onl cf the ccir- mis '% Nu tiFi ( a 'c. 1) reported $9 4 csig en si-athcspitial tv tof the- be'c( ua sillage \c \TîIcXi\àIl i sf-i '1-i enrîr ent %Nearl." TT *, 40ithniCTiTCier Od tiii (I-ic In înclcîdîng Mis, ion Band, Dcii.'on the- bihl. itTh I iTt r\ i iIili i 1lc-t'cto,T _________la___________________ nrds.33 Bi d a ( . TT ;,ln s.I r-me-mber Toîm Pi3ces'a -ii ing R i.ii-,11r-ow . loi IITT ilITIir :1 t Ce il i Band anr C GîT. is-îngs ai tht- dpot 563eci.a goie Hohat i iitTi il <tt"'i,-T 15 .' ONDTe Communitv Friendshîp St-cv. trs'-'RbsbOUeND . h- Ni.i lTiRiIPît i i drivn hs brthe Ji inthetoýFor Sale Mrs. Ilart- marie-152 cails and col- latter cartîcte- tî Trinitv meicai t!. .î ii i OiTT 'h-'. liiif iected donations cf fruit and eîlg-Ta i sa'li-mm ilc-ljfTTIT I îî! iîfT A** Da uii clothing fer Port Heope She-ter i >R 'If' - 1M L Bi iRG l DI iti Scippiy SeeN . tIc. Iltcr re'port->r < u ~ ~ R'l r Tr -.'.Nit'- îîs al i i - Ji ' ed 7 bale. of ciothing. incîtîliagn ilir Iit'1 ar Tci 'i ifor rli lil - i. February 3 - 4 - i511 .1 sTT'iî.i.ii-rsS 'e il quits. c 'ru lavette se-t. S2995 Mother ccd Iccooîtkiing o-ii 'I'arr 4 ss'cs gis-en 1 gi-atrai unad tof th(- ss'citi.-s.ith piI-csîirrtbii aticîiai-c-I' i'iiii' 'Toîcî <( X, i si-R 1.) ecet. iectpeneeltien. t1 met-tici g vyon ut tile r)ir lIT SSII1 Mcs As'. feu ~ x- han C lubI)in Torontou on tt- (»26t1s c- i i-' d t- nd-if. . Toronto - - - - - $1.10 1i 'Tîî-lts S' î 1 i iDre.,r. r-icc 'ilT' l-eIpi'cs: i8 mi-mbeis. ca ti BN' veti I acm oc t iîg(.itl Tf N-w'II ii ' i ll ii l ii dlaiiton -S 2.05Ti H iIO i idTS. ii'ti fr S 10 olce in mt bo e. the- aciter cf ' ,îîî' destin '. -Mcr.Ti -c' Buffalo - - - S 3. 80 ct loi.tî\ ili' . G.. D4 ir ~~~~j lîît'le"dimiebue., tmInlathe-i eantime ctr o cuiI « T'i.I"'Iî' hta ---Sa6 \ 8. . ihilo et' \1i. ianB. Scîpt. Mc' Waltoa hta 56 ripoel i-iS85.72. C G . 1.T. -nîid -r ist re-gatrds te, Neli litliacd I a ns ~ 12 e as îî 7>0 vcru agni' (oderich - - - S4.35 ii huaNl" t 11 fo11'i'l \ Xli .îîsl Pbs )vBadSîîpt. Mcs A. E. W i'Bi"\~i Ow'en Sound --$4.10 i! îhîMtriila> :I - 1 te-lcv î'îeîted $1000. J i'.% ll.Burketon Parry Sound --S4.90 .îîîst i , Stîiiii--i. CI t nîîii. otc trc f TrIpe-cance antidhebr - -S .5Nv' i WiITSIlt -Ch'isianîsCitizi-isbijî Mrs. W. J.14 i ltiî N - $18.05 S. Rickacil ri-cîti:1articles on) temr- i .î'. i. N îi s i tti -I "h'- I .1 XIi-î and numerous otiîer points peranie dcirisg flise y'ear. %%;I,2 t- " -- "-.'cI --nE' Il Going - First trainl 4.01 p.m. Fcb. 3 Real Estate For Sale T Miss Blac'kburniT5 cpected 69 1), ,Il 1 - A liiUi i ii lit ,,tite t iiicl t Iii T( , Iliirke- î i i x iù s Missionary Monthlvs. 1In îî- î 'Iîî I -lu tî i .rîl i-Il. bh ilte LVîit d ViEt' Ilîntki o eunlmttansrie t AE TO1OSS Litcratuîe Se'. Mi. . Ceitke ce Trît-itt. s fo tî,îî --T i i e . ttîlr atiîiict', if lhirk'letw o rtr lmts rin sricet iiS . S \Ie iclilt. t t îît pected ci good 'icculintîg librars-iy 0." .1' N c tiauiieî %vas i nult Agents - Ask for Ilandbill St.. iIWiitT it4-1 cf 16 books, and t'icoucntgeti tise 1i lti h. i fiat i iTI'I t iitittt'tiilîl T'îtTîS"andite N't-ii POOL TRAIN SERVICE .-ToR t readîng tof more botoks. l]T i 1e t.t15ti>. i -atîl' ifrîtt tic ti a tvdî'ilaliy. o Pre-ss Sec'y. iVrs. CtAsilie ce- mî --f o Iitirul), \ciî.o the tîo il Gladti teceotcîisrs. Ci ,nîrlie IDeanuCanadian Canadian porteti 9 regular meetinîgs and .3 îf ouitnriliii'. lti tut'i( iit i iLettiîîc- altint- fill'. APARTMENT TO RENT FIVE specials. iesis iwtîx's mest hiestîî- atl f)(îc t ctic bîrl ervice Pacific National rooms. Apply Statesman Office.i ____C._______avean_____________an__1_________ hiiclis r49-tf IVirs C. 'Iancck gs-e n intr- onîs iottsteil alîctît a ic-ceit cais' svas îîctiucnieil Sundav tilTrtinit. Tea Cup Reading ALX.X[.IICE 0F TORONTOD. uîî lrt-ad tes cutis and cards es-Crs S-atutrîlas 2 tili 10. Trcoubile, scl \ t F. M\clindce's, Kiuc- M iscellaneous XXI ST END GAREAGE A\NDM. ciliTe' Shtiu'u- XVC suecialiie iii iliacliitîtrv cefiaics. zecierai cara-,e. T eTirs iT Otdiiig. towinz serv-ice. T. i Dciierlhnz. Proorcter. Notice to Creditors Tiflei-'dr.ul cisi - i IX ' I EST.XTE 0F: Ti~ ~ \ h 1h11t- i X III i-lis'- î-li Fmiii Armant-I Peters. Deeeased ltiiTh. Tr, t-- ' \Ii X l avit.iT' iini'iit clainîis azaun.-t Ileît", tue T f tht- aboeie meitietil R oom and Board 'iti ii tht- ']'tt55'il f Burhamaîo- 't">~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1,,l XR)XI D)ic lIiX ' isuiilie 4tIîildas of Jamunars' i jj _\\u'î XThI) 1'. Xi'iThVT. TiiTt- i ii tui edt iifile trociof c ..14 lT q Siv .. h iITTT.ih s lu e 1. Ti 5 ilI lletit' iiî(lecsizuîeei uit ci' icTic tc 2011i ils nc-f ,Feu ruai s. 1>>.\Nftýilt t Iate flic Estate jusihI F ced SPeCil iT i.rlîît.iTasimme reizard euh' tii i cila. iiii -f ssii clith (l i de sizîîed XX KL l'h :I ' 1-1i) S PI: CI X ' ss\Lît-uînItaelICI fnotice. P ;i 1 1, l u' T II, F t t i: i ),ieîi at Pess'nîsilIe tIiîj, 9tli S. - liT'. mil 'îl 777 ý ibis' if lait îar'. 19,39. 1>1lli. 77 41 i X 'iliatili Nid Peters. liîvinaiîsille, i(it.aTT< l Iîitliigit- Bi-kIt-. R.R. I, Lost i1u1 iTtifle., t ît . lis'tîir Solichtlir. 1 îss rîtîce C. Nfa.ent, Bcsviîais'llt-, t u-ii'. llack, i a ilîiî' iil i sili i 'it fT rizt I c i"'if. 13Q tC'arke' _____ st'i Ml )iasa. 4-1* Auction Sale i.N,ý t u X 31 - XIMr. i X Thi h. l.'t 21). t 'i. -. DI iiiIuî-tî'i. au!T.01 --hut I Tuil"nu-h i - i 'it TIi T' s WiHi 1s lthic .iti l' i. a îIlîait \ Tf5 i 'iaiilm iic. Tîil'TTii haý s. ai rdi ii l tîî s aSu 1 ITTi T Ti't .l IiTer X 'Iiîr Xîc ut .îîc c. si Notice TOWN 0F BOWMIANIVIILE t i ' i llt'T ei-IIh - T i i t "To i lle li. i i is lii' l TI.TT'î iT - "i I iii andI t ' T111T-t bî>le' ikc'i t i ,-l ( I, rk'. -Tf an .îd f t t ual ci iItiTut. 55 '11 1 til i1 Tue fiIiil b t.'lrk.4 i lb usas liard tb undt-rstand. Ile secmcd smart as a wîhip in t-verything but scitool uuork. Ont- dau. houtever. bis teacher noticetd that bis wuork improu'ed vuhenes-er he sat near the front of the room. suhere he suas dloser to tht- blackboard. Tht- rtst uu'as easy: an examination revealed that ail he necd- ed usas glasst-s! When We Test Eyes ItI Done Properly Registered Optometrist in charge. Rexali NOSE AND THROAT DROPS 25c QUINNINE TABLETS 24 size - - - 19c EPSOM SALTS 15c -25c Rexal MILK OP MAGNESIA 25c -50c -75C JURY & LOVELL Phone 778 Lowest Drug Prices The Bray Chick does the trick. Lt me show you the proof. Place sec-r order here. No wniting. No llether. Cail or phone. F. L. BYAM Tyrone, Ont. J. E. NICHOLSON Poritypool, Ont. WE'RE AS NEAR as your telephone when- ever you want any information on insurance. Don 't wait until you have a chance to drop in at our office, or until we cali upon you.+ We can give full details on the insurance policies vou ought to have. Phone today -'.don't delay! J. J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanvfile REA-D USE Â4eWAN,. ADS1 -TANUARY 26TII, 1 PAGE TF--'ý; S*FATESMA'ý, IýMVMANVILLE, ON-Fý\R1 ý a liu(l titi- ',%'( 'fork- nit The beginning of the new - fl"t _,. 1.

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