PAGE T\VO THE CANADIAN STATESItIAN, BOWMAN\'ILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. JANUARY 26TH. 19.39 Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted ta the interests of the town 0f Bowmanville and surrounding country, lssued at King Street, Bowmanville, every Thursday. by M.« A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian Statesmani us a member ,oftthe Canadjan Weekly Ne wspapers A ssoc iation. also the Class 'A" Weeklies of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSORIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada $2.50 a year; wheni paid in ad. vance $2.00 a year: 50c extra in United States ta caver postage. Single copies, 5c THURSDAY, J.\NUARX' 26TH, 19.39 An Example for Young People ,Sir William Miiloek of Troronto. celc- brated bis 9'itl hirtiiday a few days ago. Hie is hiale and hearty, attending public g-atberings, delivering addresses and being the centre of niany a happy l)arty. On manv occasions lie lias given adviee on matters of law ani( polities lthai eould have beeti. anîd sorne of thiem werc. followed witb profit to the oounitry. Inl a recent address lie mnade the foilowing, statenient, surprising- to tîtose whlo beiieved Iliat is, boyhood days. like Ibose of isý lalci' years. liad licou spent ini lnxur -v and ease. Listen to this you yonngi People wlîo look for hiappiness witbolnt effort, anid voit parents wbo are contilîally liopiig tbat your ebidreni wilI flot be ealied upoil 10 puit it the long work days that were the conimon expertence when you were young: "I cati offer ýoi one explanation for niv long lie"Sir Williamn said. "\%heni 1 was a lad of eight or nine years of age, in the country, it was mvy duîy to saw the cord-wood for the house. 'Ne httrned 2,; cords of hardwood a ycar, and miorning and evening for six vears, I sawed wood cvery day of my if e. Maybe that is one of the secrets o f ni>, constitution. Never be afraid to make y our children do somne lioncst, bard Nwork." No otte nio% hiîk of suggesling that childreti of 8 or 9 slionld be ecallc(i tiponl 10 saNv' %vood, eveti if t1he law of the land permitted thei to do sr), luit tiiere are young mein of sixteen. and cigliteenl wbo would regard cnittinig wvood. moill tbe lawn or sbvýelliig -snow as soniething the v shoulti 111 lie called upon 10 do, and too ofteu parentts are foundf eneoniraging, tbeun in stnclu fooliiness. 'ir WVilliam'sý. exaînple and experienice sbouid encourage ail those who look for stîeeess in life tb he wiiliniz to depend more upon tbeir owni efforts than "Poni sometbing tbeir plarents max- do for them or tbail -wbat lthe state miay pro- vide in the wav of doles. More Serious Than Communîsmn A favorite topie of eonversation wiii also creatiing plenîyý of iiewspaper contro- ve4sv is lue turent tii lhrow îvide open the flood g-ales oif sahbath observance by amenuling, 11w laws. Hlarold Hale. the saile and sensible editor oif tlice Orillia PaekFl and 'rimes does flot exagLrcrate ruiral opini- ion wbetî lie lieads an, editorial:'Atc on (liaraeter of Stdv iItî ein Threa t TItan Commnnism." Alhothlîe' v.ersa tile iveekh- editoir. Illiil Templiii. of Ferips 1esRîod.tiets ing the saine tojîic editorialivY says: '*Edi-1 tors oif weekl1v pape' are»( in close tiliPt with tbe op)inioni of the people il, tll il.r w districts. anîd in liis icase, Iliat <piniuîîi seemis to ho alinost tiniainiiotis. The connîtrv anid loîvo people do4 nlot ivant tule gale open ed ,;(o tîtat Iiin<irecs aliîi tiionlsanî(ls peole %viii be for(,-d to work ont Sîttida v to boid tbei r jobs. Tliev doit't want pri'. fessional basebali, biitse raeing or mov'iesi on .Snnda *vini this pic't ire-. TIliev loti't iiiii t the ligiuseitee p witfli t rileks on I that da.v. Tlîey realize tîtat the ePî-îr1les have a ltat'< elîoi,01bala 1e t owt. Thîev Ihe- lieve tlînt everv mon11,1 is entiticil to a rest uon Suiîdav, atnd needs t liai rest for- lis intîct ta and pb.sieai 'ia.' An Endless Adventure Hou. Ei'ts laloitit"Mitit<rif. ('otîtitîos fori 34 yvars. 1.labi a close stifflcit of' lawv 1t11,1 t0', l" is wiiat ie Nil '%S of t1lie I if(o if t lie. Pi o i lit- iciati. "Tltose (viiae lov i.fiiiif, sone arlie a po s j(,îî 11,wc-'a'jt to lie îhi'ep roi's etît i iîtx ca.' i beuîîg d usposscssed of landis, wiil istil ii Cases, bave been in lthe liaids ot' t h. .tî family for foui,' generalioiis. luIt wl c b ad til( to lie inortgýag-ed tînder iiat proiveul lIc li1 an iniquitoits gOcvernment pian aI a fimeni lit th-s w ict )001 crops andi low priees inade ipossible for tbe ow'ners ho carry ontivi ont fiaieitl assistance atnd itter lori' ftlliat tlc'x nevu't liollirbt w'oîld lie 'elei less ii in toinaltiaiylsis. anid disp<îssi destidanit "cof iiei'S of 100yeaî's am andi resel i thli lanîd tb foreigners toi' a snî dil tiîa.viniit, atid tiien turn arouttd ai ii'îd tlie liii'ow vters iitnc on \civet ter'tis tii i'rvi mitîer bottte' ternis ai condtltitis t liai\ei'e allowed the origiit OWiîxtts Who are itow evi'lcd. Resentm{e is toui) easv a ivyrd foi'lthe feelinîg autoi mtati'r fattîjiies. whio have losI al liley' b lîceause tfilev. a t lite t inte dettuaîidi'i.voit îîît inleet tîte putytients reqîtired.0 It Answers Ail the Questions 'Flic tiatiadiati Alinîanac foirI139 j', its d2id y ear tif publuicationu, andt it hý g1rowntt 10licalbiok i>f 670 pages. '1ieý tire fcxv - if anv ivorks of referetîce titist'ott'vi-v wtieli cver the grounti coi ta iîied inti ie (.anatlian Lliaiae. Cotaplei tai'iff itifuormttaionî including lthe iiew Irai' agrceeotls every post offýice anti lalio iii te Doinxion; ail org-atiize d initicipa iti.", logetiter witlt clerks and treasurer Tliiîre is tup-to-date data on lthe naliou ulefetise forces. ixot ittg remieîî latiges i tîil itarv, air andîi naval services intihie 'ai ionls idiisticts; cottcise intformationî alou D omîîiniionîî atndl Provincial Governîtet iiittiit2 itaîtin ipersonnel duîniiîg lie las yer cal' lsoiregarduttg iautks. trust atdIai eotllpaulies antttieir officiais;t the .jidiciarý antulail coutrt officers statisties of religiou1 uletI'intatitins, etitteational inîstituti otis, as Piei a tiisatit soeiclies ; poputlationt figures astrtottitiical caicuîiatioîs. antil Soni.'An. tiiere is tit excellent ntiap of tîte Domtinion: As a booiik of referenîe lthe Qopp (_ -'Iark Cio of Toronito, have I)roliglt tieir C'tiîtaliat Alttinaa veIl ho lthe front and kept il there Evcr - offi ce, selitool atnd publieci ibrar 'v it (Cantadat slitiid havi' a col)v of tiis r'cfer. onice booîîk. If yîuîr local iiookstor i'ibasn O)tie Wxt'rii'd1it'et toIlie puibiisiiers titidiget ti(op iiiv vtlioit ielay. Observations and Opinions titis dlistrict. siiixvtlie vat'ionîs 'litircie: itn a ttiiî spirittal tatndlfituinclitîl î'onditiuon ;viticii rfuîltes lie puiblie .staîetliettof a liitiiiîttlx' kiioiti îiiitiî'itti tfitt ii' î'iîtî'i )Pi itiMrs. D. Collanit, Oshtawa. spoit- si ring a series <<f fivxe tioioll itiýit lecturttes for w'oitettiin Ontariiifotîtvis înoîf tuiai aîil tlilf ritt ls antti i Otyiont scttse are tiot iiiiuiiiiizodin itilie otiazît fainilv li-lier a iiie Atti'ivGnnlhiiîsbanit. 'If uîîoro. piiliuitiis w'uiiiiî foilixv titis praoticai idea if Mrs. C oin t 's we o îld hiave a more i tifîirtîiedi I ei'tatt' iici w-otild resuit iti lbotter and less govennmet, as George Me- ' oiiîzî<f lthe Globe antd Mail, nuligit e- mariik ini lis eiiallctigittg radio talks. iwiatii i a li ve Iii) tTi1ti iirtî1 sovi-ivfora itîtînber' of yt'ars atnd il îhid (tî'îoti witk. Lstvan tue irgan iztîtiîîî tilet-'- va-'iio liiîrtii'iltiirtîisocit'tv ini 1938. 'fiier'.'is iiiit'ty<for opînînil ti frkt Iiot- it-iliiitîlsoiîe toti do retîl servie-e in i luis toiuwî Si-veral ('itizetis, wito are inti't'sed iii biir * vintg Biiîtvlew'oild liko 10 Si-(, a tict' o'fti o initger cit i7zeis taki' Iîîîbi atdtu sttî'a bive îîoxvso'ii'ty. Tbe v wviilibi tîîîl li aikitgiti in tibli iîsupoî<rt. Agaiti xi i'jtl ieud'c lohok tît tioiî'o<f t tiîigibii'i<gvillages. liku' Newi'tîstie tatd w1l )tit b î'tilîtl ittive etiustsi.'bortic'il- ttul so4iis w'itii titi'li!ttga wittiiîi sorv'i'e. )ittt.'a t'ei'î't radlio taik deaiug xi h"iîii't'a i iîistî'î'of Fiance,. Imtde.' aitoit pii'iett nantks abloutt a goiiix-etîtt 's of reve ut tî"'tie Otne stateillîittxiil Ili.' tiî ' 'u'tis ti;lt irî.vi'u'ittî'tts biX'i bti tlitreo wa v\ o ft'ajsjtig ii vu: t axai iîut. iiurt'iw- tt'îî t siso ilcl li'eî ii oiitil(ý ituofTtlic poii'. P''ii icciîlo tle loitctîi'sv ia;c vers and etîîbcl iltc' s)itt Il î'xi'i'r;it 't( i. u' ,îi tti iittX' .1 iiit'ttt b luiov 1 ia t bY hi,' ~ ~ ~ vonv b.wrtii\S i i"s.itiX iit'tfiit; in lalb You have heard itilnemarked ,bltes 10 the art of making per- tnd~ many limes. . . or maybc you1 fume is the Musk-deer. This ani- have studied the subject . . . that mal is in the deen family as the J v we are creatures of heredity and name implies. The product that LI enxironmient. Heredity is whail is x'aluable in this creature is caîl- nal aur ancestors do to ius. Environ-! cd Musk. Il is secreted in a gland 'ltment ils what our surnoundings xxhich is remox'ed xvhen the deer and other pensons do 10 us. i is kilied. The fluid from this an- Heredity gives o strong smcîî- gland has the most penetrating jding substance 10 thnee speciai and persistent odor of any known ild creatures. These substances are substance. Il is used in the pre- the strongest smelling on earth 'panation of penfumes. stronger and more lasting thon Noiv you may be w'ondering anything o skunk has. The three hoxx' anything so ratik could pos- creatures are the whale . civet-, sibly form a part of anything s0 cal t and musk-decr. i pleasant as perfume. Il ils very Occasionally a w'hale gels sick 1blîca neprfm pa Sand presumobly he x'omits. What innlon prfm plt coms u i a ilecocreiontht and that wos in Bermuda. The1 as floats u sabl onrto h ianie of the perfumer is Liii. He i lason the sea on sticks to the told us that his perfume ils mode, A. G. Partridge sond near shore. Il may float from the petls of nativ'e flowers1 President and Director ofGod ut around for yeors but when found (xx'btch are oleander, lily and jas- ienTr n ubnCmaî it s aid10smil us a ston mitne). The sweet odors are ab- of Canada Limiled. xîho xvas ec- os tho il hod been coughed up. sorbed ba ode, the base of tdaDrco fNrhAeia te yesterday. This concoction is coul-' *b. o pofnedmuto ftim- daDrctro othAeia ed ambergrîs. Iltîs xery costly and M-hirfnd utn a Life Assurance Compony aI its! ils used in perfume. The perfume, porled from Fronce. The fixativesi annuai meeting January '16'h. il manufacturer bas a test fon the that Liii uses. to keep the frag- genuineness 0f ambengris. If il rnc from escaping. are omber- 'S. xxtll not dissolx'e in bot aicobol, gris. and civet. He told us tha ai il is not ~thera coy b. are both precious and expent Little Talks on sux'e Matenials. n The Civet-cal is a native ofi So bere you scec hoxv a sub- Advertising Afnica. Arabia and part of the In- stance used 10 holding and giving by r-t dian Archipelago. Il is nocturnal off an offensive odor con be mode JH .KRWO ..makes ils home in the ground i t function only less perfectlv in JH .KRWO ýs but coni climb like any ohhen a perfume. Like sinful mon il ils, (Copyright) st calt. It is about 2 10 3 feet long convertedi . . il stunk 10 high and 12 inches high. Somexvhere in 1 heaven but is mode like unto its reor there ils-a deep pouch mbo Frankincense and Myrrh. TaIk No. 3 which its glands pour a scentcd i Thus it is with montai mon.. s substance called civet. This stuif The SaTx'ation Army digs him up Ad vertisers hax'e 10 do s- smeils just as strong as omber- frmte ets hr h ssuk mc more thon adx'ertisc gris. We have becntu ld that il ilsin son .of . nhedee ms him Ibmu the their products in corefuiby oz stiff strugglc to stand in the biood ofCrist xv.. ashcs him, seiected nexxspopers in order d presence of cither. If a civet-cal as it wcre. and he becomes whiter 10t build up and retoin a xxidc ils tomcd. the natives gel the civet thon snow.1 sale for thcm. Thus. by xvoy ouI of ils pouch xith o special This miraculous transformation 0 f exampie. tbey box-e 10 get sort of spoon. Just imagine what recails Ihat beautiful x'erse xxit- them mbt relailers' stores - t a swcll sport that xvouid bc. If ten over 100 yeans ogo by Alfred Ibis 10 make lhem conx'cn- thcy prod oa civet-cal, or make it de Mtusset: iently avoulable Ici those ied mad some other xvox, il frosal As aIl the perfumes of the van- 10t desire thcm by the adx'er- the mo uth. The mess that drîps ished dav tisemenîs of lhcm. 'from tt ils said 10 be as strong as Risc from the earth stili * t the stuif in the potuch. Cixet is moistened with the dcw. 0f course, in the case of aiso uscd in perfumcrx' in'anufac- So from my chastencd soul be- products xvhich havec been bure. neath thy ray advertised a long lime and The other crealure that contni- Old love is born oncxx. 1xvhicb arc in general dcmand, bhcy arc prettv sure Ici be stocked by reta ilers. But in hthe case of a new product. ieven tbough il be extcnsix-civ BY THE OLD BOX STOVE i advenlised, and no malter how good il may be, il is like- _______________________ly 1 have a frosty reception By Hlramfrom retailers whcn thcy arc Back on the Seventh Concession ugd1 tc t ealr are prone 10 say. "Create o 1iwa a itiinC b;' tdie oldI box siox'e:' il .îanchlit fed clown'ttfor tue iiit.1 dcmand for your ncxv pro- oh! ajoute a't nichait i'teninu to the, WCrv r tohd 10 Cet tiue wood box1 duel, and then wc'Il hax'e 10 hiockey ratite %%-lenutithe Mailhe Leofs fîi. for Itle folkskriciteitat otucel stock il. In the nicantime. îî cri' taiiizgCbiic. .Xc todlentu îe 'carteul to panIatîiotte ktteîv No." Iioekev zcrs t %vOias ituntuhitiger. . .%%-ienuetiQacnte xî'oîtd end. 1Beiides Tlii' Teaf'c won. îhîcre were tîcîtaties tii.. ii e hîad tic xiork like Trîuiat', 1 Yct, il ils truc that comp- ihcr.tiî'cf fut f ichts and(]stratice lit.. to v lite ice cleauied off. Oît' Loa1 anies putting otn the market o Sav I' Rdîit. nier iid tuot cet aotie- p t .t îire cuisis aîud lite uîck w.'c ,îltv. Phere is a buc ti.ftfteretîce i ait c itiucati. w1bihe tle sticks 'wer, i c-e ottav i ttrt coi tît aretb î'i tht atreutt of hottix search t b r. ud tte tIe hralui nla;'cd ahuen I wîas a box'y u!. for otîe witlt inut lte rizhi t bt1I hiliet e h Lciot a lut i funt c. .k. Tue c cualie htaîl bag'. lied I <it of ti at t tex dIo no. andotit it ' or,, îu m i l iii iis xi th t 1h.. fartte r'. uid itcci o-t o'.nîcliî. Thiev tehIl nie i frieiic. biniler tîxutie. 'File catîte Highlights frornthe. tlit it cost a tnîilhion anoutil o bolil;torted ah.îtt 0ne atnd wc tijayed till iuiid tte Motîhe Lea f Gorcbets ini j ire wure tire<h out. We did lot tiu Touronutou: tdm1 it tokes abiîiit tive ' ix a >ide. buit s. tetimne'. t i hd< a iuttiI reci do llaîr,. 10 C<i îi n cacli t l;.'r i.r l îî cate h i u fi . r uexer; îo(Iv î iti. kates caund b îad 'c. etc., antd wut%%-l i ie le and tlitere uc re tto c suuhtibit e; Ile .co keîc r îepts otu Ilie ice lite \\'( ic t', . l ixtvx'iiili te h1tuai Crs, il isabout firtv' o tiils iaier t'- j' us'.io re ike tio liiiiibred itiiiiltes',2n 1a ru titdIi iii. lIx e ah ' c h ritoUld sotite ' il To iiin t fii it iil toie ute e t j;'uok~ 'of te ta zi' et ac ii iais 7,5fitl it îîa; ft ri hint. anduhilue isco re o c for o.a cont". ua;'. I ',tir)se tuat'. read tike tlue iesîtîo f a cricket o a i lite re.. i ni f.or bto i i ut o lu v1r. idc itie tiau'h. It d cI'c' lia couina r,' faxotur- cuIiuse f iit fiehl tcaî.e. if xvoit ai;' %i ii Ille Iiixht l chaî'c iattie of cati ii'a f fîîrul fi ftu'cenlts tii cet totîs- uhitIlite shiuîuîx atîte of lonc i n if ib ,il cii iat to bt' ieua r tIiù j . oodIid a lot itu <e teoniinreal nien.0Ne adfri ice iiiihave btîs; ix.. <(jr tirce, \Vit lcok lte iiuits andtdave thent iwpi-o doclarsc. anuti if voit r'.,. t i a fiuiht voitt finish- arnounted to $6, ' h11u(In(' resii)ct Ici tnodulrnîiix uhil. Titeru %vas ine-)rejeree leini- tions for annuitit titinie ss itu hu<ckeî'bill tlucre are te. te rie r,'. Vi'. c iarttedti hat inii orufe r tutouir sitîtix xtatcliuîc and! 100 few i 1 tua; voit i Iaî teo I 'cîur xî'rk. îiu'Thc ie ulol l ite tas ltehe et.arnd%%-iteniil ixa'. over ails'kind oi.fe i nsr n Ouir ritk %uas a itîle frezetuiii.! , 1couikinztur lted coou. Fjîtahy wliteuteLf nsrne 1 ock (-f te litnie anudte ricr e C, i, ht Ill it \xtou cit! ttet tieti, i at $8 14,935,337. uiai.hi ruer 10 hie able te tla;' ixas i voit Iiîiierntaedi Tîtru' ere lthe conc t" ixel Hille 'taiite'. eealîcu, l.le stock , <.hu 'ciîiîîuî'clis. 0 In Canada, new for the third suc( IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST Neprmui From The Statesman Files ces f$49 FIFTY YEARS AGO Robert Vintue. colectorbcked up in bis office. Reeve Burden attd e Total net premiu From The Canodian Statesman. Assessor Brîrden wcre appcaled 10 January 23. 1889 by the inîprusonied mon but thcy i $2 54,000. were poverless Io lîborate him. Tyrone: Snoxx storm Surida% The excitement abated, iîoxve'r, mode good slciging and the mer -xvhot exphantuîaons xxer.- itidea Income from ali ry .îtngling of hehis is heord. anfd il 't'as oscertoitîed that it vWtîs o lot$0 A fexi of the young folks xxenîfofoai'xrigMnVrru at to Mr. J. Cinnuimoriîs receiîiy sand donc, but the C. C. i i ts absent- report o gurandittie. n mindcdîîess bad hockeci the door Hampton: Finiuudsan relautives by mîstake xxhenî hei'eft thetc office. e The averae'e rate tî~îîx hiic"i Suum V chi tti ,u';tict r (11111i tl is i') t l i ' l i' 1) e t eX' tc.I al h i l cii f i' t 'ii ieid" Ah <cf or îihi ntl i' ts l .' l ('ciii i 'îtioj ) f'd tuIla It ex'el' t1îiat f,'i'c cr.'111îbagli's lultistingii'oul'atsat'î' nuit WE'RE ON THE SCENT By Scribe G ELEOTED DIRECTOR of- bra din nev con and tire Mr. tori priz ope hor! got acrc Lai To a s Ai for the stru "E;i Er res.c bto -A Mus ve Th run' Mn1 Mr s. Ci','uo.Hr oo raed xvith lhem Ibeir 151h wdxx't'c!VEVERSAG îg annix'ersory on Jot'uary 17th, T ET'FV ER G Haydon: Thos. Brimaconîbe' Fromn The ('onadiait Statesman, xx' mihl ai bbe Souit is nearng Jna 2.11 itipielton. Jnay2,11 N'exx'ýcastle: OQue bote]l lss un .'v'n West Etnd House is chuiseni Eîîfield. Mn. Jos. Knapp us iîauh- id mine bout Craxxford has ne- îng grovel 10 umprox'c hus barrils... rd. Mr. John Ormîston is preparing Coîtirtce: In lue spehhiiîg ma. h Ici build a cemoîxt silo. rSam CouIrtîCe came out xic- Enniskihhen: Mn. and Mrs. Ebias 'totus and dlaims the editor'. Ashton iîad a chiînstenixg porty... 'ic, Statosmnan for 1889 free. Congratulationss b Mn. and Mrs. Caesarea. tee is poon xx'ith somoý David Brutît over the adx'eît (if a )n xxabcî' along the shore. Ont daughter. nuic' xxas droxvted and sexoral Solitia: Mn. Jameîus D. Hogorth ut n. Some are dnaxx'ing grain; and bride havec' nu.'urned froin r0ss it. their iioîucmoon. . . MViss Anînie Births: 'lo Mn. andi Mrs. Geo Williams bas scanhel fexer. iiig, on January 17, a son.t. . Girls of Durham Glove Cluh Mn. anti Mrs. S. 1-l.Reyoluids'. unjoved a jtîlv sîcighideîtlelu Osbî- son. awa Satunday afternooi. Shonulc tue toxxn purchase lue Mn. Pcrcy Cbtuiman, Oroîto. mia silu andth tdjoinîng groLund. bougbl the oic! toîl gato bouse otn ra sitaîl park" the Hamputn road aninr nttends Amouîg the inïauîx' caprices oîf iîuilding a hanion bis nexi place ewunc! oiiitht tii xxas tht'crît' with bbche'tatcntial. -uulion otfithu'xxi itI MiIl tt1u1i. Instal lationt of town'i t'ockit tile ."'gol's' Post Office toxx'tr lias beeti cum- Enir.nct'elu M. D. Wu piii letcd and il Stt'îîc'k, on Saturday. 3idenci' xvasti'bned by hiUrgh;ur.. t nughîltht' tutu us ihhuminated scu td.îgs fright'nt'd hiiit otr tht'ni 'tai e'rv'ne cauî se choarî'l te ,a'. 'ýime . . ifittey' tornetan cuîtugbI. Anixx'Musical Jouornal."'î it is tiosit'regrt'tblebt thtt tht' sical I mtiiti "lias bu>(In -:iit ct'ctunnttbho hult 25 fet'î un ibis luowxn. iigher. turs. M. Ban î'ltt, a.sociaubi dli - Misses 'Nitie anditLilie uounotî- ss tut 'l'lie Sb;itesîit tina hs hie,; allgaxeoaui itteresttiîg plogres. -' til], butl]S siight Yb; cittr. ive eucitre aunid dunce! Molidav, boere xx'ns cttnsidi'rahht' excît.' tiight in hionor of Miss Mabel ut iii luixî'î Satîurdov xvhetî the Walken, Toronto; Miss Kate Pcrey tour becamne current ihat Chiot and Mn. Reynîolds Cousitts bcing stable Coleman baH guit Mn prize xvinnens. showed a slight i new product cn and do gel imnediate favor from retail- ers. When ley do, il is be- cause the new product is go- ing to be mpressvely adxer- tised t0 the public; lso b- cause the retailer is going to be assisted to get a quick sle for the new product by good indoor and widowt display materia, and pehaps by oth- er kinds of sales assistance. You cn be sure of Iis: A new product whih is exten- sivcy advertised - like a pro- duct wll established in the consumer's favor - as 10 be so intrinsicaly good that il wiii re-sel isef because of satisfaction 10 those who ave used i. To adxerise an in- ferior product is foly. You cant fool the public for long. The consumer quickly dis- covers the quality or xorth of xvhat is adventised, and il xiii shut the door on a not- good-enough p ro d u c t. So, when you sec products which are continuouslv advertiscd. is the support of it."-Rousseau. you can be sure that they are good, and worthy Of Your confidence. Yet ibis is truc: &et the maker-advertiser of ai,!<' mer- itot'ious produet cease adver- tising it. and despite ils good- ness tts sales will drop and retailers will ceose 10 stock il. The blunt facl is that the cot'tSuming public - of which vou are a unit - wants ho, be continuousiy informed about a product if il is 10 retain its esteem and use by a large company. "SUPERSTITION" "Supersitition is a senseless fear of God."-Ciccro. *"Long prayers, superstition, and creeds clip ihe strong pinions of love. atnd clothe religion in hu- man forms."-Mory Baker Eddy. "1 think wxvcacnnot 100 strongly attack superstition, which is the distttrber of society; non too higb- ly respect genuine religion, which To the holders of Mfassey-Hnrris Company, Limited 5%7 Debenture Bonds due October lSth, 1947 Massey-Harnis Comnpany, Umrited intends ta redeemn ils outstanding 5% bonds on 'Manch Ist, next, and new Bonds are being offered ta provide for their redemption. The new issue includes First (Cîosed) Mortgage Fifteen-Year 4V4% Bonds due March Ist, 1954. The price is 98.50, yieiding over 48%7. The Company's ouîstanding 59o bonds, with al unmatured coupons atîacbed, may be pnesented in exchange for the nexv Bonds now, at a pnice of 104 fat. Hoiders xvho forward their oId bonds for exchange will, lbereforc, receive new Bonds of the samne principal amnount, plus $55 ini cash for each $1,000 bond exchanged. As lte amnount of the new Fifteen-Year 4V4% Bonds still available is small, orders sbouîd be entered pnompîhy, and may be teîephoned or tehe- graphed at aur expense. Descriptive circular forwanded upon request Wood, Gundy & Toronto Limted Montreal Ottawa London. EnR. Hamilton Company Winnipeg Vancouver London, Ont nnuaI Report adas Oldost Life Assurance Company insurance in 1938, excluding annuities, 64,968,806. In addition, new considera. ies were $1,959,342. in force, exciuding annuities, now stands 7paid-for insurance showed an increase ccessive year. income amounted to $1,730,173, an in- 8 3. iums were $25,322,766, an increase of sources totaiied $38,641,377, an increase '00'. :e of interest earned on ail investments increase. " Assets increased by $6,554,505 to the highest figure in the company's history - 265,894,243. " Surplus funds and special reserves increased to $11,574,118. " An average of more than $ 80,000 each working day was paid to policy owners, annuitants and beneficiaries during 1938-a total for the year of $24,642,372. More than two-thirds of this amount was paid to living policy owners and annuitants. " Since 1847 the Canada Life bas paid to policy owners, annultants and beneficiaries, or has accumulated on their belialf, more than $680 millions-over $60 millions more than it has received in premiums. The Cainada Life Assurance Company 'I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOý%'2'%fAMVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 26TI-1, 1939 f .;mý