'Il i E C N N.XDI.NN r- V XTESNIt<s,' hrr (XX NIANN'ILLE. ONT \i.1hO Monar...%i-.a Nr.\'r twrh ren'noflr !rkillFV.1) a1f ascliairinati TroHOPE TO REPAIR 1 Z i o ni IW ) . MF1, at M r \' l. 1lr v c « _ _ _ _ _ _id Ille f lt n i ro Lr a in asO D C M E R Yr un D E Reucent \fîr i,, - \rînie Kil- Sýa f- ur tari'i i I aur reil n Mr.WM. Savery had a painful j<t vocrait~ .lutsol .Jv Nfrq H \ NI> trer in lEh. rs M r Osa. l P"n.te ha e n mbla e:tu î,i dan ol , I\ M .- Gl e Gisoîr . i N ir or laîrî ir s.a i _____R._' ' a ko O rasa ut N . R it Klin 'îî i~~, .accident xvliich proved necessarv Alu -SK LLE ;îIr clîîr Staitîrît.Nli, lukr.and r. Go.îIlleof ilecira,-Cotse- A efotE NIK L N Cr Nrs. F red H ril M r. (riitrtil e d NI r.leIli enter to B o w m a n v ille H o sp ita l " Ire l tn. N s 1 h n I r e . - u u i n e ir e C n eA f o t is b e in g m a d e to t.iittii(l ,~ ~ 1<nh-r. -NlII s lIeth Nend rea(ld n Ii~ ha' io lhand but fil, create a fund for the repairing 1And Serves V'ou e1 tua and Grtaitieii'. Nîr C,ý. 1. a ile r. Nr'l. NIcGîII. îTheî-\tittr S ii' suas fouind he had a broken hip). Ia i -' uI o trtr îtîtto the I il-' d, lii' work tidav.- IXe and upkeep of the old Anglican totian trrutattir Chre Inte', l"t lunr andi.Mr. Arthur McKavi sir lov insw latlrts w epeete 'n n'tkut1 Ir..W'.Cemeter east ofthe village of Osa,...Nr. R ~ l ' - - ant i d t III i isbadly. i i p o -an h\ w r )-set( ilita-i li .o seaa. N - . rlenîl. (Ian. .cht l i. As Crvdaiitv Iticît wasîng nicelv after his operation for n thilr a îutiol s ~~shwcr ouilise- NI 1:, \ trv 'Lefore Thev Caii" Enniskillen. The fence sbdyiVTAIS ND C Stat N l i.sW.Blalsuu" . ir. tri utSd i Nr. iGiI ad lirappendicitis in Bosumanville Hos- NIr. .. T Stintn a Nu. H rbeî it' er fi N r s. LttN îaji l Nlrd h i tai.-,n i . l'lie reriairier (fthe v- lh\ NI . i I)nlev ras er v Nr. ned f re ar t kep ie soc -rîrri...ai U111Z n si v'elit ini dalicittz. i l ilN andl Nrs. \A . W . A in s out f the cem etery. The grounds 1p l s Ex . o o L v r 1 0 StaîntonA. Tîrrorîtoiia N'.Ir . . >îesuit'. lreidvrt ofutchoir. tusnove Miss Norma Halliwell enter-î. NI. il ev; review on iv are also in a deplorable condition Chpra sit erpaetsatPck ~hurs 'tenitauk 1ttie ' st.tained the young people to play "Ie' t'tiî bîk "laiitille in the suînmer time Awith10D Cdanke I i-r- ihlirpret a ic-«practice Monday evening. Aes 0DCdlvrO Nir.aut Nîs. \. . tin- lutsuie ftît inlerrenx t ou ne~ ~~ tti ( litnreîr" 1w Nr> lx. Hudgsun.growth of grass and weeds. A 4o.6c1-z '.I . n A '.raii l t e f h en". il eic o t e C o n g ra tu latio n s tA VAu r nÂý ý" j ' r u î ý ven o i w o r if 1939, p a rtia l list of th e n a e1pe r i h m t e t a d . O s b a t a . . N i j i s n ' . N r r u a s a l i e r o t i r S n r t d( a \ % % c e ' - r e i W a r d e n , R e e v e T . A . R e i d . N r i u r I s R l - r -' l c t ' u t J e r r r e . c u i e i g o h o b t n a e s i s g i e b e -1 rriud uit asrs lîr 'ral.c-Furmers are al busy hauhing , îXtit st or: .r. ur Ircte errtlr Ieslnid 0,ohr2ae5r necpe- z for $1.00 50 for $1.85 .u o 3 and BervlGatel l.'r lxMc- Ir l IGl tirdd tr11.adcutn od t"i wtrle lieie . RtA l r initr tcIadr ttilr t(ihe sile t bl e., Sp jî iam n Toi frChlre Mate. avScott and Garsi ;laspel N.aRsurr1erîreie i Oxrss j O r o ng p ope r p tin Truiu, rrl rere e (11 C uantINIrarear t hi un, or ino mai n e ut î.I)rcî ciuîe- CItr ir'vrr Iletl f0hu u on epeaeptig'oot.adrcontributions, large or salClim A apue bu .p r. . B. cI \u î is ted ri t O -a\v a. o n t eir P a v 'IlitM a v sith J u e ' ures. M ss Rîit rîl \ r njz iotor- 1r i f r a i nrI a c u a s l NI i- Mi. F.rars;filru1rti rî v ruuri-at Shiloh Februarv st. tI lepi u n Sit av. is N -iias ro rain tt .5 asii g ris fn te heea ou s d- 0 fo 1 0 o lier bruther. NIr.. onno( le hrlu o .fsx ur GarNlsiiir, tti)t;S\ý. Tuirgrin h w eeaotro d - 4 fr$11 10. fl'jî u.I, tî; . SSt- tiiraei iLç f Visitors: Mrs. W. Saveru home il-te Saint'ý. Etifield. ith lber sis N-rlts l s solo). Nliss NMarie I gratefully receivedi by Mrs. A. E. Crrî.tre and ScOTTIE SoAY11Jl* Mr. îi'el tinit Nr- Rlr îî Nr- Orri~nt ii ir ila-ti r. m d sh w . ere Farrio n.luter ' irltt oti .Nls '<- rSe b irsfjO% s . . N ir Blet se'l e pan frh r ta Kilen N r' N'e. uier ii. Nl I ' . a, t )rr 'iso i'.\ i i ta ý ritt Elz b thsiîl . . Mi os a1 I rîc l . CI n r.. aNI's H ln Thorirv sCaeori. r. ierrl Ni -r .r - tTth,ît atiruitt ttu itiu louei ith Mr. d. Yhte. Elz- Niecaf . Mss Verra Petic, aHamptNIonorî boMr. rMr.tsh sas or erl S di Vitu. Ewan atteclei the sîtiisse mi i NY- ab!;*el er,thvii..andMr. eds Hiow eil r r t . Io art Ir . R '\tvl lii~ 1' i. C leun a g tr o he lI . J ite O sba w Sel nol F irla riie it. \ te . n.i iîiC i ~ S ftir hax. autd iss or m a ailo l)i rit 'ire t tirr,.r il.a iona il 'irtts C îtrne l at C oborrens as i 1909 svherthe e m ai s et Mse s'e e llîrî e ait rt \Ii'l tre. Ilt- ('l N M r.N Farft-in-.I'. tlt.tt Torn'o.s i r r' 'ut '-iz 1«A New Sus rana r o nrel s ere inte red teire u r e d îtb tb m aher irNr c l "r -t i i I î ' e r N . tI iîîPr s iir . M llr:rî ir. t . T e fo lo in g iu it 0fh a 'MariCul i errî %f' r - nilt. ti . t u S tru ttS h iiItcr Hlb ell ,i s. b d.anhopeat ion Nctci - î Mi s sltaw a w Il tiv ýi 'lu NY. iIissiorî. n waiv ill,', s he wa or ertitie V r Viý,;IIIlo. r. . sernn.namhe and thedate J Jbur iaonthe. Nîr. arînd N the . rIt.nklrtuf ni- r- C' î"îeîrilit% t'-s i l 'tirc ' 'tI-i5 airr tt'eliir ' s e ttlNI r. n is ls i.C r .abuthi im rnsit. .. MIr. Gealo. twe T î'rto. i uti re NK. K tri evpes - i 'uN anrd Nirs r i ir'J X ' N c e t t r truN I . Cii luillt cl u I eh' ', siin d n io t G. Si s'o e d to T r o nB rt îet i ne k iî utS.iti tse î n her '\V . 'A lq liz a eth P ar-11 50 Tria- ruttored to T i'oni,... 'Jr 'n ni 'i nlu-ns.E srs l iuiTwn. - Ii- ir. .îrht t nTj- iJoh Pastrr - in 1850meer tetrîrte te hi Tîirdx îht ire I î' tle ii tl S u tii a d aIr. Rad Haso sei l los'Ith ci tr nl-r- iieî Nr. . Nte.J se h ar 17 OshwatcunlFrI l\iii 1wc tîrîlal'kîrîtte at'.tîd Ille Ince'\'-n fe 'ti.t at onsilirtec.. N i M h t ka and iizerti Na I 't t, lue909rstrweiri sctheî am el ar - 87 -r ltii)tFrdv- tiruli l t rru e r -i-t 11ir ' ..l l rs. lHar i Buro so ghB e s-'NllF'rree Grinr Eiasie fIaîh T l is 1 1 c a r c sV l et is e .fa d Nr. . hc lt IIr'Cviti ri n-Hlx NIr. .. N\erI5 l vsie, sho ai.11Mrsio rý ' l s wa . (John McKav. I )'ti i iti.tEdr d heFio o v in- t1862 Cail e rte chtir a îrcerC a ' lIr. huilîli t t Il 1Ini Nbutlar <ti iii i- r. Hroid ryon K nd-.Tuu inri t hnkv cau i c-Ne. iot F. G ardite. Nr or )vc ili m J me, sn f .a n d 6-thCeO. - - 9 a r chdNi dr,. iV . c. \ t r e t i a l- j ' 'l l - a e~ l i t r . u ' G G u u e a i e d o M r s . S J o h n a d M rK s ' S u - ti e k t i r C i t a ' f I t Ir e î c î t l )e r v f B u h - n I îr. i1tt î r N c i i i i h u -E l i z a e h i lP i r - 1 8 6 200n a Thusda eetttt svtir 1.ev. N. XX' 'nie c a-snr uil i r is Nr I rday .. Md r. oydnt ose.l'Mr. atie ss a-laite. ltJ. - vrtle and tu tihi lr Itand frîer thof u StokT Bi- Aliceh n u a ug terf eer-d -l bs r en85b xs0 Seu l ffirw tec or sve re leîda, Sîpt. rcrtti" PI. NýIvtI r.. NX'rîî N-lit I nt d mot.iherut r.d Ha o ells 3it Ilekt. k futgî ottia iih l iri ~ ie( rtîtti . rt rînrtuiiiLiida Josenpyh ilPir r - 18 61C tt3- - -C. ver r s.'t NI Siinn t i l e Ni.' ru n NfIrto> î Tît-r isEiiabtbr s'î Cs.e id.Ne - ! Isfiataesok Tr ane'(rtceX.belt iEs-un s ephPa188487 Mo Hto' i ra d nMidaughce urnt air rirklcre f ir fnie-tshawastok ss are seoe î Adro n II Ta i s. jPrhila Nidd her - 1 A s s ' t . - M i s B D g e C a î e ' ' l l i s n rT hea i r e t i r i u t a - ti r >B kt o c k z n e - u p nr B l a lk - N r FiG r i e , \ f . D i a v i E wR b t . o n B o - 1 8 6 6 il v e Mr T Cslie one i t.- f iel nIas Xftnr ali nrJeuîHaa Vst r old a Mbel Con sih . îtsr îefete-. Phiip W M r . X . Th m s urh s inrsda v rin via cv . \V ' I t a katrre - ý i VcI h\ îe is se c l f e dnds h re ... M- nd M s. W. ockBailev cen teG P ao P er v w iî s - Hrn on \ c ,ll tLl a nnahilSia 1861s, s a o me and 6 o . C L 9 Dent. - Girls' lass Tet icrarn--ite hrujit ifre rtirneG l to ut u' C . n si Mr. L dMloy-.S. . îd Hareîîi as J. l. N tlandiisi th trgr suofbs-NT. 1868 Alie - c, hil ren Of t a n Dent-Bofiberas w re ecter - BeS u ttr rutruprtake ni a l rit dt he aster . dHaM ýei A ie Nîfalu-toclîn. L. aidout. i shme Neii t XX .\. urton tt ln S.itrin 1 in Susan Swan Chitrbentu2ibuxe -C. n erMrs \XXs.tio sn.-. sl ' 'tt iiiit 't itttin r . Thul iAdersonin oono -.. Vis .o.faîu5r-4aagr . Bec. LCottonhtîcl noeav wi- îre -Srh, s-f hrst p erB Mrs. N. B idg ît njai or -rii; tîrAtiia îteri - r p rt a n ms, Tyron , ut h me. Li ear îet)ii-d i nia S ori t tC ued- Ie r s. R. XXtev n. ,M .a n tIre M rg ticns - 1863 6 927c5 1t a C.is Garrad Ass't. Ns NI. Tru. e'ssîre.. r H ny a ne. Leh rig\Clsesava eî I cmm mit' hal ai. Sritîr 'es rei lv N1sJo n Ma49-16 win nt erînedbaia -C.\ As'e -s s't _________________r__ Alla.fwith bis ster-lasu, Mrs of J anrs3r . O TCîradgoas uorBla k - t e Snîrs. ai l eci ded 'N\I.ancy101 ,1 wuuife -of8Charles Cham- st c e c s o ed n e s nIt l . T 1 bers. i3 2c863 CowBeverly Jaynes. Mr. Jaynesii had arNitdrov Stiicrion., Girls t- lEssyllwifetnoflHenry Lindseyder- 1858 Cîss-Mr\s. H. Aibte r Bibale RClîs i L-.is a rnp on residhtntihad i3laiis fr tîte eriitip5 aird Prnitraoal- 'R obtJames nF arrel, -187 6 6 o as F r j ne.C w i z; H ne D D i - d v tà b lt ,llitr fl] V t b e o M efs r 17 e arsol ndh M r nî<:de e ce P P iir. R. tre ciniiJamei.sffce s orI A M nI M ' ut go-i es 1t8co te t -Ea I Seutien so -ns: t. N ior'. XX____ ___ rs. Ja ne s e. uM r af rom T Wed cia ie. A shr t skit ow was irr st d1- i r < er er îs . X '. r l, 1 7 o s o d v r n L l ! R id g e.. L unch rvasv reserved.d tlv tie 1C .tirîe.wM issr .JeanM rN. H .lS. A . as-eNIn .IR . L' Nsn gK.su br J a ne6 8 F a rr ellr ej ontho m a sgae l'nile Cas T icirs u citte rt nm r - Iisof erriue t be he ewduainlebis vis. nnMessrs. __L._______._ mp 'ctl-oi .A nd NfS ne i u n Sw nPh n ise s - G l a us W D T o s u t u e . B o s s a i 't .r e1 À\ - - H n r/a n e o g J v t s a e s r S t aîn e it0 . ca d t h e sna e c o n d B e iti n u lt u d X ' i e i r s H Si e f fesîde . ae s i - is W . B igt; Jiir- ýr. C ih P E dwad a d near w f ofC ro rll t- 17 C tnud ro Pae lI ' S - il e si it d a N r. Ti e o t N o utInn. sti l, sre pa r t. - iM r oof s y r n , a h m . L te hr i et inC or S hoTa te r seMiss 1863 Wi defo i he ti k - 86 95 P u R Win ed. an ex esh C. G r a d s'. .li, M , - c - csNî t-ru e le r MBty no ra.lu H ecn ductorns .utLelhbridge. Nîr religioust b N r, J hn M a n 1 6 wi ITe tis i rioniiate sC N'e cjri- s'. ' I I~ ii :iuu.riî . iet f R e Ta . A. e i s s ben ab M .Cas ni ses in shch svs lesb M.keî ulr Tra. N!. L Iîlltir m B ow -162PopiF nd aco nt.ahlC nala e usinhoit n aites Home a. I d cro. A o C ini; t 1tt - N i- P ieirble ui' ueeur îed y p a y n is. M rxte ne o r h a s c i o n tR e ved tîrat ass - l riu a r-iitr r Si k ni i siî o in a m es T o-' ohJ ms6f3h Ma msto n A ue l rt rîo rl syre s Ji e t e adr - - i ieOforSt les an for bi se vi es in ctandid net si p sp uk the tr t -EarlSteflienoil.W. !not een ome or 1 yeas an j carue A sort kit as pescrted fr t'e c"llin ar OfCanadian ellT187t-hsliesfEdind characDteNr.GIChristgo ille ab snced f ii rse . l hI-.Ni r. intusi' ii<î' i it h Ire urrisdaio"iraa Cheisemosdsuilh Mr. uutd Mrs. clK.ii tittl GuilicrarrMmrlow ut r lierr. Il Stcrild Nrs R becu sif o J hnec oryd - e anddy heGu itdotae-e hr ugr or Irti i a targ ne Nîr NN'înî. Ss atiLlî-. Sdgi.iElin,- lid J.nH.FMo r ell --18681 ment t ute eud isbursPa e ment S n urî.bto ie a d b i g" jofrometihefrtdCoprst rom the.c\IiRoberîso- Mr. . erdur 'i iiijkil T o 'I -re utl r ui l "'r. ri' H oelvr ti ru c e ng tu Bto su Vile îlis TMiitit t, d tire rîc,îrnm n- i h'it JR.n an 1voiv fp pis n uetb na n e f___________________ai___ c heortîs NlLs- tire1 se Itue arrell-r1909a,î as on e of theraa il.s r'thet ftîîtî, Su Ilitiz, 'IlIcItof tOýit sundinpostages ail c Nis.sTiîrc.nrreds.tir tnie o E nsiii irX Y.R e e h er o he ascîden"t ihiA. if frnnruts. Sjeits nor i R. .î ui -îk h- - unr'm Br~oh n -nd 8Atm Merle i ns'eti aî ion. Th C na- an xA r nir. . Ihlii usc i î- uîin ' . and - trt a N I- lin' 'r s x k -'tîr bp euted tuVm Ss- tcnhtrrti u ls tt )Cit i <u . X'1 teu le fs.jt I lm, ing , 188 gfSieoaf arv lstnBrown 1853 r retîrei t - I - i e-riI n ii aru Sii -Itîîn---11'a n ia rit ii rti îit.. Je-b er, Mn. L. Sas-or s-. I l thi t ý,1o i-ttnicdis Nn 'tte , eti lterk-nu eW . ibeth e mofofJaees. in abtisee i nrcnss tA .iiii I t r ît n is i i h u -nd' ui pue 0se qie a fs ore.t rt ' urN1s<Gr', X'îîIiiSNunr-t !iJohn liuta n187 famle i 'tnrtl Is in rgIe t,,rrI, lu'ni11udj t hie 1 svintsile hl a te ae et of P ebr"tne l nI f Lttei Ctict Ir u nec Jiillu mIii,-r-i u 85d i antLgion or i f ms. recisl1h a r C r o s s m a r u t ' r h ' a r t i r l eC h r s t m a se r i t u M r . adîs . R î l c l i - '. t v - . r u t G l b r k e t , a n o r i r . a nt I N rb . i ' î J h i t e - 1 0 e e l n t se r e e x s r v c e m Diat O mis a s surti N\1C1n.t V.ek i(s, ck nrîl anlrij t'a huc us i hr e t trsttd rtem ls 'l" Âai lrîîri sc Ni r. W lie I i cl tt vi-jtI Nîr i subeH.l l V ue - 18 6- m end the PeppsurFuîad, ai O od ,b il tireGoronlotI l1ll'unulc" HII it t it e 1at Cet- Wadsse; a ul k n t e nisi fthe eriisai h r I S tî ti)ý ad Ire aunrtul miii haimi u eeal10 suith Ie Cunda r Legon.h o o ersn E n nis v he s kh il le n itiitissfr S im a M *le' 18 2 on o I;î r-hrie f il arî trlîu t c n igoo % a r ad nQu e i ,mnva d ltusu s RI Nu\Th l > 1thenîr B iicy ird bis s -ýIio l i kel, e - le111,.M ry An Viouf-19 4Poppes Fa nd \ e that m nt ________ tir h I), luuiself.1.re ui on fr h mbyM s 'nJlaohn ltands'r. îs. C Ak Fnts'oih is vsiMorduad Cleleyiru -191 R ceps dîe aird Nlîert Hutrpt i ss rt Nil hLiith $5l.12rfor îng. The Lest Prse by Mr k ,o d n M r i ; r e î u i n a r B a l a n c e J u n . I. 1 9 38- d aS 3 4 7.1o f6 O kinLs i r ur n F ru î e u d b u . a i n e s rmcke't a à pe e o MS v tcih i l i . a e a g t rr ive ti1.00 e c. ar b rnw andsu n thi r ra us Maci . --r iuhi iiw i ',lamI C nd usrese . WLunch(-suas it ('li luees r re fA.gSu dnestraMoetrlhaepa e rs Fre IXl XX M s itir N;wIr AÎnîeeîne'u111'ia(eluujt it oi al'u eh'. roup .. Next eeting uîll e utcO.iin SnFle m u.BG.-t1v8s8sus e S610.73 Iide selectin offeredoa -\f>,Caiiroi.Ilths ea ran cerans rebe n es st a ttrsad ei M a n ch e a n N futif S R . J o n e s a tta_________abcr lîcîC iîl as eltlerU mmml VNir.e Gd erc ritt e asPP Y0en dadroît lunch_______________________ f itjitl i înei lir ri dwas uhd an e t ee q ie ew m r . C... i' al'ei t Ntsttîîr', î. Robe t Nîrs Il Special lalues inha e la geRoom otsa d ar ra aludPi charte f RBosumuasilie t , -111(j .X.lrs. Chas. Si ri. î9j Diae.0,aw , .iit(lji C s to peu i i i 1,iriaiir-hed i hebsm n o rsv Ve .. en. f l e- h,, -t rda Cj-jý hma ite.sno obVr 93 o nem m e f h aa -Il GET FRE WRITE NOW Bendridge and raiter measure- -' mente or axlea ta be -, roofed, petched or re. ~ i Peied. Council Stand.- 5 ard "IIe.Lep"IlmetI .U '~~ roofn iseeoundper-.'. manantine riet. - Abeoîl y weatlrer- tight.. reatly reduces 6.rehazard SOLO ON A 25 YEAR EUO5AIAI GUARANTEE Prces now are Iower Iecause of Sales Tex exemption. Save nronruy ty writing today. anfaturersalaso of famous Prestoir Steel .r¶ee Bearneairnd Jamesway Poultry rquip- jment. Addreeer 308 Guelph St., Preston, Ont. ,'Eastern Steel MP <iSducts PRSONOT . .) IP.MORALIYO.l mu'et tC t l t iii it 'tit' oef Presinn t .\Ir,. ( ' .N idduerv Xeniî-nhu tveut XX'in. Iirniinî Biiti-e.s wa.5 in c1lr- h anti Ci lutts'-tcrý aun iunrtenl. Of- ticr r',te:iinjnurt-Iu.G. NMn- <lu-uv n 1-r C'eNW. X' Seruir Jniî N -uMNIru. XXW. Iuulu Suc. NIu r - . Kuur'ex : k' 'tli . t' J ii',r l mit r Nr. F i Gruat : N r.'r I - Wi. ei'll Ics Niru.G kil 'iMkr D'-Iitiertai('u s, unr. Xi XE, r 'tM Iu.tîa i, NIti- iii'u-iiti i"àtut"r î- lu t tu tititi1t.t NMri nI NI- l'!K " Nl ,î. 'f "Cî'. ti-sur-k-stise'" ri itiuth 'eJstIsis r-sittino echldtuf lovc'i-eln the' pnletnr otf n i. - Ph i p- Br'oks. FOR THE WEEK-END BOSTON CREAM PIE (Saturday Only) Regtlar 40e Size FLAKYCRUST MEAT PIES 5c each 6 for 25c PU MPKIN PIE Rich and Deep 30C 25c TEA BISCUITS 2(Saturday Only) 2 Order Early -2 Dozen fer25 THE CARTER FAMILY Bakers For Two Generations PHONE 855 BI \'L Buy Baked Goods Bakied in Bewmanvil]e c LE Tuesdmy tire 1Home and Schooi Club cxeculîs'e met ut Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Malicy's te make de- tuilcd plans for tire unnual Val- caline Dance. Also plans sucre ýmade for regular meeting Feb. 1, ut virici Shuw's Home and Scirool Clumb su bir guesîs. Mn. George Dasîdgc of tire Beys«Tuainin Scirel liams been securcd as speak- er. Part of pregrm sill be pue- seutted by visîtiutg club. Miss Et-a Brooks. Oshusaavas! mn the section Frîday nigirt to ut- tentd a meetinrg of tluo No. 9 Dru- madtecClub..bel i utMn. au-selMrs Mamrk Blackbur-'s. 'Miss Brooks ttmed a NMr. tirselMrs. George Bare-hîrel's ututil Sturdav. Mkess-r. Rutssel Osborne. 1-ar- oId G irsetruandciHowardniG ibsou attoeictl umeetings onitht-Ontrlaio Fruit Groe<strs' Assotciai tiin ai îîttmil tout Ir:. Iltmreilu G ibsoniî hoeim frein-sTornltosultene sht- t lr- ,e'nl a rnasal epeutmtioit XMirsXX H. Gibsou us sttu im'g se-tIltl'u- it î retour 1 Tuî'rne- r and t-Inn. sulbuntîmî il Lîkn'î ciùJ. NIr. andMni rl' kîns. Ma'lnukBinîkbuins -- NînBe'rt 3twisu and uui'Mi.ss MtaryBrise r .uilb Mr. '11A ri Nn -iiete-urdl Rise- er. Pic-kerintg.--. .-r. Fr1 Deant ut Oshatsa ian-t sueR Cadmus MX. i- idi NIr . . tisýti ck amn I Its i N'tl- ui . NI .Nrnd NîQiinii Nîr. anI M r> J. ru-ru. (li f trdnd mu NItisa i -r.andlNIrsý. ('i-il Feretisoni t lr-dîne 5rc entertairrî-nIt"il NIus(-ti -r'nsiorsslihas Juin s -inie u funvirîls ut O',înms a i Iite. NIt-M i-i- rn F,,%%ît-r ix-nîtse-k'mn Mli1- andlNI rý- (h-i. ecîurnl i h--un11 sisiti-il t Nî-sjr îtt ttn ' daI iieIit ns tIi Rus Il. J. PllIt«mk-- ii' tt sur-uîuiusu rXi. (>sis'tIt XnîuIu r Il'iii \mxi t1iti tîu1îic antI \ Nîr. I'. tiri S N I-rt eu i it lu'.lr Xli irtl Xl - lnic .tmtilu fi ii. 1> vi t W il 1 iî.a îs n î tri ru u.( .(. L .t-s f iun" tifn'i Ir er us'v i f1li ,Jvttunîl fblus (Inll Tî' V, Su tuîîI r'- 'uLI 1 t si-i- lu 1), Id t tt ' ln i ftiin ts alIl. i iri k5îu'f, k. andttu l i n rîuo tf hlinek. FOR YOURMUE SERVES AS A BLANKET FOR YOUR HOME 0 licre je the ineulation ',ou hv been %iaiting for-Red Tfop la-il latiag WooI. Reallv blankets s 'rî home. lPays for i îscffin fuel sas in, Easy te instail. First cost isle ii' Fireproof. Vermin proof. Perima cent. Auk for sanîjle and fmrîlmî' n]etilis. A prod<uct cf Canalîrm Gy1psum Company Ltd.. your ,sar raaît cf qîîality. RED TOP INSUILATING WOOL ANNOUNCEMENT SALI PRICES ADVANCINi~ Buy now m.-hile m-e are still selling at the oid prîce. Ping Poog Tables $14-00 Complete Makes an ideal table svhen flot in use for playing. The most practical table on the market to-day. Ask about them at Sheppard & GUI 1,1MBFR CO.LTD. Phioîe 715- Bow~mans lle< Nesu custle237 ji taiitn rs um- Itilre-. . . Nîr. NeA . Î. aidMs1'7.OhwOrono 32.31 tMt rsi . ad Lau),trgniun.owdeltasnd.endalPrinting and Stutionery 1.25 N11.unI rsiZi. t r S .îess<m vmnIi . 1Postage and Sundries 3.87 . Nr. antI Nr-.. Lenarth Hiitnltriati Poppies mard Xretbs 143.35 atlnd uriel. Iîatirttotr. at Nîr. XW. ' ecemi Nisiis Mr. Il. Iov <(jfiBalance Dec. 31. 1938 234.20 i 'urriîrnln"s-NI . iss Jessie OrmIisO-Irnsa.sitir iis <aîgiter. Nirs. toit. C'iln rili- s-itir NIi ss i-:-e i ru Ceeil Trn'JIle' -NI. r. T. T utmirer at $61MO- 3 'i. . -Nfr. anIidNîrs. Geo. XX'Ilite NMr. amnd Nirs. J. Ttirners.,; Cruoketl Acîdited, Junuarv 14. 19.39 - A. J. scitir Tortîrito fricîrds. M Nr uirnî ('rcck-NuMss Clara Scen'e, Builic Lyle, John M. Jamies. NIrs. Iloissartl bolev. NIMuile Grot' Jîwro. SSlii s'as sithrlirer sister. Nir at Nirs. R. J. NcKessicl"'q. is'ItIrrnîinî ijît. Ias uctuiîen i uître. "To seek for tire trutir. fer the Nr. .. I. has-.e. .Nissc Eveivit N s Laircstaff. Ne% uasilek'eîr eof knosuit-g tire truth. is one oftire noblest objects a man can T'iîîk anlR rîthJrNIc Kessock att etuuied Nl . ek'ii--.NIr. S. Thircrr-i ivs'cfoi c tiig tlic Graittll)Dis'i-,ri(4f tite Sein-,s "i ,md u.' ernîie Titirnnîso<ioor -eailg 'I'cii tuen-îrce iii Tei tltciFit i s. ir Nnsst ri l i-at NIr. Ira Tlroîruîîsnurr s - i'a -cee ssa- el u eul iGratue ('lai lain I M' nidNI us. NIi Iteuiolîjî siuil Sese-rul fuemnu ic-uittriiI t-( ýanal NMr. atitu Nrs. Ce-cil Glass scitîr (1« o v a îuu t t i i s uisii i ni NIi- 1 n-.F_ Omiiuu. I-i da inlas n iui.TI tu l is esvemnjîrit IKetildai N '.'t NMr. l'R. Tashur sert' inn Sniîitîtu l iat1mIi-r Ct-tSmil .'( FUR O T C iel t l S iulîsv în'r inne i'. fiti-rI si nu n- r niii î ofeut a fine r,- -f hii', c i-t tîurrîî în-- ît<- nus"' i l rut "timue 'un nij tnuîic Ilis' Nîr. .Nnirlt liilli. t 'a',- Ini-hi .t tu-r-t i- N DiIItut r n -.ulîte .I , M ta i h lls , i usahîl,- At Iu'rnîî X'nru-l.x isr-n '.A.Xi . IInîti ltnu t. i s e t NIr. mml Nîr-. s -. i aiutt' iiu îl iri-it 'i' al i uîîuurîr 'ri,_ivr Isn '- lnt' s.t t îî ut ' 't Ii'i iii ulus I runuunu i.iF s- S ftijnits lrîrlu s.t. -u' e- l. N lîî-.îuîu i - li tC - x u.t'î ii îr-i,< .'te ' 'if rluntnîk-. ss t tu-rlulu.Id NM l Su Iý 'nul Nîn- (,illi' -'t fît- t1i t-kiwi r-its.-M.Wlu '1111111flituît I i-- Il.I r g iu i t tui I tlo piallo-iu tlnnmchage.of Mîsuî J. Newurmu.Ci '-lii iu-timi ,riuC,.Bible ruueln-g bu Mus. Blck- Nr',. lIAvd IXXilliaimns nf<Ik nîtîr11u'xboî'BI, NIM ' Riî Izl i' itil-. I î ni1 topluc, Mn. L. C ut o m b c s; readm-gs, Mliss R. Poilarci aad Mrs. I inrnîs. 1IIclii Lasiirerrt Fi \ lisre p îu outà uganslcioi -- 1un.11 vvlvrr I'armiidrnn tuttIXrrie Mu. B. Durcb; chorus by lire pub- i utrrvocaul Selctiuurus Ilv Nî's lic scirnel Pupiîsr piano solo, Mns.aC krusîîr. i harvuv arrel (ertilnl tiSi. ~Ber y Alteadance 27.M1 /jMî aualin s NIr. J heai sl.Mnî Fuilc. Ladies of lire commnuitxy vere -tante t liffonîMnîNiller:rvuulsi.NI liînvmled guesîs cf thre Fridax' aller- ]-inc %vasserve. n-nucte ,inuavcî-y usinessliîte1 -tmrr c~s eret. anner aand reflecîed mucir cre- Onw rual ceMirgraeateiagiret- on tire teacher and pupîls. r11 ui ahciiNoîa eermg itii Varinus numbers were givea coulaîtemînlaîrce. Nîs lecîr JaJ- sieving tire mode cf study and 'uI hun chanece ofii theirur.XVi. everai articles cf suoodcraft, tirtî erinîd ws'euonur Slrnîtrirre,."N i- drawing, flotîr and sait mups, and Hi ucî Baker case tire-cal fui scor-1wcol work sucre displayed, ail 'ltr: MNiss .seli I'rk IttI il, tîne by tire pupils. At tire close t uîr r a sturv %,s'esccerlv Nîts', Mn. Blackburnr ctnducted a sîag- S'urtîr NcKe,cls , u amii NMisse'slPeaurI 'otrg cîrtesl anti the pupils senved i -tmchri ii ilerru Balsoir caie ,a uhnet. jia sony daiaty huncetn. A vote cf' \V 'u' RX'ai1ikiratiii tienutlook ni«iinmre. timr s ('ame froîn the ladies ta I 'îuerts n'ere vie'n of thili i f fuetit iuîthr teuicrer aircipeipils for a sens' 't'-nartTIrrnîs ni cîrrîrchr an imnl Srmnay unjoyuiblc nfiernoon. '-ehonol sricri a vervs'isurun'sfîîl Mus. W. G. Wcerr v is mucir im- -r'rs nork. NMrs. Isuntu Jarnhv cave pntucti mter a sncsfaîl a week r ;11 ianoeîstolo: ra soral tIret ltc Nis tîgut suircasome ribs werc fuacl- Kaîhileir Baker tîîrd Nrs. Xesl,'Y ured. Conf unde Couch, Johnstor Phone 834 LTD. PrePared Cold Ivater Faste, easy te apply. --'ith guaran- teed resuits. lb. 15C Decorate now when labor costs less. J. W. JEWELL Phone 556 - - Bowmanvllle ON DISPLAY! londay, Jan. 30 MR. PH-ILLIPS Representative ART FURRIERS Mt. Il visit Our store to display ,mplete range of fur- coats newest Styles and guar- 'ed skins. will also take orders for iodelling and repairing. ne in on Monday. You are ler no obligation to buy! iCryderman Bowmanville PAGE SIX ICARTER'S SPECIALSI -%Rem THE (-'\NADIA'ý STATESMAN. Pffi-MANVILLE, ONTARIO