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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1939, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JANUARV 26TH, 1939 THE CAN.\DIAN STATESMAN, "WMANVILLE ONTARIO PAGE FIVE 0f Interest To eWOMEN --------------------------------------------------------------------- ALICE JACKSON MISSION BAND Aliîce Jackson Mission B3and wias hield Nloiîdav at Trinits Chiirch. Mtiss Pickard lea(l in pras er. The o! ferinz was taken hi Paye Frv and Jane Niaierrisoiiu Miss Clark told the story nanled "Good Neizhhotirs." The prize, were Qiven to Niarlorie Rundle and Pezziv Dippell for at- tendance at Mission Band. Loriia Sîîdds distrihuted the W'orl(l Friends.. HAMPTON Y.P.U. Hlampton î'orrgPeoples Uiohn on Fridav opeiued sith Ille President ini charze. tjiferinz %vas collecteri bv Fre<idie Pas re and Pures Alliiu. al- ter wiîich 412 vouru eiople hecarne nienîhers of the Uni l*n. rs. Blan- ! chard wsho took eharze of Ithe insýtal- latiuun service tlraiked the former 0f ficers arndi elcoined th'î.c cleeteri f(r r Iis s car. Mir. FaulkneiiurIar char-ce.f the wsorslirpservice. Pilule lussori %va, ruad I b 'Mr. Faulkrner and \c s Il ru led i n ras er : 1dithl Raukhanî case a readirrçz ier was i clarze c f tieiltucn seilur. AI f Raiidle ..\ralrgsa eîve.n lv ,uts Rougers.: ýeveiu cirîs, favouired svtli a chiorus : t ric sua, serv all rescrîruriil svNMr. Faulk- uer :; I'ric Cocklc favrour sitlî Lii tar muisic :;lu ur noroîns readinu wsa. eivcîî I)v Re. Rackhanu. Presbyterial Mlissionary Society ReportsProgress Ail Departmnents INSTAL OFFICERS 0F EASTERN STAR At the installation o! officers o! Durham Chapter, No. 181, On- tario Eastern Star, about 80 mcm- bers and guests enjoyed a ban- quef preceding the meeting. The tables were decorated in the five colors appropriate to the Order and favors were provided. The installing ceremonies were conducted by Sis. Sara Robertson, P.W.G.M., Bro. Archie Sinclair, 'P.W.G.P., Sis Lottie Davidson, Assoc. Conductress o! the Grand Chapter (Ontario). Sis. M a u d e Entwistle, P.D.D.G.M., Sis. Belle ILineham. P.M., o! Lorraine Chap- ter, Ottawa, assisted by the past mtrnfrra nd) natrons of the C(hap- miss M. Hutchison and Mrs. C. very gratifying. 16 et o a28 I ii auPLrM u l 1 W. SIeMOn in Charge of chrch es t eir alcain sv Officers installed for 1939 were: eral went over. At Mrs. Elsie Alldread. W.M.; Mr. Wosi evc tC. G. 1. T. Fred W. Bowen. W.P.; Mrs. Ber-4 Executive Meeting Affiliated C.G.I.T. groups are a trice Wight, A.M.: Mr. R. E. Le- very important link in W.M.S. gan, A.P.; Mrs. Millie Edger. Sec.: An iportnt eecutve meti work. There are 26 groups in 12 'Mrs. Sara Bounsal. Treas.: Mrs. An mprtntexcuiv metng churches. There are 339 girls a!- I!Florence Northcutt. Conductress: i o! Oshawa Presbyterial o! the filiated with the W.M.S. and they Mrs. Cora Rice. Assoc. Cond.: Mrs. Woman's Missionary Society of hav'e contrîbuted $71.06. Ruby Cox, Chaplain; Mrs. Mary the United Church of Canada svas held in the Sunday sehool room Mission Bands Jamieson. Marshal; Mrs. Reta o!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DicuS.Cuc.Jnay1,F hr r 3MsinBns~ dley, Organist: Miss Mary Jew- of SmcoeSt. hurc. Jauary16,î Thr ae 23Misson Bnd i l Adah; Mrs. Jessie Marr. Ruth: with a good attendance. The re- Oshawa Presbyterial. One new EearChmrsEshr ti,in.orsir"nt Mrs. N. J. White, band w'as organized during 1938 Mrs. laoChmesEter at Mount Zon. Ail rportsnforMrs. Emma Cunningham. Martha; w'as unavoidoubt Zabsent. Mrs.rtC.firMrs. Annie Bounsal, Electa: Miss R. Carscallen capably presided. this department have net been Edt on.Wrdr r.Eey Worship service w'as conducted received te date, but it w'.ould EihJit adr r.Eey by Miss M. Hutchison o! Bow- appear that marked progress hias Thmeso, n pto manville. prayer being offered bv 1 been made in the Mission Band M.h eiigmto n arn Mr.C .Seo.department.. and Mrs. W. J. Found. were Mrs.C. W Sieon.presented with gifts from the Folloving the roll caîl. MissRab>' Bands Chapter and friends. MIargaret Hutchison, Corres.> Sec.' I The advancement made in the1 presented lier report, %-'hich show,- Baby Band department is verv, ed that Oshaw'a Presbyteriai lias i satisfactory. The baby bands h.ave, Presentation Tro liad a good year in a number o! almost doubledi their. organiza- Mran MsSh t svays. tions during 1938. Treasurer's Report Treasurer reported having r ceived about S9887.00 w'vhich is increase o! about $617.00 os 1937. Report from Secretary o! Chri tian Stewardship and Finance w MORE RARGAINS Hieaped Upon Walker's Annual January C LEARAN CE TO KEEP THE SALE GOING STRONG 2 ONLY LADIES' MOIRA ROBES Smali and Large sizes. Reg. S2.98 1 ONLY LADIES' FLANNEL ROBE 1ý-mall Size. Reg. S2.98 4 ONLY WOOL SKIRTS Sizes 16, 18, 20. Reg. te $249 1 ONLY BABY'S COAT SET Size 1. green shade, coat, bonnet and leggings. Reg. S3.98 2 ONLY BOYS' BLANKET CLOTH WINDBREAKERS Sizes 4 and 5. Reg. $1.59 il ONLY GIRLS' SWEATERS AND SWEATER COATS Sizes 30, 32, 34. Reg. to $1.59 5 ONLY GIRLS' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Sizes 6, 8, 10. Reg. $1.59 9 ONLY LADIES' CELOSUEDE GOWNS Sizes Small and Large. Reg. 82.00 --- -- 2 ONLY PAIR PURE LINEN PILLOW CASES R eg. $ 1.98 -- - - - ---------- - 4 ONLY GIRLS' DRESSES Sizes 7, 12, 14, 14X. Reg. $1.59 1 ONLY ROSE 0F SHARON INEN SET 65" Ciotb wlth 6 Napkins. Reg. $5.50 -----. 36 ONLY LADIES' SHAMOISETTE GLOVES R eg. ta 59c 1 .... ..e- 1------ - 2 ONLY COTTON BEDSPREADS YeIIow colour, sizes 72x90 and 80x100. Eeg. ta $1.98 30 ONLY MEN'S BR. CLOTH SHIRTS Sizes 14 - 17. Reg. te $1.50 $1.59 1.59 1.29 1.98 .98 .89 .98 .98 .98 .89 Z.98 .25 1.29 <WALKER STORES, fIMITED Phone 451 Bowmanville Shîf- as president aIseo! the Wo- mneî. Advertising Club and a rî,er o! the Heliconian Club. Foi, -me time she acted as house- holý Adviser o! the T. Eaton Com- pa:- She wrote many advertising par', oblets and xvas a contributor o! '>n:îny magazine articles. More rec: 'il she had been engaged in get*.'ng under way a series o! bo, ýon the subject o! Canadian hai-.,i.(rafts. inteded for use in the schojols o! the province. Promnoted Guild lVork ir.Ringland was one o! the pronsoters o! the Canadian Handi- crafi Guild and w-as an enthusiast o! t"e St. George's School for Chid Studv. She was keenly in- terc. led in the progress of wo- mc'. in business and the profes- sioný and encouraged any nexv vert ire w'hich thev might under- taki- She was born in Winnipeg on Jure_ 20. 1890. daughter o! Mrs. Crc-,ss and the late Rex-. A. C. Cre-sss. She xvas educated in To- ron',, at Queen Victoria Public School. Parkdale Collegiate, andj the University o! Toronto, from1 whv(h she graduated in arts in 191(l More recently she complet- cd %vork for her M.A. degree. xvork taken in the subject o! child stu ris. Surviving are her husband. one i snJon e ohran on Ibrother. Douglas Crews of Osh-i HAMPTON W.M.S. HOLDS INAUGURAL' Inaugural meeting for 1939 of Hampton Womans Missionary Se- ciet,.- was held on .Ianuarv 17 at! LitraureSeretryFridav jvnne an. 2th, thce the home of Miss Lulu Reynolds. -~ Literature Secretary reported iarm lonie t ýwhlicli Mr. and MNrs.. Owing to illness of Rev. W. Rack- an having received $24.25 for litera- 111 ke Short are movinz thiS week, ha m. the newly elected officersj erture: $1967 came in at the annual Ikona h lmuvfr tPr were installed by Miss Reynolds meeting in Bowmanville le. wa~tesel hîch she did verv capably. Mr. 15- issonay Mothi an e'thernizni t lest 25 CI A E.Bilett prsident, reported wa t'le heircthl ex0 . .Betvemeeting in Oshawa as W'orld Friends 1llasce hue ami] other friends. The January l6th. Reports from 1938 - Secretary of Missionary Month- earlv îîart of the evenîiniz as spent officers were'received. A resolu- lyv and World Friends reported a in plav-inz urozressive lost heir and tien of sympathy was extended to * graduai increase in the subscrip- ci chre. Prizes were ziven wittiiMiss Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Cole on the tions to Missionary Monthly, but Nildred Mietcalf and '.\r.1.o( formers illness and a c c i dle n t. there is a downward trend in the Craizo winninz the ladies' and geflt's Mrs. Rackham, group leader, took circulation of World Friends. Iîrizes ini lest licr. whle Mr. and charge. Bible lesson was read by1 ICongratulations to Brooklin Aux- \Irs. CeL)has Rundle won the cuichre Mrs. Hilton Peters, and somne ex-1 iliary which with a membership Tries. planations and thoughts on lesson1 of 42 have subscribed for 81 cop- Fuoowin this the ladies served were given by Mrs. T. Salter. Mrs.1 ies of the Missionary Monthly. I lnc and then the partv zathered in Billett presented the third chapter1 was suggested that more backing (11, of tue largcst roomns. where in study book "The World in1 be given by the mother society to sonie one contrived to have the host Canada." Those taking part in- the aie iclto fWrdndi iostesq seated alonLe with their cluded Mrs. W. W. Horn, Mrs. A. Frinds Ths i anexcllet lt-two sons. LcRov and Russel, se, that Peters, Mrs. C. Warren and Mrs. tie paper edited by Mrs. E. J. \lNrs. Bruce 'Metcalf coid read them Rackham. The world's day of IPratt, wife of Dr. Pratt of Toronto' a short address, sizned hy Edra prayer will be observed in base- I University, whose poetry is xide- Rindîî<le. -\tlhoiiLli taken completcly ment of church Friday, Feb. 24th. 1), known and much appreciated. Ihv s urîrise with this feature of the Temperance and Christian i ý-nn, both Nfr. and Mrs. Short ectayCitizenship iade sulitahle replies thankinz their ldd g Sreayof Temperance and friends for the kiîîdne..s shown. andng Christian Citizenship reporte î tlîcir cucests tlltlie ,o cone and -ec Allin-Fowerl Temperance talks; 30 Teprnc 1t ena e îzI ri talks in the Sunday schools; 14cru. A very prettN* wedding w-as Thremperan ece addresses i !hIl Frein then on the compan citier soiemnized at the home of Mrs.I churhes:62 Pace ddrssesgiv-daîî-lr chatîed or tuIai-c(i more carnes Truman Power, Bowmanville, on' en. and 3 on Social Welfare. as t hec pvrcferreci and(ini the srnali Saturday, Januarv 14, when Alice Press Department lîours as thev started for homne ail Vera, youngest daughter of Mrs. Press secretaries of the 2 AMffilRt tlîat it was one of tue fleasant- Pweran the late Truman Pow-i iated Societies, 23 Afternoon Aux- -tt Cenii1ds tlnv lla( i spet for somne er, xvas united in marriage with' iliaries. 4 Evening Auxiliaries, 7tre Clare Edgar Allun, son of Mr. and Mission Circles, 10 Mission Bands, __________ Mrs. Chas. Allin, all of Bowman- ,2Affiliated C. G. I. T. Grou WRUTER ville. Rev.SinyDvs ofc ported 533 items of missonay IPO PULAR M R iated. Sde news in9 newspapers. Ihis is an DIES IN TORONTO edou thirty guests had gather- increase of 89 items of Missionary W L W E E drawin rooebrihexvas eati- news reported during 1938. W L N W E E rwhn othbide ent edthe Executive took this opportunitv fully decorated with pink and to thank the various newspapersi Citizens of Bowmanville who ý white streamers. white belis and for space generously given to the Il were privileged te know Mrs. carnations, on the arm of her xvork and activities of the Wom- Mabe1 Crews Ringland, wife of unclle, Mr. Smyth O'Brien, to the an's Missionary Society.1 H. S. Ringland, Islington, were strains of Mendelssohn's wedding Appreciation from the members shocked to hear of her death in march played by Miss Annie Al- of Oshawa Presbyterial to Mrs N. Toronto Western Hospital on Jan. lin, sister of the groom. J. White, for her very capable 2th. She was a distinguished The bride was charmingly at- leadership during her term fecuerirantaelrad. tired in a floor length gown of offce paticlaiy emebernghad addressed the Homne and white net over silk, and a long the high standard of efficiencyScolCuanRtrylubhe veil arranged in cap effect, and iwhich she held up was very kind- with considerable acceptance on carried a bouquet of sweetheart ly expressed. various occasions. Mrs. Ringland roses. The only ornament worn Mrs. George Honey, Newcastle, had further endeared herself was a beautiful ]ocket, the gif t of the new president, was kindly in the hearts of many young peo- the groom. The bride was attend- welcomed to the chair by Mrs. C. pie.ifl this community wh île as-led b y Miss Alice Arnold of Brook- R. Carscallen. The new 1939 ex- sociated with her father, t he late lin who wore a floor length gown ecutive assumed their duties. Rev. Dr. A. C. Crews, who was of pale blue net and carried a Discussion took place on the editor of the Methodist Sunday bouquet o! red carnations. The kind of rally or conference to be School publications. It will aise groomsman was Mr. Alfred Allin, held in King St. Church, Oshawaý be recalled that Dr. Crews sup- cousin of the groom. this spring. It was decided to hold plied as minister of Trinity Unit- After partaking o! a dainty a conference o! secretaries o! de- ed Church here oine summer whiie buffet luncheon served by two partments and officers o! Oshawathreuapsorwsnvc- sisters o! the bride, Mrs. E. Os- Presbyterial o! the Woman's Mis- tion. borne and Mrs. S. Morton, and sionary Society in King Street Mrs. Ringland was widely two sisters of the groom, Mrs. J. Church in April or early in May. known in literary and advertising Marks and Mrs. W. Yellowlees, jThis conference will be followed cîrcles throughout Canada a n d the happy couple le!t by motor by supper at King St. Church. was an enthusiastic promoter of for New York and Buffalo amid A cominittee composed of! pre- Canadian handicra!ts. She h ald showers of confetti and best wish- sident, vice presidents, Mrs. J. V. been a member o! the Canadian es. The bride travelled in a dress McNeely, Oshawa, and Miss M. Womnen's Press club for nearly of~ strawberry color with acces- Hutchison, Bowmanville, Corres. twenty-!ive years, and o! the Wo- sories to match. Sec., will complete arrangements. men's Advertising Club, a comn-_________ Under the convenership o! Mrs. paratively new organization. Wm. Wallace of Simcoe St. Aux- Last June shte attended the con- iliary, light refreshments were vention of the Canadian Women's served.metn wa Press Club in Winnipeg and gave Ey esigiii Education Themetn a lsdwh her report as historian of the club. And prayer by Mrs S. Davison. Bow -__ manville.__ PASTOR GUVES C.H.Tuck FINE ADDRESS Op Womens Institute met at Mrs.seilt -Ronald Scott's, with Presîdent Disney Bldg. Mis.L. Goodman conducting the (opp. P. 0.) business. Arrangements w le r le made for a debate and concert in Oshawa, Phone 1516 February. Reports were given Nubr6 fromn Christmas Committee, and Nube 6 ictters of thanks from the sick T When we speak o! reflex dis- were read. Roll caîl was answer-orerwe ntrunafid cdbyNe ea rsluiosor cy EC. " where chronic complaints have thugs. R ctgoplae,'B O previously been dwelt upon by Mok rs. e. Sott. pgrup leaerthe patient until hope has been tookchage f tis pogrm: eangiven up. Yet 1 have met with Dudley favored with a solo. Rex cthat case where a!ter twenty or A. W. March gave an address on thirty years o! stomach trouble "Women of the Past and Present, that hadl been considered chronic, speakîng o! the part women play- a correction o! a muscle trouble ed in the past, their distinction in Il o! the eyes afforded relief. Any Bible times and their distinction C chronic departure !rom health to-day, paying tribute te, the value should suggest an enquiry into ofiboerality, moetwisd oand y4ur isonorrthedostbenorale. o! wmnon, socthir evtiadspraihsastnfth osbl ass lizeatn, fotedeot isoandpiritRemember it is possible te have virtue. Woman has a great fut- . Normal vision means seeing with tire ahead, the speaker predicted. comfort. If, however, you cannot Mrs. A. W. Annis gave an instruc- TN , be made normal, if is possible te tive talk on "Our Flag"-w h a t use that correction that will help each part represents, and the di!- *U f N E you te save what vision you have forent positions in which it 's M * and at the same time give a great- used. Mrs. Scott's group served L er relief than was at first expect- lunch. e ~ d. In some o! these cases a per- centage o! relief is sufficient com- "Happiness is neither within us %Mê& I'UKWW4TE fort te give a renewed courage only, or without us; it is the un- RE ORNE YLO ÀÀ iharnwdcfdeeino- ion f orseles ithGod.-Pa- 1self and nature will again assert 1cal.LAE LAE AELN herself for the general good. seems te be a complete one and a jelly-roll, a yu will !ind that you will net wîse te wrap H lots For Homebodies have thaf empty feeling before for a time in slice better. Written for The Statesman your next meal that we o!ten have jelly but in c byI after what seems a much better your own. hE b> ibreakfast. Eat plenty e! cabbage N '..--Jessie Allen Brown-.-.- salad and lettuce and any other 1 cup It is giving me a big kick to be salad green available. Have a pro- 312 cups intodcedhee 0 Otaa. s hetein food at each meal, an egg, 12. te ,1, ýitr)dce er i Otwa a telean meat, or !ish, or cottage et lady from Nova Scotia - affer cheese. You can be comfortably 12 cu having lived there jusf two years. full and satis!ied while reducing Grec' Down in Halifax, if was invaria- if you caf the right foods. A!ter- iý2 bottli by Mrs. Brown is fromn Upper noon teas and bridge parties are baaa.lyNv Soinswr fatal. If is unnecessary te refuse Put vinegai Canada.' The NovamScotiansnwere a good-sized very nice te me but I1xvas madeodasttis mbsinte te a bail. Ag: feel that I was a foreigner. Much your *hostess but on the othler little at the ti as I loved Nova hand it is not necessary te, sample saea ba Scoia dd foteverything, tel say nothing o! aeirebi feel that I be- few repeats. Have a salad when ringcntt longe. Havng jyou come home as if you do not rlig costan longed aiNg- eat a meal at the usual fime olling bfoil t] arried a No w'ill be h - rybefore eme umv rmf va Scotian Inr cfm spearmint ext hav-e knowna and probably eat sandwiches or tle. Seal witl great numbe i something equally disastrous. You paet - e ofthm I hshear people say such a food is fat- prn ae o! tem. f hatening or some other one is net elw heasvause fattening. Any food you cat is Cenn mhe te 1wk a y fattening if you take more than Cea g abot ech thyou require. The amount o! food Copper pan e r a nd h ow required f0 keep the weight con- some kitchent they knew w'ho sn. ihut cither gaining or kp rgta cveryone w a s Jessie AUle losing. is called a maintenance quire special and where they Brown diet. Anything you cat over this are ncglcctcd came from. You know how it is imaintenance diet is fattenîng al- cm re in smlltow. ou nowevry-ýfhough, o! course, some feods is deadly pois ine a i small on ou know evern- have more calories than others. inside with lpon-, you d e know h them Whafever you do, beware o! talk- silver-sand, a arc. If is js hesm it h ng continually about your fwregh wrung ouf ir Maritimers, thepoisae and your diet. Let your fre dthroiu ghl y aw small and if fhey do net know 1 find ouft!rom your looka nht ofor dr imed i them personally, they know who '. words. TDo net losawet aob feaedw their mother was, w'here they live: ucl.Topud cki ______ and~~~~~~ whjhymrid a i the lîmît. One pound îs safer. Halifax only a few weeks, until I Liln ae found mysel! doing the saine: January is the time for linen thing. I fold te which branch of sales and the thrifty woman kecps l the Browns we belonged in speak- hier supply up instead o!fxvaiting ing o! other people I placed them until it aIl wears eut before re- fao. Even if I do net belong I am' placing. A pair o! sheets, a pair! glad te have the people up here o! pillow-cases and two pairs o!f ' think I do. fowcls, purchased cach year, is Slimingestimated te kccp up the supply Even the Sm ant euc in the average household. If you slip up over the holiday period. hem >'our own sheets if is a geod And hy ot!Howver ifyouidea te make the top and bottom i hand puhynf! Howveiyouhems the samne size, then the wcar have ut ona few unnee deddes nef always come in the samne pounds get rid o! them rîghf place. Most o! us have discoverea DU away. If really is not a hard job. 1 ha(lmodtien/Iaherta If if is any consolation, if is a lot hem-stitched ones, give much blet- If that cold harder f0 put on weight than if is fer wear. Tee offen the hem- branchial i te take it off, chie!ly because the stttue anVi thinanc eesnet ant a e tioching goes before the linen iî tolue ao! ic mhn edodges not like t efa-, rn. Budget your linen require- VapaRub's r muchanddogs nt lke he at-ments and by kecping up the sup- irritated mei tcnîng foods. If is net necessary pîy it wiîî cost îess in the end. trickies dowx nor advisable ta cut eut any par-încoor ticular kind o! food as our body Mint Jelly Sandwiches wnt irft-w requires them ail. The easiest way You neyer can tell where a new meut a spoor is te double up on some and halve food idea is going te pop up. My bowl o! bolan the rcst. Go easy on butterI lafest was af the movies - o! ah in the steam cheese, pastry, candy. marmalade, places. If was in a Pete Smith for a !ew mil iced cakes and rich cookies and short, on the samne programme as work their w ail the rcsf e! the high caQerie !The Cifadel. Maybe you saw it iritated air- bu1 eei s js ncs o the phlegmn foods. Double the quantity o!f00obthrei s ut ncs o The relief th vegetables, salads and uncookcd didn't. If was pin-whcel sand- V a p o u fruits. Try a glass o! orange juice wiches, made from bread cut br±rîgs wllldg and a glass o! milk for breakfast. lengthwise o! the loaf, then spread light yeu. That particular c e mn b i n a t i o ni with mint jelly, rolled Up as for and cut in slices. It is up the roi] and store a cool place as if will You can buy mint case you like te make ere is the recipe. flint Jeiiy water sugar ',, teas. spearmint xact cider vinegar n coloring le liquid pectin. iwater and sugar ini sauce-pan and brmng Ad green coloring, a ,me, until the desired âned. As soon as the 3add the pectin, sûir- tly. Bring to a fui] for '.2 minute. Re- fe fire and add the tract. Skim and bot- 1 wax or the trans- seals. gCopper Pans ns are still prized in is, but they must be id shining. They re- care, because if they they are apt to be- ,vîth verdigris, which on. Clean the pans se! t soap and fine applied with a cloth in hot water. Rinse 'ith hot water, and ty. The outside may th whitening. "'p TO COIDS has caused throat or rritation, put a saal cks VapoRub on your Ld let it melt. Feel iîedication bathe the nmbranes as It slowly i your throat-bring- ing relief -where you -n you want It. Next, ,nful of VapoRub lin a ng water. Then breathe aing maedlcated vapors iutes. As these vapors way down through the passages, they loosen and esse the cough. Lat ib le- ICK VVAPo RUM .. .. .. . .. .. .2. . .... ... . .~ ~a~t ............b AN INVALUABLE AID TO YOUR FAMULY IF DEATH SHOULD STOP YOUR INCOME Provide this permanent life insurance protection through our easy-start plan. For the firstfive years your premiums are JUST HALE the subsequent rate. ANNUAL PREMUUM FOR SUXTY $100 CHECKS Age at Firsi Aftet Age st Firet Mte, Age at Ftrst After 5 ie 6Ycars Sth Vear Issue 5 Years fth Year Issue 5 Years 5th Year 20 $51.30 8102.60 31 869.10 $138.20 42 8103.00 8906.00 21 52.50 105.00 32 71.30 142.60 43 107.30 214.60 22 53.90 107.80 33 73.70 14740 44 111.90 223.80 23 55.20 110.40 34 76.30 152.60 45 116.80 233.60 24 56.70 113.40 35 78.90 157.80 46 121,90 M4.80 25 58.10 116.20) 36 81.80 163.60 47 127.50 255.01) 26 59.80 119.60 37 84.80 169.60 48 133.40 266.80 27 61.40 122.80 38 88.00 176.00 49 139.60 279.20 28 63.20 126.40 39 91.40 182.80 501 146.30 1 292.60 29 65.10 130.20 40 95.00 190.00 30 67.00 134.00 41 98.80 197.60 AIse Issued at ages 51 to 60 Policies issued at these rates contain Preînium Waiver Disabiiity Benefit and Divideîîd Provisions SIZE AND NUMBER 0F CHECKS CAN BE FITTED TO YOUR MEANS Example: Six/y $200 chccks for double thje rate abov'e, or 120 checks of $100 each for less titan double. Many other )îelpful combinations available. MONTH-TO-MONÎH INCOME FOR DAY-TO-DAY NEEDS Consuit Agent, phone local office, or write to the Company 3huiuraurie (Ihnnpaug tof Amjprîra -~ Home Office: NEWARK, NEW JERSEYj __________________I Branch Oflfees i AU Leading Cunadian Cities THURSDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, i ',%VNfANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE .89

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