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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1939, p. 7

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TIIURSDAY. J.\NU.\RV 26TH, 1939 THE N.D N STATESMAN, BO', VIJF NAROPG E ceegood wishes go 10 ail my old with gifts in honor of a recently IREIURNING OFFICER EDITOR PAYS ORONO GOOD DEED MrBdiornt Webie, fricnds in the homeland for health arrived son. :howvr hth a aepti and happiness during 1939. An untîsual univeilrng was con- . TRIBUTE TO MAN i HAS POOR ENDING nhe agnimef .1 ATNMr. Francis Sutton. Mus.Bac. ductcd by Tailtwister Charlie Car- _______ITY SVLJIAL AIND I'LKS NAL Supervisor of Music in Bowman- :ter who gave a short address and ____ A storx îs going the rounds here vil Schools. took part in the To- prescnted the c]ub with a brand whONTE.vrtNTMENT. orob Phone 663 ---------- ronto Star's Free Concerts Thurs- new receptacle for collecting fines. 'Dan Douglas, Statesman VVar whîch s orstheprtieng. Forno- day evening, Jan. 19. in Parkdale1 Allan Knight led the sing song Correspondent, M.%oes From cd will be called A and B. It is The ice on Lake Scugog is now wvere enrolled. The first company United Church wheî-e Mr. Sutton ' session accompantied by Geo. L. Peterboro to Toronto tesoyo nqebysot Tenbetmdtebs about 12 juches thick. received their patrol colors. is oi'ganist. He rendered an organ Davîdge at the piano. th todfedanisuecuboarsend- "goodcontentadentshas.-Spencnd-rc Mrs. R. H. Westawav hias been Two druggists. Alex McGregor solora. the beginnig ofthe epro- Announcement xvas made of a Manv Statesman readers %vi]l ing. It seems that Mr. A. was Nyrbetea moa I aconpnîd hecm-'Bys Ngh" n ebuav13, sli recail letters appearing in this heflin Mr. B. load a pig into a 1r vitinge Prk. ad MrontJ.. Earl and J.Rsturet.hviees bsn bndrhis.fPaka, reb when every in sexe tedt aeormoesa rte vwgn h i a tbon opee nesi h tep adJR.Suthaebeabeterbind or fParkdale nie *D Din 'D Dl d' d(h' î*was re) ad o urfyit Bttr sphifrga at the Park Plaa. Toronto. frm their stores bis lveekiter.chur- bring a brother or sonne boy to 'an D.' (an. Douglas> durin'g e w~ r) nsen i-.r bcnet Mrs. J. E. Flett is still in Peter-ce. .AuutsBide ui hear the speaker, Ken Rogers. A the world war. In many respects: pie did not want to go away anintelculea Stutt hlas tonitisad tMr. c and vfiretue.rthan the luxury a boro with hier sister, Mrs. T. 1-1 BoG rer bas i an d inf ecton throat. critic of the tarcomm nteup joint meeting with the Rotary these letters were the most popu- erstwhile woolly playmate of the nintwheois an Graham who is very il]. totb aure împwrkovigandex cor octhe xeie snof hvngoflO ,Club is planned for Feb. 27th. 'lar and looked for feature in The pig gave Mr. A. a bonI by wav of vof]ann r e t u r n 1 0 w o r s h o r l y . c h i r t o c h o t e s o n g 0 f t h e o t h e rS t a t e s m a n . F o r a n u m b e r o f y e a r s t e l l i n g h m t o l e a v e p i g g i e a l o n e . v c e " M r B a r E d y Mrs. Geo. P. Freeland. Toronto, The annual meeting and eîec- !as an altogether diff erent style of E. A. Summers. Agricultural Dan hias been in the Ontario Em- Mr. A. was riled but il did flot Asneo otnmn ae issv itngi hr ssge.lMisrMrthitioeofofMcerssfMherowma- pesetatonf eprsenttivrfo Dfrathoun-Bopoymnt Srvie. irstaI sh-prevnt im rom ontnul. bi uskoidlDunrhenmolenotint- Jvi.ville Womens Liberal Association Ladies from Lindsay Badmin- atvandxorase introopleuced 10 the club as flnt how !e Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Lapp. will ho beld in Miss Neads' office. ton Club were entertained bv the ita ewttex membr etwinlbegn.w and feror.tHe las copleear oo eedva othe tsrabntw 0-crsoe rlntihae ad ale London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. iKing Street, on Wednesday even- local ladies on January l4th a e at henxmetin.a Peeb oTroehsntow band tever, wathe b fflast traw Mrh.bcarshihaetancab- S. R. James Mondaxy. îng, February 1. at 8 o*clock. Will the club on King Street. wvith the 'Peterboro Examiner makes this B. -You can put that--- pîg in our rprdsis n hs ail officers and members kindlv Bowm,-ranvýillc players w-inning 22:,T very fine editorial tribute to our Vourself.' aon f.a d, Pr PerN rsidfien ads akeapoint of beîng present. points to their opponents' 3. A Tom Brownl .eturns go redDa.Dahcr u o]tesusieo u j wfindDn . hc .e are Rumeur does not say wbethe onhas"Bmer Lyton here. Nursestinethis district whoehavefeature of the afternoon ,vas tea ""rmpleased 10 publisb. Te dtra here' Nrse inthi disric v.ho aveserved following the games. Sev- (Continlued fo Page 1) ras Mr. ran Mclvce. Orno.andbeen stîcccssful in their regîstra -erlfthBomnietswnt.IeDdHs ok cI Mr. ranh MIesTn. re vaca-lion examinations. are as followýs: to onsidrae opvains in preenra-first cal was at The Statesman H id i okWl Mroning in es Tornt .ar a- Edith Dent. Orono: Alice M.\cGee. tocnieal an npeaa office wý,here the edîtor wveIcomed 1,awrencc C. 31ason Dan Douglas. superintendent of, tinn nTrno saa Mro ann rn-lion. bringing their fînest silvh îm1*hi andl recalled the various limes, the Employment Service in Peter- L U C K Y Mr. andci Mrs. Wm. Purvis. To-Rosbaa: MaionPannne lbrn e n dihtrayst e h'd anville. bas been oi ftht Robin McRe. inceservitcs liedbaandwichperform Baras Bowmborough. lhas veen transferred to Mr. and Mrs. James Marr and - se Brooks. Linidsay: Elsa Bow,- for indoor tni r n ogHe next caîîed at Frank PethiOk«.~ DurhF m Count 'vi the next Fcd- Douglas because they frcqucntl B attenderi the Goodyear dance. mnan. Enniskiîîen. was covered witb an attractive Barber Sbop. *"Barb«'-,as bus rlhuto hibwl ieyh caîl aI bis office, and one of thcm i Ms aeieStetToot.clotb and adorncd %witb candles in .iîathering the roundc and rosy face held iii the Faîl. made Ibis remark: "The people Eun A gr Magis ofM . Jane Pt r e o rno Mr. S. Jeffre y of Port Perr . s l iold rs. E v-ertig \\asiof Charîe Heal in readiness toi wo will miss im most are those 5I O . . . . . . . . . 5 was gest o Mr. ack Prker v riting from St. Petersburg. Flor- drcssedi up a litIle 10 impi-ove the remov a week's birsutic .growth umwbom hielbas been trying te help M nac D v thoeaweked.and tee. h ia o h or .er Star says: cIlub's appearance. The games.i from Ibis well known and genial IIL V..It is not an easy task nor yet a ** , Goody ar d nce.M r. and MVrs. J. H. H. Jur. Bow~- describ d by a fcw, mae visitors. ai e h i ht o e, n com fortable one to be in a plae -L W U W OC Z.KaiSY Several Lions Club nc-mbers manville. and Mr. Geo. H' Wilson! as a prelude 10 the lunch. provid- 'snange.e somerow-a n mub Trwî aoannAscitin otbafe mntwdain 1t Toronto to-nigbt in honor of the among the Canadians fobotare prexa tous matchistas people w,%ho come looking for Monarch Crepe DeLaine....o 9 pla 10attnda clebatin n ad Mss ilon.Lins, voare pe consideatchicn LPîina stfo beter an tnrsorialartit asmet ,Jmuary, 101h. witb Mrs. M.frhl Lions Club founder, TMelvin Jonces. now vresidents of Ibis sunny soutb declared a tic. 11 a my shavying brusb mf Ieplei W. aby n irCrl noften notbing t10 wb-icb tbcy can, ipfrCohtn M r._C ._P ._Blair,_Otta wcarandssly ter ansere ofhhoÉess ft h e pyn and bereCirc g tuw rk. e pead lIf he n e re iaG i p no c n ti M . E . CY . PJo n e . r ta aW illiam ,t n n A re s rv ice on v acu u m c e an - C L U B s iece asth ee w as a r rfew aseconds aopen c i w it btba y min M et inh d u a laD n a d o gas ~ \ asi d nv f rF reez In stu ctio n g oas. . . / o were in tovni Monda attending rsrce biucsflv LIONS C U bandsman looked at eacb other. piano accompaniment by Mrs. J. a man to do hie would gel il, but the funeral of Miss Alice Fisher. csrce sbigscesul ____A. Cole and Miss Joyce Luxtonhe oud av toisnmnyI oarh ow . ...... . Toronto, formerly of Bow,ýman-,ille woreadin Ibi setion of th-epr- hen: wniudfrmPge1 o o rids of gretin bfcomfng Mrs. C.J. Smale offcred prayer. limes a day to the troubles of ceMraed is 98tb bi Prtbday on a iga ose osevedolair r b- of our local pdper is now ,being r'publication - were exchangcd. i iîrexa:ea yMs.Fakthose xvbo carre tb him: liste o 0 reie l........b: O Meer Wm. WîUart. PrtPey.naîd hasosev1 boseraîrs manJacknian. \while they abused emplovers and 25 Shades tb choose from Janaru 20.193.2H0.mnyfri3in.thir achneparialyids-ionoed FrdeMtchllaashinetosîe Mi'. . W CakedPesient soieî i geera. Bt Dn SMEHIN.NE INBAB'SanO ends i Durham Counî - off er mantled and polislied up. Dont Born in Scotland o January 30, mb thebre bp h ae-peîe o uies ne-, Douglas neyer lost bis patience: SMTIGNWI cordial congratulations. entrust your cleaner to unknown r1849. the son of an oatmeal miller rlw "Now dont leil e," sys fl stin by thepCîrteseretares.bcae"ar:tle. e heMa tetyd eeve . epie-Ol 5 Mrs. M. J. Hutchînson and Mrs. peddlers unless tbey can produce .'110came te Canada and settldFrdTeobuled eut, Sur necring Ste Crervand reais-neyer ea hrdbid. ' tesfs yuavee sd Meda atedîg hefuerl f netem ppard I hoRo ,came to Canada a year later with I d.' il s Tommy- Brown." ire. as sympalbetic always wilb the M rs. Mdabel Crew s R îngland w bose tary Club w oekly bow ling tourna- taw a. îaking eight w eeks for the j verted to th e old days. Tom as e r s n e : D a i n u t , mrs o ng v h n w r t at h a h n 5 obituary appears on page 5. mont on Monday nigliî aI Bal- trp.r about Ibis one. that one and ethor J. A. Colo and Miss Joy'ce Lux- netbing for tbem. Ever bat aI ingm n & Ed- ora Hotl aley lad in o er- The father was working on the one. Invariablv, the answer would on; vocal solo, M iss Dorothy A man in Ial position barsPh n G lBo m vi e sold by the end of Januarv as They cerlainix- added color te the arrived. but soon roturned te eo n eyfril h oiodJyeLxo.Gotsekrwsma of people, and it is right tbey are giving up business. 'Fine evening witb their outfits and ý.1 Fathor Time bad md ntei-Rv .F aitrwodlgtdms bals selling from 50e te $2.00. anlics. Wbetber the oiiîfits belp- Iml tretn r.alnwthbvitarhb adhnth n Rx.W.F is estoer wdihed nubtrayhtmn a ________________________________ Mr. Milton J. Werry. 117 Col- oed lbcm or confused the others l' operatod a mill on the fiats below itreigyaswI ibbi resoiswt ey.xent away from the employment bore S. .. shaawrios:En difiull10 ay bu th uifome the prescrnt Vanslone's mill. Othor old friends Tom called applicable suggestions for the new 1 office feeling perhaps less bitter closed find $2.00 for renewal of gents won. 'Clarke at school section No.9 Kerslake wilh whomn Tom roomned hrwawoktbcgvnutiBO M N IL H your valuable paper. We read Mrs. M. A. Young (nec Maggie w-bore the father worked wih a Miss Morsebeads hack in the w'as always the Douglas pelicy le witb pleasure the new's from the:Noads), 211 Ruby St., Winnipeg, l L. Squairs faîber in a grist ii* '90s: Ah. Darcb (slack wire bal- COUNTIES ACTION 1 place il wilb tho man best quali- E C M N X R IE home town and vicinit, and your wriîes: Enclosing m subscription' Mriorisnwet'esco 1 er-anrl and barber xvbo gave Tom DEC B D AS foteilthpston Inha ' lM editorials are an evidence of wi- for 1939. Miss Amanda Bond, for- i utIle. most of bis lime being c--ibis first shave: "Casey' Marltynblee lecud rae CO M N E E dem and integrit. mrx fObwa aie nm cpeW-okn ntefr. \es. Percy, Law'ry Crydermian. WEAKNESS wavh eixe ecudce At the meeting of Girl Guides Mondav and xve enjoyed a pleas- i At 12 s-cars old, beto bsSu Wlo.Har lin, eil in the ability of bis office te rq Wednesdav nigbt Louise Sellers, ant visit taîking of oîd friends andl first job wiîb Yeung'se Hardhi Yellowýlees. Frank M1orris. Billy viîde the man needed for a posi- Asm l WilIa Ward. Aileen Couch. Betty associations. We bave enjoved'near the Bow',,man House. wr Banl, and others pro-er AssemGeorgeHall Spencer, Audrey Humphries. aaCiiie ponmn an The Statesman se mucb xvo feel o okdfrMCug- You w'ould have laugbed te avnCrtiizs ppinmetMr.Douglas 10 Torontol Wright, Lieut.' Frances Clar'ke \ve cannot do without il. Ou.r si- Shop situiated xvhere the old rink i alr~BlvJfrypobby maspooinfrTH R AY a burnod in tbe east end of the 1 I seems Biliy made Tom's fîrstfr-havm.ibut he o as agood mn e _______________________________________tow'n. Ho worked Ibere for l5 long pair of pats and after xvear- mrW Hdnofthe n i cavan o- ain help coman nitv, sner e nu y 2 years andi thon xvas empl as a frhîfawasmrWaTnofmeuntdconad lirNe ana rough tuner \vtlb the Dominion 50 ste f-cno ho coldn st ies of Northumberland and Dur- tribube the reporter paid w-hon he so elfconcius ie oudn' stndAt 8 p.m.shr Organ & Piano Co.. aI that lime itan onel5 oo be aok baias intîmatcd Ibat if bie badl said "The people who w'ill miss tihe to\vns largest industry cem- and haci Billy cuit tbemi off aI thec been at Cobotirg in Novebr1 i otar h. bm1 a poigaon50 ad. kneos.woui(d bave opposed the resolu- been tixing 10 help. Thenext change vas tote! Dav-id Morrison Sr. wbo colo- tie apintcit two mtmeshosOinSR WL L ~~ I Lt ~ Duirham Rubber Ce. near AIl- brates bis 901h birthday Januarv an advisory aaiy1,h ool 1 ra' lcsmt hpad 30 -saohrol redTmcemmitîce for three and twço CANADIAN CLUB OCETA WL LYFO .5PM drads laksiî sopan 0- t0hwa aohemlOfiedTo ears respectiveîy. ent al y 0 be G oo yc r ir & m e an p id tr b u e t f r ub r- '- T h at w as an adm ission o f (C ontiued fro mn Page 1) T ick ets m ay be reserv ed i t M G e or s D u Rubber Company wvhere hoew-as in'Î bim in music in bis youtbful1 eks i th coril-M. emlydutlrotirement about'd 1-wekns nbcconi, r Honsad dudrtadwxyosh.Sve Rpbic f~ ti Store until 7.30 night of play. fe .0tepa JANUARY NO PROFIT SALE :12 years ago. aH h- Hearing Ibat Tom Brown put Hoi a dcseIhalnew' membrs bastbe Sentsucesuî. r Ifnot iill be moved t hb Hg House Dressesison'smain hobby was 1on asuccessfulrninstrel show in îoî av'h dvnaeoftoIThe Union ofSoviet Rsi Ibis was inherited from bis fa- in The Stalesman of Dec. 22nd r xiceo hs w xeinc ssadfeetomag r Admission ..................5 ther xvbo aa ilns.Hbe the Legion Band has asked ir members on sobool mablers. Grant Iîalv and Gormany. For yoars. ganbismuscalcaror layng n t pu ona soxvin ew'anile that sohool affairs bave become their one objective bias been bo ga i uia aer lyn nt u na hwi omnilinvolved; that is ail the more rea- morallv corrupt nations se that ________________________________ * Ef1 I tba nd ate lerne l xvichho as indy cnseledtason w'by a counicillor should ex- w'orld revolulion would come and Prints and Piques ~play- the violin. do in tbc near future. He attend -er himself and find out what ilt toy would gain control. ___________________________________ Pit an PiusHis f irst public appearance with .od their band practico Monday s Ilabut The speaker quoted authorita -_________________________________ ____________________________________________ a band was on the first Dominion nigbl and cengratulaîod tlbmomnf The fact is that tee many i îix-c writings te show thal the 'AFERN~ONDRE SF - FIfW C ST ay Juy II. 867 whonho lay Itheir playing and gave oncourag- members of the ceunicil are quite Communises began in Spain witb AFTERNO N DRESS S - BEL W COBad In suhe oedanig eartis, he Soe cit ynelrca om satisfi od te stand hy and lot eth- an education campaign following Bd wInth h eemanvillearCibies asise c in bcGodea insTomelrs bear bbc burdon of the work, formation of Republie in 193 1, and JA N EiSE ) played with the Upper Canada sitdnthGoverM srl as in Ibis sohool maîler. If a man finally organized in anticipation N E ~ E Y ' Furniture Band, Dominion Organ Show' on bis lasI xisil bore in 1918 becomes a reeve hoe should hol of the crucial moment w'ben the FINE HOSIERY & Piano Co. Band. which became i and bis act w'as a scroam. He cani able te stand on bis ewn foot. and workers must ho the first on the SE DSA EX RT R M E GL N famusthrugeuîCaada and sth11 make bis audience laugh as ntbv tialine-ebes0 scene to reoeive power. They used ..- Luxu.rious, flattering stockings at prices United States and wonsvrathssew tIh in Cu b Countx- Council if they run the Republican sot up te gel in i e ityor ure.prizes in ntr aia tourna- Monday nigbt w'ben ho bold a foxv into snags. It sounds like the ap- ýtheir ow-n w-erk. t rmonts. Ho was also witb the 41hstorios and played bis old saxa- on et0 0mn oms We arc bold by oeg bev --Rogiment Btand, bbc Durham Rub-i phono wbicb is ovor 100 years od sions by the Federal and Provin- ors that w'e are on the same roadr I 59c - 69c - 79c ber Co. Band of w'hich hoe xvas Migbty glad le see you Tom. cial gexernments. someîhing 1 as Spain w'as in 1931. the speaker e Core i ad lok l-undhanmater th Ohaw Ciizns nd op yo gio S a return nover could endorse. Mon are el- stated. Certainly we are net as Band, and Bowmanville Chamber 'ii en ectod by the people to do certain viieanto a v ee2 of Commerce Band. 1 things, and bbcx' sbouîd do il. not years ago. There are many left DRUGS Afler lie had attaind the age hire semnebedv cIsc te do it. If wing wuriters and many xvbo speak of 80 years, lie organized and dir- ~tbey caîl in the twvo adxisers tbat from pulpits and educationalisîs Noet dts 3/e.J 4 . S oe.ccîed the Bugle Band aI the Beys'* ~P is an unneccssary oxpenso. , witb a pinkisb linge. That's ail N t h oe E 7ÀL b S lp"Training Sohool and none of bis "But, the main point is tbab i hat is necessary. *FBU R -- Phone 594 Mrs. Clifford Caverly youthful bandsmen were more cvery momber of t1e counicil Tiiere are îw'o alternatives. the JaeeyorasenoeoferEptsfom erSoni activ'e on the march than bie was. -~sbould ho able and willing to do first le exolude feneign prepa- Jn emu a etoeo e His last performance in public I is sharo of the xvork of adminis- ganda, w'hicb may he almesl dis- London, England, \who wiIl be in attnacio oslain ____________________________________ wa aI S. Paul Churb a ~ eî'in the cuntie' adiars.tIknow- isreedupressuraree ands, ad and houldyau deireil,,she ill gve yo i mens meeting a year ago w'en x'.'at tbey do. Tbey lot a couple bbc second is 10 troat like ,vith lie pîayed w'ibh bbc orchestra. ]ocf the inembers do aIl the w-ork like.arciltamn. IDuring bis life Mr., erso C U N W nsobools. anîd cf couirse bbc ai- -To my mmd, continued CapI. lis_______n yug usc titude of a lot 0f tbem is that they- Acland. -tlwre is only one answ'er T eEpr uigbe îi îIspl ans. raind nyumngan muî- donit know' bowthbbc soool fig- and I don*t know' w'ether we can you witb Jane Seymour Preparation ians buing nstuimnts nd uî- Fîrsl Troop meeting wxas helO i res shoulci ho worked ouît. Well. do it with oursoîx-es, but wvo canaREU IN F2% sic and ncndeî-ing as much bolp Tuesdav nligbt witb oda-aponig oavie- 'ont doril iboî blrn omit a > 11t Ind e- nnioagment as-posibl, enane.Txo9oy 0wr din'Ot- lave oini m tombviers of ho couic-beac, t h rhiti. wbioh mi- iansUC NOF2% Princess Soap Flakes pl1-us deposît. Entertainmont- during the even- Tbree Scouts -ef- the First Troop. More Room in Linen Cupboard P oe7 3 ge30.Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour ing w'as provided by Wilfred Car- James StulI, Jim Southey and "If the principles of content- The capacity of a linon cuîp- Poe7 Ig 0.pkg. 16c ruthers, a rccently initiated mem- Bob Evans, w'ere aI the meeting mont arc net witbin uîs, the beight board can be increased by fixing ber, wbo sang Iwo bass solos, and of the First Pack Tuesday nigbt of station and xvrldîy grandeur 'half-shelves" te the back of the Fresh Fillets 2 Ibs. 25e by Tom Brown, Lindsay, a former inslructing the Cubs in knots. will as soon add a cuibit te a man's cuphoard betwoen the originalW lbkd ilesM 15e pupil of Mr. Morrison ovor 40 Goed w'ork by good Scoubs. stature as te bis liappiniess.* - shelves. Cuit a Iength of timE MOEO Samone, Fllefsh lb. 12e ycars ago. and a widely know'n ----Sterne. board liaîf t1ewWidth of the Samn hl lh ~black face comedian and saxa- Readers of Ibis coîumn wiII sec 'Superstition is huit the feaî of shelves. and suppor-t il cither on EU E U c A L Nphonist, who played two nuimbors thal Firsl Troop new's predomin- 1bcief."-Ladv Blessington. melal braekels or on woodon Il~on the oldost saxaphone in bis- aIes. This is because w'e have nio) struts. Fix il rathon more Iban D UG iw R Y A L Ntory, 128 years old. Ho aIse put reports from bbhe other groups. "Each good mind doubles bis half-w'ay uîp between bbce shelves D UG Phone 37 GROCR Bownaxuvile across sevoral humorous stories We urge aIl leaders te send in a own froc content, Whcn in an- hs aro 1le aeueu We Deliver hetween solos, short acceunt of Iheir meetings oîbor's use thcy give il vent." -- for towcls, glass-cloths, and pîllow Bwnnil J. R. Reynolds was presenled each xveek. Sir Giles Goosecap. slips, etc.________________________________

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