the retoretto omitea h Nortumbelandredrsenttiveean 0(By Nelson Osborne)>tis.wa fn s ~~~~~~the oneraiv miriy a The Arcadians have chalked up a>rnl natee nti io their fourth and fifth straight MANY BY-I-AWS ARE Brsi.Cavr areh eitt,ban mun11.icipalities; $5.000 for sqnow aPPointmlent euvReeH .S wins during the past week and DIP S D OENldmondstonie. J. Ewart. P. Goodi -emvii2,0 o so ece and Rvan pri se eeeJ.N Gen thiIwekendwil el whthrIN 3 Greenawav-. Innis. Kelley, S. Mfc- posts: 2,0 for sanding roads; $, away- of PotH1,asteDra they fmnish first or second mn the NIGHT SESSION Bride. Mlerrill. Smnith. Pacey, Pat- 000 for washouts $5,5000 bridge re-mebrothrereaincm. league. At present they have ai tont. \W. Prouse, Troop, WVhitting- pairs; $2,000 concrete culv-erts; $3.- imittee. butMrWodewaelcd 0= = '- - -' - , s an thame margin over idsav. ton. 000 metal culverts; $7,500 ditching, byV the coucls dvso(f 2-3 tilts -- n to e playe withneofthe Noth- ei) ear the decks of a lonz list Lezislative and By-Laws--H. Ry.. radIinizand drainage; e$3,000 for a iThis wast peievapotclln A e 1 ag me co sdeaby J ck H tlt th' k- lay d w ht eaotb-o aws nm order that IFridav an. chairman; Annis. Ball. Cumr- storate shed; $3,500 for machine re- u11)to the lat m n be us Mr rCa la S AreLeaam Leag ee di n't ierhis Jckparto t eheners tis weeke-eoudbndvtddoceni.u temsky ron urioLokpar:$350fr rsin n we yassaPotHpeCneraie as he alwaysreike to bouncegthe;.rest of the sessioni's business. the tarv-eth. Devitt. Morris. Ewart, control:; $1,000 for weed kligwsrnre ob ebro h T1 f . 1 ~~puck and sometimes the players PlyToGmsI msy counlcil of the United Counties met TavlIor. Ross. Kelley, NMcBride AMc. equlilpment: $1.700 for wire fence T ory factiooftecuclna- .U fa D H g I O O O d v against the boards. Don Ferguson Because three home games in Thuirsdaynrih and disposed of the Afillani. Smith. Pacey, Patton, Wood- and ]and purchase; $3,000 for a new tion Tuiesday DefeatCobou g 10 o 6 M nday did a good job in the nets, replac- Whitby have grossed, as the Bow- ra-tt ni hv-laws. Included were lev. Quitnn. Tourgas. Troop, Whit- truck: interest 1,2,600: insuirance .g " ~ing Glenn Virtue who was unable manville share, the huge sum of b as rovidinz for the taking tinzton. $500: Compensation $1,300: officeAgcutrlGas Lin-un: oborygoa. oldr.Tom Bird replaced Bill Edger at'ite guarantee by the Lmndsay rink, numbiiier of township roads. and also chairman- Carruthers. Ball. Cum' subsidizable expenses $4,000, and Cultural COmitewraoovds Most of the Goals With Bird stn:- defen:cohns -gandBlrh:'centre ice. Young Billy Harrison iMo Breslin 18 playing both gmsanubro owsitrigs hmse.Brw.Bibii aveCr-arious other items. low:$0toheDraPo- and McMullen Taking cete alahr ies ognurprised the other members of with thLaLindsayites in the latter road appropriation bv-law received veth.]Devitt, Edmrondstonle. Gooding M.Aiarsdtheae 35½ jnsAscaio:$0 o h the Largest Number and Winter; subs. Zealand. Cine. iinto hiamgoalapparently trying to tune.d out fortheJunir 30 ans oreaina l r eadin e rd o od-u ilrenwyiIns ele.Rt e m i oredni oadsthan iiin 1938 o S tCiesmÓete of Points Talbot. Bambride and Haines. help the other teamn along, but it in Lindsay and the management l that a few details mighlt becsettled rord.Aferrill. Pacev Patton. \\ood he imorovedptothe countv roa Fair. It wasdcddt ii h n teenwmnvlle PHope:wenwsis ucl srpisit hmasisexecig 50 froah owrBwmnile adnorersetale. iret.\\itittn.Tron sadadrtaioAriulurl.oncl orwhc . ard and Wtheridze; centre. anyone. Tch, telh, such eyesight. mnanville game- ie a hrda :jt' es Tua.the iei 2.adtecara Outscoring the battling Isinsmen Depew: wmags. March and Nforzan: Goal hu°" Count Provertys--sWoB in everv vriod, the ast-skatin Br\ismt1 cfulnville t -ettwere: o theBorn 3. Sure of Play-off Berth t < thet ie zhseool a ioltu-chairmani: C. Carruithers.Bal ESTIMATE ROADd e""' °"" Cob ritrArca als had i e s n< r r . Osawa Herman Fice 2. Bill Harrison 2. In all probability this will be boiards received its second bv-lw1), iel. rih,,alerwar veth, EXPEN ITURESlTOie couilisao nnupwt . oiz nn 1 o0t ,,ii cvCc-PzliisJack Hately 2. Tom Bird, Tom the only Bowmanville home gm eaigand was laid ove% ni r--st.-ors wr.Goig h odRasAscain n t in a Tumior "C" .H->.A. am-e plaved -- Cowan and Hately each had a which will be played away from dar. GreeNfllna. Ims, Kele. cBrideto,CO T $Ûy Û uim ini at Whitby on Monidav . . MIGES D FETn th° e "°penalty bench. Whi*tby.Bowmanville fans gen-! A\ motion from AMiddlesex Couinty icAfillanSmithTi.PaceyP atndovninaelev .Cm Paced Ihv the brilhiant ismomlte i1Bomnle e-pGa.Dn erally patronize play-off tilts andl.askinthtie council I t enrse i. hi ioSirr. Tua.Topad Trepae fsca evc nmse.cara.Wre ed n Bobbyv Bird and Jack MýicMfullen.i, HAMPTON 6 TO 5 Ferguson: defence, Hately. Caw-1 it is likely that all of these will resolution against the Lord's Dav \\httngon Nrthumbiiierlanid and Durham cost S- R. ANIillr odsIeitnet who collected a total of niiienoints. ker. Alan Ferguson: first Fine, beconteS ted in Whitby. However, ibecoin nOen to amusement, fellrithe lgovernmient in 1938 the total -%r the Ornhuns stressed passing vlavs. cnr.Hrio.wns oa hile the Arcadians are sure of a lhe thirebarsd on ..ti . AgriculturaIDENSocietiesI aot particuilarly worried abou t tak- Bwman nille ikigets aref tland IMvofft: second line. centre, Plaeinteleague playdowns, IDermtý R e eH. R. nCLE K CON IDENTi"o° Ia a teeee Cas. Crruthes. chirman me te edictfro th Couty-the te Hameptongam onmF rn , wings. Larkm iand the most important thmng at pres- Port Hope. whlo said thlat twstoC UN IST A E Vears azo svdtirelunited couinties a the ren hefncec- towners.os reslm lo ntedt'le urday by a score of 9 to 5. giving Urifortunately- we were not ableenisaatmptomshntp.aetobicroaednteBy SURPLUS FOR 1938 S Ï° d "" 1°car. 11 oraing to twithout Laiseorea une o thweekend- o em heir second win of the sea- toheaas the Hampton side of the Should Go To Finals 1alodeclamn ithteesieo an ot i t n Batrecomt lsecPen- Teachiers, nttu1nechot aind wtta inco ind, ofthiekedwasonT hgae wsayed on the conte report received onlv General opinion of the O.H.A.i Svmoiathy with it, thre Middlesex . -tarv.1P. Stinson of MIilllbrook, tothreinecoasinteutdcute: sent out to polish up its olars. pond and therefore slowed up the players oigso o a uofficia alsoi tat the winn r dhs communiationwas i mserelv ure ive.1 1e_ h lcio t eveT .C uTie stConc i ls $p0eacstithngnerios Tommy Depew. brilliant centre lauUiloniogwytoadt yla a asd oatoi e cd 01Clareas \\aorden 0 he..JaaninCbor.Poto! n man. turned in the best zame of a the championship and much in- 'rthe borrowinz of sums not to exceed-,L ttie Countie* s, t dCoron ai:N.o.thuers o ladad Dreamensiosiowavle voug cree. Sorig oe galand• tres isbeig cntrd n tento i toal.$15,00 t met epenesc7ththeconciosnrstdecsio asitirtumbrladaadDrha1latGans0t agicuturl scieie assistinz in two others he was un- 'Red Raiders'G ai sI rdcontests between Lindsay and the iuntil thre taxes were collected. The sessroeeedwit eeapth hebuinesof o tthe e was $,069.1it ofl hivcthe were:Catwihto$114: ura tefhatIheas breackcend lke ta -- us.coviiterad11,00 rod prre N-am for econsider the Gore's Landinig school $26.806-.91 under the former plan of 05: Port H1 .$3.4;Biho leet ch. in rie-Up At Peterboro RinkRearguard Needs Bolstering 1939. wasàgiven0its0ond oradingr <mestion. NMrs. Rubv AfeLgts wrote Municialcontribution89Pensions for $ç9.77: lPerv(Wrwth.$0 Feathr Bid, wh shaes th e__Monday night's encouniter was Aby--law was passed strikinz of idriasin r a o intmcentLfor tt e wrnd. an :Roenat.42538.Symur zoal while M\cMullen hadl a trio of -a fast, open type of game with the from thre couinties road sse. atin t ro ic ak om an n the'a ranc wacs $5-•8 CaS bl5or7.97.1: ooer centre ice duties withl Depew, fash- Bowmanville Wins Fourth Depew to dlent the twine for his Breslinites really clicking in the nportion of No. 16 couty t,, road in mumtfv. rs el lwne cou st 38.- 7 ioedhislfforasiss n oe taihtVitryby65 coethird score. this one also beinz on a final two periods in an attacking A\Iillbrook in order that i ould b-ie- f aron i as ake tat twohav'e hall toi t ie50 peunt oldss goal nd mel one assisean n the - p ass fro Afarch The5ASnarchsway. The rearguard did not im- come ca connectinz Ilink. nie frodfo$e Lk at29,084.50 i tay poerent, oSesinalCosi8.01.9 oheranmember ofteiseedalntcoL gamnst eterboro Mon- cut down tire lead by one whien press im its defensive set-up but, Counties Roads erl beassued s cuntyroa. it l goviernetss til Teusalfvedas-sssoala lected two markers and one assist. archs Friday Nicholls of the Petes -connected tin ars therizdge ton ly lneayed Jc nthe Aherb-aetblihe ap1938 atmet Roaosntsr l i ringt 1 mnii ties trcon loainewa ase h hecuni The Arcadians built a three goal Night the fourth minute of plav but Tom f rt st a a o esss fa st tioin ot No.v- aw testblcot nt. roar.o A iastaemntfom the artme68.-Nt r. Stinson reportedtht rte aouthito$,3.. lead in the first veriod as NMarch DnwaansoedteAcdasgame, improvement is looked for sse as a connectinz link in Ml-Highwaynseshowedthra $86,686.8e oard epensoiv1251 and4icatios o suhp on hnrndHailo conertd acas-ot fom ecw' t ' dtw o zoals to the front on a snarkliniz and expected in that followiniz township roads i entissstent on thearoades m$the ld ae ns on es' 1938 an 40 a- townhiodpooal eelf cMlen finivased off athreewy tau1e otBra esperate last period solo0 rush that carried him from nd(]were taken into the countisroad 4countive ystem ls yea l t Tess$lc ai o mothes'allowaces . e ni ue n loanee Dassine plav with Bird and UWise. hn hrRn Rdt ed-Tefna etroo ol Goalie Is Recovering sytemby virtue of coverini by,-42046tcivedi or sales.3, lavigthpheear owbtwe 130,n3w-a5a0Bretn manandDepw cord fom he ers won ther tourth stratzht came with iust mine seends of plaias e xeniue$42639 prx 30Old aize pensioners and 22 re_ 1Aýfiss Helen cfhno h ean a od ies satotGa a rh nt alt adas h k e r o narc 6rdi r inin . Rochetta collectin z ists q t o i i u e e Se tio n in H aldima ndi t we ots d t at e o n is b hL i tlln e so n t e n y r a n iie rs o fc a lied for Cobourz just before the end \t oo Ln-us owmanville -- zoal, guarding the nets in the Lindsay s tm:section in Cartwrizlht be-ptm t. The0; mintes c n ra 5 were: ostu- Ofte k epnin aolica- l'lie tol$.20 yar of the Deriod. : hueh the zame was a success Crawford and Hlooper: defence. tussles. However, Ron Hooper hias tween lots 6 and 7. runining to View pis$47.-7'3.85-amtnahnceandre Ionslas yer%16 w rebomnorh h oni rne 20t h A ower nlav on the part of Bow- a a shioladls clm \adadAfce;cete eew : been playing very well and will Lae as a county road; bouindary r2.9.84 , maiitnchinery. 18,- meln1ad9 rm uhm andi5anituefrteBid manville as Cobourf, served a rDen- wscocrnd ) assddnd ywms Aachad ihei2e1ubbeaaiale uthDilng heradbtwe Ptrbr adNot- 8ura mnciatis2$0om f h dtil er s o- nDuracbanh Nrhubrln altv saw Wiseman hit the twieontitemorarv loss Of Hal Crawford. N ichllsI. -Ashton, Bird. Wiseman. other member to miss Monday's 1umb1er-land couinties between No. 30 cmt bruitenden,$$,495.51; Coboir 6, a8blfr.,0 n ura rste'Asoitos alt as Wfro m nbi. Btorctthe i e -il ftarrv eoal-tender (if the .Arcadlianiq. AlcN f ullen- game, is recovering fro eee lr icaiih ar ad ws e- on sSu,6.9 lwik4 em u 6 ilbok8 m asr yon bur.BtoWrean anicd-urinz a oile-up )iust after the start iPtrbr 1a.Aorio: e hrlyhrs n il ered or: Brizhton township from No. ar- oI eeeHiha i( et'e- eeý-eChas. Carruthers of1 Dar- lHastingis 4.Bowmianville 19. PerevSuprtPots Bird rencated thecir act. Afarchl. De.- tescodpro. rwodfenceý. Besand (Giardlinor: centre frFiayiutwo ewl e-iPoicilHgwr spr fnncwa aointedchairmansof ort fogan19,Cvan 8 an- D1ePort eee . . . yao new and Aforzan indulzed in a paiss- cauhlt his font im the skate oft;an, Rochettai: wn Conlly% and Vit' place, if anyone is problematical, Ný. 27 of the couty road sy*stemn: t fia C cmittee. . versof 6. Port Hope 19.. Cn mothrs'amae16 ot n. ew m mer n inz forav with Aforcan beatin )Bi).)"m>inent as lhe, feilland tore the ar-eli: subs. C ueNichiolls. D.I fr ter w sn' a wea.lnk in smpion of the Bo mavile- ee m ikr, 0hp ofan H ldmad 1. CAd mtherlIs' lo - him n fteleilton ad b desoe ad T lo Inishe "the Iihamnlts in !hi rizeht knee. This Carlo. Clarke and AMortimer. the two forward lines in the Co- IDarlinigton budavbridue i ý in t - the ve r s a ivn 3th e cha iirsi t an1.ces: l i ck . C a n lf d3, Hastin epaw o mite . rsn d hi frt d rto n ake th bsore 6 if]toh3. ror a m tht wfo eeks. Pr e ou to --brd e n o e ow sh to th hich was virtually the extension a(Il Ione . .Perev 1. Mfost of themiiwere P ort iHore. a d g v s e e v e ik e In maethe thirs tanza. Cgn frolie iurv lhe had paye afor-sarKid Line Nets 13 Points counlty v tm h o n oeh tre nls rmubnmncplte.o eoieavlal ebro Blatoahstrtd aoeio i w ich ameai dRonnie Hoe.Who took LARKIN'S RANGERS 1Eddie Marchi, possessing eight The fllowIlinlg a )pointmnci'ts, weCRe r Inureth evihiess ofrReeeS0,0 orRasteouùncril.Hscmitedie defense meant somethinz that soutld 1f-r et eer the r>sterv a Li i r- LEAD LEAGUE points in three games, would be, made: Auditors of crimninal ijustice or ertuosi or, a r Aii -t thle cncuinssion ridvnorentfanEsxcu r- havel'1C been thre. Tac Burkhat scor-even more effective if lhe stuck accounts. F.cC. Genriee ot Smith - i e- wi I tii5"l cati"n protrtitmethacamst the atti fli ed orBowanile fomBir aelTom Deeiw and Eddie Afarchlmore strictly to his wing. Mor- fied ndReveC. Devitt of. Cart- miskeL was.acticIran. a tz.rnoo ndt ie onc ccpedte e o h omsioe fAr ten feBathr lfon ovr an'vof]weethe boys who ftee hi ogLri' ot adgan is flying both ways and get - rigt Townishir: cOmmissioners. ia evnse L. . ilon.a fCoboutrrte ir ges' tcom tmte eor ulu a n.TeCmisoe ass to \fc.Nfullen. Haines of CO,--scorme veas. Deinew netting Rangers took over undisputed tis ng B ith vr y game. Thl e easl- Wt Northum brn regist rhffic e. s en1slecteda to crry thef b uren for 1939 invo(l I oa-eSt ie c nd s thI a t nan c se f tx bourzecut the lead bv one Ibef or,-l our imarkers and Afarch nmaking ýthe possession of first place in the We man-Btir d-Mn cMulln linets - W ropo obon w s orth- the schools cor mittee this year. stipn tendexnt ture arre rinaytrervonw ihh McMullen madle a flav for Bird and,] lavs for three Of those goal..Rochl- Church Hockey League as a re- lctdthrtesoin pitsooubenndrsitrifiepTEatema orwofMr-iilerrar upritndn O hlof oa o hatasbentae then AfcAfulen scored b)v imIsC eleta. scd little forward of thre sult of Saturday's games, the Monday. But on the other side Cobourre: east Durham registry of- i£rv itowur o 1 iairmanof e th er "and t'l inanc . 1mte oerfor hemotl'eheisno;t As hannenred in the two p1rev*ious.Inarlhs %was thre main threat of the Rangers trounceing the Cardinals o h ecms fteCbugfc.J .Genwv otHope: a FIlt alcom.tte:andDe Purty u1teattl1 i.0 cmttpr n nlte.,h Radcm Deios Cbor cncuedth oal t ,er ettnerhreisttheroy ntoa.nI-thlfist'ameTomgols erescoed hentha tro estDuram.C.torrs. owmn- vn, or nvs te feu edn titre emads hatthecomisson Derods Cbouc cncude le20l Clmters. core bv veriods was 2-0. Cowan's Bruins played an over- were in attendance- vi: aolcommliissionier. Leslie Wil- n .' vcomie t thre cou ltes cotnci .authorizinLie ndtoef .- er touldbeplce iateiam 4- n - 5. ai]in Bwauletime scoreless draw with Don .sn1oou Tonbre npcos 0 oItCnionsnvthrroeyowr favour.Rowe's Flying Wings, and the last ToMn Pnl1s,.N fcilo Ailrkfor Dur- lschaimn oftelesa ition iland i < r consctinad (- Th.omte Feather Bird started thet parade game saw Wisernan's Bees trimn In the last two games, Bowman- hamn and W. H. Usborne, Colborne R laeW . .B z.Mms committeuand Deput Cormmc.issEsx reouion ilt >e and the a midwaythrough the fi',saz Glen Virtue's Eagles 5 to 0. A ville has collected eleven penal- for Northumberland. v . T.I us fnvr hi- out od o mission lerotf a- l i s ta whe hehaned om Wiema's heBee plyedanineigile lay tes hic isto may. omeof Hosital board rerersentatives ofniat the Contyropety cm- he ewc ofour nrasmiss i o nif Iedbrh iiiaiish rpass and li'IleDevew nicked the first of er the game was thrown out. If those alloted by Peg Hurst on the council. Cobourz Hospital. C n e. P o iss a Ssp u o cm e d of for e mbee e rs. insterad lia s ti s tadIni iio e l his nuartette oif ioals at the twlegame is necessary to standi it Monday seemed a bit on the cheap Burrisn. Hlamilton Township; Bow-Pomse aSupls f hee. Te re ev .Cle. aiis lothtteoemnc orcmmo s miut mak.wil beprplaedat heendofside, but eleven sentences, a-mnvleHoptl.C-.-friso .L. MacNachtan. couinties clerkCnwe lforthee\vears: RZecee1T. oard notifv oa lekr a fordinaryOrtTeMnrh u naslrea season. ounting to twenty-five minutes, is Bowmnville and port HloIe Hos- and treasurer. told thre finance comn- C umse.Mnes w r:laseatdi h SOtecot ut the seordphdun tallied men out of ther IlOnine .on their ros- Board of Afanagement of therden meCout confidente otherer wouldoahe a substan-t owith \\liardent Rlid aoumembera ex- countvRclerkmemenot-ices to dthe twàsIec in theblat tomtso the br and elld ven their captain was Tebs eecmno h ties IHome. L. E. Kelley, of Hastings, tial surplus from 1938. He1 esn- offiero. wieidtnrsm the r lead. Dinue ftew absent for some unknown reason. team is Bill Ward. Tall and two-vear termi and( E. A,. Edmolnd' ed a balance sheet comri the I ee e slev Pacev of Ailnwick, ferom faercand th eid.ewm ascoreWelairand Ber Mason each rarit and possessing that of last year with rthe ac- was, Warden Reid's choice for the "rt n oeaetoo h face-off near the Peterboro net were with Large getting the last oneeeshand out a body check or score olltcý owm actre h irmnadtalezniur.bth tiuaetii rrtv ommtee. t onemot oerulthnsnndh li the Br-eshin marksmen-. The Bruins and FlingWig a goal, but he doesoemgtcmtees to ac durihtthevear: that thev were not final and comn- <om et tat is' rrgtv ol;an hnte ohg o In thre third chukker it took only waged even warfare througout effective clearing, breaks up num- Finance Comm ittee -C. Carruth- lete and thev hiad not been audit- 'iR the Warden, gether they canteslybrih five mmnutes for the fast travelhinL three periodis and an overtim erous rushes with a fine poke ers. chairman: WV. Bali. W. Boggzs. SvrlvasaoMirMc ee-odewsasee osod -uwrh Po fair, in two gamnes the Bruins check and leads the odd threaten- \V0rwn..BursnP oce . ahantr in e ulction of have not been scored uo ing attack. Carveth. C. Devitt. G. Edmond- itherse mnterimnnonemns.Te Cown re te nluP.o ITom. stone. L. Wilson. C. Taylor, H.1 R-used to be an annual affair, indi- the overtime. Big Boy Tries Defense ant. W. Ross. L. Kelley, M. Ruther- catin whether the couincil had hewn off he cor shet n th fist ld nd 91 pund ofbran, A. NPatto. .NPorose. H. ra tenver m dguamwhohapee o OD M I IOSThe Cardinals held the Rangers Jack Burkhart, seventeen years Pford. A. Merril, C. orrw. t coelv torits D tbutha som aper92nd Year of Publicat' period. Captain Doug Larkin drew played his first game for the Red SVIret.F TuasnW.ron P oired tewreport ofd th statment S b o D O IN I N 1a penalty when his brother who Raiders on Monday. Last year \Vittinzton. m esme newspaperand wholly mis was resting on the sidelines be- Jack held down a forward posi- Schiools-L, Wilson. chairman;- A.' understadmH Et ipot, roe FOR EXTRA VALUES gan playmng the puck with his tion for whitby but with Bow- Annuis. 1 . LW okes. T.Chiel, lte t h1lekadtraue stick . In the second period Quin- manville needing good defence C. Buriso. E>k. C. Carveth, th C reenigalknsothnad B T T Rney scored on passes from Bird artists, he is taking a whack at C.Deit.C.Mors.W.RssC enealh-kiinz Him ealetindervedA C - lb. and Larkmn and Bird also passed that job. On his display the other Tav*Ior. IH. Rv-an. L. Keliev-. M.shlakn.Hreaedteicet ]BU T T R @2 to Edmonston for a goal. Stutt eve he has plenty to learn, but Rutherford. T. MNcfillan. W. Afor- it nomie savinz that he( was RICHMELLO ýdrew a penalty. Quinney scored he is willing and eager, can hand row. 1. Pacev. W. Patton. Hl. Wood- 'nly. intimlatinz whiat the ultimate PUBLISHED ANNUALLY Sin COFF E -v "g2oa°ls° o° passes from Bird and out a hard jolt, and is as fast as lev. C. Quitnn. F. Touigas. WV. Trno, financial reývwwas likelv to show,ine14 Pk..Larkin and the captain also re- any man on the team. R. Whiittinutoni. a surfflus that shouild he p)leasingL to EARLY MORNING1 ceived an assist on Bird's score. ~ --.Roaids and Bridge- J.Cmi-al-h ebesoTh 13 oni ,.A i SOUP CRE 'n.5 SA SGE -"F, .29 jwon ost Fr Ags PtsPl ay the Oshawa Seniors n sH From all Booksellers.. or the Puls Ro1ed o. onari MldWhr W n 1 0 r 3 1 9 . 10. 0every hockey lover knos,nthese ý E ULAR•Pers OATS - 7 m .25 CHEESE - . .15 Tail Twisters 1 () 5 4 2FO HEto teams heave tun l o. forN each Sdth een Barons 0 1 1 3 an ek ooclyer w tsdecate teyen.n herela f"edo THE COPP CLARK CO.LI ITE Dukes 0haw1 4 5 0 from pains and aches and a fevered,• Dks1was a humdinger and while yours codtnfrgrladwmnwhus n -s -n a o le E c o n m S i u a n 5 e r bt han c e q c i n f r g. l a dc e h o u e5 1 7 W e llin g t o n S t r e et W e s t THURSDAY, JANUR 6H 9 i PAGE EIGHIT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW.\fANVILLE, ONT ARIO T14TTPZnAV TAMTI.iPV 'MT14 1010