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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1939, p. 4

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PAGE FOLR TuE C.\N \i)iAN STATES~î.\N. BOWM\NVILLE. ONT ARIO THURSD.\Y. JANU\RY 26TH, 1939 LEFT THE ARMY OUR ENGLISH LETTER Here And There And Everywhere WITH RHEUMATISM MORE ABOUT TRIP TO SPAIN v1)Mrio-S.Now Fit to Join Again By Miss Isobel Stephenson WHEN BOffl ANVILLE latIn.d iai iltI',k ixt .ilti BUSINESS SECTION VAS teti. iiccati iarîlîx eicîlte i SOUTH 0F VANSTONES 'ut1iite xx> i-.tîfftîl'atut Onithte i î't x "ek f 11)'.,z tlitire tiýi ii.l iilit Ii'. eirx i. xIîttx lli Dased \% v' -et% i T - t' 'ex . ilitr Nliteîc distiller\. xx ithiî ronto. laines. R. Toiih.. 1tra i citizeni-,f ti-. tixvtî. 1lie %xuî'.l 'i uictd fr, In ',ttîeli'.tille-r% ;tht ie îta of Mir. anîd NM r-.. iDav i Toi î . tit* itktiiandek. tîîtei'i tha' in lhii-fatîtili' tîere xer( txxo îdaxciî' 1 1- t.s . c,îtî rili te-attI'.friltitit ters anîd tilt' ,,i'i. teferet , îtt'iIi.ttart- of Ille '.e l' Daxvi Toiwn>i- xxa-. t roitii i tu lit I busine- 'circle'. atîi ittîraittrl22 ý,taîîrt iftti '.li.îii îtutithe i meai anid cni'.t tîill doiitxviiitt ii the 1tîî01tuI i tirk -.ture. titvil ai low hel i xv tIlt Na i' i t " *ý ilii, II x i h I C ':thle Siiirt îî l ce e e - t h i was îîierte.d at tîtat teritil lhlv tklîîllîci'îîi-iett a & ~~ x tilt tîý,te ý atheNia.i it Mr. 'i'iixxttîok te iîtîil bIIIt-Ii'..tltiiiiU tt 'i. ox'er fi iti the Rt îlrt Sitttt'a irfu- IIlt Ipte liell. 0IitI'tht-NVal 't* xiii caîrtetl titi the hiilit' tilrac,' xxa-. te .illex 'l'h i- m4îanxiv r i îîrx i-. atid tiuý ~c- ,tlfai iltiiPirit'. tht' t.ilh'ii; al cupiedt h le -.aute fïitii l\ ri 't'-. 'et It \.tîeî-eîec' .tiil' xx I l opp'l)str' te îtill. Tîtere xx a'.îh ia Ilit xîîîl .î' ic.exiarîfl "iiti.a brother xx iii xxa'. rItîIl' 'tri n thî . 1C l îki'. jil .î l'iitlîthe xcliii other i etîlîter'.. ceîîr.îllx of ~x'ee.ilitiltet. N lIti.,Ci i)ersii'.itr'i't".t.the-ofi ttuitir er uc i îîr'îtI uer'.ia'.ti i0 tîttîte I'îîl'.' iii it ix enint-%ienlîîuxvarkxva. over for tieitilt'ti.i ,iti tl'.rttîîîîciri dav the Seottistiî trains if Sc -'lu(ittix reel or 't'tl-îex xitli lit'Ieard lb\ \\" .ltiîî't liailfd i u1hi tit those ix liti tîeaiîierrxl iiilxiitailailir'- '.IIltiîIrx eitlieel x i street. N Gî.'c ,î r2e-. x lh xxa'. itiir that wx anîîd toda'. titex are al îxîtiii'ili ctir'ntta n1<"î excett )cti ile br iek icx l iî 1 lie1 irthItrritakaî 'l x'l was theit ktrix tia-. te WNIiiiattî- i t ir' ta ' efiaticrkalc thi rk home. Thii-mail %vas a cardtiio iiaix a tii tlî hc'i tue îîîxxî xxii wooilen tîill troprictor -ait(îla o h xvao tetonwlc haleroceiîiic lixNiark<xN1iiiaî'..t ý %v-.s hlctfor s-.oIieLi v the NI te latr cciie 1 Mak ilia te iii tk Brui- te Nie Ni trrx'ý.. .li welI kit' i xx îî heer andticat tIrlîx tr. n iIIg . thlic haredxxaret'deai ce tIII Thi, ato lt xvi i 'iîi. lax'. îextittîxare înerclî.nt: tIti' R' ii was te trirîcitle htiîî e c-..tion of-N .it iltc itutertakiiîc aitdlfîîeîiîîîî this corooration xxiere besitic. te li îî-.. atnti 'ex rai otîter îiît.iiîrw; oat meal nil va-. ahi t the Jacob 1tlace-.. Neads' fottîdri' xho tiixii arrii'îi iii cointittc iîacktri thte Tîîxv e' fainîll a hardwxare -store ioinewlite eiiithe a the u' îilI xvax te-.te xciP% viciniîx of the .\.&P. sttire oftifîiiav. tft ie tîtext tiik xîit ftrmiiîizi'xxit- Besides te fottiri' xva-al-îo tie ivarîl-.the ' Ba-.r' iiîîandthtîe Ljii macitr -ittiaiti it xxoo-xvirit111 tti' anîd thec tlace tîtat nice kit, shon. .M l tîî-.cxviiks gt therte îttîtanîd vas 'oîclt a tîtril hicIi power firinthe litean hci ixvtte lvx.i'. îoxv a xomexx lîre I'u u bridac. aund te cutlitîc of th e Ieati- rcu.eettfrmtrtalt race andtitaii-raceearè ii tlilic.etQ'tIl 2Hiviixv andatripritîct e'li lodav. To xec titat iarrent etrt .i Tte îxv-.fnlv va ttCt hi\tiarriaze vitiî the P'tIltand I Nltîtiie-.. t vas te eîî'tîîu xitil a ll I cS t lIih pcotle a ZC' i itllt'îIitita attîtîitit ti xxas îairlt,, i'xx' N % an I t Takes PEP 1lax tîtaît Chris.tmîa-. Iltzniaiiax.Ne " a hie cil tlîir tkiiz to pedai a bie \'uuîrk xx eut mtistis. î-al tii Cijri'.tttîaý Idax. but luit :ii(titi exv 'i'ar". x ije:j titi xi tk xx a'. atteîîttieI fi te a ila' r tr 1îx I i. i iiaîîax itucflit xx'ti t t t rlai lU. iI lu rt lFoot crîi iiiandt ilttli' xxii'.> ve tire ifa.iî anid îîîrrî ient .N 'x Niar' . . xaý tli-ue ctarlliîia L.îx tîandiîn.îîîxf,'ast- tdi it xerx'x uit t' xxx loit t tiat xx;i'. îfître the ilaxtif the iii, tut car xx hen ail extra un s er xxa'. tit ;Iit't'tleii lîflri l<tIti i)î ll î etiilfli ti it.itix t tiartictîlar stabîle.aletuilit it Lcivviiireit. '.f xî'e tit' iax'. x lien rît ut ci rlI .. tiirrlî i tiLers.. tai îl.îîîeer'. and Lciaii i rout> i cri iere liot xo i tîntil, evitietce atiidax'. 'The cîîlrv if îde. I tut tuttes iiti t i vteix re fc xx'andi ftr letxs'ett. [tl',t te saie tlîcrr xx a'. it -t a.tît udt tleas tire. tix' andî cîîîfîîrît ite îîid iinidav season as tîttu xitî its ketinLc titi xxith tii, tiiîxx xi t thielr S$10.00 a rlate aittî rîîut"l l t-. '.ii. -- D ont xi iltitiik RON TODGHAM US DISTRICT DEALER CITY 0F CHATHAM Ilis Father, Herb. Todgham. IVas First Clerk in F. R. Kerslake's Drug Store - Ron Has Work- ed With Chrysler Corp. For Several 1'ears Mr. Frank R. Kersiake receix'ed a Chatham papen Xednesdav,, haif fiied with ant annnuneent xvhich stated that Ronald Todg- ham uhuid hteut appointed de-aler: for Dodge - DeSoto cars in that cils'. Me. Todgharn h a sont ni Herh. H. Todgitar, Mn. Kersiake's fîrst drug cierk iii Boxx'nrutniie. The eider Todgharn s no-xv Cana- dian Manager ni Pou. lar Co.. Waikerviîit'. Thenexi apiiointed Dodge-DeSoto dt'ener i' itd tînt îîîterestinîg career 'xtu'ndnng su eaI years xvthCtN. teMoItir Corporationt. Roît Todi.'iant'ýs :tnx« re-acit iîke a "succts" nox ci, Whiue stil i scîtonl ht' soId Christmas eturri uas a sîde litt'eînd ttuekied ene cf the hoads ni the Cîcl' Corpiorationt x.'lînî%%-a. so strunt b xvit ti iis peesonait' antd ablit 'tîN titat lie oiteeed hirn a euh as 5<100 as su 'oni xxas corntpicttd. Tiî.t xvas i lt. est tiit lxx uitti %x t',x udt. lie chî tithe ut1ut% .îî'.îî.uur aui iv i rltu.tic. '-: lix. ilui i'.tttud iill ' auierex h 1cae ii 'int un tIlt'aruix ivxithI hIu'îmti'.nli.- lut %\xx1i te' . "t xa. ','itt'luli 'titi 't tui er. f1'.tau ted t.;îikiîiciu\eK'r ii luc 1tini Sain'. , andIlit i i,'xx% li uni. ttu'. I f. tnuiid elief'furontInuis 1-1LIuxnnutin. 1 ui lire ui' îutlr' iio mît fir't. N-'xx t (, 1 îu-- i\its - i uti eurrntui. ni tt ce. anud al\x a\i'. i etutix t" lui xx ;tIi ix c zituîi "tr' sleï tii nuu i lclh thlt' ter i i "e itat tl veîr',fuîiet t".e.l'.x' uîtnl Ix tr th u itit ut thelui It Iti - rut -eu hltit. 'ilet]. tir utlli' f untht' fi.t tlcaset ix'liit thi-,andi that '1ait hiî) his n uc-.timn .eied n tier i thiik Ile \%.a son111v t 0-stinc i Ii. bea 1il s ci andtidntiîtt kit xx'w it Nie :No. 1 id IPttr't i'Ill'u ilet-R t -I tttn t te w t1 i vititu ietet ilar tinii etii t w i eni i thic a 1lutr in i c a it1u. le F x iatx m i ctîtttc-ii'oii v ttilteresitl i \'xe'd îccl iax ut c 'iilîftNi e: Ah. lutit il axi' k-ilai k.lni andît1iil i ýexpeicrtlice-. of lier lal i i t nzamdijal)hbcrin c ini Frenchi. sieur IItti'tr'tuî. t r i tiixar n and wearxn ,iii-i antiti Fi li - anmi t H c rue teceie - t'r Stiali i 'tttiniler rthi-. i-.a faîiir- haiifîtl vittaStiatîishwIi xict ild teiîtnz lx' lettor atitti %%as. îlot xrttetî ' 'ite iin .andi xxee xttiîc i î,lavii , Nift- ;Ichl tl îti)Iell li ox >.. iiii.ct fiý r tii tlicaltiti ut t hrouRh thte ilt aret te-.ana i cIia-ssof wxx utc aitil 1 l'e 'î'at dit! tlue tiil «îk kiilite'.' tof NIil's-. Stephensoii"> tilt-' C\ îîi'î-..Iîî' ail sutdetîlx' eiatt- NIe : idn)iu ii't ti itite tlîiîk tiltex bn the r e lrriliit ted ltti1 x \ e x w 1al - iti ce file îlî xx t x e e toi filtie to (le? li'.li it -ar'. luit the alarri xx'a îiolate lit1:v ( xxlistîercd ) lia,. 'etîti. lea r Fanii x i x Fail(!. ittiers tIi wîtttIi xxi 1 ictotii t er île Tîic-.iax at Itiiirît titne. istaxed ini i x\*e(:ititte treet. In GoIcu lie: .l i frIei ". ý atarttîltt. Lt xxaz; a Nx î'î i I titI t Staiîî. ti'sc" htî. ffett 1i'. itt Nie' iAh la r,- e apta rt intîcît xxitî ci t or t it ic ' .erx att. lie is tie - ai , ' a le 1i i w' -t r lic are tiliet- t rliev r,î"ilt. îe fltt' i i f tile. t'. '.eretarv îîr tetîiraffiîîr. t )iiîj Ne' ltita a '.tiit if ýtac!, act- it <ii feretit ie.iî-. ithotitit mx t i". lit' tiiatxtti' Tiat I i, e i )cit I ca tîtlîar iii tlîiîk 'uchi fine r Pc- luc xxitiîix vere ail i e îîî'athlî ii-. ilitii. O m:Diii z.ike'. Itatîtl-. >.xx'itthtit i it (lie'. hiLdi \îAnd frîttu '. 'tc tf te t iii îl >i, 'tîaî vxîtt'il h is 'ail. Excels In Quality c'al uuractctîrxultl 'irIi î'.î'itaI >itc iii et. , . vo kitnx'uttittdi x. i:t' rocîxul N ducat re i' îîliiilitx re,xt-. un1i"i i t r in'. uti lu 1 .î1, îl tt , in id ix' i r m'ir e' uiiiiiiiiiiitit'- t tuit tx'î ' oif Il, ". 'iýiaI -en ce fir th unutunre xx'Iiehli'i tit'.iiitx'td nu 'x' xinaiize xx hielu ut thu i cars. t" cîtn l he ub, t t'I , u tilti, uuýt h ilx' au i'i t dIr- lit'1 t iii -'ii 'i I i ix iiixFi .tr' lit i it' tt'i tt'tl tut 'tit" î crlîld i x u. l, b t ,eîîîrrîtt i xelýiItît ic l h 'i-l i aýe lt)h li * * fc na a cIl e pr tl t.l.tii tt' . .t i l l "îî '. ii't;fittit'.it, utth ri inîi-r oit nut ~ttet i t "î lc clxc-ii xtiltx r i ia. t f c i dille ita taur Catlt ' it tt Fulýý d atiI lli c\iL" i- i l- \\-le : îîî i.l, tIi'Trattitt uefl,îîîo-xxte illl> flî.l tî il c x Lci 'iîîr'.îax *......... xx'îîîe x% r' '.at tii î'îîf,ît iti' ti\-t i' rtît. ilexi ii ,' ii i -ir IIi i-.tIî.îî'. it . îiiiil t1tti ittii. l t IIi .1 tîii. andtt'l '~ite b t-le titrelitIl l ot. xxe t ttIZCo iil xxalci ttlarcîit'î fi'lt i 'ilniirliicîtii J '.îîîtî 'e 11! iî' t r, iil\ rt li\ airs ý, th fý cf i i o. h cajiý tilt týI rit.v ile.itiax'1itxiitiir tlitxitrîAtillia1 '.t.i1i;ilt lroi),il 2 .iîî.l. xitiii ttt i'..iiil lf lt r".c eli t.nd r' ilIti i )ii tha'l l ite." cailleau Cr. ac nî l itii k lîiu-îîxxl.pat na-d aiý i(r iifi îî."f'r'tl .itx xxiit'ee iiiIfiixx \\ai, am a r ,llaitti' t, -1 tîtutt itortiiituc,. 'îî \\e lrx'axx'.ix inil iatîttl ,f Ili t t S' îîîh i xt'. tl 'iii ui c sex'erai cears ago anîd Ihat execu- x fu'itt lit etx sure taItuithe i ii tîr c iiie sortie Fret ic 1i. ,1 lietllriltecfe IR m vig a ls tp e tîx Ca estimtationi of v u g Todg- 1ulu.. x înîl ttili tfie iii tIie %old aclti ou b l l lv fl.A gls tp e aig rea te haut x' I nt far uxx'rong. 'He has ., i-kle te f iititda.cîtl i"Vtoxit." ii anr'e 1titilli'.t i gastto priatlenta- li-rown'itinto an efficient aîtd hard f i îr'.ethe .iiittvr er'xcec tîcuiti \uir 'of Sîxaiti. i t iI hii tIhat tîttal .It be remnox'edi. heit itas become, xx'rkngempnye.MaiN'fîiedsI\ rîîloix vrrtlie vintItixv-. xiitlîat xx.iilîl liceitaittitic-. IThte **set, bx' xsrapping a ciolh x'ui itn thîs part of the cornti' xuii ilt-hitr'tî tit'.itic. NNe -.ltiil atucînIace 1-. ike tîiî.t t[t 'etieiatlî'ietarî tii,,c_,ouirectlx ofnthen hot 'terond the eckr %xisî t tis x'orng niait cx'î'y'sUc. tttkx tlirîIuQIli thîe d'lors 't a St ! lit' ,acas *et-e a jl i n'ti- ff I i' l I pI' itel tii hî-Ib'.. uit Ili, o ie b ti. Hod i h r o t' s fil hi ' rî ndertakîng. cîa,'.-.ciili xeeîntd.îu ioff the tiiiiitiîý liuîîî If atîi '.-11îvî' nîtîx' 5t'atii'.ei i t k lefo l 1 ix *f feuw moments and the stopper xviii 'il r.Itt adiv.atlx.tclîr'tither'-kx'. Tue .xnti 'n . ixx' Iiiri l irctîe. S~tii" ttit11tîci t tttoîîx'x hen. in most cases, corne out. The 't t~itrrait iteaiis xx'e t rx' tc z t't îiek .k 'i' i t I eI.inu it' Ix il i petttit " tli e 5 tt f F rattce - aul i 1 b0îîîcîît xxa er nmust not be qui te houiingl tilttt. laitît'- bttli tt'boitillert'e' at- fe t ivx'uir for r llt i e}{ kîti .rifI t ie i 1t l:\ l-i i1 or it may- crack the glass. Shouid HORTICULTURISTS teîitlettet-î'ttîe itex ý ittîi.for au tîltunne 'Ii ut 1r.i. Sooit afier cichît tit, ri i' î te stop tl of obstfinao Iv AT NEWCASTLE li 11t'.tit t tar 1un-. l tntt'le citu ti .111 ul1l fut ti iliice cii xx a-. rntnîiîuca tîx'îiuraturv at( draopitlero f arafon tor p -ero t. . nt re,îteîi. ****feeIîîc liki' drop from a feater on 10 il.oxx'het e AVH I EVE KESU LTrs rN' ilda% x\%v uto tithe t'art tfNolcfitle txtitr. ie.t .'i 'laiht't I' Iltf i iiicreep betxveen the txx'ýo Atefile ir'.uhttrluil\itlailît îuhelu ifin ' surfaces and facilitate remox'al. 'Nir Joh F lar A11wses it cîx tîat iati item iînheîi TheI i llauuu ti îîrx xere dt'clarcçi anîd 'erc eiu ir'îi ut. * *. * Mr. ua eetng lark iderss huit l u.ix e -. ielh tire vickei bu-e. u. Thie itîîeriîreter ti'.ui iîiîlf iniN extr Keeping Velvet Free From x tuttein Ofies ,I xx' îrî['. Voit xotitdiieect t'.' k'u.. tattI case uIl xxe i tllx' Ilitîtîexr- iC B i.Creases and Directors Re'.elected t' t iecx thue iiieitude of tue taîîîi tlItnmu3-4 huîîxalîi Il,%i 'vxOi i A certain amount of care in e ilth ofior ad iecor o .iluttuethev tIti. Bilocks oif 't-11iii. ' f ni iiiiîîîiîits ii t'rcabrushing and hanging -eix'et gar- Al heofcran ilrct o 1uuanlv 4 feet '.îunareeandti2. ucet lîîii, otuketritraui iii Franîce.X OU O PIA net i tcesr' ftisbcm Neus<.astie Hortîcu luiral' lîokiac lluîx'u ahtîut ikne îaetuuî i 'if' '.h'.s x'au ute" were re-elected %vith one exce ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ în lýtic-at lw bltlk acii iý,wi lLl.Y O PT L igmateriai is to romain fresh- tion at the societv's attneîaimeet'.tt l'.i'ut~d'x txatîîuutîxt îtîg Januarv i 6th. Rex'. R. E. PBaren'uI1Ia 1-. au ieu tin if i r ixt\, ntt-iafexv iî:ui II funl'. i air. I xva i lfle(1 hsconîttine t un l Morton xvas elected as a dîrector xx huuer' t t tiIl -xvli. I î.'mii ut ud ,tn t lit" tue i ît'.jIýIijIox' anîtî tital tuuuuulel" I t ju'. hrx' hix\e ee for one y'ear to filout Mr. E. M. Ilx'- tt iaxe ett urtlet îr iît fîuîîîî înx -1'If el i icll îx't t" ant i l elîfutre. 1 Th -ietr ' "et' u ,i H . X ard's unexpîred terni. flii titie xxa-. -.îî i e dii d l tii -i 'îî x i u d ti'uIr'xr'rx ixax . i î îxî. 1 kx'.it uctat tir e' 4"t tutuu i x i Iilu ,th ' taet d Offihers ar'c: President - J. H i-i. f ttIcht nut ii.x' e cît îc prîit'l t t t îuuîuIfitt tanttI xtilitic andî xx tth c I'f iflîe tîtîllie tîîxxard uh'. it' u îîual Jose; ist 'Vice Pros. - Mxrs. J. A. bieîîuc litent tt.uxt tlîc ntîi er. xxiii iii lîu.e. Ifearil '.ruîuî-. Ii uruletune': thour ' ti, ecatîu i Butier; 2nd Vice Pt'es. - H. R. Su akinnz "n thue fr..itier. oli u xiit'. Tlltn 1 ,t ct it' I \-ixv ier hidli tandîardî-. if luîu'.tlt.l 'rr' Pearce. Directors for one Near. îîei-cax uiirîing rit Blatte-.. Stie r - I i built t.Ikiuuc attîl l' x' Seniorita %xx ilui ut iu.e )ux' hrut iaiiittuttu'il, ii te f . L x' 1939 - M rs. PorcN'. B roxx'N, rs. il ii iitt t x ulu u' t ti ct C ' îaula t itI hnut t 't) tilut' tfrenuchîî'-S! i '. ' tt ti "ir'. Ii' 'c. tît e u , le Porcs'Haro. Nrs. XVm. Kentofick. t uiei11tiiu d te'I feqý:ýreas I u.'ur 'I',, ti(t fro nt Ii î tcie tf utnl atu Ii tt "".', u:'t 7 i i A. Xaton. Rev. R. E. Mor'. cre ickeîî ftle uit. Tue liaek xt- Nl l Ii 't. uilla i titi Iiin tIi ' jabilitx tif tu hti .iiittIl'.t,, keî'tîi) i.uex'"' '4W. to :Directors for tIxen soars. 1939- n ilîld xxitît xlite. fir te it oeîîilnanu. i.te trix ýrn v.Iîî'lt I. talkiunct' t i tt the tuedstI-. i filue fîuure, Laxw. iNrs. Jno. Honirx', Mrs. 'XV. E. G r nte .tur vî i rex'eîhIfee juil hîuxveui. 't ute lîîi t aî Neof.'.-. ratîui ut Prîet Purdy, Miss E. L. Trenxvith: Hon. "ii"(' tn tclt 'aut titi. car î 'xl u la.ti ttlli i ]-tîlx' ta Pros iden ls - Thos. Moift, Dr. J. ' - tîn tf ficilic itlte and î d lru ixI iou lc ez A. Butler. W'. F. Rickard. M.P itut lite C()Iltl\ ilx , ua j'x'cal] l litl-.uî. lic futr lii' " Ieltîcîl nî citaI.. li rt rinrter ettuex ici, tIl'li ii A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lc u tr J. .Brdiyan C.T tuc' there t andîui Ii itr.. iI t'i tt ali' iluut tnta. t. iainx. xxtu'. a itr'-t i Batt . l'lite tuedical ".uî itîeiedantfil triont thet' arnIe i at B latte-. i andt ix t he ii ' frail] I ofiix' ilhî' tîiii l -- it Presiden t J. H. Jose briefiy ne - t lui' nu'anîd xx'c xxitt ivx'r the xx noîx' tu1xi i.îtt x f'ex u i Ii 'iiti iiuar xax i'u utt u lit i r xiexx'ed the .vork niftthehe hîic Theylianiieii ar. Tue uncri n tlitît'.teak 1 d:ux - ftuehîîîxutal \iva'.a iottis t ýîi ,t Ho raid that in his trax'els through ()Il Godthe is t i it. Bttli', lui'keel flia.'laul rfnt- ui îIcîî ani tixax - ,j the prox-ince ho could aiways tel fil\ti- 'leuî .uuirt ilte ilium ý%qII euitieu'l xx uux fun reeieulx letteandtitue Cîuîtimitul d ( f hIl ho drox'o through a town .*t**tix Vfir-.t tîntver îliîitintI cîtu tur' ituî ati-.factitîtus of h fe t liaItîtîîuîornOx x'hether it had a Horticuiturai Tu h te'. -) s vere tiiioaletlantutu i îî'ut iiit î'i,e anI d tIt'a uttînut le-. xxe r iiti tt li it res otil lie uteux trial'" Society or not. Exidonces nf an tdrive andui1I xeîtton tb FiLzueres. ltltto4I it Itirtc V2VCinitti% eoic o actix'e society at work could ai- NI'e xx re lîaxitîc a ieay iir lu. xxil'tiîîî -.1111 iii u unc i r tîe tareel f tro- If ilh piixxca nlitniuj iaI ways be seen in the generaiiv in- Givei l uî'.arriveti frnti han-i ia"ttl irex cultîiv, ouii c l te kcv'.tuitix iif ATTRACTIVE FARES AN xîttng anîd attractive appearance îuu aniucsd crviuuciicn -l' ite [tutu itIi tîttit rtue%".. twlxx ix un' 'thie arcu înnuii)ruetiîîc'unr 'Iliî tri. oi the approaches. streots, parka .cii. ""Ilan \iioNutre ilix e ttîIî.îtStii-u iitnuctauî.r lratît lutixxhictlci îe îonriîaîiceessar- 'Indlg and home surroundings. ____________________________ Itke(l a lîttîer'iîîuri'.üdîivtutt l,'ii t ilvix'nîît b l itiitiuttrtatil andttii - '&U yiLU. ngci Miss E. NM. Blackburn read the Mlui tl(' Ituk u- . sdoluti' iluttte'a n.î1 uiiccentt ral ifiorce. igfli minutes and submitted the direc- île xf îehi.iuc ii ii Nleîxi.'î ix .ieta.CA NADI AN ground tors' report. 14 regular and se- Business j.>irectory e .i t tatI aexiie r'otut'.t\ixo tIi i ruIlu 'îti'lî .îî .1~~NATIONAL ahi ciai meetings had been heid. Dele- I, 'eittjulth'îîhr' atlx rtuiivits.rl tteet'tu uuu.îuîîî. '.iuuit EMou~PISCntd gates had been sont to the Ontario rcxm u'a trî'icatcftîtxti,'liîlîtîI [i ut' c tii 'ut înaii TîxAPSCaai Horticuiturai Convention in To- Ilviiîtt ien xvii. a. n ncirteî uctîtut Special rotoan h.îbrugt aiigod'xv1,a1 c'il. ,ut ntituu oilMONEY ORDERS rail fare rono ad ad roghtbak gndLEGAL "Nî1h.lin. I1"IliI i,uviii thetIi'ervice îîeeded bv tie 1 AND Returu reports. Society had maintaîned __________________1________ xîuuý I t u nuxfli(, uacr'ftnl rideir n iitli rIl oxx'Itîuuiaut Iîiui L u uts it-. four community flower heds ho- 'M.G. V. GOULD. B.A., LL.B. lxexcar.", p)intai-. Tl'ltie -.aiichcant ofthif '.EXPRESS oers a iuties hoseat he cmmuity all Barrîster, Solicitor, Notary 'i li> triait t fi'-lte -aid it FrenchLi. ou)îtitîtIxl iiiDcter. 'utîEnol and the two urna in front ni the Phono 351 "Diii' huatan. at vxitihave blint ".;oi tnteDictoe. thîrrc 1iýii îî-îîî,SPEED,-'pca hall. New beds had aiso been Royal Bank BIdg., Bowmanviiie !titi' Petlit. îîîauîeunuuixllî'." lolalltiuiic tluquiîtcî DEPENDABILITY, uary, iae startod at the lake front and at I i0ut' îuîtîc auî.îi d iu'uî Ilia If -lîeartetIll Hx' ia l Itît i r'xxl tua itandl i tutIluti tce'S AF ETY urFoi the school. Society stili had de-fiil*lan 1nei iiti ndilaz pl lightfu i momories nf its summer I1 W. R. STRIKE andtu li utî'tlandil liikeulnuit t tiîe i ciiart, ail l ttbut i i u'.tt'f ileit visit to Parkwood Gardons, Osh-1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary fxxiîîxvuntlit'ttiutiftttîxluuu.iA A axva. Oneofniits biggest undertak- 1Solicitor for Bank ni Montreai uNNt'dntecii andîti ue xcriacîit.e h s uni' 'the îu< îuuuultîuu .l". AI ings had boon the sponsoring niý Money to Loan. Phone 791. I'Futcifruitier lie sý ruii tt.atl 'tt'nni ' 'ituui the District Flower Show in Aug-f Bowmanville, Ontario. uitueiiîx'ii' x ci ietiit I-- lta1 ual. It had dîstrîbutedi plant op- 1wu' iaîtuix tu hlook afler 'nue tia'.- tions to the mombers in the spring L.C.MSO.B.. I tt. Su i sa-t ite cIr andtilie an b ib i to ai. 000 new i.%xx"lii utt i tli te Freutluc ii titIi'. tulip buiba had also been planted Barrister - Solicitor .Ih xxa-.thontati a fainit tinzenf in the cnmmunity beds in the faîl. Notary Publne - Etc. miituuie.. ectt oer utîxsmuc,, Society greatiy- approciatos the Law in ail its branches. ,îiriî IT biltlbl)eflubhîe fitltait spiendid xxoîk .donc hy Municipal Office immediately t-ast of Royal buiifiîl Btt x'houxv'.lI' let À 9 Courncii in beautilication nifxvil- Theatre. leuîîuuîuîlut' ale tt to rve'.tt utA lage bN' keeping streets free niý Phonos: Office 688; Home 553. taies xviîlî lvu t tîcrcenee'lxiFii.1 xveods and by piantîng treos and ha.... ~ __________Si n ljl it tuhte tuiai fiovers aîd carîng for tiiem'iIlei ll'oututnt. TiatidedIllune iti 'lu ' throughout the sumnmer. Counicil MEDICAL wil l aittîe îtoxv andîtl ulhittti.' spelît $276.23 on this kind ni beau- car ivith1int sck Uic l'liaul îaku'uui tif'it'atnon xvork. DR. HAROLD FERGUSON -ahttu ixel t-ix huIit thiuiART O Mrs. C. A. Coxvan, treasurer, of Enniskillon has tniken over the '.:ltiti'x - iI x.tit'1 ru'pnel a n'emheriuht;î ni75; ne- practice nif'the lato Dr. J. C. Boli. i ea'.t t e.iît l 'et'îuieit ceilîts S275.84: expenditures ivere OfficeHourst Week days, 2 tili 4 ceni' --,wîeîxvuînraututu 1,\ce l,- vtht 0 e e ay e- S-144.3-5: balantce $31.49. n'ciock; Ex-onings. 6 tlli 8 p.m. uiiuuîuîie Mrs. PercN' Brrxvn anîd H. R. Sundays by appoîîîtment. Thuiruitoi a uuu'u't iIîrait i e Pearce vere appoîntcd dolegales e 'Ii.tîk i lorhî'ltlnx.T to Ontario Horticultural Conven- -WHAT WOULD HAPPENt VflhItribl tion ini Toronto in Ialh.Otiier ix t' I. uuîkiuuc ntautur. UWHATWO probabîy uattend. Iîî~îîIli'atil tut tutu'd IFAutIE".'.OU AT 0?IuIx iI Mn. John F. Clark. Proxvincial DR. J. C. DEVITT;ith l Lecturer in Horticulture, xvith Assistant. Dr. E. W. Sisson , itut "N'e'.ai titi,'Niniî'.îîr iiYO' E AE WT UDO YOU'D BE5 Mrs. Clark nporating the iantornn Grdten Ro.iDna Co- "uui.ul"în'tatl." tt. EXCLUSIVE AUTO-POISE CONTROL. EXCLUSIVE gaxe a heiplul and nspiring il- Ith lustrated adîress on "Homo Beau lego, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubile e-.. Itar uuttiof t.'. WHY? Because this revolutionary necehanical WHYý Because, tîfîcation." Ho suhrnîtled as an - Bldg., Bowmanvillî' Office hours "Tiilut1i '.uîîîîîîl'i l ielucre . li neto ptn phidfr uoîttldeniy *Liii throuj ote aponit ttefo îa-9 a ni. tn 6 p.m. dauiy oxcept Sun- _I , la th',u ii-ta"" lu1.tii:neto ptetapidfr)atnaial drath t sapppin atieo id b'Ptot-9. rt epood8.h'ii tra y.ti i.'Ie"tiitnt exhelpx to keep ixhecîx on their course-on rough the driver nf a Hl som on tat It s ot hoe hon 79. ouý phne883 mats, in heav}' side winds, eîce tche,, a tire sappe foot pedal o anmeonetitt "t i no a ome X- E n Ofic. i uhtîn. tre ~ pertio ~ U1'POI CON- exclusive L)ouhlu untîl Ia spianted.' There max'c ho Eupe n fie re îvkildbos 'eoeaio fA7'0PIF emts (finest lien, a flouse rsîng nuittif the hare sur- uI x li i,.'it Miuub'Ix Itt.'.mt' TROL does not recluire special tires, tubes or rsri ttn roundings, but no ont' could u'aiiF N R LDIE T R ""'trlt ue,1 extra equipment of an) kind. li is standard at nio callyront thans, At a ot itrof *ecainan UE LDRCT0-*Stlextra cost on al 1939 Hudson passenger cars; Our files tellIofi tAns x'ot e l R e n prcatnand FNEceDRCTR Tt- i'irthîîufî.1,' tttt leNO OTIIER CAR liAS ANY'L'IING LIKE IT. Safe Brakes, stan( and secnndcd by, M. H. Stapies. Serx-ice, any' iii ir, any da Iafeti e l' uitiCiiu ' ulittu li il . ýIt i , lt' -'-xm i ta it j l Oronîn, xas accnrdeid Mr. anîd Mrs. F. F. MIORRIS CO. ut' utkt itt ul"ii.x u u ie Clark. teit ta'e îiosModrn'uMotor 1' îuipment Arntm- lt tl i etui ut ut un i - fl N0 !A DE LUXE HUDS( Me:. IL W.Foie-,' and lRex' W. P Phonue 48lutir 73 4,Assistant 573,ai . it i. u utod Rutg'e: _________________________________________ I ît',' ttI tuji i 'li ti I'. lii" ,1$1 Sheppard &GiII Lumber Co. Ltd. King St. Last, Bowmaxaville Phone 71539 'NN'tliq i,î' unt'l t ji cp('i" "Lest Wi' Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL 1 ir inl Monumnent S. Tabl,"îs, Markers. etc. n Granite and Marbir. ENTERTAINER Secure RALIIll GORDON, the %vonderfully versatile e n tL e r- lainier, for your next cntertain- ment. IllustratîtI cireular früe. Address 6281) ( rawford Street, Toron to. titi lur' c' T hI~ btu,t ii.lui'.ý, :ltid . t,! ii l ' . ru .1Il 'l u t ni in . i inî I I tukî .f 1xxiii il' t li l ýi i. l% i'iii.t-"I thhl iluiti If it I .u t'. £,(.II t l t lo luiîîc fl, in 1î ,j' . l . d ut,' uli diî Ilmît u'<îuu hu 'M i, 1lut ilii lic' '1 IiiI t kîî i luth i ."il î1Iî<iut iii I il t %l'.î I ,îhîît lieut Iu u i ii iix , Ilîîu t x' cuue 1 1Ia t' 'xx Ii i' CA au, iooking and freo frorn creases. One usuaiiy x'ery successfui way of renovating a velvet garment is to suspend it on a hanger in the bathroorni xxhiie a hot bath is in progress. It should be brushed while stili darnp with a soft ciothes brush. we evere bit of fluiff vilI corne off quite easily, and the pile of the fabrie xxiil be raised as it was when new. No Wonder You Are Constipated! What do you eat for breakfast? Coffee, toast. maybe some eggs? What île,-,ju eat for lunch and dinn£r? Bread, meat. potatoes? No î,'iîder You're constipated. due to Iacl, of "biilk." And "bulk doesn't mean the amount you eat. it means the kind of food that fornms a soft, bulky mass in the bowels. lIts this mass that helps your bowela nioxe. The common sense thing to do about it ia to eat Kellogg's Ali- Bran for breakfast. This ready- to-eat cereal wii give you just the "bulk" you need, And it gives you. in addition, Nature's intestinal-tonic, vitamin Bi. Eat a generous portion of AIl-Bran everyî dat,, drink plenty of water; and life witl be brighter for you! Ail-Bran is made by Kellogg In London, Canada. Sold by every grocer. ID TRAIN SERVICESI ýe in your favorite Summer sport 'uinter-in the bamu, invigorat. nate of Canada's Ever#een Play. d. Golf, hiking, ridi. .otrinef ng, tennis . . . eni d malestic tain scenery-see snow-ciad ian Ikockies en route. ýWinter rates at hotels. Attractive es nowin effec: and until May 14i s limit: Standard, 3 month'; îand Coach, 6 months. Stop.' allowed at antermediate pointsi Vnter sports in the Canadien Rockles i low rail fares in affect during Jan- ebruary and March. I *if*mati,n<rm any ticket agent. JLD HAPPEN TO YOU LICS SUDDENLY FAILED? SAFER WITH HUDSON'S DOUBLE-SAFE BRAKES even if hydraulics should sud- gh accident or service neglect, Iudson jntt pushes farther on the 'and STOPS.Thanks to Hudsdn's le-Safe Brdkes-ti'o braking sys- ndix Hlydraulics and a separate ical sy Stern) working automati- zme foot pedai. NMany lecuers in ac.cidents prevcnted by Double. ndard in ail 1939 I-udsons. ÎON 112 PRICED DOWN WITh .S 0F THE "OTHER THREE' up for 86 H.P. Hudson 112 De Luxe 109 and up for Hudson Six-96 H. P. 118liS-,,,W.B.;$1222,ond -up for 1Co une . Club models-lOl ond 122 H. P., 122 .nd 129-in. W.B. P rices delixer,.d i n Tilbury, Ont., iiuippc'd go drî-.c; including Go-.ernmcîs' taxes, nuitincludînj. total taxes, if an-.For ilti'ered Princes in sour locîlitv St ?ur Hîiilin dealer. Aiiracti'.eI1' mxiurne Pliii tent ternis.with newIlLdso, r11ie ait -. nie nilatn. Prrcs -.ibîect itîtanne wjîhîîut notice. YO U 'R E tSA FER __ A UDSON HUDSON 112 - HUDSON SIX - HUDSON COUNTRY CLUB SIX AND EIGHI Temperance St. MeKEEVER C& SMITH PHIONE 641 Bowmany4ilie Aznouncement to USED CAR BUYERS! Douhie-Saife Brakes are Standard-and Auto-Paise Control is availabi, It sniilitîst-o>n all 193C,, 1937 and 19>38 cars huit hy Ilitiion! Glen Rae Supplies It! Ac knowledged by medical authorities, millk is the per- fect natural food. Glen Rae Milk supplies vital health and energy elements! Glen Rae Dairy Phone 2665 --Bowsmanv ile PAGE FOUR THURSDAV, JANUARY 26TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATES11AN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO uy u. morrison, br.

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