~tateiman With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmalnville.News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News ORONO NEWS on Page 9 NENVCASTLE NEWS on Page 10 VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSI)AY, JANUARY 26th, 1939 NME CANADA FACING DANGER 0F MORAL UNDERMINING BY SUBTLE PROPAGANDA STORY 0F PIONEERS BY NATIVE SON The Canadian Magazine for January contains a story "Be- fore the Pioneers" which is of considerable interest and historicai sîgnificance. It is written by Franklin Davey McDowell, who was born in MONEY SPENT ON MUSIC THE SAFEST INVESTMENT ROTARY MEMBERS TOLD MAILING LISTS BEEN CORRECTED Maybe you noticed it last week without being told, but for tbose who didnt we now advisc you that the mailing lists of The Statesman were corrected up to Jan. l4th. That means ail subseriptions APPROACHING 90 YEARS OUTSTANDING CITIZEN IS HONORED BY LIONS CLUB Bowmanville. being sonl of roceived at this office up ta ______________ROTARY__ cth e l. Hisr randp.Fants Si Charles Saunders, head of the that date have been changed. HONORED CITIZENDae M rsoB d- Ca p . Erc Aclnd D s- ADRESSS ROTRY t el Mr. an M rFrnk Lenrd Rcer iec perimental Farm at Ottawa Look at your yeliow label on cribes he Perls of ere well known ini Durham tor of Music in Osh- x. investod in hard work. pat- this paper or wrapper and . man 0f Mn er Communsth i Ef frseC Ing-aibeD.Critin waScoowTelsofiac, faith and systematie note- soo how you stand. We great- Co m nitcEfot elbèn BbeChitin a a cols elso 1ý;king until hie was able to pro- Iv appreciate the promptness PresentdwihRed in Canada - Urgesminister hore, and John Da- Returns Rec e ived agriwhhhabout in -which many have paid for ing GiassadVlm vey of Clarke Township. ,w.ho iý * ions ta Canada. their paper. \Ve will lie equal- tookan ativepar in he rom nvesmenL 1 \Iarie Theresa Paradis is an- 1 , gratoful to the othors ifonU erC ad Children Be Taught t kagictacipatandthe FrMsie ndinVinnti 15. utsht- midenndsed n her e Loai agrmeltr Inotiuty ofndite Musir instance. She was born theY will take this kindly ______ Loyaft Farmr's Istitut of ffty i Vienn in 10e9.oftBsho-anviderlads oidestthirand ycars ago. Mr. McDowell is (,11 reat talent for music. An Em- mittance. It takes a lot of eoBw Putblicitv Reetaiefor 1"ec o obo ontr( advanced money for hier nMonleytu finance a paper of I greatly bolove iios ai The danger ,ve face to-day inopeettx or Tahabyablwahn 's th aadalaioa a li e %won'tloarn to bloxv a 1 i ýcation with tho rosuit that she the high standard of The 1 orsnS. Canada is ot from to sword. ays at Toronto and hias be- safo. asserted Leonard Richer, irceamo a great organist, pianist SttemalW n dth cxt MorrnS.ih wl e9 er but frem subversive propaganda. corne one of Canada's out- Director of MuieinOsaw .d composer. Tho investment oporation of oxer', subsoriber aniusadn iie"b h staedCap. ricAcand wlI, saningshrt toy witrs Schools. addrossing Rotary Club 1naide by the Empross is stili pay- ite keep up thîs standard. ýii Lions Club o odyngt know.n Toronto Telegram column- and an autherity on pioncer Frîday on "Safe and Sound In- ing dividends. when hie waspeetdwt days and historicai events of vsmnti r ihrwste Tcakwk a or ori edn ls n oue"pe ist. Ho was addressing the Mens vsmns-M.Rce a h shiosywsbr ori edn l the oarly sttiers in Canada. tounder of the Ontario Socondary Rbussia with great ability for com-EN I IL N Canada in Pione as yGi Canadian Club at the Balmoral!Bfr the Pionoors' is a School orchestra %vhich gave its irsing music. Ho was assisted inlet Hotel Tuesday evcning oni tho glowing stery of heroismi and first presentation at the Ontario suio ndbcaeon f h CHURCH TrO HOLD LiosCuehaqatesith subject Poaad. untold devotion and centres Educational Association Conven- L:ioatost compoers. DIAMOND JUBULEE__ Sons of EngladHl wscod Propaganda. at its best as far around Fort Ste. Marie built tien in Toronto four yoars ago. The speaker included his per- ed for the ccainb ebr back as the Frlc and American iii 1639. Knowing the author "*Take music eut af the home, (mial history in the address do- Annual meeting of Enniskillen adsvrlget nldn .L rovolutiens, to-day keeps t h e is a Durham Ceunty Boy gives the church, the clubs, the air, (and picting vividly, the resuit of an Church was hold Manday nîght Squair. L. A. qar m an world in a constant explosive at- an added charm te the story. 1 wish I couid take much of the :nvestment mado in him by a and xvas well attended. Reports! ton. D. R. Mrio n ot mosphere frnm the international piffle dished up te us out of the xxoealthy lady. Ho had been crip- wý,ere received from ail dopart- 1 Cochrane.eengwad- vîowpoint. hoe stated. air). and what have yeu left?" hie pied eariy in life and did his part monts. Rev. H. H. Lackey, chair- 1 drsso h Most people are fully aware of Leonard Richer COMPANIONS 0F asked. Life without music is in- in supporting his poor famiiy by man., commonted on the splendid votd t e ife fM.Mrio the propaganda usod by tho con- cencoîvable and impossible. Mu- piaying bis violin on tho street woktatxa eigdn. n yEditortGea.W ae h a trolied press of Itaiy and Ger- Direcotor of Music in O sh a wa FOREST INSTAL sic is one of the groatest socializ- corners. Through financial as-ha aiobetvs daoc- David Morrison îtoe by J. R Reyolds many. but did yeu evor stop te Sehools who addrossed Rotaryý LOCAL OFFICERS ing influences in tho sehool and . stance ho xvas enablod ta study tions had been met through the Honored by Liens Club Monday Ooigbsades r ae think of the propaganida systomn Club Frida on Safe and Sane In- ____ the communitv.' and bocome proficient so that hoe active and striving work of the Oeigh (Cnite nPg ) vestmonts. Ho advocatod investing District Deputy High Chief *Soe investmonts in bonds and could train othors and oarn hisi congregatian. The faiiowing pro- as an outstanding citizen of Bow- paid tribute t h peddpb <Cotiue o Pge7) in educational projocts. Cempanion Terrace paid a visît stocks have yieidod immense re- livelihood. sented thieir reports: W. J. Stain- manvillo. Mr. Morrisen has given lic spirited'wor are nb h te Maplo Loaf Circle 143. Comn- turns, in monotary weaith, but the Other dividend producing in- ton, Secrotary: F. H. Ellis. Clerk generously of his talents in band Lions Club adsie i utb V R 9 0 A T N FU C I N panions of the Forest. January 13, investments I recemmond' con- . cstments. iisted by Ithe spoakor. of Sessions: J. A. Werry. Troasur- and orchestrai ok oreo wýýith about 16 other officors of tinued Mr. Richer. -yieid roturns included the maney spont fer lib- or. members. Som r onpbi OV R 9 0 A T N U C I N tedsrc.far more endurable. far ls likeiy raries. social projoots a ur edu-___________ spirited, whieotrshvtab These officers lverc installed: ta bi" affected by changing candi- cational sYstern. ,vn to hersgai f GOODY AR PL NT F IDAY ast Cief ompanon - amp.tiens and in their operation do not Drn h eeig r ichor rs.J. Pye and lher son Howard. rabie in t ths Eacig MTG O Y AiLA T F I A atcel Chief Cm p a i on - p damage or injure goad names or piayed several seloctiens on hîs as caretakors of the church, thie1 Given Thre ots t tes evc lb r au Mchell: Wrih: uCh if Com-i steai propertv.- iolin. acrnmpanied hy E. K. coigregation foît that tîiîs xas an abMr.i Morisoni hescn Magcin, iaîstan Co1 ccro, d seon filied the spacos and panion - Camp. Ireland: Secreary it the process of amassing James. Oshawa.aopportueoccsionftheimaogsuit- Aci eer.2.o C onmmber ofTh Sats nsaf Magican, Panis and onueparteok of the good things te oat. - Camp.. Gouid; Treasurer - Camp. \ealth comparable with that of The speaker xvas întroduced b, vice. Mrs. F. H. Ellis read an ad- a ie 5.0 n ot rtre ob ooe Entertain Large Audienc Sadihs cke cae.ice Dewnoy: Chaplain - Comp. Largo: the 60 famous families of the Un- G. K. Brown, Editar of the Oshý-- jI wna as the clbLonB.H For n Hor Beore reaandhs ae wo inabund Right Guide - Camp. Clark: Loft ited States, countless thousands .îwa Daily Times. Past President dress and prosented them with a months in the county alo adtesekr h attm .Guide -Camp. Mutton: I rn s i d e miust sufer. My învestments wilDave Morrison exproedthepre mnyex'hcHoadcage fidcncan Mrtckwsbngooedr- ance %with nmembers of the Recre- rviaus tar- his departure and it 15ock w Dancing Begins ation Club acting as stowards. Guard -Camp. Sparrew:l Outside1 croate happiness. botter under- club's appreciation te Mr. Richer. riltvrapproprifaely. t 1 and costs or anc month on a vost i The mest interosting part of the Guard -Camp. Joint: Auditars - i standing and bring into your lives Bowling prizos. tickets to Rayai uniqeta hsfm aecr hree arny nplc nedgaiyn alanta u Cooru dcoaies.etotan eot va pevo t~e1îtrCamps. Gatcheil. Hall and Hum-î the gratitude and thankfulness of Theatre, wvere w~on by Gea. 'E. ried on this work cantinuously for court on Monday. A second charge'vtrncimis n itra Colrfl ecraios.entrtin een v-a a reie te rier45 years te the generai satisfac- efinececx w-s ismssd tro ing artist.s and two superb danceI was fortunato eneugli te sec in phrios: Pianist - Camp. Smith-, all those in wham sau invest, Chase, M. S. Dale and L. W. Dii- tie of alanhodgthofie ic feince. <Continued on Page 7 brai d s changed Bownanville's the afternoon. We sailv tho pro- Trustees - Comps. Robinson. Mut- centinued Mr. Richer. peul. with ne tenders boing caiiod dur-__________________ ________________ majr idusria pant th God-partias i prgrss.lu no e-- tn ad Cark Dcto - . B AAfe%% nstances of sound in- Guosts icluded Retarian Reg. majr iclstralplat. heGoo- paatinsni rores. lt ne ostment in human nature and Coon, Oshawxaand 'Xian Knight. n ha îe vear Tire & Rubber Ce. factory. partmont a group of ladies but- Rundle. tletThis -y-ar being the DaodI C a rcretin cntr Fida tredthebrad d adethesad- y lunch xvas enjeyed. tl nenlude the lîfe stories af Bawmanvîle.AL OF IC RS T EE IN ino rcratoncetr Fid\ erd he____ad____th___d ----- Jubilee of Enniskiilen Church. it'I S A F I E S A night. The occasion lasfthe an- \viches. thousands of them. In the TOvas decided ta hold a coiebration nuai Entorta inmient and Dance cafee room ton or fifteen hugo L. C. MASO APOINTED "1 LfI M D T DICT U M in August.0F C N D ALEON BN H sponsered by\ Goodya Recrea- boîlers stood on thoir eiectric oile- SON PYILUE IAN RE TL URNSTiTOW I F1UVYiAN LE IO tion Club, monts ready te pour forth galions RETURNING OFFICER __________________ Opening the ovening. the 900 of steaming hot cofeo at the ap- ~~I N l TRINITY 'MISSION CIRCLE ýucsts gathercd in the largo audi- poînted time. Carpenters werol Appoîntment of roturning ocf- GREETS HIS Z AI> R AALA IEAL DL I I nrarg Dmns Bn edw dVc batflvdcrtdwt uiyeggdin othor quartors 1ficers in 236 cf the 243 federal r1___________________Tucday venng, an 7. Tin-Mcellad re- e. aonC i Tium, beautifulJai17,decoratadednwithchbusilyMitngagedP leadylqivw crepo paper, drap- erocting tables for thelnhadcnttenisi otdiith aeo rnhDeto IR. Spencer,VD.Serty-e- ed, cut and crînkled ta gîve the nailing togothor racks for coats 1Canada Gazette. Those in this CM DA EUN appearance of a bail reem. A few and hats.1 area are: Lawrence C. Maison, Tom Brown, Saxaphonist ahà CMEIN EURS ity MissionCice metat, oth e . dahomeg f ay uer-R ,Worship service w-as in charge of Disabled Veterans Council - H.MuryA.anig hours previeus. this roonivas anc Recroatian club officiaIs were Bowmanville. for Durham: Vin- Black Face Pantomimlfe 'Gertrude Hooper and Leah Bell.____ J. Watson, B.FreC.HlEn cf the busiest iin the plant. fîiliod. bustling about oersceing evcrv- cent Eastwood for Peterborough Artist Left Bowmanville 'Business fer the ovening w-as A. C. Fewste;eretatA s net with people or chairs, but ivith1 thing and wonidering if they had M'est: H. W. Sabine, Marmora.,e 0Yer g for i odctdb hepeienMs Bowmanville Branch a!teof.Murv Goodyear preduets. No oxpense preparod for enough gucsts. Ev- Hastings - Peterborough: Thomas S.5 McMurter. aftor which Lor-1 Canadian Legion installed its If The PadrepsetdaPt or effort was spared ta change its ervane secmed intent on making F. Hall. K.C.. Cobourg, fer Nor- Life On Stage iriePeadgv h hpe ficers at a meeting hoid in St.1 President's Bag1aRg ad appoarance and bide its mare this the finest event ever staged thumberiand; A. J. Campbell, romie stuad gaboohe. Apver on aihHl rdyoe-in satkno prcaino practîcal csc. in the factery. Through it alil xve Lindsay. far Victoria: J. P. Man- ta B i aitlhe -stu serve. Appryre-g nlaion cllormonievere is atfladefcinkevcs On araisd patfom. Cair acudec tpandr n hud bcîî x'.iian . Oha. frontaBlleilce.intyr villeovaer the weekend was Tom ciatiun for same being expressed 'conducted by Zone Comnmander In respons t napa o Joe ONeill, after wolcamngthe madHaandngsreSbînrownicientlvand . R Rirdo. ollvile. orta Mrs. Gay and Berneice by: W. F. Ward. A letter tas read the assistanceot xsevc e guests. turnoc i te program aover-!carried eut.--as--- ---.th. r'and bancdcman, axon istGertrude Hooper an behaîf of the from Mr. M. Mclntyre Hood ex- and their famle hs oe te Zomia. a miagician of fame. Tei alto1Bovs nti Mission Circie girls. Officers fori pressing bis regret at being un- ,adefeswr otdrn h whese cînusual*s f atsoandrohun er-tTOs1939 are: Adxisory President, Miss able ta be presont. terribefres i h itito eus lineocf chattor bad eovn A EP A l (fM A ~ ladcagn ol.5 ab *. V. Spargo: President, Mrs. S. Me-1 Officers instalied xvere o.Fr Frances guosing nd aughng a th saie uILL ~~..Âuai~a~.jIliiii.1further explanation is neccssary .~, -, Murter: Secretary. Lorraine Pick- President - G. Crombie; President aFrtwamdetthPri- time. Ivor E. Ayre. musical dir-- before you say, "Oh, yoah, I re- .- ard: Treasurer, Leah Bell. - H. D. Moses, D.C.M.; lst Vice -ca uda h aainLgo ectar af tbe Original Dumibelîs. f lM " II Dnember Tommy Browvn. Wby ho__e__________________of_ was alsa on the program provid- IN1AYOFUNGU iYII'L> CLUB SPEECH ' played in the aid D. O. & P. Ca. for their relif ing the piano backgrouind 'for____ bad here back in '97 w'hen BillLE ONNT The secretaygvl re e led the bandeBANDdCONCERT :port on theacviis!thLe Zoniia andl contribîiting solo nuncî- pends.upo the nd xîuai hîmseONCERTA 1Aion d te as yaran bes eas copne h .L aesnTlsYugpnsuo h niiulhmefDidn't hoe join the Guy Bras. Min- g u rîd ng erHoasoactin.Tm aith LPtesi eisYun vhether or not ho gets ahead by strel Show? Why sure, he's the touchd onth icrasgde foeat renatracion. Tam eHair- Men They Can Achieve making use o! al bis valuable guy who made the saxophoneiTo BrwIN R Y LHERE SD Y.ausmn tainer. who offered comic sangs: Ambitions By Devotion time. popular with the famous Brown io rw ________________iumntsevcsdeai- and dressed in many costumes ap- to Tasks Nelson E. Osborne moved a v'ote Bras. Saxaphone Sextette and ex-serx'ice mon inythis district. propriate for bis renditions. _____o! thanks ta Mr. Paterson for giv-1 they played on the vaudexille BART RIanviiie botin PrgrwhoW, 1lft boree r The chirs wre clared a theing the club such an eniightening 'stage for years ahI over Canada. 1ox'er 40 years ago ta join Guy Bros C R W IH W . Itrsig Porm Wi The newly isald ofcr wails ais sean as the program Basebali w'as the subject of a and helpful talk on a very popu- United States, England and Acîs-Mntes Sneto1h a ly AGRICULTURALISTS Feature First Concert of the ýeach spoke bify epesn concluded and sur dancers' popcîhar address given by Mr, W. lar subject.i tralia. Wasn't it those same Brown ed in EngETand, Australia, United square ~~~~~~~~~States and Canada. Ho returned A N AiEE IG Yar-CidrnNt ter thsfrte oorcn w'ero invited ta their own,,i prix'ate L. Paterson at the Young Men's Aîx'in Weîsh and Lon. Hearî Bras. xvho played in Ringling's this wveek for bis first xisit in 20 Allowed Without 1uferredinthemndpdinthi dance hall an the third floor. 'Club Tuesday nigbt. In a thumb- gave several seloctions on the gui- Circus and with the comedians and tho CanadianpondeLegion.t whie those I;ho preferrod roundil sketch hoe gave the duties cf tar and violin. Charlie Richards Montgomery & Stone in "ack O' years. -BacsnckCrrspndntheilt Fllwntobsnssein dancing remained in the huge hall, j the cîmpire iin the gamo. and aIse favored with a x'ariety of pieces Lantorn" and "Tip Top"? Yep, 11wrightAgriuetuing oci te t ws a lenoyaie ie a pet ronto prox'ided the nmusic in the in the stands. As an example of The club wili sponsor the pic- with Lew Dockstader's Minsirel land laterlho w-as Bandmastor o!f ihago:tedne h e- etcneti h oa haree yPdyWihadLnSm lower raam. and Olie Wagar's Or- iara ivr oue h reai tuce"Robin Hoad' at the Royal Show in the aid Princess Theatretb Gvenr-enra' BO Yoa reor t worovory sTiesfac- nxon ceundy, Jnue ary 29,atr30erae s ad asiivnb e chestra, Osbia\wa. handled the up- Tv Cobb as ho played iin a sports- Theatre, Feb. 13-14-15. ta raise in Toronto. You don tell me Guaî'ds Band at Ottawa for twen- tory and the socioty is in good p.mn. The following program xvill ilHrigand( oadBts e At luînch time th(, seond fîcar o! the finer points of!ftic game. ject. This housing project seoms over the w'eok',,"c'ar and lix'es retired in Toronto. financially after hax-ing badlxvea-1 Canada on Parade; Overturo - Do- games o! careal n ad w-as broughit ia the pîcture %vitb Above aIlliho nover sacrîfîced the' la he jusi about solx'ed as offers It's the iruth. sa hlptrmo. Tom arrîx'ed in toxvn Saturday ther for three yoars in succession.i termination; Solo, Mrs. F. Rob- were enjoyed Serame es its largo floar spaco convorted îeani far the sake o! bis own have been tendered mbt the group Imagine, tea. il's only, the third aftei'naon front Lindsay where ho et;Ovrue-Trup:S into a banqueot bail. Long tables. glory.le conipared basebaîl ta fîom sex-eral sources,. time in forty-threo vears tbat Tom isBnms1 fteCtzn These officers will manage thoert Oetr -Timh oloo the LogionBn er rsn laden .vith food, extended from a persan's ife îicîustrating that, Tbe noxt meeting wîll be ai the bias visited the tawn where hoe Band in that northorrn tewn. His aff airs for 1939: President - Cecil:o uia a.M.Anl D-a usso h oii ane end to the other. but the hcige youi cati aclvesomething. It de- Balmoral Hotol on Tuosday Janu- iived crn Churcb St. with bis par-Hil elct s VePridn ma;Ovtu -ateM d:Po: ary 3lIst. -ents and fixe brothers. Hîs fa-- (conîmnued on Page 7) Cari Wright; 2nd Vice Pre:sident Overture - White Queen: Saola, Falowing isuulcso h -W'esiey apei;Sc"'-ras. -Mr. M. S. Dale; Grand Religious Cnda einmkspbi GIRLS AND BOYS TAUGHT NEW IDEAS Crcigbion Devitt: Auditors -a GSet;Mheinxrcrg. detaiied repotoh o III L' Il~Byers adSanmuel JetTory: God Sa, e Fund. The Lgo ead PRIZES AWARDED ýJNA ftIOJ' .JUNDl I N l P IEIIL Surnimers, Agriculicîral Represon-, A silver collection will ho taken fund as a trs1 nd~ta DURJNG BLACKSTOCK SHORT COURSE F RE A IN TO Statx-e for Durham, w-,as, elected in aid o! the Band Fund. Cîtîzens xvwho contribte atefn ____________FOR__________ I an Hanorary Director: Diroctors- are cordialhy invited ta attend Popa ypucaigpp I ON TrEMPERANCE NEW TCASTLE SPEAKER W ARNS W. A. VanCamip. R. R. B y e r s, and enjay the program and give and wroaths, iiefo (Contrîbcîtod by Bruice Mocintjoy) tire. t may- be a special speaker____ Leith Bvers, Ernest Larm-er, Robi. encouragement te the band.' Chil- ber of the Legoi eus In the past month the httie xil- such as a professor from the Col- W. C'. T.*I'. Books Iresented BY Hamilton N. H. Mariow. Albert dren must ho accampanîed by lage of Blackstock bias been the loge of Agriculture, or il may bc TemperanceC (hairman D. Alex RvGereA WebrGnthw'kldao!osi. Ho knew Wright. Osmond Wright, Roy Fer- aduits j (Contine nPg scoîte o! %vide activity. Moî'ning. a field trip to one of the lairge MeGregor at St. PauI's Reral GeretA.yLod' Dy ocaesere m. h wely yonre wrigguson. Luther Mounijay, Nnrmnan nocon and evcning crawds may ho farms ta judge livestock. It may ChurchAlinenNe- frtirmpyrsro 80a13 Taylor. Bruce Heasiip, J. M. Fish-' IN RO L R EJ C R seen inaving ta and from' the aiso ho ini the form o! îanîern AlaneSpeaks or. Grdwamfroxvinhî'esina 'W NNER 0 CLARK JACKR BB1T3 Town and Orange halls. Even the shîdes dealîng with same subject Sexeral Young boys and girls castle United liaurs a w'eek in Ontario. The lai- ,lionw'as accepted xith regret by standig roo on te mai cor-on th fari. werepreretfigure cew'ouides meanr ngarelyul15ethe esoci15e1yhe LadytyDirdy ctorsto - -Mrs. SEOTENSSATURDAYDA nrisusualîy taken cîp. It is bore One day of eutstanding impart- and prizes on Sunday Janciary 15,. I SHOOTSyfo awe. ot J rzir rs o Fru that much gossip is crcated and ance w-as Literarv Society' day. for exams in the National Tem- Mr. Webber drew' particular son, Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Mrs. spread. On the list o! pragram w-as a de- peranco Study Couîrse. These were atninoth imient poî'il Clarence Marloxv. Mrs. Frank The reasons for this public in- bate 'Resoîxec lietlier the sîov- the rosuli o!f five lossons taken in (Front, Newvcastle Correspondenco) tatteontenstho 'sdayo! Stinson, Mrs. Carl Wright, Mrs. (Newcastle Correspondent) rodents so drc tiea teresi and manifestation are thoi enly bcît good natured wife is October. Ton students wrote and Rov. George G. Webber, Gener- rest at ibis lime iin the intima-1 Norman Green. Mrs. Croighton, Members o! Oshawa Fish and Young orchrseM]ec Shot ouse bin hîdfo tîe or dsiabe laite tidy bct îgbtrci'dhncrcriiae.a ertr adsDyAlacte the Prov'incial Gaverniment Devitt, Mrs. Luther Mounljoy. Game Protectixe Association, taoi benfi ofth rualyouh n tiscranky wife." To-day in Black- These came from the Temnperance occupied the United Churcli Pu'- 'bas given that it inîends ta intra- The secretary w'as inistructed ta the uber f about fory e-aflaner hl uttesotmn Ibenefit cf the rcanîgavaan yacitleisintthis asingpheanneded anjayed f aydinnero Mat aadnd abyvicnitesystckaIltnetiyibîlcrakstirsckdeatin a ttare.theboos ituundy arnngandgagirnldcslegsiaia w'denngthepo-fsndntalero!symathtthMr.b The ours forthe o~'sbasare oui a! iuck and the siox-enly are donated by the local W.C.T.U., informative address on the his- i ileges a! Sunday sports and cri- i Robt. Parr in hier reconi berenxe- gaged in a grand jack rabbit hunt, the Quen' otl a h ac provd x-ry iteretin:and t i god-niatured girls cligible fr-w'ile the mamiey' prizes ai-e pro- tory~,abjects anid actîx'ît es o! the ttinmnt The proposaI is tai ment. with Nexvcastle as -thesatn pnintomuiadsng atedne.a. ... h sc-mrraeae iapemu. smîe aIe osfomteSn-jAlane ealz omeca ndpae-ponai audy fenon h s hsprtclrhutdd'