THURSDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 1939 nATJAT% TTVVPA(;GE THRTAE K------------ -1VMl l 'IK'U~I... L PRT I i( 4 1'fNu Ketti. t ec.efor taking impressions; theme is roi ln hint tît tix . Fut all *,also a rest roorr and Dr. A. E. it Y OUR W ORLD AND MINE ,',,tîînt4trtl i <l inaa "t Aunger lnsisted on a conservatory Au i T iic\tti1.l' n. Ihe iiîrý .hih il I b ec rtd with try ' u g h t ~ . a \. 'd h . ha d î î it i r e t o x e r s a n d g r o % v i n g p l a n t s , l o o k - f i ' 11out on, the rear premises me 'i , h ~ i ~ xh ch a so xili bc hortculturally in IBae h e n r a i Tb o h k C K r k o l o d s ut t, 'i1' o m e.<11 0 %v d e s ig n e d n e x t s p r in g a n d s u n m e r. havten b aîgaboo ol o ugs 0m o The % ir-tîi ' 14 orkron- is also situated at the ra n is cquipped wvith ae w te n b v . A m e r i a n w v o mi e n t o c i e a t e a j o b f o r m x s e l f h o w i e i r n u a e l g î n o d x a d n g t s ec ov.40 ,,cars of age- The to go about it - what to sax vr.a titie of the book is -We aie Fortv I have a number of mer - Wcrukt ri4.t l't-lilt I l . .bulin ,O fuc Yet We Dîd Get Jobs. The'e two chandising ideas which I think Thii aeebuilin vits furnace and a fu women set out.ini and about Phil- cou là make money for a de,.E'. a oal crvdb oe adelphia. and eewaiaraatprmetsor.Hovwuluro naiie 'tTh'afcu44 andtti ah ioig ln, hrctevetla kh as Chicago. to discover if vomnen metstche.uggesîronsul ou tire tiontfor the upper roomshis re- thi of 40 could get -work. Thev wanî- maret uchugtstios44oi 'litlant-, ,herith venila sh ed to prove that it is possible to i arn not quite 21. Can youuic frorr ttheî r lii i tu widow getempox'îen ifandxvhn txos 'thing of an% avenue for me and Jeîîti av i 1\4 4 le 0f devrvtebuilinguae sup-heson seeking it use right %wavsto find others who dont think that t the îlireîl ritit-Iohaaitli is et.the viletraxs t c re through u wok ac ftes oenw wxorld owes us a living'? plid ittivt ls vhc lov ' offered nianx' jobs, yet each man- Can you help me in my prob- and te rcîî 7th l. i larg qu agedie t th (iirt'otutuaîofit t ad he vaîingroni slerge*q aged mtoergetrosttoofeta\finghthemI8lem? than usual and îs supplied xvith pet, this because thev- vere not actual- ' tmae eve costmed. ly xanting emploxiet hv ut1 these requesîs for personal let- h 'r'î uîkta iîhiios wanted to prove that xork is ob- i ters - letters demanding intense --teTnt-iiakta os tainable if one seeks it according thought of the txvo xonen: and 1I1'liii ce îa'îi, lte.iite i vu n vasther i en denfaDr Wila totergt%-N.venture te sax' that not one of surýJtI to he ri hî ta'.icr correspondents enclosed pos- i 1114'it 41 î l' 'lt 44.0 Il > JiIiiIîîiý. b A unger. a recent graduate of To- ship These vomcn routid that their tage for the reply wbicb thex A. N. 'Mitchell William Hastie t.('h(E.'eu hl *hiilli the .' u ler.t444lli i \ tt to theni rather than otherwise îcnqieudrtn h A. N. M\itchell. left, president, viewing the progress of the past streng': "nýinig of the lases h ~ ~ a IiI1101114id114 Thy oud an' on frm. n- minds of the porsons xvho xvot Wm. Hastie and S. C. McEvenue, vear at the annual meeting, Mm.ý increa il, sur-plus. the niaînten- t 1 lefo'ittdati is of ta "lu frîîe S stitutîoiis and organizations pro- letters askîng for hell): their gnrlmnaes fte Canada Mitchell stated "The maintenance ance h production of liex,% busi- (hîiî<lriner, the(-%(-i, f , 1BN HEESAL C ferring mature persons to young xriters had othepv-ro Life Assurance Companv xvhose of the interest rate despite the ness. i1. peak for the SUaiit'of(ritleatî W',î.( One catKi îveli imacîne person: the feltthat aturethînkfor lsi th poxxer 1092nd annual report is summariz- general lowering of such rates, theth Ci' n"eerios' ùî."tieo1r,41 persons: thoul be tmor atable to d orin thhemselx' -th o Thev eoeain.-teo thcmelvs -the oxvr 'ed elseuvhere in this issue.- In re- increase in income. the satisfying .131< î.î'.î t1(4 4 ie"14 than \oung pcrsons xiilmoreîresemble toddlcrs out vith thirl tri ce. ta"11-iîî teaul l vaeek 1w c Common sense. parents for a vaik, and xvho aeîr:loealine-vihGddpn- ýeu*- C.i.. ; J C K to be carried in the father's or U ie C u te ' ta R v asce llinceitGndobddenen& o k Fist AmagaatonSAF Lastsprng hes %vmentol Unted Cou tie ' A las Rev als Him. Thc delusion of womldIx' of their work-quesîigetaingngtonseTwp.eWarden 'n i 842 he tu)lîyofslfsnes ad'te l3 rItv te bu',feseclZVrsi and of their successes. also of ~re are utsando lz: so their' metbods, in the Saturdax'iydsai:soeintror the * Il <oI I NI MitadaI thn t'42 Evening Post. Then tbey . seeng infront of tiienu re lnns fnir aeil ' .' i beanpîeovr bcbtbyare likelv to 'fortune are marrifest on ail sid 'ii4' It'iie ud 1ti 'ithat 'of T'Flfil to-ts hax letters froni per- fali if lhey be not quicki s'uc All the cnjoyments wbicb th* j Canianlhî Statesinratî. Christîiari sos vatigemplox'menttatcre Cobourg Man Discovers That THE SECRET 0F 'worîd cian give are as nothing '(olr i A4' .ît.. 22, 1855..X they decided to expand the S.E.P. Is it" not aggraxating. to Put it îHenry .Ri edPsto A P IF oprdx't h rcls ichsI_______ ' story to make a book, and that mildîx'. 10 have persons ask vou.' o orYas- le-____ and happrrîess whicb are derix'ed 1 bok asno. benpulshd b Hox0 do you do il?- - this after 'from close daiiy' communion wi'tb L EThE TS the J. B . Lîppincott Companx'. .o bv ee tpan o hwating Policy Coin- Grenville Klciser God. It is your gratpiieet is a book wbich sbould ho in ex'- cleamîx' and pationtîx' bow to do mecdi 89 saob'tiul nthi pirieetao A IE0 U N If d'n189lsaelontfll n hs prhul A IESOFNEURHAM ery public libramy in the land. and 'oehnYufcý iehtig1 One of the secrets of a happy feast, te receive God's tbougbts OP N FIE F IC it is a book wbticb is likelx' somtetb ndting oufel ern hitting rie is 10 dwel much upon your 'for your continual spiritual nour- hnae plo efacduefto ther okJ C K 1 During recent years the state- Ilikes and 10 ignore your dîslrkes. ýishment, and-wbat is of tran s- D.A .AneNtv fHy Ithe oe gie tmcts rook 0f course there are alvays limp ment has often been made that'If yourm mmd tends 10 criticism, Icendent value-to have the con_ - d .Has Been PNatieiofg i letters eceived. Many 1 e t t e r sdeod fth.uaiie f n t e Towsi o flig aulfnigaddsapoa, lsatassurance of your divine person iniwoid -ofrs the ownship of Daningtoaba will readily find occasion overy sonship. To emulate the life of St.ettler, Alta. 35 Years weefroni mon and women who tive, resolution, indep e n di e n c e, nover bad a warden chosen from'bu ftedy hm r n hiti 0kepcoe1 h er oetm g emcre th mîfr fthirow idviua .lanrs~ tsmniipl oucls a f-; fortunate tem.peraments w h i c h of God. oetm ag w reida th mttrofthi on nivdulstronger persons, and content to fort 10 verify this report John H. .dwxell habitually upon the dis- ________ copy of the Stettler (Alla.) Inde-A cases - Ibis notwithstanding the be leaners. It is persons of the Davidson, of Cobourg, bas check- jagreeabîe aspects of life. The e- Pendent containxng the followrng fadt that the witers of the article ipsr who should lix'e in die-j ed through an atlas of the United isuit is a mental condition of per-' write-up wbîch wîll be of interest . inuS. EPw e hould go aoutll talor countries, quite xilling toConte, which was pubiished in 'petuai fretfulness and unrest. Il bt a ist ayo u edr sD.A busines 0f onesokingforaot h be submissive 10 the will and 1878, and found that Henry S. is possible for you 10 form the E ugrwsbr nHyo bueitess eceived by forese k commandments of a dictator. Reid, of Damlington Township, habit of directing your thoughts and attended Bowmanvîlle Highci Her ae smespeimns f he A democratic countmv is a de- was elected to the wardenship and ýto pleasant, agreeabîe, helpful ' Mi's. Robert McCampion School. The paper became mis- letrsrcevdbytes wow-mocratie country because the ma- held it for four consecutive years. isubjecîs, so that your mind will Th eîfMni a eelaio ndbis eekcaTe ticle rtedsha Ienarn a ofthdowliiin nmi pose.s r. eidmity hoffftchose847living auinormiondiiono. 1Rheidathefldnnthea Yofficeon ins 184.Thearbeleinada bInam a0 yo tie my . mo n asr h qaiisofiii-48-49 and 50. 'ec, nfim cnito fwife of Robert MeCammon, oc- Ds and sser thequaltiesof iitia Ipecepoise, and heallhy optim- curred aI ber laie home in Hun- r. Aunger and Aunger moved hot0agetm noe ive, resolution, independence and Mm. Davidson also found tatism syu wl po h est r onhp er hms hc a be nteh so _________augment_____________ purpose - the will 10 succeed by the first warden, 0f what was1 aspects 0f life, you will f ind your bugeror onsbpnuay4h earoa -m hernwofielaI e the eercis of heir wn idi- ten knwn a the ewcatle Ds- on lif becoitheappbuildersr, Il. is sone vidual ambition and esolution. trict Council, was Walter Boswell. and more productive. Dwell up who was srxty-eigbt years of age0fhen The citizens of a democratic count- of Cobourg. Mm. Boswell held the ýo your mercies, not upon your hangd enilrgeanshortion mn ofthpmob enalesablithensB Nor i try do nol want their houghts position in 1842-43-44 and 45. Ho misries. ~GnrlHsia e in the country towns of AlbertaSABSM 1 T K NEandi their ways saped for thern wss ce by G. S. Boulton, Keep your mind fiîed with wooks previous. The late Mrs. Finished in tile and stucco, il by omecenralautoriy. heyof oborgwhoheld the position ýslrong, constructive, productive McCamnmon was born at Imîav Prosents a handsome extemior and1 LE D 0 ases.o reedy c lose their inden-j during 1846. 1 thougbts. Begin each day with a City, Mich.. a daughtem of the iaeé the inlerior is fitted up with the' Bowmanville Branch: F. 0.M lED Of itiesan hi individuaiismni h Wamdens of the Counîy clear mental picturo of what you Mm. and Mmm. Jacob Yerex, but for latesl dental equipment, and gives mse.They emain self -willed Counrcil of the United Counties most desire 10 accomplish; thonsooeasse adhmhmeiltsfrom orbinsofcs OFY U E S n self-directed 10 the end. froni that lime up 10 1878 are as eaneslly work to thal end. Evemy Bowmanvîlle. She was married and womkroom. " AEYDPSTBXFRV 0F OUR YoaIlGtth j ~ o~~H0SlB Çb 185 da thre houd h soetIgon Seplember 12, 1935. to Robert In addition to, the offices of the1 Get Ozygon inYour Bloodd and acbieved. to ei e ie ih ut A a .B rn a . o o rg 15 D. McCammon. The laIe Mrs. lwo parners theme is a third office Popla endwbouour to deathdi e caà aîr i f ent igtheae 10 xvbi 1John M. Grover, Cramahe 1852 The more resolutely you stand MeCammori was a member of the____________________________________ ozgen basgbec» eompletely eut off from benn-tseiemîas eadcan th m. Just es .urcly Yeu are lowly srnoth- Ai bnt aSin dney Smih, obt opg 18535 upn gte afrmte sie mof rutbUniedChuc' grlng tf your blood Iseka red corpuscles. steel wiro which resists bending IJames amith, Port Hope 1854-55 and righteousness, the more rap- t Rd mslsa oroiencrir.Henry J. Rultan. Cobourg 1856 jrlyad uey nl hs spem e aîn ghbeses he u sn Rhed opslsacyuroye-are which wants 10 sping back 10 ils R .BuceCamh 87qualilies ho devoloped in yourý are toduhesb e is Tecarry bhe oxysen you breatire In taev riialsap be l sboI- .M.BFetter, Bowmanxie 1858 mce adlf.Yo anl1marriage, Mrs. L. Smith, Toronto, CfY Part of Yoursyctcr.Wltbontenoughoxy- ori'naflenreilemate to enty-urse«lfetthemm, and Mrs185L.arB.trNandols, Bowman-no Ven-carrying corpuscles. your kidn e,lilver. fighling wime. John D. Armour, Cobourg 1859ofe itret yuslth n stomach and bowels slow down. Your gkin The wold needs both varielies A. McNaugbîon, Newcastle 1860-61 portance of right planning, right vle w rîesas oan gets pale, flabby. oit.» n irply. Your nerve. ,DtoiMc. rnay become ittery- Yeu tire quckly- lof xire - the dead wime and the E.S. Barnum, Haldimand- 1862 lhinking, and right doing. Wast D. W.Yemex, eriMc. and feel depressed. Ili living wire; and il pobably needs nolm.o niptis nYnlg'rex, Detroit. Henry' Squire, Brighton 1863 n eo niptisadat G. .Y Whab you neffls Dr. Wili ams Pink Pilla.erdpnet listless personsJonFse, adind 16Gveyu The funeral was beld from hem Trhese word-tamous pille Irelp malle mmororth dependent, -'n 186 onisms. Gv lu hought prin- 1 and better red corpuscles and thus uncrease and also the dynamnie type of per- John McLeod, Bowm'ville 1865-66,cipaliy 10 practical things. Right laIe home 10 Rix'erview Cemelery tire oxyger-carrylng power of your blood. son.JonFse1876inrssadacvies ilkep t Napanee on January 6, wilh 6 Cet Dr. Wiliams Pink Pilîs today at your ThehonldFeedsergen8y6men8 livorlifan Itvtiswilkep drugglst. See for yourself how 'îuickly th! hiol ed etymn Jos. L. Tucker, Clarke 1869!yu 0lf sane anu happy. Sub- iRov. H. B. Heringlon conducting tiearoe bloo uildr wl elpG T Y o. u anfd40wo ent ouI the find work C. M. Gould. Cramahe 1870 Istitute performance for procras- the servirces. The beamers were __________________ of__ -0 thoeioxntvoli to ionnd wo Samuel Wilmot, Clarke 1871 tinalion. Messrs. M. R. McCammon, Dol- of hei ow voitin, nd hoJames M. Ferris. Seymour 1872 Lot your life ho broad, sym- 1 bort MeCammon, Damon McCam- wotl x'ry nstnc, olyWm. Thompson, Bowm'ville 1873 ýpalhetic, lofty, and comprehen-moCaesLcfod L.B "fbcm careful soîf-prepamation forJaeS.F ider' 1874 ýsive. Beware of those ait n Nichols, and two grandsons, Doug- theULK U agima s hee omen dxd V. F. Allan. Clarke 1875,ruts which unconsciousîy limit! las Nichols and Okley McCam- Y4d 1 AUND REV : ohn larke Sevour 176 'mon wbo are 100 much absorbed mon. e their eyes shul or blindfolded - W. H. Snowden, Cavan 1877 lin single pursuits. Keep the win- IM just going in hope. They studied jv evey opotuntyfrom two sides J. G. Hagemman. Hamilton 1878 [do-ws of your mind wide open 10- Thomas Svain, Viscount, Sask. ac en1 exo5om theunî ft eeplyr It is intemsting 10 note Ihatl he light from ail directions. Give a r- e adfounhedo f the seeker. countios of the bonor of having 'e*rciso and feedom. Lot the in- Swain passed away at Viscount, hne1, Thevfoun outbefoeband as the wadenship did not commence: nemmost tboughts of your mind Sask. Mm. Swain, a native of En- tetlpl m hasthey couldi about the e- until 1869. ýgain strengtb and significance niskillen and Blackslock, Ontario, quirmenta0f mploersandtbrough expression. Libemato the would have been 83 yasodo lbey made theniselves compelent 1__________vasodo a srog anxas. utfine feelings of love, joyousness, December 24th. Ho came to the 8 tomk srn avas u ntuisnobility, gratitude., icut199adlu tertechniqtue is fully set forth andX appreciation, thal your heamt up homesteading, and bis fammn in hei bok.Il mattered nol ow shipCou ci ~i~'N'. ~sor ofjobil vastha ______mas' oxpand intofullness. Lîve was long a model in the district. ofatod sot l ogasil vas tatkind noxv a full-ombed life. Il is botter Ho was accompanied 10 the West .ok..ibte idxidal' CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL te, ho good-natumed Iban great; by bis sort Thomas, now deceased. ofeit I hat they ou d icrditabî'Iauua meig fCmt'i and to ho sincemely beloved by Mms. Sxvainî xitb Ihoir daugbter - 15'ping.tseycrbril, doîumsing sI- CoIauuncil xvsmetndo Crtrgh oum fiends anci associates tramus- Salirua. nov.'Mms. Dan M[cVicam of mg ehid te cuntr. ho 'ae' .'ib mmbes Jnuay 9b.couds aIl matomial rches. Live Colonsay. came West in 1911. In 0f cbhide uie. the cainaldsviocossmx'er subscibing t0 the youm largest life today. 1930 Mr's. Swain passed away. denîonstmatîiug iîî rolail stores.' xvas officialîx' oponed bx' Rex'. H. Tu apns ood pnSnc hnM.Sai a eie doctom's assistant. creclil inveOsti-1 J. Bell with scriptural raig___ ibbsduheMs cia galion, debt coilecting. Tluey did 'and prayor: aftem wbicb the mem- at Colousas'. He is survivod b5' bis ntgel oemx' job wvhichî they bers gaxve short addresses. The tv aglbrMm.Dî xent afler. but tluey proved thattluîuadouîîd orlunc a î ' a gai ClnssMm.Fe mno ail 'bis aoulége obs:ghttnd i the d ;freOn etîrenighto counil nnuI DCJ l J Lewis of Drumbeller; one bro- ail thi tha thN inghttelloth On rtAri-guo curi l -ni huer. Charlos Swain of Grand- When we send you a ton of Fa.-'xvmc - anîd mon - boy lu go several comtitiicat ions were e- ' X U S O S viow. Manitoba; onue sister. m mous Reading Anthracite, wegive about the business of finding ceix. er and fiied. Relief officer of, TO ALL STATIONS IN ilendoers of Alvenua: aîd seveîî you a Guarantee chat it is genu. .woWesteKEmrnox<nsCiasandadbea x~vould pa7y certain relief 10 A. W sen Caaa gajdblrn mne "Laundemed" Coa ... washed I arn sY'îupatIuetic v.itb aIl per- \'tnooî._____The service was fild at the froc of dirt, dusc, siate and rock ' sorus out of etnplovmoîiî, vaîîlrng 1GigDt oeo r n r.MV ro iand iookrng for'lb. But I bave Reeve and Counicillor Byems Gopun 1 Dates .An lTuneof m. nd rsv. f.1cViakmlon in gianc lauindries. You get ail fînd n fon shaeotest4or-poiîd eegts10-e-ALIFB 8T-MR 4 br'dx'b ev.. .Jaki flerk A, OU . fL ,-J.,0fMT-tt ea t They tun mdtoe am-li Onaade t leefc htti ee Treasu er, part salary 50.00 ,nerv..,ea' th n i m yh-h -kd e a m i'îls sho ld r omnain ini their u"OS- c o o ts g o lit C. Venning, cleaning Healthy kidneys filter poisons from lthe itiorîs ini bbe lîrocession unon arixinz Amena woll 9.40 blood. If they are Iaully and faaD, pisns ai Newcastle orders were given to la u e y L N Ont. Association, R. M. foc 5.00 t.y jinlthe sysent and sleepleaaness, heïdd. ltii th Ie centre of tihe Village, AUpe s r by L N CA A ASL R ETSLIGT. Mountjoy, insumance ache, backache ofe floIow. If you dont iwhere scierai alutes wvere fired 0 Jin,'s cali cees only 65e and i travelled on Amena 42.00 aleep weil, tu-y Dodd'à Kidn.y Pills-fer wîiîîrout caîsirf any injury, until Frank Williams, imig lw Nig1it Rates applying, as u'e-.l,ai OIA E T O A C . Wright, roads, etc. 528 .71 half a century ltme favorite remedy. io3 the- ratinz mail Swanton. who is Sec- *"Anyone' calis-you can taik a long, long Receipts: Railway tax, $40,20. u u* e earv of the LodRe. fired his pistol Manager. ______________________________________________ Council adjourned t mneo t aI oddsKfidneyP~ills without siantinz il sufficiently, when call of Reeve. the bail unforlunaîely eutemed the, __ onto Dental College, or whether twas the ambition of Dr. A. E. unger who has practised dentis- ry in Alberta for the past thirty- ie years. it fulfils the require- rents of a modemn dental office ievery respect. Cleaning A Carpet Here is a recîpe for carpet soap: hred an ounce of yellow soap nd dissolve in a pint of boiling ,ater. Add three dessertspoon- ls of ammonia and a teaspoon- i of washing soda. Keep in a ialow jar. For use, make a la- ir of the soap with warm water id rub the carpet briskly with a dt brush. Wipe off with warm atem and a clean cloth. Do not ;this freely before testing the iality of the colors mn your car- tas many campet colors are not st. "Religion w,,orships God, A¶ile Perstition profanes that wor- ip. -Seneca. 'OUNTS ARE WELCOME" NTREAL- IcILVEEN, Manager UR PAPERs"-..AskÏof.,do 7' emore thon 200 miiles. B y iii day Sunday-and placing 'g way-for lui avery ijule. "P 11 j THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. PlWMANVILLE, ONTARIO CANADA LIFE OFFICIALS PRESENT ANNUAIL PINAý;rT,&T rrvnvrn d